that-girly-girl · 2 years
Chapter 3 is finally here after 2 weeks, sorry this took forever lol.
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that-girly-girl · 2 years
Chapter 2 up now :) Chapter 3... coming soon (hopefully)
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that-girly-girl · 2 years
So I kinda did something... my first fanfic :O I feel into a Top Gun Maverick hole after watching it the other day and the original movie like a week ago lol
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that-girly-girl · 2 years
Top Gun Maverick Spoilers
Can someone remind me if the football scene happened before or after Phoenix and Bob's crash or after. I literally can't remember and its rattling my brain.
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
Crystal Ball
Often times, these views of the future aren't particularly clear, I can't see what I will be doing at this moment in a year or two. I am not presented with a clear view into the crystal ball, more like I am aware crystal ball is there and don't know what to do about it.
This an segment of my answer to an English prompt I got this week in class. The question was what is a motif that appears in your life and what does it imply about you and how you live your life. I wrote about how randomly throughout the week I will think about where I will be in a year, two years, or even a decade. Maybe I'll post the whole journal soon :/
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
need some feedback
thinking of publishing my first fanfic when I get an ao3 account and wanted to write some zutara stuff. The premise would be that Zuko gets banished from the Fire Nation for r e a s o n s and now has to attend a "regular" high school. Of course, this high school would be the one the gaang would attend (thinking of it being called Kyoshi High School but idk). This would be a modern au with stuff like phones, social media, etc. All the characters would aged up to high school age (toph and aang=15; katara= 16; zuko, suki, sokka= 17). I am currently writing in Katara's POV. Below is the first few paragraphs I wrote, feel free to read and review if interested.
I had a hard time waking up for school in the morning, especially on the first day of school. As I got up and the birds chirping in the lush forest of Kyoshi Island almost lure her back to sleep but alas, I can not start my junior year at Kyoshi High off by sleeping in. I shower, do my hair, and put on my Suki-approved first day of school outfit that we picked out last night on facetime. “Come on Kat! You have got to start off Junior year with a bang!” is what she said to bribe me into wearing a flowy dress, it's not my typical look but I will do anything for Suki, she was my first friend on Kyoshi. I was adding the final touches to my makeup when her phone vibrated.
The Gaang
6:45 A.M Today
Suks: Omg guys check out this article! What if he goes to our school lol
I click the link to be greeted with the headline, Prince Zuko set to attend Regular Highschool after a Royal Outburst! What a headline, enough to keep me reading at least.
Prince Zuko is no longer attending prestigious Fire Nation school, Rising Phoenix Preparatory School, after a fiery outburst with admiral over colony treatment after the 100 Year War in a meeting his Father, Firelord Ozai, let him sit in on. The specifics of the argument have been kept secret from the press, but it is assumed to was quite an emotional eruption as Prince Zuko has pactrically been banished as result as he is barred from attending meetings and formal events until further notice. Rumor has it, the argument also led to the break-up between him and his ex-flame, Mai. Various press outlets have spotted him traveling across the Earth Kingdom with his Uncle, renowned Commander Iroh, presumably to avoid the controversy. With him no longer on the roster of Rising Phoenix Preparatory School, one can only wonder where the 17 year-old will attend this school year.
I never understood why some people obsessed over Prince Zuko, celebrity crushes are stupid. Yes, he is attractive with golden eyes and soft black hair and even his scar but she could never be with him. He was a prince, meant to marry some noble rich girl with powerful politician parents like Mai, but I guess that didn’t work. I check the group chat for more messages.
Sokka: If he does, he better stay away from my girl >:/
Toph: Hate to say it Snoozles, but I feel like Suki would leave you if Prince Zuko was interested in her
Suks: Would not! Sokka is way better
Sokka: Thanks babe <3
Toph: Yuck
Aang: It would be so cool to have a celebrity at our school! Can you imagine?
Katara: Yeah, and Prince Zuko of all people
Toph: So you do have a thing for him!
Katara: WHAT?
Katara: I am NOT into Prince Zuko!
Toph: Yeah ya are ;)
Katara: Am not!
Toph: Yep, you def have a thing for him
Better off not answering, this will keep spiraling. Buzz buzz. Another text?
Toph: I take your lack of an answer as a yes
Whatever. Toph would have come to the conclusion anyways.
I go into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal and I am shockingly greeted by my brother, my chronically lazy brother, up on time for school.
Yeah this is very much a wip lol
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
close encounters with a shipping war
So at dinner my older sister and I were talking about the Netflix Avatar reboot because my dad mentioned the movie. Anyways, I sort of mentioned how they aged up Katara (that might not be true b/c i saw a post about that on instagram so take it with a grain of salt) so KA might not happen. Then she freaked out and said that KA was an important part of the series and removing it would "ruin the story". I said it (it being KA) wasn't and she started talking about like shipping wars and mentioned "people who wanted Zutara to get together". I panicked on the inside because I AM one of those people. My rebuttal was that I meant they could have ended the series with them being single because their kids and she was like "true". That kinda ended the convo but little does she know I went upstairs after dinner to read a zutara fic >:) (this one)
TLDR: dodged a shipping war at dinner
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
took the low poly quiz and LETSSSS GOOOO
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got the Cat from MySims Kingdom. look at that little chunky fellow. it also has an :3 face which is a big plus. here is the link and the quiz is by low poly animals.
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
new theme :0
new theme go crazy go stupid ahhahah
honestly i was just getting kind of bored of my old one and lookey here i actually have a pfp and not just some green square! yay!
this took me forever though like help
anyways here are vector colors i used: #FFC4D1 is background #FF678D is accent and title
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
poem story
scrolling through old tumblr posts and shoot I used to write lots of poetry (like three on here but still) and it reminded me of some random ass memory from like 7th grade??? It occoured when doki doki literature club was at its peak and I had kept like a compostion book for doodling and stuff at the time. anyways I was watching a ddlc playthrough and I guess inspiration struck so I wrote this cringe ass poem. it was called like sirius (cause thats like the brightest star in the sky and i remember googling that for this poem) and it was about how someone will always shine brighter then you. i think that was the vibe it was trying to go for? i just remember promptly tearing out of the journal and throwing it away days later because i was worried my mom would go through my room and read it and be concerned or confront me. which doesnt even make sense because my mom would not do that?? like see has never searched my room like ever?? anyways, that was how my passionate on and off poetry writting began. there is also cringey hp fanart in there and another poem i am pretty sure.
tldr: 12 year old me was dumb and tore out the dumb poem she wrote about ddlc out of her journal for no reason.
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
the tumblr cycle
feeling meh, time to go on tumblr and scroll through the tag for that one non-canon ship i like
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
more school struggles™
my APUSH teacher is asking us to write him a personal letter about ourselves and obstacles we've faced and stuff and now I suddenly have no passions, have never done anything, and also lack a personality. so that's fun :D
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
note-taking is relaxing and sometimes fun until a teacher makes you do them in a certain format. like if i am doing the notes anyway, why do you care if they are cornell or not? it just sucks the little joy and sometimes learning out of notes. let me take my notes the way i want pretty please, i will retain more.
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
h rmfhiejiwj j ioi
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
first week
school went off to a great start and by great start I mean one of my teachers marked me absent because I was a tad late due to the fact the teacher from the class before held us in past the bell because she didn't hear the bell because the school got new bell chime that sucks and are very short and quiet. hahaha. just sent a frantic email hope the issue is resolved soon.
feeling very
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
life update
in my pinned post it says i used to run cross country and just wanted to say i do again. part of the reason i havent been posting lol. the other part is that i am now rushing to do my summer work since school starts soon. argh. in my free time i have been seeing friends so that is chill. yeah. stay cool, have fun in school (soon) B)
anyways here is a drawing of what i porbably look like while running
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that-girly-girl · 3 years
when the "lets pick up my clothes off the floor so my mom doesn't get mad at me" turns into "reorganizing my nightstands, fixing my closet, and emptying out my backpack because I feel like it"
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