the-iyi · 11 months
Comparing the rotations of objects in the Solar System. Just look at them lol.✨🪐
To everyone that's confused, the planet Venus rotates very very slowly, with a single revolution taking about 243 Earth days, and Mercury rotates slowly, but not as slow as Venus.
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the-iyi · 3 years
Yeni video! 
İç Mimarlık 101 | iç mimari projede senaryo üzerine 🎞📜
Merhaba! 😄 
Bugün iç mimari projede “senaryo” üzerine konuşalım. Ne dersin? 🧾 
Bu videoda “Projede senaryo nedir?”, “Hedef kitle nedir, nasıl belirlenir, hedef kitle ile nasıl çalışılır?”, “Senaryo oluşturmak bize nasıl yardımcı olur?”, “Farklı büyüklükteki projelerde senaryo nasıl yazılır?”, “Farklı tipteki projelerde senaryolar nasıl değişir?”, “Senaryo ile proje hakkında nasıl kararlar alabiliriz?” gibi soruların cevaplarını örnekler üzerinden bulacaksın. 🧐
Öğrencilere, iç mimarlara, mimarlara, tasarımcılara, meraklılarına i.yi. seyirler dilerim! 😎
Soruların cevaplarını bekliyoruuum! 😁
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the-iyi · 3 years
Yeni video! :)
"İç Mimarlık 101 | İç mimari projede program üzerine 📃"
Merhaba! Uzun bir aradan sonra iç mimarlık üzerine içerikler ile geri döndüm. 😄
Bu hafta iç mimari proje programı üzerine konuştum. Proje programı nedir, farklı tip ve büyüklükte projelerin programları nasıl çeşitleniyor, proje programı bize nerede ve nasıl yardımcı oluyor gibi soruları kendimce cevapladım. 🧐📃
i.yi. seyirler dilerim!
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the-iyi · 4 years
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Evde Kalma Rehberi 5
Yeniden merhaba!
“Evde Kalma Rehberi"nin birinci bölümünün son videosundayız. Evet, buraya kadar bana eşlik ettiysen, sen bir harikasın! 😍 Bu videoyu izleyince vücudumuzla ilgili kısmın sonuna gelmiş oluyorsun.  💪😎  
Bu videoda nelerden bahsettim? Başlıktan da anladığın gibi UYKU'dan konuştum. 😴 Anlattığım şeyleri deneyimlerimle harmanlayıp sana sunuyorum. 😄
Ve sen ilk defa gelen "Nedir "Evde Kalma Rehberi” acaba?“ diye merak ediyorsan; hemen cevaplayayım. Benim son bir yıldır evde kalma deneyimlerimi paylaştığım bir video serisi. Bu günlerde #COVID19 salgını nedeniyle evde kalmaya çabalıyoruz. Ben de boş durmayayım dedim. Deneyimlerimi harmanlayıp sosyal isolasyon süresi boyunca paylaşmaya devam ediyorum. #evdekal döneminde videolarımla seninleyim. 😊😉
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the-iyi · 4 years
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Evde Kalma Rehberi 4 | Zihnini Gevşet!
Evde Kalma Rehberi 4 yayında! Evde kalırken birçok duygu üzerimizde birikebilir ve stres düzeyimiz artabilir. Bu videoda haberlerden uzaklaşmaktan tutun da nefes tekniklerine kadar birçok konuya değindim. İzlediğin için şimdiden teşekkür ederim.  Kanalıma abone olup yararlı olacağını düşündüğün kişilerle de paylaşırsan çok sevinirim.  
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the-iyi · 4 years
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Evde Kalma Rehberi 3 | Vücuduna İyi Bak!
Veeeee huzurlarınızda #evdekal serisinin 3. videosu. Hadi gel, biraz kendimizi şımartalım!
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the-iyi · 4 years
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Evde Kalma Rehberi 2 | Yiyelim, İçelim!
Son bir yıldır evde kalma konusunda konusunda uzmanlaşmış biri olarak #COVID19 salgını sebebiyle yaşanan sosyal izolasyon sürecinde sizlerle deneyimlerimi paylaşacağım. Beslenme alışkanlıklarımız üzerine bir şeyler dinleyip paylaşmak istersen ikinci videoma buradan ulaşabilirsin. İzlediğin için şimdiden teşekkür ederim :) Kanalıma abone olup yararlı olacağını düşündüğün kişilerle de paylaşırsan çok sevinirim. :)
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the-iyi · 4 years
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Evde Kalma Rehberi 1 | Aktif Ol
Son bir yıldır evde kalma konusunda konusunda uzmanlaşmış biri olarak #COVID19 salgını sebebiyle yaşanan sosyal izolasyon sürecinde sizlerle deneyimlerimi paylaşacağım. İlk videom bedenimizi aktif tutmak üzerine. İzlediğin için şimdiden teşekkür ederim :) Kanalıma abone olup yararlı olacağını düşündüğün kişilerle de paylaşırsan çok sevinirim. :)
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the-iyi · 9 years
Destino by Salvador Dali and Walt Disney
Destino which is a musical short film project is 6 min sequence animation. 
Dali painted 20 min. of the film, paintings and sketches during 8 month full time work at Walt Disney Company.
They needed to cut the project because of financial problems, during World War 2. 
In 1999, Ray Disney found the project after releasing Fantasia 2000.
Dali said “a magical display of the problem of life in the labyrinth of time”
Disney said “a simple story about a young girl in search of love”
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the-iyi · 9 years
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The Legible City Manhattan version (1989), Amsterdam version (1990), Karlsruhe version (1991)
Computergraphic installation
with Dirk Groeneveld
Collection of ZKM-Medienmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany.
In The Legible City the visitor is able to ride a stationary bicycle through a simulated representation of a city that is constituted by computer-generated three-dimensional letters that form words and sentences along the sides of the streets. Using the ground plans of actual cities - Manhattan, Amsterdam and Karlsruhe - the existing architecture of these cities is completely replaced by textual formations written and compiled by Dirk Groeneveld. Travelling through these cities of words is consequently a journey of reading; choosing the path one takes is a choice of texts as well as their spontaneous juxtapositions and conjunctions of meaning.
The handlebar and pedals of the interface bicycle give the viewer interactive control over direction and speed of travel. The physical effort of cycling in the real world is gratuitously transposed into the virtual environment, affirming a conjunction of the active body in the virtual domain. A video projector is used to project the computer-generated image onto a large screen. Another small monitor screen in front of the bicycle shows a simple ground plan of each city, with an indicator showing the momentary position of the cyclist.
The Manhattan version (1989) of this work comprises eight separate fictional story lines in the form of monologues by ex-Mayor Koch, Frank Lloyd Wright, Donald Trump, a tour guide, a confidence trickster, an ambassador and a taxi-driver. Each story line has a specific letter colour so that the bicyclist can choose one or another to follow the path of a particular narration. In the Amsterdam (1990) and Karlsruhe (1991) versions all the letters are scaled so that they have the same proportion and location as the actual buildings which they replace, resulting in a transformed but exact representation of the actual architectural appearance of these cities. The texts for these two cities are largely derived from archive documents that describe mundane historical events there.
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the-iyi · 9 years
Ephémère (1998) - Char Davies - 16 min.
(from article ‘An Intense Dose of Virtual Reality’) “Once again, Char Davies is leaving people speechless. Visitors to ‘Ephémère,’ Davies’s new work of virtual-reality art, exit the installation unable to communicate, as if they had been in another world. Which, in a way, they were. ‘People were being quite emotionally overcome,’ Davies said in a telephone interview a few days after the work’s June 26 premiere at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, ‘but I don’t really have anybody’s response because none of them could talk.’ As further evidence of Davies’s power to create a computer-generated environment that is as intensely involving as it is aesthetically effective, visitors are reporting that their 15 minutes in ‘Ephémère’ seem to pass in two or three, even though they must wear a clunky headset to be plunged into the simulated 3-D cosmos.
Davies, who is based in Montreal, is among the few artists working in virtual reality, a medium usually found in theme parks and game arcades, where paying customers can help defray the hefty development costs and low-tech museum executives don’t have to sweat over complex equipment. At its best, VR is an immersive experience that momentarily replaces one’s surroundings and can give a heightened sense of consciousness; conversely, it can feel like a gimmick that will never transcend its inherent artificiality.
Feminist and queer-or estranged-politics in digital environments use this meeting of a collectivity of media (by definition multimedia) to shock us, as a means of social critique and commentary, and to engage us in conversation. Using the mainstream media’s tools against itself, feminist Virtual Realty artists Charlotte Davies and Brenda Laurel and Rachel Strickland incorporate everyday sensations and make them strange and new through startling juxtapositions that affect us on the level of sensation. This is a synaesthesia so tactile that it stings the eyes, ears and mind simultaneously. Situated knowledges like these are Donna Haraway’s call for a feminist ‘embodied objectivity’ (189) that allows for a ‘particular and specific embodiment’ with a physically grounded perspective providing truer insights (190). To this end, Laurel and Strickland and Davies all set out to create exploratory environments that alter the way we inhabit our physical bodies.”
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the-iyi · 9 years
He at the position of god when he is watching his neighbors. With his camera, he oversees the world from a sheltered position, which gives a sense of superiority. 
controlling & curious gaze
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Hitchcock lets the neighboring apartment building work as a microcosm of human nature and behavior.
“Rear Window,” the ultimate portrayal of voyeurism.
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the-iyi · 9 years
 Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock
scopophilia & voyeurism --> watching & looking
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the-iyi · 9 years
Film and Television
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George Melies
The Haunted Castle 1896 Silent Film, by George Melies
Early Geoge Melies filmed. In English, this film has been known as The Haunted Castle, The Devil's Castle, The Devil's Manor, and The Manor of the Devil. It was released on Christmas Eve, 1896, at the Theatre Robert Houdin, 8 boulevard des Italiens, Paris.
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the-iyi · 9 years
Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat, by The Lumiere Brothers
The Lumiere Brothers filmed a train which is coming through to a station. It is very simple for us but at that time this 49 second film made people run away
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the-iyi · 9 years
Invention of Photography
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Camera Obscura and Camera Lucida are the ancestors of the cameras we used today. These two helped artists to paint, to trace the nature. 
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After 8-hour-exposure, Joseph Niépce could fixed the image on metal plate by using camera obscura in 1826.
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Boulevard du Temple, Jacques Daguerre, 1938
It assumes that Jacques Daguerre was the fist person who could capture a living person.
First, it used for taking portrait. After, people used photography for entertainment. Photo-journalism and scientific documentation followed these. Lastly, the snapshot was found and anybody could able to take photos.
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Tintype photograph of Lillian Victoria Thayer taken circa 1870
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magic lantern
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photo by Matthew Brady 
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Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) - Boys Playing Leapfrog, Plate 168, 1887
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Kodak camera by George Eastman
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the-iyi · 9 years
a postmodernist movie
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production - selling games
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time space compression
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viral diseases
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pastiche --> hybrid species
big companies
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