I’ll be out for a while, mun got stuff to do unfortunetly, but when I’m not this busy i’ll be back 
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patriae: “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
- Who were this person to show up to his castle at night? And even knew about his tomorrow's foray? And why was she actually caring about him?
Her face was somehow familiar, but he didn't remember where he saw her. Hilmes thought it wasn't necessary to call the guards, this woman seems actually worried what made him give a chance for her to speak despite the sudden approach. -
...Who are you? How do you know about my plans?
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patriae: 💞
- All of Hilmes' closest people has died now, as it seems, he didn't care much, but deeply he wasn't dealing with the consequences of his revenge, neither wanted to think about it, perhaps it was too painful for him to accept it. Did they died only seeking power by his side, or did they really had some esteem for him? Hilmes left them to die like they were nothing but tools.
Kharlan, Saam, Xandes.
Why that worried stranger made him thoughtful now? A sting of remorse crossed the prince's heart now, maybe because someone saw him more than just evil, a hurt person, which he actually profoundly were. He bitten his bottom lip as struggle with his own nature he repressed for long. Maybe they somehow understand him, they saw all he wanted was justice, if at least he tried to explain someone else...
Maybe he could somehow still manage to be a good king and live a proper life, as long as someone believed him. -
It was all my fault.
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xlusitanian: 😈
- Hilmes' stared at his blood drenched hands after he slayed Narsus and his wife, was this the first significant victory he'd ever took that would actually affect Arslan?
¨A first of many¨ he thought. Was this the taste of wining? Of course not an effective win over Pars, but was the kingdom even his goal now? Or just misfortune and disgrace to everyone? The thought and feel of destruction and revenge were the only thing capable to fill his mind and heart, like a rush in his veins.
Hilmes had nothing to lose anymore, as all his existence had become unholy, he found himself struggling to fight agaisn't his own fate, couldn't accept he was under some kind of curse. He tried, he swear he did. The prince's last endeavor was when he tried to forget it all and live a normal life with Irina.
- A draught of smile emerged on his face, a desperate one. He finally understood he wasn't born to be happy at all and had to accept his destiny. Feeling his pain to numb little by little, Hilmes remembered a prophecy that was made to him not so long ago, by Zahhak. -
¨An enormous amount of power to destroy everything.¨
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ooc: to everyone who has followed back and interact, thank you so much, since this acc is new I got a bit clueless about what to do! rn it’s 6 am and I found some inspiration! uwu/
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Tell my Muse who you ship them with, see their reaction!
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20 Starters that start with ‘I’
“I actually think this is quite nice.”
“I really don’t know what to do anymore.”
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for what I did.”
“I know you are still upset.”
“I can do that for you if you want.”
“I don’t want to see you ever again!”
“I hope you can forgive me.”
“I have to tell you something very important.”
“I need you to understand this.”
“I thought you might like this.”
“I had no idea about this.”
“I think you should leave.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I am pretty sure this isn’t right.”
“I have done this a million times. Don’t worry!”
“I just want to protect you.”
“I just want this to stop.”
“I did all this just for you.”
“I want to help you.”
“I think I love you.”
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My muse is losing hope and slowly drifting towards the side of evil. Send 💞 to try to save them, or 😈 to encourage them!
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- His plans were to get Daryun's attention for as long as he could, since the Mardan was a vital element at the battlefield, keep him away from it may end up in a good outcome, the prince wasn't affraid of him anymore, they were probably equal in battle, Hilmes had high chances to win, so it'd be a plus. With his hand on the sword's sheath, he was gaining time before starting an actual assault. -
That's exactly why I'm here, we didn't finish it properly last time, will you deny it? However, if you do it I'll kill you anyway, and then your prince.
- There wasn't a single sign of truth in his words, even if it was Hilmes' desire, Arslan was a little out of his range right now. -
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Fight me, Mardan! ( Actually mun is looking for active AS blogs to rp )
It had been a long time since Silvermask had approached him, with their last encounter leaving them both wounded the knight had to watch as the other made his escape. The Mardan’s body tensed, eyes narrowing into slits at the other’s demand. Why come for him now? Was he really that confident in himself?
That didn’t matter. What did, however, was what he was trying to gain from picking a fight with him, and what he could possibly try against him should he have the upper hand in a battle. Well… perhaps his questions would be answered afterwards. The knight refused to draw his sword at the moment, but his hand remained near it at the least, questioning whether or not if Hilmes was actually going to attack.
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“For you to approach me so suddenly, Silvermask… What do you gain from this encounter, when our last ended with us both needing medical assistance? I will not fight an unnecessary battle, but I will not hold back if you are so desperate for this.”
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Tell me a headcanon you have for my muse.
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Sometimes Xandes can be useful. 
art by  ねるね☆5/4東1ウ39a
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I have a whole theory about Hilmes’ end and his relation with the snake king, probably he’ll be Hilmes. 
Art by orange jade. 
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[Special thanks to ruri for the help.]
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Masterlist of Memes
☹ My muse is visiting your muse on their death bed
♫ A drabble about our muses inspired by the next song that comes on shuffle
☻ A drabble of our muses on their wedding day
☺ my muse trying to piss yours off
ت our muses running into each other after not seeing each other for several years
ヅ for a situation that got both our muses arrested
シ my muse walks in on your naked
Ü your muse walks in on my muse naked
ϡ a goodbye letter from my muse to yours
♥ you muse suprises my muse with a kiss
۵ my muse kisses yours to shut them up
ღ a forehead kiss from my muse
웃 my muse torturing yours for information
유 my muse trying to seduce information from your muse
♈ a holiday drabble featuring our muses
♉ our muses are together when they get ambushed
≑ my muse wakes up in your muse’s body
?  my muse will ask your muse a question they always wanted to ask
+ my muse has died and your muse is included in their will
◈ my muse’s reaction to finding your muse beaten and bruised 
♊ my muse will do something stupid to impress your muse
✃ your muse visiting mine in the psych ward
♋ my muse visiting yours in the psych ward
❅ my muse rescues yours
✪ my muse seeing the ghost of your muse
● my muse’s turn offs
○ my muse’s turn ons
△ our muse’s get in a playful wrestling match
⍢ my muse gives yours a hickey
✧ our muses having dinner together
☎ my muse drunk dials your muse
✈ our muses on a flight together
☼ my muse giving yours a massage
♡ my muse flirts with your mue
☣ your muse visiting my muse in prison
♌ your muse visiting mine in prison
X my muse doesn’t remember anything from the night before. They have blood on their hands, and your muse is beaten at their feet.
☁ our muses are trapped in a fire together
〰 our muses are at the beach together
❢ my muse has lost their memory, and at the sight of your muse starts to remember things
✑ my muses daily routine
❂ a new years eve memory from my muse
✬ our muses share a new years eve kiss
✆ your muses name, ringtone, and icon in the muse’s phone
◙ a christmas gift from my muse
♍ a sexual story from my muse
₩ our muses are caught in a thunder storm together
❊  a regret my muse has about your muse
♎ your muse tracing one of my muse’s scars
♏ my muse tracing a scar of your muse’s
♐ my muse hearing your muse scream
♑ our muses go out for coffee together
♒ my muse visit’s your muse’s grave
♓ my muse injures your muse
✄ your muse injures my muse
☩ a dream my muse has about your muse
☨ my muse searching for your muse
☦ my muse trying to cheer up your muse
✞ my muse taking care of a your muse while their sick
✛ my muse trying to calm your muse down
✜ my muse trying to get your muse to recover from amnesia
✝ a confession from my muse to yours
✙ our muses shopping together
✠ our muses watching the stars together
« a past memory with our muses
» a daydream my muse has about yours
✐ a mistletoe kiss
✎ our muses going to a costume ball together
✏ our muses are evil and out reaking havoc together
♔ a kiss on the cheek
♕ a kiss on the palms
♖ a kiss on the back of the hand
♗ a kiss on the nose
♘ a kiss on the eyelids
♙ a kiss on a bruise
Sentence Memes
“You belong to me”
“I found you”
“I’m in jail”
“You make me so hot”
“I have to leave”
“Please don’t leave”
“And what about our parents?”
“Who did this to you?”
“You shouldn’t have done that”
“What happened last night”
“We never tell anyone about this”
“So, you want to play games?”
“Does that require pants?”
“Lets just have a lazy day”
“Then go kill the bitch”
“I’m pregnant”
“You broke me”
“Don’t touch me”
“You can’t fix this”
“There’s nowhere we can hide”
“I’m not listening”
“Who do you think you are?”
“I don’t need you here.”
“Did I fall asleep?”
“A little evil goes a long, long way.”
“I will not die.”
“I don’t care.”
“I have no regrets.”
“I feel numb.”
“All monsters are human.”
“You look beautiful, but you don’t look fine.”
“You look beautiful, but you don’t look fine.“”
“How many time have I told you to be more careful?”
“Let’s get you to bed.”
“I can’t even look at you, you promised not to get into any more fights!”
“Are you crazy?”
“Do you trust me?”
“How did you escape?”
“Is that blood behind your ear?”
“Take. This. Off. ”
“What’s in it for me?”
“What’s in it for you?”
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List of Arslan Senki characters’ ages
According to the original novel by Tanaka Yoshiki:
Vahriz: 65  Bahman: 62  Andragoras: 44  Innocentis: 40  Tahamenay, Shapur: 36 
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Guiscard: 35 Kubard: 31  Kishward: 29 Tus: 26-29   Daryun, Hirmes: 27
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Narsus: 26  Zaravant: 21-24  Rajendra, Gadevi: 24  Farangis, Esfan: 22 Gieve, Jaswant: 22-23 
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Xandes: 19-20  Alfreed: 16 Arslan, Etoile: 14  Elam: 13
Precious teens in AS:
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somebody: If you had a superpower, what would it be?
most people: *some comic book shit*
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- DAY 1
I know we’re already making one of these soo 
Narsus is dismissed from Andragoras’ court, at this time he could meet Hilmes, and they’d share some grudge for Andragoras ( Hilmes wouldn’t appreaciate his paintings either way XD ) but they both could ally agaisn’t a common enemy, just like Arslan did, I don’t think Hilmes care enough for art to oppose the idea of Narsus as court painter, at least if he did help him to get back the kingdom just like he did with Arslan. Can you imagine how things would’ve been different? First it’d be friends for interests, but I think in the end Narsus would recognize Hilmes isn’t a bad person. 
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