the-witchs-library · 4 months
It's done!!!!
I finished it!!! It's on YouTube now:
If you've been following along, you'll know that I've been recreating a ca. 1905 Edwardian half-mourning dress for one of my final projects.
Please check it out and share :)
Reblogs and replies are appreciated :)
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the-witchs-library · 5 months
Creativity Candle Spell 🧡
Intended to inspire and allow creative energy to flow freely
orange candle- don't use tiny candles like birthday cake candles, you need a bit more burn time (I used a 4in chime candle)
gold candleholder
ritual oil or essential oil (bergamot, orange, lemon, basically anything citrus-y/bright)
clear quartz
something representative of your creative project(s) (eg. paintbrush, photo, pen, or write the name of it on a paper)
whole bay leaf
Step 1:
Anoint candle with oil + herbs. Whole cloves can be placed around the candleholder rather than stuck onto the candle. Set your intention, focusing on what you want to direct your creative energy towards.
Step 2:
Place candle in candleholder and place crystals + representation of project near/around it.
Step 3:
Light the candle (in an area where you won't set things on fire!!!) and focus on your intention. Take the bay leaf and write sigils, words, pictures on it in gold/yellow/orange pen/ink/paint. Place it in front of the candleholder as it burns (but don't burn the leaf).
Let the candle burn out completely. Keep the bay leaf near your creative project. If you feel like you need a creative refresh, cleanse the leaf.
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the-witchs-library · 5 months
Deep sleep charm 🩵
These instructions are for a small spell pouch/charm intended to be kept underneath the user's pillow. It doesn't ward off bad dreams but promotes calm, restful sleep while protecting from disruptions. ☁️
Avoid performing this spell when you are actively angry or feeling very intense emotions.
Small cloth pouch
Any of these crystals: (as many or few as youd like)
Clear quartz
Blue lace agate
Chamomile (if your pouch is loosely woven, an intact tea bag could be helpful for minimizing mess)
Witch hazel
Paper + pen
Step 1:
Toss everything into the pouch, focusing on a sense of calm.
Step 2:
Write something on the paper: manifestations, something that calms you, draw some doodles, anything that conveys serenity/happiness/rest
Step 3:
Tie the pouch shut loosely and charge it in moonlight. When you feel that it's ready to use, place it under your pillow. Charge it once a week or so.
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the-witchs-library · 5 months
Memory/help with exams spell jar 💜
Intended to soothe the mind and help the user recall information during finals/midterms
I made a small spell jar to carry around but this would also work with other containers (small tin, pouch, etc. - reuse things!)
Preferred method of cleansing (incense, sound, etc.)
Salt (i used pink salt)
3 cloves
1 bay leaf
Purple, white, grey, or bronze wax to seal container
Step 1:
Cleanse your materials and place them either on your altar or study space
Step 2:
Create a sigil and write it on the bay leaf. You can derive sigils from words/phrases like "knowledge" "memory" "good grades" or really anything. Break the bay leaf into bits and set it aside.
Step 3:
Add herbs and crystals in this order:
Crushed bay leaf
Step 4:
Close the container and seal it with wax. If the container is a pouch, make a little wax medallion by dripping it on a smooth surface such as a mirror.
Step 5:
Charge it by keeping it near you while you study. Cleanse with moonlight or blowing on it.
Good luck!
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the-witchs-library · 5 months
Return to sender/ jilted lover protection spell 🖤
I made this a spell jar but you can make it a pouch, candle spell, or literally any other format with a couple minor tweaks.
The following instructions will be for a small-medium spell jar.
Something to cleanse with (incense, bell, etc.)
Black salt
Paper + writing tool of your choice
Any combination of these herbs:
Witch hazel
Black pepper
Rose bud/thorns
Black candle
Anything that you feel will increase the effects of baneful magic; i used some remnants from another spell jar that worked a little too well and caused adverse effects. You could use lemons, chili flakes, nails, dead bugs, etc.
Spell oil/essential oil (any, i used lemongrass for energy)
Step 1: cleanse the area + your materials
Step 2: write the name of the person you want to protect on one side of a small piece of paper. Draw a sigil on the other side for protection, peace, etc. Fold it away from you 3 times and put it in the jar.
Step 3: add a bit of salt first, then add everything else in whatever order you feel works. However; save any crystals and oils for last.
Step 4: seal tightly. If the jar is big enough, stick the candle on the cork and burn down completely.
Step 5: let it sit on your altar for a night or two to charge. The user should leave the jar near their bed or if possible in the moonlight (in their room). Give it a shake occasionally.
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the-witchs-library · 5 months
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
This list will be updated as I make more posts!
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
Peaceful Sleep 🌙
Spell Bag for restful, quality sleep. Can be left under your pillow, next to or under your bed - you can even hold it as you fall asleep.
Chamomile (relaxation and balance)
Lavender (calm and sleep)
Rosemary (protection and sleep)
Grass (psychic powers/dreams)
Salt (cleanse)
Amethyst (peace and protection)
Smokey quartz (removes negative energy)
Substitute or exclude anything as you need.
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
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🍃Money Spell Jar🍃
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This really works! Right after I made this we did our taxes and we are getting so much back, I got a raise and so did my partner. Believing in it is the key to it working.
Fools gold
Green jade
Tigers eye
Bay leaves
Moon water
Every single loose piece of change from the house.
Shake this jar daily before work or going out of the house. Keep it on your alter.
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
Weekly Reflection Spread
Every Sunday, I like to reflect on my week, and gain insight on the week ahead. I came up with this spread to help!
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What can I learn from this past week?
What can I let go of from this past week?
What should I expect from the coming week?
How can I show up for myself this coming week?
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
had already sent this to a mutual of mine but i thought this might be helpful for anyone else who may need it
it’s a tarot spread on how to know what deities are trying to reach out with you and why, works like a charm i swear
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have a good night everyone!
-star <3
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
What is a road opener spell?
Something that really confused me as a beginner witch was 'road opener' spells. I heard people talk about these spells all the time but I had a hard time actually understanding what it meant until I did one myself. Because of that I decided to put together a little guide for all things 'road opener'. I hope this helps!
What does 'road opener' even mean?
Road opener is a type of spell to open the person up to new opportunities and to remove any blocks stopping them from obtaining those opportunities. These spells are great if you're feeling stuck. You don't have to have an opportunity in mind, you might just feel like everything is stagnant and you want things to start moving again.
What goes into a road opener spell?
Generally, these spells have 2 parts/aspects to them; removing barriers and negative energy and bringing in prosperity and new opportunities. You can do these together or seperate them into a 2 part spell, it all depend what you feel like. road opener is like a fancy name for a banishing spell mixed with a prosperity spell.
An example of a road opener spell:
Candle Spell:
A white, green or black candle (green for prosperity and growth, white as a replacement or to symbolise a fresh start or black to remove any negative energy or blocks) Black salt (to remove any negative energies or obstacles from your path) A bay leaf (for prosperity and wealth. write your intention on the leaf) A sigil with your intention cinnamon (represents wealth) cloves (protection and wealth) basil (protection and wealth) an anointing oil (note: optional) something to carve into the candle with (a sharp pencil, scissors, a paper clip, etc) a heat proof dish and candle holder Method: 1. Cleanse yourself, your work space and tools
2. Create your sigil. I like to use the intention 'All obstacles are removed from my path' or ' nothing stands in the way of my success' but it's completely up to you
3. Carve your sigil into your candle.
4. Write your intention on the bay leaf then place the candle on top of the leaf
5. Mix the remaining herbs together (except the black salt) and sprinkle them in a ring around your candle. If you wish to anoint your candle and roll it in herbs instead, this is the time to do so.
6. Place the black salt in a circle around the herbs and candle. This is to represent the banishment of any negative outside energies or to just get rid of anything that doesn't serve you anymore. You don't have to put it in a circle, it just works for me.
7. Watch the candle burn and focus your intention.
Notes: there are 1000s of ways to do this spell with all the ingredients I listed. If this spell doesn't feel right to you, don't do it or change it. It is only an example.
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
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Cozy Witchcraft: Spells + Witch Tips For Your Bed
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Spray your bed with a spellcrafted sleep spray, chamomile spray or lavender spray.
Enchant your blankets
Place sleep wards nearby for protective your during sleep
Keep charm bags near by for restful sleep
Wash your bedding with Florida Water
Put holly under your bed for vivid dreams
Place howlite on your nightstand for deep sleep
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
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How to make dandelion oil & it’s uses: 
Pick dandelions
Dry them for 2 weeks
Place them in a carrier oil such as almond oil
Store it in a cool dark place for 2+ weeks to steep
Medicinal uses: 
Achy muscles
Hair growth
Reduces inflammation
Candle anointing
Magickal uses: 
Sun magick
Psychic abilites
Breaking bad habits
Dispels negativity
Growth & Transformation
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
How to use Moon Water ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Put it in humidifier/diffuser to cleanse your room
Water your plants with it
Use it to clean
Drink it (only if your tap water is clean! Search up water purity in your city on google to check! If not, make some moon water with distilled water to drink it!)
Add it to a bath
Cleanse your crystals (not all are water safe, so if you want to cleanse a crystal with moon water without having to put it in, i find just putting it next to the jar is good too)
Write sigils with it (good for witches in the broom closet)
Put in a spray bottle and spritz yourself with it
Sprinkle, spray, or trace it along anything that needs extra protection or love.
Add it to baking
Add to watercolor
Use in spells!
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
✨ Magick Throughout the Week ✨
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The days of the week each have their own unique magickal properties and correspondences, which can be useful for planning rituals and spells. Here is a brief overview of the magickal properties associated with each day of the week:
Monday: Associated with the moon, intuition, and emotions. Good for spells related to psychic abilities, divination, dream work, and emotional healing.
Tuesday: Associated with Mars, courage, and strength. Good for spells related to courage, protection, strength, and victory.
Wednesday: Associated with Mercury, communication, and intellect. Good for spells related to communication, divination, wisdom, and knowledge.
Thursday: Associated with Jupiter, abundance, and expansion. Good for spells related to prosperity, abundance, growth, and success.
Friday: Associated with Venus, love, and beauty. Good for spells related to love, attraction, relationships, and beauty.
Saturday: Associated with Saturn, discipline, and structure. Good for spells related to organization, discipline, boundaries, and endings.
Sunday: Associated with the sun, vitality, and success. Good for spells related to success, vitality, energy, and healing.
By incorporating these correspondences into your magickal practice, you can enhance the energy of your spells and rituals and work more in alignment with the natural rhythms of the universe.
My Ko-Fi
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the-witchs-library · 6 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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