nicholas: i’m CRYING! you made me CRY!
seiji: baby
nicholas: now is not the time for pet names!
seiji: no, i’m calling you a baby
seiji: like, i’m insulting you
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seiji: nicholas texted me, “your adorable”.
seiji: and i replied, “no, YOU’RE adorable”.
seiji: now he likes me. we’ve been on two dates. and all I did was point out a typo.
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I love how Bobby and Nick closed that small distance between them in the beginning and went to “personal space??? Whats personal space?? Come gimme a hug!”
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Me: “I hate insta-love in books, so unrealistic.”
Tattooed Bad Boy: “Hello.”
Me: “Oh my god I’m in love this is it fam I’ve found the one.”
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Okay well I can’t sleep so guess what ya’ll time for some THOUGHTS
Pull up a chair and let me tell you about Kilorn because we as a fandom are sleeping on this sweet fish boy and his potential.
We know he’s a sweet lil fish boy, right? With his sweet lil eyes and his useless fish knowledge and lack of fighting ability and hair that probably does the YA boy swoopy thing. He’s a sweetheart, we acknowledge it, and then move on to dissect the more interesting male characters. 
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We are missing the chance to see Kilorn for what he is, which is a massive fuck-you to every friendzoned nice guy boy next door charmingly patiently manipulative toxic male character out there.
“Yeah, he kinda liked Mare but she’d never be interested so” NO
There’s a point in RQ where Mare imagines briefly what would have happened if Kilorn’s master didn't fall and knock down the dominoes that would fuck up her entire life, and she thinks, and I quote (page 108 in iBooks, idk about print) :
“Conscription. Survival. Green-eyed children with my quick feet and Kilorn’s last name.”
This tells us two things.
Mare doesn’t understand how recessive genes work. Stilts public schools, predictably, are shit.
Mare imagined a future where the two of them do the do and raise a family. 
Kilorn wasn’t, like, randomly pining over an oblivious girl. (I mean, obliviousness is one of Mare’s core personality traits, but not about this. And I digress.) This was the plan. This was, like, Plan A if they didn’t die.
But then everything goes to shit and that’s over. Because Mare’s engaged to this prince dude, and if she’s not gonna be with him she’s definitely gonna be with this other prince dude, and suddenly the green-eyed children have disappeared like peter parker in infinity war.
But–oh no!–Kilorn still has feelings with her! What a problem for him!
And that’s what makes Kilorn so incredible. He (correctly) interprets the situation as his problem. He lets Mare know how he feels, as is his right, but then makes sure she knows that he’s not going to pressure her or even pursue her if she says she’s not interested. Because he, unlike 80% of the characters in that series, has some goddamn healthy self-esteem. He knows he’s a friggin catch, pun intended. He’s spent enough time underwater to know a thing or two about how many fish there are in the sea.
He then proceeds to find himself a hell of a woman, and in the meantime, stand up for people and solve conflict peacefully and laugh at himself and put flowers in his hair and all that amazing hard-core healthy masculinity shit. God. He’s just so secure and emotionally literate (which I know are like bare-minimum expectations for women but so rare and so damn attractive in men). 
So ya’ll better stop going “aww sweet lil fish boy” in between your frickin novels dissecting every time a calore farted and start giving the hot slice of emotional stability that is Kilorn Warren his due, okay? 
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Look at these photos and tell me you can’t see Timothée Chalamet as Baz from Carry On. 
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Puck: What's your biggest fear?
Sabrina: Being forgotten
Puck: Damn that's deep
Puck: Mine is the kool-aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now
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i’m feeling nostalgic so here’s a tribute to my 12 yr old self :’)
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My TBR is kinda big.
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Hufflepuff: Right now, I feel like I might never get angry again.
Gryffindor: You're dating Slytherin. You always have a reason to be angry.
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Old local history library , Sheffield, South Yorkshire (by Juan Sisinni)  
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Snowbaz again because they’re the only thing I can draw right now.
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Something to cheer up your day :)
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That was a real close friendship you had at school. Neither of us really fitted in at school. So we became quite… You became real close. For years.
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Draco: He's right in hating me. Who would love someone with a Dark Mark?
Pansy: He has a scar in his forehead, that's worst, and he's ugly
Draco: That's not worst! And don't call my future husband ugly!
Pansy: A second ago he hated you and now he's your husband?
Draco: I don't see the contradiction
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Ron: So the other day Hermione sent me a Get Better Soon card.
Harry: Aw, that’s nice
Ron: I wasn’t sick, she just thought I could do better.
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I was eating lunch in the Hogwarts dining hall and my mom showed up. I whined at her, “Mom, why can’t you just send a Howler like all the other parents? You aren’t supposed to be here!”
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