thefoolx Ā· 3 months
Todayā€¦ 2024
I feel like im pouring from an empty cup.
i make sure to text you, make sure Iā€™m thinking about you, i am thinking about you all day regardless and thinking I donā€™t even know if you like me, I make sure you feel comfortable, secure, unjudged, making sure to staying mature, loving and understanding.
Youā€™ve said it before, your falling for me, words are fine but actionsā€¦ i love the way you look at me, like im actually pretty, like im actually worthy of love. But you donā€™t show it, sure you touch me, physically Iā€™m in love but mentallyā€¦ Iā€™m guessing.
am I being to fast, too slow, am I bothering you, am I boring you, am I doing this right?
What even is right?
I check on you, I can tell when youā€™re upset but you canā€™t tell when I amā€¦ sure my tone is flat but at least prod, ask, worry half as much as I doā€¦ you open up, you pull back, you open up, you pull back.
It makes me feel like Iā€™m walking on eggshells, like you tell me I canā€™t do anything wrong but I am somehow.
I love you, Iā€™ve wanted to stay it for a while nowā€¦ but Iā€™m scared youā€™d think Iā€™m going to fastā€¦ that you wonā€™t say it back and I would have scared off yet another person Iā€™ve grown fond of.
Iā€™m scared to talk to you or even open up, I know Iā€™m not the softest person, some would even said masculine but im scared youā€™ll judge me, youā€™ll hate me, youā€™ll never wanna talk to me again and that scares me.
Iā€™m a lot, Iā€™m anxious, stubborn, impulsive, insecure, indecisive, nonchalant, independentā€¦ and i understand if itā€™s easier not to deal with me and all my problems and feelings.
If you pull the uno reverse card and block me right now without another word.
It just doesnā€™t feel fair.
I spent money, did whatever you wanted, I was exhausted, bought you food and clothes and it seems like maybe I tried to hard?
like maybe I like you a lot more then you like me and that scares me.
All this to sayā€¦ I actually donā€™t know, Iā€™m lost, I want you to like me, to text me, to want to text me without me reaching out first most of the time, I donā€™t want to play games.
Iā€™m too anxious, no reassurance, no text, no call.
Love bombing, then walking away and just letting me sit in an anxiety state wondering if I pushed your too hard, upset you, made you open up to me? I repeat ā€œdonā€™t say it if you donā€™t want toā€ you said it, you feel comfortable, is it bad that I donā€™t, you say thereā€™s nothing to mess up, that nothings at stake.
You know whatā€™s at stake?
I think Iā€™m unlikable, that my personality is only good enough for others to laugh at and walk away, like Iā€™ve never had substance or personality, that I made my entire existence rejecting whatever label people put on me.
Iā€™m afraid Iā€™d open up, about my home lifeā€¦ about my feelings and youā€™d just walk away, that youā€™d be less understanding or less interested in meā€¦ itā€™s been three months on July 15th.
three months for me to decide I want to date you, regardless of the distance, the cost of coming to see you, but I feel like Iā€™m not getting the same treatment.
Like you told me youā€™d come see me and have made no effort, not telling me to take a day off or asking about my schedule or plans?
you tell me if Iā€™m being crazy or not.
I feel crazy.
you make me feel crazy.
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thefoolx Ā· 10 months
The toss
Summer 2019
Iā€™ve got a treat for you
One like no other
A toss away friend
None like sister nor brother
This Toss away friend is here to serve
So toss them away itā€™s what they deserve
Like tissue or napkin
Paper or letter
Forget about them
Go away once again
And though this friend is aware of their end
They will be your very best friend
They are all new in their shape and their color
A fine catch they are, really like no other
Their insecure, paranoid, and clingy
Itā€™s honestly sad, so take on such pity
Thatā€™s why you can throw them away quite quickly
And buy a new friend just as slickly
But when they discover that their a person
Their attitude will worsen and worsen and worsen
For they have seen a glimmer inside
Now there is nothing left to hide
But throw them away
avoid the dismay
So, hereā€™s a new toy
One to enjoy
A throw away friend
Whoā€™s made to pretend
When youā€™ve played with the toy and when you are done
End it all quickly with your biggest shot gun.
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thefoolx Ā· 10 months
Lifeā€™s monsters
September 2019
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They sat by the clear water, reflecting the beautiful sky above them. They begin to weep filling the water higher and higher, turning the pond into a lake, and lake into an ocean of tears. They just wanted to disappear, they just wanted to disappear, they wanted to crawl into a burrow in the earth and riot there. Life which makes such beautiful things. Can also make ugly monsters, they where constantly surrounded by lifeā€™s monsters. Monsters always seemed to be attracted to them, and them to the monsters. They could never escape lifeā€™s monsters, for they were a monster too. They tried so hard to be better, though it was never meant to be.
They hated that they were born a monster.
They hated that they were born.
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thefoolx Ā· 1 year
Lifeā€™s monsters
September 2019
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They sat by the clear water, reflecting the beautiful sky above them. They begin to weep filling the water higher and higher, turning the pond into a lake, and lake into an ocean of tears. They just wanted to disappear, they just wanted to disappear, they wanted to crawl into a burrow in the earth and riot there. Life which makes such beautiful things. Can also make ugly monsters, they where constantly surrounded by lifeā€™s monsters. Monsters always seemed to be attracted to them, and them to the monsters. They could never escape lifeā€™s monsters, for they were a monster too. They tried so hard to be better, though it was never meant to be.
They hated that they were born a monster.
They hated that they were born.
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thefoolx Ā· 1 year
The toss
Summer 2019
Iā€™ve got a treat for you
One like no other
A toss away friend
None like sister nor brother
This Toss away friend is here to serve
So toss them away itā€™s what they deserve
Like tissue or napkin
Paper or letter
Forget about them
Go away once again
And though this friend is aware of their end
They will be your very best friend
They are all new in their shape and their color
A fine catch they are, really like no other
Their insecure, paranoid, and clingy
Itā€™s honestly sad, so take on such pity
Thatā€™s why you can throw them away quite quickly
And buy a new friend just as slickly
But when they discover that their a person
Their attitude will worsen and worsen and worsen
For they have seen a glimmer inside
Now there is nothing left to hide
But throw them away
avoid the dismay
So, hereā€™s a new toy
One to enjoy
A throw away friend
Whoā€™s made to pretend
When youā€™ve played with the toy and when you are done
End it all quickly with your biggest shot gun.
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thefoolx Ā· 1 year
Standing up
Do you know the little conversation we had actually made me cry?
I had no idea why until it hit,
your a toxic person,
with you around i feel horrible about myself.
you put me down like Iā€™m no one and without question I have put with all your crap.
you know what else absolutely gets me fired up?
The fact that you can praise and love everybody else but when it comes to me Iā€™m just
You try to make me look stupid in front of our friends to win back their friendship that you will never earn back.
You betrayed them. Me.
after you constantly putting me down, making me feel like the second best and that I could never win your friendship.
I still put up with you changing so that you can get a boy and switching up because for some reason youā€™re above me.
Did it ever occur to you that I have feelings? did it ever occur to you that Iā€™m not OK mentally?
but the second I talk about myself is when you stop listening.
having your new friends is more important, so you go ahead and have your FAKE friends.
Because Iā€™m sick of feeling less than just because of you because
I am smart
I am beautiful
I deserve much better friends,
Other than someone who puts me down constantly and never listens to what I have to say.
you will no longer be associating yourself with me!
I am a goddess compared to you
I get that youā€™re not OK mentally, I get it you have your problems and I was willing to put up with it
not anymore.
I am tired of pretending that I am not mad over every single thing you do and Iā€™m tired of acting like your bad actions are OK.
Remember when you cried to me about dating your ex and you were at your absolute lowest point?
I was your shoulder to cry on but I have no shoulder to cry on. Iā€™m absolutely done with you and Iā€™m done pretending that everythingā€™s OK. because itā€™s not, your actions are NOT ok with me.
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thefoolx Ā· 1 year
Bad friend song
I know i can be rude
I know i can be tough
But girl you gotta know
That enough is enough
Put my thoughts on a plate
Next to feelings and trust
But you pushed it to the floor
So baby now Iā€™m out the door
Thought you were honest
Thought you where nice
Thought you where made from sugar and spice
But no...
Were talking bout a bad friend
Got suffering to no end
Your making me sad, Friend
Your just another bad friend
Iā€™m suffocating
In the lies your making
Your making me sad, Friend
just another bad friend
I layed out my love
I layed out my life
But all your could give me
Was some crappie advice
Iā€™m just a tool your where using
A friend just abusing
Didnā€™t wanna feel lonely
But god you where a phony
Thought you were honest
Thought you where nice
Thought you where made from sugar and spice
But no...
Were talking bout a bad friend
Got suffering to no end
Your making me sad, Friend
Your just another bad friend
Iā€™m suffocating
In the lies your making
Your making me sad, Friend
just another bad friend
Itā€™s nice to know Iā€™m alone
Ainā€™t gunna pick that phone
With all the crap you been takinā€™
You know thats what sent me walkinā€™
Thought you were honest
Thought you where nice
Thought you where made from sugar and spice
But no...
Were talking bout a bad friend
Got suffering to no end
Your making me sad, Friend
Your just another bad friend
Iā€™m suffocating
In the lies your making
Your making me sad, Friend
just another bad friend
Were talking bout a bad friend
Got suffering to no end
Your making me sad, Friend
Your just another bad friend
Iā€™m suffocating
In the lyings your making
Your making me sad, Friend
just another bad friend
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thefoolx Ā· 1 year
It feels like Iā€™m drowning and Iā€™m just letting it happen.
Iā€™m fighting and fighting, but fighting is getting to hard.
Or maybe Iā€™m just getting too weak.
Or maybe Iā€™m just getting too weak.
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thefoolx Ā· 1 year
2018, December.
I was over your house, you had forgotten my birthday, but you needed help with a projectā€¦ I agreed.
We were bored the night before the independent project need to begin, I had my own makeup for the day, and it was your house.
ā€œLetā€™s trade makeup routines.ā€
Fun, I was here with herā€¦ an activity, so close to her face.
I was in love.
ā€œWhere is your foundation Iā€™ll start.ā€
ā€œNo use yours, we are supposed to swapā€ she replies.
A pit in my stomach, a sentence to break the hex, how did I not see.
ā€œOkā€ I hesitated; I was in HER houseā€¦. I need to do what she wanted.
This isnā€™t right but who am I to point fingers at an invisible man, especially to HER.
I put the foundation on her face, the pit grows with every bounce of the blender, with every pore I fill with the color of my ancestors.
I Finnish and joke and I laughedā€¦ why did I laugh, It wasnā€™t funny, it was uncomfortable. But it was her.
She did me, it wasnā€™t right, but her Breath on my face, the warm presents she had. Like a hex from a wicked witch. A rose pair of sunglasses glued to the inside of my brain. The pit didnā€™t go away, but she made it flower filled so the flowers, in theory, would break the impact.
Years pass ā€¦ I show the evidence to friends and family, the flower filled pit never leaves my side.
ā€œThatā€™s black faceā€¦ā€
No, it canā€™t be, my rose glasses brake, I can see clear as glassā€¦ the invisible man was right thereā€¦. Why couldnā€™t I point him out?
John. Thatā€™s all we ever talked about. I wanted to bring it up, but John was always the priority, so I stayed quiet, picked up the remainder of my rose-colored glasses and squinted.
Fighting continues, you picked John over me, I always knew it, threw those squinted eyes I could see the choices youā€™d gravitate towards. John hated my kind, all people different from him. I wonder if you saw something in John. Something i couldnā€™t give youā€¦
Years later, Iā€™m heal, posting, venting. And you see itā€¦ you message me.
ā€œHow dare you.ā€
I laugh, I can point at the invisible man now!! I can see clear and without hex! She chose John and not us. Not me.
I fire back.
Iā€™ve been block for years, words never said. This book never really closed. An accountā€¦ your accountā€¦
ā€œLetā€™s be mean.ā€
You apologized.
You wanted to make up and move past.
You blamed me for not knowing.
You havenā€™t grown at all, I canā€™t accept this.
Truly. Rotten.
I donā€™t believe youā€™re a monster or irredeemableā€¦ you donā€™t want to learn and that will keep you wrong and ignorant.
Truly. Rotten.
I want to have this conversation. I donā€™t want to fight anymore but you donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen.
You canā€™t learn.
You canā€™t listen.
Truly. Rotten.
the Foolx
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thefoolx Ā· 1 year
2018, December.
I was over your house, you had forgotten my birthday, but you needed help with a projectā€¦ I agreed.
We were bored the night before the independent project need to begin, I had my own makeup for the day, and it was your house.
ā€œLetā€™s trade makeup routines.ā€
Fun, I was here with herā€¦ an activity, so close to her face.
I was in love.
ā€œWhere is your foundation Iā€™ll start.ā€
ā€œNo use yours, we are supposed to swapā€ she replies.
A pit in my stomach, a sentence to break the hex, how did I not see.
ā€œOkā€ I hesitated; I was in HER houseā€¦. I need to do what she wanted.
This isnā€™t right but who am I to point fingers at an invisible man, especially to HER.
I put the foundation on her face, the pit grows with every bounce of the blender, with every pore I fill with the color of my ancestors.
I Finnish and joke and I laughedā€¦ why did I laugh, It wasnā€™t funny, it was uncomfortable. But it was her.
She did me, it wasnā€™t right, but her Breath on my face, the warm presents she had. Like a hex from a wicked witch. A rose pair of sunglasses glued to the inside of my brain. The pit didnā€™t go away, but she made it flower filled so the flowers, in theory, would break the impact.
Years pass ā€¦ I show the evidence to friends and family, the flower filled pit never leaves my side.
ā€œThatā€™s black faceā€¦ā€
No, it canā€™t be, my rose glasses brake, I can see clear as glassā€¦ the invisible man was right thereā€¦. Why couldnā€™t I point him out?
John. Thatā€™s all we ever talked about. I wanted to bring it up, but John was always the priority, so I stayed quiet, picked up the remainder of my rose-colored glasses and squinted.
Fighting continues, you picked John over me, I always knew it, threw those squinted eyes I could see the choices youā€™d gravitate towards. John hated my kind, all people different from him. I wonder if you saw something in John. Something i couldnā€™t give youā€¦
Years later, Iā€™m heal, posting, venting. And you see itā€¦ you message me.
ā€œHow dare you.ā€
I laugh, I can point at the invisible man now!! I can see clear and without hex! She chose John and not us. Not me.
I fire back.
Iā€™ve been block for years, words never said. This book never really closed. An accountā€¦ your accountā€¦
ā€œLetā€™s be mean.ā€
You apologized.
You wanted to make up and move past.
You blamed me for not knowing.
You havenā€™t grown at all, I canā€™t accept this.
Truly. Rotten.
I donā€™t believe youā€™re a monster or irredeemableā€¦ you donā€™t want to learn and that will keep you wrong and ignorant.
Truly. Rotten.
I want to have this conversation. I donā€™t want to fight anymore but you donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen. You donā€™t want to learn. You donā€™t want to listen.
You canā€™t learn.
You canā€™t listen.
Truly. Rotten.
the Foolx
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