#Molly Montegomery
theforbiddentower · 1 year
"This is Paul," Dean said. "He wants to manage us."
And with those eight words everything changed. I didn't realise that something monumental had happened. You never recognise those big moments when they happen, its only afterwards when you look back and wonder at the weirdness that you realise. Right then, I sipped a Diet Coke that someone had thrust into my hand and nodded and smiled as Paul talked at me and Dean about how he was going to make us famous.
-Guitar Girl, Sarra Manning
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hdsc-ace · 1 year
Philocalist - Remus Lupin.
Rescue p2.
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Masterlist Part 1 Rest of my work.
Warnings: none A fifth-year Slytherin student comes to her professor at the Weasley's burrow for help after escaping her family leaving her to the dark lord. Gabriella Montegomery is discovered by the golden trio and they aren't happy about her presence.
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"What's that all about?" Harry enquired as he lead the six teenagers down the stairs alongside himself.
"Nothing for you to concern yourselves with." Remus shot down his questions, blocking the groups view to the living room. Who knows what their reaction could be if they saw Ella upon the couch.
"Head on back upstairs for a few hours." The old man ordered, attempting to usher the group back upstairs. He needed to plan a very well-throughout explanation for all of this.
However, Remus was quick to fair as Hermione ducked under his swatting arms to look around the corner. Her view was clear as she glanced over to Ella.
"Why is Gabriella Montgomery here?" Hermione was quick to question, gaining the attention of the group in the process.
They all barged past Remus to take a look for themselves. Each and every one of them saw the same thing: Gabriella Montgomery asleep upon the Weasley's sofa. Bandages were wrapped around her arms and a plaster rested upon her forehead.
"Mum!" Ron called out, moving away to find his mother. Out of anyone in that household, Ron was wanting Ella gone the most.
"She's staying for a while." Remus tried to reason to the group.
"She's tried to kill us!" Harry fought back.
"She's friends with Draco." Ginny argued.
"Many people are friend with Draco Malloy." Fred stated with a shrug, wandering off with George. The twins couldn't care less who Remus would invite into the house. If their mother didn't agree with his choices, Gabriella would've been gone before they even got up.
"She's dangerous, Remus. Why is she here?" Harry argued again, ignoring the twin's comments.
"Ella is not dangerous Harry." Remus finally added, his eyes glancing over to the young girl to make sure she wasn't being disturbed. "We just-"
"Ella?" Harry practically yelled. The last person he heard called Gabriella "Ella" was Draco a few months back. So it was safe to say that he was shocked to hear one of his parent's best friends called a girl he despised a nickname.
"She's just troubled. She fled and arrived at Molly's doorstep this morning. Very injured might I add." Remus tried to reasoned.
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Harry." Remus scolded.
"She's a death eater, Remus!" Harry yelled back.
"Not by choice!" Remus yelled back in the same tone, watching the boy cower a bit. "Gabriella is here upon my request, Harry!"
Out of the people Remus thought he'd have to protect he never thought of Gabriella being one of them. However, defending the girl against his best friend's son was definitely not on his list.
Harry didn't fight back. He didn't dare as his eyes flickered over to the girl staring directly at the duo as she adjusted her position on the sofa.
The sudden drop of attitude of Harry caused Remus to follow his gaze towards the girl. His stomach dropped as he wondered how much of that she heard and if he was the one who woke her up.
Remus tried so hard at the start to maintain the quite atmosphere within the room that once Harry started picking his nerves, in a similar manner as Remus; he forgot about it.
None of them knew what to say or do, despite all three needing a conversation with each other. Harry, in a fit of anger, stormed out of the font door and into the garden; leaving the two friends alone.
"I'm here on your request?" Ella mocked the previous conversation in hopes of breaking the tension between the two. Instead, her comment let out a small embarrassed laugh from Remus as he moved closer to the girl.
"I was hoping you didn't hear of that." He rubbed his neck.
"Well the bits I heard wasn't too embarrassing."
"Come." Ella patted the spare seat beside her, beckoning Remus to sit next to her. She never missed Remus as much as she did now. She didn't think of his as much as she did now either.
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hdsc-ace · 1 year
Philocalist - Remus Lupin.
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Masterlist Part 2 Rest of my work. Warnings: none A fifth-year Slytherin student comes to her professor at the Weasley's burrow for help after escaping her family leaving her to the dark lord. Gabriella Montegomery fled to the only place she could think of as soon as she was alone, taking what little strength she has with her.
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"Molly!" Ella screamed through her sharp inhales, her hands pressing tightly against her side as she hobbled towards the peculiar house before her. Tears clouded her darkened visions as she did.
"Molly!" The young girl screamed again, watching the door of the home blur and darken as she yelled. "Please!" She called again before Ella's knees gave out. The girl instantly fell to the floor with a thud.
"Oh Merlin!" A faint cried out, "Remus!"
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Remus didn't know what to do for the young girl before him. He hadn't saw Ella for such a long time that he forgot how she was. But now he was standing in the corner of the room watching Molly attempt to heal the young girl's wounds.
"She'll be fine." Molly stated, removing a wash cloth from Ella's arm before wrapping it in a bandage. "We'll know more when she wakes up."
Remus couldn't remove his eyes from the girl as she laid on sofa in the Burrow so helplessly.
"You hear that Mooney?" Sirius joked, nudging his friend lightly to lighten the mood. "She'll be fine."
"Mooney?" Sirius called out as he watched his friend's attention linger upon the girl.
"Hm?" Remus hummed, barely taking in anything Sirius said to him. His mind was too focused on Ella. He knew things were getting back with the war just not this bad.
"Staring isn't going to help her heal faster." Sirius stated, his eyes briefly scanning the girl laying on Molly sofa. The man was stumped on reasons why he was so fascinated on the girl.
Ella was the same girl Remus protected in the whomping Willow as Sirius threatened her but after that Remus insisted that she meant nothing to him.
"I know." Remus sighed. He knew that watching Ella could only do so much but nothing useful. But there was something blocking Remus from removing himself from the room. Knowing that Ella was in such a state forced him to wait until she's all fine before leaving again.
The two maurders stood in silence for a moment, watching the girl shift position in her sleep. Ella shifted in such a way that pulled against her sleeve, revealing a familiar mark to the two men.
Sirius was first to notice, his eyes shifting to her arm before walking closer. "She's one of them." He stated in a tone that wouldn't alert the whole burrow, pointing to Ella's wrist for Remus to see. "They'll come for her, Mooney. She can't stay here."
"She's not." Remus stated with a unwavering voice, his eyes stayed on the girl to avoid his panicky friend.
"What do you mean she's not?" Sirius cried, his tone gaining volume with each word. "The proof is bloody there!" If Sirius could make any other gesture to Ella's wrist that wasn't dramatically pointing towards the dark mark upon the girl's wrist, he would have.
"It's been there since the start of the year, padfoot. Ella expressed on numerous occasions that her family's views are not her own."
"She told you that?" Sirius laughed, finding it amusing that his friend believed the words of a young Deatheater. "And you believed it?"
"She's not like them Pads." Remus attempted to reason, finally looking up from the girl. "Trust me."
"Of course!" Padfoot yelled, a hint of laughter lingered in his voice as he threw his hands into the air. "Trust the man who brought a Deatheater here!"
Molly was quick to appear from the kitchen to investigate the ruckus and to scold the two men for making said noise like they were school boys once again. "Will you two keep it down!"
"Good old Mooney has brought a Deatheater into your house, Molly!" Sirius pointed to the young girl stirring in her sleep as he explained the situation to Molly. He didn't keep quiet about it either. Sirius's voice carried across the entirety of the Burrow as spoke.
"I know he bloody well did, Sirius." Molly states, ushering the two men to follow her outside, "Finish this outside so you don't wake the poor girl."
Remus was the first to make his way to the door but Sirius stayed put. "You've got to be kidding." The man laughed in disbelief. "She's in on it too?"
"I'm not in on anything." Molly stated, watching Remus glance back at Ella as she rested upon the sofa peacefully.
"Then why have we-" Sirius opened his mouth to argue once more before being shut down rather quickly by Remus.
"Sirius get outside now!" The man snapped for the first time that night. Sirius was quite frightened once Remus snapped at his and quickly made his way outside.
"Thank you, Molly." Remus smiled softly at the women before glancing at Ella once again. Her face was scrunched up but she remained asleep. It wasn't a shock after Remus's anger.
"It's no issue." Molly brought a smile onto her own face as she watched Remus's posture relax slightly at seeing Ella.
However that relaxation of Ella's presence quickly left Remus as he exited the house to greet Sirius's stupidity.
"You better have a good explanation for all of this Mooney." Sirius stated as soon as Remus stepped out into the garden. The scruff bag was learning against the wall whilst kicking stones with his feet, almost as if he was back at Hogwarts again.
"I do." Remus sighed as he thought of the best approach that wouldn't have Sirius kill himself or Remus.
What was Remus meant to say? He fell in love with his student who just so happened to be a Deatheater and as a desperate act he through out so many opportunities for him to see her again. Or that he offered Ella a place to stay with him or the Weasleys over the holidays to avoid the one place she continuously expressed that she hated.
"She was my student, Pads." Remus began to explain slowly, "I don't know what you expected as an offer to her but I offered for her to stay here in att-"
"You offered her a place here?!" Sirius's voice rose once again but before he could find himself in another screaming match with his friend, Remus quickly shut him down.
"Sirius." The scruff's name was called with a glare from Remus. "Ella was an exceptional student which so happened to bring us closer. In turn she told me about her family. And quite frankly Sirius, her situation is quite like yours."
"What do you mean, just like mine." Sirius spat, "I never became one of them. I left!"
"I never said it's the same, Sirius." Remus composed himself, adjusting his sweater as he spoke. "Ella didn't want to become a Deatheater and as long as we're concerned, she's not. All you know is she's a runaway from a pure blooded family who wants a fresh start."
"You're kidding me?" Sirius asked through a laugh, finding the whole situation ridiculous. Why on earth would a deatheater be welcomed into the Weasley's home with open arms. Who was this Ella and why was she so important?
"I am not." Remus states softly, making his way to the door. He paused to look at his old friend once again, "She's the same girl you met in the Willow. The same girl you wanted to kill after everything she witnessed." The man muttered before entering the Burrow once more.
However, instead of being greeted with the comfort of Molly, a group of teenagers stood staring at Remus in confusion.
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