#Dorothy Must Die Series
theforbiddentower · 1 year
The witch crooked a finger at Ozma. "Come to dear old Mombi," she cooed sweetly. When Ozma kept her distance, Mombi rolled her eyes. "Bring the little darling over here," she snapped.
I gingerly took the reluctant princess's hand, eyeing Mombi warily. Ozma didnt look pleased, but she didnt resist.
"You're not going to hurt her, are you?" I asked.
"No, no, no. We need her," Mombi said, looking Ozma up and down wolfishly. "As stupid as she looks, there's power in there. Somewhere. She's a fairy, you know. She's connected to Oz's lifeblood in a way that none of the rest of us ever could be. If anyone can find the Rainbow Citadel, its her. Its magic, she's magic, its the way these things work. She just has to want to find it."
"Yeah, goodluck with that," I said. "I dont think Ozma wants anything. Except maybe to play patty-cake."
Mombi ignored me and placed her hands on Ozma's cheeks. Ozma looked like she was going to run away, but the witch held her firm. "Don't be afraid," she said. "I'm just an old woman. Wouldn't hurt a fly, would I?"
Mombi stared deep into Ozma's eyes and bit her lip in a look of mild concentration. A small, purple dot of light began to form in the centre of the witches forehead. Mombi plucked it off like she was removing a piece of dirt and placed it in her palm, closing her fist around it.
"Just hold still and close your eyes, darling." As if in a trance, Ozma obeyed.
I watched the whole scene with a slightly sick feeling in my stomach. "Ozma's shielded from most magic," Mombi explained nonchalantly. "But when you're dumb as a brick like she is, certain spells can get through well enough."
She opened her hand, revealing that the pinprick of energy had taken the form of a glowing indigo spider the size of a nickel. She plucked its wriggling body up and placed it on Ozma's temple, where it sat for a second and then crawled down, across her cheekbone and onto her earlobe, finally skittering into her ear canal and dissapearing.
"Yuck," I shuddered.
"Oh, dont be a ninny," Mombi scoffed. "It's just a little spell of intention. She won't even feel it. Barely does anything except give her a little push in the right direction. Think of it like this: if I whispered I want doughnuts in your ear while you were asleep, you'd wake up craving doughnuts, isnt that so? This isn't much different, except that I'm too old a woman to stay up all night muttering in Ozma's ear, especially with those enormous flower earmuffs she loves to wear."
- The Wicked Will Rise, Danielle Paige
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Dorothy Must Die!Tin Woodman x Fem!Lion'sWarrior!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: The Lion 'lends' you to the Tin Woodman for a day after his own second-in-command is forced to go to the Scarecrow for repairs. And you're perceptive, and you're blunt. And you try to tell the Woodman a couple things that he... just doesn't want to hear.
You also may be developing a fondness for him.
Warnings: N/A.
Tagging: @marinerainbow. You havent specifically said to tag you in Tin Woodman stuff but... I assumed... 😅😅😅 I hope that was okay!! XD ^^
The Tin Woodman didn't require a lot of help throughout the day, so you aren't completely sure why your King needed you to accompany him when his actual number 2 was hurt earlier in the day. He makes all orders himself; all he needs from you is to hold his oil can in case of accidents with water (Or crying, the Lion told you. He's an awful cryer. But you haven't seen any sign of the Tin Woodman crying. You couldn't even imagine that. He's so... emotionless).
Though, you do wonder if the man is lonely, and thats why he requires a companion all day... you see the way he looks at Queen Dorothy. You both went into the throne room earlier while Dorothy was 'speaking to' (Sentencing) a poor munchkin woman, and you saw it clear as day; the longing in his metal eyes when she talked. And even more then that, you felt the air shift back to monotonous as soon as he left the room with her in it, again. You hadn't even realised it had lightened in the first place when she was near, but you couldn't miss it now. He was brighter with her, happier. But... it was in a sad sort of way. Because, clearly, she did not know.
In the forest everyone's quite honest with each other. Animals don't pretend to feel a way about each other that they don't- and, having been raised in the forest by tigers, you were just the same. You don't understand why the Tin Woodman wouldn't just... tell her he's in love with her. Lay it all out on the table. Its clearly eating at him, and even if she tells him she's not interested then at least he can begin to move on... find a more suitable mate...
For, at least in your opinion, the Tin Woodman was quite an... agreeable gentleman. Tall, strong, sensible. A little bit too uptight for your tastes, but... you're sure plenty a lovely lady would be happy to be his mate; be that a munchkin, human, beast, metal creature or any other walk of life he may be interested in.
Over lunch, you tell him as such.
"What???" The Woodman seemed startled, hearing you say such things so boldly; a confused look on your face at his fluster. "You- what??"
He didn't have to eat, but he acknowledged that you did - as an organic creature,- , so he had stood by the table you were eating your porridge at quite patiently, and calmly... though now his shoulders were hiked up and his eyes were open wide. "I think you're a very handsome tin-man, and quite a gentleman. You should just tell Dorothy how you feel."
"... this is inappropriate. You shouldn't be so forward with me, you know." He tries to act un-bothered by your words, but you just wait a few moments- and he cracks, turning to you fully. "-and how do you know of my feelings or her majesty Dorothy?? Did Lion tell you???"
"No, my King told my nothing. I saw it myself." You admit bluntly, scooping a mouthful of porridge into your gob.
"What do you mean you saw it???" His voice goes slightly higher in horror and mortification, and a little grin spreads across your face despite how you probably shouldn't laugh at him right now. Or at all.
So he's not so completely serious, then. Thats... endearing.
"You're not very good at hiding it."
"Whats- what's with the smiling?? Why are you sm- " Suddenly he remembers himself, and straightens his posture once again. "Never mind. You cant understand the depths of my feelings for the Queen, or hers for me. You're just a merry Ozian." At that, you cringe. He believes she has feelings for him?? Oof, thats... rough... So rough, in fact, that you let that belittling statement of his slide. There was absolutely no love in that girl's eyes. "Or, furthermore, how difficult it would be for us to manage a relationship in this political climate. After all, I am her general."
"Right... " You nod, forcing an agreement and turning your focus fully to your bowl of sloppy porridge. He's more deluded than you thought, so maybe you should just let him go. Breaking a crazy person out of their delusions can be dangerous!
But he hears the disbelieving tone in your voice, and swivels his head around to you again. He cant help himself. "What was that?"
"Absolute nothing, sir, I'm just going to finish my lunch and we can go about your business once again."
"Mmm... " He grumbles to himself, but gives a nod. "Maybe you should."
You manage a few large mouthfuls, almost finishing, before the poor Tin Man cant handle it and actually moves to sit down opposite you; setting you with a stern look and folding his formidable hands carefully on the table before him. Considering his height, you still had to crane your neck to look at him, but you appreciate the gesture he's made, all the same. "I order you to speak. Why did you sound so sarcastic?"
"I didn't- "
"I thought your people didn't lie."
... hmph. "Fine. You're right, and I hated it." After giving it a moments thought, you decide to be frank with him. "I just... don't think the Queen, as deeply as she may care for you which I'm sure she does, thinks... That, of you. You are her old friend, and thats all. And I don't think you should be disappointed, either, sir, because as far as love goes- thats plenty."
The Tin Woodman continues to look sternly at you, so deeply and stonily that you might think that he were made of rock and not tin at all, in fact... and he's so quiet as he thinks that you swear you hear his heart tick-tock-ticking inside his chest... until, finally, the man takes in a deep whistling breath through his pins-and-needles mouth, that you aren't quite sure he actually needs (Being made of tin, and all), and lifts his laser focused eyes off of you. Its a small relief, and you take your own breath as you relax.
"... And how do you suppose to prove these assumptions?"
That gives you pause. Makes you hesitate. Prove??? You're not in a court right now, you're just talking. "I- well-... I guess I cant." Giving a shrug, you put down your spoon; Officially finished with your lunch; Put off it by the Tin Man's way of thinking, which is rather too Official, for your tastes. Too human and pompous, especially for a man made entirely out of tin. Then you add, with certainty and conviction: "I saw it in her eyes."
-immediately the Tin Woodman starts to shake, and you're worried about him, until you realise that he's chuckling. This man is c h u c k l i n g- at you. Baffled, you watch him with frustration, barely noticing the munchkin servants around you flash you both boggled and horrified glances; having never seen the Tin Man laugh. "Oh... " He sighs, using the blunt edge of one of his terrible fingers to scrape a loose tear away from the corner of his eye before it can get into any joints. "Good, because I was quite afraid for a moment, there."
Your jaw drops. "Excuse m- "
"Miss." The Woodman cuts you off, and you immediately - obediently, - shut your mouth. All humour had disappeared from the metal man's visage as quickly as it had appeared, and once again he was as serious as could be. "I suggest you finish your meal, and build up your strength. We have a long day to go, yet, and- "
"I know what I'm talking about, Mr. Dorothy does not love you." You insist, eyes wide and earnest to which he just nods, humming. "She doesn't."
"Mhm." His stubbornness is just as tough as his skin!!
"Mr Woodman- "
"I suppose you're finished." He cuts you off again, picking up your bowl and setting it on the platter that a nearby munchkin is waiting with after getting up from the table. "Off we go." As swiftly as the bulky tin can is able, he turns on his heels and marches off down a hallway; and you have no choice but to follow after him despite your irritation. About halfway down the hall though, he suddenly stops and swivels around again (His upper body turning and leaving his legs facing the way he was going, before bending down at the waist in order to meet your eye), making you stop very suddenly as well as to not run right into him and hurt yourself. "Out of curiosity, if Dorothy and I weren't meant to be, which we are, who in your All Knowing opinion, would I possibly give all this love over to? I asked for a heart from the wizard all those seasons ago for a reason-- it wouldn't do, to let it all go to waste, now would it?"
... at this, you're speechless. Well, anyone, right?? Anyone who wanted it in return. Your lips part, but no words come out at first. What an odd question.
"... suddenly speechless? Nothing to say now all of a sudden, little Ozian?" He asks, and if you didn't know any better- teased. With his head lowered and rearing down so close to yours so the smell of oil fills your head and make you a little bit dizzy, and the playful and challenging tone in his voice, he's Almost... almost... "Colour me shocked." He's... almost...
"Well I'm sure I don't know, specifically." You say, straightening up. "Anyone, I suppose."
His eyebrows shoot up. "Anyone?"
"Yes." ... almost... something... to you...
... slowly a nearly-unseemly smirk spreads across the well-shined underbite of sharp and pointy nightmares he calls a mouth and a flutter erupts in the pit of your belly. You're shocked, and can only stand there with your eyes wide on him and your lips parted. "... well I'll keep that in mind." Then in an instant, the smirk is gone and he turns his back on you again; replacing his Almost-ness with that regular sensible general-sona he wears for Dorothy. But the fluttering inside you doesn't go away with it, eyes on him. "Anyway, lets go. Much work to do for Dorothy!"
He marches off, and you follow him, wondering what on earth this feeling is and how to get rid of it and when you can go back to your King.
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Title: Dorothy Must Die
Author: Danielle Paige
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2014
Genres: fiction, fantasy, retelling, adventure
Blurb: She didn't ask for any of this. She didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado and takes you with it, you have no choice but to go along, you know? Sure, she's read the books. She's seen the movies. She knows the song about the rainbow and the happy little bluebirds. But she never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where good witches can't be trusted, wicked witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a yellow brick road...but even that's crumbling. What happened? Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now, no one is safe. Her name is Amy Gumm...and she's the other girl from Kansas. She's been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. She's been trained to fight. And she has a mission.
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sugolara · 10 months
𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝
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Feat. Shota Aizawa x daughter! reader
An ongoing series.
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, Shota Aizawa and his eldest daughter must survive from the flesh eating monsters in hopes that Eri is still alive.
Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, cross-posted on ao3, wattpad, qoutev
Included Characters: Eri, Hizashi Yamada, Nemuri Kayama, Toshinori Yagi, Hitoshi Shinso (love interest)
Inspired by, "The Walking Dead A Telltale Game Series"
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" Fresh Blood – Eels " Walk Among the Cobras, Pt. 1 – Dan Sartain " Leave Behind – Sarah Cripps " Hope Prevails – Jesper Kyd " When I Grow Up – First Aid Kit " Fight For Survival – Klergy " Snow – Lisa Hannigan " Aeon Ending – Dew Of Light " To Live A Life – First Aid Kit " Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode " Death Is Not the End – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds " How Low – Jose Gonzales " The Fear – Ben Howard " Carrion Flowers – Chelsea Wolfe " Kettering – The Antlers " Coxcomb Red – Songs: Ohia " Five Years – David Bowie " Hard As Nails – Peter Wolf Crier " Swept Inside – Future Islands " Killing Machine – Tony Crown " Harmonix – Surfer Blood " Stand By Me – Ki:Theory " M.T.M.E. – Alexandra Saviour " Audience No.2 – Autolux " Palace Of Montezuma – Grinderman " In The Water – Anadel " Two Birds – Regina Spektor " Clocks – Coldplay " The Great Gig in the Sky – Pink Floyd " I’ll Be Good – Jaymes Young " To The Bone – Mirel Wagner " I Ain’t The One – Spoon " Take Us Back – Alela Diane " Salty Seas – Devics " In The Pines (Oakland) – Fantastic Negrito " Waiting around to die – The Be Good Tanyas " Red Morning – Devics " Gun In My Hand – Dorothy " Be Good – Waxahatche " Clementine – Elliot Smith " World Undone – Calexico " Blood – Algiers " Especially Me - Low " Release Me - Corrina Repp " No Death - Mirel Wagner
table of contents:
Season 1: Episode 1: A new day Episode 2: I'll understand what you meant in a few long months Episode 3: Afraid Episode 4: Weak Episode 5: Quick and steady Episode 6: To live Episode 7: Just a little longer, my dear
Season 2: Episode 8: New beginnings Episode 9: Company Episode 10: Day something Episode 11: Bad news Episode 12: Check, check, check Episode 13: Fallen angel
Season 3: Episode 14: Little by little Episode 15: The feeling is nice Episode 16: Down below, where the sounds of growls will be the last you hear
To be continued...
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Book one: Welcome To The New World Book two: To The One You Left Behind
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Songs that made it through preliminaries (minus the MLP songs)
Rogues Are We (Holy Musical B@man)
Kick It Up a Notch (Starship)
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Join Us (and Die) (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals)
No One Remembers Achmed (Twisted)
Feed Me (Little Shop of Horrors)
Dentist (Little Shop of Horrors)
Mean Green Mother From Outerspace (Little Shop of Horrors)
Old King Cole (Once Upon a Time in Space by The Mechanisms)
Favoured Son (Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanisms)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident by The Mechanisms)
There's a Platypus Controlling Me (Phineas and Ferb)
Evil for Extra Credit (Phineas and Ferb)
All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend To Be Divorced (Phineas and Ferb)
I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone) (Galavant)
No One But You (Galavant)
She'll Be Mine (Galavant)
Mother Knows Best (Tangled)
Ready As I'll Ever Be (Tangled the Series)
Nothing Left to Lose (Tangled the Series)
Pretty Women (Sweeney Todd)
Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI)
When the Chips are Down (Hadestown)
Master of Masters (Kingdom Hearts)
U.N. Owen Was Her? (Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
The Old Man of the Mountain/You Gotta Ho-De-Ho/The Scat Song Medley (Betty Boop)
Our Love is God (Heathers)
Biskit Family Business (Littlest Pet Shop)
We Both Reached For the Gun (Chicago)
Heaven on Their Minds (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Good to Be King (Journey to Bethlehem)
Jester (Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return)
Sympathy for the Devil (song by The Rolling Stones)
Dressed to Oppress (Play It By Ear - The Muck of Merkmere)
One Step Ahead (Spies Are Forever)
Let the Pun Fit the Crime (Wander Over Yonder)
Necrostar (The Vice Quadrant by Steam Powered Giraffe)
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Fire Emblem: Fates)
The Ring motif (Lord of the Rings)
I'm Alive (Next to Normal)
Where There's a Whip, There's a Way (Return of the King 1980)
There Ain't Nothin' But Bad Days Ahead (The Swan Princess: Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure)
Les Poissons (The Little Mermaid)
It's Our House Now (The House of Mouse - Halloween special)
Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Off Santa (Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer)
Master of the House (Les Miserables)
Peaches (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
The Boys Are Back In Town (To Kill You) (The Boys)
Dark Riders (Star Stable Online)
Grand Ceremony (Pyre)
Coraline (Coraline)
Better Than You (Camp Camp)
In the Hall of the Mountain King (Peer Gynt)
Get in the Water (Epic: The Musical)
Descole's theme live version (Professor Layton)
Isabella's Lullaby (The Promised Neverland)
Get Jinxed (League of Legends)
Pieces of You/Hologram Professor Song (Puppet History)
Great at Crime (Epithet Erased)
Davy Jones' theme (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)
Herbert Style (Club Penguin)
No One's Gonna Make a Monkey Out of Me (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Diddy Drop Rap (The Donkey Kong Country cartoon)
Attack at the Wall (Mulan)
No More Toymakers to the King (Santa Claus is Comin' to Town)
What's Up Duloc? (Shrek musical)
If I'm Gonna Eat Somebody (It Might As Well Be You) (Ferngully)
The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera)
Prowler's theme (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
How Can I Refuse? Reprise (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Friends in Low Places (Bigtop Burger)
That's Not How the Story Goes (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
The World Revolving (Deltarune)
Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie the Pooh)
Waikyou Shenshoujin (Senki Zesshou Symphogear G)
No Good Deed (Wicked)
Fabulous (High School Musical 2)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Between Two Worlds (Limbus Company)
Your Best Nightmare (Undertale)
We Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto)
Jaws theme (Jaws)
The Executioner (Umineko no naku koro ni)
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spockanalia-archive · 3 months
Spockanalia #1: Off the Top
By Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
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A Bulletin and Editorial by Yeds
THE BULLETIN—MORE FUN COMING: In June, we learned from Star Trek's Associate Producer, Robert H. Justman, that the tentatively scheduled season opener (September 15th) will take place, in part, on the planet Vulcan. We have since learned that the show, "Amok Time," was written by no less an author than Theodore Sturgeon. In the course of the program, Spock will meet his assigned wife, for the purpose of satisfying the Vulcan septennial mating drive. Vulcans—or at least Vulcan males (at the moment. we're not quite sure which)—must experience sex every seven years, or die.
We have been told that the story is handled with the same care and skill that made Star Trek our favorite program in its first season. Look out, September 15th—here we come!
AND NOW A WORD OR TEN FROM OUR SPONSOR: We are eternally grateful to the people who pick up the check for our favorite program. However, it has come to our attention that small but important segments of action are cut from the broadcast received in some cities, especially those in the parts of the country that get their master broadcasts from New York City. The time gained is used for additional commercials. The most blatant example discovered thus far is in "Dagger of the Mind." Only a fraction of the audience saw the approximately thirty seconds that showed Spock become entrapped in Van Jager's mind, to such a degree that Dr. McCoy was forced to tear him free physically.
This scene was not vital to the action of the plot, but it was quite important in the development of the characters of Spock and McCoy. It also was an extremely dramatic moment.
If you would like to protest this commercial padding, write to WNBC-TV, [Address Redacted].
A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: In "Court Martial," Mr. Spock's rank was given as Lieutenant-Commander. In the third revision of The Star Trek Guide, it is given as Commander. Congratulations on your promotion, sir.
SPEAKING ABOUT RANK: Lest our interest in Mr. Spock make us appear to neglect his companions, it behooves us to say a few words about that other hero. Captain James T. Kirk is a strong, efficient, extremely vital man. He is a very special person, and his command of the Enterprise makes it the ship it is. In his absence, neither the character of Mr. Spock, nor the program itself, could exist. Many thanks to William Shatner for his skillful portrayal of a highly complex character.
IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD: Leonard Nimoy has one record album, entitled "Leonard Nimoy presents Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space," Dot # 3794, and one 45 rpm record from Dot, "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins/Cotton Candy." At last word, a second album was being considered.
Mr. Nimoy also has a starring role in the movie version of Genet's Deathwatch, which he co-produced. Deathwatch is a strong, bitter story, powerfully done and emotionally devastating. It proves, for those who had any doubts, that Leonard Nimoy is a very fine actor.
TREK TROUBLES: According to Bjo Trimble (via Dorothy Jones) Star Trek still has renewal problems. If we want the show to continue (if we want…!) we must continue the campaign. Letters should be addressed to: Mort Werner, Programming, NBCTV, [Address Redacted]. Write soon and often. Good continuing public response is a sine que non for any TV series, especially one in prime-time. If we appear to lose interest, so will NBC.
A LAST WORD: Yeds are aware that when the new season begins, two weeks after our anticipated publication date, many (all?) of our lovely theories will be blown to pieces. On the other hand, we console ourselves with thoughts of all the new material we'll have to play with. Anyone for a Spockanalia #2?
Note: With the help and guidance of Open Doors, we digitized the first volume of Spockanalia and imported it to AO3, which you can view here. In order to meet AO3's terms of service, some of the content was edited or removed. The full version of the zine is preserved on this blog. The masterpost is here.
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i noticed the Emerald City in your banner-- have you read the Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige?
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Wizard of oz has been my number one since forever and I ADORE this series. I met Danielle Page at a comic con 😍 I could go on about Wizard of Oz, adaptions….Wicked….why I approve of changing the shoes from silver to red 😬
I wanted to be in the movie adaption of Dorothy Must Die but alas… they never made the movie and I’m not a Hollywood actor. 😂😂😂
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stardusteyes · 3 months
Genuine inquiry from a non system here, I have seen quite a few analyses/interpretations of Ozma/Tip through a queer gender lens, which is cool, but I also wonder if there have been any explorations of them through a plural lens.
The only one I can think of off the top of my head that has done this is the Dorothy Must Die series, but I haven’t read those books so I can’t really say much.
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thenomekingdom · 1 month
What are good books that riff on Oz besides the stupid Wicked series. I just started After Oz
Good question!
Part of it depends on what exactly you disliked about The Wicked Years, from Maguire’s writing style, the “realistic grit” or how the setting became Oz only in name (frankly I didn’t enjoy the Wicked franchise either) but here are some books I remember enjoying at least some aspects of. Though full disclosure I haven’t read some of these in years and I’m sure there’s some that I’ve forgotten about.
Oz Reimagined: New Tales from the Emerald City and Beyond edited by John Joseph Adams
Shadows of the Emerald City edited by J.W. Schnarr
Books that avoid a dark tone
Visitors From Oz by Martin Gardener
Paradox in Oz by Edward Einhorn
The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles by Ben Avery (comic)
Darker retellings that aren’t as bleak
Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
Oz Squad by Steven Ahlquist (comic that has a tie in novel)
The Baum Bugle
The Characters of Oz: Essays on Their Adaptation and Transformation by Dina Schiff Massachi
Relevant Links
Of course with a fandom this small, there’s a significant chance that we’re all just passing around the same five books ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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theforbiddentower · 1 year
But if the Nome King could take out Mombi, the witch with the most Wickedness, that didn't say much for my chances of defeating Ev's most sinister senior citizen on his own turf.
- The End of Oz, Danielle Paige
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audiofictionuk · 8 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 3rd February
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Coastal Magic Audio Book Elves, Fairies and Dragons... at the beach! Every week, you'll hear a new short story set in the world of Coastal Magic, where monsters and magical creatures live side-by-side with humans in the little tourist town of Seaside. Sometimes, everybody gets along. Sometimes, somebody gets eaten. When that happens, they call the friendly folks at Coastal Magic Solutions - the only fairykind agency in the US that protects humans from magical monsters. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240106-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2284175.rss
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The Nightmare Realm Audio Book Cross over into The Nightmare Realm and experience tales of terror and the supernatural that will haunt your dreams. The Nightmare Realm is an anthology horror series of narrated audio dramas. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240104-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f0101634/podcast/rss
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Ravens Vail Coven Podcast Audio Book Welcome to the Ravens Vail Coven. The Coven features short, independent stories with themes ranging from dark horror and fantasy to any other disturbing fiction. The Coven contains stories written outside the ongoing storyline of the Ravens Vasil universe. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240101-15 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/ravensvailcoven/feed.xml
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Fear Sound Audio Drama A horror audio drama show for people who like a good scare. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231229-06 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2294731.rss
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Chance Die Audio RPG Temptation, Oklahoma offers many opportunities for folks to indulge in their darkest vices. Quinten, James, Atlas, and Dorothy have all arrived for their own reasons... but will they find what they desire? A live play podcast based on World of Darkness. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231229-07 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ece28dc0/podcast/rss
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The Adventures of Lilly and Oxe - A family DND experience Audio RPG One dad who is brand new to D&D and podcasting, attempts to make a DND podcast with his two kids. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231230-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/efcb5378/podcast/rss
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Dorothy Must Die!Scarecrow x TinMan'sSecond-In-Command!Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You're in love with the Tin Man, but he's in love with Dorothy. And the Scarecrow???... well... he's mean.
Warnings: Stitches, blood, unrequited love, Possessive behaviour.
This is a version of the The Wizard of Oz's Scarecrow from Danielle Paige's Dorothy Must Die series, in which he becomes a crafty, Frankensteinian mad scientist while the Tin Man is a love sick nightmare and the 'Cowardly' Lion is a blood thirsty monster. I definitely recommend checking it out if you like TWoOz (Including the book and the sequel movie).
Sitting on the Scarecrow's work bench with your wrist in his grasp, trying to ignore the sting that came from stitches (if anyone in Oz new how to sew, it was him), you felt just... the most miserable you've ever felt. Completely hurt. And grim.
"... he's never going to love me back, is he?" You ask rhetorically, for you already know the answer.
The Scarecrow, sitting in a wooden chair focused on your cut forearm (An accident the Tin Man left behind, reacting startled when you attempted to help him up off the ground where Queen Dorothy shoved him. She'd said whoops, but only he believed she didn't actually mean to do it. He was going for her delicate hand, after all), 'tuts'. "No, he he isn't."
You sigh. "I didn't really need an answer."
"Mhm, I know."
Here you look down and settle the glorified canvas bag with a frustrated, annoyed, cross look for his complete lack of empathy, and he just shrugs. Soulless button eyes as black as coal and blank as oblivion looking back at you. "Sorry. Was that rude?"
... he knows perfectly well that he's rude, so you just look away again; showing him a cold shoulder.
All the brains in the world wouldn't get him back what he's lost- his heart. It seemed they all lost something that one of the others coveted when they went to see that wizard. He gained the brain he so desired but he used to be kind, you hear. And now he's not. Contrary-wise, the Tin man got his heart but he seems... to have lost all courage. He's a punching bag for his love. And the Lion?? You hear he's courageous and formidable but is he smart enough to use that for good? You assume the answer to that is a no, considering the state of things here in Oz...
Below you the Scarecrow sighs, and flicks your hand onto your lap; finished. "I hope that's the last slice I stitch up for you this week. Learn to stop reaching for that tin for brains love struck puppy, Y/N. Lose enough blood from those knives he has for fingers these days, and you won't be so easy to fix." As he talks he gets up and shows his back to you, heading to flip through some of his current research (whatever horrible frankensteinian mockery of science his head has been full of recently. You shudder to think what it could be. You noticed syringes lying about... and you'd rather not ask.). Only talking to you absent-mindedly.
... he, of all Oz's people, knows its not that easy. You're in love with the Tin Man, and you'll never stop trying to help him. Ideally you'd make him see that Dorothy just hurts him... but you had to stop, that. It just broke your heart, watching him be so blind. So instead you'll help him up when he falls, you'll carry a can of heavy oil that hurts your hands all day just in case he needs it, you'll repeat his orders to his armies until tour voice goes hoarse-- and as his second in command, you have plenty of oppertunity to do all of this, hence why you're here being attended to by the Scarecrow so often. You don't have a choice in any of it though; you're in love. You suffer through it all, for love.
Even if that love is just a heavy ache in your chest that gets worse whenever you see him with her. You hate her so much; Dorothy. She ruined this land, and she ruined Tin.
And you hate that the Scarecrow always acts like you can just turn all this off. Like you're doing this to yourself on purpose. (Why would you do that??)
Instead of having that fight with him (again) though, you huff and hop off the bench. "Thank you for the stitches- I'm going back to work."
"Mhm, yeah, have fun with that."
With an eye roll, holding your wrist and rolling a thumb over the tight and precise, surgical stitches, you turn to leave the dank rooms that Scarecrow calls his. They're less like bed chambers and more like a basement laboratory, and you rather to spend as little time as possible here.
But before you can get too far, you're surprised to be grabbed by rough feeling gloves and drawn backwards. "Gah!- "
The Scarecrows fingers dig into an older wound, from earlier in the week, but he doesn't seem to care. "Wait a minute."
Didn't he turn away from you?? "No, I'm busy. I have work to do." You snap stubbornly, trying to slip your arm away from him but the Scarecrow is misleadingly strong.
"Don't care. Anyway- " He's tall, though not as tall as the Tin Man and certainly not as tall as he was strung up in the corn fields, but you still have to bend your neck back to see his disconcerting, still face. "Let me give you some advice- after all, I am the smartest being in all of Oz." He's serious, but there's always a twinge of smug pride when he works that into a conversation.
Sighing, you stop fighting him and stand still. Your blood is seeping out from the stitches he sewed into your skin earlier in the week and into his own 'skin', the fabric keeping his stuffings on the inside, but you just Stop. And listen. The sooner he gets done talking, gets finished making whatever point he was set on, the sooner that you can go clean yourself up. "... what?"
"Forget old Tin."
Immediately your jaw drops. "What are you talking about???"
"It's never going to happen with that old watering can. It's illogical for you to harbour feelings for him."
"I know it's not logical, but- "
The Scarecrow is uninterested in your 'but' evidently, because he cuts you off pointedly and goes on. "You need to set your sights on someone more attainable for you." He speaks carefully ans sternly, as if speaking to a very dumb child. "Y/N, you're a very... appealing, young lady. I have the utmost faith that you can find someone willing to have you."
... you do not like the sound of the Scarecrow complimenting you. He sounds sinister; you feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up. "-Um, yes, well-- I'll keep that in mind. Thank you- "
He sighs, and you get the feeling by the irritated tone in his voice that if he could- he'd roll his eyes at you. "You're dimmer then a box of broken bulbs." At that you open your mouth immediately in outrage to curse at him- but he raises a cloth finger and silences you before you've even said anything nasty. "What I'm saying, is- maybe you should be setting your sights on someone who sees you. Sees you, and recognises the wonderful fascinating creature that you are. The Woodman, charming as he may be," Something in Scare's tone suggests that he himself doesn't see it, that he rather thinks that Tin is a ridiculous fool, but he's acknowledging Tin's charms for your sake anyway. "... doesn't notice. Will never, notice."
-and there's the Scarecrow's blunt honesty again that you dont particularly like. Your heart plummets, though you know its only the truth."... that sounds good and simple, Scarecrow, but... " Finally, you slip your arm away from him. "I don't know anyone who thinks that of me." You shrug, then walk off again.
Just as you're reaching for the door, you're grabbed and thrust against the nearest smoke damaged wall. The Scarecrow's canvas, stitched face rears in close to yours- the yellow straw hair that sticks out from under his hat almost scratching your forehead. He sighs deeply, feigning a controlled exterior when you can feel how frustrated and angry he is in how tight he has you pinned to the wall. "... me, Y/N. I'm talking about me.
"... Now listen. You're going to forget about dumb old Woody, and focus on me for a change. Do you comprehend that??"
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themadauthorshatter · 7 months
People who have read the Dorothy Must Die series:
What did you think?
I liked it, I reread it, there are things I think could've been do e differently, but overall I had a good time reading it
Onto you. How did you like Dorothy Must Die?
Answer the poll and reply/reblog elaborating your thoughts
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messrmoonyy · 1 year
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who started on wattpad 😭 I totally get the need for a hobby that’ll actually stick, writing (unfortunately) isn’t that for me lmao I write in bursts adhd who
Do you read a lot, too? If yes, what do you read the most + do you have any recommendations? I’m rereading the hunger games and I’m so here for it!!
All the baddest bitches start out on wattpad 🤪
I used to read much more when I was younger but I do still read a fair bit now. Funnily enough I’m re reading the hunger games too! I’m re reading Ballard of songbirds and snakes ready for the movie!
I’m kinda all over the place in terms of what I read, but I mainly stick with fantasy or dystopia. Here are some titles I’d recommend that I’ve re read a million times:
• Cinderella is dead by Kalynn Bayron - sapphic main character, fantasy, dark twist on fairytales, badass female main characters
• the Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfeld - fantasy/dystopia , gives off hunger games Capitol vibes, another badass female lead
• The curious incident of the dog in the night time by Mark Haddon - totally different from all these others but it’s BEAUTIFUL, told from the perspective of an autistic boy trying to solve the mystery of who killed his neighbours dog. Sounds weird. But trust. It’s an amazing read.
• Beautiful Creatures ( and the entire series ) ( the castor chronicles ) by Garcia & Stohl - Harry Potter but make it gothic and dark, a strong witch learning her powers in a deeply religious southern town, strong magical women need I say more.
• Dorothy must Die ( and the entire series that follows ) by Danielle Paige - another dark and twisted take on a fairytale, SO. GOOD , badass female lead are you sensing a pattern here, dark and twisted fantasy
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theglasscat · 2 months
Hot take: The Dorothy Must Die series is somehow more deranged than the Wicked Years series
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