thefrenchyavenger · 2 years
Honey, I opened I quantum tunnel P3
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For a while you had managed to forget. You had slept, listened to music and nothing had happened. You were still processing what you father had told you, Bucky had left to do some phone calls and to let everyone know.
Then, this peaceful moment was over when Pietro arrived at full speed, as usual. He wasn’t even out of breath ! You will be forever jealous of that.
« We have an issue » He said.
« A big one » Added Scott and Hope who arrived right after Pietro.
« What’s new … We only had issues for days now » You said, trying to control your anxiety that was spiking.
« No, you don’t get it. You’re going to be pissed, like really pissed » Stated Scott.
« Before we tell you what’s going on, just know that we came to you straight away » Said Hope.
« Spit it out ! »
« After you told us to keep a closer eye on our … avengers, they must have had doubts about us or felt it coming because they did something ! » Explained Pietro.  
« Pietro, go to the point PLEASE »
« A Stark missile just blew up our warehouse in Washington »
Your brain went blank. This warehouse was extremely important, more important than what people believed. Where governments only see artefacts you had to protect, you could see a way to improve. Your workshop and lab were there. All your work was there. All of it ! You would use alien artefacts to improve your team and agents’ armors and weapons. You needed them to be capable to stand their ground against Thanos’ minions. Someone just blew up your life work.
The grip you had on your chair tightened, your phalanges turning whiter. This could not have happened ! You had made sure that none of Stark’s weapons could be used, they were all demilitarized ! Stark Industry’s focus was now the development of new energies !
You pressed the button underneath your desk which then opened in two. The suit that your dad had made especially for you appeared. You could faintly hear your friends and sister telling you to calm down but it was too late. You were enraged and you wanted some Tony Stark for dinner.
The three avengers were hot on your feet when you left for the refectory that your tourists had just finished to fix. When you came in, you saw that Bucky and the others were already there, interrogating your visitors.
« What’s up ? » Asked Sam.
« Mom ? »
« Y/N ! » Shouted Bucky when he saw you go for Tony’s throat.
You had quickly found a way to identify them all, by using their order of arrival they became Tony 1 or Steve 3. When your Tony saw you coming towards him with a murderous glare and your suit on, he took a step back, but it was too late. You shrank and aimed at his chest which made him crash against the nearest wall. You came back to your full size and started punching him, over and over and over again. When his nose was in the same state as his jaw and he had trouble breathing, you stopped.
« Y/N ! STOP !! » Commanded Steve, your Steve, grabbing your shoulder.
« You want a second round ? I swear I won’t use your shield this time ! » You barked at him.
« What’s happenings ? » Whispered the avengers from the different universes.
« Put them all in cells, I want them under constant surveillance ! » You directed « Loki, take Stark to the medical wing, unfortunately for him, because he blew up our warehouse and all of our resources, he can’t have painkillers »
« HE WHAT ?! »
« Search his belongings for his suit and the other Tonys as well ! I don’t want any more surprises ! »
« Y/N ! Listen to me ! It’s not Tony ! We would never do that to you ! Not after … We wouldn’t dare »
« Let me tell you something Rogers, you word means nothing »
« They’ve betrayed us ?! Again ?! » Gasped Peter.
« You can’t people’s natures Peter » Answered Bucky.
You left the room calmly before getting into a job. You needed fresh air. You couldn’t breathe. How … Why did they hate you so much ?! It was their choice to go ! No one had forced them to !
When the air finally reached your lungs and you could think clearly, you picked up your computer and sat down on the couch in the gigantic living room. You removed your suit but kept it close. You started sending emails, asking Hank to lock himself up in his safe lab which was not in the compound. You emailed Jimmy and Darcy to escort him there and to keep him safe. You also asked for the recruits to go home and ordered to all the agents to be careful and to be ready to fight if needed.
Then, you tried to figure out how Tony had found out about the warehouse, only a selected number of people knew about it. You saw that he had accessed a file which, without the secret code would only give you a false list of what was inside. A security that had been proven useful many times. For instance you could read on the « fake » list that the Tesseract was there. Tony and the others were after the stones.
You closed your laptop and went to the kitchen. You grabbed a wine bottle, actually two bottles and two glasses and went to sit back on the couch. You did not how much time you spent, watching the ceiling while drinking, but it felt like a « déjà-vu ». When your team came in, this feeling became stronger.
                                        -Three years ago-
Sat down on what was left of the couch of the living room, your eyes were fixated on the outside. An old and depressing movie was playing in the background. You did not know if you wanted to cry because you felt crushed by the weight of your new responsibilities or, if you wanted to cry at how grotesque the situation was.
« Mind sharing ? » Asked Sam, coming in.
« You look like shit » You said.
« Wait to see Barnes » He laughed while filling his glass before sitting down next to you.
« You’re organizing a pity party and I’m not invited ?! » Exclaimed Pietro.
« Do not worry, I am sure there will be enough space for everyone » Said Loki.
« What he is doing here ?! » Asked Bucky, coming in while nursing his whisky.
« Quill brought him here two days ago, half dead » You explained.
« I tried to kill my … I almost killed Thor but he escaped through a portal after provoking a massive attack on Asgard » Answered Loki truthfully, too tired to be his cold and sarcastic self.
« Thor left ?! » Gawked Hope
« He left with his midgarian girlfriend » Confirmed Loki « I really appreciated the gift he left me to deal with, it is oh so easy to stop the destructor, the dark elves and some other disgusting creatures at the same time »
« Did you give him a full make over ? » Wondered Bruce.
« A true … Picasso ? It is him who made those awful paintings right ? »
« Yep »
« So … What do we do now ? » Asked Scott.
« We drink » Replied Stephen. »
« What happened ?! Where is the other half of the building ?! Where are the others ?!! » yelled a panicked Peter.
« We got our asses handed to us. Stark, Rogers and the others have left for a different dimension, we don’t have enough booze, we almost lost to Thanos, it’s a temporary victory and … Oh yeah my body hurts, everything hurts actually. About the compound, well it doesn’t matter anymore, Fury is gone as well » You explained.
« What ?! What do you mean gone ?! »
« Have some juice, it’ll help » Said Sam before he threw him an orange juice.
« They … They left us ? »
« Yep » Said Bucky.
« Can’t I have something stronger ? » Wondered the teenager while sitting on the floor.
« TOO YOUNG ! » Screamed everyone.
« But ! Unfair ! »
« Hey little spider, drink your juice and give us some time to digest what happened okay ? » Stated Stephen.
The evening went on well with the help of a few bottles and good company. Loki and Bucky found the asgardian liquor, which had brought a huge smile on their faces.
When you woke up, your head was on Bucky’s shoulder, your thighs on Sam’s and your feet on Loki’s legs. Your couch was made of human beings. You went to grab your phone and grunted because of the light in your eyes. You saw that you many messages and calls from Ross. What now ?!
You got up and went to the kitchen. Not one glass left alive, you had drink wine in mugs and cups. Letting another growl out, you grabbed a cup who had miraculously survived the attack and went to fill it at the tap … no water . You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in. No need to get mad. You went to check the fridge and saw that the only things left were some coconut water and some milk. You went for the coconut water.
You removed your watch from your wrist and put it on the kitchen counter  before activating it. All your plans for armors, suits and buildings were still there. Taken by a moment of inspiration you started imagining and planning a brand new building. Your moment was broken by a call from Ross who asked you who was the head of SHIELD now that Fury was gone. You jumped when everyone said your name :
« We trust you. You are the only original avenger left with Bruce » Explained Bucky.
« I have too many anxiety issues to take care of that » Added Bruce with a smile.
The rest was History. In the following months you all got to work. You gave new plans for the buildings and everyone had helped you to make it happened. While your team was making sure the work was going well, you were signing treaties with several governments. That part was easy since they were all desperate for the help of the Avengers with Thanos lurking. So many countries helped by giving money to help rebuild. Many people also decided to enroll into SHIELD, wanting to help secure Earth.
You hired as many scientists as possible, as well as your father who was now the head of his own department. He agreed to work with you because he trusted you and you had promised to let him work the way he wanted. You also got Darcy and Selveig to come back. Former SHIELD agents came back, ready to give a last chance to SHIELD. You had destroyed everything to build anew.
Very quickly, you had build defense systems that you had put all around Earth. You had taken Tony’s idea and improved it. The only way for this shield, which was also a weapon, to not attack a ship from a different civilization, was to have that organization registered as friendly. You got that system installed after an asgardian almost crashed in the Hudson River. Rapidly, with Loki’s help, Midgard and Asgard became allies. Some of your heroes went to Asgard to help and in exchange, the asgardians would help them perfect Earth’s protection.
You had also decided to share responsibilities. Loki and Bucky was in charge of the strategic and tactic division. Sam and Pietro became instructors. Bruce agreed to join the scientific team after he became a « reservist ». Scott was in charge of the compound’s safety, sometimes helped by Hope who was the head of public relationship. Everyone had something to do.
SHIELD went from International agency to an agency also working behind the backs of the governments, swiftly. Everyone had agreed to this. Especially Sam and Pietro who were tired to always fight the same people. Bucky had pointed out how important it was to take care of an issue at its roots.
On your side, it took you a while to get over Steve’s departure. For a long time you had been each other’s rock. Your relationship had almost become a romantic one, you had waited for Steve to be ready, but he had troubles to accept that he had to move on. You were not Peggy. When he had left, you had pushed everyone away. Especially Bucky who had decided to never leave you. He made it very clear that if I had tried nothing was by respect for Steve and you. But now, it was a whole new situation. You had pushed him away, over and over. You were not ready for him, for a relationship. Your heart was not ready.
« Dad ? »
« Hmm ? » Said Hank who was fixing some details on the wings of your suit.
« Can you tell me why you are making me a suit ? »
« What ?! You don’t like it ?! »
« It’s not what I said ! I’m just surprised ! »
« I did it because you never make anything for yourself ! I noticed all the improvements you made for the others when your suit is still … You still have your old SHIELD suit for God sake ! »
« My suit is more than fine thank you very much ! »
« Outdated and … It’s a pile of rubbish ! » Said Bucky, coming in with Sam.
« You finally tied the knot ? » You asked, watching them with an arched eyebrow.
« You’re okay ? » Wondered Bucky before he took your face in his hands, gently stroking your cheeks.
« Yes » You answered, quite troubled by his behavior. It was getting more and more difficult to resist him, especially when he was always so attentive to your needs and well-being. You had never been the center of someone’s world before.
« How should we call you now ? » Asked Sam who was looking at the new suit.
« Excuse me ? »
« I’m talking about your suit. What’s your code name now ? Bumblebee ? »
« Sam ? »
« Yes my lovely director ? »
« I’m going to kill you »
« Okay, I’m leaving ! »
Your first date with Bucky had been brutally stopped by a phone call from the police station. Peter had been arrested. You had left the restaurant after asking Bucky to go back to compound to investigate what happened.
When you arrived at the police station, you had been welcome by a long silence. The Avengers were still considered as heroes. For the first in years you had a positive reputation. You were well-seen because you were « back on tracks ». If only they knew …
About Peter … He had been arrested for destroying public belongings after starting a fight.
« I didn’t meant to ! It wasn’t on purpose I swear ! » Pleaded Peter when you drove him back to the compound.
« In your room ! Not another word ! You told me you were capable to be on your own ! Look where we are now ! »
« But … »
Two hours later you were in Hell’s Kitchen, in Matt Murdock’s office :
« If my memory is good, I did say I wanted nothing to do with the Avengers’ business ! »
« Listen to what she has to say at least !! » Pleaded Foggy « We can’t really refuse clients ! »
« He knows about your nightly activities ? » You asked while watching your messages.
« Foggy, could you leave us please ? » Asked Matt.
« What is she talking about ?! »
« I’ll explain later » Promised Matt, he then turned to you when Foggy had left « How do you know ? »
« I’m the head of an intelligence agency, do you really think I ignore who is playing vigilante by jumping from roof to roof at night ? I was glad to notice that you’ve stopped spending your nights in trash bins »
« What do you want ? »
« I need a good lawyer »
« For SHIELD ? »
« You’re not there yet. Maybe in a few years. »
« What do you think you’ll get from me by being so nice ? » Asked Matt sarcastically.
« Oh please. Let’s be honest for a minute here. Your office is barely standing, I’m ready to bet that if you’re not moving is because your chair is about to … let you fall gracefully on the floor »
« I’m not use to repeat myself but, what do you want ? »
« For you to take care of Peter Parker’s case. He’s about to be sentenced for destruction of public properties » You told him, giving him Peter’s file.
« You do know that I’m blind right ? »
« What do you think I got everything translated in braille ? »
« Why does the teenager matters so much to you ? »
« He’s great and I owe him »
« Listen … »
« If you take his file, you won’t have to worry about the rent of your office for the rest of the year. And, if you also take care of our « defamation » case, you will also have enough to change the furniture of this … lovely place and won’t have to worry about the rent of your flat for the next six months »
« I’ll do it »
« Good ! I love doing business with you » You smiled.
You were there to watch Peter’s trial. Everything ended well enough for him, just a few hours of community services. Matt was talented enough that nothing got written on Peter’s record.
« However » Said the judge when she saw you ready to leave « This decision will only happen when the young mister Parker will have a legal guardian »
« You want to send him to a minor detention center ?! » Asked Matt.
« We cannot leave a teenager without surveillance » Confirmed the Judge « Doesn’t he has a family ? »
« Doctor Y/N Pym could be a suitable legal guardian, she feels really concerned about my client » Said Matt.
« Excuse-me ?! » You shouted, you couldn’t stop yourself.
« Are you doctor Pym ? » Asked the judge « I can see that the young Peter has choose you as his emergency contact. Can I ask what your relationship is ? After all, I do not really understand why an avenger would be so involved with a high-schooler. »
« Your Honor, Doctor Pym has been mister Parker’s tutor during his stay at Stark Industry. She then has been like a teacher to him by helping with a few school projects »
You were going to murder him. You were going to kill him with your bare hands and without your suit. You were not ready to be a … to be a mom ! You were not capable to take care of a teenager ! Even if the said teenager is adorable and helpful and you liked him very much.
« Mister Parker, would you like to have Doctor Pym as your legal guardian ? »
« Yes your Honor » Answered Peter, looking at the floor, his face as red as a tomato.
« Doctor Pym, what do you say ? » Asked you the judge.
« What do I need to sign ? » You replied with a fake enthusiastic smile.
« Congratulations Doctor Pym, it’s a boy ! » Smile the judge.
« I am not that kind of doctor ! » Was the only thing you could say.
Once outside, you were deadly silent, Peter was chatty enough for two. You turned towards Matt :
« Do you mind telling me what the hell was that ?! Do I look like someone who has the time and energy to raise a teenager ?! It’s not against you Peter, you know I love you, but still ! »
« You want him in a detention center ? »
« I hope you’ll do better than that for the defamation thingy ! » You threatened.
« I’m still waiting to be paid for this »
« I already wired you the money. We’ll send you more cases »
« I am not your lawyer ! »
« Now you are ! No way I’m the only one with more responsibilities ! »
« You’re good … » Noticed Matt.
« You’ve only got it figured now ? »
« Why is Sergeant Barnes here ? » Asked Peter, seeing the said Sergent a bit further away.
« Because he is in love with your new mom »Said Matt before leaving.
« I’m going to murder him and he won’t see it coming ! » Your seethed.
« Sergent Barnes is in love you ? » Wondered Peter.
« Yes he is » Confirmed Bucky, joining the two of you.
« What are you doing here ? »
« I’m taking the two of you to lunch » he said.
« I should go really … » Tried Peter.
« No way, you’re coming with ! It’s to celebrate the end of this and you becoming an avenger ! »
« Sorry ?! » Yelled Peter.
« After what you did, I decided that you would join us, just so you can get some real training done. » You told him.
Bucky took your hand in his and started to lead you and Peter towards a restaurant.
« Who’s going to train me ? » Asked the teenager.
« Loki »
« What ?! NO ! Why ?! I mean ! He is … and I … » Stammered Peter.
« You will also assist my dad every week-ends, you will have to find a job to pay back everything that you broke, we’ll also have to talk about college applications »
« She’s not serious right ? » Gasped Peter, looking at Bucky.
« You pissed her off and you went too far » Replied Bucky.
« That’s for you, they’re looking for a photographer at the Daily Bugle »  You said, giving a paper with all the contact information of the said newspaper.
« Is it too late to apologize ? »
« You haven’t work with her father yet … »
The following weeks went quite well. You still had too much work but everything was going into the right direction. You had secured many places in several countries, missions were successful. Concerning Bucky … He was not giving up.
« Why don’t you trust me ?! » He exploded one day.
« Because all the people I have ever loved, in a romantic way, have left me ! Every single one of them ! So excuse-me if I’m not ready ! » You yelled.
You had tried to leave the room but without success because Bucky had grabbed your arm. He would not let go this time. He would not let you escape once again. He had to make you understand that he was the one for you ! You had to accept it and stop being scared.
« I know you think that this come out of nowhere but it’s not the case ! From the moment I’ve seen you … I knew. But Steve was there. I could see how you were looking at each other, and every time my heart was breaking a little bit more. But it wasn’t the worse ! The worse was to see you waiting for him, if you knew how many times I have thought of killing him ! He didn’t know how lucky he was, to be loved by you … It’s everything. »
« Bucky … I have to much work. I work all the time ! Every thing is in movement at the moment, I’ve just become Peter’s guardian … sorry, his mom since that’s how he calls me. I am the mom of a freaking teenager ! »
« So ? I don’t really mind being a dad or step-dad. »
« Bucky, after everything that happened to you, you deserve someone who can bring you some lightness, not someone who like me has so many responsibilities ! Look at everything that is happening to me ! »
« Then let me help ! I was there when you were crying every night because of their betrayal ! I was there when Ross was burying you alive with all his demands ! I was there when you were sick ! I didn’t run away ! I had the choice y/n … I could have go with Steve » Admitted Bucky.
« You didn’t cross the portal ?! »
« Of course not ! »
« Why didn’t you do it ?! »
« Because I couldn’t leave you »
                                                  -Present day-
A smile crept onto your face after thinking of all of this. You smile got bigger when your family joined you. Because this was what they were to you. Family.
« Why do we drink ? » Asked Pietro while filling his glass.
« Because we need it ? » Said Monica.
« We need a reason ? » Laughed lightly Bucky before making you sit on his lap.
« Hey Sam ! I can drink now ! » Smiled Peter.
« What ?! He’s really old enough now ?! » Exclaimed Hope.
« We celebrated his twenty-first birthday last month » Reminded Scott « Party of the year »
« I forgot about that » Admitted Loki while sitting on his favorite chair.
« What have I missed ? » Asked Stephen.
« Peter’s first glass of wine » You replied.
« He’s old enough ?! »
« YES I AM ! » Shouted Peter « I prefer white »
« And he’s difficult ! »
« He has the same tastes as his mom » Easily explained Bucky before kissing you quickly.
« You make me sick » mumbled Sam.
« They’re cute ! » Defended Monica.
« OH ?! REALLY ?! You never came for movie night right ? » Grumbled Sam, everyone had a disgusted look on their faces.
« Oh come on ! » You laughed.
« They spent the all night kissing each other, it was disgusting » Added Peter.
« Should we talk about MJ an you ? » Wondered Bucky, making you laugh.
« It’s not what you think ! » Said Peter, trying to defend himself.
« As if ! »
You talked about anything and everything. It was exactly what you needed. But you had to talk about your tourists :
« Why does Tony wants the tesseract ? »
« Perhaps they want to use it against Thanos ? » Proposed Monica.
« No idea. I added some spells to the time stone to protect it » Declared Stephen.
« Who do you think, among all of them, would be the first one to crack ? »
« Not Tony, he’s out » Reminded you Bucky.
« Not Vision, Wanda maybe if we can get her away from robot man long enough » Said Hope.
« We can try Rogers » Finally said Loki, watching you straight in the eyes.
« You think we can do it ? » You said, surprised.
« He went against a lot of his beliefs » Confirmed Sam.
« He’s strong-headed, violence won’t work on him, even when we was still young, stupid and sick it was impossible, so now … » Added Bucky.
« Too bad that Wanda is on the other side » Started Pietro « If that robot hadn’t change her maybe she could have helped »
« You could try to talk him » Suggested Scott  « You’re her brother and after seeing her reactions … She would do a lot for you »
« Okay so … Monica, Sam and Pietro go and see what you can get from Wanda. Pietro I want you to be the one to talk to her, only you, Sam and Monica. Scott and Hope I want you to check the others’ reactions. The rest of you, with me. We have a date with Captain America » You ordered before taking Steve’s SHIELD from the wall.
« It was there all along ?! » Exclaimed Peter.
« After the mess you made with Beck, I used his tech. What could be better to hide Cap’s shield than a holographic picture of our beloved secretary of state Ross ? » You replied.
« Have I told how fantastic you are lately ? » Smiled widely Bucky.
« Several times » You said, getting your suit on.
« I need to go to the Sanctum. Just, for my peace of minde, is the tesseract safe ? » Asked Stephen.
Everyone turned to Loki who had a little smile on his face :
« Oh yes »  
Your team and you went to the vibranium cell that was holding your Steve. Loki, Bucky and you were the only one to come in. Peter and Bruce were ordered to keep watch at the door. They were also ordered to be ready if you needed them.
Steve was sat down. His eyes were observing you with an apologetic face. His wrists were locked by vibranium cuffs :
« I thought you got rid of it » He whispered, watching his shield.
« Don’t worry,  it’s a relic of the past now »
« I didn’t know that Tony was … »
« Liar » Said Loki simply.
« Steve, a little reminded » Started Bucky « Y/N has bit you to a pulp more than once and Loki is the god of lie … just saying »
« What do you want ? » You asked him.
« To fix our mistakes »
« Half-truth, so half a lie » Said Loki.
« Okay, let’s try that again shall we ? Why do you want the tesseract ? »
« When we arrived in the other univers, after leaving you, we discovered that the other us were dead. We were considered heroes. I couldn’t go back to my time »
« Truth »
« Keep going »
« However, that world was completely different. They were small changed but finding … a place was hard, much harder than when I woke up from the ice »
« Trust »
« Why did you come back ? »
« We want our lives back ! »
« Lie »
« We want to make it up to you ! »
« Lie »
« WE DON’T HAVE THE CHOICE ! »  Yelled Steve, his face becoming crimson red, the veins on his neck were more prominent than ever before.
« Oh » Started Loki, thinking about what Steve had just said  « I think I understand. You have been forced to come back here, to come back to where you belong »
« How did Natasha got Clint back after the tesseract … incident ? » You asked.
« Something about punching it out of him » Smiled cruelly Bucky.
« We’re going to try that. Loki, you confirm that he’s under someone’s influence and will ? »
« Yes my dear »
You came closer to Steve before smashing his head against the table in front of him. Steve had to hold back a scream of pain. You grabbed his neck and did it again. But nothing. The situation got worse when the alarm rang, someone had escaped its cell. You quickly turned to look at Bucky :
« I’m not leaving you here alone » He said.
« Look at him » Sneered Steve, catching everyone’s attention.
« Steve ? »
« You think we are here for you ? » Started Steve, looking at you.
His eyes were shinning the same way the tesseract shined. He broke his cuffs, pushed violently the table towards Bucky and Loki, cutting their respiration. Then Steve grabbed your neck, lifting you a few centimes off the floor
« Where are the stones ? »
« I… I … I don’t … know » You lied.
« Oh my angel, don’t lie to your captain. You think that because I left you get the right to treat me like this ? Oh no my precious dove. I’m going to ask you again, don’t force me to hurt you okay ? Where are the stones ? »
« Wh…Why ? » You panted, trying to catch your breath despite Steve’s hold on your throat. You tried to not let your fear show. It was not Steve in front of you. It was a monster.
« Because Thanos needs them, and just like me, you’re going to finally serve him » Explained Steve with a smile that shook you to your core.
« Let her go ! » Yelled Bucky, charging towards him.
The impact had forced Steve to release the hold he had on you. You fell on the floor, you were still trying to catch your breath and did your best to not go into chock. Loki cast a protective spell around you before helping Bucky against Steve. Your heart was beating too fast, breathing was too difficult and painful. Sounds were muted, the room was moving. Then, everything went black.
12 notes · View notes
thefrenchyavenger · 3 years
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Preferences :
- He/She sees you for the first time P1 / P2
- You meet for the first time P1 / P2
- First date P1 / P2
Mini-fiction :
- Honey, I opened a quantum tunnel P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 (translation in progress)
21 notes · View notes
thefrenchyavenger · 3 years
Honey, I opened a quantum tunnel P2/4
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part one
Who would have thought that your need to kill would come back so soon ? Stephen and Loki knew. They have been expecting it for a while now, they knew the signs. These two would not leave you alone. They were following you everywhere to make sure that you were keeping your calm and that your migraines were under control. They knew the risks if you were to let go of your control.
You didn’t know what to focus on anymore. Hank and Darcy were overloaded with work because of the quantum tunnel. You tried to help, you really did try but you were overwhelmed. You were spending half of your day keeping the peace, making sure that no one would learn about the rest of the former avengers being back. That was not something you wanted people to know about. It would be utter chaos.
The agents working for you had sign a confidentiality agreement, so on this side, everything was okay. But who knew when Ross would pop in. Even with Rhodey playing the double agents to keep you posted, you were always ready for the worse. Not a day-off with this job. Ever !
Sat on your chair, the back to your desk, you were drinking your tea, Bucky had forbid you to drink coffee, apparently you were not easy to deal with if you had too much … but heh …
You were watching the sun, enjoying its warmth and the radiating peacefulness.
It had been three days now since your first visitors had arrived. You had thought that the ones who came in the middle of the night would have been the only ones …Huge … Mistake. The next day, in the afternoon, another group had arrived. A new Rhodey who was a tad bit …aggressive, he had tried to punch Bucky … A Stephen who was working for SHIELD as a surgeon, a Tony who was … Tony. Another Clint, Peter and many others.
Two hours ago you had received a text from your dad, more avengers had arrived. What would happened next ? Would it ever end ?
« MOM ! » Peter screamed, entering your office with Bucky, Sam and Loki following him.
« We have an issue » Said Sam.
« Oh really ? » You said sarcastically « Who is it now ? Baby Thanos and teenager Odin ? »
« You wish » Said Bucy softly, kneeling in front of you.
Sam took your cup and put it away from you. Peter took your hands in his :
« You promise not to get mad ? » Asked Peter.
« Why are you acting as if I’m about to kill someone ?! Those years are behind me ! Jeez ! A little faith please ! »
« I know you y/n … You almost knocked out the first Rogers who came back » Sighed Loki.
« It’s them » Whispered Bucky while looking at you straight in the eyes.
You stayed silent for a while, you needed a moment to register and comprehend Bucky’s words. He must be wrong. Why would they come back ? To brag about their shiny and wonderful new lives ?
« Oh. So ? »
« They want to talk to us » Answered Sam.
« I would rather jump from the Bifrost » You said « Is that all ? I have a lot of paperwork waiting for me »
« What do you want us to do ? » Asked Peter quietly.
«  Locked them up, quarantine them, wathever. Until my dad finds a solution we’ll have to welcome more … tourists »
« y/n … Would you be mad if I was to kill one them ? » Asked Loki suddenly.
« It depends who. Not Clint … he died in our world. The others … Do whatever you want »
« You’re not planning on doing anything about them ? »
« Exactly Sam, I’m not going to do a thing. We’re going to find a solution, send them back and live as if nothing ever happened. »
« How long have you been in your office ? » Asked Bucky, his question taking you by surprise.  
« Since the second group came. Why ? »
« You need some fresh air. You need to go outside and breathe »
Bucky didn’t really gave you a choice and dragged you to the garage. He grabbed a helmet that he gave you before he walking you to his bike. He sat down in front of you and smiled when he felt your arms around him.
You had no idea for how long you had been driving but you were finally feeling better. Much better, you could finally breathe.
Bucky finally stopped and parked in front of a lake. You sat down in silence and you ended lying down on your back, watching the sky. Bucky did the same thing after a few minutes :
« Did they apologize ? »
« Not really. They just … gave excuses after excuses. They weren’t as happy as I thought they would be. » Answered Bucky after a while.
« Does that makes me a bad person to say that I’m glad they’re not happy ? »
« Honestly ? No. » Said Bucky, tenderly stroking your hair.
« Before they left, I was thinking of retiring »
« I thought you were hesitating ? »
« I wanted to leave with you. I wanted us to leave far away from all the troubles. I thought we could have a normal life. But one hour before I was supposed to tell you, I met with Fury who told me he was leaving, leaving Steve in charge. So then, I went to see Steve and he told me that this job was not for him, that he wanted to go and have a third chance to a normal life ! That he deserved it »
« He said that ?! »  
« I punched him. Hard. Well no, I didn’t punch him, I crushed him. He had tried to stop me but I was just so mad. I only had one thought in mind, hurting him. He was taking my chance for happiness away and was not even sorry ! He told me that after helping you recover, he deserved to have a normal life. A FREAKING NORMAL LIFE ! That he deserved to retire that I should be the one in charge, that it was time for me to do more, to step up. I broke his right arm … or was it his left one ? I hurt him with his own shield. »
« How come I didn’t know about it ?! » Exclaimed Bucky, enraged, he wanted to hurst his former best friend, his mind and body were ready to avenge you.
« Because Pietro and Peter stopped me. I almost killed him , I wanted to ! I felt this … rage racing through my veins it was … I was in such a rage ! I could only see red » You explained « I never had a moment to breathe since the avengers were created ! I went from orphan to Hank Pym’s adoptive daughter, to genius with several PhDs, to agent of Shield, to Avengers.  I never went on vacations. I only travelled for … missions »
« So … Steve forced you to take the job ? »
« Yes. Before he left I took his shield away. I told him that he was worthy of his tittle, that he was a shame for all the people who considered him a hero. For Tony … Let’s just say that I received a nice message from Ross, forcing me to take over Stark Industry. »
« Did you beat him up ? » Laughed Bucky, stroking your hair to appease you.
« Didn’t get the time »
« Natasha ? »
« She looked at me before crossing the portal. I didn’t say goodbye to Wanda and Vision, mostly because I was restraining Pietro from getting Vision’s head. The others … well … »
« Steve left me a letter, saying that he needed to move on, that I didn’t need him anymore, that he was tired. Bullshits »
« I’m not surprised. What do we do now ? »
« We leave this place forever ? »
« Don’t tempt me ! »
You looked at Bucky before laughing. It did you both some good. You stayed close to the water for one more hour, just talking and laughing. Bucky drove you back to the compound where later on, you found Pietro and Peter training in the gym :
« Mom ! I don’t want to ! » Whined Peter.
« I’m not really in te mood » Added Pietro.
« Why ? Because they’re back ? You’re not going to turn into lazy … worms because of them right ?! RIGHT ?! We moved on a long time ago so get a grip for the Odin’s sake ! Plus, this is just for warm-up. We’re leaving in two hours for Prague »
« We’re going on a mission with you ?! » They said together.
« Yep, but only if you get your asses moving »
« WE’LL BE THERE !!!! »
A few hours laters, the three of you landed in Prague. The mission was simple, clearing an underground base. A small group of terrorists had gotten hold of some alien technologies and were using them to create chaos everywhere in Europe. Everything was going according to the plan. You had found some datas, weapons, and many other interesting things, like a lead on the head of their little group.
You were resting before leaving the place when you received a message from your sister :
« they’re about to kill each other !! Come ASAP !!!! »
You took a deep breath, and for a short moment you thought of not doing a thing. You just wanted to stay where you were, doing nothing. After all, was it really a bad thing if they wanted to kill each other ? The problem would be solved right ?
Between the Steve who left you in charge of everything, the other Steve who was in love with you, the two Tony that you wanted to kill, Natasha who was trying to get a rise out of you, Thor who was incapable to respect a single thing, Wanda and Vision who kept on complaining about the fact that they « never had a choice ! », the new Strange whom you wanted to lobotomize and the others …
« We have to go and quickly » You said.
« Understood » Said Pietro, getting the quinjet started.
« Are you okay ? » Asked Peter, taking your hand in his.
« As okay as I can be. Can you take care of the datas ? »
« I can take care of those ? For real ?! I thought I was too young to get access to all of our datas, plans and the cool plans ?! »
« You deserve it and you need an occupation. Don’t believe I’m not aware of your little … one on one with Tony »
« I didn’t tell her ! » Said Pietro, raising his arms in a I’m-not-guilty pose.
« Bruce told me » You said « If you want to hurt someone, don’t do it in front of Bruce, you know how he gets when he’s stressed »
« Sorry » Said Peter looking at the floor, it was a very nice floor.
« So … As a punishment, you’ll have to train with Loki »
« WHAT ?! No ! Last time he told me that he loved eating spiders for break-fast !! He almost did it last time !! »
« Loki won’t hurt you … intentionally. Just … don’t annoy him »
The travel was quiet, you fell asleep and had really nice two-hours nap. You woke up when the quinjet landed. You took a deep breath, your doctor insisted on it, and when you doctor was Stephen Strange well … you’d better listen. When you got out of the quinjet, you saw your assistant who was as white as snow and shaking like a leaf :
« It’s my fault ! I messed up the schedules and they all came at the same time for lunch and … »
« It doesn’t matter. It was bound to happened, with or without your mistake. What did they destroy this time ? »
« The refectory is a war zone, Hank, Darcy and the others are in their labs and have turn their safety protocols on. I closed the refectory and sent some people to calm them down » Said Hope, taking over your assistant.
« Maybe I should hire you instead of him » You said after briefing looking at your, oh so competent assistant.
« You wish you could afford me » Laughed your sister « There’s your armor »
« Thanks »
« You should wear it every time you go on a mission ! Not just the one you consider to be dangerous ! If Hank learns that you don’t wear it, he’s going to beat your ass up…again »
« I’ll survive »
Your father had decided to create you an armor similar to your sister’s. The only differences were that yours was blue and you could throw electrical charges, a detail that made Hope jealous, which in return, made you smile every single time.
« Is there a way to stop this mess ? » You asked.
« We need to close that damn portal, that’s the way »
« But then we’ll have to open it again to send those leeches back to where they come from »
« But that would give us more time to understand what’s happening »
« And how much time are we talking about ? »
« With Hank ? No way to know »
« What should I expect ? » You said, referring to the refectory.
« Bucky has knocked Cap out, our Cap. The other two tried to stop him but then, the Tony’s got involved. Clint and Natasha exploded some air ducts, Thor has fried the whole place so we’re using the spare generators and … »
« Okay, stop, don’t tell me or you’ll assist to a genocide »
Hope was looking at you and thought of the ten year-old you who had refused to go to school because it was « boring », you had to be dragged there. She tried not to laugh. It was true that those last few days have been particularly difficult, especially for you as you were the head of everything. How many times had Hope thanks every superior beings that she was not in your shoes ?  So many times.
« You’re okay ? »
« Why is everyone asking me this ?! » You mumbled while gearing up.
« Because you look like you’re about to burst »
« I think I won the right to »
« I agree, I’d love if you’d take some time for yourself »
« If only I could … »
« You know that I’m here for you right ? » Said Hope once you had reached the doors.
« I know »
Then you activated your armor and entered the room. When the door opened and everyone saw you, all the discussions stopped at once, as well as the fights. Even the Arctic was more welcoming.
« Loki, could you be nice enough to not kill him ? » You asked after looking at Thor’s face which was becoming redder by the second.
Loki did not reply but obeyed nonetheless. He knew that he was not fighting his real brother, but still, he was happy to unwind on this version of Thor anyway. It was good enough for now.
You saw Stephen ready to use the time stone to put everything back to place :
« Stephen, don’t »
« You’re sure ? »
« I am. You don’t need to use your magic because they’re going to fix everything themselves » You explained.
« What ?! » Exclaimed the Tonys all together.
« You have an issue with that Stark ? » Asked Bucky, moving in a way that made him look taller, stronger and bigger.
« I’m not a janitor ! »
« My compound, my rules » You said calmly.
« y/n are you … » Started Steve.
« Which Steve are you already ? »
« The one from this reality »
« That crack in my window … Is it because of you ? »
« I didn’t … »
Steve did not have the time to finish his sentence that you had already send him flying through the said window which completely broke because of his weight.
« He didn’t have his shield or armor ! » Worried Wanda.
« I know » You said « Who do you think you are ? »
« Oh boy … » mumbled every single member of your team. They knew that tone, the less they heard it, the better they felt. They took a step back and waited for the show to start.
« I know that this situation isn’t pleasant , and believe me I’m the first one to admit that I’m pissed off because of it, truly. But, what gives you the right to come to our home and wreck it ?! » You started, coldly.
« Listen… Y/N … » Tried Thor with a smile.
« Oh boy … » whispered Scott.
« You’re going to get that smile off your smile. You have no right to call me by my name, none of you do ! To you, it’s director l/n and nothing else ! You think you have the right to do as you please ?! If it was only up to me, I’d kill one-third of you all because of what you did to us ! And I would send the rest of you to fight Thanos, just to make your presence useful ! »
« You’re not going to let her talk to us like that right ?! » shouted Natasha.
« Why would we do something ? We elected her, she’s the best » Refuted Sam with a mocking smile.
« Personally, I don’t see an issue with the way she’s talking to you » Added Bucky « Right ? »
« You’re all here because we’re permitting it » Said Peter who had just arrived with Pietro.
« We still deserve some respect ! » Stated Vision calmly, which made your blood boiled.
« Respect ?! » You spat « You want to talk about respect Vision ? Then start by telling me why the shape of your body is in my wall ! Why are there traces of lasers on my ceiling ! And you, Natasha, I can see that you have hurt Scott, I know those types of bruises too well, so don’t push my limits »
« We’re sorry » Said one of the Wanda, she was tearing up and shaking all at once.
« Great ! It changes everything ! I’m  not worried about the fact that, thanks to you, the protective field around the compound if off, I’m not scared by the fact that Thanos now knows that we are weak, and I’m definitely not terrified that he can whip us all out because of the damage you made ! »
« Thanos is after you ? » Asked your Steve when he came, pressing on a part of his back to soothe the pain.
« What, you didn’t know that when you … went away, you had left us to Thanos’ mercy ? » Spat Loki, he was absolutely furious, he was also worried because of the state you were in. Just like him, when you were too calm it was never a good sign.
« Hey Reindeer games ! Mind I remind you that you tried to destroy New-York ?! » Exploded Tony.
« Mister Stark you’d better not say a thing ! » Cut Peter « Loki had helped me more than you ever did ! If I had to follow someone’s exemple, it wouldn’t be yours ! He helped us while protecting Asgard ! His world was in danger but he still was there for us ! »
« Thank you little spider, I shall spare you tomorrow » Smirked Loki.
« Brother, Have you really changed ?! » Ask a Thor, while the other versions were also looking at him strangely.
« I haven’t changed » Corrected Loki « I was given a chance, an honest and truthful one »
« We’ll help » Promised Steve.
« Captain, be nice and keep your promises to yourself » Rebuffed Sam.
« I’d shut up if I were you » Confirmed Bucky.
« You’re mad at them ! » Burst the teary Wanda « Not us ! We did nothing wrong ! »
« Wanda, please don’t. I can see that Monica has been a victim of your powers so shut it ! » you threatened « Anyway, you’re going to put this place back together. All the Tonys, you take care of the electrical system, I want my shield back in one hour top. And if I ever hear one criticism, one complain, I’d put you in the same state as Steve when he left me with all this shit to deal with, I’m sure he’d love to tell you more about it »
You indicated to your team to leave the room after you. You called Jimmy to keep an eye on your visitors. Monica asked to stay to help him, she wanted to make sure that Wanda was staying in line.
« You’ve beaten up Steve ? » Exclaimed Sam.
« That’s why you had marks on your fingers ! » Understood Stephe,.
« I was mad and tired, and hurt … but mostly mad »
« Honestly, I don’t know how the situation could get even worse » breathed Hope.
« With her » Said Scott, pointing a finger at someone.
« Why didn’t you tell me ?! » Asked the newcomer.
« Not now ! »
« I have the right to know what’s going on ! »
« Sorry Danvers, I’m not your midgarian secretary ! You want to know what is going on on Earth, you stay on Earth and you help.»
« Many planets need my help ! Not just Earth ! I’m the strongest of us all so I need to be informed of everything that is happening ! »
« The strongest of us all ? » You repeated, you were about to loose it. You started laughing uncontrollably.
« Carole, we don’t have time for this » Said Hope you knew that nothing good would come out this.
« You chose the wrong leader ! Admit it ! I’m clearly the best choice to lead us ! »
« You know what Ma’am I’m the strongest ? Fuck you… Ah yes, no sorry, for that someone should want you and … no one does » You spat, Loki was bitting his tongue to not laugh, even Bucky was not far from it.
« y/n ! Calm done ! Breathe ! »
« Mom !! » Shouted Peter, shocked by your behavior, he had never saw you like this.
« If you’re not here to help, then go back to your kree or whoever you want, because if it’s adoration you’re looking for, you won’t get it here ! »
« OKAY ! WE’RE GOING TO MEDITATE ! »Shouted Stephen before he dragged you behind him, followed by Bucky.
« We’re on it ! » Said Sam and Scott.
Stephen dragged you to the room you gave him for his research, for the rare few moments he spent here. He forced you to sit down on the floor. Bucky decided to stay by the door so he could keep an eye on what was happening outside but also to check the security cameras :
« I’m going to kill that freaking peroxyde alien then I’ll take care of the others ! I’ll get their heads one by one ! »
« Enough ! » Said Stephen before pressing a finger on your forehead to send your spirit somewhere else .
« I hate when he does this » Grumbled Bucky watching your body slowly arching backwards .
It felt like your were floating … in space, then you were falling, you turned your head on one side and saw hundreds of suns. You were not suffocating, quite the contrary, the suns were comforting you with their warmth. Then, you fell again, you were in a sort of bubble, you had the impression that your migraine was floating away from you to finally disappear. Suddenly, you were going up, higher and higher at top speed. You adrenaline was rising, you pulse was beating like crazy and then nothing. Complete silence. You could finally breathe and think clearly.
When you came back to yourself, Stephen was reading in front you :
« I won’t apologize to Carole » You said while standing up.
« I’d be disappointed if you did » Said Stephen.
« Why does it always feel like I have pins and needles in my legs whenever I do your meditation thing ?! » You grumbled, provoking a laugh from Bucky « What ?! »
« Nothing » He smiled.
« Hum … if you say so. Thank you Stephen ! »
« Even if what happened was … entertaining, be careful, if they decided to go against you … » Said the doctor.
« I’ll send the « strongest avenger » to take care of them » You laughed.
« You won’t let it go ? »
« We’d loved her less if she did » Said Bucky before he took you out of the room.
« Why is everyone always dragging or walking me somewhere ?! I have a nice couch where we can talk, no need to be always moving ! »
« You’re so busy so that’s the only way to talk to you. If we don’t walk with you, we can’t talk »
« Do you think I should put Carole in charge ? »
« What ?! No ! If you do that, we’ll quit and start with you as a leader somewhere else ! We put you in charge for a reason. The way Carole thinks and acts is based on what she can do, there’s no unity or team work. And she’s not a big fan of us. Men I mean…»
« Oh really ? I do like them … » You smiled, changing the mood in half a second.
« Yeah ? Really ? » He smiled, softly kissing your neck.
« There’re some interesting … specimens » You said, while Bucky was softly pushing you against the nearest wall, his whole body glued to yours.
« Like who ? » He whispered, focusing again on your neck.
« Wouldn’t you like to know »You laughed before kissing him.
You were so lost in each other that you jumped when you heard someone clearing his throat :
« Not I that want to interrupt you Barnes, but if you could not put your tongue in my daugther’s throat when I’m here, I’ll appreciate » Said Hank.
« Dad ! »
« What ?! I have the right to be disgusted ! »
« I thought you were in your lab ? » Said Bucky.
« I’ve looked at what happened on the cameras when the first generator came back » He said « I wanted to make sure you were okay »
« As good as possible » You answered.
« You have the face of someone who has find something »
« I did find something Barnes, that’s also why I’m here » Hank answered before asking you to follow him.
You walked through a lot of corridors and went done two levels to finally arrived at Hank’s lab. He entered the password and scanned his right eye to get the door to open.
« Are you going to eat this ? » You asked when you saw a sandwich, your favorite, you were actually starving.
« Go for it »
You sat on a stool, Bucky did the same and kept close to you by wrapping his metal arm around your waist :
« What did you find ? »
« Watch »
Hank showed you a graphic showing every single peak of energy created by the quantum tunnel, for every time the tunnel brought someone to you, you see some very small waves of energy a few minutes before :
« It’s showing us when they entered the tunnel » You said.
« No, you didn’t look enough. The third group has forced the tunnel opened » Explained Hank, pointing at something.
« What ?! »
« I think the third group, our avengers, have forced their way here but by doing this, they opened some … doors, on their way »
« But how ?! »
« I’m pretty sure that when you use the quantum tunnel to travel between univers, we force some doors to open »
« Okay, let’s say you’re right » You said after a while « Why are they here ? »
« Because that’s what they wanted » Explained your father, turning a small robot bigger « I found that after closing the tunnel, it’s used as a marker »
« Wait ! Let me get this straight ! You’re saying that our avengers have send a robot, which looks like something you could have created, to find our univers, and on their way here, they’ve have forced open other univers ? Talk about crazy ! »
« But possible » Pointed out Bucky.
« What do they want ?! It was their choice to leave us ! »
« I don’t know, but I do know is that them coming here was not a mistake or a wrong spell. It was planned »
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thefrenchyavenger · 3 years
Honey, I opened a quantum tunnel P1/4
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Another meeting done and you were definitely exhausted. You took a look at your watch and saw that the quinjet you were expecting since this morning was about to land soon. You crossed several corridors, a lot of agents nodded at you.
« Director l/n ! The quinjet just landed ! But … it is a bit damaged » Said your assistant.
« Send it to repair team. You know, I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but you can deal with this kind of details on your own »
« Oh … Okay I’m so sorry ! But then, what do I do with this ? » Asked he, showing you a file.
You quickly read the file and thought that you will have to get a new assistant real soon. Like asap.
« Send this to Loki immediately ! Right now ! » You ordered but now without sending a message to the God of mischief.
Great, now you were mad. You were still trying to calm down when you reach the landing platform to welcome Sam and Bucky.
« I said, not a scratch » You said with a smile.
« Just a bit of paint and it’ll be brand new ! I swear ! » Laughed Sam.
« I didn’t know that paint could fix the left side of my quinjet and bring back the missing wing ! What in the world happened ?! »
« It’s his fault ! » Whispered Bucky, taking you in his arm.
« Hey ! Don’t go all whisper soldier to put me in trouble ! »
« He’s so jealous » Laughed the Winter Soldier.
« Go and rest, the briefing can wait. We can deal with this in what … three hours ?Good for you or you want to wait for tomorrow morning ? » You asked.
« I love you so much more than Fury ! » Said Sam, taking you in his arm for a quick hug.
« She’s much more prettier than him for sure » Laughed Bucky after giving you a quick kiss.
« Oh come on ! Can ’t you wait for me to be gone to be all … Argh ! You both disgust me ! »
Laughing, you walked away. Ross was calling you, again. As if the man had nothing better to do than calling you ! He needed to get a life, like a private one. Your day had been quickly brightened with Bucky’s arrival, but it was turning sour again. With a sigh, you took the call :
« Sir, what can I do for you this time ? »
« You can start by paying the millions of dollars your team just cost me ! You’ve said that this will be handled neatly and easily ! »
« From my point of view, the mission is a success. You got the technology you wanted and they didn’t start any international conflicts. You should be happy, really. Just a tip, if the American government pays for the damage, it’ll just prove that you had something to do with happened »
« What’s your advice then ?! »
« Make it looks like a failed act of revenge from a different country »
« We’ll talk about about this at our next monthly report »
« I can’t wait for it ! » You said before hanging up. This man was really getting on your nerves.
You went back to your office and started to deal with all the paperworks. Your motivation was close to zero. You were honestly exhausted. Between the Sokovian accords that were annoying you, all the things you had to deal with since your friends and team put you in charge of the new SHIELD, Thanos’ invasions that were happening every five minutes, all the alliances with alien planets you had to supervise (You were not supposed to due to the Sokovia Accords)… You needed a long vacation. You were sure Bucky would say yes to join you.
You must had been working for a few hours when Loki entered unannounced. When Thor decided to leave, you had asked Loki to join the team. At first he was more than hesitant but he finally agreed when you promised him that he will be treated as a family member. That his attack on New York was in the past if he was wiling to try and make up for what happened. Since then, he adopted you as his younger sibling and he was always looking after you. Between his paranoia and his way of thinking, nothing could go past him, especially when your safety was at stake.
Loki sat down on one of the chairs in front your desk and stretched his legs on the second one :
« How was it in the Bahamas ? » You asked without looking up.
« It was great, until I received your message. Are you seriously thinking of sending me with that rat ?! »
« Rocket is picking you up later this evening. There’s no one more qualify than you to deal with the Frost giants ! Especially if they’re trying to attack a planet with whom we have a deal »
« You’re aware the situation must have gotten out of hand right ? I should have got this information sooner ! »
« My assistant is still in training »
« He is useless !»
« That’s what I am saying ! He’s still in training »
« You need a new one »
« I will, but not before the work on the new building is over »
« Are we getting new recruits ? »
« We are, two asgardians are supposed to join us, you will have to supervise them »
« Any other happy news to share ? » Asked Loki, sarcasm dripping.
« Ross is furious »
« He always is »
« Director l/n ? Your next appointment is in 45 minutes, you should leave now » Said your assistant.
« Who are you meeting ? » Asked Loki.
« Jimmy Woo from the FBI, I think he will great as the head of our new investigation section, he has what it takes to investigate the … weird space … things that are happening on Earth »
« You want your own X-files section ? »
« You’re watching that show ?! »
« I don’t need a lot of sleep, I have to find something to kill time. Do you want me to come with you ? »
« So you can scare him away ? No thank you ! »
You grabbed your coat and Loki walked with you to the base’s garage. He told you all about his vacation and the progress on several organizations you were monitoring.
When you became the head of SHIELD, you had changed a few things. You gave more responsibilities to high ranked agents. You even went as far as to create a council so the decisions wouldn’t be unilateral, like with Fury. The founding members of the new SHIELD were part of this council. Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Darcy and Loki. Peter would join you when he will be ready for the tasks that were waiting for him.  Stephen Strange was an honorary member and could only participate if magical events happened, then he was put in charge. This SHIELD had two faces.
Officially, you were working with the countries from the Accords. Unofficially you were everywhere, monitoring every organizations like Hydra. You were also dealing with weapons control and scientific discoveries.
It all happened when some members of the Avengers had decided to go to a different univers to start over. Most of them had shown no hesitation before crossing the portal. Tony had left without looking back, Steve, Natasha, Thor, T’challa, Wanda and Vision as well. Those who stayed, you and the ones working for SHIELD, were beyond furious. You were mad at them for abandoning you. You all stayed and you everyday was a fight. Everyday you had to defend Earth against alien invasions when they, those who left you, were not even worried about you.
It’s been over three years now since they had left and you could still not forget. SHIELD was finally working the way you wanted it to and more. Bucky was your roc, Sam was always there to listen you, Peter was your son, you were Pietro and Loki younger sibling. You all moved on, as much as you could, but the pain was still vivid and you were sure that the betrayal would never be washed away. Happily for you, your parents and your sister decided to stay, without them and Bucky, you wouldn’t have make it.
You finally arrived at the meeting place, five minutes early. You were surprised to see that Jimmy was already there, waiting for you, and apparently he had ordered you a drink. Your love for the man was growing by the minute.
« Jimmy ? I hope I didn’t make you wait too long ? »
« Oh ! Doctor l/n ! Should I call you doctor or director ? »
« y/n will do » You said with smile while sitting down.
« I ordered you a smoothie, I think you got this one last time »
« Good memory ! How is it going at the FBI ? »
« Same old, which is getting boring if I’m honest »
« I can imagine ! Then I hope I can brighten your day »
« Consider me intrigued »
« What would you say about working for me ? »
« Excuse-me ?! » Jimmy exclaimed, chocking on his drink.
« Oh, you were not expecting that, were you ? I am surprise ! »
« I can’t become an avenger ! I am not … I mean … I don’t have the capacities ! » Stammered Jimmy.
« I am not asking you to join the avengers but a new investigation team that you would lead. Loki calls it the X-files section. He’s watching way too many series, it’s al Peter and Pietro’s fault I swear ! »
« Are … are you serious ? You’re not pulling my leg are you ? »
« Of course I am serious ! I saw you work with Darcy and I know you would be an incredible team ! Plus, you’d be helping me out. I have too many things to deal with, and I need new people to help »
« Everyone will be okay with that ? I am thinking of Scott, I was his probation agent of some sort »
« He’s all for it ! Impatient even ! He wants someone with whom he can share his magic tricks »
« He’s quite good at magic »
« Don’t tell him that or he’ll go all crazy again and this time, Sam will kill him »
« Sorry ?! »
« Nothing to worry about ! Anyway, I am not asking to take your decision right now, but … think about it, just now that you’re wanted »
« There’s nothing to think about ! I am in ! I am so in ! »
« Oh ? God ! I didn’t think you’ll be that easy to convince ! I had even planned a visit of what would be your office just to make sure you’ll say yes ! »
« My own office ?! »
« Well yes, Darcy will also need her own lab and you’ll need space to recruit new agents, we have a lot of open cases that need to be taken care of. It is a ton of work especially with how far behind we are. It’s not going to be easy, but the raise will make it worth it »
« Can I visit now ? »
« Can I finish my smoothie first ? First time this day I don’t have to work »
« Oh ! Of course ! Sorry ! I’m just excited ! »
In the end, you spent over an hour with Jimmy. You needed him to calm down before taking him to new Avengers base. You didn’t needed an overexcited agent among tired and overworked agents. They were all drinking too much coffee. The expanses for coffee were higher than those to take care of the lawn ! And Gods know that with Odin who refused to send simple messages, your lawn was suffering.
You drove Jimmy to the base, giving more details about what was expected of him. He wouldn’t leave the FBI, he he would simply be transferred to the Avengers as director of the X-files section. Because of Loki, everyone was calling it that way.  As soon as Jimmy had said yes, you had sent a message so his transfer would be immediate. You barely had time to park your car that your assistant was already there with Jimmy’s accreditation badge.
« Collecting datas is really important, we’re trying to reduce the risks caused by the appearance of new organizations »
« I thought that your agency was only working on the cases given by the government ? »
« At first it was the case. But then, with the council we quickly noticed that it was of no used if the governments refused to deal with the issue at its roots »
« So you play on both sides ? »
« Is that an issue for you ? »
« Not at all ! »
« Great ! »
The rest of the day went by quickly, you solved a few issues here and there. But as soon as you were done with one thing, then something else happened. Several time you thought : « it will never end ».
All the avengers were coming tonight for the monthly meeting. This meeting was a way to let everyone know what had been discovered, to change things if needed. It was also to plan new strategies, generally thought by Loki. This meeting was extremely important, it was a way to discuss strategies, to share thoughts on recent events. It was also a lot of gossip, Sam and Pietro were always aware of everything happening in the base. Always.
You had created several teams, no one had the right to go solo on missions. The rule was to come back alive. It was unthinkable for you to loose someone when there was another way to get what you needed.
« Evening everyone ! Sorry for being late but I’m bringing someone new. Everyone this Jimmy Woo, Jimmy this is everyone. » You smiled before sitting between Loki and Bucky.
« Oh ! The infamous new director of the X-files section ! » Said Loki.
« Oh come on ! We need to find a better name ! This sucks ! » Exclaimed Sam.
« Why ? This one’s great ! » contradicted Hope with Scott’s support.
« Okay ! Well, today’s order … It’s time to change team, people ! It’d do some good to everyone here ! »
« Are we really going to change every month ? » Asked Bucky who had took your hand in his under the table.
« If we want to be a real team we need to get use to each other, I don’t want you slacking off because you know your partner by heart, it’ll make you less focus » You explained.  « Is this a problem ? »
« Nope » Said Peter with a big smile.
« Before I announce the new teams, is there something I need to know ? »
« I think Hydra has a new base somewhere » Started Pietro « We found some documents about a new lab where they’re trying to create new winter-soldiers »
« Okay, it’s noted. Peter are you available for missions this month ? »
« I’m on holiday, so yep, I’m in ! »
« What in … How come we let him study and fight whenever he wants while I’m stuck with the grumpy soldier ?! » Grumbled Sam, making everyone laugh but Bucky who looked at him as if he wanted to kick him … hard.
« Thank you Sam, this way … You know what ? Since you look so ready to share nothing and everything, you’ll team up with Peter »
« Why me ?! »
« Why him ?! »
« Look at that ! Twins ! Sold ! »
« That’s so unfair ! You know that right ?! »
« Take a cookie Sam, it’ll help » Said Bucky, laughing at Sam.
« Hope you’re with Bucky, Scott with Pietro, Loki you’ll be mostly off-world so you’ll be with Nebula and the guardians , if you need them. Oh ! Monica would you mind joining them ? »
« Why does she has the choice ?! » Cried Sam.
« I’d love to ! »
« Oh joy … » Mumbled Loki.
« Darcy and Jimmy you have a lot coming on, so, I’ll need a list of candidates to work with you for … as soon as possible, I want everything to be settle quickly » You said « For those who want to upgrade their gear, I’ll have time tomorrow. Except Scott and Hope,  you’ll have to see with Hank otherwise he’ll have my head »
The meeting was over around midnight, everyone went back to their quarters for some well-deserved sleep. You were peacefully sleeping in Bucky’s arms when you both woke up because of a deafening sound  that made your ears ring. You took the gun that you keep in your nightstand and followed Bucky outside. Once in the corridors you saw that everyone was also awake :
« Where did that came from ? » Asked Peter.
« Labs » You said after checking the origin of the alarm « I sending some agents in stand-by »
« There’s nothing on the cameras » Said Monica.
« Let’s split into two groups, the usual ones. You take west, we take east » You ordered.
You found yourself surrounded by Bucky, Loki, Pietro and Peter, let’s just say that you were more than protected, it was even too much. Loki used his magic to change himself into his armor while Peter used his webs to get his. Bucky who was an armor on his own decided to just get a gun and you just had activate yours. You checked every lab one by one until you reach Hank’s at the same time as the other team. The lights were off and you could barely see with the backup lights that were red, orange.
« DAD ! » You cried at the same as Hope when you saw Hank on the floor.
« I’m alright! »
But before you could crunch down to check on him, you felt someone behind you, someone you didn’t know. Then, Hell broke loose. Lasers were aimed at you that you had time to block with your own weapons. When you finally got to grab your opponent and pinned him into the nearest wall with Peter’s help, the lights came back on and you let go of the man. It couldn’t be true. Your team must have come to same conclusion because a deafening sound fell into the room. You couldn’t breath and you were so mad that your hands had started to shake. You regained control of yourself after a while, you were still looking at this person when you asked your sister how your father was doing :
« He’s always, he had his bulletproof jacket on , but just in case we should get a CT scan » Said Hope, just as shocked as you.
« Good »
The atmosphere was tense and it was Peter who broke it, he was about to burst into tears :
« Mister Stark ?! »
« What are you all doing here ?! » Asked Loki, forcing Thor to kneel « You came back to mock us ?! »
Bucky grabbed Peter’s elbow and put himself in front of the young boy. Bucky knew that Peter was like a son for you, therefore, he had to protect him as, by extension, he was the father in law of that boy.
« I hope you’ve got a really good reason for coming back » Said Sam coldly, if looks could kill, Steve would be dead.
« I think we should just relax » Tried Tony, but before he could say anything else you grabbed him by the throat.
« Piet … you’re alive ?! » Said Wanda weakly, her too was about to cry.
« What ? You really thought I was going to let myself because you abandoned me to play bewitched with your robot ?! »
« It’s us ! » Shouted Clint « What’s wrong with you ?! »
« If I were you, I’ll shut up ! » growled Scott.
« We’re in the same team ! » Tried Natasha.
« I don’t think so no » Said Bucky.
« I think there is a misunderstanding » Stated Vision.
« We’re all going to calm down « You ordered « We’re all going to drop our weapons and talk, but not here »
« Y/N ! You’re not going to let them … »
« No Pietro , I gave you my word and I won’t come back on it. I just want to understand what the hell is going on and why there are back ! »
« I thought we didn’t take back traitors ? » Argued Loki still observing his brother.
« Brother ! What are you talking about ?! I’ve never betrayed you ! You did and it was … »
« I have no lesson to receive from you ! You are a traitor and you ran away from Asgard and your responsibilities just to elope with an insignificant midgarian ! »
« Hey dude ! The insignificant midgarians are part of your family ! » Said Sam with a nasty look on his face.
« We are a family » Added Peter weakly.
« Hey Parker ! It’s me ! » Exclaimed Tony « Do you think you ask y/n to let me breathe ?
« No »
« y/n ! It’ me ! Steve ! We mean no harms ! » Pleaded Steve who was still under the yoke of Sam and Monica.
« If I were you Captain, I’d keep my worthless words for myself. Let’s move »
After a few minutes of uncertainty, everyone decided to drop their weapons and every member of your team escorted your visitors. You and Hope carried Hank to the infirmary and made sure he was alright. Then, it was time to deal with the situation. You took a seat between Peter and Bucky who were both shaking, overwhelmed with strong emotions. You took theirs hands in your to help them, to confort them a bit. Now that everyone was seated, you didn’t know what to think as you had to face Tony, Steve, Wanda, Vision, Natasha, Clint and Thor.
« Rock of Ages is part of the team ?! Since When ?! » Wondered Tony, gobsmacked.
« Shut it Stark » barked Hope.
« He’s family » You stated simply.
« But … He attacked New-York and forced me to … » Tried Clint.
« It’s in the past, He’s been forgiven and I trust him with my life » You cut.
« If I were you, I would start explaining myself » Growled Bucky.
« My last memory is that we all left to join you for a mission to check on a lab and … here we are. There’re some people I don’t know » Explained Steve.
« Is that all you remember ? » Asked Peter.
« Which makes think ! Parker, I told you already ! You’re too young to be an avenger ! »
« Your judgement and approval mean nothing to me Mister Stark ! You left me behind when I had no one ! You can’t judge what I do ! You have no right ! »
« Peter, that’s enough » You said calmly.
« Oh shit … » Whispered Hank who came back from the infirmary.
« Is there something wrong Hank ? » Wondered Scott « Because I think we already enough troubles as it is »
« I don’t think there are our avengers » Explained Hank.
« What do you mean ? »
« I was working on my quantum tunnel, I wanted to know if it was possible to use it to travel safely between worlds, away from Thanos’ attack. I must have open a breach or something like that »
« In english please ! » Sighed Sam.
« There are not the avengers from our univers »
« I thought the multiverse was only a theory ! » Said Loki.
« It’s not, it’s real. With y/n, we discovered that it was possible to travel through the multiverse with the quantum realm »
« But we decided to stop and classified this because the implications were too unpredictable and dangerous » You added.
« It didn’t come from my side » Certified Hank.
« So, you’re telling me that you are not the « you » that we know ?! » Cried Clint « Then where are we ?! »
« Why is Pietro alive ? » Asked Natasha.
« I thought you had died during the battle against Ultron ! » Sobbed Wanda who couldn’t look away from her brother. Pietro, him, looked daggers at Vision.
« In our version of this battle, it is Clint who sacrificed himself to save Pietro »
« My children ?! »
« They’re safe, we made sure of it » Said Bucky.
« About your other questions, you’re are in a SHIELD base that I am the head of » You explained, taking the new avengers by surprise « In our reality, all of you abandoned us to follow your … selfishness … Sorry, your personal’s desires. You Tony, you left because according to you, this world was not safe enough for your family and that you wanted to give up. Steve you left to find Peggy, you gave your shield to sam. Natasha you left without a word, Wanda you had left Pietro behind because the governments refused your relationship with Bision. Thor you betrayed Loki and left him to deal with all the mess you created on Asgard. I’m sure your parents are going to be delighted to have you back, the prodigal son »
You were too tired and overwhelmed after your little speech, you needed air so you stood up and decided to leave, but Steve tried to grab your hand. This was a bad move. Bucky could only see red and ejected Steve by kicking him :
« Don’t touch her ! » Threaten Bucky.
« Bucky ! It’s me ! Not the one you left you but .. I … You need to listen to me ! Y/n listen to me ! » Pleaded Steve.
« I don’t have to listen to you for two reasons. One, you’re not my Captain and two, I don’t want to. Take them to the containment rooms and let Bruce and Stephen know what is going on » You said before dragging Peter out « Oh ! And loki ? »
« Yes my dear ? »
« Don’t kill him ! »
« I can’t promise that ! »
« Since when do you listen to y/n ?! » Asked Thor, astonished by this facet of Loki.
« Since she became my family »
Your head was about to burst. The medicine that Stephen brought was useless. You had spent over an hour with Burce and Stephen to explain what happened. The two men had no words to express what they were feeling.
« We told Valkyrie and the only reply we got was that could go f… himself with a dark-elf »
« Charming …» Stated Stephen.
« You know how she is. I know you’re not a surgeon anymore but could you make sure that my dad is actually okay ? »
« Of course »
« I suppose that you want me to start working on a solution to send them back home ? » Said Bruce.
« Yes. I don’t want the medias, or Ross for that matter, to found out that they are here. I don’t want to think of the paper load it would cause »
« You need sleep »
« You want me to sleep when I have people from another univers in my base ?! »
« He’s right my love » Said Bucky, coming in « You’re good for nothing in this state »
« Alright, but I want to know if something happens ! »
Bucky took you to your shared-bedroom and reassured you that your visitors were in a guarded place and under surveillance, that the only people who could access this part of the building were the avengers. Bucky helped you eased into bed and kiss the top your head  :
« I’m going to talk to them, try to see what they know »
« Take Bruce with you and my father … and Stephen ! They need all the details they can get ! »
« Okay, I’m also going to take Loki with. If I don’t, I’m scared of what could happened »
« Good idea »
« Sleep, I’ll come back in few hours to check on you »
As soon as Bucky had closed the door behind him, your eyes were stuck to the ceiling. The room was dark but sleep would not come. Thoughts were going round and round in your head, as well as theories and hypothesis. But you came back to reality when someone opened the door. It was Peter.
« I don’t want to be alone »
« Come »
Peter lied down next to you, his head on your belly, his arms around your waist. You ran your hand through his hair :
« I was just starting to move on, to forgive them and … This is so unfair mom ! » Cried Peter.
« I know Peter, we’re going to do everything we can to send them back home as soon as possible »
« I can’t even look at Mister Stark ! Every time I try to look into his eyes I can see Aunt May death all over again ! Had he not left she would be alive ! »
« Had they stay, our world would be much different »
« And I don’t like the way Captain America is looking at you » Mumbled Peter.
« What do you mean ?! »
« He is looking at you the same way Bucky does, as if you were a Wonder of the world ! I already don’t like the way Bucky looks at you but now there’s Captain America ! »
« I don’t have feelings for Steve, except anger, even if he’s not the right Steve »
« What about Natasha ? She was your best friend right ? »
« Murder is still not legal »
It took you some time, but Peter and you finally fell asleep. Unfortunately you were woken up by your phone. You had a message from Bucky. Loki and him had fought with your visitors and his arm was doing weird things. With a growl, you rise up from your bed, doing your best no to wake up Peter. You found the two culprits in your lab. You checked Loki first, but he healed fast so you didn’t have to worry. The god kissed your head and left, leaving you alone with Bucky.
« Go and sleep » you ordered the God.
« I can’t promise anything » Was the reply.
Bucky was sat on the exam chair, he brought you close to him so he could hug you, he needed it. After a few minutes, you started working on his arm while flirting with him. Bucky just smiled and kissed you anytime he could.
« You’re together ? » Asked a broken-hearted Steve.
« What are you doing here ?! » Said Bucky, putting you behind him.
« I’ve been send here, apparently we have an issue. Other … us have arrived »
Part 2
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thefrenchyavenger · 4 years
First date (part 2)
Wanda : 
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For a while now, you had been worried about Wanda. Wanda kept it to herself and spent a lot of time in her room, alone. You didn’t liked it. It was not healthy. You knocked on the door, hoping she would let you in :
« Hey » She said quietly. 
« Hey. Are you okay ? I haven’t seen you in a while and I’m worried. »
« Did Steve asked you to come and talk to me ? » She asked bitterly. 
Wanda really hoped it was not the case, she needed you. More than you thought. She wanted you to come to her because you wanted it not because someone asked you to. 
« What ? No ! I am really worried ! »
« There’s no need, I’m fine » 
« You want me to believe that ? You haven’t left your room for there days now ! So, tell me ! What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours ? » 
Wanda couldn’t look at you. If she felt the need to stay inside was partially because of you. She was so scared to meet you without being prepared and say something stupid. She really loved you, you were beautiful inside and out but she didn’t know how to tell you. 
« Let’s go » You said.
« What ? Where ?! »
« There’s a fair in Central Park »
« Seriously ? »
« What ? Is it a bad idea for a first date ? We can do something else if you want !! »
« Wait ! You want to go on a date ?! With me ? »
« Yes, is that so hard to believe ? »
Wanda beamed at you, she was glowing with happiness. She couldn’t believed it ! You liked her ! She took your hand in hers and lead you outside, a smile plastered on her face. 
Natasha :
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Since the moment she had talked to you, Natasha kept wondering if you would ever like her. Were you interested by her ? Could you imagine a future for the two of you ? She was so … unsure of herself, doubting everything. She had found you quite cold, coming from her it meant a lot. 
It was Clint who forced the issue :
« It’s not by watching … sorry, spying on her all day long that things will go your way »
« She doesn’t like me that way »
« What way ? »
« The way I like her ! »
«  You impress me everyday Nat, honestly, but right now … you act like a schoolgirl who doesn’t want to ask her crush for prom. »
« You’re going to far Barton … » Threaten Natasha.
« Oh come on ! She likes you ! It so obvious ! Last time, when you talked to her, I saw the two of you and when she left, she had to take a minute to collect herself ! If that’s not her liking you I don’t know what it is then ! »
« Really ? »
« She was all red and breathing was … short and quick. Do what you want now, but don’t be an idiot by letting her go. »
Natasha was lost in her thoughts. So many scenarios were possible. Clint could be right and you could say yes or … everything could go wrong and … In the end, she chose to talk to you. Life was a game and she had decided to win it. And if you did not liked her, well, she would tried to be your friend. 
You were collecting intelligence for the next mission when Natasha entered you office, sitting right in front of you. Surprised was not a word strong enough to described how you felt at that moment. 
« Agent Romanoff, can I help you ? »
« You can. Would you be interesting in having a drink, with me, tonight ? »
You brain went blank for a few seconds. 
« Gram’s at 7 ? » you suggested.
« Fine with me. See you tonight … y/n »
Pietro :
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Since Tony’s party, you and Pietro texted each other a lot, and like … A LOT ! Which was driving Clint crazy. He did everything he could to stop you from seeing the Sokovian speedster. He had no intention of getting a brother-in-law anytime soon. 
As every morning, you were quietly doing your jogging when a gust of wind took you by surprise :
« Pietro ! » You smiled.
« You are getting better » He noticed.
Pietro couldn’t stopped himself and took you in his ams. The action startled you for a minute before you hugged him back. You took a step back, and Pietro was already missing your warmth.
« What are you doing here ? Usually you’re not awake before 1 ! »
Pietro swallowed with difficulty, ground his hands, trying to keep his nerves in check :
« asclintisn’thereIwantedtoknowifyouwantedtogoonadatewithme » He answered as fast as he could.
« You should try to speak even quicker ! » You laughed. 
« Sorry … I wanted … just know you can’t say no, I won’t be mad at you, I would totally understand, no hard feelings, nothing okay and … »
« I will go on a date with you » You cut him. 
« REALLY ?! » Shouted Pietro, his eyes filled with hope.
« Yep, surprise me. My brother won’t be back before two weeks » You said before starting to run again, leaving Pietro standing with an idiotic smile on his face. His eyes never leaving you. 
Doctor Strange :
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« I need an intel » You said, entering the New-York Sanctuary. 
« You ! How did you found me ?! How did you got in ?! » Shouted Stephen.
« Wong is a friend of mine » You explained, scanning the shelves for what you needed.
« You’re a sorcerer too ! »
« Well done Sherlock ! You found out on your own ? »
« How can I help you ? » Asked Stephen, preferring not to notice your sarcasm.
« You owe me »
« I owe you nothing ! »
« Oh yes you do ! Do you remember the man I was following in Jakarta ? »
« Him … yes. I thought you needed no one, that you were a team on your own » 
« I am, but you see, right now I’m way too lazy to search him »
« What’s in it for me ? »
« Exactly what I thought » You mumbled. 
« Excuse-me ? »
« Your ego is really as big as what Wong told me ! It’s impressive, truly ! You know what ? Forget it, I’ll do it on my own, go back to your cloak, it’s feeling lonely ! »
« Wait ! I said wait ! Do you do that often ?! »
« that what ? »
« Appearing, disappearing, driving people nuts ? »
« One of my many specialties » 
« I see. Want to go for a drink ? »
« No »
« You don’t drink ? » Asked Stephen, slightly surprised.
 « I do »
« then why ? »
« Because I don’t want to have a drink with you »
« Diner ? »
« I won’t have diner with you either » 
« Then what ?! »
« Then … I won’t do a thing with you because you’re not my type »
« You’re lying »
« What about you ? You’re a Good Samaritan now ? »
« You win this round »
« What an honor ! Do I have the permission to leave now ? »
« Why don’t you want to go out with me ? »
« Because I am not interested » 
« Can’t I have a better answer ? »
« Sure. I would rather go on a date with Loki than you, even Thor would be fine »
« You know Loki and Thor ?! »
« In what univers are you leaving in ?! Hey ! I was an avenger ! Do some research ! »
« If you go out with me, I could learn about you » 
« Still not interested »
« How can I reach you ? I don’t think sorcerers have a special phone line ? »
« Idiot »
Peter.P :
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« Hey Peter ! Hey Ned » You greeted before sitting down in front of them.
« Wait … what … How … » Stammered the two boys, everyone in the cafeteria was watching them.
« Oh sorry, I thought that because you spent your time watching me I had the right to sit with you, I was wrong ? » You explained, watching Peter in the eyes.
« Oh no no no no no !!! You can ! It’s just that everybody is watching us and we’re just … » Stuttered Peter.
« Shut up Peter » You said « Sooooo … How are you ? »
« You’re awesome ! » shouted Ned.
« I know, thank you. But it’s nice to hear it »
« How is it to be Tony Stark’s daughter ? » Asked Ned.
« Well … I’m a daddy’s girl but it’s fine, my dad’s great »
« Oh sh…. I have to go ! It was so cool to meet you !! » Smiled Ned.
« I might watch all the star wars movies this week-end, if you want to join me you’re more than welcomed » you offered.
« I’m in ! Peter too ! » Said Ned before leaving Peter and you alone. 
« y/n ? » Asked Peter.
« hum ? »
« Well … you don’t have to say yes okay ? But, would you like to do something with me this afternoon ? Like karting or something, I always wanted to try and all. We don’t have literature this afternoon so I thought … we could go as friends and … »
« You talk too much » You laughed « And yes I’ll come, but not as a friend » 
« Awesome ! Wait ! What ?! Not as a friend ?! But then … oh … » Understood Peter after a while, his cheeks bright red.
« You can be very clever but sometimes you are so slow ! Just like Steve when my dad starts talking about sex … That is a story that I should probably keep to myself. I’ll wait for you at the entrance ! See you Peter Pan ! »
« Peter Pan ? » Repeated Peter once he was alone « Does that make her my TinkerBell ? »
Peter.Q :
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Peter had no idea of how you did it but no matter from what planet he was calling you, you always came to him without stopping by Asgard. After several attempts, Peter finally had a date with you ! You had rejected him several time because, according to you, a man who didn’t listen to Queen didn’t deserve a chance. 
« So, this place is …. » You said, trying to find the right word to define the place.
« A bar »
« You’d been asking me for months and now that I said yes, just because you’re annoying, you take me …here ? »
« You don’t like it ? »
« It’s fine, it’s just that because of my brother I usually find myself going out with pompous men to some five-stars restaurant where you don’t get real food »
« Nice for your brother »
« Is an idiot »
« What’s his job ? »
« He’s a … doctor »
« Okay, great. So, now that you finally said yes for our date, does that make you my girl ? »
« Oh my darling, if you want me to be your girl, you’re gonna need some 80s songs ! »
« Considered it done ! »
« Sure ! Why did you chose this bar ? »
« I just thought that stealing a little something could be fun, I know how much you like to perform » 
« How much time do you need ? »
« Ten minutes »
« Just ten minutes ? Watch me shine ! »
You went to the counter and walked the closest you could to a man, your turned around and slapped him :
« HEY ! Who do you think you are ?! Don’t you have manners ?! » You yelled, catching everybody’s attention. 
« Miss, is there an issue ? » Asked the owner. 
« Yes there is ! This… thing put his hand on my … well you see what ! »
« What ?! No ! I didn’t !!! » Shouted your victim.
Oh yes, it was the best first date of your life. 
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thefrenchyavenger · 4 years
First date (part 1)
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Of course ! You had to sprain your knee ! You felt like a level one agent ! You were ashamed of yourself. You had thank your opponent by breaking his nose. But according to the doctor, you had to rest for at least two weeks, which meant two weeks off for you ! You didn’t had the right to move so you might go crazy but hey … 
You met Clint on your way to the parking lot, who offered to give you a ride home. Clint went as far as to stop to do your shopping. Your fridge was always empty. Clint knew you enough to know that you would rather order take away food than ask for help. He couldn’t let his friend like this.
You barely made it into your flat that, once on your floor, you saw a gigantic bouquet of flowers in front of your door. It was way too big. You opened the door before taking the flowers.  You closed the door behind you and sighed. You put the flowers on the kitchen counter and saw a hand-written card :
« See you in ten ! Tony »
What the hell ?! Okay you did try to avoid him, and you did pretty well … until now. You knew Tony had a thing for you. You had received dozens of alerts, saying someone had tried to access your files. He had tried to read your personal file and the reports of your missions. You also knew that the food which was delivered to you, everyday at the same hour wasn’t from Clint. You understood that after seing him eating some of it in your office. 
You sort of liked the fact that he wasn’t giving you the choice, it was somewhat thrilling. You wanted someone who would fight for you and your attention. You wanted to know if Tony was serious or if he was just enjoying the chase . You weren’t about to be a trophy for his collection.
The only bad side of Tony’s plan, was that you were definitely not ready for a date ! You took a look at your jeans, top, blazer, boots and your … splint. It’ll do. You drank some water and for the first time in a while you felt anxious. Your heart leaped when someone knocked on your door. You took a deep breath before opening it :
« Hey y/n » Said Tony with his famous smirk. 
« Stark » 
« Come on ! Call me Tony ! »
« For that too I won’t have a choice ? »
« Yep »
« Okay then … let’s go » You said, trying to keep your emotions in check as would do every top agents of the SHIELD. 
Clint :
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« The simulation has failed … I don’t like that » You said, watching your computer as if the answer would magically appeared on the screen. 
You turned to watch one of your many screens to start a new simulation. These new armors were driving you nuts. You had been working on it for weeks now and no results. Nothing, absolutely nothing. One part of the issue was that you weren’t entirely focused. Because of what ? No ! Because of whom ! Clint Barton was your issue, him and his kindness and his arms that were too good to be true ! You almost got a heart attack when someone entered your lab. You almost dropped your tablet, the one you created yourself, when Clint appeared :
« Hi »
You slowly turned towards him, your heart almost jumping out of your chest. He was there, resting against door, hands in his pockets. He was the perfect representation of relaxed. 
But Clint wasn’t relaxed at all ! He was acting like seeing you did nothing to his heart, like his head wasn’t a mess imagining how many children you should have, or where you should get married … 
« Clint ? What are you doing here ? »
« I came to see how you were doing » He answered before sitting right next you. 
You were doing your maximum not to hyperventilate when Clint’s shoulder touched yours. You did everything you could not to show the effect he had on you. 
« If you keep coming here I might start to think that you can’t live without me » 
« Which is not exactly wrong. » He confirmed.
When he saw the red on your cheeks he had to stop himself from jumping with happiness. 
« I thought you had a mission today ? »
« It was yesterday … When was the last time you saw the sun ? » He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Clint was worried, he knew you were a workaholic , which was a difficult fact to miss when the equipment of the agents was improving under his eyes. His equipment too. 
« Well … maybe two or three days ago. I’m working on this prototype but it’s not going the way I want ! » You said frustrated, once more focused on your work.
« You need a break » declared Clint before taking your hand, forcing you to follow him. 
« What are you doing ?! » You shouted, trying to escape his grasp. 
« We’re going on our first date ! »
« Excuse-me ?! »
« I repeat : we’re going on our first date ! »
« Because there will be more than one ?! »
« Unless you don’t want to » Said Clint, suddenly shy.
« I want to, but I might need to change my clothes »
« No need, you’re prefect the way  you are »
« Can I at least take a shower … »
« You have 20 minutes »
« Sir, yes Sir »
Steve :
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« All good agent, you’re free to go but be careful in the future » You said.
You saw your patient leave before noticing Steve with an impressive cut on his forearm. Now that you were thinking about it, he did everything he could to avoid every medical exam but for a few weeks now, it was the reverse. Strange. 
« Hello y/n » Said Steve with a small smile, his eyes barely meeting yours. 
« Hey Steve. What happened this time ? »
« My training turned wrong » He explained, not wanting to tell you what really happened, too scared of what you might think. 
« Again ?! It’s the fourth time this week ! » 
« It was a though one »
« As usual ! Okay, sit down, let me get my tools »
« Yes ma’am »
« By the way, how was your last mission ? » 
« Quite good, but my ‘colleagues » laughed at me a few times.
« Why ? » You asked, astonished that anyone would make fun of Captain America during a mission. 
« Because I was not entirely focused »
« I see, who’s in your mind ? »
« How do you know it was someone ?! » He shouted, his cheeks turning red.
« My sixth sens » You laughed, enjoying how quickly Steve could change his attitude. 
« You »
« Excuse-me ? »
« I was thinking of you » He explained, watching the floor.
« I… I don’t know what to say. I admit I don’t have the words. »
« I was trying to … find a way to invite you for diner, or whatever »
« Wait a minute ! Is that why you were hurt so manny times this week ?! Don’t tell me it was on purpose ! Please ! »
« Yeah … » He admitted « So ? »
« So what ? »
« Do you … want to go out … with me ? »
« On one condition, that you stop hurting yourself just to see me, even during a mission ! Focus ! Not on me ! I don’t want to be blamed for Captain America’s death ! » 
« Okay, I’ll do my best then, I can’t promise anything … » He said, a happy smile on his face « There’s a jazz concert in Central Park this Friday, would you be interested ? »
« I would love to »
Thor :
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It was almost midnight when you found Thor sitting outside, watching the stars. He looked so peaceful. Not wanting to disturb him, you decided to leave. You knew Thor had a lot going on, between Earth and Midgard, his duty as a prince. But there was also the fact that you were scared to do something stupid in front of him. Of course, he saw you before you could leave :
« Lady y/n ? » 
« Sorry, I was about to leave. »
« Stay ! Please ? » Said Thor with a welcoming smile.
« I don’t want to disturb you »
« You don’t, it’s quite the contrary » Smiled Thor, taking your hand in his. 
« Very well then »
You sat down next to him, circling your knees with your arms to protect yourself from the cold night air. Thor noticed it and put his arm around you. You thanked him with a smile. Thor was good, making you feel safe so easily was impressive; 
« You seem tired »
« I’m not sleeping well, too much stress I think »
You were not about to admit that because of him you were almost insomniac !  And the perspective of your next mission was not helping. Sleep had abandoned you. 
« Why ? »
« I have to leave at the end of the week for a mission and I don’t get along well with the team »
« I’m sure everything will be fine, but if not I’ll gladly come and help, just call for Heimdall, he’ll tell me »
« Thank you » You said shyly, kissing his cheek quickly. 
« When will you be back ? » He asked, hiding the happiness he felt at your kiss.
« It’s in Spain, so … next friday I think »
« I see. I recently discovered a wonderful greenhouse here on earth, you would like to visit it with me ? » He asked you, trying to make you understand that he wanted to « court » you. 
« Like a date ? »
« Yes » 
« That … That would be wonderful »
Loki :
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You were in office, reading your notes about your patients, that was part of your job as a psychiatrist for important agents, doctors and all. Even Fury confided in you a few times ! You were mad. You couldn’t calm down since your last meeting with the god of mischief. God that you had nicely baptized as « immature idiot and first class moron ». 
You were writing your last report for the day, when the walls and the ceiling of your office turned into a starry-sky. It felt like your were in the middle of a meadow. A voice broke the charm, getting your attention :
« This will be visible tonight, the better spot will on the west hill » Said Loki.
« So ? »
« I want you to watch it with me tonight »
« No thank you, I just saw it. »
« This is just a pitiful representation of what it will be » He tried. 
« So, you are saying that your magic isn’t that extraordinary ? » You teased.
Loki tried to keep his calm. He knew what you were doing. You wanted him to loose control, to give you a good reason to avoid him. Strangely, Natasha Romanoff gave him some tips about you. She must had had her reasons to do so. She told him that you were a big tease with people who weren’t your patients. 
« I just want to spend some times with you, is that too much to ask ? » He explained with a bit of despair in his eyes.
« Alright, I might come »
« See you tonight then »
« I said I ‘might’, there’s nothing sure here ! »
« I’m pretty confident that you’ll come »
« Is that so ? »
« I think you like me but you don’t want to admit it. So you’re trying to push me away. But let me tell you a secret, it won’t work. Not today, not ever, not with me. »
« You are awfully confident, has anyone ever told you that ? »
« Once or twice, but I don’t really care » 
« I noticed »
« If you don’t come, I’ll personally take you there »
« Oh god helps me ! I’m terrified » You sassed.
« You should be » He said with a smirk.
Bucky :
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 In the end, after getting Bucky back. He and Steve were back to normal, like nothing happened. Steve had noticed Bucky’s interest for you. He was always asking about you, how you were doing, keeping an eye on you. He also took care of a few agents who were out of line with you, and you were blind to all of it. Basically, Bucky was following like a lost puppy would. 
As soon as he had joined the SHIELD, you were the only person capable to calm him down when he had a nightmare or a crisis. With your help, he was doing better everyday. You even trained together because Steve was too scared to hurt you. 
One day, when Bucky was more like himself like ever before, you decided to make this sparring session even more interesting. The first one on the floor loose and the winner could ask whatever he wanted. Bucky had no intentions to loose, it was the perfect opportunity. He was finally feeling confident enough to ask you out. 
Obviously, he won, but you did pretty well, he had some bruises to prove it. Not everyone had a super-strength … well, Steve’s nose still remembered your fist so … But it was his fault ! 
« So, what do you want from his sergeant ? »
« Diner, you and me in this Italian restaurant in Brooklyn »
« Is that a date ? »
« It is. Pick you up at 7 ! »
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thefrenchyavenger · 4 years
i dont know if you can do this. could you please write a preference for avengers that they fall in love with a plus size girl who is insecure? it would mean a lot to me.
Hey, first thank you for asking me this. I would definitely try to write something about it ! It’s a very important subject ! Thank you 😊
I’ll work on some ideas and write whenever I can in the week 😉
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thefrenchyavenger · 4 years
You meet for the first time (part 2)
Wanda : 
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You met Wand right after the interrogation of Rumlow’s man. You were introduced by Steve :
« y/n can you come please ? »
« Sure, something’s wrong ? » You asked, not before checking Wanda from head to toe with an appreciative smile.
« You were as perfect as usual. I just want you to meed our newest addition Wanda Maximoff »
« Oh ! The famous Wanda ! Steve hasn’t stopped talking about you ! Apparently you are, what did you said Steve ? Ah yes ! Powerful and trustworthy! »
« Ni..Nice to meet you » Stammered Wanda.
Oh my … her accent was wonderful ! Was it possible to fell in love with with someone’s voice ?
Wanda wasn’t capable to say another word. She was so scared of saying something stupid, like how your hair was so beautiful with the light, how your eyes were the most beautiful things she had ever seen or … yep, she was screwed. Wanda felt as if she was someone else. She knew she was shy but this was different. A good kind of different. 
« I’ve heard about your brother, I’m sorry for your loss. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am right here. I made the best hot chocolate, asked this idiot » You said pointing your finger at Steve « I’m pretty sure he talks to me just to get one ! »
« Y/N ! Of course not ! I talk to you because I can trust you and … »
« Steve ! Relax ! I was just teasing you. To tell you how good I am, once I stopped him from training to just sit and relax in front of movie. Let me tell you that to stop that big oaf from punching something, it can be though »
« You did ?! » shouted Wanda « But Clint said it was impossible to … »
« Ah don’t get me started on Barton ! He made me the god-mother of his daughter and now I’m forced to spend every summer holidays with them instead of going to Hawaii, Tahiti … Had I knew … Anyway ! Welcome ! »
« Thank you » Stuttered Wanda « It was so nice to meet you, I hope we … »
« Oh my ! I have to go !!!! Bruce is turning green because of Tony !!! »
« y/n wait ! » Called Steve « What did the guy said ? »
« Ah ! Oh ! I forgot ! Apparently Rumlow is somewhere in Africa ! »
Natasha :
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She would never admit it but Natasha was dead on her feet. She could only dream of a hot shower and her mud. Her ears were still ringing after the explosion. Natasha being Natasha, she kept her head high, showed no signs of being tired. She went to meet Fury in office, if it was to give her a new mission, she would murder him. After a few hours of talking, she could finally leave ! But first, she had to find you. She needed to know who you were, after all, you had saved her life ! 
She asked Maria Hill, if someone could help, it was her. She got your name and learned of your favorite spot for a break. You were outside, you eyes closed. You were in your own little world. She came closer to you :
« Agent l/n ? »
Surprised, you turned around, a hand on your heart :
« Give a little warning next time ! Oh ! Agent Romanoff ? Sorry, I thought you were someone else ! »
« It’s fine. What are you doing here ? »
« Well, the mission you were one was a though one and after you were all safe I needed some air. »
« I see »
There was a moment of silence. Natasha was intimidating and you were not sure of what she wanted. Was she mad at you ? You took a deep breath, gathering your courage :
«  Anyway … What can I do for you ? I’m pretty sure that after that jump you would be begging for a shower and your bed. At least that’s what I would ask. »
« I wanted to thank you first. Thank you for saving my life. »
« It’s my job so … And I couldn’t let Black Widow die on my watch » You joked.
« Why are you belittling yourself ? I had people helping for years, but every single time I turned off the coms, why ? Because there are idiots who took idiotic decisions. Sometimes, people forget that I am human but you didn’t. That was … refreshing »
Okay, your heart wasn’t ready for that ! Could you heart stopped being so loud ?!  You felt yourself reddening so you took a last look at her :
« No need to thank me, try not to need me next time, it’s not a good sign when you do » You said, leaving a dumbfound Natasha who’s heart was pounding in her chest. 
Pietro :
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Pietro had never been so thankful for one of Tony’s party. Usually he didn’t like them he would rather be outside, but this time it was different. Everything was different. You were here ! What happened is that he heard Tony and Pepper talking about you. Apparently convinced you to come to the party. So, if you were coming, so was he ! When he saw you … He couldn’t take his eyes off you. He took his courage with both hands and went to introduce himself :
« Pietro Maximoff » He said, blushing like a teenager in front of his crush. 
« y/n Barton » You smiled, shaking his hand. 
« Oh … » 
He felt like an idiot, of course you were already taken ! You were too beautiful to be single ! He felt like screaming. 
« I am Clint’s sister » 
You were what ?! Pietro’s heart was filled with hope again. Maybe he had chance ! He was sure Clint wasn’t the protective type, after all most brothers refuse to be involved in their sister’s love life. Speaking of Clint …
« Look who is here ! She finally left her laboratory ! And … oh my god ! You look human too ! Did you showered ?! »
« Clint, be nice and shut up ! » You growled, making Pietro laugh. 
« You two know each other ? » Asked Clint, with a fake smile.
« Just now and for God’s sake don’t start ! »
« Start what ?! »
« You know what ! »
« No I don’t ! »
« Yes you do ! »
« I don’t ! »
« You do ! »
« I don’t ! »
« You know what ? I’m leaving, I’m gonna get a drink and forget you are my brother ! »
« Haha ! I win ! Wait ! What ! No ! You don’t drink ! You don’t drink and forget about me ! I forbid you ! »
« Look how much I care ! » You said « Pietro, it was really nice to meet you, I really want to know more about you »
« Nope ! Not happening ! Speedy Gonzalez is going to be too busy in the next few weeks …months  … years ! » 
Pietro didn’t even heard Clint, too focus on your smile and kindness. He would avoid all of Clint’s arrows for you. He couldn’t wait.
Doctor Strange :
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Finding the biological bomb ? Check. Running through the streets of Jakarta ? Check. Join the ranks, they’d cry ! It will be fun, they’d cry ! You’ll stay in shape, they’d cry ! Complaining is good for the heart … you were going to be immortal. At first, you were a genius in biology and biotechnology , then you had discovered some crazy super-powers for yourself, then you became an avenger, but you retired after the mess of the Civil War. And now, you were working « temporarily » for the government. Let’s just say you didn’t really had the choice. Your goal was to find every biological weapons on Earth, easy peasy no ? You wish ! You reached the top of the hill were you came face to face with the man you were chasing :
« hello there » 
Right at the moment you were about to take him down, a sparkling orange portal appeared. A man went through it. He was wearing a … cloak ?! He was also followed by hoard of ennemis. Because of him, the man you were supposed to arrest fled. Furious, you did not even tried to catch him, the new man was doing great :
« Get down » You ordered.
He did what you asked, giving you a strange look at the same time. He saw a blue burst going above his head, pushing his enemy away.
« I was doing great ! » He said. 
« Oh ? Really ? That’s not what I would say ! »
« Wait ! I know you !  You’re a doctor ! Doctor l/n ?! »
« It was in another life. But seriously ! You need some serious signs for your portals ! Couldn’t you see that the place was taken ?! Thanks to you, I’m gonna have a tone of paperwork and I can say bye-bye to my day-off ! Do you know how long it took me to find this guy  ?! But thank you so so so much, I really needed the extra-work ! Jackass ! »
« I didn’t do it on purpose ! » 
« So what ? You can’t control your magic ?! »
« I have a perfect control thank you very much ! I am Stephen Strange, Doctor Stephen Strange »
« Do I look like I care ? » You said leaving him behind.
That was not what he expected …
Peter.P :
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You hated this school. Why did you father sent you there ? WHY ?! You asked the new AI where your father was. Furious, you went straight to your dad’s lab after throwing your bag on the couch :
« Dad ! »
« Hey Honey ! » Smiled Tony « What’s wrong ? »
« What’s wrong … WHAT’S WRONG ?! This school is awful !The biology program is useless, the Physics one isn’t even better and don’t get me started on the maths one ! »
« You’ve only been there for two weeks ! Give it time. May I remind you that you’re also going to the MIT at the same time ? That was the deal, you can go to the MIT but only if you finish High-school ! » Said you dad, refilling his cup with coffee.
« I thought you wanted to stop coffee ? »
« You, my dear child, Coffee, alcohol and shawarma are part of you DNA, we share the same, can you change my DNA ? I don’t think so. So no, I didn’t stop coffee. »
« Thank you for the genes … »
« Mister Stark I have an issue with … oh ! y/n ?! » Shouted Spiderman, coming in the lab.
« Hi Parker » You smiled.
« Mister Stark ! I though I was supposed to stay ‘incognito’ ! » Yelled Peter «  Wait ! You know me ? »
« I didn’t say a thing to her, she’s a genius … » Explained Tony.
« Yes I know you, I had to with you always looking at me » 
« Behavior young lady ! » Said your dad.
« Are you serious right now ?! »
« Nope »
« That’s what I thought. You’re coming or what Spiderboy ? »
« Hey ! Coming where ? It’s Spiderman not Spiderboy ! »
« I don’t like it ! I don’t approve ! » Said your dad. 
« Can I remind you of how many possible step-moms I met all these years ? You have nothing to worry about, we’re only going to work on a maths test »
« We only have to give it in two weeks, right ? » Asked Peter.
« Why is my daughter so studious ?! You didn’t get that from me ! Parker leave me your suit, yours too y/n ! »
« You’re a superhero ?! » Asked Peter, astonished.
« I’m Iron Man’s daughter, what were you expecting ? I’m not an official avengers anyway. Come on Parker ! Move it ! »
« Ned won’t believe me … »
Peter.Q :
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You were on Xandar, trying to hide yourself among the people. Yes, you loved spending time with Thor who was like mentor, but sometimes he was … too much. You were happy not be in Asgardian dresses anymore. There were beautiful but after a while it was annoying. Asgard is great but annoying … just like your brother. 
You were on Xandar for a few days now, and you had the sensation that someone was watching you.Which was not impossible. You turned into different street until you could you point your gun at the head of the person following you :
« Hands up ! Oh god ! That’s so great to say ! I’ve always dreamed to say that ! » You said, loosing your train of thoughts. 
The man violently turned around :
« I was right ! You’re from Earth ! »
« You too ?! Cool ! I’m y/n and you are ? »
« Star-Lord ! »
« Star-what ?! » 
« Star-Lord the great outlaw ! »
« Star-Ford ? Like the cars of the actor ? »
« Lord ! »
« Yeah I got it the first time I just wanted to mess with you. Anyway, what’s your real name ? I don’t want to be mean but your nickname or whatever is kinda shitty »
« Hey ! It’s better than Peter ! »
« Hum … no, more stupid »
« I’m sorry … you know, for following you and all »
« Don’t worry ! I got worse ! »
« Care for a drink ? » 
Scott :
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Scott was proud, like super proud. he won against an avenger !!! But not just any ! The Falcon ! He walked home, happy with himself, he almost wanted to sing.  Scott put his keys on the counter before finding himself stuck again the wall. It felt as if his body was crushing him :
« If there’s something I really don’t like, it’s people stealing my suff » you said, sat on a chair. 
Scott couldn’t believe it ! You were in his leaving-room ! His favorite Avenger in the whole wide world was in his house !!! He felt like a schoolboy in front of the school’s queen. You were even more beautiful in real life !
« You … You’re y/n ? The y/n ?! The Avenger ?! »
« That would be me but I prefer Doctor l/n » You answered to a Scott still stuck to the wall, his head touching the roof.
« You’re a doctor ?! What’s your specialty ?! » Asked Scott, He needed to know more about you. 
« That’s what is going to happened » You said « I’m going to let you go just this once. I am going to keep an eye on you, so everytime you will do something I don’t like … You’ll regret it, understood ? »
Scott couldn’t take his eyes off you, he didn’t even heard what you said. You were just perfect. Okay, you were scary but still … He kept looking at you, a smile on his lips :
« Are you stupid ? » 
« Excuse-me ? »
« I just threaten you and you … smile ? Did jail changed you that much ? »
« You know I went to jail ? »
« I know about everything »
« You’re my favorite avenger ! My daughter loves you too ! »
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You were the one the avengers sent to deal with people coming to close to them. You could scary sometimes. That’s why Sam went through to  Steve to tell you what happened. You could be scarier than Natasha.
« Do we understand each other ? » You asked.
« Yes ! Can we … »
« No » You said, Scott falling on the ground.
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thefrenchyavenger · 4 years
You meet for the first time (part 1)
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You were on your way to meet Fury when he sent you a text, asking you to meet him in his office instead. You sighed, what could you have done … again ?! You knocked on the door and once inside, you saw Fury but also the well-known Iron Man. After seeing you, Tony started smiling. You read his body language and sighed … You had to leave and quickly, it felt like you’d been ambushed. 
« Director Fury ? »
« Ah ! Come on in Agent l/n. I suppose you already know mister Stark ? »
« Only by reputation » You said, noticing that Tony kept watching you. 
« I want you to give him a tour of the base, if, as you said you know of his reputation, you understand his need to be chaperoned »
« No one else is available ? I am not exactly a babysitter for billionaires » 
Your only wish was to be in your bed, watching TV and eating Ice-cream. Fury gave you the « Do what I said ! » look. You prevented another sighed, put your best poker-face on before asking Tony to follow you :
« Of course Sir » You answered. 
You started walking in silence, only talking when necessary, Tony right next to you  :
« So what ? That’s all I get ? The silent treatment ? No introduction ? You already know me but I don’t know a thing about you, that’s quite unfair don’t you think ? » 
« Fury had already introduced me and according to the alert I received few days ago, you’ve tried to ‘read’ my file … the confidential one, so …  »
« Okay I admit it, I am curious but I keep thinking that ‘agent’ isn’t your name » 
« y/n »
« Sorry  ? »
« My name is y/n » You repeated «  Well, you’ve got your tour, I am off now mister Stark. »
« Call me Tony »
« Not a chance »
« Will see » Smiled Tony. 
« Don’t count on it »
Clint :
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You were in laboratory, thinking about a new armor for the agents, something more resistant which could possibly heal light wounds. You were trying to draw the prototype on your 3D desk when someone knocked on your door. You were surprised by who it was  :
« Agent Barton ?! Is everything okay ? »
« Hum yes » Said Clint, shyly.
« Come in, sit down » 
Clint sat down in front of you, he couldn’t explain why, but he felt intimidated. He put his bow on your desk :
« Is there something wrong with it ? »
« Oh no ! » Said Clint quickly « I  wanted to know if it was possible to improve it even more, some new options or whatever ! It is perfect but … I have some ideas and I wanted to know if it was possible to … » 
« You know, agent Barton … »
« Clint »
« Okay Clint, you know, technically it’s not up to me, I invent and create the first models, but then it’s up to my team to improve everything. I created, I give orders and authorized the alterations, that’s all »
« Yes I know that, but you created it, not with a 3D  printer, with your hands, my bow is your baby. You created it just … »
« For you ? I know. Fury asked me to. I spent 3 months on the design. »
« If it’s really a bother I can ask someone else »
« Oh no way ! You’re right. My minions are not going to touch this bow ! Over my dead body ! Thank you for reminding of the energy and time I spent on it » You smiled « I need to finish this first, but come back tomorrow, we’ll see what we can do. 
« Thank you ! Thank you so much ! »
« By the way, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you ! »
« Same. I’m glad to finally meet the person who created all the weapons that saved me ! » 
« My pleasure. See you tomorrow then »
« Good ! » Said Clint, his heart pounding in his chest. 
Steve :
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You were patiently waiting for the quinjet to land. You’d been notified that were a few wounded agents on Captain America’s team. You were quite anxious, you were about to meet Captain America ! The quinjet finally landed and some of the agents went directly to the medical bay after noticing you. You were know to be uncompromising about health and wounds. Everyone knew what you did to Fury. You were a legend. You saw Captain America trying to avoid you. Oh not today Satan !
« Captain ? »
Steve turned and froze when he saw you. He wanted to talk to you but couldn’t utter a word. His thoughts were a mess. 
« Examination room … now ! » You ordered, using your ‘doctor’ voice. 
« I assure you ma'am that … »
« Captain » You cut « From what I can see despite being a super soldier you need stitches. I only want to help you. So don’t be a child and follow me »
« Yes ma’am » He smiled. 
You had such a strong personality and he absolutely loved it ! He loved that you weren’t impressed by him. You both entered your office and asked him to sit down while you got your tools.
« nice to meet by the way, it could have been better but … »
« Indeed.  Please don’t move, I’m almost done »
« Already ?! »
« Only the best for Captain America »
« Call me Steve, please »
« Only if you call me y/n »
« Good for me »
« What happened to you ? »
« The building fell, with me inside »
« You know you could have been badly hurt »
« People were in danger »
You finished quickly, you removed your gloves and turned toward Steve, a smile on your lips :
« Done. Be careful for a few hours »
« Thank you. I hope we’ll meet again » 
« Well, if buildings keep falling on you that should be arrange. But, I won’t be there next week. I have to follow a team » 
« Doctors have missions ?! » He asked, worried about you already. 
« Yes, especially with teams of new agents »
« Be careful »
« Don’t worry about me, Fury will have my head if something happened to me »
You asked him not to worry about you… How was he supposed to do that ?! 
Thor :
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« Why do you exist ?! What are you ?! Answer me !! » You yelled « What’s wrong with you ?! Don’t you like me ?! I don’t want to hut you, I swear ! Just tell me what you are !! »
« My lady ? Is everything all right ? » asked a voice behind you.
You quickly turned around, startled by the interruption. You couldn’t utter a word when you saw who was the intruder ! It was Thor !
« I apologize, did I startled you ? »
« Heu … yeah.Well, it’s a bit awkward »
« What are you working on ? » asked the God.
« Few days ago, a team came back with an unknown artefact. My job is to find out what it is, what’s its use . But this bloody thing doesn’t want to cooperate ! »
« go easy on it » Advised Thor, brushing your hand with his (deliberately). 
You felt the blood rushing to your cheeks. Disturbed, you followed Thor’s advice and the artefact went on, triggering a shield. Overjoyed, you flung your arms around Thor’s neck before kissing him on the cheek :
« Thank you ! Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! »
« That’s all you, I did nothing » Smiled Thor, happy to have you in his arms.
Suddenly you understood what you did and took a step back :
« Sorry, I was a little to overjoyed » 
« Feel free to do it whenever you want ! » Said Thor, but feeling your discomfort he changed the subject «  Can I ask you what is your … ‘job’ ? »
« Oh ! I’m an archeologist. I’m in charge of the artefacts the teams found during their missions. I boss people around » 
« So you are essential ? »
« I wouldn’t say that, you don’t need an archeologist when someone wants to destroy your planet »
« Don’t. I think you are wonderful, so is your … activity »
« Thank you, but I need to go. I have to run some tests on that thing. I hope I’ll see you again »
« You will » Promised Thor.
Loki :
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A new crisis was threatening the SHIELD, again. One of the agent, apparently had the capacity to change his body, his face but no-one knew, until now. So now, everyone was avoiding him or was insulting him. Which wasn’t good AT ALL !  The agent lost his cool and became a threat. Loki was watching the scene with clenched teeth. He knew what rejection could do to someone. The situation changed when you arrived. You got the agent to calm down. Loki couldn’t hear what you said but he was still impressed nonetheless. 
You asked your assistant to take the agent to your office before walking to Loki :
« Well done » He said.
« Not thank to you » You answered coldly, which surprised the God.
« I am Loki, I am from Asg… »
« I know who you are » You cut « I know where you come as I know you could have prevented what happened. Several agent have been severely injured and you just sat and watched. »
Loki kept looking at you with a smile, he loved your fired. There was something about you that was incredibly attractive.
« And you are ? »
« Not interested thank you » 
« Really ? You meet a god and have no questions to ask ? »
« Not to a self-centered god, sorry, buy yourself a conscious and maybe I will ask you if being an ass-hole is  hereditary, otherwise you’ll be a lost cause » 
« I don’t have a perfect family and … »
« Shut it ! Do I look I care ? Let me help you, the answer is no » You said, leaving the god dumbfound. 
Who were you ?! Your first-meeting could have been better but Loki wasn’t going to complain. He loved women with some fire in them. 
Bucky :
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Meeting the winter-soldier in these circumstances was not on your to-do list. Steve and you had been on the run, trying to find Barnes before someone else did. You and Steve were the only people capable to help him. And you did found him, to be more precise,you were pointing your gun at him :
« You are quite difficult to find » 
Obviously, no answers from. What were you expecting ? Steve told you that his brain was a mess and that you shouldn’t expect too much from him. The Winter-Soldier was silently studying you, at least that was what you thought. You told Steve through the radio that you found him. 
« Good ! Be careful, people heavily armed are coming from the south » Answered Steve. 
Suddenly, men broke into the place and started shooting at you and Bucky. You were about to take a bullet when Bucky stood in front of you, shielding you with his metal arm. For once, he was happy to have this arm, just this once. You were in the middle of the fight when Bucky finally spoke :
« What’s your name ? »
« Seriously ? You’re speaking now ?! Like, right now ?! » 
You took a quick glance at Bucky and saw that you words had hurt him, pushing back into the « winter-soldier mode ». You were feeling guilty and you didn’t like it a bit ! So, to prevent him from shutting himself even more, you decided to answer :
« y/n, and I come in peace » You said, cracking a joke to break the tension. At least, you hoped it would work.
« Delighted » He said, giving you the smile you only saw on old pictures.
« Same. I don’t want to be heartless or anything but I think we should go … right now ! Steve is waiting for us at the meeting point ! »
« How do you want to go ? We could use the roof but you’ll need to jump and … » Said Bucky, worried. 
« Fine for me !! »
« Are you sure that … »
« I’ve been working with Steve long enough to say that jumping from roof to roof is as easy as to do a 42km run ! » 
« I see » Smiled Bucky before following you in the stairs.
You were more interesting than he thought, and he absolutely loved it. 
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thefrenchyavenger · 4 years
He/She sees you for the first time (part 2)
Wanda :
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« Who’s taking care of the interrogation ? » Asked Wanda, following Steve closely.
« y/n, she’s trustworthy and the best in her field, don’t worry » 
« Can I watch ? » 
« Of course, it’s always a good show » Smiled the super soldier.
As soon as you entered the room, Wanda’s attention was on you. The way you were carrying and expressing yourself was … hypnotizing. You were talking calmly but with force, you didn’t show any expressions to the man in front of you, one of Rumlow’s men. You were playing with him, making him believe that he had the power when in reality, you were pulling the strings and leading the conversation.
Wanda felt as if she was under a spell, your spell, she was too scared of breaking the speed by moving or talking. 
« How do you know her ? »
« She’s been there for me after I woke up from the ice, she’s a close friend and I trust her with my life » Answered Steve.
« What’s her job ? »
« She’s a profiler, among many things. Why ? »
« Nothing. Could you introduce us ? »
« Of course »
Natasha :
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Actually, the first time Natasha knew you existed wasn’t by seeing you. She heard you. She heard you during one of her missions. Generally, Natasha worked without receiving any help or anything, but this time because she was working with a team, she had you in her ear. You were guiding her … well them, telling them when people were coming. 
So the first time she heard you was when you saved her life. You prevented her from being shot at. So, when she heard the voice who saved her, her first thought was that you must be have been an angel. 
Pietro :
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The first he saw you was very brief. He was running … as usual, but then he saw you and didn’t stop running, which drove him to run into a wall ! It was the first time it ever happened ! Intrigued by the noise you went out to see what it was, but Pietro had already disappeared behind the same wall he ran into ! 
It was the first time he saw you at the Stark tower, He’d heard of you but had never met you or even saw you. You had been personally hired by Tony to help him with a few projects for Stark Industry. It meant that you were a wealthy genius … basically Tony but without the ego issues, the alcohol and the partys. Pietro could see the kindness on your face, the cleverness in your eyes. According to him, he never saw anyone as beautiful as you. 
Doctor Strange :
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The first time Stephen saw you was at the conference you were giving at the hospital he was working in. You came to introduce a new medical procedure for the surgeons, something revolutionary. He was impressed and honestly, he needed a lot to be impressed. If he had to be completely honest, he didn’t listen to a word you said, all of his attention had been on your lips and the ways it moved when you were talking. 
He had watch your eyes shining with intelligence, curiosity but also with a bit of mischief. You had played with the audience and with his attention. You made everybody believed you were average, but he had seen through you, you were nothing but common. At the end of your presentation, he had learned your name through one of his colleague, He had tried to run after you, but he was too late. He saw you leave in a car with a funny logo, an eagle ?
Peter.P :
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« Hey Peter ? » Said Ned.
« hum ? »
« Look ! It’s Tony Stark’s daughter ! »
« What ?! » Shouted Peter, trying to spot you in the crowd.
When Peter saw you, he felt his heart leaving his chest. You were … wow … He felt as if he was on a different planet. He was ready to throw his heart at you without regrets. 
« We could introduced ourselves » Proposed Ned.
« Are you crazy ?! What should we say to her ?! »
« I don’t know … We could start with hello ? »
« Are you out of your mind ?! If Mister Stark learns about this I am dead ! »
Peter.Q :
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The first time Peter saw you was on a planet, not too far from Asgard. You were walking with Thor who, months before, asked you if you were interesting in visiting Asgard and the univers. Having Thor as a best-friend had its perks. 
So, Peter who was looking for his target, saw you walking in front of him, without even seeing him ! He couldn’t see anything but you, everything faded around him. You were dressed as an Asgardian but he had this feeling that you were not one of them. When he saw you leave, he decided to learn more about you. He had this feeling about you, he didn’t know what it was, but there was something intriguing. 
Scott :
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The first time Scott saw you was on TV, during the fight against Ultron. He remembered looking at Ultron like a kid would in front of a real life Transformer. But then he saw you being kicked, hurt buy one of these robots before you sent it flying all the way across the city ! Cassie had asked him what was going on when she saw him with his mouth open and his eyes wide.
Scott didn’t know how to react so he kept watching, day after day he watched the news, trying to learn what was known about you. He only had one idea in mind, meeting you. He felt like a kid who wanted to meet his idol, his super-hero, which you were ! 
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thefrenchyavenger · 4 years
He/She sees you for the first time (part 1)
Tony :
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Tony wanted everything but to be in a SHIELD base, spending his days with people who were not even close to interesting. Not being capable to focus on his work, he left for a walk. On his way, He passed the training-room for high-level agents. Only one person was in there : you, or at least, you were the only person he could see.
He saw you hitting your opponent again, and again without weakening. You were fighting Captain America and Tony’s eyes opened wide when He saw Steve on the ground. He couldn’t stop looking at you, you were electrifying. He directly understood that you were one in a billion, your eyes had this little spark that he found extremely attractive. He couldn’t wait to officially meet you. Until then, He had some hacking to do … about you.  
Clint :
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Clint had heard about you without ever meeting you. In fact, after gushing about his new bow and the various improvements that his equipment received, he tried to learn more about you. He needed to know who created these wonders. He couldn’t believe that only one person was in charge of his equipment. He couldn’t believe that it was you. 
Naturally curious, He tried to learn more about you but couldn’t meet you. You both were really busy. But one day, Clint learned that for once you were busy, or not as much as you usually were, so He ran to your laboratory. You were working on the 3D plans of a new bow. When He saw you, his heart stopped. He was already at your feet. 
Steve :
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Steve was looking for you but only because He had to talk to Fury who was apparently with you. He couldn’t get rid off the feeling that Fury was avoiding him. He was just coming back from a mission with the agents Barton and Romanoff, who had both been hurt. So, He had all the reasons He needed to head to your office. According to Natasha, you were the head of the SHIELD’s medical wing, a genius and person worth knowing. 
But He wasn’t excepting to froze on the spot at the sight of you ! You were sitting and He couldn’t see your face properly because you were engrossed by Clint’s file who was currently sleeping on the examination table. Your hair was on one side, giving Steve the possibility to watch you, He was hypnotized. In his long life He saw a lot of beautiful women but you … He had to meet you. To engross by you, He failed to notice Fury watching him, a light smile on his lips.
Thor :
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Thor used to brag about having seen all the wonders of the univers, but it changed when he fell in New-Mexico. On his way to get Mjolnir back from where it was detained to be studied, He saw your office and the different screens showing datas and Northern legends, but then, He saw you and you became the center of his univers. 
His heart stopped, the atmosphere was charged with electricity  and for once it wasn’t because of him. He thought Jane was beautiful, but you … You were more than that, you were the equal of a god. The more he watched you, the less he wanted to be king. You were not really touching Mjolnir,   but when your fingers touch it, you removed them hastily due to tiny charge of electricity. Thor couldn’t believe it, you were the one he had been waiting for.
Loki :
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Loki saw you for the first when he tried to ran away from his brother’s constant attention. He found a refuge at the far end of the SHIELD base. But his curiosity won when he saw several people running towards the same place. The first thing he saw was an agent, he looked feral, ready to kill or at least hurt someone. But then, the agent came back to his normal self thanks to someone talking to him. Curious, Loki turned his head and saw you. 
You were trying to calm the agent who was in the middle of a PTSD crisis, you asked the other agents not to try a thing, to let you handle the situation. The first thing, Loki noticed was your determination, how you were carrying yourself. You were beyond attractive. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. He was enthralled by you, so he smirked, already thinking of a way to meet you properly. 
Bucky :
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The first time Bucky saw was when watching Steve from afar. At first he was only focused on his childhood friend, but then he saw you, he was attracted to and by you. Bucky was fascinated by you. He almost went out of his hiding place  to save you when you were attacked by several men, but then he noticed you didn’t needed help. He saw you keeping up with Steve when you ran to the quinjet. 
He couldn’t explain why but when he saw you, a weight was taken from his shoulder. Many questions went trough his mind : Were you with Steve ? Romantically involved ? Were you a new sort of super soldier  or just a very well-trained agent ? He needed to know more.
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