thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
Animal Focus: Mountain Gorillas
Animal Focus: Mountain Gorillas
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Gorilla stare – you do not mess with this vegetarian (credit pic: Pixabay) Gorillas In The Mist (1988) may be over 30 years old, but the creature stars of that film are as vulnerable today as back then due to poaching and habitat lossdespite conservation efforts. Hunted for trophies, gorillas are often maimed or beheaded simply for delusional thoughts that they bring good luck or good health. …
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
News: Jaws bites the dust in African seas
News: Jaws bites the dust in African seas
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The Great White Shark – top predator of the seas – when Man isn’t there (Image credit: Elias Levy) The Great White Shark.  Its very name conjures up steel-trap jaws, menacing black eyes, and Steven Spielberg.  Perhaps due to its terrible reputation of having the most recorded bites on humans, they are on a decline.  Which begs the question, what happens when a top predator leaves the area?
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Biodiversity Solutions (Pt 2)
Top 10 Biodiversity Solutions (Pt 2)
Protecting ecological systems is one of the planet’s biggest problems and former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon once said that biodiversity is “essential for the welfare of current and future generations.” As a continuation from our previous post, here are the second half of The Green Planet’s Top 10 ways you can be more biodiverse. Grey Squirrel in action         (Credit: The Times)
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Biodiversity Solutions (Pt 1)
Top 10 Biodiversity Solutions (Pt 1) 5 Ways to be more biodiverse and to help nature fight back!
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                               Biodiversity – the planet’s biggest problem                                 (Photo credit – WorldIslandInfo.com) The top environmental issue of 2019 must be biodiversity.  So what is it, and what can you do to help save the Earth? Biodiversity is the variety of life that Earth has to offer.  From the vast number of species of plants and animals to the genetic…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
In Focus: Deforestation (Part 2)
In Focus: Deforestation (Part 2)
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Logs piled up and left                                                            (Image credit: by Wagner T. Cassimiro) Trees are essential constituents of the ecosystem by absorbing carbon which allows us to breathe, but more than 1.6 billion people worldwide rely on forest products for all or part of their livelihood.  So why exactly are trees so important to the climate? The National Wildlife…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
Animal Focus: The Polar Bear
Animal Focus: The Polar Bear
Global warming has destroyed so much of nature with the Polar Bear being one of the main victims.
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Polar bear gazing into the Arctic wilderness                           (Photo credit: Nikita Ovsyanikov)
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report concluded with high confidence that sea ice continues to decrease in extent, and that there is robust evidence for the downward trend in Arctic summer sea ice…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
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Indigenous people are among the first to be on the planet, yet are treated so poorly. New blog post touches on this. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsx4n8jnHQE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12amrgh9f2w6x
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
News: The People Of The Planet
News: The People Of The Planet
A proud member of the Nukak group      (Photo Credit – Pinterest) Indigenous groups the world over are perhaps the true Guardians of the World. Sadly, these groups are ever dwindling and are on endangered lists much like many of the earth’s species. I believe they deserve their names to be known by a much wider audience, so here is a small list of those, to whom the word consumerism would make…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
In Focus: Deforestation (Part 1)
In Focus: Deforestation (Part 1) #deforestation #ecoprojects #environment
In 100 years there will be no rainforests.
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Deforestation in Haiti                                                                                  (Image Credit: Wikimedia) If that headline does not catch your eye then nothing will.  At an awe-inspiring speed, the human race is devouring forests to the point of oblivion.  One and a half acres of rainforest is gone each second.  Nearly 5 acres…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
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A now all too familiar site as polar bears struggle amidst the melting ice caps. . . . . . #environment #climatechange  #climateaction #love #change #energy #icecaps #climate #student #recycle #cleantech #green #organic #solar #ecofriendly #wildlife #plasticwaste #polarbear #plasticalternatives #sustainability #ecology #plasticpollution #outdoors #earth #zerowaste https://www.instagram.com/p/BsaNOcYnLN1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v5gnmugaxwjp
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Plastic Alternatives (Part 2)
Top 10 Plastic Alternatives (Part 2)
Happy New Year! Turkey kicked off the year banning free plastic bags. As did Slovenia.  So let’s keep the focus on the scourge of the Earth by looking at the second part of the Top 10 Plastic Alternatives. ‘Plastic in the ocean’ artwork display at Sky Central, London (Photo Credit: Zoetnet at Flikr)
6. Plastic Carrier Bags– Of all the plastics the planet is paying the price for, this must be up…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
Animal Focus: The Bee
Animal Focus: The Bee
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It is now becoming more well-known that humble-bee is under threat.   Those wonderfully striped pollinators that scare us half to death when they buzz near us are in dramatic decline – and we are to blame (quite rightly).
  “The global bees-decline is just a symptom of a failed industrial agricultural system based on ever-increasing chemical and energy inputs, large-scale monoculture and…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
News: A Green Brexit
News: A Green Brexit
With all the chaos surrounding Brexit, it’s worth reminding ourselves that leaving the E.U. or staying in the E.U. should not dilute the environmental protections that are already in place.  These must not be weakened.
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The portmanteau that just won’t go away. (Image credit: David Wygant (cat); The Planner (gavel))
Fracking, air pollution, bees, food, water pollution, clean energy – the list goes…
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
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Be kind to the planet this Christmas. Here's some ideas in my forthcoming posts for gifts 🎅🏼🐝 ♥ . . . . . #environment #climatechange  #climateaction #love #change #energy #health #climate #student #recycle #cleantech #green #organic #solar #ecofriendly #wildlife #plasticwaste #savethebees #plasticalternatives #sustainability #ecology #plasticpollution #earth #zerowaste #ThursdayThoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/BrUee86HIZp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12awwqfyqrpkr
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thegreenplan8-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Plastic Alternatives (Part 1)
Top 10 Plastic Alternatives (Part 1)
One of the main threats to the planet and the future is plastic.  David Attenborough’s ‘Blue Planet II’ gave much-needed attention to this and as a result consumers like you and I are always looking for plastic alternatives.  So guess what – here are some great ideas for you to wrap your brain around.
The Green Planet gives you the Top 10 Plastic Issues & Solutions:
Blow-torch available upon…
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