thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
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My New Years Spread I'm getting ready to read.
Happy New Year, Everyone! <3 /|\
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
Druidry is not just a spiritual practice within oneself, it's a living active practice to go out there, experience life, and help the world.
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
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I decided to virtually adopt a Darwin Fox who is on the critically endangered animal list. They will be sending the plush to symbolize the fox. I'm thinking he will make a great addition to my Second Grade Classroom at school and will be a great way to segway into science topics on the environment and endangered species.
I might have the class name him. :)
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
Hello, I'm curious about OBOD courses. Personally it would be a long term and online investment for me, and I'm wondering is it worth it? From my understanding the I formation would be the same that's in all other witchy and druid focused books, just structured, as in when a festival comes you learn about it and not just a section in a book with all the Festivals and the structure isn't so overwhelming as a book plus this would provide a mentor and a community online and in real life if there's any in the area which I doubt there is in my specific northern European country. But I'm still afraid of getting bored with it and seeing it's not for me, while still having to continue monetary investment. Do you think it's worth it with limited resources, or maybe there's a better way for the time being to learn about druid path? Thanks.
I'm so sorry. I don't know how long ago this was sent in, but I do apologize for just getting back to this blog now.
To answer your question, to me personally (being someone who was wary myself at first), the OBOD Courses have been life altering. It was one of the best purchases I could have made. The lessons aren't just about literally teaching you things, they are far more about opening your mind and senses to multiple meanings of stories, dimensions of thought, and how they reflect within you as an individual person and all of Nature and that connection you have.
They are introspective and within each lesson (gwers) have a practical meditation to sit with, journal, and explore within yourself, while also teaching you the tools to carry the introspective work into the physical through manifestation and ritual.
I do highly recommend if you're going to purchase, getting the now available ONLINE version. It is amazing because not only can you read along with the lessons in a nicely kept place online, but you can listen to the lessons. They are recorded by wonderful readers, including Phillip Car-Gonn. There is music that plays and you get the wonderful atmospheric feel of the language through the oral story telling aspect which is how Druids learned in the past.
It also allows you to close your eyes and immerse yourself visually with your mind during the stories, myths, and meditations.
To me, this course is invaluable and will likely continue to refer to these lessons long after I've finished the course, too.
Right now, I'm on Gwers (lesson) 20.
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
Book Review - Cerridwen, by Kristoffer Hughes
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The awen is strong in this book because the power of inspiration was cast over me.
I started reading this as a supplement to the Bardic OBOD Course I am taking. I was feeling a draw to this idea of Cerridwen and wanted to learn more. What this book did was transform a curious mind into a full blown follower.
This isn’t just a story of a single myth. This author has taken me on a journey into the history of the Welsh Culture through their lore and language. It is beautiful. It shares the journey of the culture and Cerridwen’s journey through their many transformations through time to today. It goes deep into the stories of myth and poetry, and analyzes them from an academic perspective of the culture’s language and state of time and through a spiritual one.
The end is filled with wonderful practical applications for welcoming and working with Cerridwen today, and the ending note is nothing but inspiring to be in the awen and shine your own light to the world.
Wonderful wonderful book. Very well researched and immersive. I feel as if I took an entire college course on Her. I feel that educated. I also want to learn more of the Welsh language now.
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
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A cool morning unfolds along the shores of Sylvan Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
(c) riverwindphotography, September 2023
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
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My Alban Arthan/Yule Altar /|\
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 5 months
It's been ages since I've been on this blog, but happened upon it the other day while looking up a post I had on here about Ogham Runes, and realized just how much I miss this blog. I'm going to try to bring this blog back to life, again.
It's funny how the years change people. Looking back my perspectives on Druidry seems so different. I think, 'naive', is a good word. I wasn't wrong in what I posted before in anything about what Druidry is, but from where I am now, it shows just how much of a beginner I was to everything that Druidry really is. I hope to share more of that here.
For one thing, OBOD isn't anything like I originally thought it was back on my first journal entry. I go on about how weary I was about joining anything too 'organized' and that I didn't like the idea of levels and people over me, etc.
That was completely an incorrect assumption.
I absolutely love being a member of the Order. There is no dogma in the group and you can believe in whatever you want to believe in as to deities, deity, or none of. All the practices taught are open to interpretation to what makes you feel comfortable and connect with.
The group is more just like a big spiritual family where we can meet for wonderful gatherings online, or in person, meditate together, and celebrate. I've also been blown away by the course work. I've been going very slowly through it, but I think that works for me. It allows me to really feel and sit with each lesson and really become a part of it in my life before going onward.
Peace /|\
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
Writer Speaks:
Hey, everyone. Part 2 is now up on the Fae Series I’m putting out on youtube. This one is on Faerie Offerings! I hope you enjoy!
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
Welcome to the first part of my new series on Fae! With the channeled help of modern-day Fae, in this series, I will take you into the minds of Fae, how they think, and why they do the things they do, so that you may better understand them. In this series, you will find some very practical information on how to establish relationships with Fae, the types of things to do, say, and not to say, and many many more things to help you in your friendships with the ‘neighbors.' 
 Part 1 - Who Are The Fae? 
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
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Connecticut | mark_loper
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
Hi, everyone! Welcome to my channel. Join me for a story of a personal journey into discovering and finding the true essences of two very different Mother Goddesses. 
 In this video, I talk about my own personal relationships with the Celtic Goddess Anu and that of the Goddess Kuan Yin, what their similarities are and how they are also both very different.
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
Hey, everyone! New weekly Lenormand Reading is up for anyone interested. :) Please, of course, ‘like,’ if you enjoy it, and subscribe if you’re interested in more weekly readings, small tutorials on various pagan/magical practices, and more.
Hope you enjoy!
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
Hi, everyone! In this video, you will learn how to read the Lenormand Oracle Cards and what is different about them from the Tarot.
Note:  The second flower you see in the description run-down portion of the video is the Lily. This means sensuality. I blanked for a moment on that one, sorry! :p
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
I like this a lot.
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thelittlehedgegrove ¡ 3 years
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