So I’m learning to how to cook my non-binary goth friend decided to teach me how to make chicken fajitas. As we’re chopping the vegetables two thoughts went through my head in this order:
“I wanna be like Hannibal Lector, but instead of humans, it’s just regular food.”
“Dude, that’s just a normal fucking chef.”
I told my friend about it soon after and they completely fucking lost it.
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I just had a super dystopian thought.
Transgenderism catches the interest of John Capitalism, and 40 to 50 years from now corporations from across the globe are buying ownerships of genders, millions at a time. Our future generations won’t be able to afford their own gender. So unless you’re able to work yourself to death, do a nepotism, or pull a smorgasbord of loans and mortgages, you’re stuck with your birth-assigned genders. All the while genderlords everywhere will be making out of touch TikToks about how hard their job is and how they should be paid more than waiters and cashiers.
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Sometimes my brain feels like a car full of skydivers, slowly getting pushed off the back of a plane. Soon enough the skydivers all fall out and disperse like crazy bones after getting hit with another crazy bone. The car flipping nonstop as it plummets towards the ground at fuck you miles an hour. All while Low Rider by War plays throughout the whole thing.
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If P.M Seymour EVER covers any of my posts, I’m gonna need them to do it in a bad Australian accent. And no, I won’t settle for a good one.
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I remember one time having a dream that a live action Undertale movie happened, and all of the characters that appeared were completely absent from the game. All except for Grillby. But then fucking Sans appears in a post credits sequence. There was a spotlight shining down on him and everything. Aside from all that, I remember literally jack fuck about the whole thing.
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Brendon Urie: *turns into a skeleton* I WASN’T BORN FOR THIS!!
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A writing prompt came up on google trending
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Those uncultured fucks will never understand our plight...
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Does anyone remember these? We had a collection in like the 4th grade.
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I hope this helps to make sense of it.
Apologies in advance to whoever’s world I’m about to rock with this post, but I need to get it out of me brain. Is it just me, or does Michael Richards look like the Luigi to Peter Falk’s Mario?
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Apologies in advance to whoever’s world I’m about to rock with this post, but I need to get it out of me brain. Is it just me, or does Michael Richards look like the Luigi to Peter Falk’s Mario?
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One time a friend asked me if i thought Khonshu had a cloaca and I don’t think I could ever watch Moon Knight the same way again.
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Mate, I’ll do ya one better. A few years ago I was walking home from high school right? There’s this small patch of land on the block just opposite my house that was fenced off. As I was nearing home I saw what I thought was an old man in a rat mask staring me down Kubrick style from behind the fence. My immediate thought was “Well fuck, this is how it ends for me huh.” But then I realised: That’s not an old man in a rat mask, THAT’S A FUCKING HORSE.
ok so i was at the mall eating potatoes and in the corner of my eye i saw what i thought was a dog, so i quickly turned my head to look and it was a fucking printer
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Me: *gets told that there was almost a Thunderbirds reboot with Tom Cruise as Scott Tracy* Me, half a year later:
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I hope that one day I get to be friends with a dude who heavily identifies with a Jedi or Sith character. That way when I find out what character it is, I can tell him...
“bro, nice force kin.”
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Thunderbirds (2004) (The Good Ending) You’re welcome
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Oh boy, I can’t wait for ‘Hitman’s Wife’s New Boyfriend’s Bodyguard’.
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A dominatrix who is into watersport. A pisstress if you will.
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