themarr0w0flife · 2 months
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today was so tiring i just wanted to sleep but then
i had to stand all the way in the train back to my station and that would have been fine but imagine, buying an ac ticket and not getting a place to sit, but i guess good thing was my legs were numb at this point.
ok then when i reached i just thought that today i’ve had a loong dayy and i feel i deserve a sweet little disco riksha. just as i thought i see a riksha from afar which i just knew. it was at first sight. yeah this one’s it. there were a bunch of people in front of me but the riksha made its way out rejecting all of them, reaching to me.
and it happened?? i sat inside and wow the colours flickering lights red and blue now that’s what i’m talking about. it also had cheetah prints all over it, flowers dangling around!
few seconds of pure happiness and i had to get out of the riksha cause they weren’t allowing passengers that way with no road for a U- turn. YEAH IDEK?
what’s next? i’m walking on the street, no contemplations nope— i was just blank what can i say? and then this thought just popped in my mind out of thin air that ‘you know what could make this worse? if it started raining.’
you’re right it fucking did yes. 😃😃😃😃
i do tend to over exaggerate situations like this but i can’t help but wonder if universe really has a bigger vision for me? or does it just enjoy edging me? it’s funny yeah i get it though, i’m taking notes out here to you know, catch up and upgrade on my personal humour as well.
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themarr0w0flife · 2 months
You can take away my diary
but please leave me to my thoughts and writing
that is all I claim as my own
in all the stranger things—
If you take my diary
I can delude myself to pen down a performance
anywhere there’s space left for audience,
I’ll write on the sand
or on my skin,
recarve it to permanence for my sake
if my diary remains empty of words so do I
and if success speaks for me
through a life of adventures
but my pages leave blankness
I would have lost myself to strangers.
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themarr0w0flife · 8 months
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To The Substitute Art Teacher - Jordan Bolton
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themarr0w0flife · 9 months
When hozier said ‘Imagine being loved by me.’ Yeah I did that..sir? NOW WHAT?
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themarr0w0flife · 11 months
i found the hanging scene in kill your darlings (which i haven't finished yet) really funny because it's so stupid so i propose:
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matching pfps
it was hilarious the way lucien kinda pushes allen playfully and almost kills him
the pipe they tied it to? not secure at all. i mean obviously they didn't want to die, just wanted the experience for their writing.
i left it at the boat scene, i hope i can finish it soon! :)
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themarr0w0flife · 11 months
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"
—Jack Kerouac, On the Road
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From left to right: Larry Rivers, Jack Kerouac, David Amram, Allen Ginsberg, and Gregory Corso in white hat with back to camera
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themarr0w0flife · 1 year
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या अनुरागी चित्त की गति समुझै नहिं कोई। ज्यौं ज्यौं बूड़ै स्याम रँग, त्यौं त्यौं उज्जलु होई॥
{No one understands the pace of a devoted heart; the more it drowns in dark colours(in worship of lord Shyam), the brighter they start to shine}
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themarr0w0flife · 1 year
I am more like my nation than I will ever know the more I notice the more I grow into it I am from it’s past, present and future A mix of different cultures sit in my head together United by authenticity at the core and divided I am by my superficialities Drama and romanticism of my emotions, rhyming in all and many languages that scream red love. Shades of red are for my devotion and extremities, I find balance in my blues.
I do, just like how my India keeps searching in the crowd of other nations, a place of it’s own, a particular title to add over it All the multiplicities can’t be concealed in just one identity, but that’s what births the uniqueness nowhere else to be found.
However sublime the sceneries of Himalayas, I often pay visit to streets that get dark, fall back to my corrupt ways as I owe to my guilty biases Free willed at the roots but few age into rigid complexities, I try to break.
I once was soaring skies with freedom on my mind, hasting to the peak Took the fall for my ignorance onto dust in the same less time But are my wings dust just because they are covered in it?
Like my country I emerge out slower and stronger building on concrete—on the remains of what once was my golden empire I am a 100 layers of the superhumans and divinities that folded underneath me So much to express but not a word enough to justify, societies try to tame my nation with what belonged only to us. Cause we got stolen of words that we now rote learn, they teach us what has always been latent in our line. Lines that draw back to the time we unknowingly sold our value out to few cents of forged superiority, on those lines I lost some of myself, but now I know as I notice little by little— that my worth lies not in learning myself through others for acceptance, but simply recollecting those parts of me I gave away so easily.
It is true that by default daughters turn out like their mothers and I will too, but now I find no shame in my originality. Now that I know there is darkness, I will go search for light. Light for my independence. And wherever I reach, if I ever get asked—Who am I? I will simply say, my nature is my nation.
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themarr0w0flife · 1 year
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Heard these songs back to back and i guess i see a pattern how they hit the same spot.
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themarr0w0flife · 1 year
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“Mann kasturi re, jag dasturi re, baat hui naa puri re.” ~Masaan
[Heart is like a wild musk deer that goes mad looking for the scent of musk, unaware that the essence lies within it; following the worldly routines while the search remains incomplete.]
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themarr0w0flife · 2 years
yeah life has been good lately but I am a person who has observed these patterns in my life- where it keeps getting stuck into tiny complicated loops that might seem small to others but take a huge part out of my time, so everytime when I trip a step backward while climbing up, I see myself falling off the ladder back into the loop. Falling off into the patterns you barely made out of is a paralysing feeling, it’s scary and anxiety inducing. But then I just remember how familiar these patterns have been to me all my life, I know their nature and even if I fall, I will grow out of them stronger than ever. You see it can be used as an orbit raising mechanism, you orbit for a while, learn from it what you can and propulse off at the right time onto a higher cycle. So just don’t drain your energy haywire and calm down, look around you, what you call for is calling you to it’s way.
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themarr0w0flife · 2 years
need festivals every day to remind myself i’m the main character
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themarr0w0flife · 3 years
It is that time of the year. You walk down your lift smelling like the new dress you’re wearing, you step out at 8:00 in the night but it’s almost like day. You see the kids trying to light up the ‘paaus’ and ‘chakris’ with their ‘fulbaaji’ but they run away from it before even lighting it up atleast like 3 times. Streets look superlunary. You get to live an infatuation in your reality. Buildings look like a huge canvas as if composing 100s of the most beautiful paintings ever made all together. The cold breeze caressing you feels life-giving. You walk over to your society’s watchman who has this woollen muffler wrapped around his head. You hand him a box of sweets and he gives you the most genuine smile ever. Simplest of these moments become a blessing you’re grateful for. How can someone not believe in magic when there’s diwali?
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themarr0w0flife · 3 years
cultural appropriation in ATLA (hinduism edition)
i’m sure there’s already a ton of posts about this, but whatever, i’m still making one idc. 
ATLA’s cultural appropriation, everyone knows about it, the white people don’t speak about it, and the asian and indigenous people get ignored. we know the cycle. but i wanted to come here and highlight some of the most prominent examples of ATLA abusing hinduism, as i am kinda sorta hindu (i was raised in a hindu household, i go to chinmaya mission, that kinda shit). i might forget some things so keep that in mind.
this is gonna be divided into 3 main sections, since there are different ways that they disrespect hinduism that i don’t wanna lump together.
and i’d say i know a lot about hinduism but that doesn’t make me an expert, obviously, so if other hindus have anything to add and/or correct then please do !! and if anyone else wants to share how their cultures were appropriated then please do that as well !!
so let’s get started shall we?
Keep reading
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themarr0w0flife · 3 years
me: *tries to portray myself how the person wants to see me so no one truly figures me out*
also me: how can they not understand what i’m feeling?? :((
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themarr0w0flife · 3 years
You switch off the tubelights during the day
because why would you shine your irrelevant light when the world is already so bright?
The night oils my hair with a fuel to my passion,
combs down my anguish for the time I have wasted,
trying to digest the fact that I didn’t burn myself enough today.
How do I drift off to my dream land,
when the dusk spots the light on me
and I feel seen?
I can’t just lie dead now when there are so many ideas steaming out my mind like a pressure cooker.
It makes sense right now
and when I wake up it will all be just a dream.
Just a tube light in the bright daylight.
Maybe it’s of no use to hustle in a hustle,
why to speak when no ones hearing,
to scream in a deafening silence?
I tricked the night into a promise
I asked her to stick with me through not the dark but the brighter time,
to make me feel seen she now hides behind the curtains all day.(as my shadow)
One day for her, I will burn a little brighter
just to make her look bigger,
I will carry on her shade like my pride.
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themarr0w0flife · 3 years
Gave into my mind, everything that i could, only to lose it
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