themori-grimoire · 2 years
Amulets vs Talismans
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Both Talismans and Amulets are magical objects that are small in nature, therefore making them conspicuous and able to be worn or carried without arousing suspicion. Often, they will be pieces of jewellery suitable for everyday wear or objects that can be discreetly carried on your person.
Amulet: provides protection from danger and harm.
Talisman: attracts a particular benefit to the wearer/carrier.
The general consensus is that Amulets provide protection against bad luck, illness, and evil. They may do this in a general sense, or serve a more specific protective purpose.
The most common form of Amulet to be found, are necklaces and pendants as they can be worn daily without raising alarm, and it is believed by some that the closer to the body an Amulet is worn, the more powerful its effects will be.
Some potential Amulets include: gems and crystals, stones, figurines (people, deities, animals, mythological creatures); diagrams; bones; plants, and words.
Talismans are, like Amulets, items that hold magical power.
There is debate over what the exact differences between Amulets and Talismans are, and it will vary between sources as to what you read or see.
In general, Talismans are said to draw things to the wearer/carrier, instead of have a passive protective effect and their magic is specific and not generalised; by this, I mean that unlike Amulets that can just serve general protective purposes, Talismans are used to attract specific benefits tat are determined by their design. They can also be charged to increase their power.
Talismans are more complicated than Amulets in appearance; Amulets can simply be a crystal hung on a leather throng that you wear around your neck, whereas Talismans tend to have symbols, figures or incantations carved or engraved onto them in colours that correspond to the intended benefit you wish to bring upon yourself.
When it comes to having your Talisman on your person, it is much more common for the item to be something you can carry in your purse, pockets or bad than something you’d wear. They can also be placed near the item or person you wish to bestow the benefits upon. For example, you may place the item above a child’s bed if you want to give them good dreams, or put it into your purse if you wish to draw wealth and prosperity to yourself.
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themori-grimoire · 2 years
Witchcraft 101: Black Salt
BLACK SALT (also known as WITCH’S SALT) is used primarily for protection, banishing, and repelling.
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Those uses aren’t exclusive—it has also been known to feature in baneful magics, and can be used in uncrossing rituals.
To protect your property from negative spirits, people with ill-intent, unwanted visitors, and negative energy: sprinkle black salt around the perimeter of your property.
To both banish any residual icky energy that a person may have left in your home, and prevent them from returning: sprinkle black salt on the front step and sweep it away. If you’re feeling more traditional (and brave!) you can throw black salt at the back of someone that is leaving your home also.
To prevent nightmares: use in a sachet and keep beneath your pillow.
To repel negativity, unwanted visitors, and rumours/gossip: sprinkle generously across windowsills and doorways.
To cleanse your home and keep nasties from entering: add black salt to a floor wash and go ham on your floor. Focus especially on high traffic areas.
To undo a curse, hex, or other form of malignant magic that has been cast upon you: use in an uncrossing oil or powder. Learn more about uncrossing [here].
To alleviate any negative thoughts and feelings that you are carrying: add a pinch of black salt to your bath, or to an oil with a similar purpose that you anoint yourself with.
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themori-grimoire · 2 years
Mori’s Black Salt
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This is my personal go-to recipe for Black Salt. It makes a small/medium sized batch, which is fine for personal use. I find it to be very effective and use it sparingly whenever I do need it, because a pinch is often enough.
Sea Salt (150g)
Lemon juice.
Activated Charcoal.*
A sigil on a piece of paper (I would recommend a general protection sigil, or one that repels negative energy).
Black pepper.
Myrrh incense ashes (if you make your own incense intended to cleanse, protect, purify or banish, use that).
Pestle and mortar.
Pipette (optional but useful).
Preparation: Safely burn your sigil and keep the ashes aside. Wait for them to cool.
Put your salt into a pestle and mortar first, followed by the other dry ingredients.
Use the mortar to grind it down into a finer version of the original mixture (which will have been quite chunky thanks to the sea salt).
Add two or 3 drops of lemon juice, and mix your salt well. It will make the salt a little bit clumpy at first, but after enough mixing it will be fine.
Let the salt sit for a little while before transferring it into a jar.
Use a funnel to pour the salt into a jar that has an airtight lid. You need it to be airtight to preserve your salts and stop moisture from getting in.
Store them in a dark, cool, dry place.
*Please take care when handling activated charcoal. It can be very messy and clings to everything. It can also stain.
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themori-grimoire · 2 years
Festivals & Holidays: Lughnasadh
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Autumn draws near and with it, comes Lughnasadh.
Lughnasadh, pronounced “LOO-nah-sah” and known also as Lammas, is a Celtic festival that occurs from the 31st of July through into the 1st of August. It was observed fervently throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man and marks the beginning of the harvest season.
Also called: Lúnasa (modern Irish), Lùnastal (Scottish Gaelic), Luanistyn (Manx Gaelic).
Lughnasadh is the celebration and ritual of the first harvest of fruit, wheat, and grain. This festival both acknowledges and celebrates the waning of light - Lughnasadh is the initiation of Winter preparation.
It is named for Lugh Lámhfada. and is in honour of his step-mother, Tailtiu who perished of exhaustion after clearing the fields of Ireland ready to be planted, sowed and seeded. Lughnasadh was originally a set of rituals, gatherings and funerary games (named Tailteann Games, or Áenach Tailteann) in honour of Tailtiu’s death and sacrifice.
✧ Symbols of Lughnasadh:
Straw dolls/straw bales.
Corn dolls.
Tarot (strength).
✧ Colours of Lughnasadh:
Dark green.
✧ Stones & Crystals of Lughnasadh:
Cat’s Eye.
✧ Herbs of Lughnasadh:
✧ Foods of Lughnasadh:
BAKING & COOKING: Sharing food is a good thing to do with each festival, especially those with agricultural ties. If you incorporate seasonal foods, and foods associated with the festival itself, it can be seen as an offering or as being done in honour of what you’re celebrating.
ENJOY NATURE: Lughnasadh is a time when the seasons are changing, so take this time to walk and enjoy the last that summer has to offer. Collect things whilst you walk to put on your altar if you have one.
AN ALTAR: if this is something you do, decorate your altar with some of the items mentioned in the list above. If you’re pagan and have a deity who corresponds with this holiday, leave an offering on your altar. In Lugh’s case, he is a god known for his skills in craftmanship and His ability to turn His hand to anything. He is also known for playing the harp, so anything you have crafted or that has taken skill to create will be well received by Him.
DECORATE: if you like, small decor changes can really get you in the mood and act as a celebratory act.
BONFIRES: Invite friends and/or family to a bonfire. Not only is Lughnasadh a celebration of waning light and of the god Lugh, it is a celebration of fire. Share plans to remove negative habits or influences from your life with your loved ones, burn representatives of negativity, drink to future prosperity and toast to Lugh.
Light a candle and do the same, if you cannot have a bonfire.
CRAFT: as mentioned before, Lugh is a god of craft and skill. Make something! Finish a project you’ve been putting off! If you don’t want to do something in Lugh’s name, you can make dolls out of corn (a very traditional activity) and they can be left on an altar if you have one, used as decoration or turned into a poppet.
ATHLETICISM: The funerary games of Lughnasadh were its primary reason for creation. To honour this, you can do something on a small scale, such as jogging or yoga, or going to the gym, if you are able.
TRADING: Bake some bread and give it to your friends/family/coven in exchange for herbs, or some candles! That’s just an idea. but you get the gist of it. Lots of trading took place at historic Lughnasadh celebrations, as they assembly for this season festival was always large.
FEASTING: Ties into the baking/cooking aspect, but using things that come from the first harvest is a good way to honour Lughnasadh and Tailtiu.
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themori-grimoire · 2 years
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Please do not share this without credit to my original blog [link here].
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themori-grimoire · 3 years
Witchcraft 101: The Magic of Teeth
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We’re born with them buried in our skull, waiting to pop through our gums and allow us to eat solid food. We have two sets of teeth; our infant teeth, known affectionately as “milk teeth” or “peggies” (in my family, at least) and our second and final set - our adult teeth.  Some of us are blessed (or cursed) with four extra teeth our wisdom teeth, named so because they appear later than the rest of our teeth - when we are supposedly wiser than we were when our first adult teeth begin coming through.
But, what magic do teeth hold? What uses do they have in witchcraft and spirituality? Let’s find out.
Humans have had an odd obsession with teeth that can be traced back to when records began and this obsession seems to have infiltrated cultures spanning the entire world.
In Scandinavia, strings holding children’s teeth were worn around the neck to act as a protection charm in battle.
In England, children were encouraged to burn their teeth to protect themselves in the afterlife. Teeth were also burned to stop a witch from gaining total power over the owner of the lost tooth, should they obtain it.
In some Asian countries, teeth were thrown on the roof if it came from the bottom jaw, accompanied by the request that it be replaced with a mouse’s tooth which was believed to bring good luck and prosperity.
One of the most common pieces of folklore surrounding teeth, is that they can be exchanged for a gift of some kind. Yes, I am talking about the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy makes an appearance in many cultures, but our impish little friend takes on various forms:
In Italy, it goes by the name ‘Topolino’.
In France and French-speaking Belgium his name is ‘la petite souris’.
In parts of Lowland Scotland it is simply known to be a white rat who purchases children’s teeth with coins.
Well, the simple answer to this is: a lot of things.  Teeth represent hunger, speech, and happiness; they represent anger, power, and a connection to our ancestors (especially the wisdom teeth). Due to their use in exchange for gifts and money, teeth are often associated with money/gaining wealth, and prosperity. They represent the mouth (obviously) and the teeth themselves, and can thus be used in workings pertaining to those parts of the body. Teeth are also a powerful taglock [click here for information on these] as they contain DNA, and make very potent tools in binding magics.
Divination (this is known as ‘Odontomancy’ and is divining by looking at the position and alignment of someone’s teeth. If Odontomancy isn’t your thing, you could make runes out of teeth, if you cared to!).
Attraction magic.
Magics for prosperity and wealth.
Baneful magic (jinxes, hexes, curses).
Witch Bottles.
Ancestral workings.
Magics to halt rumours, gossip, etc.
Magics related to speech and speaking.
If you like my content and would like to help me keep providing free stuff for my gorgeous Ghoul Gang, you can tip your witch here: [Paypal].
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Rowan’s Ward Removal
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Everyone has different personal rituals and quirks in their practise; we develop routines and habits as we go, some of which stick, and some do not.
This is how I personally take down old wards. What you read here may not work for every witch, or find favour with them, but let it be known that I never claimed universal correctness to be the case here.
Wards are comprised of energy, and it is well known that residual energy often lingers long after the working(s) it was used in are completed if a cleansing ritual isn’t done.
Energy when left in a space can continue to taint the space and all that takes place there, and if energies of a conflicting nature mingle, your intent may become moot and you’ll have rogue magic on your hands. There’s also a risk that two intents/energies can potentially counteract and cancel each other out, rendering your work completely useless.
Those are the main reasons I take my wards down and put them back up periodically, but two other reasons are simply:
Your need/reason for a ward may change, so the ward type may need to change with it, meaning that an entirely new ward is required.
Energy wanes and weakens over time. You can re-charge wards, but I often find it more effective to get rid of them completely and set up a new and fresh one in its place.
The easy answer here is “whenever you feel is best”, and whilst I find that warding is a very intuitive practise, I don’t want to fob you off by saying “go with your feelings” when that doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.
Use your intuition. If you’re someone whose intuition has never steered them wrong, tap into your highly intuitive nature. Your intuition is a subconscious force that is in tune with your environment, your feelings and oftentimes your higher/spiritual self and it is able to detect changes and warn you of things if need be. Listen to your intuitive mind.
Use energy work to detect changes in energy. If you’re a proficient energy worker put out some feelers to sense change in the energies around you.
If you set up wards for a particular purpose (e.g., personal protection), be sure to keep tabs on the targeted situation/environment. Drawing on the personal protection example mentioned a sentence ago, for an example: if you begin to feel uncomfortable or vulnerable, it is time to remove and renew.
You can set up wards just like you can set up spells: add loopholes, conditions, and parameters. If you’re someone who for whatever reason, forgets about the waning and changing nature of wards, and is likely to forget they need taking down and setting up periodically, it may serve you well to set some ground rules in your ward. For example, you may want to make it so that your wards last for exactly six months. You can then mark this down on a calendar or set a reminder on your mobile, ensuring you know when to take the wards down.
Now, onto the magic!
For this ritual, you will need the Cleansing Spray (recipe and ingredients below), a cloth or rag, and a white candle.
Spray bottle.
Charged water.
Sea salt.
Lemon EO or rind.
Mix the ingredients together in your spray bottle and leave it overnight before use.
✧ STEP ONE: Make your intent known.
Before I begin, I like to make sure that my intent is clear. I do this by stating vocally that I am about to take down the active wards.
I take this step because 90% of the wards I cast are protective, but so is a lot of the magic I do generally and, if I don’t make it known that it is only the ward I wish to remove, I fear that I may accidentally remove any latent or passive protective energies that are up from various other workings.
If you can’t be vocal about your intent, spend some time focusing on it, meditating on it, or write it down.
✧ STEP TWO: Spritz your space.
Make sure you spritz the centre of the space, all four corners, and by each window and door. Keep your intent in mind as you do so.
✧ STEP THREE: Wipe down the doors and door frames, window frames and windowsills using your cloth and the spray.
Wards generally keep things out, whether those things are negative energies, negative people, spirits or something else entirely. By cleansing all avenues in and out of your space, you’re making sure that every last dredge of the ward is gone, especially in the places it is working the hardest.
✧ STEP FOUR: The final cleanse by fire and words.
Light your candle and, as the flame ignites, speak these words: “By the light of the flame, this space is cleansed. By the power of fire, this space is clear; fire razes all, - no ward may linger here.”
Lift your candle, and walk to each corner of the room. Once you’re there, recite the incantation again; whisper its power into existence with every word you speak.
Once you have done this, set your candle down in a safe place and allow it to burn for as long as you wish. Let the flames do their work.
*It is important to note that yes, not all witches are able to be vocal with their magic and so, it is more than okay to think on this incantation instead of speak it. Personally, I find that in this particular working, being able to vocalise this incantation adds a lot of oomph to the ritual, however, that is only how it works for me - it may indeed vary from witch to witch. Remember that the power is with you, not the ingredients. So long as you keep your intent at the forefront of your mind whilst performing this magic, your results will be as desired.
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Witchcraft 101: Alcohol & Magic
Alcohol has been present in human society for thousands of years, and let’s be honest, it’s not going anywhere. As well as being a tool to loosen one’s inhibitions, alcohol can also be a tool in witchcraft and, like most tools and ingredients, different beverages have different associations.
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ABSINTHE (AIR): protection, astral travel, dreams, psychic power, divination.
VODKA (FIRE): strength, courage, motivation, power, completion, cleansing.
RUM (WATER): prosperity, monetary wealth, cleansing, protection.
GIN (EARTH): binding, health, wealth. protection, psychic power.
WHISKEY (WATER): change, warding, transformation, banishment, mourning/grieving.
BRANDY (EARTH): attraction, love, fertility, prosperity.
RED (EARTH): lust, passion, success, warmth, health, happiness.
WHITE (AIR): relationships/friendships, joy, purification, energy, success.
ROSÉ (AIR): luck, joy, friendship, new bonds, love, beginnings.
SPARKLING (FIRE): celebration, opportunity, prosperity, wealth.
BEER (EARTH): prosperity, home and hearth, family, community, protection.
CIDER (EARTH): health, love, success, growth, stability.
MEAD (EARTH): learning, inspiration, creativity, courage, forming connections, love, lust, protection.
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Rowan Méadhbh’s List of Tips and Advice for New Witches
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Rowan Maédhbh’s List of Tips and Advice For New Witches!
Before you even think about practising magic, you need to study. It sounds tedious, I know, but witchcraft is not a trivial undertaking. You also need to learn to read critically, and with a pinch of salt! Why? Because, although almost all authors do have some valuable and useful content in their work, some perpetuate problematic ideals, such as racism, sexism, stealing from closed cultures, and the use of Wicca and witchcraft interchangeably.
Start a grimoire/Book of Shadows/Journal.
You’ll need a safe place to keep all of the information you’ve gathered safe, and a grimoire (as I call mine), is essentially a notebook for that exact purpose. It doesn’t have to be fancy (though you’re welcome to make it as ostentatious as you like), - it can be a bullet journal if that’s easy for you. Within your grimoire, you should keep all gathered information, spells, failures, successes, records of work you’ve done, etc,. Anything that pertains to your craft.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to pick a path.
You might see a lot of witches who class themselves as one thing or another, e.g., storm witches, kitchen witches, elemental witches, spirit/divination witches; green witches; cosmic witches, and so on. That is cool and their prerogative, but you will also see witches known as eclectic - like me! Eclectic Witches, are simply witches who choose to practise many different types of magic and forge their own path, instead of following only one, or following a pre-established path.
Basically, there is no need at all, whatsoever, to label yourself. With many of us, our paths found us in time.
Research paths, secular witchcraft and religious witchcraft.
Witchcraft alone, is a practise. However, some paths are indeed religious, such as Wicca. Make sure you know the difference before you begin actively practising and before you decide on your path, if you do choose to do so.
Carry a little notebook on your person.
You can’t always carry your grimoire with you, so I personally like to carry a tiny little notebook with me, for those moments when inspiration takes me, or if something captures my imagination or attention. You can add it to your grimoire/BoS later.
Oh, and one more thing: don’t ever stop learning and reading and recording. Witchcraft is a path of continuous learning.
Herb and crystal correspondences, e.g., such as colour and planetary.
Sabbats and esbats, if you want to observe them.
The basic tools of witchcraft.
Altars (if you’re so inclined).
Lunar phases.
Divination, e.g., tarot, runes, pendulums.
Witchcraft and deities (if you’re so inclined).
Traditional witchcraft practises.
SAFETY! What is safe to use/burn/touch/ingest. There are lots of poisonous and potentially fatal plants and ingredients out there.
Easy/budget magic/witchcraft.
The history of witchcraft, including lore, myths and tales.
The importance and use of the elements in magic.
Research cultures. Find out what is and is not available for you to adopt and practise. Make sure that your practise does not steal from closed cultures.
Grounding - grounding is the act of centering your energy and focusing it within yourself. You can ground yourself by being out in nature and using visualising techniques that tie your energies firmly into the ground (very traditional method), or by finding a quiet place that you are content in and meditating.
Sigil crafting/creation.
Charging jewellery/crystals/objects/sigils.
Using glamours in makeup/cosmetics/everyday wear.
Incorporating intent via ingredients into cooking.
Incantations and chants to bring about luck, good fortune, etc.
Cleansing your space with incense.
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Recharging Post-Divination
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Whatever form of divination you choose to practise, you will likely find that you feel tired once it’s over. This is normal and not something you need to worry about, but the fact it’s normal doesn’t mean that it is particularly nice! Aftercare is important.
Here are some easy ways to help yourself feel more relaxed and rested and even invigorated post-divination!
REHYDRATE! This might seem like more of a general life tip, but if you feel drained, you need to make sure you’re hydrated. Dehydration causes exhaustion, clouded thought, bad moods and, in more severe cases, can make you very sick. DRINK YA’ WATER, WITCH.
NAP TIME! There’s no magical goodness in this, other than the magic that is sleep. If you need to sleep, then do it. Sleep is the body’s way of getting true rest, and during sleep the body recharges, recovers, and heals.
HAVE A BATH OR SHOWER! Baths and showers are known to be relaxing, but for me I find that showers are more invigorating, whereas baths are relaxing and chill me out more. It’s likely different for different people. The heat of baths/showers will warm you and release any tension you’re holding. You can draw energy from the heat and cleanse yourself (physically and spiritually!) in the water.
GET COMFORTABLE AND LISTEN TO MUSIC THAT LIFTS YOUR MOOD! Music does have some magical uses and connotations—such as the vibrations raising the energy of a space—but the main use of it here, is just to lift your spirits and make you happy. Sometimes, divination can be tough and music often has a way of helping us to unwind and feel better.
HOT BEVERAGES! Not everyone likes hot beverages, so this isn’t for everyone (if you are one of those people, don’t worry)! I often find that tea blends are best when it comes to post-divination stuff. Tea in itself is known to make people feel relaxed and more chilled out—I think hot drinks have that affect because they make us feel more comfortable and cosy. However! Tea is amazing because you can make your own blend and tailor it to whatever you need. Want to relax? Chamomile and Lavender! Want to feel more energised? Peppermint! Green! Ginger!
MEDITATE/GROUND! Not everyone meditates, but for those who do, this can be a nice way to release any tension, ground yourself [click here for more information on grounding] after divining. Meditation and grounding can be particularly useful after intense sessions.
EAT SOME GOOD FOOD! Get yourself some good, filling food! I find that my go-to post-divination food is usually something that is both fresh and filling, like a carb/veg/salad mix. It really is that simple! If your energy has been sapped by divining, you’re going to need to refuel.
DO SOMETHING THAT YOU ENJOY, THAT YOU CAN DO WITHOUT FEELING DRAINED! Some people may binge watch their favourite TV show. Some people may read a book. Some people may knit. Some people may go for a walk. Whatever activity you can enjoy without feeling as though it drains you and tires you out, do it. It’ll make you happy, feel energised, and shake everything off that needs to be YEETed away.
INCENSE AND OIL DIFFUSERS! Want to relax? Burn/diffuse some Lavender. Want to raise your energy? Burn/diffuse some citrus!
OPEN A WINDOW! Fresh air can be one of the most refreshing and calming things in the world. Crack open a window. It’ll help. I promise.
The common theme here, is do things that make you happy and keep you well. Rest when you need to, eat and drink, and do what makes you feel happy.
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Witchcraft 101: Sympathetic Magic
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Unlike a lot of witchcraft-centric terminology, you don’t particularly see “sympathetic magic” thrown around a lot. This is because sympathetic magic is an umbrella term with lots of magics under its hypothetical umbrella. That doesn’t mean it’s not important to know what sympathetic magic is, however!
Put simply, sympathetic magic is an old type of magic in which an object that is associated with a target is used to seek influence over said target.
An easy example of sympathetic magic is magics that use poppets. Poppets are powerful forms of sympathetic magic as they are a physical representation of a human target of the witch’s magic. Poppets are considered to be powerful because they often contain a taglock(s).
Sympathetic isn’t limited to just people, however. It can be used to influence events (an example being that if you desire a monetary gain e.g. a raise at work, you may want to include money in your spell), or even weather.
There are two factors that make sympathetic magic work. Some magics involve both factor, some magics only one.
“Like-attracts-like”: an example of this, may be that should you wish to bring someone happiness, you can craft a poppet in their likeness and dress it in yellow. You could leave it in the sun with the intent of channeling the connotations of happiness from the sunshine. You could anoint it with an oil made to promote happiness, or you could tie a yellow ribbon around its head or heart. The idea of “like-attracts-like” is pretty self-explanatory  —the method of the magic reflects your desired outcome, or to use the words of Sir James George Frazer: ‘that an effect resembles its cause’.
Items once in contact, retain a bond despite distance: this factor is one that states that once someone or something has been in contact with someone or something, the essence of the object/person will forever be bound to the object/person that touched it. This is why things like hair and nail clippings can be used as taglocks  —it doesn’t matter where or when the hair fell out or the nail was clipped. It carries the essence of its former owner, and always will. This can work when influencing events too. For example, if you wish to bring about a storm and can find a tree that is scarred from lightning, you’ve hit the jackpot. A bit of charred bark would be the perfect proxy object for a spell to bring about a storm.
Sympathetic magic can be subtle, or it can be a grandiose display of awesomeness, but that’s entirely your prerogative. I quite like the idea of standing on a heath in a cloak, waving a lightning-charged branch in the air to summon a storm, but I know that my limits are closer to changing my thinking by writing down my negative thoughts and literally eating my words (on sugar paper with edible pens! Be safe!).
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Witchcraft 101: Psychic Phenomena
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What is Psychic Phenomena?
The internet describes it as: “phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes.” or “phenomena lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge.”
So, in layman’s terms, psychic phenomena are abilities and/or practises that do not comply with known laws of physics and deal with the metaphysical.
*Metaphysics is “a branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space.”
✧ Automatic Writing:
Automatic Writing - also know as “psychography” - is, quite simply, the ability to write without conscious thought. This means that the writings done during an episode or session of Automatic Writing come from a spiritual source. Oftentimes, the writings will not make a lot of sense - Automatic Writing is a form of divination and thus, the writing must be be interpreted by the practitioner if the meaning is not immediately clear. // [How to Practise Automatic Writing]
✧ Clairaudience:
Clairaudience (clear hearing) is the ability to hear things that are not of this plane. For example, you may be able to hear the voices of spirits and entities that do not exist within the physical human world, or hear the voices of those who have passed. It is said that one can grow and develop this psychic ability over time with practise.
✧ Claircognizance:
Claircognizance (clear knowing) is best described as the ability to know something intrinsically. This means that you have knowledge of something, someone or a subject that you were not taught and cannot provide a background to. This is often referred to as a higher form of intuition and if you are claircognizant, you know that what you know is true beyond doubt.
✧ Clairgustance:
This psychic phenomena, is probably one of the stranger ones. Literally meaning “clear taste”, clairgustance is the ability to taste something without putting it in your mouth. This form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) is uncommon and those who possess this ability say that they can taste the essence of something from an astral or spiritual plane.
✧ Clairolfaction:
This is a form of ESP that enables the person with this talent to receive information by means of - for lack of a better description - psychic smelling. Yes, you did read that correctly. Much like the aforementioned Clairgustance, Clairolfaction is the ability to smell something - or as practitioners may say the essence of something - without a physical source for the stench to emanate from.
Clairolfaction is also known as “Clairscent”.
✧ Clairsentience:
Clairsentience (meaning “clear feeling”), is the ability to acquire knowledge by touch. The gifted individual may gain knowledge of emotion, memory, location and more by touching a person or an object that belongs/belonged to a person. Sometimes, a Clairsentient person may feel the presence of spirits too.
✧ Clairvoyance:
Clairvoyance (meaning “clear seeing”) is the ability to receive information about future events, or spiritual knowledge visually.
✧ Divination:
Divination is the umbrella term used for methods of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by spiritual means, such as using pendulums, dowsing, reading tarot cards, palmistry, and more.
✧ Energy Medicine:
Energy medicine, also known as spiritual healing, is a branch of alternative medicine based on the belief that healers can channel healing energy into a patient/client and effect positive results by doing so.
Reiki is a well known form of this.
✧ Mediumship & Channelling:
There are different types of mediumship and channelling (such as Ouija), but the best way to cover all the types with one small explanation, is to say that mediumship is the practise of communing with the deceased.
✧ Precognition & Premonition:
Precognition and premonition simply means that the person with this gift is able to have foreknowledge of an event/events. A common form of gaining this knowledge, is through clairvoyance and prophetic vision.
✧ Psychometry:
Psychometry is the ability to gain knowledge of a person - whether that is their location, personal knowledge, or otherwise - through contact with an inanimate object that is associated with them. Commonly the objects used in psychometry will belong to the person you are trying to gain knowledge about, and may be items of clothing or jewellery.
✧ Retrocognition:
This is also known as “postcognition” and is the opposite of precognition. This ability is described as being able to gain knowledge of an event that has already passed that cannot be learned through regular means and must be learned through extra-sensory perception.
✧ Second Sight:
Often, this term is used interchangeably with “clairvoyance” as it means that the person with this gift is able to predict and perceive future events before they occur through visual means. These visions are often symbolic in nature.
Second Sight has also been described as the ability to see something that cannot usually be seen, such as otherwordly entities.
✧ Scrying:
A form of divination, Scrying is the practise of foretelling the future or gaining foresight using a reflective surface, such as a mirror, crystal ball or water. // Scrying [Witchcraft 101]
✧ Telepathy:
Telepathy is the ability to communicate with another person through extra-sensory means - by this, we mean that the communication is done by means outside the known senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing).
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Witchcraft 101: The Basics of Wards & Warding
I tried looking for some informative posts about wards and warding, and there are a few out there, but I thought I’d compile what I’ve learned into one post, and thus this long-winded work came to be.
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What are wards? Well - to put it simply - wards are a means of protection against negativity, negative energies and any form of ill-will that seeks to harm yourself, your loved ones or your home. They are a form of ‘psychokinetic shield’ if you want to use the fancy terminology, - a thing to deflect nasties. Wards can be cast on objects and items, in the home or a space that you want to protect, such as a workplace or communal space, or they can be cast in certain rooms. Some wards can be cast around the whole perimeter of an area - grounds included.
Under what circumstances should I/when should I create wards? Well, my ghoul, the short answer is this: whenever you feel is best. I find that whenever your home has been busy, or a high-traffic area, you may want to take down old wards and cast new ones, or perhaps after you’ve had a mad deep clean in your home. That works best for me, anyway!
The first thing you need to do is cleanse. Cleansing is used in witchcraft all the time; we cleanse our tools and spaces often to make sure no residual energies or nastiness is in, on or around our stuff. It’s the same with wards and warding. When warding, you’re essentially creating a shield using energy and this is often done by visualising and forming a sort of… bubble. Cleansing any tools you plan on using and cleansing the space you intend on protecting (if this is your aim, of course) will wash away any left over energies or anything that you don’t want with the bounds of your ward(s).
You can cleanse using any of your preferred methods, such as smoke cleansing using incense, or by washing your area/tools/items in a charged water.
You’re cleansed, and you’re ready. Okay, cool beans. Let’s get down to business (to defeat, the Huns!). You need to decided on just how you want to cast your wards as there are various ways and means of doing so. You don’t have to stick to just one - you’re more than welcome to dabble and to experiment, or use combinations of methods as long as it’s safe and suits your wants and needs.
So, you like sigils, do ya’? Me too! Sigils are a great way of establishing wards in and around the home. You can either choose a sigil that befits your intent, or craft your own - either is fine, and using incense smoke, oil blends or simply your finger and a little bit of visualization and a lot of focus on your intent, draw your sigils on the doors and windows of your home (primary access points), and on door frames and windowsills. If you’re creating wards for a property as a whole, you can engrave or draw sigils onto gates and fence posts too.
Ah, good old incense. Now, bear in mind that sometimes using incense smoke may not be possible or appropriate, or perhaps you don’t do well with smoke - totally understandable, lots of people don’t. If this is the case, you can cast wards using water and oil blends instead! This can be done by putting the blend into a spray bottle and then by ‘spritzing’ your object or area.
When you’re creating an oil blend or an incense, try your best to make sure that your protection herbs (rosemary, bay, cinnamon, salt, etc,.), are authentic because the magick is in your herbs!
A Quick Step-by-Step Guide to Incense Warding: Smoke or spray/spritz your item, if it is an item that you are warding. If it’s a room/building or space, you need to pick a place to start. If you are not drawn to any area in particular, then starting by your altar (if you are that way inclined!) or at a doorway, would be best. *If you’re warding more than one floor, begin at the very top and work your way down.
Next, begin smoking/spritzing the room. You do this by moving clockwise around the room (to the right). As you do so, visualise the smoke or spray enveloping everything it touches; forming an impenetrable layer on all around you - a shield, if you will. If you have problems with visualisation, then simply focus on your intent: protection, protection, protection. If you’re setting up specific wards, e.g., ones to stop bad spirits or fae, focus on that.
As you work, follow the layout of the space you are warding. Work from room to room. If you aim to set up a ward that protects an entire property, you may want to establish a perimeter. You do this by walking full circle, including the ground and gardens, if applicable.
Then, my friend, the bubble/wall wards will work for you.
Some people are naturally very good at working with energy and so this form of warding may work best for you, if you are one of those people. Using visualisation, take your object (if, again, that’s what you’re doing, if not and you’re warding a space, apply the following steps to the space you are working in), and channel your energy into it. Do this by envisioning, as best you can, a cord or light or a tendril of some form, coming from yourself and into the object. During this time, focus solely and intently on your intent. Put as much power as you can muster into this.
If you are a proficient energy worker, you may be able to build a dome/wall/shield of energy that is capable of warding larger areas.
To add a little oomph, to your wards, you may want to chant or add some vocal spell-work into the mix. If you do want to do this, you’ll need to find an applicable chant or create one of your own and then, as you walk through your space, you will need to repeat it over and over, keeping your intent in mind. As you cover you home, or space, you’ll need to speak it in each room you wish to protect!
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Chant 01—To Bring Luck
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“On this day, and each day henceforth,
I attract only good luck, good fortune, and mirth.
By Earth, by Wind, by Fire, and Sea,
As I will it, so mote it be.”
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Rowan’s Magical Pick-Me-Up
This potion is intended to provide the drinker with a cool energy, and is best drank in the morning.
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Sparkling water.
Lemon balm (or lemon slices if it’s easier).
Mint leaves.
A clear jar or container.
(Optional) Crystals that provide energy boosts, such as Bloodstone, Citrine, or Aventurine.
Take your sparkling water and fill your jar/container. Once you have the desired amount, find a place in direct sunlight and leave the water there to charge for an hour (to boost the water further, surround the jar/container with the crystals if you wish). If you can, place the water in sunlight, when the sun is at its highest.
Once the water is charged, remove it from the sunlight and add the mint leaves and lemon balm.
Leave it to infuse for 12-24 hours in a refrigerator.
Strain the herbs out of the water, and sip/drink as you need it. The drink will be cool, refreshing and a provide a quick boost of energy.
You may store this drink in a refrigerator for up to 3 days. After that, do not consume it. Make a new batch.
Charging objects or water in the sun imbues whatever you’re using with the sun’s energy, and with the Sun being a big ol’ fiery ball of gaseous gloriousness, what better choice do we have to give ourselves a boost!
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
CORRESPONDENCES: Carrier & Essential Oils
This is a long post, the correspondences are under the cut.
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Carrier Oils: Carrier oils, known also as base oils, are used to dilute essential oils before they are applied topically. They serve as the base for oil blends.
Essential Oils: Essential oils are concentrated liquids that contain the volatile (”the tendency of a substance to vaporize") aromatic compounds of plants. They are obtained via distillation and the oil alone should never be applied to the skin directly as some a reactive to heat, and light, and some will give you chemical burns. You are likely to have a reaction to essential oils.
ALMOND OIL, SWEET (Prunus Dulcis) Ruled by Mercury and the Element of Air. Sweet Almond Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with prosperity, money and wisdom.
APRICOT KERNEL OIL (Prunus Armeniaca) Ruled by Venus and the Element of Water. This makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with love or emotions.
AVOCADO OIL (Persea Americana) Ruled by Venus and the Element of Water. This makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with love, lust or beauty.
CASTOR OIL (Ricinus communis) Ruled by Mars and the Element of Fire. Castor oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with protection and absorbing negativity.
COCONUT OIL (Cocos Nucifera) Ruled by the Moon and the Element of Water. Fractionated Coconut Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with purification and protection.
GRAPESEED OIL (Vinis Vinifera) Ruled by the Moon and the Element of Water. Grapeseed Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with fertility money and strengthening mental abilities.
HEMP SEED OIL (Cannabis Sativa) Ruled by the Moon and Saturn and the Element of Water. Hemp Seed Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with healing, love, psychic ability and meditation.
JOJOBA OIL (Simmondsia Chinensis) Ruled by the Moon and the element of Water. Jojoba Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with healing and love.
OLIVE OIL (Olea Europaea) Ruled by the Sun and the Element of Fire. Olive Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with healing, peace, fertility and protection. In many traditions Olive Oil is an all purpose oil.
SUNFLOWER OIL (Helianthus Annus) Ruled by the Sun and the Element of Fire. Sunflower Oil makes a great carrier oil for blends that deal with protection, fertility, health and wisdom.
AMYRIS (Amyris balsamifera) Anointing, astral projection, attraction, blessing, consecration, exorcism, healing, love, meditation, protection, purification, sacral chakra, spirituality.
ANGELICA ROOT (Angelica archangelica) Exorcism, protection, healing, visions.
BASIL (Ocimum basilicum) Business success, conscious mind (stimulates), happiness, lust, money, peace, prosperity, protection.
BAY LAUREL (Laurus nobilis) Banishing, exorcism, luck, psychic ability.
BENZOIN (Styrax benzoin) Purification, prosperity, attracts customers.
BERGAMONT (Citrus bergamia) Business success, happiness, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, protection, sleep.
BIRCH SWEET (Betula lenta) Protection, purification, exorcism.
BLACK PEPPER (Piper nigrum) Courage, physical energy, and protection.
BLUE TANSY (Tanacetum annuum) Water, Venus, immortality, youth, longevity.
CAJEPUT (Melaleuca cajeputi) Purification, protection, dispel negative thoughts and energies, break habits.
CAMPHOR (Cinnamomum camphora) Celibacy, crown chakra, physical energy, psychic energy, purification.
CARDAMOM (Elettaria cardamomum) Love, lust.
CARROT SEED (Daucus carota) Grounding, fertility.
CATNIP (Nepeta cataria) Cat magic, love, beauty, happiness.
CEDARWOOD (Cedrus atlantica) Blessing, health (maintain), heart chakra, meditation, money, protection, psychic energy, purification, self-control, spirituality, unhexing.
CHAMOMILE (Matricaria recutita & Anthemis nobilis) Meditation, peace, sleep.
CHILLI SEED (Capsicum annum) Protection, exorcism, fidelity, hex-breaking, love.
CINNAMON (Cinnamomum burmanii /cassia /zeylancium) Astral projection, base chakra, business success, health (maintain), luck, lust, magical energy, meditation, money, physical energy, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness, purification, spirituality.
CITRONELLA (Cymbopogon nardus / winterianus) Exorcism (exterior use), health (maintain), purification, unhexing.
CLARY SAGE (Salvia sclarea) Vivid dreams.
CLOVE BUD (Eugenia or syzgium aromaticum) Balances chakras, business success, courage, divination, exorcism, healing, heart chakra, love, money, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness.
COFFEE BEAN (Coffea arabica) Grounding, Earth magic, Mars, ritual stimulant.
CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens) Longevity, healing, comfort, protection.
ELEMI (Canarium luzonicum) Mental and psychic ability, spiritual balance, solar plexus chakra.
EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus) Healing, health (maintain), protection, psychic energy, purification.
FIR NEEDLE (Abies sibirica) Mind clearing, memory, communication, purification before ritual, , protection, hex removal.
FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia serrata / carterii) Blessing, consecration, courage, exorcism, meditation, protection, purification, solar plexus chakra, spirituality.
GERANIUN (Pelargonium graveolens /x asperum) Happiness, protection.
GINGER ROOT (Zingiber officinale) Attraction, business success, courage, love, lust, magical energy, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, purification, sex.
GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus paradisi) Purification.
HELICHRYSUM (Helichrysum italicum) Creativity, intuition, invoke spirits, scrying, channeling, awareness, calm, patience.
HO WOOD (Cinnamomum camphora) Cleaning, banishing, subdue sexual desire, celibacy, chastity, psychic power, dream work.
HYSSOP (Hyssopus officinalis) Purification, protection.
JUNIPER BERRY (Juniperus communis) Protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, health.
LAVENDER (Lavandula stoechas/angustifolia/latifolia /hybrida) Balances chakras, business success, celibacy, conscious mind (stimulates), happiness, health (maintain), love, peace, protection, purification, sleep, third-eye chakra.
LEMON (Citrus limonum / limon) Balances chakras, health (maintain), love, physical energy, purification.
LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citratus /flexuosus /schoenanthus) Psychic awareness, psychic energy, purification, spirituality.
LIME (Citrus aurantifolia) Physical energy, protection, purification.
LITSEA (Litsea cubeba) Energy, rejuvenation, letting go.
MARJORAM (Origanum majorana) Celibacy, happiness, peace, sleep.
MUGWORT (Artemesia vulgaris) Moon, divination, lucid dreaming, prophetic dreams, protection.
MYRRH (Commiphora myrrha) Astral projection, attraction, balances chakras, blessing, consecration, crown chakra, exorcism, healing, meditation, protection, psychic energy, spirituality, unhexing.
MYRTLE (Myrtus communis) Love, good luck, fertility, and Venus, feminine and water aspects.
NIAOULI (Melaleuca quinquenervia) Purification, healing, protection, clearing negative energies, aura cleansing.
NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans) Luck, magical energy, meditation, money, physical energy, psychic awareness.
OPOPANAX (Commiphora guidotti) Death/resurrection, divination, Pluto, Scorpio, change.
OREGANO (Origanum vulgare) Happiness, tranquility.
PALMAROSA (Cymbopogon martini) Healing, love.
PALO SANTO (Bursera graveolens)
Luck, cleansing, air element.
PATCHOULI (Pogostemon cablin) Attraction, banishes negativity, growth, love, luck, mastery, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, sex.
PEPPERMINT (Mentha arvensis / piperita) Conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), protection, purification.
PETITGRAIN (Citrus aurantium) Conscious mind (stimulates), protection.
PINE (Pinus sylvestris) Exorcism, grounding, healing, health (maintain), magical energy, money, physical energy, protection, purification.
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) Conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), heart chakra, longevity, love, protective, remembrance, third-eye chakra, vitality.
ROSEWOOD (Aniba rosaeodora) Mars, Moon, Venus, spirit element, fire element, intuitive health, beauty, divination, scrying, healing rituals, maturity, wisdom, femininity.
SAGE, DALMATION (Salvia officinalis) Conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, money, purification, wisdom.
SAGE, WHITE (Salvia apiana) Cleansing spaces and magical objects, banish negative energy.
SANDALWOOD (Santalum album) Anointing, astral projection, attraction, blessing, consecration, exorcism, healing, love, meditation, protection, purification, sacral chakra, spirituality.
SPEARMINT (Mentha spicata) Comfort, healing, sleep (for protection).
SPIKENARD “JATAMANSI” (Nardostachys jatamansi) Good luck, fidelity, and health.
STAR ANISE (Illicium verum) Psychic power, luck.
SWEET ORANGE (Citrus sinensis) Balances chakras, divination, happiness, joy, love, luck, magical energy, money, physical energy, psychic energy, purification, sacral chakra.
TANGERINE (Citrus reticulata) Magical energy, purification.
TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia) Purification.
THYME (Thymus vulgaris) Conscious mind (stimulates), courage, health (maintain), purification.
TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) Purification, protection.
VALERIAN ROOT (Valeriana officinalis) Love, sleep, purification, protection.
VANILLA (Vanilla planifolia) Love, lust, mental power.
VETIVER (Vetiveria zizanoides) Divination, exorcism, love, money, peace, protection, unhexing.
WINTERGREEN (Gaultheria procumbens) Protection, healing, hex-breaking.
YLANG YLANG (Cananga odorata) Love, lust, peace, sex, throat chakra.
[Sources: [X] [X]
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themori-grimoire · 4 years
Witchcraft 101: Scrying
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I know it looks like a typo and what’s really happening, is that we’ve actually been crying as a community, but alas no; “scrying” is a legitimate and archaic form of divination.
Let’s check out the definition of it via Google:
Foretell the future using a crystal ball or other reflective object or surface. “A mirror used for scrying”.
Okay, so Google did pretty well this time and have hit the nail smack on the head with this definition.
Scrying is the act of gazing at a reflective surface and using any symbols that may appear as a way of garnering advice, or foretelling the outcome of certain forthcoming situations, circumstances, and choices.
The Crystal Ball
This is the one you’ll see all the fortune tellers with a multitude of rings and long nails use in the movies. It’s the method with the most flair and dramatic air about it, and is used a lot in the media by characters who are tied to mysticism.
In reality, gazing into a clouded glass or crystal (like Obsidian) ball to obtain information about forthcoming events, or unknown aspects of the present has been done for thousands of years (probably).
Mirror Scrying
Mirrors are the most practical form of scrying, particularly in the modern age when lots of us carry compacts or small mirrors in our bags or pockets on a daily basis.
Mirror scrying is usually done on a mirror that has a black backing to it as that makes for a better reflective surface and thus, a better experience when looking for symbols and signs within the mirror. You should keep your query in mind as you stare and see what is revealed to you.
You can buy ready-made scrying mirrors, but it’s also incredibly easy to make your own [click [X] or [X] or [X] for more info on that!].
Fire Scrying
Fire scrying is exactly what it says on the tin - staring into a flame to see what symbols and visions may present themselves to you.
When you scry with fire, you should take note of the movement of the flames and keep an eye out for repeated shapes and patterns, because whilst some people may see clear images, others may see shapes, or flashes or shadows.
Water Scrying
Much like fire scrying, this is what it says it is: using water to scry.
Some people use large bodies of water like lakes and oceans and incorporate the moon into their practise of this method, whilst some people prefer to use a small bowl of water and just employ the sitting-and-staring thing. Sometimes, people will use bowls that are made of crystal, or bowls that have a gloss on them to heighten the reflectivity. Some people will allow themselves to go into a trance-like state before scrying this way.
Okay, so naturally the first step you’re going to want to take is deciding on which medium you’re going to use to scry! You don’t have to pick one now and stick with it forever - nothing stops you from experimenting with each method if that’s what you want to do.
Let’s go through it in steps.
Step 1: Find somewhere quiet, where you are unlikely to be disturbed.
If you want to, and if you think that it will help you, set up your surroundings so that you can fall into a relaxed and almost trance like state. For some, this may mean dimming the lights and putting on some sobering music. For others, it may be throwing open the curtains, letting the sunlight in and listening to birdsong - each to their own.
If you are familiar with meditating and meditation, think of it as a process just like that; you’ll want to reach a point of calmness before you scry. It’ll make the process a lot easier on you, as a skittish or burdened mind is a mind lacking clarity.
Stage 2: Why are you scrying? What is your intent?
You’ll have seen intent mentioned in a lot of spiritual/witchcraft posts because it’s a core concept in our work. It plays into scrying as well, because if you have a set reason for doing this, you’re more likely to find the answers you seek.
You know how we say that when you’re crafting a sigil you should write out a sentence that clearly states the intent behind the sigil? Well, doing something like that here might be a good idea, if only to make this whole thing easier on you. Think of it this way: it’s easier to accomplish something if you know what the fuck you’re trying to do, right?
Stage 3: Stare.
Now it’s time to stare. Yes, you heard me right. Sit back (or lean forward if you need to - it was just a figure of speech) and gaze into your chosen medium.
You should be aware, that it is likely you will fall deeper into a trance-like state when you do this and you may end up spending more time scrying than you had intended to. That particular situation has happened to most of us - you start scrying whilst the sun is out and finish in the middle of the night.
After some time, images may begin to show themselves. You may see shapes, shadows; silhouettes. You may see vivid flashes or blurry vague images; some people report seeing things in an almost dream-like manner; hazy and vague, and ambiguous.
In some cases people have reported that whilst they scry, dates, times and locations come to mind that are relevant to the query they have bore in mind during their divination session.
Remember to try and not force yourself to see things if they are not there. Let it happen organically. If you’re in a relaxed and trance-like state, you won’t be able to force yourself to see things in the water, mirror, water or flame.
Once you’ve finished scrying, if you have the energy left to do so, you may want to write down how everything went! Write the medium you used, what you saw, what you were asking about/wanting insight into, and what the symbols may mean.
This will help you interpret and clarify things, and it will also be a useful tool in learning and growing within this form of divination.
At first you may be afraid of seeing things, or afraid of what you may see.
That’s okay. It’s normal to be apprehensive when you’re looking for insight into the unknown. If you want to know something, I still sometimes get a little nervous when I’m doing any kind of divination because when you’re asking for answers or guidance on something that’s not entirely clear, you can never be sure that you’re going to like the answers you get.
One way to combat this, is to prepare yourself before you dive in. Take some time to reflect on why you’re doing what you’re doing. Doing this may settle your nerves because you’re not going in blind.
Other ways include:
Grounding: grounding is the act of centering yourself by feeling connected to the physical world in some form or another. By recognising this, you are less likely to feel drained and may in fact feel like your might in steeled somewhat (that’s what it does for me! If I take time to feel my surroundings and recognise that I am tied to the solidity of this world, I feel stronger and more resilient.)
*Links: Grounding Visualisations ✧ Grounding/Meditation Chant ✧ Grounding ✧ Grounding Techniques
Remind yourself that when you see images or symbols, this is a good thing and you’re not going mad.
I know that may sound silly, but for first time scry-ers actually seeing something is scary because often a small part of you thinks this is hokum and you won’t actually see anything tangible.
It may help if you sit down, take a few deep breaths and say to yourself over and over as a sort of affirmation, something along the lines of: “I will images, shapes, visions of what I need to see in the flame/water/fire/mirror/crystal, and I will not be afraid.”
If you need to, prepare a sigil or incantation, or some small form of magick to make yourself feel more comfortable.
There’s no shame in needing or wanting to do so. I have used a sigil before divination before to calm my nerves. It’s a valid thing to do and want to do.
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