themsthebreaksfilm · 8 years
IADT President and acting chair of the Irish Film Board Dr Annie Doona discusses gender inequality in Irish film and how the Waking The Feminists movement encouraged the IFB to take action to remedy the issue.  
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themsthebreaksfilm · 8 years
Nollaig na mBan at Neachtain’s 2016 
Sarah O' Toole performs spoken word piece 'This Is Not My Body' at Tigh Neachtain on Nollaig na mBan, January 6th 2016. Filmed for Them's the Breaks - a new Irish documentary critiquing gender inequality in the Arts in Ireland. 
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themsthebreaksfilm · 8 years
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Check out our trailer here: http://fundit.ie/project/thems-the-breaks Our crowdfund finishes at 6pm GMT today, so if you have been considering buy a funder exclusive perk and funding this film, today is your last chance! With only 4 days left of our crowdfunding campaign we were delighted to announce that an anonymous funder had come on board and agreed to match the total funds raised on that day. We were delighted to raise €2340 which was doubled to €4680!!!  We’re so delighted by the amount of support we’ve received since the start of the campaign! Every time you tweet about us or share our link on facebook, we come one step closer to making this really important project a reality! Please continue to spread the word about the project, especially today as it is the LAST DAY!  This week was a huge week for us. Our Writer Stephen Elliott, Producer Sarah Barr and Director Sarah Corcoran all graduated from DCU’s MA in Film & TV Programme, we were featured in The Irish Times Magazine’s ‘What’s Hot’ section (we’re hot), we received a whole load of online media coverage (links below), and we chatted to Newstalk’s Dil Wickremasinghe about the importance of reaching our target! Thank you so much for coming on board with us to help make Them’s The Breaks a reality - we really couldn’t do this without your support! Keep sharing the page on social media and let your friends and peers know about our Match Day today! Just 4 days to go! TTBfilm Newstalk Interview http://www.newstalk.com/podcasts/Global_Village/about/ Rabble Interview http://www.rabble.ie/2016/03/29/breaking-even/ UCD Observer Interview with Eva Griffin http://www.universityobserver.ie/otwo/documenting-the-feminists/ Ireland News Today Interview http://irelandtodaynews.com/index.php/documentary-seeks-to-empower-women-in-irish-theatre-and-film/
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themsthebreaksfilm · 9 years
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Dear Friends / Funders, Two weeks into our crowdfund journey and we've already hit the 35% mark! We're overwhelmed with the support so far and hope the momentum will continue as we aim to reach our €10,000 target by April 7th. Crowdfunding can be daunting, but we feel so lucky to have the amazing support we do from people who, like us, recognise the need for greater gender balance in our arts sector and want to do something to help in implementing that. Your engagement on twitter and Facebook is so important to us - and very fun too! If you'd consider sending an email about us, we'd be ever so grateful as that is the best guaranteed way of getting more contributors... peer-to-peer funding! If you'd consider it, we'd really appreciate it. This week we're planning a big press push as well as targeting international resources. We've had a lot of fun so far speaking with Irish press and podcasting with Film Ireland & Scannain. (Links below!) A massive thanks again for the incredible support so far. 15 days to go! TTBfilm Journal.ie Article: http://www.thejournal.ie/thems-the-breaks-fundit-gender-inequality-arts-ireland-2667488-Mar2016/ Scannain Podcast: http://www.scannain.com/interview/listen-scannain-talks-thems-breaks Film Ireland Podcast: http://filmireland.net/2016/03/20/film-ireland-podcast-episode-20/
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themsthebreaksfilm · 9 years
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Them’s The Breaks is a new Irish documentary critiquing gender inequality in the Arts in Ireland. 
What an incredible first week for us at Them’s The Breaks! We launched our crowdfunding campaign last Tuesday to coincide with International Women’s Day, went along to Spring Forward: WakingTheFeminists and chatted to some amazing feminists about the future for women in the Arts in Ireland, had mentions on Her.ie, The Irish Times Women’s Podcast, did an interview for Scannain podcast,  smashed 30% of our target within 7 days of launching thanks to our amazing funders who you can see here, and had the pleasure of speaking to a thousand wonderful people. We hope this week coming will bring more of the same! Please keep sharing the project and contributing what you can. Every click brings us one step closer to reaching our target and making this important film a reality. Remember, if we don’t reach 100% of our target, we don’t get a single cent! Please keep sharing http://fundit.ie/project/thems-the-breaks 
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themsthebreaksfilm · 9 years
Them’s The Breaks is a new feature documentary following a movement in Ireland which attempts to tackle gender inequality, particularly in the Arts sector. In October 2015, The Abbey Theatre announced their much anticipated “Waking the Nation” 2016 Centenary Programme. There was just one thing missing.... Diversity. The Abbey Theatre’s inclusion of only one female playwright out of ten in their 2016 centenary programme, sparked confusion, anger and indignation, and led to the establishment of #WakingTheFeminists; a movement which has attracted support from Meryl Streep and Saoirse Ronan among others, and has inspired a new generation of young feminists. Them’s The Breaks is a film about equality, bravery and the vision for a more inclusive future for Irish people. This film seeks to open up a discussion about feminism becoming all the more relevant to a new generation in Ireland. We want to document the changes and efforts being made to combat this unconscious bias - not just in Irish theatre - but across the entire Arts industry. The film will explore what we hope will be an exhilarating new chapter in the Irish Arts. This film has the potential to make a real contribution to the conversation surrounding women’s (including trans*) rights in Ireland as the battle rages on for equality in the Arts surrounding issues such as equal opportunities and equal pay. But we need your help  to finish the film.  WHAT’S THE MONEY FOR? We’re an independent production, so we’re relying on help from as many of you feminists as possible! Your money will be used for post-production, editing, sound equipment, archive and music licensing as well as graphic and animation design. To make it a little incentivising for you, we’re offering some savage rewards. This is your opportunity to get involved with our project and be part of an exciting time for women and the Arts in Ireland. Your contribution makes all the difference. This €10,000 target is our first step in securing funding for this film, but this in no way reflects the full costs of production! This €10k will afford us the means to keep filming as the movement unfolds before us. The overall budget stands closer to €50k which we intend to finance through other means. But this €10k will ensure we don’t miss an opportunity along the way! Who are we?  The Them’s The Breaks team are director Sarah Corcoran, Producers Sarah Barr and Aoife Kelly and Writer Stephen Elliott. The team originally formed after completing the MA in Film & TV in DCU, and went on to combine their work in theatre production, screenwriting, filmmaking and production with their experiences with BBC, Universal Pictures, The IFI, Bl!nder Films and iDare Media to embark on this exciting new feature length documentary project. 
So please support us in whatever way you can to make this film a reality - choose a perk that catches your eyes, share our campaign with friends and family who would be interested in the cause, like us on Facebook & Twitter and join the conversation. Thanks for your support!
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themsthebreaksfilm · 9 years
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We'll be posting a beautiful clip of Sarah O'Toole's performance at Nollaig na mBan in Galway in January so be sure to check back tomorrow!
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates! 
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themsthebreaksfilm · 9 years
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Them’s The Breaks  A new documentary critiquing inequality in the arts in Ireland inspired by the #wakingthefeminists movement. Crowd funding campaign launching March 4th through FundIt. 
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates! 
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