themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
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Sky's on fire this morning in Vegas.
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
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Full Moon credenza by Sotirios Papadopoulos. Like glow stars for grownups!
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
I want to talk like Sarah Kay
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
I hereby pledge my dedication to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and competence in design practice and promise to uphold the spirit and letter of the Code of Professional Conduct through consistent practice and habitual reflection on my actions.
– Design Pro Academy
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
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Play day at the new Ice Rink @ BLVD Social Club
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
The idea that says arbitrary diversity is better than the lack of diversity also says that your individual character, quality, morals, achievement, and dignity don’t matter. Only your skin color or gender matters. It says these racist and sexist ideals are the measure of what contributes to the quality of a group. But according to whom?!
– Andy Rutledge, Design's Cult of Diversity
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
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Color Me Rad 5K at Las Vegas Motor Speedway
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Il Nido é Bello: Lost/Last
This post is an excerpt from my brief memoir of my time in Italy, "Il Nido é Bello". You can check it out over on Blurb
While I live in the future, she is running through the past; colliding timelines scattering our thoughts of first and last. With hesitance I stood before and dared ask her to dance, while knowingly she smiled away and offered me the chance. But new beginnings really only constitute the same mistakes we’ve made before, dressed in a different name. So coyly she did take my hand and let me spin her ‘round in circles through the days and nights of ever-dizzying sound.
Yet music is a mistress binding even as she saves with notes like ropes that wrap around—her whispered lies again. By bricks she builds her storied form and stretches for the sky; she gathers clouds and casts about the thunder of her sighs. But even when her tears cascade in showers black and blue, her sunset smile will burn awhile; her laughter breezing through. Those whispered words so foreign in the air between our lips— a thousand breathless admonitions still my fingertips.
A change in key, a tempo shift; the end rolls ‘round again. Despite the subtle differences, the song remains the same. One wanderer, two weary minds, this well-worn work of stage— an oft-repeated narrative: foreshadowed fall from grace. So I withdrew my hand from hers, the dance between us through— the music fading fast, the spell it cast upon us too. For hearts—like stones, cracked—line the road that led me here to her and time will still these memories before they ever stir.
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Il Nido é Bello: For All the Saints
This post is an excerpt from my brief memoir of my time in Italy, "Il Nido é Bello". You can check it out over on Blurb
Italy is dichotomous—a tenuous pile of alliances at every level of community, culture, politics, society, and sport. It lies at the intersection of old and new, first and third, success and failure, sainthood and sin.
The adage of roads and Rome holds true. Whether government impropriety, historical precedent, or economic impact, the country’s culture, institutions, leaders, and people manage a consistent degree of international attention and influence—for good or ill.
The Vatican is unique in this landscape. Long embattled the world over on any number of issues, the picture at home is no less bleak, though of a different hue. It’s not unfamiliar—moderns marching through their posts toward some capsulized enlightenment while the old guard hunkers down, clinging to démodé tradition—and yet it is a wholly Italian conundrum.
Many have resigned themselves to hijinks in other spheres, but it seems everyone has a position on the church. Despite long-waning influence, she remains a present, polarizing force, intertwined at every level of individual, family, community, and national discourse.
Her sins are many, heavy, and real—all the worse for being committed in the name of God. Yet she persists uncontestedly in beneficence and mercy as well. She is human, not religion defined, and carries the requisite baggage.
Moreover, she is adept at survival. Italy faces myriad challenges at home and abroad; the church could assume any number of roles in the unfolding drama. No more the unmoved mover—perhaps a realignment, a reinvestment in the hearts and minds of her people will find a fuller future waiting in the wings.
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Il Nido é Bello: She
This post is an excerpt from my brief memoir of my time in Italy, "Il Nido é Bello". You can check it out over on Blurb
She is dancing, scattered light; she blinds and bleeds in turn. In focus now, she sparks her fires and watches as they burn.
Pale, the ash she leaves behind now drifting to the ground. She darts about—unguided, bright— she will not settle down.
Words left lost—unread, unheard— now dust upon the wind; she launches from the sunset coast before a wake of sins.
Stars edge on to take the stage, the gloaming’s magic done. A fugitive here in the night, she speeds after the sun.
He leads a weary chase, and tired company he makes, but still she follows after him. She bends, and then she breaks.
A thousand fractured colors float aimless in the waves. Soon drifting back to unity, she dives beneath again.
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Il Nido é Bello: Così è la Vita
This post is an excerpt from my brief memoir of my time in Italy, "Il Nido é Bello". You can check it out over on Blurb
A city’s personality is hard to grasp. Just as we resign ourselves to situational friends, the places we live are intriguing at first, then quickly fade to stock scrolling worlds we wander through preoccupied and unaware.
It takes effort to forge a bond, to learn each other’s secrets, to reach that easy ebb and flow of speech and silence. It comes in many ways—but for me, there’s nothing quite like running. A steady, staccato conversation spanning happiness, heartbreak, love, loss, pleasure, pain, and every in between. We have come to shed our environs with alarming ease, but there’s always the one that got away—a particular place and time that wasn’t fully realized. Like love, you’d return in a heartbeat—even if it could never be the same.
For me, she is Firenze. From grass to gravel, cobble to concrete, she speaks in even, easy tones. Over, under, ‘round, and through: she swings from stifling to refreshing, intrigue to frustration— somehow right in line and still a step ahead.
She is cracked and worn—long past her prime—but aged with grace and poise. She inspires an assurance others sap, fostering a spark belied by years. She is friend and foe, both devil and divine.
She asked me not to, but I left her—though she has not let me go.
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Good communication skills are what allow us to sell our work, justify our decisions, and stand behind our positions. This (along with doing good work) is how we gain the trust and respect of colleagues, bosses, and clients—something every design professional aspires to. And it’s why all these little pieces of communication we constantly deliver are so important. So what’s so hard about communication, and how can we get better at it?
– Inayaili de León, Becoming Better Communicators
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Creative, Curious
Catching up on some Swiss Miss this morning, I was struck by these two quotes:
"Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people." – Leo Burnett
"Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything." – George Lois
Besides their obvious correlation to our idea of the curious class, they also reminded me of Simon Sinek's TED Talk on how great leaders inspire action. There are plenty of great companies in this town and in the field of hospitality generally that offer incredible spaces and luxury experiences. Some are staid and storied, others original and offbeat. But what truly differentiates them is their philosophy—their "why" as Sinek puts it.
Instead of thinking from the outside in ("Here's what we do/have. Here's how we do/make it. Here's why."), they spin it inside out, capturing interest and loyalty based on emotion and belief—the why—and working outward to the how and what. It's a much harder feat to pull off—requiring passion, honesty, and integrity from the organization, employees, and customers alike—but when it works, the results are unparalleled.
These are concepts we've embraced at The Cosmopolitan, both internally and externally. Certainly we are imperfect and have stumbled some along the way, but that's part of the world we live in. As long as we are driven by the why we will continue to innovate and succeed. Failing that, we'll be just another face in the crowd.
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Delivering content on mobile isn’t an afterthought. It’s a requirement. It isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity.
– Karen McGrane, Uncle Sam Wants You (to Optimize Your Content for Mobile)
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
Bumbied: Part Deux
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Oh, you again. Just the snazziestly dressed party photographer who always steals more thunder than his subjects. Do you think I wouldn't remember that you took a melonballer to my heart with your festive tie/belt combination? I fogey which celeb you remind me of (most likely his name is Aaron and he's in a boy band) but needless to say you are memorable. Overall: 9.7
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You're a guy destined for bigger things trapped in a situation you haven't entirely extricated yourself from. You're bigger and better than those you surround yourself with, and you need to break free! That tie looks like a hipster decided to class it up in the best of ways. You're snappily and snazzily put together. You seek a little approval from those around you, but who doesn't? You're an introspective guy in the midst of figuring things out in his life. Go to a national park, figure that shit out, and DO it. Don't hold back.
Oh yeah, the belt is awesome.
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
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Performance artists The Bumbys in The Cosmopolitan's P3 Studio
November 7 – December 2, 2012
More on Google+ and flickr
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themwg-blog-blog · 12 years
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Performance/installation artist Eloise Fornieles in The Cosmopolitan's P3 Studio
November 7 – December 2, 2012
More on Google+ and flickr
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