Pentacles, Tokens of the Material Realm: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
After contemplating how the four tarot suits(wands, cups, swords, and pentacles) manifest in reality, I have come to realize how real these suits are in affecting our everyday life. There is so much wisdom in the tarot, but realizing this has awakened a whole new way of seeing the world for me. I realized that if we consciously utilize these elements, we can manifest our desires with ease and grace. It is like riding the current to get to where you want to be, rather than swimming against it. Most people are ignorant of this knowledge, but once you understand this and learn to use this to your advantage, it is like a whole new dimension of spiritual resources has been opened to you. Because of how wide this subject is, I have decided to break this down into a series and this post is Part Four. Part One is about the suit of Swords, and Part Two is the suit of Cups, and Part Three is the suit of Wands. You'll find a link to the blog posts here:
Swords, the Weapon of Consciousness: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
Cups, the Ocean of Reality: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
Wands, the Power of Will: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
So basically, each suit in the tarot represents one of the elements: Swords is Air, Wands is Fire, Cups is Water, Pentacles is Earth. Each of these elements represent the different aspects of reality. Air corresponds to thought, words, and sounds. Water corresponds to emotion, sexuality, and the unconscious. Fire corresponds to inspiration, motivation, and action. Earth corresponds to the material and physical plane, and everything you can sense with your five senses.
The suit of Pentacles is the final suit of our blog series and the ultimate expression of the material realm: it's tangible, and you can hold it in your hands like a coin. In fact, the Pentacle is represented as a coin. You can see it, smell it, touch it, taste it. You can hear it when it jingles in your pockets. It feels so real. When you're still on Earth, the realest things are those that you can see, smell, touch, taste, and hear. These things have a physical manifestation. . . a corporeal body. Anything that is in the physical world has a "body." This is represented by the element of Earth. But not every body has a soul in it. Tables and chairs don't have souls. Coins don't have souls. Thus, physical manifestations are more like outer shells or clothes. It is not alive, unless a soul or spirit inhabits it. The human soul is encased in a body. And when we die, we leave our shell of a body, like a crab molting out of its shell. But a chair, a house, a statue, or a doll doesn't have a soul. That is, unless a mage seals a spirit within it. This is where horror stories of dolls coming to life originate from, and golems.
Statues of gods themselves are devoid of life as well, unless the spirit of the deity enters into the statue. People who are sensitive to the spirit plane can then communicate with the deity through the statue. The communication wouldn't involve the statue stretching and forcing its rock eyes to open, and then literally communicating with you on the physical realm. The communication happens through telepathy. After all, it would be extremely difficult for a spirit to alter the features of a rock in order to look like it's speaking. But a spirit does have access to the mental plane, just as you do, so it uses that dimension to communicate. It's like using a social media platform; a relative or friend from a different state would have to reach you through the internet or through your phone service if they want to speak to you because they're not in the same location as you. The barrier of communication is similar between you and the beings on the spiritual realm, simply because you're not in the same location dimension-wise.
That said, spirits don't need to enter into a statue to communicate with you. You just need to tune into the dimension where both realms meet: those realms are the mental, emotional, and astral plane. The astral plane can be accessed through dreams and imagination, by the way. Those are the platforms where you can communicate with your friends in the higher planes. And similar to how you might miss a phone call or a message because you haven't been looking at your phone, the beings you call on may not always hear you because they're not attuning to the mental, emotional, or astral realm. Missed spirit calls happen. Your spiritual friend might be busy watching a collosseum game on Mount Olympus. Or they might be somewhere in the higher planes riding a pegasus, or attending an Ascended Master High Council meeting. Don't be mad if they don't always answer; you wouldn't be paying as much attention to Earth either if you were in the higher realms.
This is why, in order to get their attention, mages often resort to ceremonial magick. Ceremonial magick often consists of persistent chanting, incense, concentration, meditation, elaborate symbols, tools, and sometimes animal sacrifice. A lot of energy has to be generated from the ceremony in order to reach the higher planes. The farther away the being is from the physical plane, the more effort has to be put into the ceremony, or that deity wouldn't hear your call or sense the energy.
Some beings are more active on the physical plane, so they don't require a lot of ritual to get their attention. This is often the case with ascended masters, guardian angels, saints, and even dead relatives. Sometimes all you have to do is think about them, and they will hear you. They're already on the mental plane, so of course they'll get your message.
But going back to the subject of Pentacles, it is a manifestation of the outer world, whereas the inner world is considered the spiritual world because it can't be perceived. The things of the outer world have no will of their own, unless there is a soul residing within. Everything in the material world has a reason for existing, whereas all the souls in the spiritual realm just "are." Everything that is not tangible exists in the realm of possibility. But the tangible represents unmoving, unchanging purpose. It is not changeable like water, it cannot be snuffed out like fire, and it doesn't fade away like the wind. It is binding, permanent, forever existing. Sure, it can transform and be transmuted. But it will always be, because matter cannot be created or destroyed. The suit of Pentacles is a representation of matter. In a way, it also represents the permanence of the soul's existence.
That is the paradox of the suit of Pentacles: it represents both the material qualities of Earth and the unchanging, eternal quality of God. It can be said that matter has always existed, in the form of particles and molecules. Those same particles that drifted in the aftermath of the Big Bang, which are the same particles that remain of exploding stars and nebulas, exist within our human bodies. So in a sense, our physical body has always existed although in different forms and fragments. And it will continue to exist. And the soul, likewise, has always existed long before those space molecules accumulated into the body you have now. And it will continue to exist, even though your soul evolves and grows with each earthly experience.
On a more practical basis, the suit of Pentacles also represents money, finances, and material possessions. To have an abundance of Pentacles energy in your life is to live a healthy, wealthy life; to have everything that you need and to have a body that is well-nourished. When you have those, you have a stronger presence in the physical realm, as indicated by the 9 of Pentacles. You have a better ability to change the world around you. Have you ever heard of this quote? "Whoever has the gold makes the rules"? It's absolutely true, in the physical world at least. People with a larger amount of money have the ability to change the world by virtue of the fact that the physical world is ruled by the suit of Pentacles. The more Pentacles energy you hold, the more influence you have. This is indicated by the 4 of Pentacles, which shows a man with a Pentacle on his head, in his hands, and on each foot. He wears a crown symbolizing rulership and a city is behind him, implying that the world is his. Shareholding is a very accurate metaphor for the role of wealth on public influence. The larger your share of the company, the more influence you have on company decisions simply because they need your investment for the business to thrive. But if your investment in the business is miniscule, chances are that the board of directors will ignore any suggestions you put out into the company. Earth is like one giant company. Those who have the most say in governance are the ones who hold the most land, property, and commerce. After all, Earth is the representation of the suit of Pentacles. This is the reality of the physical world: everything is just a circulation of resources. Financial transactions happen all the time. They go from one hand to another. Material and digital goods are always traded and exchanged like pebbles being swept into different parts of the river. In order to partake of these pebbles, you need to be connected to the stream. And the more streams you're connected to, the more pebbles you'll have. I do mean multiple streams of income.
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Whereas fire, air, and water are easily duplicable and grow on their own, earth needs to be accumulated, like sediments piling up on an ocean floor. And it takes much longer to do this than the other elements. Material things can be bartered and traded, and become scarce. But emotion, thought, and energy can be generated on their own. When you have a scarce amount of Pentacles energy, you need to toil for it. In the Rider-Waite deck, the 8 of Pentacles shows a man carving and creating a Pentacle with a nail and hammer. This shows that we have the ability to create wealth with effort and work. And since earth is the final element, it is the final result of combining all the three elements before it. To manifest on the material plane, you need knowledge(air), emotion(water), and motivation(fire) and you will see the fruits(earth) of your labor. It is the end result, the end goal whereas the other elements are typically a means to the end.
There is one more aspect to this assemble of elements, one that we will have to go beyond the tarot suits for. That aspect is the fifth element: the element of spirit. It sits above the four elements of air, fire, water, and earth, and is sometimes depicted as being in the center of them. Nevertheless, it is represented as the beginning and the end of everything. We will explore this topic in another blog post as I close this series on "The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life".
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Wands, the Power of Will: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
After contemplating how the four tarot suits(wands, cups, swords, and pentacles) manifest in reality, I have come to realize how real these suits are in affecting our everyday life. There is so much wisdom in the tarot, but realizing this has awakened a whole new way of seeing the world for me. I realized that if we consciously utilize these elements, we can manifest our desires with ease and grace. It is like riding the current to get to where you want to be, rather than swimming against it. Most people are ignorant of this knowledge, but once you understand this and learn to use this to your advantage, it is like a whole new dimension of spiritual resources has been opened to you. Because of how wide this subject is, I have decided to break this down into a series and this post is Part Three. Part One is about the suit of Swords, and Part Two is the suit of Cups. You'll find a link to the blog posts here:
Swords, the Weapon of Consciousness: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
Cups, the Ocean of Reality: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
So basically, each suit in the tarot represents one of the elements: Swords is Air, Wands is Fire, Cups is Water, Pentacles is Earth. Each of these elements represent the different aspects of reality. Air corresponds to thought, words, and sounds. Water corresponds to emotion, sexuality, and the unconscious. Fire corresponds to inspiration, motivation, and action. Earth corresponds to the material and physical plane, and everything you can sense with your five senses.
The suit of Wands is representative of the element Fire, and all it represents. When a person has an abundance of Wands energy in her life, she is motivated, passionate, and excited. She has goals and plans that excite her, that fill with her energy. Wands energy is desire energy. A Wands person is action-oriented and decisive. This is because the symbol of the wand is associated with the manifestation of desires and goals. The magician, the wizard, the fairy godmother can turn wishes into reality with the power of the wand.
What has the power to make wishes come true? Action. And what does the wand represent? Action. This is the secret to making dreams come true: take action. And a person cannot take action unless he is inspired; that is why Wands also represents inspiration . . . the inspiration to do things you know will have a wonderful impact on your future.
You can almost feel when a person has an abundance of Wands energy in their life. He is full of energy and passion. Lethargy, apathy, and a lack of motivation is the symptom of lacking Wands energy. There's no stagnation here in the realm of Wands; only fire. Too much fire in the energy body can manifest as irritability or aggressive behavior and words. It can cause heated arguments, or result in violent behavior. However, it is the element that spurs action and initiates change like no other.
Just like the purifying fire, Wands energy can cleanse away things in your life that hold you back from shining. Blacksmiths in ancient times used fire to refine metals into its purest form by removing the impurities that hid the metals' shiny luster. In terms of personal development, this means that your determination for transformation is what will burn away any limitations that prevent you from achieving your goal. In relationship terms, this means that people with strong fire energy in their birth chart tend to leave relationships quickly: they often start to feel like the relationship is holding them back so they have a tendency to "burn" it down. This can be a good thing as leaving toxic relationships become easy. Embodying this energy in your life tends to have an effect of removing people in your life that aren't good for you. Fire energy makes you tolerate toxic behavior less.
Fire can be a destroyer too. Similar to how it burns down trees in a wildfire, or kills bacteria when its heat is used to cook food, fire energy can "burn down" limiting beliefs that keep you chained. It can destroy old patterns of thinking that no longer work. When the spark of inspiration lights up in a person's soul, it burns down the old way of seeing the world, giving birth to a new way of thinking . . . and thus a new way of living. Think of the anger a person feels when she realizes that people she knew have been manipulating her . . . the fire in her anger is what moved her to finally burn those bridges. Leaving behind old destructive patterns will help you rise in the long run.
The suit of Wands corresponds with will and intention. One cannot manifest a desire unless they had the intention of doing so, and the will to make it happen. Without intention and will, it is merely an idea. An idea becomes something more when it is filled with the energy of the suit of Wands: desire. Desire drives human beings to do the impossible. Desire fills a person with the heat of needing to complete a goal; it is the same heat which ignites the animalistic need to copulate. That same arousal that ignites the need to feel sexual intimacy with someone can be aroused for the sake of completing a goal. It relies on the same principle: desire. "I must have it," Desire says. "No matter what it takes." It may require a moment of physical contact; the accidental touch of a hand, a full-body hug, or even nonphysical contact such as a smile or tone of voice that ignites this desire. You've gotten a taste of how it feels to be close to them, so you want more. A person with a strong desire to be rich may have witnessed a grand representation of wealth that sparked this desire. They might have worked inside a rich neighbor's mansion, or had a friend who introduced them into the world of the affluent. Whatever that first contact was, it made them want more. This is the principle of desire: to want more of that piece of heaven.
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You might wonder now how to incorporate this knowledge of the suit of Wands into your life. If you feel dead inside and lacking purpose, it means that you need more Wands energy. To enflame yourself with this fiery energy, go to the main source of heat in your body: the heart. The heart is where all your true desires reside. Connect to your heart and speak to it on a regular basis: "Heart, what is it that you really want?" Your heart is your compass, and from there you will find direction in life.
Similar to the suit of Swords, the Wands is a focused energy with a direction. But whereas the Swords is focused on truth, the suit of Wands is focused on manifestation. It is by working with the suit of Wands that you can make desire into reality.
The suit of Wands is an action-oriented, hard-working energy. Therefore, it is not good for the health to constantly be in this energy. Too much Fire can cause you to overwork, damaging your body and emotional peace in the process. Reserve the Wands energy for when you need it: that is, goal-setting, taking action, overcoming fears, inspiring others, and getting stuff done. I trust you'll use this energy well.
Well, that does it for the suit of Wands. It is a powerful energy that can move mountains and bring you everything you desire. The symbol of the wand itself is a representation of magic. Somebody once spoke of a Divine "spark" that lives inside all of us. That spark which represents fire, which in turn represents the wand, is proof of our Divinity if godhood means the ability to create what we desire.
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Cups, The Ocean of Reality: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
After contemplating how the four tarot suits(wands, cups, swords, and pentacles) manifest in reality, I have come to realize how real these suits are in affecting our everyday life. There is so much wisdom in the tarot, but realizing this has awakened a whole new way of seeing the world for me. I realized that if we consciously utilize these elements, we can manifest our desires with ease and grace. It is like riding the current to get to where you want to be, rather than swimming against it. Most people are ignorant of this knowledge, but once you understand this and learn to use this to your advantage, it is like a whole new dimension of spiritual resources has been opened to you. Because of how wide this subject is, I have decided to break this down into a series and this post is Part Two. Part One is about the suit of Swords. You'll find a link to the blog post here:
Swords, the Weapon of Consciousness: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
So basically, each suit in the tarot represents one of the elements: Swords is Air, Wands is Fire, Cups is Water, Pentacles is Earth. Each of these elements represent the different aspects of reality. Air corresponds to thought, words, and sounds. Water corresponds to emotion, sexuality, and the unconscious. Fire corresponds to inspiration, motivation, and action. Earth corresponds to the material and physical plane, and everything you can sense with your five senses.
The suit of Cups is a favorite for many tarot readers. This suit brings messages of the arrival of romance, love, happy memories, and wish fulfillment. This suit is also associated with the Water element, and foretells the state of relationships. Many people are curious to know about their love lives or about their soulmate when they go to tarot readers. On Youtube and Tiktok, there are an abundance of tarot readings on relationships. It's a topic that tugs people on a primal level.
Water represents the emotions; think of the tears that come from the heights of happiness, sadness, anger, and love. That feeling that rushes through your heart when you feel something deeply . . . it feels like a wave crashing within you. Most people are either tossed about in the waves of emotion, or doing their best to stay afloat. Either way, fighting the current is hard and nearly impossible to conquer. Most people either give in to the waves or they give up on sailing the seas.
The experience of sexual pleasure is also watery by nature, physically and energetically. It is likened to a snake that slithers through your erogenous zones in a state of arousal. It is associated with the Kundalini, which is a flow of energy that starts at the base of the tail bone and goes all the way to the crown of the head at the height of spiritual ecstasy. It is also associated with the beast Leviathan in demonology, the serpentine King of the waters.
Cups represent the energetic force that mystical systems of the East focus on. An example is feng shui; feng shui means "wind and water." Believers in feng shui organize their home to promote good energy movement in their space. They believe that having good energy flow in their home will bring luck, fortune, and happiness. Tai chi and qigong practitioners move energy through their body to promote physical and energetic health. The element of Water may be the "chi"/"qi"/"life force"/"prana" that meditative masters teach about, for its properties are very similar. The suit of Swords is too sharp to be qi, the suit of Wands is more about manifestation, and the suit of Pentacles is too slow and heavy. This leaves the suit of Cups, which is all about that watery energy that practitioners of the Eastern arts course through their bodies. After all, water assumes the form of the shape it is poured into. It is a fluid, malleable energy that is pleasurable to wade in. It also nourishes the energetic body as physical water nourishes the physical body.
The Moon represents the unconscious, and because the Moon is associated to water and water represents Cups, the suit of Cups represents unconsciousness. In hypnotherapy I learned that to fix a client's problem, we have to reprogram their unconscious mind to stop acting on behaviors that are harmful to them. The change comes when our conscious mind(Wands or Swords) inserts suggestions into their unconscious. And if the client was willing, their unconscious will accept the suggestion and begin to act on it. The unconscious mind is like a body of water that can be shaped at will. It drives all our habits. In fact, scientists estimate that 95% of our daily actions are driven by the unconscious mind. That shows how much power it has over us! It just goes to show that if we really want to create change in our life, we have to go to the deepest waters and plant our seed there.
To access the unconscious mind, you need to bypass the conscious mind(Swords), the will(Wands), and you need to lose awareness of your surroundings(Pentacles). In a way, you leave behind the world lit by the conscious mind and enter into the darkness of the unconscious mind . . . to the primordial waters. An ocean of primordial energy. Before land and sky was created, there was water, according to biblical text. "Now the earth was [1] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters"(Genesis 1:2). Before consciousness, there was unconsciousness. Before objects formed in the physical realm, they existed as an ocean of energy.
Quite a poetic way of contemplating this subject, but how can we make use of it?
It is very easy to get into a trance state when contemplating the suit of Cups. Water energy has a way of soothing the nerves. Unlike Sword energy, which is about piercing the veil of self-deception, Cups energy is about nourishment, love, and bliss. It is less about making conscious decisions and more about flowing with the stream of life. It is listening to your body, and listening to your intuition. It is letting your body move however it wants to. It is letting life unfold like a beautiful scene, and letting your heart blossom with love when someone leads you to a beautiful place you have never known.
Cups energy is not for motivation, manifestation, or productivity. It is for relaxation, harmony, bliss, and relationships. You need this if you are over-worked or stressed. You need this if you're anxious or defensive. If you don't nourish yourself with this feeling regularly, it results in an "overheat," a blockage, or a malfunction in your energetic system.
Cups energy can also cleanse you. Cycling energy in your body through exercise, yoga, or tai chi will remove stagnations and blockages in your energy field. This is absolutely crucial for your physical and energetic wellness. Blocked and stagnant energy is the cause of disease, therefore it would be wise to attend to your energetic health on a regular basis. Energy can be blocked by negative thoughts, so aim to remove such thoughts whenever you notice that they arise.
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Cups is also associated with the energy of abundance. "My cup runneth over"(Psalms 23:5). Think of the analogy of your cup overflowing; you have more than enough to meet your needs. In this state of abundance, it is easier to share with others your blessings. Your joy overflows to the point of sharing it.
In short, the suit of Cups in everyday life applies to all things associated with Water. Water represents emotion, energy, relationships, celebration, and unconsciousness. A person who is in touch with this element is connected to the feelings of bliss and relaxation that Water signifies. Cycling this energy through energy practices like yoga and tai chi releases blockages in the energy body and keeps your body healthy and your energy flowing. Having more Cups energy in your family, friends, and your love life brings more joy and love to your relationships. This is because Cups is not an energy of strife and control, but of celebration and abundance. To get in touch with this watery energy, all it takes is to go with the flow of life and follow your intuition.
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Swords, the Weapon of Consciousness: The Four Tarot Suits in Everyday Life
After contemplating how the four tarot suits(wands, cups, swords, and pentacles) manifest in reality, I have come to realize how real these suits are in affecting our everyday life. There is so much wisdom in the tarot, but realizing this has awakened a whole new way of seeing the world for me. I realized that if we consciously utilize these elements, we can manifest our desires with ease and grace. It is like riding the current to get to where you want to be, rather than swimming against it. Most people are ignorant of this knowledge, but once you understand this and learn to use this to your advantage, it is like a whole new dimension of spiritual resources has been opened to you. Because of how wide this subject is, I have decided to break this down into a series and this post is Part One.
So basically, each suit in the tarot represents one of the elements: Swords is Air, Wands is Fire, Cups is Water, Pentacles is Earth. Each of these elements represent the different aspects of reality. Air corresponds to thought, words, and sounds. Water corresponds to emotion, sexuality, and the unconscious. Fire corresponds to inspiration, motivation, and action. Earth corresponds to the material and physical plane, and everything you can sense with your five senses.
The suits that correspond to each element have more in common than you think. Thoughts, words, and sounds pierce reality in a way similar to how swords pierce the flesh. The Truth is a sword that cuts through illusion. Malicious words can cut through a person's heart. High-pitched sounds feel like they pierce the ears. This is why Swords has been assigned to the element of Air.
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In the absence of thought, there is only peace. Thoughts cause the waters of emotion to stir, and these emotions are the cause of behavior. But without thought, the waters of emotion are like a calm ocean. This is where bliss is found. When the thoughts are gone, only stillness remains.
It is good for your mental health to abstain from thought whenever possible, and to only think when you need to. Sheath your sword and keep it somewhere safe, because there is no battle
right now. War takes a toll on the mind. Weapons are just the material representation of thoughts and words. Hide them away, so that your mind can rest. You will only be prepared for the next battle when you have had time to recuperate. Think 4 of Swords in the Rider-Waite.
Swords can be sharpened, and so can your mind be sharpened. You can enhance its effectiveness by reading, by honing your skills, by acquiring knowledge, by training your concentration. A person who regularly trains their mind will be well equipped for any challenge. A sharp tongue, a good debater, courts and judges, a calculated strategist, law enforcement, the military, and a person capable of self-defense all fall under the category of Swords. They all have the ability to create change; some by sheer force, some by intelligence, and some by their final word. In any case, all these personify the Sword. Nothing can escape the Sword without being cut.
Too many people have used the Sword for ill ends. They caused strife, and destroyed relationships that were otherwise peaceful. This need not be so. The Sword may be a weapon of destruction, but it can be used to save someone. Tell someone who is about to kill themselves that
you love them and need them. Tell someone that their partner whom they have long suspected of cheating had been merely preparing to propose to them. It changes everything.
The Sword, being the element of Air, is needed by all the other elements. The winds churn the waters, they erode the earth over time, and they ignite the flames of fire. In other words, thoughts create emotions. New knowledge wears down old and ineffective structures. The spark of inspiration and motivation comes from an idea, brought in by a thought.
I hope this post has inspired you to think a little more about the Swords in your life. Its effect is truly everywhere: in your thoughts, your words and the words of others, in the news, in social media, and everywhere communication is exchanged. I hope you have come to realize the gravity that thoughts and words have on yourself and others, and will use this knowledge for your benefit and the benefit of others. A kind word pierces the negativity one might have in their heart. Words of wisdom might kill the suicidal thoughts a poor soul might have. The Sword is a weapon of destruction. If it is wielded in love, it will destroy hatred and negativity. Used rightly, in can destroy death and evil rather than love and harmony.
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Why and How to Stay Spiritually Healthy
Those who are advanced in magic understand the importance of staying spiritually healthy. This is because the health of your spiritual and energetic body is directly related to your ability to manifest your desires. If you have an energetic block in your system, your manifestation power would be akin to constipation.
Just as exercise is important to keep a healthy body, so too do good magicians take care of their spiritual health.
Taking care of your spiritual health is done by going within, finding the energetic stagnation points in your body, and gently clearing them. Like unclogging the toilet. Because once you unclog your energetic system, the etheric illnesses get flushed away, and naturally the physical symptoms go along with them too.
There are many ways of unclogging your energy system for vibrant health. Some examples are yoga, acupuncture, and meditations that guide you to release stagnant energies.
These energetic blockages are caused by suppressed emotions that get stuck in the body. If it remains stuck, it will continue to grow and fester until it becomes a physical symptom. Many different kinds of illnesses have vanished after people released and forgave old emotions.
With that said, make self-healing a regular priority. Do the work to release emotional and energetic blockages, and strive to keep your energetic system flowing. Not only will you live longer, you will also be able to manifest your desires easier.
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How to Know if Someone Casted a Spell on You
This is a pretty important thing to know, especially because everyone is doing magic whether they know it or not. Also because the majority of people are easily triggered, and you might have inadvertently offended them. Everybody is sending out energy and thoughtforms, and it is because of this that spiritual and energetic protection is of the utmost importance.
Knowing whether someone intentionally or unintentionally casted a spell on you is crucial to staying on your life path. This is because when someone casts a spell on you, it could hinder what you are meant to achieve. We want to remove that possibility as fast as possible. Inevitably, there will be obstacles that try to tempt you away from your life purpose such as circumstances, events, or people. But once you are able to discern that you have been magically affected, you can take actions to rid yourself of the spell that bound you. This catapults your ascension and speeds the fulfillment of your dreams.
The funny thing about magic is that people cannot magically affect your life “like a god,” by bringing certain events to happen. That’s not how magic works. The unforeseen events that happen to you are all predestined and controlled by your Higher Self, because your Higher Self is the only writer and manager of your destiny.
The destiny our Higher Selves have created for us is always one of happiness, abundance, love, and fulfillment. Our actions decide whether we stick to that straight and narrow path. And our actions are the consequences of our thoughts.
But if a person is trying to affect your life through a curse or a binding, they do it by trying to send a thoughtform, which is a concentration of energy designed to get you to act in certain ways that are designed to bring about a particular outcome. This thoughtform becomes a seed that sprouts thoughts in your mind. If it is not aborted in the early stages… if it is allowed to generate emotions, which then blossom into the actions it intended to create, it will cause havoc.
This means that if you start thinking thoughts or feeling emotions that are uncharacteristic of you, chances are someone casted a spell on you.
If it’s a curse, it’s likely you’ve started having violent, depressive thoughts even if you used to be more light-hearted and happy.
If it’s a love spell, chances are you found yourself thinking constantly about someone you’re otherwise not attracted to.
These thoughtforms, when they penetrate your energy field, convert into thoughts that you “spontaneously” have. These thoughts naturally generate emotions in you, which in turn cause you to behave in a certain way.
This is why spiritual gurus make a point of emphasizing self-control. Because when you live life in this way, you are unaffected by the energies and thoughtforms outside of you. Virtually, you become immune to others’ spells. Many witches and magicians choose to live in seclusion because they understand the impact that other peoples’ energies can have on them, therefore they want to remove themselves from people as far away as possible. But you don’t have to become a hermit to protect yourself.
To protect yourself from other peoples’ influence, you need to know what vibration you need to maintain. Familiarize yourself with the state of mind you want to have. This state of mind is the thoughtform you want to operate from. This thoughtform generates all the thoughts you need for success. It’s like the DNA from which all your unique physical characteristics originate from. By doing this, you’re able to discern when you are affected by a thought that came from outside of you. You’ll be able to tell if something is amiss.
If you notice yourself having thoughts and emotions that are not yours, do a cleansing on yourself. Keep a cleansing spray with you wherever you go, or just visualize a white light cleansing your energy body whenever you feel energetically attacked.
Sometimes, however, the thoughts and emotions that spontaneously arise may just be hidden energies that were stuck in your energetic field from past traumas. It would serve you in the long run to cleanse this too.
It may well be that this fact is the reason why so many occult teachers emphasize protection; because people affect you whether you know it or not. With that said, I highly suggest reading some books on magical protection if you haven’t already. You’d be doing yourself a huge favor.
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The Power of Incantations, Invocations, and Verbal Spells
I decided to write on the power of incantations because of a book I remembered that I have on my kindle. It was The Magic of Isis: A Book of Powerful Incantations and Prayers by Alana Fairchild. With that said, I will refer to incantations, invocations, prayers, and verbal spells as virtually the same even though they may have different uses. I remembered how in the beginning of my magical journey, I dismissed the importance of incantations. It’s just speaking; we already speak all the time. The difference with incantations and regular talking, however, is the force of intent that is emitted by the former. In any magical working, energy is manipulated and released. So it is in an incantation, invocation, or prayer. There must be emotion in your words; there must be intent, otherwise it would fall flat. On another note, this is a reason why you should spiritually defend yourself against emotionally charged insults and words directed at you. It could affect your vibration if you don’t shield yourself.
I have also noticed that when I speak to someone while feeling the heights of love or happiness, they tend to be affected by the energy. As I speak to them in that emotionally charged state, it is as if I directed those energies of love and happiness to them. As a result, they felt the same things I felt.
In contrast, I have noticed that when I speak to people from a place of apathy or emotional ‘deadness,’ their moods don’t go any higher either even if what I talked about was something they might have otherwise been excited about. People are affected by energy, not words.
In incantations and invocations, the power is not in the words but in the energy that is radiated by them. The universe, which is fluid and malleable, moves with energy. Therefore anything that emits energy can move the universe. The more intense the emotion, the more powerful the energy, and the greater its effect on the universe.
Often we think that the words we say to people don’t have much of an effect on them. They do. Particularly if it’s backed by emotion. That is why we must be careful with the energy we put out there.
I have bought three courses from Divine Feminine priestesses, and have found that they utilized the power of invocations. I was skeptical of it because I had been used to the implementation of physical objects in magick. Boy, was I surprised when my life started to move in a more beautiful direction. And I did not do a single thing. I either just listened to their invocations, or said them aloud with intention or emotion. No candles, athames, or circles were needed.
Do not underestimate the power of incantations. I recommend buying a book of incantations that’s right for you. Use them as often as possible, because you can perform them anywhere and at anytime.
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How Magick Plays an Important Role in the Age of Aquarius
Many occultists today are familiar with the Age of Aquarius and how we have recently stepped out of the faith-based, savior-centered Piscean age to this innovative, socially connected, humanitarian eon. The hype is real, because the influence of this new eon can be seen since the beginnings of globalization.
And considering how magickal traditions have endured for ages, kept in preservation by loyal proponents of its inimitable law, it is rather fascinating to delve into how the magick of this new age will play a different role in the evolution of the human race as opposed to the previous one.
Let’s face it; occult traditions kept people from devolving into base levels of consciousness in medieval times. It was not the outer teachings of religion that saved the people, for it merely fostered the herd mentality, which is as animalistic as the mentality of the immoral (after all, animals form herds). This is not to say that there is anything wrong with animals; we need to honor our carnal tendencies just as we do our higher consciousness, but carnal nature is concerned primarily with survival. Not to mention the fact that much of the outer religious teachings were grossly misinterpreted by clergy; and since laymen relied on priests for biblical guidance, it was a worldwide case of “the blind leading the blind.”
It was the inner teachings that preserved the wisdom of the spirit; the mystery schools within each religion. They kept the lamp lit in the darkness, even if they had to go underground for fear of persecution. They were not able to save everybody, but those who sought the secrets of the universe were led to their dimly lit caves and hidden rooms. These mystics, monks, and magicians preserved a way of living that lifted them from the darkness of the times. Back then, corruption was rampant and the themes of money, sex, and power were used by demonic forces to enslave the weak-willed and weak-hearted. People had no other choice but to detach from those subjects and from the material world in general in order to find spiritual liberation.
However, the Aquarian Age is different. The material world is still a cesspool of temptations that could lead one astray from their Higher Purpose, but knowledge is more accessible than ever today. This easier access to information erases some of the problems inherent in the Age of Pisces. For one thing, intellectual matters such as science, experimentation, and facts have become the dominating values in this new eon. Blind belief and unquestioning obedience, which are values that were upheld in the Piscean Age, are shunned and belittled to oblivion. This intellectual vigor that characterizes the Age of Aquarius promotes the evolution of the human species well enough on its own. But on top of that, advances have been made in the occult field that increased the power of magick in a way that the previous eon has never seen before.
The highlight of the eon is the merging of science and spirituality. When applied to magick, the scientific method, which is about systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, has created new ways of approaching magick that has revolutionized the field. The most classic example is Aleister Crowley’s “Scientific Illuminism,” on which the basis for Crowley’s rituals stem upon. It starts with the neophyte doing spiritual practices to prepare for the magickal workings while observing what happens to them, and then recording the results after. Another example is chaos magick, which is a new system developed by the magician Austin Osman Spare in the 1970s that focuses on tried-and-tested techniques rather than elaborate symbolism.
This growth of love for knowledge has also led to advances in psychology. A magickal theory that arose from this advancement is the Jungian idea that the spirits we call upon are aspects of our personality. They are not entities outside of us, but rather aspects of ourselves that are not always present in our everyday life because they reside in our subconscious. To evoke them would be to bring them out of the subconscious so we can have a dialogue with them, or to invoke them by wearing their presence around us like a garment. In doing so, our multifaceted self can be more intently and purposefully expressed, and talents inherent within us are successfully utilized.
Perhaps this is how magick will shape the evolution of mankind in the Age of Aquarius; it will help us embrace and nurture those aspects of ourselves that lay dormant and repressed in the previous age. When something is repressed, it has to be dealt with inward to avoid causing rampage in the outer world, which was why spiritual practices in the Age of Pisces required solitude. When unleashed onto the world, those unconscious forces (often deemed “demonic” forces) wreaked havoc and enslaved those who released them on the world to be dealt with.
In the Age of Aquarius, those volatile forces have been processed to the point where it can be healthily dealt with in the material world. What helps is that the widespread influence of self-love teachings helps people to accept and own those aspects of themselves that they were previously afraid of. The demons that ran amok in the Dark Ages are now recruited as agents of light.
In addition to the improvement of magical theory, the number of practicing magicians has increased exponentially. Not only are we a group whose days of persecution are over, we are gaining more followers. Over the last few decades, thousands of websites related to magick have sprouted all over the web, and Google search results for “magick” yield over 3 million results. The amount of curiosity in the magical arts has definitely skyrocketed.
With this amount of interest in the occult, it is easy to see that a large amount of the population will soon be turning to magick. After all, everyone does magick, whether they know it or not. It is all a matter of becoming good at it, and more people are starting to realize this.
Magick is the art of causing change in reality by transcending the limitations of the physical, egoic self. Its purpose has not changed. But in the Age of Pisces, magick may more or less have been used as a medium to escape the sufferings of ordinary society and to live self-sufficiently alone as a hermit; other magicians performed miracles for the less fortunate as a “messiah” figure. But since Aquarius is concerned with humanitarian dreams, large groups, and innovation, the successful magicians of this new era will re-enter the world through groups, networks, and organizations to spread knowledge and experience of their craft. By working together, they will discover more ways to expand the knowledge of magick, and these innovations shall be accessible to all. Their main goals shall be Aquarian in nature, and may be along the lines of “for the benefit of the people”; this shall not be the savior-victim dynamic of the Piscean Age, but these Aquarian age magicians shall be like torch-bearers, upholding the light in the darkness so many can see. Because fire spreads, people can light their own torch from the original fire of the first torch-bearer, and thus can find their own way with the light they now have. This is the essence of the Aquarian Age, and it is most definitely the direction we are headed.
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Is this Urge Worth Following? How to Know if Your Impulses Are From Your Higher Self
I have had moments where I have a day that is perfectly planned out, and my intent of the day is not to stray from what I have written on my to-do list. Inevitably, an idea would pop in my head, usually a very exciting idea, and I would have an urge to start working on it. The activity I was originally going to do falls by the wayside as I follow this new urge that moves me in a different direction.
Going with the flow is very important to me, because our Higher Self, Holy Daimon, True Will, etc. has a way of moving us that leads us in the right direction. However, not all of our urges come from our best self. A person who ends up straying from their to-do list, procrastinating, can end up on a lower path rather than the higher path they were meant to set upon. This is because our Higher Self is not always the one in contact with us. Sometimes your old identity resurfaces, dragging you and begging for your attention. You must avoid being ensnared by this. But how do you differentiate between the calling of your Higher Self and the impulse of your old habits when both of their urges are so powerful?
The thing about the Higher Self is that it is most active when we are awake, and by that, I mean being conscious and aware. You are aware when you are not dominated by thoughts of how things should be, but are more focused on how things are. Judgments and emotions do not exist in pure consciousness. In this state, you are alert, relaxed yet energized, and have the ability to focus on anything that catches your attention. When you are in this state, you have closer access to your Higher Self. Your mind, vibrating at a high frequency, can more easily attune to the frequency of Divine inspiration.
In contrast, you know your urge is coming from your old habits if you were in a state of autopilot. If you had not forged a strong enough connection to your Higher Self, your habitual patterns (or autopilot mode) is dangerous because it still contains subconscious programming that may not be in your best interest. This is why people relapse into addiction to drugs and alcohol; they allowed themselves to fall back into their old habitual patterns. Until you have replaced those negative programs that keep you stuck to harmful behavior, it is dangerous to allow yourself to fall into autopilot. It is when you are in this state that you must force yourself to stay true to your to-do lists and plans.
Furthermore, people who are immersed in the murky waters of fear, negativity, and hatred are more susceptible to receiving self-destructive urges. Their mental and emotional activity, resonating with that of destructive forces, would lead them to their own destruction. The urges they would receive would be destructive in nature, causing them to do things they know are harmful to them or others. They would fall on a lower path, leading them to circumstances that cause more pain. You must avoid this even more. This is why all magickal traditions have practices that focus on helping the practitioner rise above such turbulent levels of consciousness.
In every magickal traditon that I know of, there are exercises that practitioners are required to do before they could advance to the more advanced forms of magick. Such exercises like the Middle Pillar ritual, the asanas and pranayama, meditation, prayer, etc. are designed to elevate your consciousness and connect it to your Higher Self. The more you do this, the more influence Divine inspiration has over your impulses than any other force. In this way, you are led by the best version of yourself, and your spontaneous urges will lead you to situations and circumstances that are in alignment with your soul’s purpose and desire.
Another way you can tell whether an urge is from the Divine is to consider the nature of your urge: Does it lead to a new opportunity? A new place? A new person? A new activity that could be beneficial to you? If so, this is most likely a nudging from your Higher Self.
On the other hand, if your urge causes you to fall back to an old habit that proved to be harmful or at best unproductive, this is not an urge you should follow.
Spontaneous thoughts should be monitored as to whether they come from the right mindset as well. If they are negative by nature, they could put you on a downward-leading path that you don’t want to fall into. Your thoughts inevitably cause emotions to arise, and these emotions urge you to action. A few occasions have happened where people have angered me so intensely that I entertained the thought of cursing them. It was so intense that I actually did put a curse on them; but I took it away because thoughts of compassion eventually returned, moving me to have pity on them. Remembering that, I realized the power that a single thought can have over your actions. This is why thoughtforms, which are created in magick, are so powerful; it’s because all they have to do is insert a thought into your energy field, and this thought can become the basis of an urge, which turns into action. This is how our Higher Self inspires us, by putting beautiful and grand thoughts into our mind that inspire us to acts of greatness.
Furthermore, we should be aware that as our electromagnetic fields interact with the electromagnetic fields of other people, the thoughts that they think can mix with ours, and it is crucial to shield our minds from such things. This is why we avoid negative people, and why you become the sum of the people you hang out with the most. The existence of mirror neurons are the physical manifestation of this phenomena. Imitating others is deeply embedded in the core of our nature. This is also the reason for the influx of spirituality that teaches the transformation of our DNA by working with deities and ascended masters. In essence, by hanging out with these exalted beings, we vibrationally become more like them!
In summary, our impulses can be theorized to come from forces that mingle with us vibrationally. As a Thelemite, this is why I strive to maintain knowledge and conversation with my Holy Guardian Angel; so that it moves me in the direction my soul desires to go every single day. When you connect to your own Higher Self, your impulses ultimately lead to new opportunities that shine light on your path and lead you to the right direction. Additionally, be careful of the thoughts you have when interacting with other people, because those thoughts might not be your own. We must continually use the power of thoughts for our benefit and the benefit of others because thoughts lead to action. Don’t beat yourself up if you made a mistake, because even if your path led you to a moment of pain, you can extract the lesson from it. Every experience has its purpose, and lessons always come with them. When it comes to being seduced away from your to-do list, you have to look at the nature of this urge and the state of mind from whence it came from.
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The Right and Left Hand Path of Magick: The Good of Both Sides
In the occult, there are two dichotomous paths of magick, both of which stir up some controversy and debate in the world of occultism: the right hand and the left hand paths. The classic battle between high magick and low magick, white versus black magick, theurgy and sorcery has caused a centuries-old rift between magicians of different practices. Before medieval times, the boundaries may not have been so clear, and practices from both sides of the spectrum may once have been part of a unified whole. But the right hand path has come to be associated with white magick and all its forms, and the left hand path with black magick and the taboo aspects of spirituality.
The Law of Polarity has not applied to any eon more relevantly than it did during the Dark Ages. When the use of witchcraft for malevolent aims spread among villages, such as the historical account of the possessed nuns of Loudun, witchcraft became reason for execution. Among occult circles, a divide occurred between those who practiced magic to unify with Divinity and those who called upon it for worldly aims. White magicians shunned black magicians as narcissists, and black magicians scoffed at white magicians as slaves to God and morality.
Having been on both sides of the spectrum on my magical journey, I have come to an understanding of their core essence and what they are really trying to achieve. When I first started my magical journey, I considered myself a white magician. I read the book A Course in Miracles, which brought clarity to the intent of white magick. Practitioners of white magick focus on creating “miracles,” and these miracles are made manifest in love. Love is, no doubt, a powerful energy. But it is also a highly refined energy, one that lifts the human soul to higher planes of existence. The Divine exists on all the realms of existence, albeit in different manifestations. However, the aspect of the Divine that is experienced and felt on the higher planes is one of communion, of “coming home.” There is a feeling of safety, like a child being surrounded by loving, nurturing parents. The child wants to be like his parents, and he receives nourishment and protection under their care.
On the left-hand path, the main focus is freedom and independence by separating oneself from the concept of a unified whole. Just as a baby comes forth from the mother’s womb and grows independent of her, so too does the black magician aspire to become independent from the Godhead and grow into his own godhood. The black magician wants to discover who he is as a growing, individual soul in a vast universe. Sovereignty is what they aim to achieve, and this can be found in the lower planes. The Divine is manifest in these lower planes as well, but at a deeper, denser vibration. There is also a strong sense of rebellion. The teenager who rebels wants to assert his identity regardless of his parents’ expectations, regardless of whether he disappoints them, and this is necessary for his growth. If he does not learn what it feels like to be on his own and make mistakes, then he remains spiritually as a child. But to remain rebellious means one has not fully grown up either.
The reconciliation of the right and left hand paths is crucial to becoming a spiritually mature adult. Its natural byproduct is a magician with a well-established identity and a positive disposition to the world. By experiencing the Divine love of the right hand path, one learns joy through giving and partnership. By experiencing Divine freedom in the left hand path, one develops the power to choose their own fate.
You know you have reached that point when two things happen:
You forge your own path while keeping your moral values.
When you stop antagonizing the other path.
The magician who has unified these two paths within himself is akin to an adult who had a loving childhood and had the freedom to discover himself in adolescence. It’s the best of both worlds! Such individuals often grow to be productive members of society.
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New Age Manifestation Methods: How Magick is Seeping into Popular Culture and How to Utilize it to Manifest Your Dream Life
Every magickal practitioner who has even the least bit of exposure to popular culture has heard of it; New Age manifestation methods are all the rage. Not only are they nearly ubiquitous now, this niche of magick is also selling like crazy. Ask the Law of Attraction gurus that make millions from what they teach; think Bob Proctor, Deepak Chopra, and Tony Robbins. And I call this a niche in magick because it has the condition of a true magickal art: that of achieving power through changing reality. Throughout this blog post, if you can spot them, I will give you practical tips on how to enhance your magick to achieve your dream life and attract abundance and prosperity using this trend of magick!
Before we dive deep, let’s clarify what New Age stuff actually is. According to an article in pewresearch.org entitled “‘New Age’ Beliefs Common Among Both Religious and Nonreligious Americans“, New Age beliefs often constitute a belief in:
-Spiritual energy that is present in everything in the universe
In the article, it states that roughly six-in-ten Americans accept at least one of these New Age beliefs regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof.
Although these beliefs are inherent in religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Wicca, even self-professed Christians(the largest religious demographic in the U.S.) are reported to hold some of these New Age beliefs. This includes roughly 62% of Christians, 47% of Evangelicals, and 70% of Catholics.
Among the religiously unaffiliated, 56% of Agnostics, 78% described as ‘nothing in particular,’ and 22% of atheists hold New Age beliefs. The rise of acceptance among these groups can be attributed to the scientific research that has been published of the validity of its concepts such as energy and ESP(extrasensory perception) phenomena. Scientific proponents of such phenomena include psychologist Daryl Bem, Dr. William Bengston PhD, Konstantin Buteyko, and Vlail Kaznacheev. According to an article on The Guardian titled, “CIA file on Russian ESP experiments released – but you knew that, didn’t you?”, the last two scientists above were Russian scientists who conducted experiments that tested ESP, which is described in the article as “the ability to gain information, or influence physical objects, using only the mind.” Their findings, previously classified, were declassified by the CIA in 1991 after John Greenewald filed an appeal to release the records. Some of the ESP documents remained secret, as the CIA and the Air Force refused to declassify them(https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/extra-sensory-perception-esp/). The results of their experiments found that psychic energy can be concentrated and transmitted, and that images can be relayed to another person’s mind.
How is this relevant in magick? When we cast a spell or perform a ritual, we concentrate energy into our magickal objects. If the objects naturally vibrate with an energy that we are trying to use(think: lemons for solar energy, roses for Venusian energy, etc.), it only adds to the power of our spell. At the end of the spell, we make a final movement that releases this energy to the universe or to our target. ESP is something we as magicians have been practicing since the beginning of time.
ESP is one of the core explanations for the validity of New Age science, as well as the ideas of quantum mechanics and string theory; both of which support the concept of a fluid, malleable universe that can be altered with consciousness.
But science is not the only field that progressively accepts the core tenets of the New Age. In the celebrity world, bigshots are revealing that the law of attraction has helped them create the amazing life they live now. Among these celebrities are Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, Lady Gaga, Conor McGregor, Will Smith, Steve Harvey, LMFAO, Kerri Walsh & Misty May-Treanor, and Denzel Washington. If you want to read what they said about the law of attraction, go here.
New Age thought is also seeping into the songs of popular singers. Some examples are Lil Baby’s “Dreams 2 Reality”, The Script’s “Hall of Fame”, Black Eyed Peas’ “I Got a Feeling”, Imagine Dragons’ “On Top of the World”, and Travie McCoy’s “Billionaire”. One of my personal favorites is Ariana Grande’s “Just Like Magic,” and “Successful.” These songs make you want to imagine your dream life while you’re vibing . . . and two of the steps to the manifestation process is visualization and emotion(emotion is created when you’re moved by the song, aka ‘vibing’).
Now that we’ve covered how this New Age movement has influenced mainstream thought, let’s talk about the popular manifestation methods that it espouses.
-Vision Boards
-Subliminal Messages
I omitted the law of attraction from this list, because we are talking about manifestation methods here, which are tools. The law of attraction is more of a viewpoint rather than a tool; like magickal theory rather than the procedures for a spell. However, many theories can converge on the same tool, and the tool works just the same regardless of the different theories of how it works.
In addition, a New Age law called the law of assumption is quickly replacing the law of attraction; it states that to manifest your ideal life, you assume yourself to be already living that type of life. The hole in the law of attraction is its theory that if you want something so much, the universe will conspire to bring it to you. The problem with that is the lack of detachment creates a blockage from it happening. After casting a spell, we are told to “set it and forget it.” There is a reason for that message; it’s because when we obsess over the results, the intention we wanted to send out through the spell is “bound” by our obsession. Instead of being sent out to the universe, it spirals around our energetic field like a person trapped in a roller coaster. This is why the law of assumption is more valid than the law of attraction. It assumes you already are what you want to be, so you naturally detach from the outcome.
In a sense, you will see how the following methods adhere to the law of assumption.
Affirmations are writing down new beliefs and repeating them to yourself over and over. You recite these to yourself in the morning, at night, while driving, or doing your daily tasks. You can also write them on sticky notes or on your bathroom wall so you see them frequently. With time, these new beliefs replace your old beliefs as you drill them into your subconscious.
Repetition is the key here. Any thought, emotion, or action becomes a habit if you persistently repeat it everyday for a few months.
If you come across a point where your conscious mind argues with the affirmations, realize that it is just your old beliefs rising up to protect its position in your subconscious. In that moment, stay true to your affirmations and don’t give up; feel the resistance and eventually it will fade as your affirmations replace the old beliefs.
2. Scripting
Scripting involves writing down in detail how you would experience having what you want. An example would be describing a day in your ideal life incorporating the five senses: see, smell, taste, hear, touch.
“Outside the window wall of my penthouse, I can see the ocean in the distance and I imagine the sound of the waves from far away. I have a hot chocolate with a smell brimming of nostalgia and the delightful taste of vanilla pinched in, and I spend the morning reading a good book on my luxurious couch with my cat on my lap.”
“I enter into the building of my company, and all my colleagues greeted me enthusiastically, ready to start another eventful day as I, the CEO, present the plans for an expansion of our company to Dubai.”
“The smell of a first class airplane ride smells delightfully elegant, and as I sit on my seat I can feel the high-quality leather as I relaxed into it. The flight attendant puts desert on the table before me and I savor the taste of chocolate and mocha. The lounge looks absolutely stunning., and the view outside the plane is breathtaking.”
You don’t have to be as wordy as the three examples above. You can use scripting to manifest something simple, like a laptop:
“My new laptop feels smooth, and its color is pink and shiny. I turn it on, and the sound came on. It smells fresh from the box and brand new.”
Your style of scripting is up to you, but it has to conjure up a clear image as you write and reread it. It needs to feel like a memory playing out in your mind.
3. Visualization
Visualization is when you form an experience of your desire in your mind. It is basically like scripting, although you don’t need to write it down. However, you need to be really immersed in the visualization and feel all the feelings as if you were actually experiencing it at that moment.
4. Vision Boards
A vision board is like a collage you put together with pictures of things you want to manifest. How you make your vision board is up to you; some people cut pictures from magazines, others create their boards digitally.
When the vision board is done, you put it in a place where you will see it often like on the wall of your room or by the kitchen table. The more you see it within the periphery of your vision, the more it embeds into your subconscious.
5. Subliminal messages
Subliminal messages are affirmations or images that are positioned in a way that you don’t take notice of them consciously. The messages reach your subconscious more easily because they bypass the conscious mind, which is the main defense mechanism of your old beliefs. Thus, choosing your subliminal messages help you rewrite old beliefs pretty quickly and replace them with the new beliefs you desire.
There are an abundance of material on subliminals on the internet. Some popular ones are subliminal videos on Youtube. You choose a topic(like becoming fit or gaining wealth), search for it on Youtube, and you will have a large amount of free subliminals to choose from. Some have music in them, some have rain sounds, and some add frequencies to the subliminal. The common thing about subliminal messages is that they have to be fast enough or quiet enough to remain undetected by the conscious mind.
The awesome part about these New Age manifestation methods is that they don’t require as much time, effort, or money to do. Whereas some folk spells require ingredients that are costly or not readily accessible, and that rituals involving circles and the Triangle of the Art can be time-consuming, these methods merely require a pen, paper, and your imagination. If you don’t have the time or money for magickal ritual, these methods of manifestation can be a good medium of magick.
Now that we near the end of my blog post, I hope you spotted the tips for using New Age thought to your benefit, other than the methods that I outlined.
One of them is the paragraph where I talked about ESP and the findings it revealed in the Russian scientists’ experiments. They found that energy can be concentrated and transmitted; this is something you must do in your spells. Rather than just doing the procedures, focus all your energy into the intention and then release it in the direction of your desire.
The other hidden nugget of wisdom is in the law of assumption. It states that you attract or manifest what you assume yourself to already have or be. Do this in your magick; cast every spell as if it is already complete. Visualize its fulfillment as you make the motions.
That said, if you’re an occultist that values traditional magick and shuns science, do not dismiss the New Age movement for its novelty, connection to science, and its mainstream influence. It is a valid current to learn from because it has its own results. And as magicians, we value results. Just because we are magicians doesn’t mean we have to go against every grain. There is a piece of wisdom that can be extracted from every path, so don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The New Age movement, although it strays a bit from traditional magickal teachings, nevertheless has value in it. As a modern magician we are eclectic in our practice, taking what we learn from other paths and systems and using it for the development of our own practice. The New Age movement is rather youthful, not in its novelty, but in its optimism. It is not concerned with dogma; its main purpose is to help people live the most abundant, happy life that they can imagine. Perhaps this is why so many people from all backgrounds are attracted to the movement.
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