me smoking weed: this is going to fix everything
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hey, friendly reminder that you’re allowed to be angry, sad, frustrated, hurt, upset, pissed off, or any manner of ‘negative’ feeling. you have no obligation to anyone to be positive
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A woman is unstoppable after she realizes she deserves better.
Anonymous  (via cwote)
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you wear a crown of rain sits atop thy head and dew its sparkling gems. atop thy shoulders a rippling cape of salt that never ends. the foam hath sculpted thy wondrous locks that weave through ocean waves. your eyes, great lord, more deep and pure than surf sculpted caves.
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Things I’m working on…!! u.u 
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I’m totally punk rock but like a sleepy and cuddly kind of punk rock
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types of healthy coping skills
1. self-soothing
comforting yourself through the 5 senses
Touch: stuffed animals, stress balls, taking a bath, a soft blanket
Hear: music, audio book, guided relaxation
See: snow globe, glitter, calming images, art, anything that pleases you visually 
Taste: tea, mints, gum
Smell: lotion, candles, incense 
2. distraction
removing your focus from the stressor for a period of time
puzzles, art, crafting, reading, movies, gaming, exercise, being social
3. opposite action
doing the opposite of the impulse that aligns with a positive emotion
affirmations, inspiration, lighthearted and encouraging focus
4. emotional awareness
identifying and constructively expressing what you’re feeling
journaling, listing emotions, using a emotional identification chart, drawing, therapy
5. mindfulness
centering and anchoring yourself to the present moment
meditation, guided relaxation, yoga, breathing exercises, candle gazing, going for a walk
6. ask for help
this is important to do when you feel like your coping skills are not enough or they are too negative and detrimental  
therapy is ideal for helping a person create a healthy coping strategy and incorporate it into their life 
*a coping skill is considered healthy if it helps you to deal with stress more positively, does not hinder your progress, and isn’t harmful physically or mentally. A coping skill can become negative when it is used to completely avoid dealing with the stressor. 
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i love dominant men but at the same time if a man tells me what to do i’ll bodyslam him
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learn how to say no and say it often and without guilt and u will make ur life 100% more comfortable
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my gender is a room full of houseplants
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Im really starting to get worried about world war 3
Like im finding myself getting anxious. Worrying about packing a survival bag. Do we stay or evacuate. What if its nuclear. How will we continue to eat. How would we make a shelter inside our home. Will i be asked to be a nurse at an evecuation centre. Do i have enough training to be able to do it. What if people die. What if they die because of me. Whats my mental health going to be like. Will i finish my nursing degree this year, or will war start before i graduate. How do we collect enough water. What medical supplies do we need. Im worried.
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Unpacking psych work
So last night i was watching a video on how to change your self image and not caring what others think of you. But basically beliefs about yourself are based off memories attached to feelings. So my belief is/was "people will hate me if im mean to them, but they will like me if im really nice and helpful" which has sent me down a path of constantly being in fear that people will think im mean if i dont offer help at every moment possible, even if it means putting my mental or physical health at risk. It was good to spend sometime going over childhood/teenager memories and unpacking what those experiences gave me. The idea it to realise that the memories are just once off experiences and are not difinitive of your character, and to just accept and let go of it.
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3 types of self soothing thoughts 
Validation: it’s ok that I hurt and want to feel better
Reassurance: I can handle this pain even though it hurts 
Perspective taking: I’ve had bad days like this before and I’ve made it through them. I can remember my better days and know I’m not always hurting this much 
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Don’t lose yourself while caring for others. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.
Cwote (via cwote)
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the dream job is probably being a greek water nymph in an early romanticism painting…..in a pond, tiddies out, looking bored & playing men with my girlfriends
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So i haven't updated about my mental/physical health in a while
Mental - all in all I'm ok. My depression has been fairly good for the past 6 months. My anxiety on the other hand has been giving me hell for a few months now. But it's getting better. Slowly. I dont have to eat with a vomit container any more, cause i was getting so anxious that i was physically sick. And I'm taking Lorazepam (basically Valium) less frequently, although still need it every now and again. So on a scale of 1-10, 1 being fine, 10 being a panic attack, 7 being an anxiety attack, and 5 being canceling plans that involve leaving the house. Im finding that I'm at a low lying 3 for 1-12 hours per day. Getting up to a 5 once or twice a week. And up to a 7 less than once a month. So in comparison to a few years ago when I was getting to a 7 every day, multiple times a day, and taking Valium almost every day, Im doing pretty darn well. But im finding that i feel that i have less room to grow and improve because ive already improved so much. So the improvements that im making are less and less but they are harder to acheive in some ways. I feel as though I'm plateauing. That im not growing as much. Like the anxiety is still there, but becaus its not getting to a 7, im not recognizing it as well, and therefore avoid doing my self soothing - belly breathing, inhale 4, hold 7, exhale 8, grounding and centering, meditation, etc. And its difficult to identify the triggering thought because it comes so gradually and softly. Im trying to better myself in other ways, mainly with help of my psychologist. Like being kinder to myself, being able to not put my hand up to save everyone, not feeling bad when i say no, dealing with stress, etc. Physical - since my 7 day Ketamine infusion in hospital 9 months ago, I've been bloody fantastic. Before Ketamine I would get to a 4/5/6/7/8 out of 10 each day on the pain scale. After the infusion im a 1/2/3/4 out of 10, usually hovering at a 1-2 if i remeber to take my meds. Speaking of meds, I'm barely taking any at all! Panadol 1-3g daily, Celebrex 100mg daily (anti-inflammatory), Valdoxan 50mg (antidepressant), Melatonin 5mg (sleep hormone). And thats it!!! Ive ceased all opiods a 2ish years ago, which was the source of my 5 year chronic pain and chronic fatigue struggle. My body processes opiods slower so the side effects built up slowly over time. They were winding up my nervous system really tight, which increase the pain signals between my brain, neurons, nerves, and muscle. I never had any mechanical pain (eg, x ray, CT scan etc never showed any injuries or disease). So when i went back to the Dr each time saying "everything still hurts" and they just increased my doses or gave me a new med. Thats why the Ketamine worked so well, because it loosened up and unwound my nervous system. So yeah. Thats how Ive been. Over all, this is the healthiest I've been in 5 years. It feels fucking fantastic. I am so greatful.
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