theogtnasty · 10 years
Untitled 11/19
The thing is... life is not so much a mystery as everyone says it is. What is mysterious are the reasons why we do what we do and how it impacts our life. We go about our days feeling like a victim to our circumstance, when really... it is the mysterious nature of our actions and decisions that causes us to wonder why life is such a difficult thing to figure out. 
Today, my motivational moment is about self discovery and the impact that it can have in all of our lives. if you know me you know that I have been a believer in self reflection and personal growth since I was a very young boy. As a result, I've seen firsthand the benefits of these things. I know that pursuing the discovery of the self is the single most important thing we can do to improve our lives because once we discover a truth about our SELVES.... once we can state the WHY about something... the change process inevitably sets in. Sure, change may take a while to take hold... My point being that once we make a connection that uncovers a truth we cannot turn our backs to that knowledge. Consequently we either deal with what we learned and find a way to honor that discovery... or we continue to fail to be our best selves. Rather than live in the agony of ignoring such knowledge wouldn't it be better to embrace change and live our truth? 
Peace and Love, 
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theogtnasty · 10 years
Listen to the "strangers" who offer their advice. A stranger who cares is someone you should work on calling a friend.
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theogtnasty · 10 years
In Life...
Sometimes in life we have to stand still and hear the voices to really get it. We have to listen for the word... of our mother, of a teacher, of god. We really have to take stock and stand back. In life, and in order to progress, we must decide to listen. 
I have a kid, and he is a great kid. He recently informed me that frozen food is not healthy for me and that I should eat home cooked food because it is better. How sweet. This same kid can be a significant nuisance in the classroom. I get to see the sweet and the sour in him.  
Today a team met for this kid to discuss his issues. He's very immature and is really messing up his education. Today I (and the team) told him that we needed him to make two changes. He needed to control his behavior and stop interacting negatively with peers. He needed to respond to my (and other adult) prompts when I asked him to quiet down or to refrain from talking about inappropriate topics. If he could make these changes then I know he can shine. Bright like a diamond hunnay. BRIGHT!! 
Today my motivational moment is about listening to those around us who show caring. Listen to our mothers, listen to our friends and our doctors, and especially... listen to the strangers who offer their advice. A stranger who cares is someone you should work on calling a friend. 
Peace and love, 
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theogtnasty · 10 years
A friend of mine recently shared this story with me:
My friend Rodrigo recently met his parents for a day at the museum and then dinner afterward. They got to talking in the car on the way to dinner and his mom said that she could live in the city if she didn't have to drive (meaning if LA had viable public transportation). Her son, my friend Rodrigo, chimed in and said... I could totally drive here. The traffic wouldn't bother me. And then his mom told him... you could never drive here. You're temper is too bad and you couldn't handle it. 
When Rodrigo told me this story the next day at lunch he had an epiphany. He realized that he could totally drive in the city and keep his cool. And he realized that his mothers declaration of his abilities references her knowledge of him when he is with her, and not what he is like when he is not around her (she drives him crazy with her opinions and judgmental advances). My friend, who is in the process of discovering his adult path, quickly realized that he had been accepting the words of his mother as they relate to her vision of him for many years... In fact his whole life until recently. The lightbulb went on in this conversation and he learned that he in fact could drive in the city and that his mother was WRONG about her son (Rodrigo is often agitated and bad tempered when he is around his mother because of the reasons above).  And then, he realized that he did not have to accept her words as truth any longer. 
Today, my motivational moment is about gifts... and being careful which you choose to receive. I like to think of the opinions and advice that others dole out as "gifts". And like the gifts we receive at birthdays and holidays, we do not always like or have to like what we get. My friend Rodrigo, who has been accepting all the gifts his mother has given him for much of his adulthood, recently learned a very important lesson. Not all gifts are valuable, true, or worth holding on to. 
I tell my students this all the time... we have two hands with which to hold and carry things... so be wise and careful about what you grab onto and take with you. 
Peace and love bitches. 
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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I can't wait to get on the plane and fall asleep!! Here I come Europe :) take 4 :) #vacation #departure #tiredAsFuck #LAX
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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#motivation #inspiration #canDo #liveYourBestLife
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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#motivation #inspiration #keepgoing #struggle #selfhelp #lifeLessons #liveYourBestLife
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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Found this and had to share :) #LawOfAddition #motivation #guidance #beBetter
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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Re-post. Love this. We all need to be responsible for that which we create in our lives. #accountability #motivation #sotrue #dealWithYourShit
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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Looking BEAUTIFUL 😎Congratulations graduates!!!!!! #graduation #poly #lbpoly #long beach #vetstadium #finishline
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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Um..... A real Jewfro. I can die a happy man :) #jewfro #fakejew (at Art du Vin)
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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Found this today and thought I'd share. It's so true... You never know how your actions can inspire others, even the most casual observer. #motivation #strong #strength #personalGrowth #beAnExample
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theogtnasty · 10 years
Remembering the Power of Rejuvenation
Today my motivational moment is about the importance of rejuvenation. I was recently pushed to the edge of exhaustion because I have been dealing with enormous amounts of stress at work... so much so that I was in physical pain because of the stress. I was manifesting symptoms from all of the difficulty and hardship I have recently been experiencing and I knew I needed to escape. So... I planned a trip for the weekend to a friends house in the countryside of Ventura County. I knew I could relax there, escaping the city and leaving all of my cares about work behind. I left Friday and now, Sunday, I feel like a new person. My shoulders are feeling back to normal.... The ache of what I thought could be a flue has vanished. My mind has stopped racing uncontrollably, and this morning I finally feel calm again. I'm feeling grateful and rejuvenated, and I feel ready to take on Monday! In life, and as best as we can, we have to take time and measure to rejuvenate. When stress gets so great that our bodies ache... In our shoulders, our heads, our backs, or when we are so wound up that our thoughts run uncontrollably through our minds, we need to stop and do what is possible to reclaim our internal balance. Not everyone can escape to a friends country home for the weekend, but we can all sit quietly and take some deep breaths (perhaps for up to 20 minutes or however long it takes to quiet our minds). We can go for walks, listen to comedy or our favorite music, hit the gym, nap, take a hot shower or bubble bath, burn incense, meet friends for a meal, pray, write, read... We can do something to take care of ourselves. Remember the importance of taking time to feed your soul, quiet your mind, and alleviate your stresses. Rejuvenate when you can and as needed. No one knows what you need more than you, so claim your needs and treat yourself right! Peace and love, TheOGTnasty
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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#motivation #language #conversationIsPower #freedomOfSpeech #speakYourMind
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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#motivation #bullshit #liarscansuckit #doYou
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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Thought this was worth sharing. #motivation #mistakes #perseverance
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theogtnasty · 10 years
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So glad to come home to such a beautiful place. Feeling grateful. #gratitude #homeSweetHome #sunset #joy #motivation #inspiration #whitePeopleProblems
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