thepagansun · 3 months
What astrologers want the world to think Leos are like:
Leo: (photo bombing their friends' selfies) Heyheylookatme!! Are you watching??? 👀 👀 👀😁
What Leos are actually like:
Leo: (sitting in their living room watching Netflix, minding their business)
Friend: (visits) Hey there! Can I watch too?
Leo: Sure you can! (They both get comfy)
4 hours later...
Leo: (10 other friends have come over and are watching Netflix)
Friend: Wow... Someone likes to be the center of attention
Leo: 🤦‍♂️
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thepagansun · 8 months
Hey just a random zodiac question:
If Aries, Scorpio and Leo were put into a fight, who would be most likely to win?
Well...I'm a bit biased (being a Leo) and I do think Leo is the physically strongest of the three and even of the entire Zodiac (or ties with Taurus) but I'll try to be fair:
I think Leo, being a fixed masculine fire sign ruled by the Sun and symbolized by a lion would win in a contest of raw physical strength and endurance. He'd probably be best at winning a traditional fight by overpowering or outlasting his opponents.
Aries being a cardinal masculine fire sign ruled by Mars symbolized by a ram would probably win a physical fight when it comes to tactics (he rules the head and brain) and speed. He'd probably be the best at thinking at a moment's notice.
Scorpio being a fixed feminine water sign ruled by Mars and to a lesser extent Pluto and symbolized by a scorpion would probably win a physical fight if it comes down to strategy (long-term planning), subterfuge and surprise attacks. She'd probably be able to use her surroundings to her advantage the best.
I mean, in terms of actual people, I do think any sign in real life is obviously capable of winning but in terms of the essence of the signs themselves...this is how I imagine it.
I hope this helps! 😁♌️♈️♏️
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thepagansun · 8 months
Admittedly on the tendency to glorify Scrooge over Donald, sure Donald's existed longer than Scrooge, but when you look at the in-universe timeline for anything with Scrooge, he's clearly shown going on adventures for decades before Donald was ever born. Like it is kinda hard for a work to claim Donald is "original adventurer" when in the in-universe timeline has Scrooge going on adventures for decades before Donald was ever born. It's not like they can just go the meta route in stating Scrooge and Donald are cartoon characters that were already in their present ages the moment they were first drawn and created because they don't follow animated actor rules in Disney works (aside from Roger Rabbit and the Rescue Rangers movie).
I got a LOT of Disney asks which I can only assume came from the same person so I'm going to try to answer them all here.
The thing with glorifying Scrooge over Donald: Yes, Scrooge is far older than Donald in-universe, but if Disney can go out of its way to constantly credit Mickey as "It all started with a mouse" (when technically it was Oswald and before him, Julius of the Alice Comedies which was also Pete's first incarnation); then I think they can find a way to properly give Donald his well-earned credit for being the one to inspire the Al Taliaferro and Carl Barks (and by extension Don Rosa) universe. In the end, the original in that regard was Donald, not Scrooge so he should get the credit.
Mickey and Goofy: My favorite portrayals of them? For Mickey, I love the newer Mickey Mouse shorts/Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse shorts which are admittedly a little weird but do a good job in bringing Mickey back to his mischievous, wacky roots. And I love the fact that he doesn't always win because he wasn't originally perfect. Just like Donald wasn't originally a bad luck magnet. Donald's bad luck came around the same time as Mickey was sanitized. Donald is more than his bad luck and Mickey is more than a corporate cardboard cut-out. For Goofy, "A Goofy Movie" did a great job in balancing him as both his goofy side with real, relatable emotional depth. He and Pete are older in universe than Donald and Goofy. And while Goofy might not be book smart, he's emotionally wise with life experience that sadly, gets overlooked. The movie had great tunes, too! And Max also matured throughout the movie.
Newer Disney Shows: The only newer shows of the ones you listed that I watched (and even then only a few episodes) were: Star and the Forces of Evil and Amphibia. The difference between those and DT17 are that those are completely new (to my knowledge) so they're not changing or missing up already established portrayals of the characters since it's the first time we're seeing them.
Newbies and Webby on DT17: It's not that I "don't like newbies on reboots." What I don't like is having newbies upstage the canon characters on adventures inspired by the canon characters' adventures and stories. DT17 essentially hijacked the adventures, badass abilities and even biological family of Donald abd Scrooge and literally made it all about Webby as if she's the reason for the Carl Barks/Scrooge legacy when she's absolutely NOT. Donald is. So making it seem as if it's all thanks to her is dead wrong and a gross disrespect to Donald. Now.. that being said, how I would've handled her? Several ways, I guess. She could've been given a couple of episodes focuses on her where she went on an entirely new adventure (that wasn't a ripoff of one that Donald or Scrooge already did). Instead of having her be the only badass fighting kid, I probably would've had each nephew/adopted nieces master a form of martial arts each: Huey would've mastered kickboxing to deal with his anger, Dewey would've mastered Muy Thai or BBJ which are flashier, Louie would've mastered judo or akido since they use less effort, and Webby would've mastered karate. And she definitely would've remained Beakley's biological granddaughter.
Productions that do a good job with Scrooge: The original Ducktales was pretty good in his portrayal and DT17 came close too. But again, their issue was having Scrooge sort of cater and bond with the newbies over his own canonical family! How many episodes did we get of Scrooge and Donald bonding?? But yet Webby gets to meet the McDucks TWICE when Donald himself, their canonical grandson, doesn't get to meet them ONCE?? It was prioritizing Scrooge's relationship with the newbies over his own family that damaged his portrayal. That and sanitized his greed. If Donald had to keep his bad luck, Scrooge was supposed to be a miser. I think his portray in House of Mouse came pretty close too especially the lengths his greedy can go.
Favorite Versions of Minnie & Daisy: I do like their sillier sides in the newer Mickey Mouse shorts. I liked Daisy's sweeter/ditzy side in House of Mouse. And actually, I think the pre-K shows do a good job of getting them out of Mickey's and Donald's shadows.
Other Reboots: I did like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power but I can understand why that too fell flat for those that lived the original. Out of the various TMNT? The one that came closest to their comics was TMNT 2003-2010. I grew up with TMNT (1987-1996) and Nickleodeon's TMNT 2012-2017 had the best balance of being aimed a younger audience but with serious issues and some plot points of the comics. I liked TMNT 2007 movie mostly because I'm a Raphael fan and he beat Leo in a fight. As for My Little Pony, I never saw episodes of them but I grew up seeing the Gen 2 games so I miss that.
Hope this answered everything.
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thepagansun · 1 year
YES!!! Agamemnon was canonically hot/muscular and one of the best warriors in the entire Iliad!! 😍😍😍
People drawing or describing Agamemnon as an ugly man in their modern retellings.
Meanwhile, Homer:
… and among them went King Agamemnon, with a head and face like Zeus the lord of thunder, a waist like Ares, and a chest like that of Poseidon. As some great bull that lords it over the herds upon the plain, even so did Zeus make the son of Atreus stand peerless among the multitude of heroes.
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Try again. No other man is compared to the handsomeness of THREE, yes 3, different gods at the same time. Only Agamemnon 💖
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thepagansun · 1 year
Wasn't the original Negaduck Darkwing's negative self split from him via Megavolt's Tron-Splitter?
I think there were two similar but different characters with that name.
These articles help explain it better:
"Negaduck is the "Darkwing" or Negative/opposite Darkwing Duck native to the Negaverse and the evil doppelganger of Darkwing Duck. He is known for using violent weapons and causing harm to anyone and anything he can. He is not to be confused with Darkwing's negatron half in the titular episode." - Link: https://darkwingduck.fandom.com/wiki/Negaduck_(character)
"Negaduck is the main antagonist of the TV series Darkwing Duck. There are two incarnations of him in the original series: the first was a manifestation of Darkwing Duck's evil side created by Megavolt's tronsplitter, while the second and more well-known version, the subject of this article, is an evil doppelgänger of Darkwing from a parallel universe known as the Negaverse. " - Link: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Negaduck
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thepagansun · 1 year
What are your headcanons on Negaduck? (For either the OG or DT17 version)
I think I prefer the OG Negaduck over DT17 mostly because I try to respect the origins of a character as much as I can. And the original Negaduck came from the Negaverse. DT17 changing that origin by making both Darkwings begin as actors changes the characters in a fundamental way.
I mean, I guess I can appreciate DT17 trying to take a risk and do something different, but it was a bit too different.
As for headcanons...I don't have much because I'm not as familiar or invested in Darkwing or Negaduck the same way I am with Donald but I'll try to give a few:
- I think Negaduck can be a genuinely threatening villain when he wants to be, but sometimes likes to give off a first impression of being normal and charming to throw off his victims
- I think he hates Darkwing because he reminds him of everything he's not and the family he could never have
- I think he teams up with the Fearsome Five because despite him sometimes thinking them beneath him, they're the closest things to friends he has even if he runs them more by fear than actual camaraderie
- I think he has a soft spot for Darkwing's Gosalyn
- I think he chose yellow to Darkwing's purple because while purple is a dark color to help blend in the shadows, yellow is a loud, vibrant color you can see a mile away. Negaduck wants to make his presence known before he even has to speak.
- I think he chose a chainsaw because a chainsaw is not only an intimidating weapon (just looking at it will usually make you obey the wielder) but if you did have to use it, it forces you to get up close and personal with your victims as opposed to the long range of a grappling or smoke gun like Darkwing's default weapon.
I hope these helped!! 😁
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thepagansun · 1 year
Beautiful artwork of Agamemnon and Cassandra by coloricioso who seems to be the only besides me who loves Agamemnon this deeply!! 😍😍🏛
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i can't get tired of how cute they are :c <3 just like people spent centuries demonizing Hades, I hope someday people will realize Agamemnon is actually cool :,c
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thepagansun · 1 year
do you have any headcanons for Donald and Pete’s friendship?
Ooooh. Nice question. I do.
- I think that their friendship feels like big brother (Pete) and little brother (Donald) especially in their more recent cartoons because Donald was originally depicted as the youngest of his friends while Pete is technically Disney's oldest recurring character
- Pete almost adopted Donald ("Officer Duck")
- They share many common interests: love of boats, love of cars (in particular RVs), love of fishing, love of music, and they both enjoy working with their hands, they both love wrestling, they both have heritage besides American.
- Based on "Mickey's Service Station"(1935) and "Timber" (1941), Pete seems to have French Canadian heritage because he has a French accent. So I like to think that Pete's father was French Canadian and his mother was American. And Donald is half Scottish thanks to his mother, Hortense McDuck.
- Based on the above headcanon, while Donald is famous for his pancakes among his family in the European comics, he gets his maple syrup from Pete who gets it from Quebec. In order to get it, he always has to do Pete some favor.
- WWII left its mark on both of them and they always spend two days of the year together. Can you guess which ones? (Hint: Think military)
- Pete refuses to acknowledge that ducks technically have two birthdays (the day the egg was laid and the day they hatched) and only recognizes June 9 as Donald's birthday. But...he sometimes goes on March 13 for free cake and ice cream. He won't bring a gift on March 13, but in exchange, he'll tell Donald a story (since Pete notices that Scrooge gets away with not bringing gifts by telling stories)
- Except for Daisy and HDL, Pete doesn't like Donald's family. He doesn't like how Donald will bend over backwards for them and how Donald's family doesn't appreciate Donald. In one comic, Pete got the Beagle Boys to drug Donald (who he called "our dear little Donald") and HDL while they tried to steal Scrooge's Money.
- Pete and Donald will sometimes sleep near each other (this was seen in a few cartoons)
- Pete taught Donald French because he couldn't quite understand him in English originally and because of this when Walt Disney (who was their boss) asked Pete who he should send as an ambassador to Latin América, Pete suggested Donald (who was a bit depressed since it was still during WWII). Walt Disney at first didn't want to since he thought they wouldn't be able to understand him but Pete said that he already taught him French and Spanish and Portuguese wouldn't be too hard to learn after that. So Donald went...and met José Carioca and Panchito Pistoles.
- Pete helped Donald through the worst parts of WWII and so whenever Donald feels emotionally damaged, he'll go to Pete who will cheers him up by doing something they both love
- Donald seems to be the only Mickey Mouse friend who knows Peg isn't PJ's (who he calls Junior) biological mother and is the only one who met him as a little kid/brat ("Bellboy Donald")
- Pete knows that Donald's desperate desire to fly during WWII was his desire to find his sister, Della before Donald decided to offically adopt Huey, Dewey and Louie on his tax return
- Whenever Donald fights with Scrooge and needs a job, he can always go to Pete who will give him one
- Pete has a bunch of nicknames for Donald, the most common being "Quackers" and "Ducky" (when he's particular affectionate)
- They still fight each other sometimes. Pete is stronger under normal circumstances, but when Donald gets truly mad...he surpasses anything Pete can do. Pete fought Donald twice ("Canvas Back Duck" and "Tapped Out") and lost both times. But they both have a grudging respect for each other.
- There's a stamp that shows them giving blood together (The Gambia D1)
- Pete doesn't believe that Donald has bad luck and instead thinks that most of Donald's issues are caused by his own recklessness. This is partly because in Goof Troop, Pete says that Goofy has bad luck when he never said anything like that about Donald
- In some other media, they're depicted as being quite close. And Pete is the only one of the Mickey crew that's involved in almost all of Donald's media. For example, he's the only that shows up in the Carl Barks comics. He had cameos in 1987 Ducktales and in Legends of the Three Caballeros. And you can tell Donald had an influence on Pete's character in Goof Troop.
I might think of more but these are the main headcanons. 😁
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thepagansun · 1 year
how did Donald Duck influence Star Wars? And wasn’t Indiana Jones inspired by Scrooge, not Donald?
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg mentioned that they were inspired by Carl Barks' comics.
So was Osamu Tezuka, the creator of Astro Boy and "Godfather of Modern Manga."
And Donald Duck was going on adventures with his nephews in the Carl Barks comics long before Scrooge McDuck was created and this is precisely why DT17 and other media trying to give all the credit to Scrooge but forgetting that Donald was the FIRST just proves my point in my frustration with them.
Everyone just thinks it was Scrooge McDuck thanks to the later Don Rosa's work: "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" which was loosely based on Carl Barks' works (Don Rosa exaggerated a lot of Scrooge's abilities at the expense of Donald's).
This is why I advocate for giving credit where credit is due when it comes to canon characters and where I feel DT17 really dropped the ball. Donald was an adventurer looong before Scrooge and some of Carl Barks' best comics don't even have him:
-"Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold" - Carl Barks first full length comic
- "Mystery of the Swamp" - Donald and nephews encounter gnomish creatures in the Everglades which some think were the inspiration for the Ewoks in Star Wars
"The Mad Chemist" (the comic credited with discovering the chemical compound methylene 20 years before it was actually studied and verified!)
-"Lost in the Andes" - Carl Barks claimed was his best work
- "The Golden Helmet" - Donald and nephews: whoever possesses the golden helmet is ruler of North America
- "The Ice Box Robber" - The comic that showcased Donald having WWII PTSD
- "Sherrif of Bullet Valley" - Donald and nephews in the Wild West
- "Dangerous Disguise" - a comic about spies where a Donald look alike commits suicide by jumping out of a window
- "Luck of the North" Donald and nephews rescue Gladstone in Alaska
"Old California" - Donald and the nephews seem to time travel to California in 1848 and they witness the family there living their lives. It turns out they were in a bad car accident and were on the hospital in a coma for weeks. But the house is still there.
"A Christmas for Shacktown" - Donald and the nephews find ways to raise money for the poor kids in town
"The Gilded Man" - A search for a rare stamp leads Donald and the boys finding El Dorado
- "The Forbidden Valley" - Donald and the nephews discover a lost land of dinosaurs
Just to name a few. There are plenty more.
The great thing about the Carl Barks comics especially when it came to Donald was that although he still had bad luck, it showed him also have great skills in practically everything and it tackled deep emotional issues and real world events such as PTSD, spies/espionage, danger/adventure, poverty, but in a way that was relatable and entertaining.
Donald mixed the best of high action adventure with scenes of intimate, heartwarming domestic life with his nephews. It was literally the best of both worlds: adventure and domestic life.
So the world needs to know that actually it's Donald Duck that deserves the credit for the success of the Carl Barks comics. Not only was Donald first but he was used as the protagonist for many more comics than Scrooge. And I hope if we ever get another version of Ducktales that the writers actually credit Donald as he deserves and not a bunch of semi newbies that don't even exist in the original comics.
There's so much he inspired and influenced that people don't know and so it's unfair for him to be sidelined as he was for characters that haven't accomplished one iota of what he has.
It's time to give credit where it's actually due: to Donald Duck.
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thepagansun · 1 year
Who do you think is Donald Duck's archenemy?
That's another good question. Actually though it seems like Donald Duck himself doesn't really have arch enemies. Most of the enemies he comes across are either Scrooge's, Mickey's or one of his alter-egos' enemies.
One of Donald's first enemies in the Carl Barks comics that purely his was Argus McSwine (he was used as Scrooge's villain too later):
In his Paperinik/Duck Avenger persona, his main arch enemies are the Evronians: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Evronians
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thepagansun · 1 year
Hi can I ask what made you a big fan of Donald Duck?
Hi!! Great question. I think it was the fact that he's the most relatable out of the Sensational Six. That he was the first to be shown as a great adventurer (Scrooge was added later). I love his berserker rages and feats of physical strength.
That he's capable of so many badass feats and has so many just as badass alter-egos (superhero, secret agent, monster-hunter, ninja, mage).
That he's canonically served in both Army (during WWII no less) and Navy (in 1987 Ducktales).
That he's influenced so many things both in fiction (he's the reason for the expanded Duck universe in the comics, Indiana Jones, Inception, Star Wars, anime itself were all inspired by his Carl Barks comics) in addition to real world events too (University of Oregon's Fighting Ducks football team mascot was based off him).
And finally because he took in his three nephews when he didn't have to and tries his best to give them a good life.
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thepagansun · 1 year
Are you still active in Tumblr? I’m looking for a friend to share my love for Classics and Agamemnon 🥺
Oh, yes I am still active. I just take a break here and there because sadly, Tumblr is becoming yet another haven for a bunch of extremists from both sides of the political spectrum. And I've had it with them.
But absolutely. I'm always up for sharing my love of Classics📚 and especially Agamemnon!! 🏛💙😁
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thepagansun · 1 year
Do you think Donald Duck and Pete should be a BROTP? 👍
Yes, I do. In fact, although one of my unfinished fics on FanFiction.net is mostly about Donald becoming the evil and almighty Duck of Doom (his supervillian alter-ego from the Quack Pack series); I'm in the process of finishing that fic but also writing another series about Donald and Pete in Archive of Our Own about the different adventures of those two.
Some will be in actual Disney universes and others will be in universes I made up. 😁
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thepagansun · 2 years
Darkwing Duck or Gizmoduck?
Well, my favorite superhero is Paperinik/Duck Avenger (Donald Duck in Italian comics for those that don't know)
But between Darkwing and Gizmoduck? Hmmm.. I do like them both but Darkwing was inspired by Duck Avenger and so he seems a tad bit too close to Duck Avenger's style. So I guess Gizmoduck!
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thepagansun · 3 years
How the Zodiac Signs "Feel the Love Tonight"
"Restless Warriors" (Fixed Signs): Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
"Star-crossed Voyagers" (Cardinal Signs): Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
"Wide-eyed Wanderers" (Mutable Signs): Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
"Kings and Vagabonds:" Ophiuchus (Not really a sign...lol)
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thepagansun · 3 years
U are a fucking moron for thinking Biden is better than Trump–They are two sides of the same coin. You are just a neoliberal who feels better about not having to deal with systemic change. There have been more cases of mass surveillance, more funding to apartheid Israel, and performative activism bullshit. Harris is a shitty excuse for POC feminism. She continues to have black & brown mothers in jail and bomb women overseas. You enjoy the comfort of hiding behind an illusion of neoliberalism.
I don't want to keep using my Tumblr for political crap but NO. Biden IS better than Trump. I'm going to try to rein in my temper.
Do I wish Bernie Sanders won? Hell yeah, but he DIDN'T! So we need to get over it and vote for the ones that were still in the running. And honestly, no other Democrat had anywhere close to the numbers needed at the end. Not even Elizabeth Warren who was my second pick.
At least Biden IS fighting for voting rights, minority and immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights, worker rights, reproductive rights, climate change, and gave more in COVID-19 stimulus, and he doesn't spam Twitter like some unhinged troll: all of which is better than Trump ever did.
And if you don't think he's done enough for immigrants or minorities...1) He hasn't even been in office for a year! 2) Blame Republican obstruction because while yes, Democrats have the Senate and House...our majority is SLIM! Republicans can still block certain things for policies that need a 2/3 vote and they still have the filibuster. But Biden ended Trump's Muslim travel ban and fortified DACA.
And lol...you think Harris is "shitty," but Mike Pence was ok?? And she's bombing women? Where on earth are you getting such inaccurate and false information?
What more do you expect them to do? Unlike Trump, Biden knows he can't be a dictator. He still needs Congress, the Supreme Court and the will of the people for any true "systemic change" like you claim. He can't do it alone and we can't expect him to. But he's done a lot so far.
People like you are the reason someone like Trump was voted in the first place. You should be ashamed.
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thepagansun · 4 years
I'm just saying that maybe "difficult decision" isn't the best term for a war crime. It's a conscious decision to start/continue a war for control of resources where innocent people are killed for the benefit of the American Bourgeoisie.
Maybe not. But I don't know if the allegations against Biden for sexual abuse or war crimes is true or not. The case could also be made against Trump for much of the same. But we cannot forget that was Trump (not Biden) who was trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, took us out of the Paris Agreement, built a racist wall, allowed Russians to interfere in our elections, made cuts to the Postal Service, Social Security, Medicaid, the EPA, hired the disastrous Betsy Davos to the Department of Education, turns a blind eye to the NRA, got into a disastrous Twittter battle with Iran that almost led to actual war!
So no. Biden IS the better choice. Another four years of Trump would be disastrous on many levels.
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