theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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A Jack-O-Lantern spell to remove negativity and boost your prosperity. For more fun and effective magick, read my book, The Prosperous Pagan - http://amzn.com/B00I3J9HB8
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Too true. Listen to your self-talk and ask yourself. Would I say that to a friend? If the answer is no, then don't say it. You should treat yourself with the same love and respect you would a valued friend.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Pay attention to what your thoughts are saying. Energy follows focus. My book, The Prosperous Pagan, teaches you how to take control of your self-talk and turn it into an asset instead of a detriment.  http://amzn.com/B00I3J9HB8
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Use the waning moon to banish unwanted energies from your life. Read how different moon phases impact your prosperity in The Prosperous Pagan. http://amzn.com/B00I3J9HB8
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Adjust your frequency, and focus, to match your desires.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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May your day be filled with blessings.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Stop waiting. Be proactive with your life.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Happy Autumn! Wishing you a plentiful harvest.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Science and magick are not really separate. The truth is the truth no matter which angle you view it.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Prepare for Autumn.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Autumn is coming.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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This month’s full moon. Read how different moon phases impact your prosperity in The Prosperous Pagan. http://amzn.com/B00I3J9HB8
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Be your own cheerleader! Learn how to turn your self-talk into an asset instead of a detriment by reading The Prosperous Pagan. http://amzn.com/149443539X
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Happy Solstice!
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Summer Solstice
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Using jasmine essential oil for prosperity.
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theprosperouspagan · 6 years
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Full Moon Money Wash
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