theripgirl · 6 years
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珍珠奶茶 I think I’m obsessed with it
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theripgirl · 6 years
Me too
studio ghibli movies make everything look pleasing. the food, the water droplets, the grass, going outside, doing chores… can i just jump in ghibli movies and live in them please
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theripgirl · 6 years
Thank you I appreciate your sex offer but I still consider the option that maybe I have no connection with human needs.
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theripgirl · 6 years
Sono quella ragazza..
Che salta in un campo e lascia le gambe scoperte all’erba alta che la graffia, come un’amore che non mi vuole perdere e mi stringe le gambe con le unghie.
Che in una stanza buia si sdraia sotto la finestra dalla quale sfugge un po’ di luce, solo per guardala ed immaginare ci sia qualcosa di spensierato al di fuori.. di quella stanza.
Che nel freddo di dicembre cammina scalza sulle mattonelle di cotto di casa, e si sdraia con il petto nudo per terra per sentire il freddo penetrarla.
Che in estate corre chilometri sotto il sole pomeridiano e quando arriva a casa distrutta riesce a pensare solo che sebbene corra tanto e ovunque, torna sempre allo stesso posto, e si odia forse?
Che non capisce se è odio amore o solo il nulla.
Che si ferma al momento sbagliato.
Che da un’immagine di se sbagliata, che vuole cambiarla ma non sa se in fondo ciò che mostra sia reale e quanto..
Che ragazza sei?
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theripgirl · 6 years
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Random pic just to say “Hi I’m back”
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theripgirl · 7 years
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+ I cut my hair just for cut a part of myself +
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theripgirl · 7 years
Why waiting? I always thought to wait for doing things good, for going nice, for make something special, for be.. I don’t know what I had think to become.. but why? I mean what sense has it if then I’m going to die anyway.. I feels the same.. the same every day. Why waiting
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theripgirl · 7 years
So boring
I can’t stand when people ask me ‘how are you?’ just to look kind and feel at ease with themselves, it’s so boring and foolish yet they still keep doing it ( ̄ー ̄). My 13-year-old cousin told me not to give explanations and not lie too much, so just say that I have the cold. Aaaaaahhhh I’m so boring about all this people, Why are their so many and all in my fucking life? I wish I could be in peace just with me and the people who really cares about me…
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theripgirl · 7 years
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Me and my skate in Puglia, Italy
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theripgirl · 7 years
I don’t hate everyone, it’s not that I don’t like people, I just feel alone, and I don’t wanna share my loneliness with people who can’t understand me. That is the point…
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theripgirl · 7 years
Preserves your identity
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theripgirl · 7 years
Cado in silenzio come le foglie in autunno, scricchiolo sotto il peso dei passanti e alla fine sono solo polvere che vaga scroccando un passaggio al vento.
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theripgirl · 7 years
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ᴋᵼᴌᴌᴇᴙ Gᵼᴙᴌ
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theripgirl · 7 years
Don’t you know? My only limit is Time, he is my only crazy lover and my only future killer.
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theripgirl · 7 years
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theripgirl · 7 years
Can you see The little people?
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theripgirl · 7 years
Are you hurt from something or someone? Well it’s better than be hurt from everything and everyone.
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