The Crimes of Grindelwald
• Newt’s brother Theseus is engaged to Leta Lestrange (!!!)
• A new character played by South Korean actor Claudia Kim is a Maledictus, someone who suffers from a ‘blood curse’ that turns them into a beast
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Ok, but how did Grindelwald get the jump on one of America's most powerful wizards? Graves is literally supposed to be a beacon of paranoia, he's /director/ of Magical Security - so it's almost like he had a reason to let his guard down. Perhaps he was meeting a friend? One Theseus Scamander, Director of Magical Security for MOM and secretly Grindelwald's right hand man. Goes to England to help with the effort to catch Grindelwald early on with Theseus and never comes back.
Ooooooh Dark Theseus!! I’ve read a bit about this headcanon before (and it does work worryingly well) but yes, so much potential there!!
Damn, could you imagine it though. If he’s that careful, that (deliberately and understandably) wary of the world around him, could you imagine how few people he’d trust to that degree to begin with. And then to have one of them turn on him like this. To have them lure him into a trap like this. To abandon him to pain and terror at the hands of Grindelwald.
It’s just twisting the knife a bit, isn’t it?
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Theseus: -Looks at Percival.-
Percival: -Reads the newspaper.-
Theseus: ...
Percival: -Keeps reading.-
Theseus: -Look intensifies.-
Percival: I'm not going to fuck you now.
Theseus: I've been waiting for ages!
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Theseus Charles Scamander
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Theseus Charles Scamander
Age 35, September 10th, Male, Half-blood/Wizard
Mother: Cressida Patricia Scamander (Witch, Hppogriff Breeder), Father: Marius Tiberius Scamander (Wizard, Auror, Deceased)
Brother: Newton Artemis Fido Scamander (Wizard, Magizoologist, Author)
Single, Head of Magical Security for the Ministry of Magic, War Hero
Allegiance: The Ministry Of Magic (By Family and Employer), The Scamander Family (By Family)
Wand is of English Wood, 14 inches Inflexible with a Phoenix Feather Core
Theseus Scamander stands at 6′ 0″ with light brown hair and blue eyes and has an athletic built to him
Theseus has always been told he is a fighter who always stands up for what he believed is right, to fight for those who couldn’t and often got into many fights growing up mainly, with his brother’s bullies. His mother always worried how much he fought but always had him promise to look after his brother and those he cared for
After newt was kicked out of Hogwarts, theseus became even more overly protective of his baby brother so much as scaring off anyone who even tried to get close to newt more than theseus liked.
He fails to see that his brother feels they have always be in competition all their lives, in fact he is very proud of his baby brother on how far he has gotten and sees him as a better man than theseus could ever be
Sometimes Theseus can be harsh and strict but he does it to keep others safe even if it means he has to show the meaner side of himself.
Despite this Theseus can also be very nice and kind but also devilishly charming with both men and woman having no preference to either gender when it comes to relationships
Possessions: Wand, Muggle Passport
Magical Abilities and Skills: Transfigurations, Charms, Apparition, Dueling, Potions, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Nonverbal Magic, Wandless Magic
Theseus Scamander (Named after their father’s grandfather) was born to a Muggle-born witch named Cressida Patricia Stone - Scamander and Her Husband Half-blood Marius Tiberius Scamander, Five years later his baby brother Newton Artemis Fido Scamander was born. 
Growing up he aspired to become an auror like her father, wanting to protect his family, his brother, and fellow wizards. At age Eleven Theseus started to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where, he was sorted into Gryffindor and five years later, his baby brother was sorted into Hufflepuff
During 1913, during his 6th year, his brother Newt, Much to Theseus’s disappointment, took the blame for an incident involving a Jarvey caused by Leta and was Expelled.However his transfiguration teacher Albus Dumbledore strongly argued against newt’s expulsion, and managed to allow newt to still graduate thought he was still forced to leave Hogwarts earlier than he was meant to. Because of this Theseus kept an eye on leta, blaming her for getting his brother kicked out and vowing never to let anyone cause newt pain ever again
When the war came, Newt joined his brother though he was placed to handle the dragons while, his brother dealt mostly in the front lines eventually becoming a war hero and meeting Percival graves, an american auror who later becomes Director of magical Security for MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America). After the war Newt, took a job at the Ministry of Magic alongside his brother Theseus who became a Head Auror in no time
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Can we pretty please with sugar on top see more baby/little Newt with big brother Theseus!? That one you posted in response to mamin's lovely post was too precious for this world!
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I was talking to @limoncello-bella about how the Scamander brothers probably sleep- although it was a Newt and Theseus that shared a much closer age gap than the picture I drew :’D Since you wanted baby Newt (whom I love to pieces)
Newt probably sleeps curled into a tight ball. His body naturally taking the position of a wounded animal that was trying to avoid getting hit. The smaller he is, a more difficult target he makes. Theseus does his best to calm Newt through his restless nights and brackets his small form, limbs draped all over his baby brother. But one night, it’s Theseus that’s thrashing and crying out in his sleep. Newt wakes in alarm and holds his brother close. Hushes him softly and sings in a low voice until the other settles. He thinks it’s the least he can offer Theseus. When it’s his older brother curled into a ball, Newt offers what meager protection he can and drapes his limbs over the shaking figure. Newt only goes back to sleep once Theseus’ breath stops hitching and his muscles aren’t so rigid with fright. Though Newt always wakes up assuming his usual position, with Theseus uncurled enfolding him within an embracebecause Theseus feels calmest knowing Newt is safe in his arms.
@mamin-the-troll I recall you also wanted to see big bro Theseus and baby Newt??
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Percival: Theseus, can we talk? from one ten to another
Theseus: i'm an eleven but continue
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Theseus Scamander would never say he’s a fan of endless, painstakingly precise folders of intelligence info - but this, this is ridiculous.
Theseus is no fan of grand, bragging style either, but he’s not stupid. He knows the Ministry values him. He knows it values his intelligence, his leadership, or that at the very least his exquisitely Scamander sheninegans amuse all the cheery grandas of the council. Anyway, he’s come to expect some power. Some trust. 
Some information, say, on the bloody mission he’s just been put in charge of.
Well, today Theseus Scamander has been sorely disappointed. Because his General, waiting for Theseus’ ship to leave for the France battlefields, merely patted his shoulder with fatherly affection, dumped a journal paper scribbled with a couple of pages in his hands, and told him, “Protect the Seer, my boy. I can’t tell you more. They’ll fill you in once at the camp.”
Theseus scrunched his eyebrows together. Politely. “The Seer, sir?”
“The psychic soldier, the one-who-sees-behind, the Dancer of the Worlds. The Seer, lad.”
And, that, was, it. Find the Seer. Protect them. They’ll fill you in once there. Probably the most important mission of his career, of the whole darn War, and Theseus could easily tuck the complete file of it in a two-inch square of paper crunched in his fist.
Merlin’s beard, Hogwarts application forms were longer. Way longer.
Theseus sighs, leaning his head against the ship smokestack buzzing with power at his back. The air is bright and crisp, thick with salt - Brittany sea stretching and curling with foam in front of him. It’s still a good day: no war yet, no screaming, no friends bleeding and sobbing and dying.
I don’t even know who this “them” is.
But it’s still a good day.
In a world thriving on shadowy matters and elusive things such as the Wizarding World, the Seers are among the most shadowy, and the most elusive. Less than a thousand of experts declare to have knowledge of reports of historical Seers. A scarce five hundred adfirm to have come into contact with one of them. A good portion of the International magical community doesn’t even believe in their existence. Seers - who are not Diviners, not Readers, not prophets, but something in between. Seers, who’s been known with many names, and served many gods, and walked the treacherous line between the ones who live in magic and the ones who have forgotten it. Seers, who are said to be able to remember things that are yet to come, who can see a map through the eyes of every man and woman on it, who are said to have changed the fate of battles, empires, wars.
Which is exactly what the Allied forces are planning to do in this war. But Seers have, fatally, a story of getting painfully murdered too. There’s a reason history knows no more than an handful of them - and it does not involve dying of old age. Seers have been hunted for centuries - sought, chained, slaughtered or chained. If their enemies find them, it’s a mess. if their enemies get them, it’s over. 
Theseus studied most of this in school, gave a quiet “fuck” at the thought of being a Seer’s best friend, and promptly forgot it. Now, he simply thinks he’ll never ever envy the poor chap he’s being shipped out to protect.
Keep reading
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let’s be honest here, this is the moment in the fantastic beasts 2 that we are all waiting for:
theseus scamander to finally wonder-woman-punt gellert grindelwald out of a window for nearly killing his brother and kidnapping/impersonating/possibly killing his friend/pen pal
this is what we all need
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Thesival snippet
Here’s a snippet that’s part of the backstory of “The Fall That Kills You”. I don’t know if it will ever make it into the fic proper, but here’s that time that Percival Graves and Theseus Scamander accidentally made out during the war. 
“I’m definitely finishing with him this time,” Percy says as soon as Theseus walks in. He’s lying face down on the lower of the bunk beds he shares with his brother.
 Theseus sits down beside him on the edge of the bed. “Budge up,” he says.
 “Shoes,” Percy says. He rolls away and over onto his back to give Theseus some room.
 Theo snorts but toes off his shoes and lies down next to him.
 “You keep saying you’re going to chuck him” he says. “But we both know that you’re incapable of chucking anyone.”
 Percy groans and flings an arm over his eyes. “I’ll get Nate to do it.”
 “Mercy, Percy!” Theo props himself up on his elbow to look down on him. “You can’t ask your brother to break up with your boyfriend for you!”
 “Jesus, The-sus!” If his eyes weren’t shut they’d be rolling. “And Alt isn’t my boyfriend.”
“Does he know that?”
“Probably not,” Percy admits. “Asshole.”
“Really, Perce?”
“I told him I didn’t want anything more than what it was,” Percy grouses. “But now he’s gone all -” he makes a frustrated gesture. “You know he was jealous of you the other night. I had to shove my cock down his throat just to shut him up.”
“Oh really, now!” Theseus pushes him. “Don’t tell me that! how am I supposed to look him in the face?”
Percy laughs. “But it’s fine when you want to tell me about that Hogwash girl who liked to eat your ass?”
“You’re a real prude when you’re sober, Theo.” Percy opens his eyes and blinks up at him. Merlin, have his eyelashes always been that long?
“Why was Mordy jealous of me of all people?” Theseus asks to change the subject. 
“Fuck knows,” Percival closes his eyes again, his lashes dark against his cheek. “He said he didn’t like how I let you grope me.” 
“Grope you?” Theo snorts. “Oh for crying out loud! It was only a cuddle.”
Percy grins at him. “You can get real handsy, Theo.”
“You like it,” Theo says shortly.
“Sure, I do.” As if to prove his point, Percy nudges himself under Theseus’ arm and rests his head on his chest. “But we’re just friends, right? I don’t see what got Alt so mad. It’s not like he and Nate are any different.”  
“You’re prettier than Nate,” Theseus says. He runs his fingers through Percy’s hair. “Perhaps he thinks I wouldn’t be able to resist your charms.”
Percy snickers. “What? Lil’ ol’ me?” He looks up at Theseus and flutters his eyes.
Theseus swats him lightly on the back of his head.
Percy pinches his nipple in retaliation, and oh dear, Theseus doesn’t think he was supposed to have enjoyed that.
“You know what your problem is, Percy?” he says. “You’d rather have sex than have a disagreement.”
“Wouldn’t you?” Percy fiddles with the buttons on Theseus’ shirt idly. “Or do they do things differently in London? ‘I say, old girl!’” he effects with an atrocious parody of Theseus’ accent. “It’s all very well that you want it so bad, but dash it all, it’s simply not cricket!”
“That’s it!” Theseus flips Percy over, pinning him beneath him and tickles him mercilessly.
“Goddamn you, Theo!” Percy shrieks with laughter. He grabs at Theseus’ hands, trying to push him away. All he manages to do is slam his forehead into Theseus’. 
Theseus sees stars as he rears back - and hits the back of his head on the top bunk. 
This only makes Percy laugh harder, even as he rubs at his own forehead, and Theseus can’t help laughing himself, until his eyes are streaming. 
Each time they try to calm down, they catch each other's’ eye and that sets off a fresh wave of the giggles.
“You okay?” Percy asks, gasping. He reaches up to him, and Theseus without really thinking about it, kisses him on the mouth.
Percy goes completely still, Theseus pulls back to see him staring at him in shock, his eyes wide. Theseus is about to start babbling apologies when Percy leans in tentatively and then falters and moves away.
What the hell, Theseus thinks and kisses him again. Percy freezes like before, but he doesn’t pull away and after a moment he starts to respond.
It isn’t that different from kissing a girl. Percy must have shaved recently, there’s no stubble on his face so Theseus doesn’t get any of the beard burn that Mordecai’s always complaining about. Percy’s lips are soft and warm, and he seems quite happy to let Theseus take the lead and oh, it is rather nice.
He could, he thinks, get used to kissing Percy.
He licks into Percy’s mouth trying to deepen the kiss  - and Percy makes a strangled noise and pushes him away.
They stare at each other breathing hard and Theseus is very aware that he’s on top of Percy, their legs twisted together.
“Get off me,” Percival says, tightly. “Please.”
Theseus scrambles off him quickly and swinging his legs off the bunk sits on the edge, suddenly very anxious to put some distance between them.
Percival remains where he is, on his back, looking up at the top bunk.
“Sorry,” Theseus says. 
“It’s fine,” Percival says in a flat voice. He sighs. “As long as you don’t put your tongue in my mouth again.” 
Theseus laughs ruefully. “I didn’t think it was that bad.”
Percival shrugs noncommittally, which Theseus takes to mean that it was that bad. “I thought you only liked girls.”
“I do mostly,” Theseus says. “But you’re a very pretty boy.”
Percival hits him with the pillow.
“Leave it off!” Theseus says, bringing his arms up to protect his face. “I don’t mean you’re girly. I mean - you know.”
Percival sits up and looks like he’s about to hit him again. “I am sorry, old sport,” Theseus says. “It was a stupid thing to do, but don’t hold it against me.” 
Percival grunts and turns his back on him, hugging his pillow to his chest.
“It wasn’t bad,’ he says, voice muffled by the pillow. “I just don’t want that with you.”
“I don’t think I want it with you either,” Theseus admits. “Not really. I just - well, maybe I wanted to see what it was like.”
“I can see why Altmann makes such a fuss.”
Percival snorts with suppressed laughter. He looks over his shoulder at Theseus.
“You aren’t gonna get queer on me, are you?”
“No, of course not.” He puts his arms around Percival, pulling him against his chest. “Come on, give us a cuddle.”
Percival’s as tense as a coiled spring until Theseus pets his hair and tells him to stop playing silly buggers, after which he relaxes a little, but not all the way.
Theseus has the feeling that this will be the last time that Percival will let him do this. A line in their friendship has been crossed and they’re never going to be as close as they once were.  Theseus tightens his hold on him, and Percival sighs and and turns over so he can bury his head into Theseus’  shoulder.
“You won’t tell Nate about this,will you? He wouldn’t understand.”
Theseus frowns. He didn’t think there was much to it, but Nate’s always very protective where Percival’s concerned.
“I won’t tell a soul, old bean. I shall be as silent as the proverbial grave, if you’ll forgive the pun.”
Percival groans. “That was awful. And I am going to break up with Alt.”
“Of course, you are.”
“I am.”
“I know.”
“Will you do it for me?”
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Theseus Scamander
Made for part of a series for an Ilvermorny “Pretty Little Liars” au but I think it works as a general Theseus aesthetic as well. 
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things you said after it was over, thesival
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When the war is done, they slip away together into the fields stretching throughout the valley they had been holed up in with their unit. They slip into the backyard of an abandoned house, its white linen sheets somehow still hanging on their wires and clothespins, fluttering gently in the wind.
Theseus takes him by the hips and pins Graves up against a tree, high enough where his toes are scrambling to touch the roots beneath them.
“Thes-!” He barks (not squeaks), and then there is a thigh between his, pressing, and Graves can do nothing more than throw his head back against the rough bark of the tree and pray for mercy. Pray that it never ends. That this isn’t just some cruel fever dream in the trenches.
He had had boners from surviving battle before - fierce and aching and heady from the adrenaline. That stiffness, that ache, paled in comparison to the flower of sheer exhilaration that bloomed in his groin and gut the moment they announced the war had ended. That the ultimate battle had been survived and won.
And if the hot, heavy press against his hip is anything to go by, Theseus knows exactly what Graves is talking about.
He wonders what the other boys are doing. Drinking, most likely. Getting rowdy to forget. Celebrating, lest they be consumed by the alternative.
It hits him like bricks cascading down upon his shoulders - heavy and overwhelming. Still pinned where his toes can’t reach, he curls down and into Theseus, his hands claws that clutch desperately at the back of his best friend’s coat. He tucks his face into the hollow of that throat, exposed from his clutching fingers, and lets loose a whispery, open mouthed “we made it”.
“We made it, we made it, we made it,” Graves says until his words become sobs. He’s shaking so fiercely that were it not for Theseus’ hands on his hips, he would have long ago come apart. But Theseus holds him. Uses his own fingers as stitches that keep Graves together. He kisses Graves’ jaw, the hot prickle of his patchy stubble, the wet curve of his cheek. Kisses him like a man that had been caught at sea, finally beached on dry land - lips against the sand. 
Theseus takes him down from the tree and lays him into the soft grass beneath the laundry. The sheets whisper around them, shielding them like the wings of the angels that surely saw them through the war. Theseus’ face is a gentle, smiling, awe-struck thing. It flickers in and out of view beneath the waves of undulating fabric, and each time he returns Graves is a little more breathless. 
After its over - after the war is done - Theseus takes Graves in a sea of white fabric, swallows down his guilty sobs, and answers, “We did. We did.”
Repeats the words until they hold Graves to this world like chains, keeping him in the present - away from the death they’ve left behind. He takes him in a field of soft grass and white fabric, and kisses him until his stitches take hold.
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I’ve been sort of wanting to draw some battlefield Thesival for a while now. Finally got around to it!!
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Your Theseus is absolutely adorable and a++++ - vulnerable and brave and protective all at the same time... not to mention, your style, which is always delightful and so so beautiful. i was wondering, since we know Theseus and Percy have been best buds during the War, if you could maybe sketch them together? it'd be so AWESOME
oh my goodness, thank you so much!
ahh yes- I’ve actually been wanting to draw these two together!I love the thought that they’re best buds- having met when they were just young men, both bonding over a sense of justice too big for their own good!
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I imagine that these two didn’t always get along; despite their similar views on the world, Percival was practically born with a whole forest up his ass and Theseus was an extremely loud, expressive, animated individual-obnoxiously so. They’ve probably butted heads more than a few times.
It took them a near death situation before they started to warm up to each other. Soon the two were inseparable, practically attached at the hip. The war was harsh, death doesn’t discriminate after all, and it was greedy. Their friendship was fuel for their continued survival. At the very least they could sleep side-by-side at night, knowing the other had their back.
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Newt: Theseus, it’s your brother. Pick me up or I’ll draw all over your jeans. 
(Parks and Recreation; Season 1, Episode 4: Boy’s Club) 
 A mashup for every episode (4/125)
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i dont rlly like it but whatever i guess
the scamander brothers  or just an excuse to draw theseus (i actually wanted to put him in slytherin but eeh)
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