#r: scamander brothers
elisedonut · 3 days
so im not sure if im allowed to share it so i wont
but someone made this like chart of ships that have at least one fic on Ao3 sorted by HP characters
so i proceeded to go up and down Percy's section because ofc
so here is the list of characters that have no fics shipping them with Percy that surprised me and I think needs to change
or in some cases i just think would be neat
-Nigel Wolpert ‎
-Amelia Bones ‎
-Dean Thomas ‎
-Florean Fortescue
-Godric Gryffindor
-Gregory Goyle
-Helga Hufflepuff ‎
-Xenophilius + Pandora Lovegood
-Madam Rosmerta
-Aurora Sinistra ‎
-Blaise Zabini's Mother ‎
-Colin Creevey's Father ‎
-Gellert Grindelwald
-James Potter(I know someone was once doing this one but i didn't realize it was a 0 fic ship)
-Michael Corner ‎
-Myrtle ‎
-Newt Scamander ‎(actually also Rolf and his/luna's twins)
-Lily Moon
-Piers Polkiss ‎
-Romilda Vane
-Rolanda Hooch ‎(T4T yuri??)
out of these the most likely one i can see myself doing is Nigel Wolpert ‎just because hes kinda Creevey brother number three just without the last name so i think it would be easy for me personally since I already think about Colin and Dennis alot
Dean I think just as a guess is like the most major player character out of the people who have never been shipped with Percy and i just think that's a crime also he's an artist that could be so cute
i have a few thoughts on some of the others but its late so my brains not working anymore but yes most of the others were like ___'s parent or people who are dead when the series starts but not in a fun way where I still think they could be neat like Pandora and James
like alot of the Marauders heavy characters that have popular ships were on there like Mary M, Evan R. those twos girls that are pretty much non existent but are still popular enough to be in the top 100 ships on ao3 overall? I can't remember there names right now
oh and a bunch of others that were just names in extra material Lily Moon gets an exception just because of her being a proto-Luna
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Foxtail & Wolfsbane 38
Summary: Your lifelong obsession to hunt down the Nine-Tailed Fox has not gone as expected, and seventeen years later, you find yourself coming back to the place where it all started: Hogwarts. However, with Sirius Black’s escape from Azkaban and Headmaster Dumbledore’s hire of a certain Professor R. J. Lupin, you suddenly find yourself intertwined in the fates of those with whom you thought you had parted ways with long ago.
[Multi-Post Story] [Rowan Scamander x Reader] [Remus Lupin x Reader] [Young Sirius Black x Reader] [Tristan Graves x Reader] [Severus Snape x Reader] *Note: Rowan Scamander, Tristan Graves, Susana Holmes, Cas Carneirus, Henrietta Weiss, Thomas Picquery, and Magdalene Clarke are OC characters.
Note: Part 38 does not contain any smut.
*Please do not repost or copy my work without my permission. Thank You!
☾ Click Here for Foxtail & Wolfsbane Home Page (All Chapter Links) ☾
The night that Rowan left was simultaneously one of the longest and shortest nights of your life. Sitting there, before the moonlight, you felt the frost begin to solidify around your heart. 
Rowan, my sunfire spirit, you were right to leave, but I can’t stand how much I miss you already. How can I reckon with the fact that I hurt you, used you, betrayed you? I hate myself for hurting you. You’re my heart. You always have been, and you always will be. 
Remus, my fellow moon-born soul… Loving you is like standing in the rain. Effortless, but melancholy. I can’t help the fact that you’re a runaway part of my soul. Even if you ruin me in your kind, gentle ways, you’re my soul, and I’ve got to let you be. I’ve got to keep you as whole as I can, no matter how you feel about me.
The Fox, hearing all of your thoughts, whispered, Oh, little one, how miserable you are. You’ve lost to the hollow in your heart. We’ve reached my nine hundredth birthday, after all. 
Happy Birthday.
No. Don’t you realize - ?
I do realize. Are you allowed to tell me what will happen to me?
You will no longer exist.
Yes. But how will I go? 
The Fox blinked at you.  Her still-eight tails flickered behind her uneasily. But then, trailing after the eighth tail, the ghostly shape of a ninth tail was beginning to appear. I wonder, as a human with no understanding of the after-realm, how can you speak of your own death so easily?
It’s not easy. But Mum’s okay now. My little brother has always been fine without me. Rowan has his family and his creatures. Remus has Sirius and Tonks. And after all, I found you – my Nine-Tailed Fox. Yes, I dreamt of you and then I found you. What more could I ask for?
But I’m to take your life… 
I know. You let out a long, shuddering breath. All of those days and nights I spent at Hogwarts, staring out that window, dreaming about seeing the Nine-Tailed Fox and wondering about how my life would begin. Now, I’m still staring out a window, all alone, but my dream about the Nine-Tailed Fox is over and I’m wondering how my life will end. Is this happiness or is this darkness?
Child, you’re lost, the Fox murmured mournfully. You’re irredeemably lost. 
I’ve been this way my whole life. You fell quiet for a moment, before you said, in your mind, I’ve been thinking, when Tristan passed away…
When Tristan passed away, he was able to do so on his own terms. You said that yourself.
Yes, that’s true. 
Can’t I do the same?
What do you mean?
Instead of just thinking of death as a passive thing, can’t I make a deal with you?
That’s an interesting thought. The Fox pondered your words. I don’t see why not. After all, I am allowed to give energy in exchange for energy. And through you, I will be receiving my greatest burst of energy of all – my ninth tail. I will become infinitely stronger. Actually, I will become immortal at the moment my ninth tail appears. However, how could I grant your wish, when you will no longer exist? There cannot be ‘your’ wish, if you do not exist, and you will not survive, as I have warned you many times. 
It’s not for myself that I want to have a wish, you explained. It’s for someone who will survive, even when I’m gone.
Who? The Fox’s eyes widened. Don’t tell me it’s - 
Remus Lupin. 
The Fox sighed. She folded her paws neatly, one on top of the other, as she warned you, But his wish has to be your wish, too, little one. Are you sure you know what his wish is?
Yes, of course I do. To no longer be a werewolf.
This was the bargain you struck with the Fox.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
When morning came, you found your way up to the attic to receive some sunlight and warmth, but also because, in your heart of hearts, you somehow knew that Remus would find you up there.
We always have the same hiding spaces, you thought nostalgically. It hadn’t been enough to bring you together in this lifetime, but you prayed that it would be enough to bring you together for this one, last important moment. 
Sure enough, Remus showed up. He entered cautiously, asking, “Is it all right that I’m here, with you?” 
You nodded in reply, even though it hurt to move by that point because you were so cold. Your joints protested against any movement and every heartbeat felt slow and painful. Still, you were happy when Remus came beside you. You were able to have your moment to stare up at the faraway sun, even as it felt so far away now that it no longer provided any warmth, for the frost had completely captured your heart. 
You could feel Remus’ gentle, careful gaze at you. He was watching over you, as he always did. 
He remarked quietly, “Your hair’s back to blue, I see.”
“Hm? Oh. I s’pse it is.”
You remembered what the Nine-Tailed Fox had once told you about her true appearance and how, before, the woman that appeared with the long, silver hair and blood-red lips was actually the appearance of the succubus and how the Nine-Tailed Fox’s nymph form was actually far more delicate and playful, with blue hair and thin features, not unlike your usual appearance.
She’s so like me that even though I’m turning into her, I simply look like myself, you realized. But that blue hair isn’t actually mine. I never dyed my hair back. It’s the Nine-Tailed Fox’s nymph form. She’s finally taking over me, once and for all. 
Inside of your soul, you felt the Fox growl and begin to stretch her limbs. Her power was calling to her. Your vision began to go white at the edges. You were finding it difficult to breathe. Knowing that your time was running out, you instructed Remus, “Wish for what it is that you want. Wish real hard, all right?”
You heard Remus ask, “What?”
“Close your eyes and think of what it is you want most,” you told him. “Please.”
Just then, you felt Artemis brush up against you. My worldly fox, you thought fondly. I’ll miss you. 
Artemis buried her head against you and you felt your wand in her mouth, poking into your stomach. Well, it’s yours to have now, little fox, you thought, smiling weakly even as you were trembling all over with cold and fear.
Remus tried to drape a blanket over you, but it was far too late to feel warmth. 
I’m going, you realized. Oh, Merlin, I’m - I’m… I’m terrified. Trying to be brave, you squeezed the foxtail keychain that Remus had returned to you tightly in your hand. You whispered to the Nine-Tailed Fox, I’ve got your tail, right here.
Child, it’s not the time to make jokes.
I know, but I can’t help it. I’m scared. Can you tell me where I’m going?
No, but I can tell you, child, that I’ll guide you to a peaceful place myself and make sure you sleep well for all of the years to come. 
You will?
Of course, my little one. Now, close your eyes. Your ship of winds awaits. 
Out loud, you murmured one last time to Remus, “Your wish, Rem. She’ll grant it for you,” while in your mind, you prayed fervently, Take care of Remus, please.
The Nine-Tailed Fox promised, His wish will come true. Then, she stood up and, drawing back her lordly head, she let out a powerful roar. 
The blast of power shattered the very sky above you and the heavens rained down upon you, snow and glass and pieces of broken dreams. But then, lo and behold, nonsensically, beyond the broken sky, there was a sea – a silver sea with dark waves, and ships in bottles riding the waves.
You heard a distant cry of “Lovely!” Only, it was too late for any earthly savior to reach you.
Instead, the Nine-Tailed Fox wrapped your bloodied, glass-cut body up in her full nine tails and the first thing that she did as a fully-fledged Nine-Tail Fox was to take you up to the heavens. She jumped from bottle to bottle until she found a steady ship for you. She began to use her magic to open the bottle when she paused – 
The Nine-Tailed Fox frowned. She felt her magic pulling in all different directions. Oh, child, she thought, I told you that you shouldn’t assume what others wished for. I have to let you go now. 
Well, the Fox thought to herself, I suppose we shall see each other again, someday. You already know where to look now. With that, she released you from her tails. You fell – away from the seas and back through the broken sky. 
The Fox closed her eyes. Well, then, come on, little fox. You’ve called to me so, your whole life. I’ll take you instead. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
A world of mist – swirling ships. You kept calling out to them to take you, but none of them would stop.
“Wait! Please! I’m supposed to be onboard already!” you yelled, waving your hand at them.
Ignoring you, they kept passing by. 
Finally, you became so frustrated that you ran towards the end of the dock. Right as you got towards the end, a ship approached. You jumped as high as you could and yelled, “Here! Here! I’m supposed to be a passenger! Ple - !” 
Your cries cut off as your foot slipped. You tumbled from the pier. 
You gasped in shock as you fell into the dark, chrome-colored waves. Your gasp cost you, unfortunately, for you let escape the last bit of air you had in your body. You watched with wide, terrified eyes as the last bubble blossomed upwards in the water and floated away. 
Just before it reached the surface and popped, it turned into the moon. Oh, you thought, I can see the full moon, even from the bottom of the ocean. I never would have guessed that. You mused, a full moon… I wonder if Remus is all right. 
You brought your hands up and pressed them over your heart. I suppose it’s my time to… go now. I’ll leave the rest to you then. Happy Birthday, my Nine-Tailed Fox. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
One week later. 
“Moony. Oi, Moony, wake up.” 
Remus tiredly lifted his head. Sirius had come into the room, carrying a glass of water. Behind him, Tonks peered nervously at Remus. “You look terrible,” she remarked.  
Remus gave her a wan smile. “Thanks. You always let me know when I’m looking shabby.”
“Sorry,” Tonks said quickly.
“No, I appreciate it,” Remus replied, and he meant it. But then, he let out a long sigh. “There’s nothing I can do about it, though.” Gesturing at you, he murmured, “I won’t leave her side until she wakes.” 
Sirius handed Remus the glass of water. “I know you don’t want to leave her side, but you have to take care of yourself. Drink up.” 
Remus chugged the water. As he did, he reached out with his other hand to touch your wrist. “A steady pulse. But still asleep,” he murmured, staring at your sleeping face. 
Sirius gazed at you for a moment. “Remus, what the hell happened in there? In the attic.”
Remus shook his head back-and-forth, trying to make sense of his scrambled memories. “I don’t know. It’s difficult to explain. There was a gush of wind and the skylight suddenly shattered – or else, did the skylight shatter first? I can’t remember. It all happened so quickly.” 
“All right,” Sirius said. “Well, we can’t worry about it anymore. The full moon is tonight. Have you taken your potion?”
“Yes. I’ve already prepared the room for my transformation, too.” 
“Good. Dumbledore’s asked Pomfrey to come and check on the fox girl anyways, but while Pomfrey’s here, maybe we could ask her to treat you tomorrow morning.”
“I’m fine, Sirius. And I don’t care about my – I just – I need to know if she’s all right, if she’ll wake up again.” 
“I know it’s hard, Moony. But we’ve got to be patient.” 
Remus let out a short, harried sigh. “Where’s Scamander? We should tell him, if someone hasn’t already.”
Tonks blinked uncertainly. “Remus, didn’t you know? Scamander’s gone.”
“He left a note for Dumbledore and Moody, explaining that he’s dissolving his allyship with the Order. I believe he left last night.” 
“He left?” Remus said, surprised. “But I thought they had just gotten engaged. Why would he leave…? Wait, you don’t think his leaving her is what put her in this state?” 
“I don’t know, Remus.” Tonks nodded at you. “I reckon she’s the only one who can really tell us what happened to her. And for that to happen, she needs to wake up first.”
“Yes.” Remus, who was now holding your hand in his, leaned forward and whispered to you, “Please wake up. Please.” 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Remus hadn’t left your side since he’d gained consciousness himself, but tonight, he had to, because it was the night of the full moon. Tonks made sure that he was comfortable and gave him a reassuring hug.
Once Tonks left, Remus locked the door from the inside. He sat on the floor and waited for the terrible transformation to begin.
Remus often wondered what the creator of the Wolfsbane Potion had been thinking when he created the potion. Truly, it spares us werewolves from being the beasts we are, Remus thought. But I wonder if the creator realized how nightmarish it is to feel yourself change physically and psychologically – not just into a different kind of human, which would be scary enough, but into a complete beast.
When the clock struck nine o’clock, Remus clenched his fists and waited for the transformation to begin. He waited for that tearing, aching, and burning pain to take over all of his bones and joints as his human body was torn to shreds and grotesquely rearranged and lengthened to form the animalistic figure of a beast. 
Just get through it, Remus told himself, as he did every full moon. But this time he added on, Just get through it, and get back to Lovely as fast as you can. 
Remus shut his eyes and waited… waited… waited…
When the clock struck ten o’clock, Remus’ eyes finally flew open. His eyes first looked at the clock and then searched the calendar pinned on the wall. Night time, ten o’clock, night of the full moon… 
Remus looked down at his hands. These are my hands… my human hands… He slowly opened them. Why aren’t I turning? He was too scared to move, scared that, for whatever illogical reason, his moving about would trigger his transformation.
Ten o’clock became eleven became midnight… Finally, it was three o’clock in the morning.
Heart thundering and joints aching from sitting in the same position for hours, Remus got up from the ground. He walked towards the mirror, more than a little afraid of what he might see as his reflection. 
When Remus looked into the glass, his mouth fell open. It’s… me. Just me. How come I’m not a wolf yet? He reached up and touched his own face, in total disbelief. What’s going on? How can this be? 
Your last, gentle whisper flashed through his mind: “Your wish, Rem. She’ll grant it for you.”
Remus’ brow furrowed. My wish? Who’ll grant it for me? The Nine-Tailed Fox? But in exchange for what? Mythical creatures don’t go around doing whatever humans wish. There must have been some trade going on – Remus suddenly inhaled sharply. Did Lovely trade a part of herself to save me?
Remus made to burst out of his room, to go to you, but he realized that it was still night time. He didn’t trust his own luck enough to wager your safety, even though he felt like his heart was going to burst from want of answers. He was so worried, utterly terrified, in fact, that you really had given something of yourself up to save him, when he felt that he didn’t deserve you, after all of the secrets he had kept from you… 
Remus paced furiously back-and-forth, waiting for the barest hint of sun to come up so he could go to you. Though, Lovely’s still asleep, he thought. She hasn’t woken up yet. Oh, God, what could she have done? What could she have traded for my humanity? Oh God, oh God, oh God… Please don’t let me be the reason she won’t wake up. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Three weeks later.
Rowan stepped into the mythical realm. A figure dressed in a pink cloak accompanied him, walking a little ways behind him. 
The figure dropped back her hood and she stared at the sky with bright eyes. “So, this is where all your creatures are,” Magdalene said. “When I stopped by to visit your parents, your father kept going on about how he missed them. I didn’t understand where they could have gone. But now, I know.”  
“Yeah,” Rowan said. “Just don’t ask me too many questions about this place.” He put two fingers in his mouth and let out a loud whistle.
Nula, the Zouwu, came bounding in from the mountains, clearing huge distances with only a few energetic leaps. Her beautiful tail made it look like a rainbow was bouncing across the mountains, towards Rowan and Magdalene. Frank, the Thunderbird, circled the sky a couple of times before descending gracefully before Magdalene. Sil, the Occamy came from a bough of silvery-white flowers in a nearby tree, slowly floating towards Rowan.
Magdalene immediately took several steps back. “That’s the thing that fit into my purse and scared the bejeezus out of me that one time, isn’t it?” 
Rowan smirked. “Well, yes, that would be him. Good ol’ Sil.”
Rowan took his time with each of them, patting them and speaking to them exactly how they liked to be greeted. Magdalene was quite wary of creatures herself, but she couldn’t help except smile when she saw how good Rowan was with them. Rowan hugged Sil and buried his face against his scales. “Missed you, Sil.” 
Sil hugged Rowan back with the end of his tail, squeezing him.
Rowan reached out with his other hand and petted Nula on her fantastical mane. Nula purred and for a moment, the huge Zouwu simply sounded like a tiny kitten.
Frank cocked his head at Rowan. Rowan slid out of Sil’s hug (with some difficulty) and came over to Frank. “Frank, how are you? My father misses you so, but I have to say, I think I missed you even more.”
Frank cawed softly in reply.
Rowan looked at all three of them. “I’ve a question to put to all of you, and I don’t reckon it’s an easy one. Would you like to stay here or go back with me? If you go back with me, you might not be able to come back here, to this mythical realm that you all love so much. But if you stay here – well, I’ll try to visit as often as I’m able, but I don’t know how often that’ll be. It might be never, if I’m honest.” 
Rowan tried not to show his emotions as he said, as calmly as he could, “But I know how much you all like it here. I don’t want to take you away from your new home, if that’s what this has become for you. So, I’ll leave it up to you.” He took out his pouch, opened it, and placed it on the ground. “Here. I’ll turn my back and count to one hundred, all right? If you’re by the pouch, I’ll take that as you wanting to go back with me. And if you’re not, we’ll – we’ll say good-bye for now. All right?” 
Rowan walked away and shut his eyes. “All right, here goes. One, two, three…”
Magdalene watched. She clasped her hands together and prayed. 
“Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two…”
Rowan paused. “What, Mag?”
“Turn around.”
“I said, turn around!”
Rowan turned around. Frank, Sil, and Nula were all waiting patiently by the pouch. 
“Really? You all – You all want to come back home with me?” Rowan said, overwhelmed.
Sil seemed to give a sly wink, Nula let out the Zouwu equivalent of a happy giggle, and Frank poked his beak at the pouch as if to say, Well, come on, then. 
Rowan ran over to the pouch and opened the mouth of it as wide as he could. Frank swooped in first, followed by Nula, who bounded in, tails rattling happily as she dove in, and then Sil, who purposefully seemed to make himself just big enough that Rowan had to reach in and give him a little shove at the end.
Magdalene came over to him. “Thank Merlin,” she said. “I didn’t know how I was going to deal with you if they decided to stay.”
Rowan rolled his eyes at her. “Couldn’t just be nice, could you? Couldn’t just say ‘I’m happy for you’ and leave it at that?”
Magdalene grinned. “Well, I’m oh-so-happy for you, Scamander. There. Good enough?” 
“Let’s get out of here,” Rowan said. “I don’t fancy getting caught in another time skip.”
Rowan and Magdalene made for the entrance together, when suddenly, Rowan spotted two silvery figures bounding about, zigzagging here and there among the wintery meadows. He hesitated. “Wait. What is that?”
Nervous, Magdalene immediately stepped closer to Rowan. “Shouldn’t you know? I’m not the expert here.” 
Rowan peered closer at the two, lithely running figures jumping about. 
“Rowan? Hello? Can we get out of here, please? You said something about a time skip, and I do not want to get any older than I already am,” Magdalene said, poking at Rowan. “You’ve got your creatures, and I need to head back so I can live my twenties and thirties in full glamour, please.”
Rowan snorted. “You and your ‘full glamour.’ For Merlin’s sake. All right. Let’s get out of here.” 
But then, Rowan stopped. “Wait, there was one more thing I wanted to do.”
Magdalene sighed heavily. “What, Rowan? What more is there in this strange place - ? Oh.” She fell quiet when she saw Rowan pull Tristan’s old pocketwatch out of his pocket.
“I want Tristan to be remembered for eternity. He deserves the glory,” Rowan murmured quietly. “Someone like me – Well, I should be forgotten, I think. It’s not that I’m not trying, but I can’t make heads or tails of what I’m supposed to do with my life. But Tristan… Well, he was a smug bastard through and through, but he really got all the important things right.” 
Rowan knelt down and pointed his wand at the ground. “Accio.”
A flower burst out of the ground and a small hole opened up. Rowan placed the pocketwatch in the hole. He waved his wand again, and a small mound appeared before the flower, covering up the pocketwatch entirely.
Magdalene bowed her head before the small grave, paying her respects to Tristan. 
When Rowan got up, he said, in a small, heavy voice, “All right. Let’s leave.”
Magdalene put her hand on his broad shoulder. “You did good by him, Rowan, and you’re doing good by the world, I promise you. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
The two of them began to step out of the golden slit, to head back to the real world. 
“Thanks, Mag,” Rowan murmured, as he stepped through. 
Magdalene went after him, asking him eagerly, “Besides that, how did you do all that magic with just ‘Accio?’” 
As they landed back in the real world, Rowan replied, “It’s all about intentions. It’s easy, really. Although, I’ll tell you now, you can’t achieve that kind of magic if you’re striving for a ‘full glamour’ lifestyle.”
Magdalene thought hard about this. Finally, she asked, “Well, what about ‘partial glamour,’ huh? Could I get your type of magic then?”
Rowan shook his head and laughed at her. It was a small, soft laugh, but it was the first time he’d laughed in weeks. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Five weeks later.
It was the night of the second full moon since the Nine-Tailed Fox had disappeared and you had fallen into a coma. Remus had locked himself in his bedroom. Tonight, he hadn’t taken the Wolfsbane Potion. Sirius was with him tonight, in his Padfoot form.
Remus stared at Padfoot anxiously. Padfoot whined softly, trying to comfort Remus.
“D’you think we’ve fortified the room enough?” Remus asked. “I can’t – I can’t quite remember how vicious I get when I’m a full werewolf, but from what I remember from the Shrieking Shack, I could get very - ” he swallowed “ – very violent indeed.”
Padfoot barked and shook his head at Remus.  
Remus blinked slowly, feeling incredibly anxious. The last glow of the sunset began to fade from the horizon and the room went pitch-black.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
At dawn, both Remus and Sirius, in their human forms, stared at each other.
“Holy hell,” Sirius croaked out, “it’s true.”
“I didn’t transform at all?” Remus confirmed. His legs felt shaky.
“Not even a little bit. I was watching over you all night.” Sirius came over to Remus and grasped his arm. “You’re not a werewolf anymore, Moons.”
“I think it was Lovely,” Remus blurted out. “It had to have been her.”
At this, Sirius’ brow furrowed. He agreed with Remus that this had probably been your doing, but he could see how much it was tormenting Remus, to think that you had hurt yourself to save himself.
“Still,” Sirius pressed, “you’re not a werewolf anymore, Remus. This is – This is beyond huge. It’s going to change your life. The jobs you can get now, and your health will be much better – it’s the life you’ve always deserved, but now you can have it, Rem.”
“Yes,” Remus said, and his voice trembled with what all of this meant, “you’re right. But think about it, Padfoot, what if, in order to save me, she gave up her life - ?” He cut off suddenly and buried his head in his hands.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Six weeks later.
Sirius sighed. “Moony, you’ve got to stop beating yourself up. If she did choose to save you, it was her choice.”
Remus was back at your bedside. He looked even more haggard than before. Ironically, he looked more wolfish now, when he was fully human, than he ever had when he was a werewolf. His eyes were red, his lips were cracked, and his cheekbones were too dramatic, as his face had become gaunt with anxiety over the past week. He was in abject misery, thinking that you might have put yourself in this state for his sake. 
Wake up, he begged, wake up, wake up. Tell me how to give back to you what you gave me. Tell me how to save you. I can’t take this – I can’t, can’t, can’t. Please wake up! 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Seven weeks later.
Knock, knock. 
“Who’s there?” Tina opened the door, only to see her son standing on the doorstep. “Rowan?”
Rowan held up his pouch. “I’ve brought everyone back.”
“Oh!” Tina smiled in relief. “Well done. Come inside. Your father will want to see for himself, of course.” 
Just then, another voice rang out, “Who is that, Tina?” And a second later, Queenie appeared.
Rowan smiled bravely at his aunt. “Hi, Aunt Queenie.”
But as soon as she read his mind, Queenie’s eyes went wide. “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.”
“What - ?” Tina began asking, but Rowan had already burst into tears and Queenie had rushed forward to hug her nephew tightly in her arms.
“You even - You even warned me about it,” Rowan said, speaking past his tears. “That day, when I made to chase after her, you grabbed me and stopped me at the doorway. You told me that - that, when you read our minds, you saw that I cared more for her than she did for me.” 
“Yes, but she could have loved you even more,” Queenie said lovingly. “It truly could have been something more. I saw that in both of your minds. And honey, it’s not your fault that she didn’t.”
“It is my fault,” Rowan murmured. “I wasn’t all that I could be for her.”
Queenie gazed at her nephew warmly. “Love, you were all you could be for her. You were all anyone could ever be for anyone. It’s just that it didn’t work out. That’s all.”
Rowan, feeling rather embarrassed with his outburst, made to wipe away his tears and get up, but Queenie hugged him even harder. She saw all of his unspoken worries in his head: the misery from your rejection and the hurt from the realization that you preferred someone else, the grief from Tristan’s passing and the regret that he hadn’t ever gotten the chance to tell Tristan how much he loved him, the empathetic and sympathetic hurt and utter worry he felt about Cas and Susana after Tristan’s death, the guilt he still felt over what had happened to Magdalene, and the lack of confidence he felt about his career now and the accompanying discomfort he still felt before his parents.
Queenie let out a long breath, as she took in everything he was thinking. “Don’t think too hard on it, Rowan. I know you act all brave, but you’ve got a terrible way of overthinking everything. I see it in your mind, you know. But don’t do that now. Don’t beat yourself up. You did good, honey. You did real good.”
Rowan closed his eyes tightly, trying to stop from sobbing again. Meanwhile, Tina had quietly sat down besides the two of them and she’d put her hand on Rowan’s shoulder.
Queenie rubbed Rowan’s back as she continued to whisper, in a comforting voice, “And coming home to us, too - you did good with that. Now you just sit here with me and your ma, and you close your eyes and rest, honey. I know how tired you are.”
“Tired?” Rowan murmured. He hadn’t even considered that he was tired. No, he’d been so busy trying to fix his life and be the perfect person before everyone that he hadn’t even thought about how he’d felt. “How can I be tired? When I couldn’t do anything right…”
Queenie shook her head. “You’re all tired, honey. From carrying the weight of everything.” 
Rowan finally gave in, as he acknowledged, for the first time in years, how tired he really was. He leaned in against his aunt and, with his other hand, he reached up and took his mother’s hand.
A pale evening sun filtered through the heavy clouds and roamed the dark grounds until it cast a gentle spotlight on Rowan. Rowan let out a long breath. I’ve spent my whole life trying to pretend that this wasn’t my home, Rowan thought tiredly. But maybe it’s okay to say that it is. Just for a short time, while I rest…
For a moment, all was warm and quiet in Rowan’s world. But then, there was a loud squeal from inside the house. A split second later, Rowan heard his father cry out loudly, “Nifflers loose! Jacob, you grab Nick; I’ll grab Teddy! Go, go, go!” 
Running on all four paws, Nick came scurrying onto the front porch. Sniffing furiously, he made his way right up to Rowan’s shoulder. Then, with a happy gasp of recognition, Nick nuzzled his little head rather excitedly against Rowan’s cheek.
Back in the house somewhere, Jacob could be heard yelling, “Where is he? Where’d the little rascal go? Nick!”
Hearing his own name, Nick’s ears perked up. Then, Nick pawed at Rowan’s collar until there was enough room for him to tuck himself away between Rowan’s shirt and neck.
Rowan let out a soft, tired chuckle. Yeah, this is home, all right. Thanks, Nick, for the welcome. I’ve missed you, too.  
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Two months later.
“You’ll become a statue soon, Remus,” Tonks remarked, as she took a seat beside him next to your bed. “Like the famous Muggle statue of the thinker. You’ll look just like him. And all these masses of Muggle children will crowd around you and go, ‘Look, look!’ Are you up for that? ‘Cause if not, I think you should straighten out your posture.”
“Mm,” Remus said, noncommittally.
Tonks stared wistfully at him for a moment. These past few weeks had been quite difficult for her, as she had quietly had to make her own peace with the realization that Remus might be in love with you. But Tonks, being Tonks, pushed aside her own heart for the moment as she tried to reassure Remus. “Madam Pomfrey said that she was fine. Her physical condition is stable. Her body temperature’s a little low, but not worryingly so.”
“Yeah,” Sirius agreed, as he strode into the room. “We’re just waiting for her to wake up. That’s all. So, ease up on the anxiety, will you?”
Remus simply sat there, still watching over you. He wanted to believe in Sirius and Tonks and he was grateful for their support, but he felt it was too important to merely “hope.” He had to know that you were going to be okay and he had to hear, from your own mouth, that you hadn’t done something abysmally foolish for him. After all, it had been two whole months of this agony and you still hadn’t woken up.
The three of them lapsed into silence, with Sirius and Tonks giving each other worried looks. 
After another ten minutes had gone by, Sirius got up. He beckoned to Tonks to come with him. The two of them exited the room together.
Once they were out in the hallway, Sirius asked, in a low voice, “Did you send your Patronus to Scamander?”
Tonks nodded. ‘Yes, but my Patronus is still out there somewhere. I can feel it.”
“What does that mean?” Sirius wondered. “Is your Patronus unable to find him?”
“Yes, exactly. I don’t know where Scamander could have gone, but it seems he’s not reachable right now,” Tonks explained. “This happens when someone wants to go into hiding or else if they go into a place that has spells to prevent the place from being tracked or entered into without explicit permission. Like Grimmauld Place.”
“Damn,” Sirius murmured, “I was hoping he could at least give us some information on how to take care of fox girl in there.”
Just then, Sirius and Tonks heard a conversation ring out from the main hallway.
“Professor Snape!” Molly cried out, surprised. “What are you doing here at this time of day?”
Snape’s wry voice floated out, “I heard from Madam Pomfrey that you are housing a stupid, sickly fox girl here.”
“Er, well, I wouldn’t quite put it that way,” Molly replied. “But yes, she’s here. She’s unconscious, though. She won’t wake up.” 
“I know,” Severus replied shortly. “I’ve come to wake her up.” 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The chrome-colored sea – like a sea of mercury and silver – had frozen over entirely. You were now encased at the bottom of the sea. You remained curled up on the sea floor, not unlike a seashell, with your hands clasped to your chest and your eyes closed.
No ships passed above you, and there were no clouds here. Every so often, a star would fall from the sky and burn its way down to the lower levels of the ice sea, but never far enough to reach you and warm you.
Sometimes, you thought you could hear the faraway sun crying out in pain and your frozen heart ache and your hands itched to be able to move, to be able to curl around the sun and hold it as it worked through its painful rebirth; other times, you thought that you could feel the watchful gaze of the moon and its careful, but constant pull on you.
So it was, that in this universe, the sun, the moon and the stars were the only things that gave you any sense of time passing. The sea itself did not move. Instead, the silent, silver sea, absent of waves, was slowly transforming from water to ice to mist. When the entire sea turned to mist, you knew you would enter Hades’ world. Right now, you weren’t breathing at all, for you were frozen, but the second you unfroze, you would pass on from this universe. In that way, your first breath would be your last. Like Tristan, you realized that this was what it meant to be bound by fate – you had to choose to take the last breath and accept all the paradoxes of this universe with a quiet, unhindered grace.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Severus was concocting a potion in your room. Remus nervously hovered around him, and then you, and then back to him.
Fed up, Severus hissed, “If you would sit down, Lupin!” 
Remus sat. But, unable to help himself, he asked, “What are you making, Severus?” 
“It’s rather complicated to explain,” Severus said, “especially to you.”
“Oi,” Sirius replied at once, “there’s no need to be rude. You just do your job and get the hell out of here, Snivellus.” 
Severus sneered unpleasantly at Sirius. “I’m trying, but you lot keep interrupting me.”
“Well, it is true that I was rather abysmal at Potions, so I probably wouldn’t understand even if you did explain it to me,” Remus muttered. “Still, I’d like to know what you’re doing.” 
“Shut up,” Severus said thinly, ignoring Remus altogether. “It’s not my fault all of you are imbeciles. If you’d paid any attention at all in Potions, you’d know what I was doing just from looking at me.” 
Severus nearly spat out, “Ten points from Gryffindor,” as was his habit after having to deal with a stupid question from a Gryffindor student, but he just managed to bite his cheek and hold his irrelevant remark in.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Everyone waited with bated breath as Severus carefully tipped the potion into your mouth. As he did, he muttered, “That damned Fox is far more trouble than she’s worth.” 
Severus gently pressed your mouth shut. Fortunately, you swallowed the potion. He took his hand away and waited.
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, your hands twitched. You began to tremble slightly and you started to breathe faster – Remus made to reach for you, but Severus stopped him. 
“Get back, all of you!” Severus ordered.
Everyone except Severus hurriedly piled to the far side of the room. 
You seemed to be struggling with something, almost as if you were fighting a weight on your chest. You scratched at the air in front of you for a moment, nearly scratching Severus’ face. Severus grabbed you by your wrists and pinned you back down on the bed.
“Come on,” he growled. “Pull yourself together. Fight back, and regain ownership of your soul!”
You suddenly let out a loud, startling cry and wrenching your arms away from Severus, you desperately threw your arms over your head.
Remus swallowed hard. He was scared and overcome with worry about you. Tonks took his hand and squeezed it hard.
“Don’t cower!” Severus shouted at you. “Fight back! Get up!”
You started to breathe far too quickly. Remus made to rush forward, but Sirius grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. “Wait! Wait, Remus,” Sirius breathed out harshly. “I think she’s waking up.”
Remus, being held back by both Sirius and Tonks, stared at you with wide eyes. He could barely register his own existence, for he was so desperately praying for yours. Come on, Lovely, he urged, wake up. Wake up, my love. You’ve got to be all right.
Suddenly, you fell back onto the bed. Severus watched you warily. You were still breathing harshly, but no longer thrashing about. Instead, you lifted your hand and stretched it towards the ceiling, towards the sky…
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
There you remained, at the bottom of this frozen, mythical sea, trying to practice this grace of accepting one’s fate, which you had never exerted in your living life. Let go, you told yourself, and hold it all at once. Love everything you’ve ever received, but with no expectation. Understand everything you’ve ever experienced, but with no judgment.
You hesitated. A… sound? Did I just hear a sound?
In this muted world of ice, that sharp, cracking sound was distinct.
Clink, clink, clink – crack! The ice was breaking!
A tiny fracture was making its way through the levels of the ice, gaining speed as it went.
Your heart leapt in shock. What? No. It isn’t fated for me to escape. I made a deal with the Nine-Tailed Fox. I’m supposed to go to Hades’ world. That was the bargain.
However, the crack in the ice was growing, growing, growing – and headed straight for you!
You were terrified. You didn’t know what to do! Clearly, this was freedom right before your eyes – an escape, rather than an end. And yet, you didn’t want to betray the Nine-Tailed Fox, and you wanted to make sure that Remus would be saved from his werewolf condition.
As the ice ocean split, literally, in half, a loud roar rang out, so loud it sent your heart thrumming, and a huge peal of blue lighting crashed down from the sky and struck the ocean where the fracture was occurring.
The ocean was cleaved perfectly in two, and split right where you were. You gasped. Your eyes flew open. For you knew that roar and you recognized that lighting – it was the Nine-Tailed Fox.
Is she giving me permission to escape? But why?
Having been frozen for so long, you flailed about like a newborn child for a long moment before you were able to gain enough control of yourself to sit up. You took a breath, half expecting the world to suddenly crash into darkness, but it didn’t. No, the world before you remained the same. It was a desolate, empty world, with no sun.
You slowly got to your feet. The two halves of the ocean lay on either side of you, sparkling dimly in the ghostly moonlight.
Just then, it began to rain – a dark, heavy, and chaotic rain. The ocean quickly began to melt around you. You stared uncertainly up into the sky. Then, all at once, the water began to swell. Too late, you looked up, only to see a massive, dark-colored wave rising well above your head. You opened your mouth to scream and you threw your hands above your head –
You didn’t even realize that you were screaming, “SHIP! SHIP! SHIP!” But it was too late, for there was no ship for you – there never had been.
Voices were spilling out from among the clouds: amidst the thunder and rain, there bellowed a wolf’s terrific howl, a bat’s loud screech, a dog’s rough bark, a lion’s ferocious roar, a fox’s bell-like laugh, and another fox’s ancient, lightning-like growl. It all became so loud, as if a piano had come crashing down from the heavens and was madly playing all of these haunted sounds at once on its thundering, out-of-tune keys.
But then – the wave came crashing down – you opened your mouth to scream, only it was too late.  All became a white, spinning vortex of bubbles – Bubbles? Bubbles! Air! Life! Breathe! Up there, I can breathe again!
In one last desperate, instinctive attempt, you reached up towards the ocean’s surface with a shivering, pale, clammy hand… towards a pale moon…
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
A loud gasp escaped you. Your eyes flew open. You were finally awake.
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For this prompt on the kinkmeme:
After the Grindelwald incident MACUSA and MoM are holding a dueling competition. Originally Newt only came to be support for his older brother and his new american auror friends. He's not comfortable at such events. Some asshole who wants to take revenge on Theseus for humiliating him the year before, thinks ge can get it by challenging Newt to fight in front of everyone. Anything goes. Before Graves can intervene, Theseus smirks and accepts the challenge for Newt.
Newt procceeds to wipe the floor with him by using apparation, martial arts and an impressive list of spells, leaving everyone who was worried gaping. Theseus, proud and protective older brother that he is, admits on being responsible for the latter two.
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dreaminginpastels · 3 years
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ masterlist ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
hello lovely reader, 
thank you for stopping by! I hope you find something enjoyable below. 
requests are always open so feel free to send one in!
- daniella 🤍
*please respect the time and effort that goes into writing these stories and do not repost my work as your own*
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*✧ ask  | ko-fi ✧*
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✿ = fluff
➷ = angst
⁂ = hurt/comfort
☽ = alternate universe 
♡ = gender neutral reader (they/them pronouns) - default
❀ = female reader (she/her pronouns) - by request
✧ = male reader (he/him pronouns) - by request
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✧ a v e n g e r s ✧
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peter parker
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blink ✿⁂❀
peter and reader are on different sides of the civil war conflict, and peter finds that he just can’t hurt the girl he loves.
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♡ c r i m i n a l  m i n d s ♡
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spencer reid
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every last bite ☽✿♡
you own a bakery that specialises in magical treats. every day, your favourite regular, spencer, comes in and orders the same thing, until one day he orders something new.
things that make it warm ✿♡
a future with reid, based on “things that make it warm” by cavetown
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☼ d e a r  e v a n  h a n s e n ☼
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connor murphy
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open your eyes ✿➷⁂❀
connor is finally comfortable to be himself in your relationship when you decide it’s time for him to meet your big family
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☆ e t e r n a l s ☆
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before it’s too late ➷✿♡
you and druig are the closest of the eternals but self-doubt and misunderstandings have meant that neither of you have made a move.  when a sudden loss shakes the eternals, druig decides that he needs to do something about how he feels…before it’s too late.
mischief makers have feelings too ✿♡
in which yours and druig’s reign as the pranksters of the eternals is disrupted because sprite decides to get even
king of concern ➷❀⁂
grieving for your brother tony, you find yourself in his lab in an attempt to feel close with him - only to be interrupted by druig who surprisingly understands your pain
the loudest silence ➷✿⁂♡
you have a moment of crippling self-doubt after a battle goes awry, but then one voice inside your mind rises above all the others.
our little paradise ➷✿⁂♡
you and druig become close after he takes over your village, but after a while he wonders whether you can be truly happy while he’s mind controlling you
eternity with you (king of concern, part two) ➷✿❀
as druig plans to ask for your hand in marriage, he finds himself reminiscing all the moments that tied his heart to yours for eternity
wounding me softly ➷✿⁂❀
in which druig is increasingly distracted in battle and reader has had enough.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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a little faith ➷✿⁂♡
ikaris is finally content in your relationship when you betray him in front of the other eternals.
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𖧷 f a n t a s t i c  b e a s t s 𖧷
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newt scamander
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being best friends with newt scamander would include... ✿✧
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☽ h a r r y  p o t t e r ☽
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remus lupin 
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my sun, my moon ➷✿♡
remus notices you in the library one day and thinks his feelings for you are his best kept secret, that is, until james and sirius encourage him to tell you how he feels…in the most remus way possible
the golden seeker ✿♡
remus attends every one of your quidditch matches…except one…prompting a profound apology and a grand gesture.
hiccups and hijinks ➷✿❀
upon encountering an unfortunate bout of the hiccups, remus attempts to cheer you up, only to land the two of you a bonus assignment that ruins your respective Hogsmeade plans. rather than let the opportunity go to waste, the marauders and friends plan a surprise night of revels with fluffy consequences.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
sirius black 
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of shakespeare and stars ➷✿❀
you’ve caught sirius black’s attention but are unrelenting in refusing his advances until one day when he goes too far in an attempt to woo you and is forced to be …*shudders*… sincere.
black is blue ➷⁂✿❀
you’re over at the Black residence, spending time with your best fried Regulus, when you hear a crash, shout, and see the pained eyes of Sirius Black. ~ a.k.a. reader becomes Sirius’ personal Madame Pomfrey ~
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
regulus black
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never letting you go ➷✿⁂♡
regulus and you are the closest of friends until he starts pulling away and becoming distant.
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♧ m a z e  r u n n e r ♧
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a light in the dark ✿➷⁂♡
when newt sees you enter the maze, it gives him the courage he needs to finally tell you how he feels
second chances ✿➷⁂❀
newt injures himself in the fight circle, leading to drunken confessions about his favourite med-jack
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beiasluv · 4 years
‘See you again’ / Newt  Scamander x (fem!) Reader
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It is based on this prompt down below. credit to the owner of this amazing prompt.
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Warning(s): Mentions of accidents and some slightly (wizarding) swear words
15/06/2022: I've come back to edit because it is too c r i n g e, anyways, enjoy :)
*English is not my mother-language please understand for any mistake I might have made :)*
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‘Excuse me, mister!’ a (y/h/c) haired girl pushed through a crowd to reach out for the newest and the last released “Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them.”
(y/n) is a seventh-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and now a student of the care of magical creatures class. She decided to finally give in to her fear and joined the care of magical creatures class. (y/n) was the brightest witch of her age, with top scores for almost every class. 
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There’s one problem, (y/n) feared magical creatures as a kid. Her brother once fell off from a flying hippogriff. With five broken bones, he stayed at St Mungo’s Hospital for about 3 months. She was terrified by that experience and never or less wanted to associate with any of the magical creatures. So why did she decide to join the class? It was her dad who encouraged her to do it. Her dad was a professional magizoologists and a known breeder of a hippogriff. She decided to give it a try. ‘Her brother still liked hippogriff after he was thrown off 42 feet, there was no reason she couldn’t give it a try.’
‘Excuse me, sir,’ (y/n) pause to breathe after squeezing through the crowd. She spat angrily at the tall man who reached for the same book as hers.
‘Oh! Sorry,’ the man widened his eyes but still not letting go. 
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‘Please, I needed this book for my care of magical class, or I’ll fail,’ she softens her eyes as she pleaded. ‘Plus, it’s the limited edition with Newt’s signature,’ she added with a dreamy voice.
Without another word, the man snatched the book out of the shelf and ran.
Merlin’s beard what is he thinking?
Not a split second, (y/n) decided to run after the man through the shop. Merlin knows where he is going, but she doesn’t. All she knew was following the man's trail. After some ‘ouch!’ and ‘bloody hell!’ she reaches the register. 
‘Bloody hell, I can't have the book anymore he is going to pay for it already!’
‘That’ll be 25 galleons please,’ the cashier said, as she tries to not squeal with excitement. (y/n) squinted her eyebrow out of curiosity. The man quickly grabbed his wallet and paid the cashier.
At this point people were staring at (y/n), not only did she runs after the man all over the shop, she even stood and waited for him to pay like a child waiting for her mom. She is very embarrassed at this point.
(y/n) was about to walk out of the shop hopelessly and expecting to fail the year without the “Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them” book. When a warm hand was placed on her shoulder, she turned around to face the man, who was recently being chased by herself. A feeling of sorry rushed into her mind.
‘Merlin’s beard, I was very rude to him.’
With that, she opened her mouth and let the words flow, ‘Oh! I’m sorry about what happened in the shop I was very rude to you and I don’t know how to explain like I am very sorr-’ She was cut off by the man, he handed the book to her. 
‘it’s alright,’ he smiled. 
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‘what? why-?,’ she stuttered out of confusion. 
‘i think your use is greater than mine,’ he smiled once more. 
‘w- Wo- Wow! thank you so, so much, wait!,’ (y/n) called the man who was walking away. 
‘Er...i don't know how to return this kindness sir, just let me pay you,’ for sure (y/n) isn’t going to let this away. 
‘No it's really alright, and I've got to go,’ the man said in a hurried tone.
‘See you later,’ he apparated away into the mist.
Wait- what? Did he just say ‘see you later?'’
(y/n) sighed as she opened the book. ‘i guess, I don't have to worry about my grades anymore, I’ve got you now,’ she muttered to herself, or you could say talking to the book. 
A paper fell out of the book after she opened it. She caught it in time before it reached the wet Hogsmeade street. She flipped it over and saw.
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(y/n) thought this name is weirdly familiar, she flipped the book again to the signed page.
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(y/n) let out a long sigh. She was so disappointed in herself and walked back to school. little that she notices, his house address was there and why he said...
‘see you again.’
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*Feel free to request!
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niceness6of9gemini · 3 years
So check this out; I’ve been watching like those silly rap battle videos with like video game characters and stuff and I got bored at work so I decided to make a rap battle between Darth Revan from Knights of the Old Republic against My MC from Hogwarts mystery. Why these 2? The rap will explain it. Enjoy 😉
Darth Revan
Jacob’s Sibling (Isaac Rose)
Darth Revan:
A long time ago before the age of Vader
I was the ruling Sith Lord, eventually a Sith slayer
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So what makes you think you can duel against me?
Darth Malak’s Master against a psychic pre-teen?
Such a Gary Stu and a talentless hack
Skye Parkins lied because your quidditch skills are wack
I trained in the ways of the Force by Bastilla when you couldn’t even watch your own best friends backs.
Are you Demented? Hearing the cries of your mother
Only took you 5 Chapters to even rescue your own brother.
Had my Duel of Fates with an outstanding face off
You morph into a bird; I take flight on The Ebon Hawk.
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From Dantooine right to Korriban
Dominate the swoop tracks; not afraid of the sand.
My Crew is strapped while yours waves around sticks
100 house points won’t even save you from this.
MC (Isaac Rose):
Your raps are worse than lectures from my father
I lost friends but I didn’t abandon my daughter.
You’re so Deathly Hallow; with your hood and your mask on
Mind your feeling towards Bastilla; why don’t you just Jack off.
You better lock the doors so no one sees you two kissing
When I’m done
Your memory won’t be the only thing you’re missing
All that Sith training?
You’re just a rookie.
I’m just Force Shocked that you translate your Wookie.
I’m a legend before Harry I’m the best.
Your story dragged longer than your damn side quests.
Fought Chimera’s and Spiders in a 3 year set.
While your Mission is to be a Grey Jedi…Vette.
I’ll give you one thing; Kreia is a better prophet.
Meanwhile Professor Trelawny is missing plugs from her sockets
I’m American 🇺🇸
But won’t hesitate to call you a ruffian.
How many times did it take your crew to Raid some Tuskins?
Darth Revan:
We arm up, level up and go into motion.
While you needed some guidance to make some Polyjuice Potion.
You cry every night, are you in need of a pamper?
Tends to Fantastic Beasts yet you’re no Newt Scamander.
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MC (Isaac Rose):
How long did it take for Carth to trust you? Please answer this.
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Yet you let someone in as cancerous as Canderous.
It’s decades
Before Attack of the Clones…
Master Jolee Bindo?
More like Mace Win-DON’T.
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Darth Revan:
Wanna talk about copies? You’re just Potter who wasn’t chosen.
I’m the Ice Knight, leaving you shivering and frozen.
You had a traitor start your Curse Breaking Career.
Screw Boggart Voldemort; I will show you true fear.
My HK droid I bought is powerful; it seems
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Useful against Pedo-Wolves, Especially on a Halloween
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Bought Tonks a motor bike; it needs a better rider
You beat me? Keep dreaming.
Then get eaten by spiders.
Let’s talk about your friends since you mentioned mine
Most of them got permanent detention; thanks to Merula Snyde.
You were outsmarted by Rakepick’s Niffler and it took a year to save Beatrice from that picture
You’re insane to keep secrets from Weasley’s Mama.
Circle of Khanna? More like Circle of DRAMA.
It’s funny; all you want is for someone to accept you
Yet Cedric Diggory died the moment that he met you.
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MC (Issac Rose):
Don’t you DARE bring up the deaths of my friends
Or like your darkside path; I’ll make you meet your bitter end.
Cuz I matched up with Fenrir and Bellatrix, so shove it.
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You’re once a Proud Sith Lord…Now the Jedi’s Puppet.
Your girlfriend is a stalker and ‘planned’ your ‘death’ too
Then became super edgy just to try to impress you
The reveal plot twist must of really have you feeling shitty.
Why don’t you relax your legs; LOCOR MOTOR WIBBLY!
Darth Revan:
Ha, Thought your spell was gonna reach that far?
When you have yet to discover the identity of ‘R’.
I wonder if JK is aware of the diversity
With her transphobia, surprised your game even went far
MC (Isaac Rose):
You’re all tell with nothing left to show
It’s why all your fans moved to the MMO.
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My story has one ending, I get to rejoice.
But for you Darth Revan; it’s your choice.
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sayosdreams · 2 years
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
Oh, @flamingveritas , there are so many. So so so many. I’m putting them under the cut so u can read them all if u like but u don’t have to
Thank you so much for this ask 🥰
Okay, so let’s ignore the fics that I need to continue/ update. Fics that want to write but haven’t include
This James Sirius Potter / Lysander Scamander story where Lys is a trans woman. I actually started plotting this bc of how much I adored the concept and it was one of those “daydream worlds I’d escape to when I’m bored” sort of things. I do want to write it someday (hopefully)
This kind of long modern AU that is centered around Aedion and Aelin’s friendship / cousin dynamic. Basically the prolongue would start off when Aedion moves in with Aelin and her parents when he’s around 6, go through her parents’ divorce and stuff, and the actual story would have a few chapters where the characters are in middle school but the main crux of the story would be in high school. The vibes I’m basing this off of is Aedion and Aelin drifting apart and Aedion being rly sad abt it. Aelin will introduce Aedion to her new friends (Rowan, + maybe the rest of the cadre) as her “second cousin” even tho she used to introduce him as her “brother”. So yeah those r the vibes. Oh also Aedion is gonna be best friends with Elide. I actually started writing this fic but idk I felt like I wasn’t doing Justice to it? Hopefully I will be able to write this
Another fic I started writing was this Rowaelin modern AU. It started off with mild angst in the first chapter which I wrote based off a prompt or smth, but then when I started writing ch 2 it went do RLYYY angsty, dark stuff. It would be the darkest fic I’ve written / thought abt writing so far (Before the Dust Settles is kind of dark in some ways I guess but that’s mostly just angst. This fic would be dark in terms of Aelin’s past trauma with Arobynn). I don’t know if I’ll finish it or not but I do think it could be an interesting story. If you’re wondering, it would be like the premise of Dark Roast No Sugar by but no coffee shop, Aelin and Rowan are exes when the story starts, and also like Rowan isn’t an investigator or anything and Aelin isn’t pregnant, and… yeah
A million Nessian fic ideas. I honestly might start doing what ppl like @ vidalinav have done where they just post the incomplete snippets of fics they don’t think they’ll finish.
I rly would like to write a Nessian fic where Cassian loses / almost loses his wings. I can’t remember the title rn but there’s a fic where Nesta shares Cassian’s pain when she touches him, so kind of like those vubes but not that premise?? It would essentially be Nesta explaining to Cassian that he is much more than his wings and his life isn’t over without them (it would sort of be a commentary of masculinity as well). Nesta would be going through her own shit abt turning into a fae, etc so Cassian would be helping her through that as well
It’s amazing that I still haven’t written a Lysaedion fic or a Teddy Lupin fic when those are some of my fav fics to read. I rly do want to write them someday
everyday I get more and more tempted to write a Regulus centric fanfic, soo I guess we shall see what happens 👀
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lupinlongbottom · 4 years
Try for Nine
Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: Fred Weasley has everything he could’ve ever wanted in life. Well, almost. To his point, he’s asked her eight times before, with no luck. Maybe ninth time’s the charm, right?
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Slightly suggestive if you squint
A/N: I love Fred. That’s it, that’s the Authors Note.
Diagon Alley was always busy in the mornings. Many witches and wizards all flocked to the shopping district hardly after the sun even rose, just to get their morning walk in, or grab a cup of tea or coffee at the little shop down the alley. Even those who had chosen to live in the busy street hadn’t grown used to this fact, hardly even the one who willingly moved in with her boyfriend, grown used to the noises.
(Y/N) stirred out of her sleep, annoyed at the clamor of the two witches bickering at the street below. Something about the tea costing an extra two Knuts more than normal. (Y/N) groaned softly, flipping the pillow atop her head.
“She’s right,” Fred yawned, rumbling beside (Y/N). “Those swine down at Kacman’s cart have been raising their prices,” another yawn. “Right under our noses.”
“It’s too early,” (Y/N) groaned from under her pillow, face flush against the mattress. “Wanna… sleep.”
“Sleeping is for the dead, love,” Fred said, hesitantly resting a hand onto her arm, rubbing it gently. “Come on, we open the shop soon.”
“We? It’s your shop,” (Y/N) said bitterly, wanting nothing more than to melt into the very mattress.
“The shop you work at. Come on,” Fred laughed, pulling the corner of the pillow gently. (Y/N)’s grip became tighter, pushing the plush against her head with every ounce she could muster. Fred pulled harder, finally ripping the purple pillow from her iron grip, noting the furrowed brows upon her face. “There we are. Why, someone sure looks like a Grumpy-Grindylow, don’t they?”
“Shove off,” (Y/N) said, pushing Fred’s face away, surely going in for their usual morning kiss. “You know I hate it when you call me that.”
“All the more reason to call you it, then,” Fred beamed, unbroken by his girlfriend’s sour mood. “Grumpy-Grindylow,” he managed to get past (Y/N)’s second hand, pressing a wet kiss to her forehead. “My Grumpy-Grindylow,” another peck, placed directly on the tip of her nose.
“Freddie…” (Y/N) said, finally giving into his peppering kisses. She puckered her lips slightly, inviting the redhead to place one atop of them. He didn’t hesitate.
“Finally,” Fred said, pressing his lips onto hers for just a brief moment. “Better?”
“A bit,” (Y/N) said, her voice not as growly as before.
“See? Weasley kisses are always the answer,” Fred said, placing one more between (Y/N)’s brow.
“Is that so?” (Y/N) hummed, finally opening her eyes fully for the first time that morning, allowing them to adjust to the morning light. “So if I went and asked George for one…?”
“Let me rephrase that,” Fred added quickly. “Weasley kisses from your handsome and rugged boyfriend, Fred Weasley, none from another Weasley will do, I’m afraid.”
“How about Molly’s cheek-smacks?” (Y/N) asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eye.
“Ah, the elusive cheek-smack,” Fred mused, tapping his finger to his chin. “Though seen quite rarely in the wild, when encountered I reckon they can do just enough good as the aforementioned Weasley kiss.”
“You’ve been reading a lot of Newt Scamander, haven’t you?” (Y/N) joked, poking fun at his sudden change in vocabulary. She rolled over to her side, full staring at the freckled face before her.
“No…” Fred said, blowing a wisp of his unruly bedhead out of his face. (Y/N) arched a brow. “Maybe…”
“You know,” (Y/N) moved a hand to the mop of red atop Fred’s head, fingers lacing through the strands freely. “Maybe you should go to work with this look, all unkempt,” her nails scratched against his scalp, Fred leaning into the touch.
“Like that look, do you?” Fred said, smirking. “I reckon we made it extra wild, considering what we’ve gotten up to last night,” he moaned lightly, feeling (Y/N) scratch just above his ear, a sensitive spot. “Think we could top our performances?”
“Oh now you want to stay in bed longer,” (Y/N) laughed, removing her hand from his hair, rolling to the side of the bed, stretching her arms. “No, I think that George would be pleased to know that his brother showed up on time to work instead of shagging his girlfriend.”
“Never stopped us before,” Fred said, eyeing the way his old Quidditch shirt clung to her skin, hanging off her shoulder ever so slightly. “Looks good on you,” he mumbled, crawling up behind her, wrapping his arms around her torso.
“This shirt? I know, it’s one of my favorites to sleep in,” (Y/N) said, patting Fred’s head, which now nestled into the crook of her neck.
“No,” Fred hummed, pressing a kiss to her neck. “My name,” another kiss. “Weasley.”
Sure enough, the blazing red shirt indeed had his name plastered to the back, in big gold letters. His finger traced along the lettering, putting pressure on each turn of the letter.
“Yeah?” (Y/N) said, turning her face towards Fred’s, now deeply concentrated on outlining the letters of his last name. “Is that right?”
“Indeed it is, my darling,” Fred said, almost singing. “You know, you could wear it forever—”
“I know,” (Y/N) said, interrupting his thought, “but we’ve talked about it, Freddie—”
“Hardly enough, I think,” Fred retorted, almost scoffing. “I’ve already asked eight times!”
“And I’ve said ‘no’ eight times,” (Y/N) said, giving his head a final pat before removing herself from the bed. She made her way over to the dresser, pulling out fresh undergarments. “Now’s not the time, we’re far too young!”
“Hasn’t stopped anyone before,” Fred said, his tone low, “I mean, we’re twenty, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that we’d have to get married directly after, right?” Fred flung his feet over the side of the bed, now feeling the need to follow suit and get ready for the day. “You know how badly I want to marry you, (Y/N).”
“I know,” (Y/N) sighed, thumbing through their wardrobe, trying to find a blouse for the day ahead. “Say, green or pink?” she asked, holding two up for Fred to inspect, changing the subject briefly.
“Pink,” Fred nodded, looking up from the sock drawer. “I’m going to pull out that magenta suit today, we’ll match, like always,” he winked, going back to the various socks in his drawer.
“Thanks,” (Y/N) said, putting the green blouse back in the oak wardrobe. “But you know what I mean, Fred. Of course I want to marry you too, someday…”
“Exactly! Someday! It doesn’t have to be tomorrow, or the next day, or the next year,” Fred said, waving a hand wildly to prove his point. “You know, I’ve already got the ring—”  
“You know, I’ve seen the ring just about eight times,” (Y/N) laughed, peeling the shirt off and into the hamper. “Shouldn’t it be comforting, though? Knowing that I’ll say yes?”
Fred looked up, only to see (Y/N) standing topless in the middle of their room. He knew she was headed to take a shower, but his mind wandered for just a second too long, eyes focused a bit lower than her own eye line.  
“R-right,” Fred stammered, eyes fluttering back to his sock drawer, determined to find that dark purple pair he had been looking for. “I know that you’ll say yes, but I’ve thought that the last eight times—”  
“Try for nine, then,” (Y/N) said, waltzing into the bathroom, throwing Fred a cheeky wink.
“Nine…” he mumbled, thumb caressing over the black velvet box, thinking absentmindedly. He grinned widely. “Better try for nine, then.”
“…please come again!” (Y/N) said cheerily, waving the two children out of the shop. They were terribly excited at their purchases of the newest version of Weather in a Bottle, now complete with thunderstorms.
“Ms. (L/N)?” A worker in bright magenta asked, tapping on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“Yes?” (Y/N) said, turning around.
“I have an angry customer on the second floor,” the girl gulped, fear etched into her features. “Said they’d like to speak to an owner, b-but Mr. and Mr. Weasley are on a Floo call, so…”
“It’s alright, Jerris,” (Y/N) smiled. “I can handle it. Watch over the register, will you? Winnie isn’t back from her break yet.”
“Of course!” Jerris said, nodding quickly. “Be careful, though, she’s angry about the WonderWitch line…”
“Of course she is,” (Y/N) said, seething through her teeth. “They always are. Love Potion?”
“Love Potion,” the young witch nodded. “Yeah…”
“How fun,” (Y/N) mumbled, bringing herself to crawl up the staircase. Carefully, she glanced at the crowd below. Never in a million years did the brothers think their shop would get as crowded as it did, as popular as it had become. The space was already terribly too small, not nearly enough space to hold the crowd levels or the level of products they were selling. Hesitantly, (Y/N) peeked over the last stair, hoping to find the angry customer. She assumed the woman in the bright red robe nearest the WonderWitch display was the one.
“Are you the owner?” The woman asked, voice shrill. She was gripping an empty bottle of First Love Beguiling Bubbles, the most popular of the love potions in the line. Her face looked to be sagging, clearly a sign of her age, looked over 40 at first glance.  
“No,” (Y/N) shook her head, holding her hand out. “(Y/N), I’m one of the managers here. I was told that you had an issue with one of our products?”
“So, you’re not an owner?” The witch said, taking her hand, shaking it poorly.
“Unfortunately not,” (Y/N) laughed, forcing a smile. “I don’t reckon that it’s my face all over the products or storefront, is it?” The woman didn’t laugh. “Sorry, bad joke.”
“Clearly,” The witch huffed. “Seeing as you work in a joke shop, you’d think you’d be better at it.”
“I agree,” (Y/N) laughed again, out of politeness. “I was never good at jokes, I leave those to the Weasley brothers,” (Y/N) smiled, clasping her hands together. “Sorry, I never got your name, Miss…?”
“Baggard,” The witch said, eyeing (Y/N) up and down. “You don’t look to be a Weasley…”
“I’m not,” (Y/N) said, smiling again. Merlin, did her cheeks hurt. Maybe she should get on Fred or George to come up with a cheek cream? No. On second thought, they’d ridicule the name by associating it with the other cheek. “Just a really big fan.”
“So I see…” Ms. Baggard said, finally giving up on pleasantries. “Your Love Potions are a scam,” she said, pressing the empty bottle on the shelf next to her. “They don’t work.”
“I’m sorry you feel that way, Ms. Baggard,” (Y/N) said, calming her nerves. She never quite had the stomach to handle rude guests, but always seemed to have to be the bearer of bad news and words. The brothers managed to wriggle their way out of it, claiming ‘they had a manager’ for moments like these. “Could you explain your problem further?”
“Blimey, you’re too posh,” Ms. Baggard groaned, fumbling through her bag. She pulled out four more vials of the potions, all empty. “I’ve been taking these nearly every day for the last week and the man I’ve fancied hasn’t fallen for me at all!”
“I’m sorry, you’ve been taking the potion?”
“Yes! It says so right on the back of the bottle,” Ms. Baggard explained, her long fingernail trailing under the words. “‘A few sips is all it takes, let them become infatuated with this dose’. Well, I reckon it hasn’t. Wasted too many Galleons to mention on a crummy product.”
“I understand the problem,” (Y/N) nodded, pointing to the bottle, directly underneath the nasty purpling nail. “You’re supposed to give the potion to the person you’d like to be infatuated with you, not yourself,” (Y/N) stifled a laugh. “This particular potion allows the drinker to become infatuated with the giver of the potion, not the other way around.”
“Oh…” Ms. Baggard said, dumbfounded. “Well that font is hard to read!”
“I’ll take your note up to the owners, see to it to be changed,” (Y/N) lied. “I can offer you a free bottle on the house, to help alleviate any stress this miscommunication might have caused.”
“Yes, that’ll be fine…” Ms. Baggard agreed, grabbing the full bottle from the shelf, storing it in her lime green bag. “Thank you…”
Ms. Baggard quickly descended the stairs, her face as red as a tomato. It wasn’t the first time that someone mis-read the instructions, nor would it be the last. (Y/N) could hardly believe that it took the woman nearly five bottles to realize the potion wasn’t working, however.
“Five potions… unbelievable…” she snickered to herself, piling the empty bottles in her arms, the baggage Ms. Baggard left, fitting enough.
“I reckon ten would’ve been more likely to work,” George smiled from the third floor, head peaking out from the railing. “With a face like that.”
“George,” (Y/N) hissed, throwing the bottles into the elaborate trash chute, hearing the glass shatter all the way down below. “That’s not very nice.”
“Not known for being nice,” George said, sliding down the railing, meeting at (Y/N)’s feet. “Known for being funny, and that face was surely funny enough.”
“Still, it’s rude to talk about your customers that way,” (Y/N) clicked, realigning the shelves back to their former glory. “How was the Floo call?”
“Floo-riffic,” George mused, clasping his hands together. “Well, as good as it could’ve gone. We’ve had an issue with our supplier of glass vials and boxes,” he glanced at the trash chute. “Ones you were so willing to just throw away…” 
“Shove off, George,” (Y/N) smiled, pushing the twin back slightly. “We have plenty of vials left, enough to last us for a few weeks.”
“Still, incredibly wasteful of you, (L/N),” George said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Say… do you mind doing me a favor?”
“George, I work for you, asking me to do work isn’t a favor,” (Y/N) giggled, hand resting on her hip. “It’s literally my job.”
“Still feels odd, considering you’re my brother’s girlfriend—”
“I’m also your friend, George,” (Y/N) smiled, “or have you forgotten?”
“It’s hard to remember,” George said, plainly, “especially when I hear the two of you going at it nearly every night—seriously, get better at your silencing charms, for Godric’s sake.”
“Noted,” (Y/N) said, throwing George a smirk. “What do you need from me?”
George pulled a note from his breast pocket, neatly folded and green in hue. “We need someone to run down to the Muggle market, get everything on the list,” he handed the note to (Y/N). “You’re dressed in mostly Muggle clothes,” he scanned up and down to (Y/N)’s pink blouse and dark violet skirt. “Again, matching with Fred, stealing my thunder yet again—”
“It was his idea,” (Y/N) laughed, opening the note. “Why do you need all of these things?” She scanned over the list. Some produce, donuts, mostly groceries. “I’ve already did the shopping for this week, we don’t need any of these things—”
“No, no,” George said, waving his finger. “Re-read the list. Look at it closely. Everything is important and we need you to get everything on it, alright?”
“Fine,” (Y/N) said, shoving the note into her pocket. “I’ll go to the market, then. I don’t think I’ll be back before the store closes, though, the sun’ll be down.”
“That’s the plan…” George mumbled, picking at his fingernails.
“What was that?” (Y/N) asked, not hearing what George had to say, busy grabbing her jacket from the hook.
“Don’t forget the yams!” George corrected himself, waving at (Y/N) as she descended the stairs. He watched her violet coat float through the door, out of sight. “Alright, Freddie, she’s gone,” George said, leaning into an Extendable Ear, one that (Y/N) neglected to notice. 
“Brilliant!” Fred said, nearly hopping down to the second floor. “I owe you, Georgie,” he slapped his twin’s back.
“Yeah, yeah,” George sighed, pushing his twin away in jest. “Let’s get to work.”
Pushing her way through the market nearest Diagon Alley, (Y/N) took a closer look at the list.
“Marmalade, apples, rice, radishes,” (Y/N) scanned through the list, confounded by the assortment of foods. “Yams? I’ve never seen either of the twins eat yams!” She scowled at the messy font, hardly able to read the writing. “Fred,” she noted, recognizing his chicken scratch anywhere. “Really should work on your penmanship.”
She worked her way through the market adding a few different fish—the list didn’t specify on what kind, only ‘fish’— rolls, eggs and donuts. (Y/N) was careful to pick out the twin’s favorites of the donuts—custard filled for George, chocolate for Fred—still in disbelief of the entire list. Near the foot of the paper was a little ‘please?’ with a few hearts doodled around. 
“The cashier’s going to think I’m a madman with this list…” (Y/N) said, pulling out her Muggle wallet. She was used to the currency, having seen it a few times in the Alley. The notes hardly made any sense to her, as coins seemed like the way to go. Nonetheless, (Y/N) checked out, the odd pairing of the list settled neatly in her coat pocket.
Much to her observation, by the time she made it back to the store, it was closed. She waved her wand, the bags at her sides floating neatly behind her as she unlocked the door. The lights were out, not unlike their closing procedures. The store was eerily quiet, normally there’d be a few buzzing noises coming from the shelves, or the pygmy puffs would be purring to some degree.
“Odd…” (Y/N) mumbled, walking up the creaking steps to their shared apartment. It was always a chore, (Y/N) noted, to live on the fourth floor of the large store, but she appreciated the exercise nonetheless. Even the lights that shone near the shelves were turned out, the ones that were normally kept on even at night. “I should let the boys know, incase a bulb is out…”
She knocked six times above the name plate—three bronze W’s—and once below, in a rhythmic cadence. It was her idea, to have an enchanted door rather than a normal lock. With students learning the unlocking charm in their first year, anyone could waltz right into the apartment. Fred and George were more keen to adding an enchanted knob, to deter would-be snoopers, but (Y/N) fought them to their last breath. They settled on a screeching charm, instead.
“I’m back…” (Y/N) said, kicking off her shoes, letting them settle at the front door. The bags floated against her sides, still following her movements. “I’ve gotten everything on the list,” she turned to George’s room, “George?”
“George isn’t home,” Fred said, coming from out of the darkness of the kitchen. “Asked him to run me an errand.”
“I’ve been out running your errands,” (Y/N) said, peeling off her coat. “You could’ve asked me.”
“Nope, needed him gone.”
“Why’re all the lights out anyway, even in here? The shop is completely dark!” (Y/N) laughed, pushing the floating bags towards Fred. “Here you are, all of your random, ‘important’ groceries.”
“Oh,” Fred glanced down at the bags, holding them lightly, “of course, thank you, love.” He walked them over to the bin, throwing them neatly away. 
“Come with me,” Fred said, grabbing ahold of (Y/N)’s wrist, pulling her back into the shop below. “I need to show you something.”
“Fred! I just bought all of those!” (Y/N) complained, following closely behind. “Honestly, I used up most of the Muggle money I had left—”
“I’ll pay you back,” Fred said quickly, “here, put this on.” He pressed a velvety red tie up to (Y/N)’s eyes, urging her to tie it around. 
“Fred, I really don’t think now is the time or place for any of our games…” (Y/N) said, fumbling with the ends, successfully blinding her sight.
“Later, love,” Fred laughed, his cheeks growing pink at (Y/N)’s suggestive comment. “I don’t want you to see anything yet.”
“Fred…” (Y/N) groaned, knowing all too well what was to come next. “I swear on my life, Fred Weasley, if you’re going to—”
“Shush,” Fred pressed a finger to her lips, “let me have this one, alright?”
(Y/N) nodded, following Fred’s gentle instructions. ‘Step down’, ‘careful, love’, ‘the floor is lava, you numpty’. 
“When can I take this off?”
“Well, you do know how I love you like this…” Fred said, laughing gently. He pulled her forward just a bit, grabbing her shoulders as if to angle her properly. “But go on, take it off.”
(Y/N) peeled the tie off her face, her eyes taking a moment to readjust. Candles floated around the couple, dangerously near the products on the shelves. Fred waved his wand, allowing a gentle music to start playing.
“I’ve already said this speech eight times before, so I’ll be as brief as possible,” Fred said, adjusting his suit coat. “(Y/N), you mean more to me than anything in this world. Without you, I’m sure our shop would’ve burned down nearly a week in—”
“It almost did,” (Y/N) laughed. The twins were working on a more explosive version of exploding snap, as if that needed to exist in the first place. “With or without my supervision.”
“Exactly right! But you were still here to put it out in time,” Fred said, waving his finger. “You’re always there, waiting to correct my screw ups, but you’re also there to aid my ideas in the best way possible.”
“Fred, you don’t need to give a big speech—”
“Let me have this, (Y/N), alright?” Fred said, pointing an eyebrow, repeating his past words. “I know you’ve said that we’re too young—we are, but that’s not the point—and you’ve said that now’s not the time. Honestly, I agree. But if we go into this, go into this war without even that bit of promise made to one another…” he paused, a moment to collect his thoughts. (Y/N) could almost see his eyes watering. “I dunno. If something were to happen to either of us and w-we didn’t—”
“Fred…” (Y/N) placed her hand on his cheek, rubbing it gently. “It’s okay…”
“No,” Fred sniffled, “it’s not. This is important to me, it’s why I’ve asked you eight times before. We don’t have to have a ceremony anytime soon,” he nodded quickly, “I don’t see us having one for a few years anyway. I just,” Fred dug into his coat pocket, pulling out the black velvet box, fumbling with it lightly. “I just need you to be wearing this, for now,” he opened the box, “please, will you—what? But—the ring!” 
Fred’s eyes doubled in size, frantically searching for the missing ring. He had checked the box this morning, right as (Y/N) went to shower. The box had been in his pocket all day, where could it have gone?
“Something wrong?” (Y/N) asked, peeking over Fred’s hands, trying to look into the box. 
“The ring’s gone! I must’ve dropped it,” Fred said honestly, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N)…”
“That’s odd,” (Y/N) hummed, hand covering her mouth. “Where could it possibly be?”
“I don’t know,” Fred said, glancing up at his girlfriend, her stance was unnatural. “I swear, I’ve had the box in here all…”
It was then he saw it. The glittering coming from her hand, her left hand. The diamond sparkled in the candlelight, shimmering ever so slightly as the candles floated around. 
“Odd,” (Y/N) smiled, noting Fred’s expression. “Because, I’ve had this,” she wriggled her fingers, “in my pocket all day.”
“But how—”
“You’ve done this eight times, Fred,” (Y/N) laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “After this morning’s chat, I figured you’d try and pull this again. So I grabbed the ring out of the box when you showered, put it in my pocket,” she laughed again, “thought I’d speed the process up, but you insisted.”
“Clever girl,” Fred smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist. “So… is that a yes?”
“No, you numpty,” (Y/N) pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose, “I just like the ring.”
“Of course it’s a yes,” (Y/N) said, pressing a soft peck to his lips. “I told you, try for nine.”
“Nine,” Fred nodded, “try for nine.”
A few moments passed, the two were still holding one another close, the world around them fading into nothing, a thought ran through (Y/N)’s mind. 
“I can’t believe you’ve just thrown away all of those groceries…”
“Oh! The groceries!” Fred said, his eyes lighting up. “Did you get the secret message in the list?” 
“Secret message?” (Y/N) said, pulling the scrap of paper out of her pocket. “I don’t see any—”
Marmalade Apples Rice Radishes Yams Fish Rolls Eggs Donuts
“Oh,” (Y/N) said, now noting every first letter on the list. “‘Marry Fred’, how clever,” she smiled, turning to her fiancé. “Did you come up with that yourself?”
“Nah,” Fred said, waving his hand. “George did. Thought it was a clever touch. Way better than the list I originally came up with.” 
“Should we frame it?” (Y/N) said, pulling tautly on the scrap. “Though I hardly think many people would be able to read it…”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) smiled, eyes tracing over the words again, her heart growing warm. “We should frame it.”
General Tag List: @maralisa124 / @leighxlover / @hey-its-me-rai / @missihart23 / @biatheintrovert / @luna-xxxxx / @chocolaterumble / @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy / @steve-thotgers / @greeneyedthief / @kitkatkl / @thelightsideoflife / @thataudreydork / @badgirlsdeaddreams
Fred Weasley Tag List: @carolinesbookworld
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auror-lovie · 4 years
I Loved You, Mr. Scamander; Ending 2
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━━━•✦.✧. Author’s Note.✧.✦•━
Ending No. 2; Bittersweet Ending
And that’s the end!
━━━━━•✦.✧. Summary .✧.✦•━
Sometimes one needs to part ways with the people who used to make them happy. At some point, one needs to let go.
━━━━━•✦.✧. Add-Ons .✧.✦•━
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald spoilers!
Follows Canon to a certain point
Character Death
And they were roommates~
Re-Read Chapter 3 if you forgot what happened!
“Grindelwald! Stop!” Leta yelled.
Grindelwald caught sight of Leta.
“Leta…” Theseus whispered.
“This one I believe I know.” said Grindelwald.
Theseus made an effort of will, making his way toward Leta, determined to reach her.
Grindelwald moved toward her through the flames as Theseus fought closer, desperate to reach her before Grindelwald did.
“Leta Lestrange. Despised entirely amongst wizards. Unloved, mistreated, yet brave. So very brave. Time to come home.” He stretched out his hand.
She hesitated, contemplating.
He looked at her, eyes narrowed.
Leta looked toward Victoria and (Y/N). Her best friends. They didn’t agree all the time, but they knew they always worked well together. “Take care of each other… Like you always have.”
She then looked toward Theseus and Newt, who were watching her, stunned.
“I love you…” She then pointed her wand at the skull in Rosier’s hands, which exploded.
Rosier was knocked backward and Grindelwald was momentarily obscured in a whirl of chaos.
“GO! GO!” Leta yelled before the fire engulfed her.
Theseus went wild and tried to dive after her, but Newt grabbed him and they Disapparate.
Seeing that the brothers left the mausoleum, Victoria tried making her way towards Leta.
“Victoria! We need to go!” (Y/N) yelled, grabbing Victoria’s arm and Disapparating.
The fire, mirroring Grindelwald’s rage, exploded, chasing them.
“I hate Paris.” Grindelwald muttered.
Outside the Père Lachaise Cemetery, Newt and Theseus, (Y/N) and Victoria, Tina with Jacob, and Kama with Nagini all Apparated out from the amphitheater. The black fire pursued them like a many-headed hydra, erupting out of every mausoleum.
Nicolas Flamel arrived at last with the cemetery on the verge of destruction. The fire Grindelwald had unleashed is out of control. It formed dragon-like creatures intent on destruction.
“TOGETHER! In a circle, your wand into the earth, or all Paris will be lost!” Flamel instructed.
“Finite!” Newt and Theseus.
“Finite!” (Y/N) and Victoria.
“Finite!” Tina.
“Finite!” Kama.
“Finite!” Flamel.
Our heroes, minus Jacob, made a circle and plunged their wands into the earth.
It takes almost superhuman power to contain Grindelwald’s demonic fire. United, our heroes fought and at last, their purifying fire drove Grindelwald’s back. The entrances to the underground lair were sealed. They have saved the city.
(Y/N) had watched the Scamander brothers hug. She smiled. Newt chose his side and knowing him (and his loyalty), he was going to stay.
Victoria stood next to her and placed a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder. “Do you want to meet up with them? I’m pretty sure Theseus needs someone to confide in.”
She thought about it. She could help him get back on his feet. She could continue working with him. She could fall in love with him again. She could live out the future that was meant for him and Leta. A future with him that she could only dream of. She could.
(Y/N) shook her head. “Let’s just get out of here. I think I’ve had enough of this Auror business… And… I don’t want to slide back into his life thinking that he’d move on from Leta and love me again.”
Victoria nodded. “Well, at least now you can open up your shop. And hey, I’ll work with you.”
“What? But with me gone, you can take my position!”
She grabbed (Y/N)’s shoulders and faced her. “I don’t want to work with the Ministry anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working with Theseus. Travers was the problem. You should’ve heard what he said about me to Theseus.”
(Y/N) tilted her head to the side, “What did he say?”
Victoria rolled her eyes. “He was suggesting that we arrest everyone at the rally. And I said that doing that would do more harm than good. Then Travers said, “Keep your Communications Liaison in check” to Theseus. And I was right there!”
“Did you… You know… Sock him in the face?” (Y/N) asked, genuinely curious and secretly hoping she did.
She sighed, “I wish, but Theseus held me back.”
“What a shame.”
“(Y/N), you’re my best friend. I’ll follow you anywhere. What have I always said since Hogwarts? Birds of a feather…?”
“Flock together” They said in unison.
After the events in Paris, (Y/N) and Victoria had owled in their resignation letters. Theseus was shocked and didn’t understand. By the time he went to visit their flat to ask for an explanation, their flat was empty. Pictures? Gone. Books? Gone. Any evidence of their stay was stripped away.
When Newt got the news, he tried to owl her, but no letter came back. He was worried about them. Were they taken? Were they being held hostage? They were in the middle of a war! How could they just… leave?
Working in the Ministry paid well so they were able to combine funds to open up their own bookshop cafe in Diagon Alley. The first floor was the cafe. The second floor was the bookshop where people could stay and read while sipping on tea, coffee or drinks alike. The third floor was their living quarters. Complete with a kitchen, living room area, a bedroom with a bathroom, a balcony, and a skylight so they could see the stars at night. The view was wonderful, but it couldn’t beat the view from the Ravenclaw Tower.
“Well would you look at that!” (Y/N) exclaimed while unboxing a shipment of books to stock up on.
“What is it?” Victoria asked, hugging (Y/N) from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder.
“We finally got a shipment of his book!
Victoria removed herself from (Y/N), took one of the books and flipped through. She finally got to the last page. She felt it. It was charmed. As if it were only meant for them to see.
“This is amazing stuff,” (Y/N) cooed.
“Flip to the very last page.”
Confused, (Y/N) did so. She felt it too. “Revelio.” Then the words appeared on the page:
Dedicated to (Y/N) (L/N). The one that got away, but was always there for me.
To Victoria Howard. For being the one who always encouraged me to go above and beyond. To test the limits and overcome them.
Without them, this book would’ve never been possible. Wherever they may be, I hope they’re doing well.
Today was grocery day. So while (Y/N) was out, Victoria watched over the store.
“I have to get more things for the kitchen. We’re out of tea and snacks.” (Y/N) called out as she put on her coat.
“Okay, be safe.” Victoria replied, coming into the main room.
“I will.” She smiled, kissing Victoria’s cheek.
Victoria blushed lightly, still not used to her partner’s affections. “R-Remember to be aware of your surroundings!”
“Of course, Vi. I always am.” (Y/N) winked before heading out the door.
It had been months since Newt and Theseus had last seen any trace of (Y/N) and Victoria. They deserved a much needed break so they decided on walking through Diagon Alley. Newt and Theseus pass by a window of a cafe.
“Wait, this store wasn’t here before.” Newt claimed.
“Well, it is a bookshop cafe, let’s get some tea.” Theseus said as he held the door open.
With her back facing towards the door, Victoria heard the door open. Dusting off the powdered sugar off her apron, she turned to greet whoever walked through the door. “Hi, welcome!”
Newt and Theseus looked at each other. They knew that voice. “Victoria?!” They said as they looked at her.
“If you’re here… does that mean…?” Theseus trailed off, hopeful.
Victoria shook her head. “No… I haven’t seen her since we resigned…”
The brothers sighed in defeat. Theseus more so than Newt.
Their visits became more frequent, which made things harder for (Y/N). Until one day…
It was Victoria’s turn to get the groceries, so (Y/N) was watching over the shop. Restocking some of the textbooks for students, Newt and Theseus walked in. “Victoria, it’s us again.”
“Hi, welcome!” (Y/N)’s voice echoed as she made her way to the first floor.
“(Y-Y/N)?” Theseus stuttered.
“(Y/N)! I’m home- For Godric’s sake,” said Victoria, behind the brothers as she entered the shop.
After some small talk, Theseus made his way to (Y/N) who went back to restocking textbooks.
Theseus cleared his throat. “I-If you’re free sometime… Would you like to accompany me on a trip to Hogsmeade-”
Her heart was racing. She was fine. She was moving on with her life, but now they show up out of nowhere? Victoria and her made sure that they did everything they could for this situation not to happen.
She let out a shaky breath before she interrupted him. “Mr. Scamander, thank you for your kind offer, but I’ll have to politely decline. I’ve moved on. I’ve learned from my school girl naivety.” She hummed as she reminisced, “Newt told me that I had you wrapped around my finger… I think it was the other way around… Besides, I have Victoria now. The girl I used to be… She’s long gone.”
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waterloou · 3 years
For the world building, if you're up to it: Cadmus Scamander. If not, choose another you want to explore, lol.
Thank you!!!
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Name: Cadmus Scamander
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Aro Ace
Pronouns: He/Him
Family: Clara Scamander (mother, hippogriff breeder), William Scamander (father, barber), Theseus Scamander(older brother by 4 years, auror), Newton Scamander (younger brother by 5ish years, Magizoologist)
Birthplace: Brighton, England
Job: Alchemist
Phobias: Claustrophobia
Guilty Pleasures: fairytales
Morality Alignment: Lawful Evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
close minded/open-minded: both
leader/follower: neither
optimistic/pessimistic: he’s very much logical so it depends
traditional/modern: both
Otp: none
Ot3: none
Brotp: leta x cadmus
Notp: literally anyone else
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Foxtail & Wolfsbane 35
Summary: Your lifelong obsession to hunt down the Nine-Tailed Fox has not gone as expected, and seventeen years later, you find yourself coming back to the place where it all started: Hogwarts. However, with Sirius Black’s escape from Azkaban and Headmaster Dumbledore’s hire of a certain Professor R. J. Lupin, you suddenly find yourself intertwined in the fates of those with whom you thought you had parted ways with long ago.
[Multi-Post Story] [Rowan Scamander x Reader] [Remus Lupin x Reader] [Young Sirius Black x Reader] [Tristan Graves x Reader] [Severus Snape x Reader] *Note: Rowan Scamander, Tristan Graves, Susana Holmes, Cas Carneirus, Henrietta Weiss, Thomas Picquery, and Magdalene Clarke are OC characters.
Note: Part 35 does not contain any smut. 
*Please do not repost or copy my work without my permission. Thank You!
☾ Click Here for Foxtail & Wolfsbane Home Page (All Chapter Links) ☾
Your mother was sleeping in her bedroom at Grimmauld Place when she heard a sniff, sniff.
Opening her eyes, she spotted the table in her room jostling. Confused, your mother sat up, only to see a fox sniffing around the small table where she had laid out her work clothes. 
As it turned out, Artemis had followed her nose to your mother’s room and sneakily entered in. Artemis swore that something of your scent was present here, but at the same time, it clearly wasn’t you. Curiosity had gotten the better of her, until here she was, infiltrating your mother’s bedroom in the wee hours of the morning.
“What in the world…?” your mother croaked out tiredly. “Aren’t you the fox my daughter stupidly decided to raise?” She got up from the bed and came over to the table.
Artemis looked up at your mother, sniffing at her. Suddenly, the strange sensation of a broom swatting at her bump sparked in her mind and Artemis instantly cowered, running over to the corner to hide her face, as if hiding her face would make her invisible.
Your mother frowned. “That’s definitely you, though you’ve grown up quite a bit, little fox. But what are you doing here? Don’t tell me she’s – !” She suddenly inhaled sharply. 
In a flash, your mother was up and dressed. Then, displaying her formidable power, your mother grabbed Artemis by the scruff of her neck, making her yowl in surprise, and dashed out of the room.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Instead of acting abashed at having disobeyed Dumbledore’s orders to stay in hiding, Sirius used his injury to assign chores to just about everyone around him (excluding Harry, of course).
Once, Sirius called you just to fluff his pillows. Instead, you smushed a pillow in his face and walked out, muttering, “Always so careless. Doesn’t have consideration for anyone else!”
You muttered to yourself all the way down to the kitchen, while lunch was being served. “Sirius Black, that scumbag. He’s the worst kind-of person, trying to use everybody. Hmpfh, maybe he deserves to be hurt. He’ll finally know what terrible things he’s doing to Remus, leaving those horrible marks on him - ”
“That’s not how he got those marks.”
You paused. That voice… You turned around slowly. Standing right behind you was – your eyes bulged as you recognized your - “Mum!?” 
“That’s right.” Your mother gave you a dry stare. Meanwhile, Artemis was pawing at the air, in clear discomfort since your mother was holding her up by the scruff of her neck. “Remembered me, have you? I only gave birth to you and raised you.” 
“Mum, you’re – you’re at Grimmauld Place?” you sputtered. “What about - ?” 
“Your brother’s fine. He’s back at college.”
“But you… Why’re you here?” you finally managed to ask. Noticing Artemis struggling, you said, in the same breath, “Could you please put Artemis down?”
With a sigh, your mother deposited Artemis on the floor. Artemis gave your mother a rueful look before she plodded over to you and hid her face against your legs.
Meanwhile, your mother replied, in a clipped voice, “Well, if you don’t have the decency to tell me your whereabouts for years, why do I owe you any explanation for where I am?” 
“I didn’t mean to keep you in the dark,” you said, abashed. 
“Of course you didn’t. You never mean to. You’re irresponsible and you’re quick to jump to conclusions. Like about Sirius Black and your friend, Lupin.”
“What do you mean?”
“Those scars he has – they’re not because of Sirius Black. They’re from when he rescued your brother and me,” your mother informed you. “He stopped a pack of werewolves from slaughtering us. But he was caught and he remained captive for many weeks. He damn near died to save us.”
Your breath caught. Remus saved my mother and brother? 
“When he came back, he was nearly torn to shreds. I imagine that’s where got his scars from,” your mother concluded quietly. 
You whirled around. You spotted Remus. He was laughing as Tonks tried to balance a peach on his shoulder. 
Remus… Your eyes traced the new, jagged scars apparent on his cheek and jaw. You saved my family when I was away.
You turned back to your mother and hugged her tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” you breathed out. “I had no idea. Mum, I’m sorry.”
Your mother was still as she berated you, “Like I said, you’re irresponsible.” 
“I know I am,” you agreed. “Sorry.”
Your mother sighed, but she finally hugged you back. “It’s all right. As long as you’re all right, I forgive you.” 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
At lunch, your mother explained her situation to you - that she was working at her usual job, which required her to be on shift from five in the morning to eleven at night three times a week and then from nine in the morning to eight in the evening another three times a week, but that she was otherwise at Grimmauld Place. 
As you conversed, you found yourself wondering if maybe you could find your mother an easier job, either within the Order or within the Wizarding World.
But in truth, even though you were so relieved to see your mother safe and were trying to think of ways to help her find a better life, the majority of your mind was dizzy with the revelation that Remus had saved your mother and brother.
Here you had been, the whole time, thinking that you and Remus had finally naturally drifted apart and that you could simply act a bit colder to him than usual a few times and your bond would be broken for good. But all along, Remus had continued to be his kind, incredibly noble, and fiercely brave person that he’d already been, that you had once fallen in love with so deeply.
I thought I was letting him go. But now, here I am, once again having to face the fact that he’s simply the most wonderful kind of person - a quiet, self-sacrificing, and gentle man… And I was acting so petty, not even taking so much as a pear from him and turning down his innocent offer to ride the thestral with him… 
You felt your heart give a little jolt, and an icy chill began to slowly spread through your veins.
Oh, no, the Nine-Tailed Fox whispered in your soul. You were doing so well. What happened?
Huh? you thought, confused.
Child, no… 
“Professor Dumbledore sent me a letter just yesterday, saying that the protective enchantments for our house have been completed and our house is secure. I’ll be moving back in shortly. So, don’t you miss me when I’m gone.” Your mother’s voice brought you back to earth, as she questioned you sternly, “All right?”
“Huh?” you repeated, except this time out loud. 
Your mother shook her head. “Did you even hear a word I just said?”
“Er…” You gave your mother a sheepish smile while she scowled at you.
But, all of a sudden, you shivered in your seat.
Your mother frowned. She took off her own coat and made you wear it.
“Mum, I’m - ” The word ‘fine’ got lost as your mother adamantly yanked your arms through the coat and then aggressively zipped the jacket up all the way to your chin.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
It finally happened. Molly decided to try to loop Rowan into one of her cleaning battles.
“Rowan, dear, I think you should come help us get rid of the boggart in the second-floor drawing room. You’re good with creatures, aren’t you?” Molly wheedled.
Rowan gave Molly a warm smile and came over to her first. He put his hand on her shoulder and said kindly, “You know, Mrs. Weasley, I care quite a bit for creatures. It pains me to have to get rid of any of them – even a boggart. So, while I can help out, I must say - ”
“Oh!” Molly’s hands flew to her mouth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. I shouldn’t have asked - ”
Rowan squeezed her shoulder a little. “Ah, see, I knew you would understand straightaway. No wonder you’re such a good mother to your kids.” Molly blushed. She wrung her hands in front of her as she said humbly, “No, really…”
Rowan smiled at her one last time before closing the bedroom door.
You were sitting on the bed, holding Artemis, and you were now staring at Rowan with a mixture of disgust and annoyance.
Rowan looked over at you. “What? Are you jealous that I’m using my charm on someone other than you, for once?”
Your annoyance bubbled over. You dropped Artemis on the floor and commanded, “Sic him, Art. Bring that idiot back to his senses.”
Artemis jumped forward, growling – but Rowan caught her and furiously began to scratch her behind her ears and pat her on her tummy.
Artemis tried to bite Rowan’s hands for all of two seconds, before she melted into a happy puddle and let Rowan pat her. She even tucked in her paws neatly to let Rowan rub her tummy some more.
You groaned and put your head in your hands. Damn that charming bastard, you cursed in your head.  
Rowan shot you a cheerful grin. He came over to you and, in a would-be charming move, he grasped your chin in his hand and tried to plant a kiss on you – but you quickly turned your head away.
“No,” you said, “I don’t like to kiss bastards like you. You can take your charm elsewhere today; I don’t want it.”
Rowan laughed. He instead rested his head on your shoulder and murmured, “That’s my girl. This is exactly why I like you, you know.”
You reached over and flicked his forehead. “You’re unbearable sometimes, Rowan Jacob Scamander.”
Rowan caught your hand and kissed it. “I know. I’m sorry.”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
However, Rowan hadn’t been lying when he told Molly that he hated to see creatures disturbed and banished. Once, when Sirius was about to force Kreacher out of the Grimmauld Place kitchen because he’d caught Kreacher stealing the family cutlery once again, Rowan stopped Sirius.
“What’re you yelling at him for?” Rowan asked, frowning at Sirius. “Kreacher’s just doing what he thinks he ought. He’s trying to protect the Black family crest.” He looked down at the poor, old, wretched house elf, still clutching onto the silverware. “Isn’t that right, Kreacher?”
Kreacher shot Rowan a scowl and muttered, “Another filthy blood traitor,” but when Rowan didn’t respond, he finally nodded.
“But the living family is more important than some cutlery, Kreacher,” Rowan said, kneeling down to speak to Kreacher as an equal. “If you truly wish to serve the House of Black, you’ve got to listen to Sirius now. You can’t go stealing stuff behind his back and putting in places where it doesn’t belong.”
Kreacher sneered at Rowan, but for once, he didn’t curse at him or throw a tantrum.
Sirius crossed his arms and glared at Kreacher, but he held his peace and let Kreacher put back the cutlery he was holding.
For this, you came over and gave Rowan a kiss on the cheek.
“So, now you like me, huh?” Rowan teased you.
“Well, I find you bearable now, yes,” you amended.
“Oh, I get a ‘bearable,’ do I?” Rowan hugged you by the waist and pulled you in right against him. “High praise from my little fox girl.” He leaned over and bit softly at your ear, making you squirm in his arms.
“Rowan,” you whispered, letting him know just by saying his name that there were other people still in the room.
Rowan sighed and let you go. But as he did, he reached up and gently flicked you on the forehead, making you blink. He smiled at how cute you looked. Unable to help himself, he leaned in and gave you a light kiss on the forehead before he finally pulled away and went to help Molly hang up some curtains in the next room.
You heard Rowan cast, “Accio,” only for the curtains to hang themselves up perfectly. And you heard Molly say exactly what you had once said to Rowan: “How did you do that, Rowan? ‘Accio’ is a Summoning Spell, not an Organizing Spell.”
Rowan shrugged and gave the same answer that he had to you, “Magic’s all about intentions, really. It doesn’t take much to bend a spell this way or that.”
Molly marveled at his answer. “You’re really something, Rowan. With your help, we’ll be done with this room in no time.”
You heard Rowan give an amused laugh as he replied, “Glad to be of help, Mrs. Weasley.”
You shook your head lightly. Rowan Scamander, always the Golden Boy. He can’t help but be that in front of other people, can he? They don’t know what a bully he is in secret. You smiled to yourself, as you thought, Well, maybe only I know that.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Truth be told, Artemis and Kreacher were often the busiest members of the household. Kreacher was busy waging his secret war of collecting old belongings and salvaging them from Sirius’ ruthless cleaning out of Grimmauld Place. As for Artemis, while she often occupied the same bedroom as you and Rowan, she also liked to wander around. Grimmauld Place was absolutely huge, so it took her a little while to come across the other magical creature housed there - Buckbeak, the hippogriff.
When Artemis finally ran into him, she gave no second thought to howling in surprise and racing off.
The entire mansion heard Artemis barreling into furniture and breaking things. Lifting your wand, you incanted, “Corusco!” The little bells on Artemis’ collar went off and you felt a pull towards your fox. 
You climbed the stairs up to the floor where she was. Out of breath, you wheezed as you opened the door and - whump! - Artemis barreled into you faster than you could blink.
“Ah!” With a loud gasp, you fell backwards. Artemis was far too big for you to be able to easily hold her now, much less catch her mid-jump.
Feeling dizzy, you stared up at the spinning ceiling while Artemis, recognizing you at once, whimpered and softly licked your cheek in apology. 
Suddenly, a yellow rubber duck popped into view above your face, and the cheerful voice of Arthur Weasley sounded out, asking you, “Are you all right?”
“Er - yes, except I’ve been run over by a fox,” you replied sheepishly.
Arthur laughed. He held out his hand. Only, when you grabbed it to get up, a loud squawk! sounded out. Startled, both you and Arthur let go of each other’s hands and you fell back on the floor.
“Ugh,” you groaned. “Ow…”
“Sorry, sorry! My apologies!” Arthur blurted out. “Forgot I was holding a duck in my other hand, too.” He held out his hand to reveal a smaller, pink duck in his other hand.
“Mr. Weasley, what on earth do you have two rubber ducks for?” 
“Ah, I hardly know myself,” Arthur said, scratching the back of his head. “You see, these ducks were apparently charmed with Muggle-baiting Charms. That is, magical folks cast annoying spells on them and sold these to Muggles for fun. The yellow duck turns all water cold upon contact and the pink one - well, if you hold onto it for too long, you can’t let go of it.” While he said this, Arthur shook his hand violently, only for the pink duck to stay onto his palm.
You blinked in surprise.
Arthur pulled out his wand and tapped his hand with it. The pink duck fell off his hand and onto the floor. 
“Anyhow,” Arthur said cheerfully, scooping the pink duck back up and putting it into his pocket, “we sorted out the Muggle folks. They’re fine now, and they’ve had their memories erased. But after we close a case, we’re then asked to do research on what the Muggle artifacts are. That way, we can better prevent these things from happening next time, you see?”
“Oh.” You paused. “What office do you work for again, Mr. Weasley?”
“The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office,” Arthur said proudly.
“Well, for research, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a Muggle person in your office? They could tell you what different items are used for and help you build out your archive…” 
“Yes. We’ve considered that suggestion before,” Arthur agreed. “But it’s difficult to find anybody for the job. Most Muggles prefer to take on Muggle jobs, of course, and Wizarding folk usually don’t like to do a job that requires no magic.”
“I know somebody that might be interested - a real hard worker and as smart and responsible a person as you could ask for,” you said bluntly.
Arthur thought it over. Finally, he asked, “Would this person know the function of a rubber duck?”
You nodded vigorously. “Yes, among other things.”
“All right then. I’d be happy to do a formal interview.”
“Great! How about we do it now?”
“Right now?” Arthur said, surprised.
“Yes.” You grabbed Mr. Weasley and sat him down next to Buckbeak. “Just sit here, please, Mr. Weasley.” Then, you turned your head and whispered fervently, “Artemis, go get Mum!” 
Artemis barked happily. She zipped out of the room, only to come back five minutes later, with her teeth very firmly buried on the loose hem of your mother’s shirt as she pulled your mother into the room.
“What’s gotten into you? Where are you taking me?” your mother was crying out, bewildered. 
You leapt forward. “Artemis, let go of her now!”
Artemis opened her jaws and let your mother’s shirt go.
“What? Look at that! You ruined my shirt,” your mother said, noticing the rather large holes now present in the hem of her shirt.
Artemis, feeling your mother’s incoming wrath, hurriedly bounded away. Once more, she felt the ghost of the broom sweeping up against her bum wash over her and she was keen to avoid such an experience twice.
You stepped up and said proudly, “Mr. Weasley, here’s the candidate.”  
“Candidate?” your mother murmured, alarmed. “What are you -?” 
You leaned in and whispered furiously in her ear, “The purpose of a rubber duck is entertainment in the bath. Go.”
“Wha - ?”
With that, you picked up Artemis and hurriedly left the room, leaving your bewildered mother to do an interview before a kind, smiling Arthur Weasley and a complacent Buckbeak, who was now chomping heavily on a ferret bone.
Outside of the room, you gave Artemis a good rubbing as her reward. You ran your hands all over her fur and cooed at her. Artemis was delighted. She began purring so heavily that you heard your mother vaguely wonder if there was a lawn mower somewhere nearby, to which Arthur brightly chirped out, “Ah, yes! A lawn mower. Fascinating invention, that! Could you explain to me your experience with a lawn mower and your understanding of its function or functions?”
You hurriedly picked up Artemis once more and scampered away from the room. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
That night, you found yourself lying awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling. There were no stars on this ceiling. Grimmauld Place was an elegant, but dark place – a far cry from the light, airy atmosphere of the Ravenclaw dormitories.
Besides you, Rowan was sleeping soundly. Artemis was also snoozing away, curled up on a small pile of clothes she’d made an odd nest of in the corner of the bedroom.
Just then, you thought you heard a door open downstairs. You hesitated. Remus and Bill had been assigned to guard duty, today. 
I should thank him, you remembered. 
The Nine-Tailed Fox suddenly blinked her wise, silver eyes opened. Lately, she tried not to engage with you at all, as she was attempting to hold back the inevitable coming of her ninth tail. But now, she felt that it was her duty to warn you. Child, you should not risk any interaction with Remus Lupin. It will only lead to regret.
A simple conversation with him isn’t going to break me, you thought. I’m stronger than that.
You felt the Fox’s heavy doubt come through her next words: Are you sure of that?
Besides, the point is that he saved my family, you pointed out. I at least owe him a thank you, you pointed out. It’s the right thing to do. It was fine when I really didn’t know, but I can’t pretend when I’m aware of what he’s done for my family.
Child, please don’t do this, the Fox begged of you. I felt the hollow in your soul today widen as you turned your attention back on him. You aren’t capable of keeping your distance from him. Please, don’t go to him. Stay by Rowan’s side – He’s the man who warms you and keeps you safe.
You looked over at Rowan. He’s sleeping so well... You reached over and gently stroked his face. You also pulled the covers up around him a bit more, to make sure he was warm. 
However, you then climbed out of bed and pulled on your bathrobe. It’ll be a quick conversation – just a ‘thank you’ and back to bed, you promised the Fox – and yourself.   
The Fox sighed heavily. I don’t understand you at all. Why do you insist on racing towards the moon, when you have the very sun by your side?
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
In fact, Remus had come in over half an hour ago. Only, he’d come in so quietly that no one in Grimmauld Place had heard him come in. Bill had returned to the Burrow instead of Grimmauld Place.
Remus had gone into the kitchen to fetch himself some water when – slam. The door suddenly open and shut rather loudly.
Remus paused. He carefully drew his wand and made to slowly step out of the kitchen when – 
“Ah! It’s you!” 
Remus gaped in surprise as, from seemingly out of nowhere, Tonks flew in through the door and launched herself at Remus. 
“He – llo!” she said brightly, as she caught Remus in a hug.
“Nymphadora? What are you doing?” Remus sniffed. “Are you drunk?”
“Yes, sir. Drank a whole lot, I did.” Tonks looked up at Remus. “D’you know why?”
“No. Er – can you stand on your feet?” Remus asked, for Tonks was still holding onto Remus and leaning into him heavily.
Tonks grabbed Remus’ shoulders and pushed herself back up. She staggered slightly, causing the water in Remus’ hand to slosh. 
Tonks blinked in surprise as the water splashed onto her cheek. “Ah! That’s cold!”
Remus sighed. But he leaned over and gently wiped Tonks’ cheek for her. Then, he tried to hand her the water. “Here. I think you need this more than me.”
Tonks nodded. However, she didn’t take the water. Instead, she asked again, “Remus, do you know why I drank?”
“No, I don’t.”
“It’s my birthday today. So, after my shift ended, some of the Aurors took me out for drinks.”
Surprised, Remus was slightly awkward as he replied, “Oh. Happy Birthday, Nymphadora.” 
Tonks smiled. “Thanks.” She paused, and the smile fell off of her face, as she ventured to ask, “Well, but can I confess something to you, Remus?”
“Er – sure, if you’d like.” 
“That’s not what I wanted for my birthday.” 
“Oh.” Confused, Remus did his best and simply said, “I’m sorry you didn’t have fun.” 
“No, don’t get me wrong. I had lots of fun. It’s just that – Well, like I said, that’s not what I wanted.” Tonks was already quite close to Remus, but she stepped even closer before she whispered meaningfully, “It’s my birthday, Remus.”
Remus grabbed her waist to steady her, but he also leaned back slightly, away from her. “Yes, you’ve just told me that. Happy Birthday.”
Tonks slowly wrapped her arms around Remus’ neck. It was quite an impressive act of balance, too, seeing as she had to get on her tiptoes to loop her arms around him. 
“What are you… Dora?” Remus murmured, unsure of where this was going.
Tonks paused. “Did you just call me ‘Dora’?” 
Remus stared at her. He was caught between the kitchen counter and Tonks. But, to be honest, other than the intense embarrassment he felt of having a much younger woman seemingly making a move on him and of possibly mistaking her motives, Remus found that he rather liked where he was.
For some time now, Remus had felt quite fond towards Tonks. She was quite a handful, that was for sure, and her endless cheerfulness got on his nerves, sometimes, but it was an energy that he desperately needed. And it said something about Tonks – that even though she was as smart and athletic and talented as she was, she thought it was more important to try to be cheerful with people than to simply be capable. Remus admired that about her.
Besides, Remus found himself thinking, it’s strangely endearing to watch her hair change colors… Like now… He stared, rather in a daze, at Tonk’s hair as it shifted from bubblegum pink back to that warm, vibrant fuschia that it seemed to turn whenever she was around him.
Remus exhaled softly. Around me… Whenever she’s around me…
Tonks was so close now that she was almost standing on his feet. He could count the soft, barely-visible freckles that crossed gently over the bridge of her nose. 
Remus closed his eyes. Why not? his mind whispered to him. 
You didn’t like pears anymore.
You didn’t even care that he could see thestrals anymore.
You were with Rowan now. 
You even seemed happy to be part of the Order this time. Last time, you’d stayed for him, but Remus could tell that you were unhappy. This time, perhaps because Rowan was by your side, you came willingly to the Order.
Besides, Tonks was warm and kind and endearing. She was capable of everything, with boundless energy, and she seemed not to mind Remus too much. 
No… She doesn’t seem to mind me all that much, Remus thought hazily, as he felt her sweet breath pass over his lips – he could scent honey mead from her lips – and then, her lips were grazing his… and then, their lips slotted together, and he could taste the honey mead… 
As Tonks kept kissing him, Remus slowly began to relax. He held her in his arms and kissed her back, melting into her. Yes, Nymphadora… Dora… She’s so wonderful and bright. She’s everything I could want in someone. Only, she isn’t… she isn’t… lovely.
Remus breathed out. He suddenly stepped away from Tonks, gently but firmly pushing her away. 
Tonks, breathing hard, stared at him in surprise. “I’m sorry,” she blurted out at once. “Was that not okay?”
“No, it was – it was okay,” Remus said, shaken. “I just didn’t expect - ” He took a deep breath, taking immense efforts to silence himself and not say anything that might hurt Tonks. Finally, he said, as gently as he could, “Happy Birthday, Nymphadora. I’ll see you in the morning.”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
You had come down the hallway very quickly, not wanting to disturb anyone’s sleep. You could hear Buckbeak, the hippogriff, snoring as you passed by his room. 
Once you were out in the main hallway, you could see a light on in the kitchen. You headed towards there. 
“Ah! That’s cold!”
You paused. That didn’t sound like Remus. 
Not wanting to intrude if it wasn’t Remus, you quietly peeked around the door.
Remus was standing quite close to Tonks. He seemed to have his hand on her face. 
You paused. What…? 
“Here,” Remus said. “I think you need this more than me.” He tried to hand Tonks the water.
However, Tonks merely asked, “Remus, do you know why I drank?”
“No, I don’t.”
“It’s my birthday.”
Ah, you surmised, she went out and had a birthday celebration and now she’s a bit tipsy. 
You heard Remus say, “Happy Birthday.”
Then, your eyes widened when you saw Tonks step close enough to Remus to lean into him and put her arms around his neck.
Startled, Remus shifted back, away from her – but you saw how his hands naturally caught her waist and then kept holding onto her. And then, worst of all, you saw the way Remus’ gaze softened when he finally looked at Tonks’ face. 
That look was all you needed to see for you to realize: He loves her. 
But then, as if to confirm the truth you’d just realized, you saw the two of them kiss.
You let out a silent gasp and suddenly had to hold onto the wall as a painful, icy jolt ran through your heart. Inside of you, the Nine-Tailed Fox gasped in horror as she began to feel her ninth tail beginning to appear. Child, no! I told you not to do this, I told you not to risk it! Why didn’t you listen to me!? You tried to keep as quiet as you could, but you felt almost as though your legs were going to give out for a moment. 
Fortunately, the moment passed quickly, but before you could feel any sense of relief, you heard a low, quiet voice rumble out into your ear, “It hurts you, doesn’t it?”
You started. Before you could accidentally trip into the kitchen and give yourself away, Rowan grabbed your arm and dragged you backwards. He pushed you against the wall, grabbed your shoulders, and whispered quietly, but intensely, “Because you fancy him.”
“No…” you whispered back.
“Don’t deny it. I saw it all,” Rowan said, his voice growling ever so lightly in his whispered tones. “You’re sad. You’re sad that he looks at her that way. And you’re heartbroken that they kissed.”
“No - ” you began, but at that moment, you heard footsteps coming towards you.
You and Rowan quickly ducked into an adjacent room.
Footsteps went by. You listened hard, wondering if it was Remus…
Then, you felt a fiery, serious gaze. You turned your head to find Rowan staring at you, with a deep frown etched into his face. 
“What?” you said.
In a slow, deep voice, Rowan pressed you, “I’ve tried not to let it bother me. I truly didn’t want to pry. But I have to ask now: What is this thing between you and Lupin?”  
You stared at Rowan. His tone this time was not the same as when he previously asked you – “Does Remus Lupin call you ‘Lovely’?” That question had been asked in a tone of confusion. But this time, this time there was a certain weight, a certain knowledge behind Rowan’s words. 
“Tell me. Is it a mere fancy for him or is it something more?” Rowan asked. As he spoke, he searched your eyes intently. 
You wanted to look away. Because, out of everyone in this world, the person who knew you best was Rowan – Rowan, who was not only your partner, your lover, but your best friend. 
And sure enough, he caught the answer glimmering in the depths of your tired, sad eyes.
Rowan growled. His brow furrowed as he furiously read aloud the answer in your heart, “No. Not just ‘fancy.’ Lupin’s the one you’ve fallen in love with.”
“No,” you repeated. “That’s not - ” But as you spoke, that same terrible, icy shudder ran through your body. You flinched. “Ah…” 
Rowan watched as your fox ears popped out on your head. 
You covered your face then, but it was too late – Rowan saw that you were blushing. You were blushing for Remus Lupin, and he wasn’t even here. 
I’m the one here. I’m the one who spent two years of my life in some mythical land, where my creatures are now, without me, and I’m the one who stupidly followed her all the way to the Order - an Order I’ve resisted being in for so many years, all while she was in love with another man. My God, am I stupid. 
Without another word, Rowan pushed you aside, wrenched open the door, and left. 
Tonks, who had been dizzily making her way to her bedroom, let out a startled cry and nearly jinxed Rowan when he came stalking out of the room. 
Rowan ignored her, striding right past her.
Tonks’ head swiveled – and she saw you, standing there alone in a dark room.
“Hey.” Tonks stepped inside the room. “Are you all right?”
You stared at Tonks. She was so vibrant, with her Metamorphagi abilities and her sunshine personality and her stout heart. You gazed at her bubblegum pink hair. 
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “I’m fine.” 
“Oh, good,” Tonks said, breathing a sigh of relief. “I was afraid Scamander had hurt you or something.”
Your heart sank. “No, he didn’t hurt me.” 
If anything, I hurt him.
You nodded at Tonks. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. And let’s get you to bed, Tonks. You need some sleep.”
Tonks turned and left the room. You followed her out. When you reached behind to close the door, you instinctively glanced back into the room. For a moment, you swore you saw a thin beam of moonlight turn incredibly opaque and then turn into a tail…
You paused. 
“Are you coming?” Tonks called.
“Oh, yes. Sorry.” You shut the door. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Rowan wasn’t in the bedroom. You sighed. You went over to where Artemis was sleeping and sat next to her. Artemis snuffled a little, and she shifted over subconsciously until she was pressed up against you, even while she remained curled up for warmth. 
“Art…” you whispered. “What have I done?”
You felt that icy feeling starting to grow in your heart again. This time, it wasn’t simply a jolt. Rather, it felt like a spider web of cold slowly began woven across your heart, ensnaring you in a permanent frost. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The next morning, your mother came over to tell you that Arthur Weasley had offered her a job as a researcher and librarian at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office at the Ministry of Magic.
She showed you a document that listed the conditions of work and salary. You sat down with her and calculated the salary into Muggle money.
Your mother’s eyes grew wide when she realized the numbers. “Really? They’ll pay me that much? Even if I only work that many hours a week?”
“What do you mean - that many hours? That’s a normal amount, Mum,” you replied. “Nine in the morning to six in the evening, plus some weekend shifts to keep the library open.”
Your mother chewed on her lip. She pointed to the amount again. “But that much? Why? I don’t have a college degree.”
“But you’re an expert in Muggle artifacts,” you pointed out. “That’s what they’re paying you for.”
Your mother blew out a breath. “I don’t know if I can accept this.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t deserve this.”
“Mum.” You took your mother’s hands in your own. “You do deserve this. You work harder than anyone I know. Besides, I always feel nervous, knowing how hard you work. You’re going to burn out someday if you keep working like this. I don’t want that. I can’t have that. So, please, for me - could you please take this job?”
Your mother met your gaze. After a moment, she sighed. “All right. I’ll try it out, then. It can’t be much worse than the job I’ve currently got.”
You smiled. “That’s the spirit. Thanks, Mum.” 
“I’ll be leaving later today,” your mother reminded you. “The house is secure now, thanks to Professor Dumbledore.” 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Once your mother left your room, you took a shower. When you came out and began to dry your hair, you paused and stared at your blue hair. You’d had blue hair for so long now. It was almost a part of your identity, the way your facial structure was. 
However, staring at it now, you realized how dim the color was compared to Tonks’ flaming fuschia hair or her bright bubblegum pink hair. 
You closed your eyes for a moment, as you remembered the way Remus had looked at her last night. The vision of their heads coming together, and of Remus holding her, the way he had once held you… You shook your head. I can’t afford to feel sad over something like that anymore, you told yourself.
The Fox agreed, though in a far more treacherous, warning voice, No, you really can’t.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
When you came down, you found Tristan, Rowan, and Magdalene in the kitchen.
Magdalene said politely, “Good morning.” 
Rowan glanced at you, looked away, and then glanced at you again. But he didn’t say anything.
It was Tristan who said, “What happened to your blue hair?”
“Oh.” You absent-mindedly ran your fingers through your hair, which was now completely the color of your natural color. “I don’t know. I just figured it was time to grow up. It feels silly to have colored hair at my age.”
Right as you finished speaking, Tonks came into the kitchen. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Her hair flashed brightly with all colors – pink, blue, green, purple, and back to pink again.
You flushed. What awful timing…    
Tristan instantly made the connection. His eyes went back and forth between you and Tonks for less than a second before he teased you, “Ah, I see. Well, that’s very mature of you. Are you all wizened up, then? You certainly look it.”
In fact, you were standing there with uncombed hair and in a rather baggy set of clothes. You stared dryly at Tristan. I forgot how sarcastic he can be. He’s rather enjoying himself, isn’t he? 
“We can’t all tromp around looking like pricks,” Magdalene scoffed. “In your fancy capes and gloves - ”
“Magdalene, you change clothes more time in a day than most people do in a lifetime, so I don’t want to hear it from you,” Tristan stated.
Magdalene rolled her eyes, but she didn’t bother to reply. 
At that moment, Tristan caught you staring at him. “What? Still find me handsome?”
At this, Rowan shot Tristan an annoyed look.
You shook your head at Tristan. Then, you came and cautiously sat next to Rowan. You cleared your throat awkwardly. “Um…”
You nearly fell off of your chair as Mad-Eye Moody tromped into the kitchen. Even the Nine-Tailed Fox let out a bark of surprise at Moody’s sudden alarm. 
Moody pointed at all of you sitting at the table and thundered, “Where’s the guard!? Huh? How come I was able to just barge in here unannounced and meet no resistance?”
“Um, isn’t it because you know the password?” Magdalene supplied, rolling her eyes. She hadn’t been shocked in the slightest. 
“Mad-Eye, don’t be so happy. You’ll make us think someone died,” Tonks said brightly.
You glanced over at Tonks, impressed by her dark sense of humor. You didn’t realize that Tonks was Moody’s protégé and that she had figured out, in her own clever way, how to defuse his intensity. 
“It’s seven in the morning, Moody,” Tristan said calmly. “Even the Death Eaters aren’t up yet.” He nodded at the table. “Sit. Have some toast.” 
Mad-Eye Moody’s eyeball swiveled up and down as he studied Tristan. “Hmpfh. Can’t believe a fragile thing like you is a Head of Aurors at MCUSA,” he grumbled.
“Flexible, not fragile,” Tristan corrected. “And I worked damn hard to be so.”
Moody suddenly pointed his finger at you. “Lassie!”
“Yes?” you gulped. You found Mad-Eye quite unnerving, from his barking voice to his magical eye that could see through everything to the way he stomped around on his wooden leg. 
“I’ve been asked to inform you – you’re to be on guard tonight. We’ve intercepted information that there’s to be an attack on Xenophilius Lovegood tonight.”
“Xenophilious Lovegood. He’s the writer of the Quibbler.”
“He went to school with us. Do you remember anybody from school?” Rowan asked you exasperatedly.
“Lovegood’s been printing magazines supporting Dumbledore and Potter. Even though the Quibbler’s not viewed as the most legitimate source of news, the Daily Prophet’s been failing to answer so many glaring gaps that people are beginning to take the Quibbler as closer to the truth,” Moody explained. “Naturally, the Death Eaters want to shut Lovegood down. And the Ministry’s happy to stand to the side, since they also want to silence Lovegood. That puts us in a tricky position. To make matters worse, we’re unsure as to when and how the Death Eaters are going to move against him, so all we can do is post a watch for now.” 
Moody nodded at you again. “Due to the fact that we have to hide our movements from the Ministry, we cannot Apparate to the Lovegoods. Dumbledore’s set up a Portkey for us. As you know, Portkeys run on a schedule, so don’t miss it.”  
“Do I get a guard partner?” you asked. 
“Yes. We’ll have someone else assigned.” 
“How about Rowan?” you offered. You shot a sideways glance at him, hoping he’d look at you. But he didn’t.
“No can do,” Moody answered. “Your pal said he only wanted to be an ally, not a full-fledged member. So, we can’t have him participate in missions.”
Tristan shot Rowan an exasperated look, as if to say, “Still?” 
Rowan stiffened. He found himself running out of places he could look.
“You’ll have a partner, though,” Moody assured you. “Just not Scamander.” 
Moody made to leave, but he stopped to say, “That reminds me. There’s a much more complicated mission going on at the same time as yours, so I advise you and Remus to be extra careful, as there may not be back-up at headquarters tonight.”
“What’s the other mission?”
“We’re expecting an infiltration at the Quidditch match tonight,” Moody explained tersely. “We’ve set up a guard around the campsite and pitch, but it’s difficult to effectively cover such a wide expanse, especially when you’re sure to have a rowdy crowd.”
“What are we guarding against?” 
“Death Eaters, we hope.”
“You hope?” you said skeptically. “Why would you hope for Death Eaters?
Moody’s magical eye swiveled over as he looked at you. “Because Death Eaters are far easier to deal with than an Obscurial.”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
You tried to draw Rowan away from the group of people, so you could talk to him. However, Rowan clearly meant to stay at the table with Tristan, so you gave up and started to head back to your room. 
As you passed by Sirius’ room, you heard him croak out, “Is someone out there? Could you come in here, please? I need some help.”
You opened the door and came in. “What?”
Sirius lifted his head from his pillow. “Could you be a doll and open the windows for me?”
Frustrated, you shot at him, “No! You’ve lost the use of your arm, not your magic.”
“I’m not good with simple Charms.”
“What are you good with?”
Sirius thought about it. “Unfortunately, I’d have to say that Dueling is my strong suit. Ironic, isn’t it? I spent my whole life trying not to be like my lunatic family, but in the end, I excel in the same magic as they do.” 
You were rather taken aback by this thoughtful response, but before it could sink it, Sirius looked at you and said, “Well? Aren’t you going to get on with it? The room’s quite grim without any sunlight.”
You scowled at him and you hissed, “Seriously, you get your arm hurt and you act like a baby, while you scratch up Remus to an inch of his life every month. How can you live with yourself?”
Sirius shrugged. Trying to pass off the awkward moment of being caught between a lie and an even more terrible truth, he murmured jokingly, “Yeah, I s’pse it’s tough being this good-looking.”  
Unfortunately for him, his careless words triggered an intense fury in you. How dare he make light of it? Are you kidding me? Is he totally heartless?
“That’s it!” With something akin to a wary cry, you leapt onto Sirius’ bed and began to whack him repeatedly on the head with a pillow. “You’re such a bastard! I don’t care what Remus says anymore. I’m not going to let him anywhere near you! You don’t even care that you’re hurt him, do you? Meanwhile, you get a tiny scratch and you use it as an excuse to make everyone else run errands for you! You’re a foul, disgusting, beastly - !”
You froze. 
Slowly, you and Sirius turned as one to see your mother standing in the doorway. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked you in a steely voice. Her eyes were narrowed at you and her arms were crossed over her chest. A small suitcase was at her feet. Clearly, she was just about to leave Grimmauld Place and had been searching for you to say good-bye.
“Come with me,” your mother said tersely. “I need a word with you.” Without another word, she turned away from the door. She clearly expected to be obeyed.
You got off of the bed, though you made sure to throw the pillow as hard as you could into Sirius’ stupid face before you left the room. 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Your mother took you into a nearby empty room.
As soon as you closed the door behind you, she whirled around and said sharply, “What in the world is the matter with you? I told you where Lupin got his scars from. It’s not from Black.”
You frowned and tried to bite your tongue. You didn’t want to argue with your mother about something so deeply personal for you and you didn’t want to part with your mother on bad terms. 
Unfortunately, your mother kept going, “Black has issues, true enough. The boy’s never properly grown up. But he’s been nothing but a gentleman to us, letting us stay here for however long we need. And, as I told you, Lupin’s scars are not a result of Black - ”
Unable to take it anymore, you interrupted, “Mum, I’m sorry, but you don’t know anything about this.”
Your mother’s eyes flashed dangerously. She did not take well to being talked to like that.
You spoke hastily, but it was with a high level of certainty that you told her, “Perhaps some of Remus’ newer scars are from when he saved your life. I can’t deny that that’s a possibility. But Remus has old scars. Very old scars. I know because I – I used to try to heal them when we were together. And those scars came from Sirius. I know it. I saw it happen with my own eyes - ”
“You saw Black scar Lupin with your own eyes?” 
“Yes,” you replied firmly.
Your mother pressed, “You saw the actual moment when Black left a mark on Lupin?”
“Well, I – I didn’t see the actual moment. But I saw enough. Sirius transforms into this beastly thing - ”
“Yes, a black dog.”
“So you know it, too!” you said significantly. “Once a month, he transforms into the Grim, and then he ‘tames’ his violent tendencies by using Remus as a claw-sharpener.” 
Your mother slowly began to piece together what the truth was – the truth that you were still unaware of. She sighed heavily and pressed her fingers to her eyes. 
“See?” you pressed, thinking you’d presented incontrovertible evidence of your position. “It is Sirius and - ”
“Stop.” Your mother dropped her hand away from her face. She looked at you with an odd expression, that was both determined and pitiful all at once. “I don’t know anything about this ‘Grim’ that you’re talking about, but Black does not have violent tendencies when in his dog form.”
“What? Then, you’re saying that Sirius hurts Remus on purpose? That’s even worse - !” 
“Stop yelling and stop jumping to conclusions, for once. Listen to me,” your mother insisted. “Black is not the one who transforms into a beast with violent tendencies.”
Huh? What does she mean? The way she’s saying that… It’s like she’s implying that – But no, she couldn’t be… An ominous feeling began to swirl in your stomach, even before you realized the impact of your mother’s words.
“What do you mean, Mum?” you wondered. 
Your mother sighed heavily. “Can’t you guess? It’s Lupin who transforms into a violent beast once a month.”
You suddenly felt as if your mother was very, very far away from you. You heard yourself whisper, in a voice most unlike your own, “No, that can’t be. That doesn’t make any sense. Because – Because – Well, I still don’t understand. What exactly are you saying?”
Your mother looked at you with pity as she revealed, “Remus Lupin is a werewolf.” 
Tagged Users: @areomalfoy @saltstacks
8 notes · View notes
or: five times Theseus set Newt and Percival up in some strange matchmaking scheme and one time Newt actually appreciated it.
Newt immediately knows the Graves at MACUSA isn't the real one, because Theseus has been setting them up for years.
3 notes · View notes
retvenkos · 4 years
congrats on 2.5k olive! you deserve it and so much more! i was wondering if i could have a ship for harry potter golden era, harry potter next gen & narnia please? 🔥 i’m straight and i take interest in musical theatre, reading, baking, archery, and i really enjoy being outdoors. i’m pretty social, loyal, opinionated, and i would like to think that i’m smart? i’m a gryffindor, and i don’t dislike anything except for mess- i have ocd. thank you so much and congrats again on 2.5k! 💕
HP Golden Trio Era:
I ship you with Harry Potter!
the boy who lived himself! i think that you would be great for harry. you have a lot of similar and complementary personality traits that would be good for a relationship in the long run.
first of all, you’re both very opinionated (and unafraid to speak your mind) and loyal, so you already have the foundations for a great relationship. i also think that you’re a little more chill than harry - when he’s off saving the world, you are the one thing that isn’t complicated, and that has to be nice.
also, you both have that spark of wonder to you - you want to travel the world and see what it has to offer, and harry (at least in his early years, lol) wanted to see and do so much, too. he was trapped with the dursley’s for so long, he wants to see all that he’s missed.
and after voldemort and everything, when he’s a little more jaded, i think that you would be able to ignite that spark of wonder, once again. there is still so much harry has missed out on! it’s good to remind him of the beauty in the world, and cass, you are literally the best person to do that.
but on the other end of the spectrum, after having such an eventful life, harry needs some time to just chill, and your more domestic hobbies are going to be great for that.
i 100% believe that you are able to make harry appreciate books and literature - it started out when he would wake up from nightmares and you would stay up with him, reading to drown out his thoughts and keep both of you awake - after that, he started to turn to books for comfort, and he actually really enjoys them! you get to give him your favorites and while harry doesn’t talk about them much, he appreciates them.
i also think that you and harry bake together, and he’s actually pretty good, as long as he doesn’t eat all of the cookie dough before you get it in the oven.
also, i think it’s good that you are emotionally intelligent, because harry is about as emotionally intelligent as a doorknob when it comes to relationships (maybe this is me still rioting over the valentine's day scene w/ cho but c’mon, harry), and you would be able to balance him out without having crazy high expectations for him.
i think what’s great is that you are a chill gryffindor, so harry can be the crazy gryffindor of the relationship while still having adventures and zest for life.
HP Next Gen Era:
I ship you with Lysander Scamander!
so, i’m still working out my exact characterizations for these characters, but just know that lysander is a soft boi - the softest boi you’ve ever met. (he kinda has davey (newsies) vibes? but more musically inclined.)
lysander is in ravenclaw, but he’s actually a really chill ravenclaw. he’s luna’s son, so he has the calmness and slowness to him that is perfect for you - if you are ever too hyped up or too stressed, lysander can calm you down and the two of you can just hang out and read for a while.
lysander would love to go on walks with you! the two of you definitely take strolls around the grounds at hogwarts, talking about anything that isn’t your charms homework because he really hates that class.
but you definitely end up convincing him to do his homework, and you help him with charms.
if you are in class and you end up having to work with partners you don’t want to, lysander will constantly catch your eye during class and try to make you laugh. he’s also big on sending you winks from across the great hall at meals, so be ready to do a lot of nonverbal communication
i also have this idea that the two of you do a lot of your homework outside? just to get out of the castle? like, it’s kind of like a mini picnic out on the grounds because you bring a blanket and some snacks, and the two of you just chill and do your homework until it gets too cold and you have to go back inside.
and lysander is an ambivert, so he does pretty well in social situations, so you guys also hit up parties (usually gryffindor ones, because when are gryffindors not celebrating something or another?) or just hang out in large groups of people.
also! you can listen to him practice for the hogwarts orchestra (which is a thing!) and when he’s concentrating it’s vvv cute.
and i also imagine that lysander likes to travel, so the two of you would end up going on a lot of adventures together.
I ship you with Peter Pevensie!
okay, but peter is the dad friend and as the certified mom friend™, we both knew this was coming
baking, archery, and being outdoors? peter loves all of your hobbies (although he’s terrible at archery, he’s much better at swords and axes) and he will 100% do them with you and the two of you probably go horseback riding on the regular. peter likes the little moments with you when he can get away - and that usually entails having the fun that he can’t have while he’s being king.
and!!!! at night or in the early mornings he would love to listen to you read or just talk about what you’ve been reading lately - maybe it reminds him of his mother, reading to him when he was missing his father, or maybe it reminds him of susan, and the mother she was prematurely forced to be.
i also think that your personalities compliment each other - peter is loyal and social, and although he too has strong opinions, he might be a bit better at hiding them, which leads to very interesting talks between the two of you.
but never fear - he loves your opinions and likes to hear you defend your point of view - he likes to have someone who treats themself like a equal to him, and that isn’t afraid to speak their mind.
also,,, in a modern au, peter is a theatre kid, or, at the very least, loves to go and see the shows. he admires the dedication, the talent, and the deep stories!
(and he just  a d o r e s  bandstand, all of the pevensies do, so that’s a win for all of them)
you two can go to shows together (or watch bootl*gs on his computer) and you bring the snacks. the two of you hold hands during the show and whisper to each other what your favorite parts are.
oh, and peter 110% thinks that you are smart, and he would remind you of that daily. he’s big on praise (it’s kind of his love language, other than huge bear hugs), so he’s always reminding you how amazing you are and how lucky he is to have you.
a minor note, but i think that peter is fairly clean? like, he’s the older brother and is constantly cleaning up the messes of his siblings. even though he was a king for half of his life and had servants to do the cleaning for him, i can’t imagine peter being messy (that’s edmund’s job, lol)
 and in a hogwarts au? peter is a hufflepuff and you are a gryffindor, setting interhouse relationship trends from day one, and the two of you spend a lot of time in the courtyard, hanging out and playing exploding snap. 
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beiasluv · 4 years
‘See you again’ / Newt  Scamander x (fem!)Reader / pt.2
Hey guys i’m back! this following imagines is the sequence to the first part, check it out HERE.
words count: 1,161 words
warning(s): mentioned of pain
soulmate AUs: name appear on wirst when 17.
 (y/n) = your name / (y/bf/n) your best-friend name
*english is not my mother-language please forgive any mistake i might have made*
‘happy birthday dear (y/n) happy birthday to you,’ with that (y/n) closed her eyes, her eyebrows twitched by making a wish. the fire was extinguished; vanished left a burning smoke behind. the room erupted with cheers and congratulations from your family and friends.
it is 7:36 the exact time you were born at st. mungo’s; what a time to be alive, you are finally 17 years old. which means your soulmate's name would appear at midnight soon tonight. you wouldn’t say you are not excited but you just can’t imagine who is going to be your soulmate, for the sake that you don’t even have a boyfriend/girlfriend. it could be anyone now, a friend at school, some stranger, or maybe a muggle. otherwise, you are rather excited for who it is.
‘honey? would you mind feeding the hippogriffs for today? i’m sorry it was supposed to be a special day for you but my boss is calling me an-,’ your mum was cut off and words stop falling from her mouth. 
‘it’s okay mum i can do it,’ you smiled lovingly to your mother. ‘thank you dear, i would grab sweets on the way back, i have to go now stay safe honey!’ mother grabbed her coat and ran through the door. 
‘Oh! (y/n) dear! make sure to watch for your wrist!’ she apparated away.
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‘hey guys,’ you entered the shed of the hippogriffs. (y/n) maneuvered around the shed and grabbed five buckets of fresh fish. ‘ugh! i don’t know how you guys eat this,’ (y/n) gave a disgusted look to the fishes. ‘i can do it, there’s no need to fear anything, just be calm with them,’ you took a deep breath and a long one out.
each step you walk to the gate your heart beats faster and faster, and you feel like it was about to explode itself. the memory of the day your brother fall off the hippogriff, played back each step. it happened right here at this place. but (sadly for dad) luckily that hippogriff was brought by your very own school, hogwarts, so you were learning with that very hippogriff that dropped your brother in the care for magical creatures. with your little strength, you have arrived at the gate of the famous hippogriff bredder farm.
one final push the gate is opened, several hippogriffs head snatched to your way. you gasped for breath like your life is going to end. step by step your legs brought you to the middle of the farm you dumped the five buckets in. luckily your dad taught the hippogriffs to have manners, they’ll always wait until the buckets are fully empty. then they’ll dig in. 
‘oh! merlin’s beard!’ the hippogriffs came right into your face. (y/n) dashed away a few of them and ran to the gate. her legs don’t seem to be scared anymore, she felt like she is running very fast that she can do the olympics. a second later she had arrived, outside the gate. ‘phew, that was a close call,’ she walked back to the house and decided to call it a day.
‘night orion,’ (y/n) strolled past her brother’s bedroom. ‘night (y/n)! oh! be careful about your wrist my friends said it hurts like hell,’ orion poked his head out of the door his eyes were full of worry. ‘thanks ori, i’ll see you tomorrow then,’ you gave a weary smile and he was gone. 
speaking of care for magical, you are assigned to write an essay about one creature that inspired you, and describe everything about it. wheater is about caring, habitats, behaviors, appearance, you named it. 
‘i’ll guess i’ll just write the essay until my soulmate's name comes up then,’ that you grab your hogwarts trunk, unlock the password. for the first time, you opened your trunk this summer, you were in awe when she saw a gift from her friends with a note attached. 
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(y/n) put the stuff on the side, and she seized the ink bottle and some parchments, but she can’t start your work without the Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them book. ‘accio Fantastic Beast!’ for sure (y/n) would take the chance to use magic since she is finally not underaged. you scribbled your thought down the first sketch. each sketch you connected the paragraphs, making sure about your words and cut un-necessary pieces of information out. 
after several hours (y/n) looked up at the clock to read the time, and the clock's little finger was pointing between number 11 and the number 12. same with the long finger. ‘it could be any minute soon,’ (y/n) let out a long sighed. many minutes had passed (y/n) is now sleeping on her table waiting for her soulmate’s name.
not long after her wrist felt like being dipped into a fire. her wrist is burning as the letter formed, (y/n) didn’t notice the name since her eyes were filled with tears. the pain was eating her bit by bit. (y/n) decided to run to her brother. ‘orion!’ she called out as she was crying in the hallway. ‘(y/n)!’ orion ran and hugged you, he was worried for this day the most the day his sister knows her soulmate.
(y/n) never failed to do the big sister job in his eyes, and he realized he was gifted with the best sister in the whole world. he would do anything to protect his big sister, when he saw her tears it hurts him so bad.
‘(y/n) please show me your wrist,’ orion slowly reached for your hand and examined the burn. ‘N E W T O N, hm newton doesn’t sound so bad isn’t it?’ orion tried to cheer you up. ‘huh? did you say newton?-,’ (y/n) tried to open her dried up eyes. ‘tell me the last name,’ (y/n) requested her brother for assistance in seeing. ‘it’s S C A M A N D E R, salamander? scamander?’
‘Newton- newton scamader?’
‘BLOODY HELL, you won’t believe it orion-’ (y/n) sprung herself up and ran to her room. ‘wha- what?’ leaving her confused brother behind. he saw (y/n) holding a piece of paper, looking as new as it was manufactured yesterday, and a thick book. ‘what’s that (y/n)?’ orion squinted his eyes to see the text. ‘i’ve met him at hogsmeade when i was getting the Fantastic Beast book, and guess what- he wrote the bloody book himself!’ (y/n) rant about her stupidity forced the book into her brother's face. ‘i should’ve known it was him!’ (y/n) sighed and collapsed on the floor.
‘ms. (l/n) did you forget something?’ orion scoffed at you. ‘what’s funny? i didn’t forget anything? oH! the laundry?’ you rushed to answer yourself. ‘no you idiot don’t you see his address? on the bloody paper?’ orion shoved the paper right in front of your eyes. 
‘go find him.’
part three? :)
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 68
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Death Eaters captured and handed over, allies named, it should have gotten better, everyone had hoped it would. Once again the masses were back to their lives while the Dursleys joined the other Muggle Born families choosing to remain on your islands at your trepidation in confirming their safety. They trusted you and knew that it had to be serious for you to be so cautious on the subject even with Riddle Dead. Glimpses of your Dark mark were frequently stolen and each class had asked to get a closer look of the mark now at your control as chosen leader of the Death Eaters. Even those locked up took the notion that you had a plan, it was clear Riddle was weak where you were just getting started so they patiently waited to hear what you had in store for them.
The severity of your dreams only grew worse and in solidarity, even in the start of the season to keep themselves and their loved ones safe remained with the Muggle Borns on your islands until the trio of factions were taken out. Gryffindor vs Slytherin bled into Hogsmeade, a welcome distraction when minor attacks of a team leaving Augrey emblems in their wake seemed to call R out to play again.
Daily again you had to result to more snatchings with your House Elves stirring up another flood of those aiming for your aid. Into your shop they flooded taking the cards offered them they used to zap to your islands in droves. Full families just gone with no doubles this time, taking all they could of their homes and lives to go into hiding against these faceless hoards rising.
A tiny wave of relief came on a Riddle free Halloween. Where others were out getting candy you stood alone in Godric’s Hollow standing at your own grave now bearing two death dates your mother, Lily and James appeared in front of to hear about what was troubling you. Pictures of Em’s first time crawling and her giggles and waves to the camera in your arms, pictures that had been copied to be added to magazines now fully covering her birth and announcement to the world after more students had talked about having seen her.
November reared its head and with it came the response of R in their first batch of public attacks claiming a section of streets as their own ushering up a response, though not from the Augreys, this time from the third using flame emblems calling themselves Scorch. Hooligans it seemed like, common teens out to make a name for themselves in the new post Riddle World apart from the adults they feel had ruined the world for them now exposing themselves.
You knew it was coming and the day before another trip to Hogsmeade halfway through class you shifted to take up Chuck Lupin’s form again when the Ministry came searching for you. From top to bottom they scoured the castle and left agitated to say the least as your face was on wanted posters again being blamed for allowing these attacks and not warning the Ministry, as if you had connections inside.
Though the big explosion in the media came when Grindelwald’s bare cell was noticed. How they had missed it for a week they had no clue but still these gangs were rising up and now a mass murderer was on the loose. For once however they were right, you were the right one to ask for his location, but they had to find you first.
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Again in a free period between your final class and supper you aparated in the middle of a deserted island with one house in it. In your approach to the door it eased open and you saw Gellert right where you had left him with his hand outstretched to receive the paper you were holding out for him, “How is the world faring?” He asked unfolding it to skim over the front page.
“Close to burning. It seems the children aren’t as bent on saving the world as they claim.”
“Yes, reckless little ones without a guiding force. Useful, but a task to funnel towards a common goal when blind rage is so simple.” Opening the paper he asked, “This R, seems useless, but old.”
“According to Alastor it’s the only one the Ministry knew about.”
Gellert nodded, “This Augrey, odd, very odd, seems to be merely taunting R into something.”
“Their notes seem personal for strangers.”
“Relatives, or old friends turned enemies then.” His eyes flinched from the page to you, “How is your child?”
“Hmm?” your eyes met his from your stare at the wall of his hut, “Why do you ask?”
“You seem tired, mothers tend to lose sleep over their little ones.”
Shaking your head you said, “Just, dreams.”
“About the three?”
You shook your head, “A friend, this guy she’s supposed to meet and his brother, they were writing limericks.” His brow inched up in a smirk and you said as you brushed your bangs out of your face in the sway of your ponytail on the breeze, “I never said all my dreams were useful.”
“Indeed, intimate though,” his eyes lowered again, “When is she due to meet him?”
“Year, maybe?” Making his eyes flinch up, “They have a different time table it seems.”
“Hmm, very interesting.” With a nod of his head he welcomed you inside at the whistle of his kettle where he poured you both some tea, “In truth most of my dreams were implanted by a woman I once knew, Queenie, Legilimens, quite useful. Gave me a greater goal to wait for.”
“Queenie, I know that name.”
Lowering his cup from a sip he said, “Mmm, yes, you would. Newt Scamander’s sister in law.”
“You wouldn’t happen to know where she is, would you?”
“Last I heard she and her son, Jacob were living in a cottage in the mountains in Switzerland. Exactly where I would head to begin.”
“She’s kept in touch with your old contacts?”
“You feel ready then?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” His glass rising revealing the marks of his Unbreakable Vow that he would serve you he had suggested when you had freed him. “My followers and their children will flock at my name under the banner of our Queen to rid the world of these imbeciles.”
“Do you know which cottage specifically?” You asked then took a sip of your own in his sharing it.
Black cloths flooded the streets, city by city, country by country and those old enough to know what it meant stood still staring as it passed. At once the eternally loyal flocked to the house he had chosen and watching the daily headlines you joined the world in watching the signs of his numbers rising. Where the others struck publicly he was silent and out of sight merely gaining numbers and spreading the word of your plans.
By Christmas in the hidden island holding your relatives from Paris you celebrated with Fleur in one party then returned for another with the Weasleys and your father’s side. 
It was clear that the world was changing, even between secret filming bouts for a dance themed film you were the lead in you could see the fear building and uncertainty of who to trust. The simple plot of a young male dancer who is enamored with a long dead famous dancer and immerses himself in her life story mingling memories of her performances and snippets known publicly of her private life he scavenges for memories from those who knew her, simple enough yes, obsession for an innocent influential figure. 
Though your face being plastered around the world in its explosive release was your biggest to date as some thought it gave some sign that you were still there, still watching after them after months without word or sight of you.
New Years soon bled into March and behind your shielded form beside Gellert in his you entered a posh Muggle hotel with heels clicking across the polished floor while the Muggles’ faces dropped and the duo inside at a table by the bar watched you approach through the parting, slowing crowds. The room dimmed as black cloths coated the city block flooding the street with apparating followers and in their retraction again you both filled the seats across from Dolph and an emu faced brunette who had been talking to another duo on the stools behind them.
With a smirk in the flicker of your eyes to purple Dolph greeted you, “Petal.”
Smirking back you said, “You have three minutes to tell me everything you know about R’s plans.”
In a raspy laugh he raised his glass in a mock toast to you, “Funny,” downing his drink he asked, “And just why would I do that?”
From under your loose curls one of your snakes slithered in your mental call to it through a tiny portal you had sent dropping his smirk, “Because that’s when you’ll start choking on your own tongues,” down your body and to your raised hand it coiled and greeted you fondly as you did the same in Parseltongue.
In a glance from his glass to the snake flicking its tongue out at him he shifted in his seat clearing his throat as the others did then lifted the pen on top of the pad you had slid over to him to start scribbling down all he could think of while Gellert stroked a finger along the side of the snake grinning at him contently. On your feet again you smirked at Dolph again leaving a small jar with three orange tablets inside collecting the pad and pen while strolling off saying, “Chew before swallowing.”
The heavily coughing trio scrambled to the jar and divided up the tablets, in your silence the snake took your portal back to its perch again and in the streets you strolled to the waiting port key at the end of the block while Gellert said, “If I am not mistaken, that was not a venomous snake.”
Smirking ahead you shook your head subtly, “No it was not.”
“And the tablets?”
“Vitamin c.” Lowly he chuckled and your arm looped around his in saying, “Snakes are quite useful symbols, just the sight of them insights fear, much like spiders.”
In a low hum he leaned more against your side patting your hand resting on his arm, “I am utterly in awe of you. What I could have achieved with your guidance in my first rise, the world we could have made.” His grin deepened as you met his gaze then joined him in stepping into the wooden crate that sent you off back to the Swiss Alps to the large hide out.
April first was as explosive as ever with those following Grindlewald showering the streets with W shaped confetti, though without taking the credit for it and triggering a day of pranks scorch let loose freeing Gellert to use in taking out a couple divisions of R in their decided moves and plans you had learned of.
Though for you it was merely a month of prepping for another birth, in your nights rocking Em on the tail end of her teething phase in your sleepless rounds of pacing through the house you could hear Tonks nearing her own birth. Her parents Andromeda and Edward both kept close and barely slept themselves often joining you in pacing through the night until on the 8th you all stood wait with Barty holding Em in your aid in keeping Tonks upright on her knees until her crying squirming blob of a baby came out.
With eyes closed for a moment you heard him being cut free by Remus off his chord and taken to be washed avoiding your own near pass out rush you felt seeing Em all coated in slime in her first moments.
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Once bathed however while Tonks took her potions and bathed you were named Godmother and allowed to hold him first. Smiling and waving at the boy tucked in your arm who cooed and squealed up at you and the others you introduced him to, though when she returned Tonks insisted Remus have the first chance to hold him, a chance that left him a blubbering mess with the guys helping him to the foot of the bed stroking his back. 
Edward ‘Teddy’ Remus Lupin was fully recorded into the family ledgers and showed off to his older cousins waking from their sleep, including his chosen Godfather, Harry. Fully folded into the family he settled into his own nursery, one that would be joined by another as nearly shouted over breakfast Fleur gave the news she was expecting and joining the new mothering brood.
The news came with the freedom of the seventh years finalizing the NEWTS exams freeing them into the world. Quidditch again had been canceled and in their final ride home from Hogsmeade Station they had decided to aid in the downfall of the trio destroying the world. Into groups they divided themselves and still wound up over not being the one to fulfill the prophecy of ending Riddle Harry jumped right into a bed of lava by accepting Romilda’s offer of joining her group. The pair would pretend to be a couple, both using enchanted items to disguise themselves to others leaving Ginny to a group including Dean and Seamus.
While tensions flew and the relationship between teens started to strain you felt yours let loose completely. It had been two months without wearing the ring Barty had insisted you keep as those trips to Hogsmeade brought another woman into his daily life, a young Veela who had been sent by her parents in hopes of being safe out of Romania while panic flew wondering what Grindlewald was up to slithering around in the shadows. 
He fell hard and fast, though she understood as he made it clear he loved you and you had a child together so you would have to get along ‘masterfully’ as he had put it. In your knowledge of her language the friendship grew and you couldn’t help but step aside even through the sting of having missed out on being the true love of the utterly wonderful man you shared a child with.
Hundreds of criminals were freed from Azkaban and the Aurors tried to scoop them up and in a public plea Rufus and the Ministry begged for you and your Death Eaters to help with the looming war as the lower factions were back and forth taking innocents out in their every move.
September again brought the train again, and along with the usual first years children of every age were being pushed onto the train and into your shop with notes and hidden bags and boxes holding all their possessions parents were entrusting you and the twins with their children. Day by day the numbers grew and things were growing tense as their parents took up sides to fix what was happening.
Unable to send them home the House elves spare from your islands along with more K had hired helped to handle them in the newly made Nursery near the Hospital Wing while the older students were being trained by a series of Muggle born parents from your islands who were teachers to Muggles. Classes were made up along with dorms and the security of the school was tripled with numbers of your wards growing by the day increasing panic as the sound of children had completely left the Wizarding Europe like out of some horror novel.
October came however with screams as Ginny had gone to surprise Harry over the weekend and came crashing back to school straight to your arms weeping after finding him in bed with Romilda. Hours she wept and screamed and broke the items you had summoned for that task
“He was just laying there, naked with her, naked on top of him. Passed out from an all nighter looked like!” Her gaze shifted from you and Tonks seeing the emotions flooding through your eyes and expressions along with Remus beside you, though when her eyes turned to Sirius she glared at him tearfully asking, “Why are you looking like that?! Like it’s just-,”
Shaking his head Sirius sighed lowering his joined hands from in front of his face causing his hunched position, then he said, “I am not condoning or approving it. Where it infuriates me to no end that Harry would ever cheat on you, I have no room to judge.”
Shaking her head she wiped her cheek angrily saying, “What does that even mean?”
Sirius, “When I was his age, even a few years younger I dated my way through most of my class. Until I finally saw and realized what I was doing and why-,”
Ginny, “Why would you do that?!”
Sirius sighed, “Because I came from a despicable family, and I hated myself and my life, it felt good so I tried to sleep with as many females as I could until I realized that I was displacing my aggression and insecurities and pain at being rightfully turned down by Jewels for so long.” Her head tilted in another furrow of her brows, “I know to you it sounds ridiculous, and it was, it was terrible and I was terrible but I changed. And this has nothing to do with Harry, you have every right to hate him, to never want to see him again or hurl pianos at him, what have you. That was my reasoning. It could have been a drunken thing, it could have been just the fact that two adults alone sought a deeper connection to distract from what’s going on, either way, you are angry and hurt and you have every right to be. I am, merely listening and waiting for a way I can help.”
Ginny, “Help? How could anyone help in this?!”
Sirius, “Well, for one, did he see you?”
“He was asleep.”
Sirius nodded, “Alright, did you leave a note or hex hovering above them for when they do wake up?”
She shook her head curiously answering, “No?”
“Now, do you want him to know that you know what he did?”
Ginny, “Yes!” Shifting in her seat her hands clenched around her knees after another wipe of her cheek, “Why wouldn’t I?!”
Sirius shrugged and shook his head, “Some women just choose denial. Now, the real question is, how do you want him to find out that you know.”
Ginny, “How is this helping?”
Remus pointed at him as you accepted Teddy in Tonk’s hurry off to get the tea kettle before it began to whistle and wake him, “No, this is actually his area of expertise.”
Sirius nodded and said, “I’ve been caught and outed so many times really I would be the best to come to for this. So there’s for shock value, ways to humiliate him, hurt him, both physically ad emotionally, there is also the blasé, ‘I know’ approach, just clean cut ‘we’re through.’ So it’s just a matter of how you want to handle it.”
Tears poured down her cheeks in the quiver of her lip, “I want to know why? Why I wasn’t en-,”
Sirius pointed at her saying, “This has nothing to do with your worth! You are marvelous. Trust me, he is an idiot, and he will never forgive himself for hurting you like this. Even if it was a drunken mistake or completely deliberate in a way to move on to someone else, this has everything to do with how stupid he is and nothing to do with you being enough or being the spectacular young woman you are. He screwed up, big time, and cheating is always, always selfish, there is no thought on how the other person feels or will take the act, unless it is the rare cases to make someone jealous or prove that you aren’t tied down, and trust me if that’s the case I will be joining the queue to give him a swift kick.”
Turning her head to you she asked, “How am I supposed to handle this when they’re supposed to be other people? When I can’t tell everyone who he is and what he did without putting him in danger?”
Sirius’ lips pursed, “Well then, we can set up a sort of trap to trap you both, or three if you want to hash it out with Romilda when you do confront them.”
It was nasty and hours of tears from the trio in sharing the details on the drunken hook up and Ginny reluctantly let her anger go knowing now that it was a so called ‘release of tension’ from the situation of not being able to be themselves or with the people they loved. It meant nothing to the both of them and respectfully they accepted Ginny needed time and space to get through this. So back to school she went and they were back to undercover work in the Augrey faction, all hoping that there could be a quick end to this new war.
Buckingham Palace in November, big, bright, beautiful, everything you had hoped it would be. A nice easy stroll in and you had hoped with Rufus’ help that you could talk some sense into the Queen of England, but a sudden shin kick and your hand swayed and asking permission was a thing of the past. Doubles were made and onto one of your islands the Royal family was rounded up and sent on a lovely ‘vacation’ in the growing threat that country leaders were next. The President of France was much more understanding as well as leaders from various countries you and the Order had contacted. Even to Muggles your name apparently was recognizable at least in them seeing posters or papers with your face and name on them.
Brazil had already been toppled with major cities falling left and right. Half of London was next to go with major bridges collapsing, including the one leading up to Westminster, half of which fell into the river as the ground gave way. Random flicks of wands were issued and Muggles were shrunken and aparated from danger, not by Aurors but passing random Wizards and Witches hoping to diminish casualties of innocents. All statutes of secrecy were in tatters and off to your islands the Order took the confused Muggles who all had their lives gathered and brought to their new homes their memories had been warped to accept and not grow violent with one another. Block by block you simply began evacuating them almost by force when the number of those that would be caught in the crossfire kept climbing.
Groggily you strolled into Ginny’s room passing her a potion to aid with her continued bouts of sickness. It was clear what conclusion she had jumped to after a night with Harry in the last time he came home to visit coming now to this seemingly unexplained trouble to her morning routine. But none of that mattered as on top of her daunting possible diagnosis she did not want to face came another, Romilda Vane had asked for a pregnancy crystal bracelet and it had turned blue. At once she was packed up and sent to an island for her safety and through her hours of tear filled talks with Sirius a deal was struck, Harry didn’t know yet and clearly she did not feel ready to have a baby or want to ruin what Ginny and Harry had again. It was not going to be done away with, she just did not want to mother it, so Sirius would, if Harry would decide that he was not ready either. At least that was the plan.
New Years, a time of new beginnings, new promises, a finish line that loops around to the starting line again. A full week you had gone sleeplessly handling the trade off of more children to your care as all the spies you had gained came to one conclusion, this was it, New Years was when the battle field would be set and those left standing would take it all. It was clear by the way the Minister kept looking at you as well as the Aurors and parents readying to fight.
On the edge of tears you stood listening to Albus planning away the escape plan. Your name yet to be spoken in his naming which lands to gather and which people to snatch up. A new island had been formed in the North Pole, a safe place to burrow and wait it out and still you stood hoping to hear your name, Severus, Barty, even your father and Uncle were assigned. Until the very end came and Albus said in a flash of a glance your way, “Jaqi will hold the barrier behind us and ripple distraction so we might make our escape.”
The sentence as soon as he said it he knew he was due for a slap in the silence of the room, again you were assumed to die, he wanted you to stand and die while they got to flee and with a curt nod you turned on your heel saying softly, “I’ll need something first.”
Lowly he replied, “Of course.” Narrowing his gaze on your back as your hair turned to a telling Midnight blue that you were readying to fight. The list of people to fetch had shrunk and still you had to plan their escapes as well so truly these selfish thoughts shouldn’t have been all your mind kept circling on. Surely you could escape and find your way to the new island and yet you still couldn’t get over this. Again Dumbledore had decided your fate so plainly and like your move to hide him as a dog you had to show him what cards you were holding when he played the Death Eater Queen card.
Through your doorway you gave the doorway across it in the hall you entered a knock and opened it at the call of Gellert inside. Turned around with an easy grin on his face he looked you over asking, “Is it time?”
“Yes, Albus has assigned our escape points.”
With a tilt of his brow his chin shifted, “Ah,” strolling around the table he raised the wand from the desk he was behind and he asked, “I take it he assigned you to stay and face the monsters?” At the tears in his eyes he clicked his tongue and brushed your bangs behind your ear stroking his curled fingers under the line of your jaw, “You are no monster. Come, we will show them who will be watching your back.”
Turning around your fingers rose to fix the rolled up sleeves on your open flannel over your tank top and jeans and his hand settled on your upper back. A subtle finger wave and his halls emptied into the empty hotel your headquarters for escape had been set up. Again the door opened and you saw Albus’ face drop in seeing the man at your side causing those around him to look him and his followers over in shock.
Molly off to the side said with a comforting nod, “I’ll be checking on Fleur and waiting for word on our arrival.” In passing you she gave you a quick hug whispering, “I knew you could do it, Love.”
With a grin you watched as Albus asked, “Jaqi, what have you done?”
Gellert smirked at him, “Our Queen has found herself a Monster to cover your escape.” In his turn to you his hand rose to fix your collar drawing your eye, “Run, fortify. Monsters only, leave these fools to me.” Winking at you hinting that you aren’t the monster you think you are, “Show these Wizards how fiercely Angels can fly.”
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Alarms and portkeys went off all at once and in your stride off to join the twins with your broom appearing in your hand after a quick flick of your wrist Harry found your side asking, “Where’s Gin?”
“We’re off to get her.”
Harry shook his head, “No, let me. Won’t take long.”
“You don’t even know where she is!” You shouted in his rush for the portkey to her making Tonks give you a nod in her rush after him latching onto his jacket to go with him. All at once you all zapped and soared off in the looming wave of forces coming your way.
Between plumes of black cloth Grindelwald’s forces grew and alone in the room together Gellert strolled past Albus as he asked, “Your plan was to remain behind? I do not believe that.”
Gellert, “Believe what you wish,” his eyes locked on Albus’ and he said, “Try what you will, live a thousand lifetimes, but you will never deserve her trust. Do not be a fool, never fail her again. She is living starlight.” Continuing on through the door he joined the others in the street and at his presence countless of those on the opposing forces, in Albus’ flight away to the meeting point to gather at the secondary portkey for all those fleeing, turned to join Grindelwald. Even without the Elder Wand a single flick of his wand and those a third of his age could not match his skill of speed in deterring hundreds.
Ripples of the war covered the globe and under the banner of victory Gellert hummed in his stroll through his safe house accepting the silver haired girl with doe brown eyes from Queenie with an excited gasp at her clapping giggle in greeting him. In his arm she was settled and to his rocking chair he strode humming lowly to her, “Delphini, My Dear, I have a grand story for you tonight.” In sitting his legs crossed and he stole a grin at Queenie in her move to go fetch the laundry to get her blankie she had washed earlier before she was off to bed. Grinning at the girl in his arms he said, “It is the story of a mighty Queen, born of starlight, though it all starts with a little girl, just like you.”
Continued in Book 2 Revelio
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bewitchingwitch · 6 years
Constellations pt.2
Hey y’all this I my first fanfic and since I’ve been obsessed with Newt Scamander lately I decided to do a series about him depending on if this part gets good reviews
Word Count: 2,009
You scurried into the Ministry past workers who glared and you and you pushed past them trying to make it to the front desk. You make it to the front and see an older women manning the secereraty desk.
Numerous papers were floating beside her as she flicked her wand in one hand and in the other she held a a quill checking of the papers as they flew in front of her.
"Excuse me." You started the women and all her papers fell down around her.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack.” The women replied. “Now what do you want?”
You cringed at the women’s rudeness. “I was wondering where I could find Theseus Scamander and the Auror’s department?”
The women let out a agitated grunt and looked at you from top of her half spectacle glasses. “You can find both Mr. Scamander and the auror department on level 2. The department of Magical Law Enforcement.” She went back to stacking her papers in a stack, as you thanked you could her her mutter underneath her breath. “Everybody knows that.”
You took a moment to take in the Ministry as you walked through the crowds. If you were being honest it was very overwhelming. Letters flew on their own whizzing past people. There were a lot of wizards appearing to work through the use of floo powder.
You noticed a large crowd shuffling towards an elevator and decided that was probably the way to get to your destination. By the time you got there the elevator was already packed and you stopped thinking that you should probably wait for the the next one.
But people kept pushing you forward, holding tighter into your bag you squeezed into the elevator. Your back pressed into multiple people, a man who you were unfamiliar with attempted to start conversation with you. “I’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you here before.”
You couldn’t help yourself from rolling your eyes. You remained facing toward as the door throwing a response towards the man behind you. “That’s because today is my first day.”
“Well lucky me. What department do you work in sweetheart?”
You couldn’t believe this guy, hitting on some random women he just met. “Magical Law Enforcemnet.”
“Are you becoming a secretary, most women who work in that department are secretaries.”
You had to hold yourself back from replying with a snarky comment. “If it concerns you, I’m training to be auror.” The door opened and you quickly got out but not before turning around to glance at the man. “And please don’t call me sweetheart.” The door closed on the mans shocked face. You figured that he had never had a lady talk back to him before.
You glanced down at your watch before picking up the pace it was 5 minutes till 8 and if you didn’t hurry you were going to be late for your first day.
As you rushed by onlookers you couldn’t help but notice you were one of the youngest people there. They probably didn’t hire many new people.
You looked down the long hallway and slowly walked down looking at the plaques trying to identify which door was the head auror’s office. You had been sent a letter a week ago telling you all the specifics but in your rush at leave home and to get some time in at the cafe you had left it at home.
The entire time you were walking down the hall you couldn’t help but think that Newt and Theseus has the same last name. You had to wonder if there was any connection there. Surely they were related, Scamander wasn’t that common of a last name.
You figured if everything went alright you’d ask Theseus about the strange yet beautiful, though you weren’t going to tell him that, man you had met earlier this morning.
The decorative carpet came to an end and the plaque above the door read Head Auror Office. You tried your best to smooth out the creases on you blouse before knocking on the door.
A voice replied to come in, and you slowly twisted the knob before entering the room.
There were two men in the room. One was older with graying hair in a dark colored suit while the other was younger. The younger one was wearing a navy blue suit. He had curly hair though it appeared way because it looked like he had run so much hair gel through to tame it.
They engaged in deep conversation, talking back and forth to one another while you awkwardly closed the door and stood in the corner. You took this time to survey the room, noticing that everything was very neat and tidy. Numerous books lined the shelf’s on either side of the the desk and on the back wall behind the desk chair there was a beautiful window. That gave a view of the skyline of London. That would be a beautiful drawing.
You turned you attention back to the two men, who were finishing up their conversation. The older man smiled at the younger man before turning his attention to me.
“So you must be our new auror.” The older man said extending his hand out for you to shake. You politely smiled back shaking his hand.
“Well I guess I’ll leave you to it. It must be nice to have someone so close to your age around here huh.” The old man said nudging the younger one. “And it doesn’t hurt that she a pretty, huh Theseus.”
You felt your face heat up and averted your gaze from the two men.
The younger man, now know as Theseus, had his face flush a light pink. “That will be all Mr. Smith. You may leave.”
“Alright I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it,” Mr.Smith joked winking at Theseus.
“Mr.Smith.” Theseus said through gritted teeth. Rising up form his chair. “Please leave.”
“Alright, alright. I get the hint Theseus.” Mr. Smith walked out the door mumbling to himself. “Kids these days.”
Theseus turned to face you clearing his throat in hopes of clearing the awkward atmosphere. “Mr. Smith is a nice man really, but he doesn’t know when to stop talking.”
You let out a small giggle in response.
“Shall we get started.” He said motioning to the chair in from it his desk as he sat back down.
You sat down as Theseus pulled out a file and opened it. He rifled through papers and pulled out some and set the folder aside. “You are Ms. (y/n) (y/l/n) is this correct?
“Good, good. Graduated top of your house at Hogwarts. Very impressive.” He placed your folder down for a moment. “If you don’t mind me asking what house were you in Ms. (y/l/n)?”
“I was a proud Gryffindor!” You said holding your head high.
“Ah, they were always a bit pretentious when I attended Hogwarts.” Theseus joked.
“Hey!” You smiled at him.
“Then again it could just be my own personal bias since I was a Hufflepuff.” Theseus said in his defense.
“It could be.” You both laughed.
“Now back to your resume.” Theseus said picking up your folder.
You talked back in forth about your accomplishments and about how he had become Head Auror at such a young age. You both found yourself drifting away from the topic of you resume to talking about each other’s life’s.
You were so deep in conversation that you were both startled as the door burst open. Theseus nearly fell back in his chair and you jumped up in yours.
In came scurrying Niffler he ran across Theseus’ desk and jumped into your lap.
“Darling what are you doing here?” You asked picking him up as he leaned into your hand affectionately.
Theseus regained his composure as he leaned closer to you. “Is that a Niffler?” Niffler turned to look at him glaring before turning back to you.
“It sure is. I had the pleasure of meeting him this morning.”
“Huh.” Theseus leaned back in his chair a amused look making its way onto his face
“Well if there’s a Niffler here that must mean-“
Newt burst through the door his hair disheveled and breathing hard. He had his case clutched in his hands and was leaning against the door frame trying to catch his breath. “Hello.”
“That means Newt is here.” Theseus smiled getting up from his chair and making his way over to Newt.
Theseus pulled Newt into a hug gripping him hard. Newt gave him a one handed hug lightly patting his back in response.
Theseus pulled away still gripping Newt by this shoulders. “It’s good to see you again baby brother!”
“It’s good to see you too Theseus.” Newt mumbled.
So they were brothers. You had figured they would be related, you took in both of their appearances noticing similarities between them.
They both had curly hair except Theseus tried to tame his while Newt let his run wild. They both had freckles but Newt’s were more prominent. Theseus had blue eyes that were a couple shades away from green while Newt’s were bright green with brown flecks.
Theseus was still beaming brightly at Newt. “What’s brings you to the Ministry baby brother, I thought you would have avoided us at all costs after your previous incidents.”
Incidents? you thought.
“Well that was the plan.” Newt muttered. “But I needed to return something.”
“Oh really what is it?”
Newt put down his case and reached into his coat and pulling out your sketchbook. “This.”
“My sketchbook.” The brothers turned to look at you.
You got up from you chair still holding Niffler to make your way over to the pair. Newt pulled away from his brother his eyes making his way to your face as he handed you your sketchbook.
“Sorry it’s a bit crumpled. It got smashed on my way over here.” You gently took it in your hands and looked up at him beaming.
“Thank you so much! I completely forgot that I had forgotten it since I was in such a rush.” You placed the sketchbook down in the desk. “How did you find me?”
“Well I um r-remembered that you said you were going to be working as an assistant auror to Theseus and I knew where his office was so I decided to bring it to you.” He said all this while looking down at his feet.
“And you just had to make a dramatic entrance didn’t you?” Theseus said with a smirk. “Like always.”
“Well I wasn’t planning to burst in but then Niffler broke away and I chased him down and you know the rest.” Newt said sheepishly.
You smiled gently and he made himself look at you. You placed a soft kiss to his cheek and he stumbled back. “You have no ideas what this means to me. Thank you Newt.”
Newt just stared at you going completely red and trying to form a complete sentence. You giggled. Theseus looked between you and his brother and then helped Newt stand upright. “Well we best get back to work.”
“Oh right of course”, you said. Once again you had a very dramatic goodbye with the Niffler before handing him back to Newt. “Take care Darling!”
“I will.” Newt said. “Um I mean I’ll take care of him.”
Theseus ushered Newt, out the door as he scrambled to grab his case,and bid him goodbye asking him if he would be attending the weekly family dinner, to which Newt replied no. Theseus smiled sadly and then closed the door.
“So it seems you’ve met my brother before.”
“I only just met him this morning he’s quite a interesting fellow.” You said smiling to yourself.
Theseus noticed this and an unknown feeling settled into his chest as he looked at you. “Yes he’s quite interesting. Theseus remained starring at you and despite all his efforts he couldn’t make that feeling his his chest disappear.
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