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Maui stores are way ahead of stores back home. Incredibly eco friendly (bring a bag or carry your stuff out - plastic bags aren’t even an option - not even at Target!) and on top of that, nearly everything is organic and locally sourced right from Maui growers and manufacturers. Shops and restaurants encourage you to bring your own reusable bags, containers, cutlery. The disposable products offered are almost always paper. People here just care. And are happy. They look at you and smile and it just feels as if this entire island is floating effortlessly in pools of warmth and light and I never want to be away from it. I’m home. (at Haiku-Pauwela, Hawaii)
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My heart is full. I’m inspired, exhausted, grateful, anxious, nourished, and everything in between. Maui, thank you for having me. Thank you for showing me your magic and your beauty. These past few days I’ve spent with you have left me with a whirlwind of emotions. Moving is hard. This island is an oasis, but finding your rhythm in a new place is both challenging and tiring. I miss parts of my old life. But I’m so grateful to be here. So grateful to be part of this beautiful community that I’ve only just barely skimmed the surface of. I love you, Maui. (at Garden Of Eden Maui)
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@islandfreshcafe thank you. 💛 (at Island Fresh Café)
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Rainbow Eucalyptus 🌈 (at Road To Hana - Maui)
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The mornings and evenings here are airy and cool. The front porch has become our new kitchen table, as there is no better place to enjoy a cup of Maui coffee or a fresh meal. I often find myself sitting out there and wondering how this came to be my life. Things change so fast. Or maybe they don’t. But, a year ago today I would have never imagined this is where I would be. And yet here I am. Sitting on a porch on an island. Each time I eat or drink anything on the porch, I stare up at the big volcano up in the clouds across from me and feel so very very small. Often times the top of the volcano and mountains here aren’t even visible because the clouds completely overtake them. We are all just tiny specs in a big big world, and I just happens to be a spec on a “bigger” spec in the ocean. It’s incredibly humbling and grounding to look at everything in perspective. We spend so much time worrying about things that just don’t matter. Our lives are so small. You could be swallowed up whole in an instant, disappear into thin air, and the mountains would still stand. So please, learn how to be breathe and be present. Fall so in love with the fact that you get to be alive in this present moment. Spend time outside. Tell people you love them. Hug more. Choose to be happy. And to be grateful. (at Haiku, Hawaii)
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@aarootsmaui thank you. 🙌 (at Aá Roots Maui)
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Surrounded by earth greens 🌴🌿 (at Haiku, Hawaii)
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I take her with me everywhere - thanks @maryssashattuck for the recommendation 💛 and the sticker! @hydroflask (at Paia, Hawaii)
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and to think this is just the beginning of my life long love affair with a tiny little island floating in the pacific 🌊🌏 🌴 (at Island of Maui)
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and to think this is just the beginning of my life long love affair with a tiny little island floating in the pacific 🌊🌏 🌴 (at Island of Maui)
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This place is the secret. I’m home. 💫 (at Haiku, Hawaii)
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Show me a better combo. I dare you ☀️ (at Paia Bowls)
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Every single inch of me misses this place. I miss the warm summery nights with windows open and the sound of rain drops and stepping outside each morning to another glorious day and feeling this strange sense of being home or simply belonging. It is a beautiful thing to be so very present each day of your life, to want to wake up and begin each day, and to grip so tightly at each minute of every day to try and not let it slip away. To be so very grateful. Grateful that this place and these moments are your life and are not something you want to escape from. No time wasted endlessly dreaming of other places and fantasizing about other lives, some past, and some present, or some alternate future that could be mine or even the lives of other people. It is a gift to be alive, and even more so a gift to be both alive and love the life that is yours (at Island of Maui)
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Show me a better combo. I dare you ☀️ (at Paia Bowls)
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I once read somewhere that our brain resonates at the same frequency as the Earth's own heartbeat, 7.83hz. It makes sense if you think about it - it explains why when we go out into nature we feel so much better. We are quite literally tuning our brain back to its natural rhythm, reconnecting ourselves with the earth 🌏 (at Baldwin Beach Park)
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My first coco 🥥🌴 thanks to @jrdemarsh 😘 It is a gift in life when you find people you enjoy sharing your time with - and simply put my time on Maui was memorable in many ways thanks to him. (at Ahimsa Sanctuary Farm)
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Missing home 🏡 🌈🌞 (at Haiku, Hawaii)
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