thinkingboy101 2 years
I said i was gonna talk about Primordial lore, and i shall talk about Primordial lore
Let's start with the 1st of 4 major factions:
The Stellar Commonwealth
The Stellar Commonwealth is a union of 4 gorvenments: the Republic of United Nations (R.U.N), Solar Roman Empire (S.R.E), Holy Mortal Kingdom (H.M.K) and the United Republics of Kilenios(U.R.K), we'll talk about them later.
The Stellar Commonwealth was formed by the Solar Emperor Maximus and was built upon a core belief: Synthesism.
Synthesism states that every single belief has it's opposite, the anti-belief and by combining the "good ideas" of both would result in the true one, the only that works not only for mankind but for every single sentient species in the Milky Way galaxy and beyond.
The Commonwealth is capitalist, it is socialist, it is democratic and also authoritarian. It is everything and is damn proud of it.
Now let's talk about the members of the Commonwealth.
Humanity is split into two: those who consider themselves to be part of colonies or of the renmants of 21st century Earthling nations and those who consider themselves to be the sucessors of ancient empires. The R.U.N is for the former and the S.R.E is for the latter.
R.U.N fights for Mankind's greatest creation: Democracy. Their objective is to spread such gift across the stars using the Commonwealth鈥檚 military might and diplomacy, sometimes. Their soldiers wear various types of camouflage and their vehicles and guns are inspired by those from the 1980's to the 2000's but with futuristic elements added such as holographic sights, wrist-mounted computers and railguns.
While the S.R.E has "Roman" in its name, it isn鈥檛 entirely Roman, they have Persians, Byzantines, Greeks and even Samurais figthing for Earth, the Dux and for their civilized, alien friends. The S.R.E believes that everyone should follow the "True Belief" and is willing to use force to do so. Their soldiers wear ancient armor and mettalic masks with glowing visors, the armor was also upgraded to feature mordern stuff like life support systems, ammo pouches, radios and etc. While they use the same vehicles as the R.U.N they add a bunch of golden ornaments, shields and banners to them. Also they like melee.
Then comes Humanity's greatest ally: The Civiti, an alien species who resemble an anthropomorphic version of several species of Earth's insects. They blindly follow the H.M.K's current monarch as their gods have been long gone, stuck or dead in their homeworld's, Mortalis, core. Sacrificing themselves to stop the advance of an unstoppable parasite called the Seed. They are partly inspired by some aspects from Hollow Knight. Basically, they are a bunch of alien bugs in Renaissance-like armor using the magical tears of their missing gods to power their technology, on an eternal crusade agaisnt the parasite that ruined their homes and the ones who awakened it: themselves (More on that later)
Then we have Humanity second best (and unwillingly) ally: the Khileni. An alien species native to the radioactive world of Kilenios. They are anthropomorphic and resemble Earth's mammals, primarily wolves, foxes and red pandas. Sadly though, they are always wearing a gas mask alongside hazmat suits or military uniforms. Their homeworld is a gigantic wasteland covered in the ruins of old battles and forts-turned-to-cities. They have been conquered by the Commonwealth a long time ago and has been loyal to it since then, although it is mostly because they need the Commonwealth to survive the other, bigger, threats on the Milky Way. They have a dieselpunk aesthetic and their uniforms are inspired by Earth's armies from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century (1850's to 1950's). And the only reason they exist is because i thought that furry stuff needed a little more edgyness.
The R.U.N and the Khileni are for the "average joe", their soldiers aren't that strong and rely on their gear and weapons to do the job, but whereas the R.U.N uses special forces and combined arms assault to win their wars, the Khileni like to dig trenches and charge at a bunch of active bunkers.
The H.M.K and S.R.E are for the "Cool guys", they look cool, they prefer melee and are EXTREMELLY zealous, fighting for their rulers and their species. Whereas the S.R.E combines mordern weapons and tactics with old ones, the H.M.K combines magic with technology.
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thinkingboy101 2 years
For the last couple of months i've been working on a sci-fantasy universe called Primordial, it mixes sci-fi elements with "mythology" from the major abrahamic religions
The first one is called Let There Be Gospel and is set during the Battle of Airdna, when a bunch of Satanist, demon worshipping, cults rose up agaisnt a galactical federation called the Stellar Commonwealth, focusing on the field leaders of the conflict as it splits the small planet into two, plummeting mankind into a war that has been going on since the start of the universe.
The second one called Operation: Supernova, set 80 years later, focuses on the grunts of the Stellar Commonwealth's army as it invades the Kronian Empire, an empire made of several cybernetically-enhaced aliens. A war with no clear reason to exist.
There鈥檚 more to it, and i will be posting about Primordial's lore as i finish the "novels".
I say "novels" because i don鈥檛 intend making money off of it, besides i am still a teenager so i can't sell stuff yet, so i will just post a link of a google doc that contains the stories.
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thinkingboy101 2 years
One of my favorites version of the "Bad Guy and Good Guy join forces to fight Bigger Bad Guy" was from a Max Steel movie/show.
Max Steel and the villain since season 1 joins to fight an extremelly buffed version of one of the villains. When the fight ends, Max goes like "Thanks for joining us to fight the guy" and the villain replies with "Yeah but we enemies again" and immediately attacks him.
No rebuilding your forces, no attempt to reconcile, just begin a new war the moment the last one ended.
Fucking mood
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thinkingboy101 2 years
Now i just had a really weird dream related to the r/tumblr subreddit.
I was browsing the subreddit in my dream and i stumbled upon a post that was supposed to be screenshots of forums where Terraria players talk about their traumatic experiences in an in-game war (note that i've never played Terraria) execpt those forums looked like 1960's CIA confidential files and one of the screenshots was so corrupted it was pratically unreadable.
Then, i scrolled into another post, i don't remember what the post really was about but it had something to do with gamers, Cristiano Ronaldo and a pride flag (the pride flag was black, white, purple and yellow).
The post was locked for some reason and my guess is because, someone mispelled the word "Misionary" and someone replied with "Did you mean missionary?" Alongside a 4 pages long Furry porn comic (Reddit had this feature where you could link other posts on comments).
What the fuck.
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thinkingboy101 2 years
If your trans friend has a suspiciously black mouth, it is because she was eating your coal reserves.
You see, if trans people don鈥檛 eat enough coal, they fucking die, but if they eat TOO much coal, they end up exploding, ripping off the skin of anyone near the blast and making their veins leave their body like they were spikes of steel, impaling anyone nearby.
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thinkingboy101 2 years
Being a trans woman must suck, at day you have to deal with transphobia and at night you have to respond to a containment breach in a confidential location somewhere in Canada and fight anomalies beyond comprehension knowing that none of your weapons actually work so you shoot the guys with orange jumpsuits instead
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thinkingboy101 2 years
I have no idea if this is copied from something else but this brazillian bootleg toy soldier set has one of the coolest symbols i've ever seen
Tumblr media
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thinkingboy101 2 years
It is christmas, you're in a giant dinner table with your family and lover in a fancy restaurant, eating enough food to feed an entire African village, everyone then decides to order pizza.
As a waiter is bringing the pizza to your table, a sudden feeling of dread covers your body and everyone else in the restaurant, your body begins to shake violently.
You collapse on the floor as a black, floating sphere appears in the middle of the restaurant, blood starts pouring out of every hole in your body as tears flow down your cheeks, you begin to chant "T'Kinomaluagh" before violently vomiting on the floor.
As you lie there on the floor, a sphere of flesh and scaly skin crawls out of the sphere, massive mouths filled with teeth all over its body, it cralws towards you, leaving a trail of green slime, it wraps its tentacles around you, lifting you up from the ground as your brain struggles to understand it.
You watch as everyone in the restaurant begins to stab each other before a million voices comes out of the creature's mouth, shattering your eardrums before saying in a soft voice: "Excuse me good sire, but do you eat the so called crust in the food you call pizza?"
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thinkingboy101 2 years
"Oh, what's that brother? You're sad that your Adeptas Sororitas gf left you? When i was your age i jumped into a Thunderhawk so that i could gun down some Prosperines, i had to leave behind a Thousand Sons femboy i had sex with in a collapsing pyramid, do you think i liked to see our fuck-pyramid burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives there! You know what? Fuck you, get the fuck out of my Fortress-Monastery"
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thinkingboy101 2 years
An old man is rocking his chair back and forth, an M16 is attached to the wall behind him and on a table besides him lies a green helmet with "Born to Kill" and the Peace sign written in it, Napalm Sticks to Kids faintly playing on a broken record.
In front of him is his son, wearing a green t-shirt and cargo pants, a dog tag wrapped around his neck, he pulls out the head of a fursuit from a box he was carrying.
"Y'know" The old man cries "Back in my time, we didn鈥檛 have these fancy fur suits, i had to make mine out of dead cats i found while patrolling Hue City"
"Yes father, you told me that like 5 times by now"
"You always had it easy, them gooks had them trees to hide behind, you just need to call an A10 Warthog and poof! They鈥檙e gone!"
"I wouldn鈥檛 say that" The son replies as he puts on the fursuit "Remember Aaron? The guy who dresses as a fox? He got his legs blown off by an IED in Fallujah"
"Get back to me when you see someone's skin melt off while covered in napalm"
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thinkingboy101 2 years
Inside of you are two Space Marines: a Dark Angels Terminator and a Thousand Sons Sorcerer.
Both are gay.
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thinkingboy101 2 years
Alright, i'm new here, are Tumblers still sending body parts to each other or nah?
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