thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
Well said, very well said. Open borders, open hearts, open minds.
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There’s a resurgence of anti-African sentiment in the Middle East because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we Africans are going be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Africans will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive
"Open borders for israel"
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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you can help us stop the hate in Israel
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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Many interracial couples have been denied marriage in Israel because of their non-acceptance of minorities, is this right?
Reblog if you agree with #OpenBordersForIsrael
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
So I was informed recently that I'm a bitter person because of my devotion to awareness of Jewish sufferings, and that I should calm down.
No, you calm down.
My people have suffered through a thousand years of being pushed back and forth around the world, never having a single home that we are treated with respect.
Telling a Jew to 'calm down' because of their beliefs?
You better believe this is goy privilege.
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
The anti-Semites on 4ch-n need to go down this time.
Stand with Israel to stop this hate speech, contact your local ADL office or congressman today!
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
Feels good to see an oppressive man getting hit by a book.
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
Just terrible, this is why the lower growth in caucasian population is helping.
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
"Can you bail me out of jail?" -former friend
Just because I identify as Jewish, doesn't mean I'm wealthy and have the ability to pay for every little thing.
Thinking I'm rich just because I'm Jewish, that's goy privilege.
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
Unscientific Straw Pole of Tumblr Jews: LIKE if you, too, have been asked if you HAVE HORNS.
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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What The Middle East Does In Case Of An Emergency.
In case of anything bad blame Israel. In case of anything good invent a problem and blame it on Israel.
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
A modern piece of unique Israeli music that will go down in the history books as the first to ever use this style.
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thisisgoyprivilege · 10 years
Just terrible.
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