timeless-assassin · 2 years
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timeless-assassin · 2 years
I'm going over pretty serious writer's block with the current "series" I've got going, so I'd like to have people request some characters and songs they'd like for that character!
so for example: "can I please have draken with the song gasolina or despecha?" or "mitsuya with the song amigos con derechos 🙏"
I'm open to practically everything, just so long as it's consensual!! I'll probably only ignore the ask if it's something out of my comfort level 👍
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timeless-assassin · 2 years
a/n: finally another one! and this one is actually my favorite I've written so far [mainly because it's the second one I've sat down and genuinely completed...]. Hanma is literally just so interesting to write, I still think he might be one of the time leapers if there are multiple ones!
but besides that, I literally adore this smug, egotisical little bastard. listening to bad bunny really made me think about him LMAO
very VERY loosely based on some irl events... hoco for me this year was SOMETHING lol
cw: smoking, [little bit of] insecurities [again...], he calls girls bitches and it's never really addressed [I don't tolerate that shit myself btw], he's very handsy, suggestive at the end if you squint
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You had originally come to the balcony for some peace and quiet. You loved your boys, of course, but sometimes they could be such a pain. Especially when some of them discovered there was a pool there, and you only could watch from your space above so that none of them fell and cracked their empty heads.
“Huh, wasn’t aware anyone else knew about this spot,” came a voice from the doorway. You spun around to see whoever it was, and you were completely in shock when you realized that it was Hanma Shuji of all people. He breathed out, smoke escaping his mouth as if he was a dragon. “Most guests stay downstairs at parties, yknow.”
“The music is overwhelming,” you finally say, sighing as you lean back. You cautiously keep your eyes on him, because he is just that wildly unpredictable. “And so are people.”
He strode towards you, a surprised laugh leaving him as soon as he saw you up close. You swore you even noticed his eyes trailing up and down your body. Not that you had really minded all that much. “Toman’s Walker, hm? Gonna put me on a leash?”
“Might as well muzzle you too,” you snarked back, smirking at the way he had cornered you against the railing. You turned up your nose at the smell of the cigaratte lingering on him, and at his cockiness. “Scared you might try and bite me like the wild animal you are.”
His words came in a whisper. “Oh I’ll bite in no time, sweetheart.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You murmured, tugging him closer with his necklace.
“It can be whatever you want it to be,” he teased, breaking eye contact to listen to the music beginning to play downstairs. He seemed to recognize it, since a conniving smile came across his face as he put out the lit cigarette. “But we can leave that for later. For now, wanna dance with me?”
“You’re seriously asking?” You were shocked, you knew you were his only option here, but you only seemed to mock and tease one another endlessly, barely even friends. It was a game to him, one you refused to ever let him win.
You gazed at his tattooed hands as they practically yanked you right up against him. Your hand rested on his chest, almost bare to you thanks to the lowly buttoned shirt he was wearing. You locked eyes, his lidded amber gaze resting on yours. Normally he looked disinterested, but right now you had all his attention, even if it was for that moment in time.
His hand came up to your hip, grasping it as you moved to the song. Maybe the permanent kanji etched onto his hands was fitting after all, with the way he was grabbing onto you. You felt completely enveloped by this man, nothing else on your mind besides him. 
This felt secretive, with how quiet the music was compared to how it was downstairs and you two being completely alone together. You weren’t sure what you were to him, or if you were just looking too much into things. He seemed the type to have one night stands, but you really didn’t want to just be one night. 
Your insecurities began getting the best of you, and you voiced them while covering it up with your usual snapping. “Gonna find some other girl after this shit?”
Hanma blinked. He looked confused for a bit, but then gave a big all-knowing grin the moment you instinctually moved against him. “You see any other girls on the second floor?”
“I mean, what’s stopping you from stealing some guy’s girlfriend downstairs?” You rolled your eyes at his retort, but some part of you knew that he still wasn’t exactly loyal.
“You are.” He leaned in to whisper, hand creeping onto your lower back and bringing you much closer than before. Normally you’d be intimidated by the fact that he seemed to look right through you at any point, but right now his amber eyes seemed completely genuine as they focused completely on you. “Why would I want some other bitch?”
“I’m sure you’ve told other girls the same thing,” you commented, moving your hips in tandem with his to the music. You hated admitting it, but he was really good at dancing, at least with you he was. 
“Maybe I’ll behave just for you,” he said, nipping at your lips and smiling again. Normally you’d hate him for being smug and simply full of himself. But you couldn’t help but feel completely absorbed in him. The way you both kept moving made you completely drunk on him, he was a drug on his own. 
“Well if you’re gonna behave for me, you better hurry up and kiss me, Shuji.”
His name felt forbidden on your tongue, but you ignored it for the sudden feeling of his own tongue interlocking with yours when he leaned in to follow your order. It should have felt invasive, he's jumped from gang to gang simply because of Kisaki, and here you were as Toman’s sole female captain. But you could only pull him closer by his shirt, only parting for breath when you finally needed it.
Hanma smiles before pulling away from you, and before you can feel embarrassed or betrayed about him possibly leaving you there, he takes your hand and spins you around to have your back pressed against his front. He was so tall, and you secretly adored the way he held you against him as you kept dancing to the faster portion of the song. 
You both laugh, and while he usually sounds deranged when he’s laughing, this was something that came deep within his chest. It seemed like this has been the most genuine he’s ever been with you, and even in general. 
He nuzzled into your neck, kissing right below your ear and smiling against your skin. “Anyone ever tell you how stunning you look? Especially tonight?”
You flushed just enough that you were sure he felt the heat from your body, and scoffed at the compliment. It was hard to take his words seriously when his hands were trailing dangerously through the curves of your body, and almost possessively too.
“I’m serious,” he said, tone devoid of any previous playfulness. He turned you around again, probably for the final verse of the song. His hand moved up to hold your face, something tender and, honestly, completely out of character. “I’ve had my eyes on you all evening. Glad I got the opportunity to dance with you.”
You could only wordlessly pull him into you, kissing him again. This moment with him felt like it lasted forever, dancing with him for hours and kissing him for even longer. But the song was much shorter than you wished, and would likely transition to another song after. And despite the end, you didn’t move away from each other. You were a little intimidated to maintain eye contact though, so you bury your face into his chest as he runs a hand over your hair. 
“A shame the song was so short,” he sighed, but it soon turned into yet another grin as he slid a hand to your thigh, which immediately brought your attention back to him. “But we do have the whole night together after all, right sweetheart?”
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timeless-assassin · 2 years
[6 AM]
a/n: before I go to bed, I wanted to drop the Draken one and see how it does! it's not my best or my favorite, but I liked it enough to post it!! I might make another one with a different song for the fun of it, since I love him so much
I suggest you listen to the songs of each title by the way! this one is 6 AM by J Balvin [ft. Farruko], one of my absolute favorite songs.
I do wanna note that despite the pissiness towards Emma, I don't hate her! I certainly may not be her number 1 fan, but she has her moments!
cw: nothing much? just insecurities, slight jealousy, a guy getting a little handsy [please let me know if I miss anything!
ps. don't make fun of my "edit" below, I made it in 5 minutes cause it's 2 am right now... I got school in the morning LMAO
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Ryuguji Ken looks absolutely ravishing in his outfit tonight. 
His light gray suit jacket and slacks make his black long sleeve shirt stand out in the best ways. He was more dressed up than usual, which was probably why it had caught your attention almost immediately. 
It was a shame really. Despite hoping for the best and for his attention, you knew that was impossible the second you saw Emma already at the party.
Draken has barely even looked at you since you left your house, hasn’t even said a word since he and Mikey were the last ones out of your house when you had them over for lunch. You truly should have known better, that no matter what you did, someone like you would never catch his eye.
You absentmindedly locked your eyes on Emma and Draken from across the room. They were just standing there yes, but something in you churned when you noticed the way she'd kept clinging to him for the whole time you’d been there. Whole body pressed against his arm, probably nagging him to dance with her or go somewhere private with her. 
Of course you were a little jealous of them, of her, but you held no actual hatred for her. She was just fortunate enough to capture his attention, something you'd been yearning for since you've really known him. Or at least she was confident enough to vie for his affection.
Thing is you knew him before Emma had, and even before Mikey, since elementary. You don’t really remember much from back then since it’s all been a blur, just that your life had gotten so much better since joining the rowdy bunch later on in middle school. You watched them grow up into who they were now, and grew alongside them.
You had met Draken before any of them, you think it might have been around the start of 5th grade. You were sitting away from everyone else, and it wasn’t because you didn’t have friends, but the friends you did have were more interested in doing other things than inviting you to play with them. No matter, you busied yourself by doing homework instead of eating, which had thrown Draken off entirely when he first encountered you. It was your lunch break, you simply had to eat during that time! 
That was what he insisted on constantly. When you refused to because you were too busy, he’d make you put your homework down, insisting you try the food he brought. Once you'd stopped prioritizing your assignments, you joined him wherever he went, and that's how it stayed. Draken always included you in everything he did, and although he wasn’t overly pushy, you knew there was still no chance of refusing him. 
Especially when he asked you to join Toman. You thought that he wouldn’t let you, considering the life of a delinquent was dangerous, but your heart swooned when he told you that not only did he know you could take care of yourself, but also the fact that you would be the safest with him. 
From then on, when not taking care of Mikey, he’d make sure you took care of yourself. That’s why he had left last, he’d been double checking to make sure you’d be okay on your own. He’d offered to wash the dishes, clean up the living room, but you insisted he needed to get ready too. The soft smile he gave you was enough to trick you into thinking he shared your feelings.
You thought that all that time you spent together would have been some indication of his feelings towards you. Especially when there were all those lingering touches and unmentioned stares between the two of you in the past, and now as you were practically grown up.
But you turned your attention back to the pair across the room, and you knew your mind had always been messing with you. Just like every time you thought you saw his eyes sparkle at you. Or every time he’d let you run your hands through his hair. Or every time he’d invite you to go hang out and eat, just the two of you, insisting that he’d take care of you.
You knew it was a bad sign when he’d practically ignored your existence since their drop by your house. Emma, however, probably caught his attention right away, everyone adores her after all. 
And I'm not saying that out of spite, you tried to convince yourself. 
And yet, you scoffed and looked away in near disgust once she'd pressed herself against his front, and walked away entirely not too long after to distract yourself. 
Even if that meant dancing with a stranger for now. 
The song started playing, almost as if on cue to your arrival. You’d found someone to dance with for now, and he was eager to go with someone that sought him out personally. But you picked him out at random, nothing but his height adding to your decision. You didn’t even get his name, and it seemed he didn’t care about yours either since the music drowned everything out in the end. 
The beat was easy to sway your hips to, which made you close your eyes. Your partner’s hands on your hips were fine where they were, allowing you to numb everything else out as you were dancing. Your back was to his front, which meant you didn’t have to see whoever this person was. He was a faceless stranger, you’d forget him by tomorrow and hopefully not feel too guilty about it.
All that mattered for now was that he paid attention to you and only you.
Except he took your dancing as an invitation to touch you wherever he wanted.
Before you could shove him or break his fingers midsong, he’d been pulled back and nearly socked in the face before you held back whoever it was that nearly attacked him. 
“She clearly doesn’t want you touching her like that,” he hissed.
“Ken,” you whispered, seeing the all too familiar dragon tattoo. “What are you doing here?”
“Huh?” He asked, slightly annoyed but more confused than anything. “Taking care of you, what else?”
“Real funny,” you said, helping the guy up and apologizing before he shrugged you off and left before things could escalate. Everyone who recognized the dragon tattoo knew better than to come near ‘his girl.’ Not that you had known about that, obviously. “You left Emma alone, where is she?”
He looked confused, which irritated you to no end. “She left. Said it wasn’t worth being here.”
“And why is that?” You asked. You were shocked that she was gone, you thought you’d find the two of them dancing together as the night progressed. 
“I told her I would go looking for you since I lost sight of you.” He admitted, bringing you away from some dancing couples. “She kept whining and didn’t want to leave me alone, nagging me to go dance with her. Finally told her she was being childish and immature, and she left in a rush.”
Well now you felt bad for her. You may have wanted Draken, but not to the point where you’d selfishly declare him as yours without considering her feelings at all. Poor thing must have been heartbroken.
To be fair, it was on her that she had come onto Takemichi despite him having a girlfriend all those years ago. And all the guys she technically used to get to Draken? Not many people viewed her too highly after those few debacles.
“You should have just gone with her,” you huffed, looking away from him and to the lively couples under the colorful lights. “Enjoyed the night instead of worrying.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to relax if I didn’t know you were alright,” he said, reaching his hand out. He seemed to expect you to take it, but you only looked at him skeptically. 
“Tough shit coming from the guy who hasn’t spoken a word to me until he saw me with someone else,” you spat. You felt it was a little mean, but you were genuinely hurt by the fact that he didn’t want anything to do with you before now.
He doesn’t sigh nor groan in frustration, his patience truly knows no bounds. Draken only offers his apologies with the way he’s looking at you right now. Your breath caught in your throat, making you stagger in your steps. 
He catches you, like he does every other time you’ve fallen, both literally and figuratively. Anytime you’ve struggled, he’s always been a pillar to support you. Draken has always been there to care for you when nobody else took the time to.
Maybe that was how he showed his love for you, and you’d just never known.
He placed a delicate hand on your waist, bringing you closer to him. “I did want to apologize though. It wasn’t anything you did that kept me away from you. I was just too much of a coward to ask you to dance with me tonight. I guess your beauty was just so damn intimidating, yknow?”
You snorted at the corny line, but still wordlessly melded into him, a hand on his neck and another on his arm. It was natural, no tensing up or hesitation with the both of you.
“I wanted to build up the courage, but I guess that guy beat me to it,” he said, practically against your lips.
“Ask me now,” you whispered. The music was blaring, but you two could only hear each other with how close you were now. 
He laughs, already swaying to the music. “Dance with me, won’t you?”
Who were you to deny him?
At the curt beats, you moved precisely to the beat and the lyrics, which made Draken’s eyes widen, but he grinned undeniably as he held your waist that much closer to him. The vicinity only made you dizzy, as his scent overwhelmed your senses. Lost in time and in each other, you kissed Draken, melting into him completely as you kept moving together.
It was everything you imagined and more, the feeling of his hands on you almost overwhelming. But you found yourself so gone to this feeling, you barely realized the song had come to an end already, making you think just how long the little altercation took you two. You moved away from him with a brief sigh, hearing some of the cheers from people already getting tipsy.
Draken seemed to sense your disappointment, squeezing at your hip to regain your attention. You hummed, turning to see his genuine adoring expression before he leaned closer to you as the next song began. Something slower, you noted, but your focus turned back to the man holding you so tightly.
“We have the rest of the night to dance,” he whispered, leaving a kiss on your neck. Linking your fingers, he further accentuated his point. “And hopefully the rest of our lives to spend together.”
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timeless-assassin · 2 years
Toman x Fem. Reader [platonic... for now]
“You guys want me to go to a party,” you stated, looking up from your phone. “With all of the major gangs in Japan in attendance.”
“Uh…” Chifuyu began, taking in the way you said it. Of course the idea sounds stupid when you say it like that.
A laugh comes from Mitsuya cooking in your kitchen. “A truce for a single night doesn't sound all that bad, [name].”
“It's also Mikey's orders,” said Draken, laying on the couch across from you and flipping through a biker's magazine absentmindedly. 
Baji grinned and grabbed you in an all too familiar, not very threatening headlock. “You better go, [name]. If you don't, I'll drag you there myself.”
“You're just saying that 'cause I'd be one of the only girls there,” you groaned as you instantaneously bent one of his fingers backwards to make him let go of you. “Besides, party host is Kisaki of all people. It's a disaster waiting to happen.”
“You act like you can't handle yourself, [name],” yawned Mikey as he woke up from his nap. “If anyone breaks the truce, you know we'll just beat them all down anyways.”
With most, it's a statement brimming with overconfidence. But when Mikey declares anything, it's certain, a promise he will make sure to keep no matter the odds. It's something you envy at times, you truly wish you could always keep your word.
But thinking about him made it more clear. You would keep lying to yourself if it meant not getting yourself hurt in the process…
…which is what you’d normally do, on a normal day. But tonight could be a big game changer. A chance to dance with the guy you had set your sights on for such a long time. The idea of being that close to him was exhilarating enough to change your mind almost entirely.
You blinked away the object of your affections from your vision for now. No need to be all daydreamy when the guys were over.
“I'll go.” While they playfully cheered and hollered, you gave them a look that made them quiet down. “Only to keep an eye on you all. Who else is going to make sure you get home safe?”
“Yeah yeah, you're not our mother,” scoffed Chifuyu, elbowing Takemichi, who had been lost in thought for quite a bit. 
“Mitsuya is close enough,” you retorted, taking in the scent that flowed from the kitchen. 
The male in question snorted and shook his head, before calling for everyone to grab their food. It was nearly a disaster, since everyone raced to get their plate before anyone else, but it took a single word from you – the host of this and most other hangouts – to calm them down. If anything broke or anyone got hurt, you’d definitely be furious at the culprit.
Once everyone had sat back down, they started laughing amongst themselves, happy that they finally got some food and that they were sharing it together in one place. Sure you would hang out in some dine in places or order some take out if you guys gathered enough money, but it was nothing like a home cooked meal enjoyed all together. Everything from secretly stealing food from one another to laughing when some idiot choked on their food from eating too much too fast, it was something you never got to experience with any other friends. 
Moments like these made you appreciate the small things with these idiots.
“Remember everyone,” said Draken, snapping you out of your thoughts. He took a sip of his drink before continuing. “You better be ready. We’ll all meet in front of [name]’s house before 8 so she doesn’t get in trouble. If you’re not here by then, we’re leaving you behind.”
Everyone gave an affirmative hum, mouths full with food. It was funny that Draken even expected a reply at all, considering everyone was so absorbed in their meal. Only reason you had even noticed he was talking was because he mentioned your name.
The rest of the afternoon went well, and everyone began dispersing to go get ready at home. You lost track of who left and the order, but once everyone left, you figured now was a better time than ever to get ready. Once the last person was out the door, you rushed to your room to figure yourself out.
It was a somewhat difficult decision you were faced with. Either you dress in some normal casual clothing and remain comfortable for the rest of the night while you practically babysat…
…or you put an actual effort into your appearance and have fun for once. Maybe even catch his attention.
That idea excited you a little bit. 
Thankfully, none of your family was home at the moment, so nobody would be questioning why you were more dressed up than usual. Not that it was much, it was just a skirt paired with thigh highs and a plain solid colored shirt. But you actually seemed to like it enough, and you decided to take your leave before you changed your mind.
Closing your room door and leaving your insecurities in there for the night, you quickly glanced at the time on the clock. The numbers made you jump, considering it was already almost 8 and that would mean the boys would be there soon enough. Once you made any last minute additions, you begrudgingly made your way out.  
You came out of your house to see your Toman friends standing around the front yard waiting for you. Their chatter had gone silent when you locked the door, and you turned to look at them to see what their deal was.
“What?” You irritatingly asked, surveying their gazes. It was a mix between shock, and something else you either couldn’t read – or you could read it but didn’t want to accept it as truth. 
“You look great, [name],” finally said Mitsuya, and the others nodded in agreement. 
It all made you flush with embarrassment. You supposed you could understand the initial surprise, you mainly wore the male uniforms at school and even within Toman. Not because you didn’t want to dress femininely, it was mainly a matter of comfort and slight insecurity. But hearing their support made you feel much better about it, even if it was just for tonight.
Making your way over to the wealthier neighborhood, you began noticing groups of people, both in their affiliated jackets and outfits, as well as typical party outfits. It was hard to tell who was in a gang or not when it came to the more normally dressed people, and even those who wore the jackets of the already disbanded Valhalla and Moebius [Absorbed into Toman…? Hard to tell these days].
“You boys better behave tonight,” you spoke up, head turning at the sound of someone making threats not that far from you. 
“Whatcha starin’ at?” Smiley giggled, cracking his knuckles at some onlooker for Toman’s arrival. His brother followed in his example, and unbeknownst to you, they were trying to get the dude to stop eyeing you in particular. “You got a problem with us?”
“Souya. Nahoya,” you snapped, which made the brothers look back at you. “Keep yourselves in check.”
“Oh shit. It's Toman’s Walker.” 
“Bro what? That ain’t worth shit to me. It’s just some girl.” The person looked unimpressed at the whispered title, and to be fair, you were as well. It wasn’t a self proclaimed or cool nickname like ‘The Twin-Dragons’ or ‘The Invincible Mikey…’
“Stand down boys,” you ordered, feeling the glares Toman was casting on the boy in front of you. You spat your next words, not affected in the least by his words. “No need to meddle with some low lifes. Don’t break tonight’s truce.”
Maybe you weren't renowned for your fighting skills like the prodigal Draken and Mikey, or your intelligence like Kokonoi or Kisaki were known for…
But you definitely kept your boys away from barking and biting where they shouldn’t… and where they should. You earned your nickname.
Shuji Hanma
Ken Ryuguji
Keisuke Baji [in progress]
Tetta Kisaki [in progress]
Takashi Mitsuya [in progress]
[ Still trying to figure Tumblr out! Tags got me messed up, not sure I'm using enough, and yet I feel like I'm using too much LMAO
After I'm done with homework, I'll be at work on these fics! ]
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timeless-assassin · 2 years
hey there! somewhat new to actually creating tumblr content, but I've been on here for several years! 
I loved reading all the tokyo revengers x reader stuff on here so I decided to try to post the stuff I've been making myself! it's heavily inspired by the countless reggaeton playlists on youtube that I've listened to so much. but I do wanna make it open to requests! I don't have many ideas other than the ones for my favorite characters, so I'd love to hear from everyone who gets to see this. 
so far I have completed oneshots for: Draken and Hanma, while I have Baji, Mitsuya, and Kisaki oneshots half completed at the moment.
I'll definitely link these when I've finished posting them!
as for any other character, it's free game! feel free to request any character with any song. I'll try to keep an open mind, but try to suggest stuff like bachata, reggaeton, cumbia, etc. I'm good with repeats in songs and/or characters.
I'll get to what I can considering my busy schedule, but I also might tend to show favoritism towards completing certain characters before others. [ex. if I had to choose between doing a wakasa oneshot or a kazutora one, I'd immediately go for waka, without hesitation LMAO] not that I'd outright refuse any characters, it just might be easier and even quicker for me to start on my favorites.
oh also, I'm all caught up to the manga!! so definitely feel free to request people like the already mentioned wakasa.
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