tinydaryladventures · 6 years
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🥄🥄 #thewalkingdead #twdfamily #twd #normanreedus #tinydaryladventures #mcfarlanetoys #daryldixon #gremblygunk (at Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpa43-gBxZ1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kn3gp76i1reh
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tinydaryladventures · 6 years
please tell us what chris said when he saw the bisexual flag, did he recognized it? what was his reaction? I love both of your photos, so lucky!
God, I really wish I had some amazing story for you about him recognizing the flag and being like “fuck yeah, bi pride!” or immediately having me sing the “Gettin Bi” song from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend with him. But alas.  The actual story though… I walked into the op with the flag ready to go and handed him his corner and asked him if he’d hold it up with me. And he just smiled at me, did that like sight head tilt thing, took it, and said, “You got it!” (while making direct eye contact which is a thing he needs to stop doing). lol So, I mean, his reaction was positive? And to answer your question about him knowing what it was, I can speculate that he probably does know. I mean, he’s got an actual reason to be aware of what goes on in the queer community, so I feel like he’s gotta know? But that’s only speculation. I’m sure he knew it was some kind of pride flag at any rate. But anyway I’d kinda in my head expected us to stand side by side and hoist this thing into the air behind us, but he did that weird half-turn into me instead. Which was honestly kind of amazing and a blessing to my life. And then like everyone that day, after the photo, he looked at me and said a sincere thank you. And because I need to record it somewhere anyway for memory’s sake…My friend and I actually got the shield op together earlier in the day, so my pride flag op was my second with him. My expectations of ACE were pretty low based on stories from people who’d been before (and really even my experiences with some of the bigger TWD cast and stuff). I kept them low so I wouldn’t be disappointed. So I pretty much expected to walk in and get a photo and walk out. And I would let that be enough because it was still an opportunity so few people get. So when it was our turn and he started actually saying hello and asking us how we were, I was really really surprised, and my brain sort of short-circuited for a minute. Like we get to speak to you? Without an autograph ticket? We get to actually interact in an op? What is happening? Anyway, this pose was less complicated but we were planning on kind of sandwiching him in and laying our heads on his shoulders. But he put his arm around my back and so i couldn’t turn into him as planned and I was like I’m not gonna tell him to take his arm out from around me? That would be crazy? (And I think my friend was on Cloud Chris and forgot the plan lol)And he was rubbing my back while they were taking the photo (this was another thing he did a lot to people haha). And then after we took the photo, he hit me with the full eye contact for the first time, and his face was so close to mine that I couldn’t even look at him without going cross-eyed. And I rambled out a “it was nice meeting you” while actively dying. And I remember that my brain pulled a full on Bucky-in-fanfic-meeting-Steve-for-the-first-time and was like holy shit, his eyes are so fucking blue.And anyway that’s my story of meeting one Christopher Evans. Between what he did with my friends and all the other stories I heard from talking to people throughout the day, he was a soft, nice man to everyone who met him and he did pretty much anything anyone asked for in the ops. He spoke to everyone, thanked everyone for getting pics with him, held people who were nervous, and was just genuinely kind and appreciative of everyone who came out. He also seemed like he was actively enjoying being there, and I think ACE finally found the right balance of how many tickets to sell so that they didn’t overload him. I hope they stick with what they did for Chi and that it makes him more willing to do these sorts of things with some of the pressure off. But I basically went there expecting to just get to occupy the same space as him for a brief flash of a moment, and I walked out feeling like I genuinely met him and it was just a nice experience all around. I’d do another ACE in a heartbeat. I’ve seen a lot of cons that never learn from their mistakes or try to iron them out, but this one seems to listen to fan complaints and to actually take action. Also, thank you for the kind words about my photos. I feel so lucky that some things in my life lined up just right for all of this to work out. I know I’ve seen them with rainbow flags a lot, which are for all of us, but I’ve never seen them with just bi flags. And it’s just double special to me between my personal identity but also the way I headcanon the characters. I’m so glad I got to do it and share it with everyone.
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tinydaryladventures · 6 years
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I did it y’all. (Please credit @/alexes_c if you repost)
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tinydaryladventures · 6 years
So tired of people abandoning TWD. I'll never give up on the show or the wonderful cast.
No one is asking you to?
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tinydaryladventures · 6 years
I always love how many Daryl fans gravitate to Bucky too. It means so much to see wounded characters survive and make lives for themselves. And yes, TINY BUCKY!!! Sorry for shouting, but considering the things you've done with Tiny Daryl, I know Tiny Bucky would be epic. I'm so glad your experience with Seb was stellar!
You know, that’s such a good point. It’s funny that a bunch of the TWD fandom flipped over to Bucky/Cap at like the same time, and I think that might be some of it. I think a lot of us are looking for a new fandom home too as we feel kind of pushed out of the TWD Family for a myriad of reasons. But that was for sure the reason I loved Daryl so much early on. Of course, I was biased as a huge BDS fan, but I didn’t start to fall in love with him as a character until we started to really learn who he was. I think I have a thing for watching broken people knit back together and like find strong support networks, maybe because that’s my personal goal for myself? There’s also a parallel in their loyalty factor. Bucky would do anything for Steve and Daryl would do anything for Rick (and a lot of the others as he becomes more of a part of the core group). I’m sure we’ll see that in Bucky too as we go on. I mean, I’m pretty sure he’d already do anything for Shuri, but we haven’t really gotten to see that yet. But Tiny Bucky is definitely a consideration if I can get my hands on one or if they make a new one with the IW getup. I found one that would be the ideal size but he ex$pensive. lol Either way, even if I don’t participate the same way I did with Tiny D, I love my new fandom and I feel very welcomed and very warm. (Also, I’m not saying I’m never gonna do Tiny D stuff ever again. I’ll probably take him to WSC ATL which I’m still doing. And I do have some ideas about sort of passing the torch? But anyway, just putting that out there before anyone asks.) 
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tinydaryladventures · 6 years
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Personal photos from SebCon. (Please credit @/alexes_c if reposting on Twitter/IG/etc.)  Shout out to @sergeant-barnes for the screenshots of my live since I failed to save it bc mushy brain (and also I didn’t know Insta doesn’t archive lives even if you make them your story... insta why don’t you archivaoisjfa) And all of my love forever to @captainameriqueer for the amazing Winter Soldier themed edit of my selfie. <33 I’m cry.  Hugs to Fandemic, Seb, and all the fans who came out for the spectacular day. <33 Read my con report here if you wanna. 
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tinydaryladventures · 6 years
Con Report - SebCon
I wanted to journal this somewhere, and it’s really just to preserve my already jumbled mush of happy memories, and Idk if anyone else will even read it. Anyway, here we go... 
So I bought tickets a while back to meet Sebastian Stan at Fandemic in Houston. Of course, he has effectively canceled his appearance (though he’s still trying to make it and i’m throwing up vibes to the con gods like wild pls also do that.) So what happens? I get an e-mail last week telling me that he’s basically gonna show up in less than a week. My 43 days of lead time fell to 6!!!  So what do I do? I mean, I go. Duh. Anyway, I had a platinum VIP (that I tortured myself financially by buying whyamilikethis) which meant that I also got to be in a more intimate meet and greet type thing with him first thing in the morning. There were also pastries. That I did not eat. Until lunch. Because who can food at a time like that?  So I have a bit of a hassle getting to the venue (and my Lyft driver was a bit of a dick), but I made it there and got inside and they let us in pretty quickly and some new friends and I got a table up front and waited for him to show. Well, Seb came in a little early and just walked in all casual like in his white tee and his lil backpack, and I noticed him before anyone else at the table and was kinda quietly like, “Um guys.”
And this girl looked up and yelped really loud and then like clapped her hands to her mouth and we all laughed. And Sebastian legit went table to table (there weren’t a lot of them 6-7? and it was a really small group). He said good morning to everyone, gave out some hugs, and just had a little conversation with every group.  He got to us last or close to and literally stood right next to me, and I’m staring up at the Jawline of Doom trying to hold my shit together. I wasn’t ready. And he’s still got his baseball cap and backpack on, and he looks like he’s on his way to History 101 or to a Starbucks where he’s gonna like write code all day. He looks adorable af is what I’m saying. You know that feeling you get when you see a puppy and a kitten being friends? That’s what Softe Morning Seb looked like.  So a couple of the folks at our table had tumblers with water and coffee maybe? in them and he looks down at them and goes, “Are we drinking over here?” and I just said, “I wish” because I needed a mimosa or something to handle this 6 ft Romanian god looming over me, I...  And then he said we were the “fun table, I can already tell” and someone thanked him for getting all this together short notice and mentioned that it was the first ever “SebCon” and he laughed at the name and said something like “Oh god, I guess it is,” and I think he said he was nervous about how it was gonna go maybe? And I said, “It’s gonna be okay.”  So after he made the rounds to the tables, he went and sat up front and did a really small, cozy panel, and everyone who had a question got to ask one. And I asked him like, if his darker roles take a toll on him and how he handles them, and he stared into my soul the whole answer, and I transcended into another realm of being where I just internally wheezed into the void while I was externally a Very Good Listener. Not that good though, because someone asked me later what the answer was and I’m pretty sure I just exhaled and said, “Fuck.” But I think the gist of it was basically that obviously he’s not exactly going home and partying after, but at the end of the day it’s a job. I know someone out there probably has video and I’m going to FIND IT.  (Also someone asked him his fave planet and he said the other day he was feeling really bad for Pluto. Who is this man? (But of course it’s Mars and he wants to go there.)) My friend also said “hello” to him in a kinda flirty voice and he dropped his voice like 12 octaves to reply, and I’m still... not okay over that.  But yeah, so then we took selfies, and I hugged him for what felt like 20 minutes but I think was about 10 seconds (and I vividly remember feeling his shoulder blades because of the way he was leaning? And I remember a lot of white bc of the shirt.) Then we ended up getting through selfies pretty quick and there was some time left after that, so he answered a couple more questions.  They let us move over to ops after that since we were supposed to go first anyway. And I got up to him and had my bi pride flag out and asked if he’d wrap up in it with me, and he said “sure” and took his side and kind of danced and spun into it all at once. It was like he’d had to do this several times before and knew exactly the best way or something? Do you practice? Is this how you put on couch blankies when it’s cold?  So on my side, I have very little flag left to work with (I bet he hogs the covers) and I’m laughing and saying, “I’m failing. I’m failing” And I legit might have hallucinated this because Thursday was So Much, but I’m pretty sure he very seriously and kindly and Sebbily was like, “No you’re not.” I was just joking, pal, buddy, but thank you if that actually did happen and wasn’t just a figment of my imagination. You’re so kind. (I mean, I’m like 80% sure it happened, and It does seem like something he’d do?) Anyway, the pic is cute as hell and we’re very close and I am very blessed. I’m gonna do another post of just pics here in a min. 
So after ops is where the fun happens. I go and get in the autograph line to wait for him to finish photos. We’re all waiting. There weren’t that many people there in general and the ops go fast, but we could see the line because everything was in one room, so we knew it would be a few minutes at least. Then... the fire alarm goes off. 
At first, like no one seemed to care it was going off other than a little looking around like, welp this is happening now. The photo ops kept going and we’re all like okay we’re gonna shrug it off? I think we’re all figuring like, you know, they’re gonna remove Seb if there’s any real danger. Probably not good for business to let the celeb catch fire?  Well, Seb pops out of the photo ops curtain a moment later, throws his arms in the air, and from that moment on, is buck wild. Someone on Twitter called it “yeehaw energy” and I’m still laughing about that forever. He play-screamed in this girl’s face bc she was recording, pretended to flip a table with additional yelling, then did push-ups and squats just.. because he’s Sebastian I guess? (I think really he was trying to keep the mood light because that the day had to even happen was already a bit of a hiccup for Fandemic and then now this? I don’t know though. Who knows what goes on under that beautiful hair? Not I, friend.)  Video evidence here. (Advance warning for One Man Being Too Much.)
So during/after Yeehaw Seb, the Fandemic folks start coming out and waving us all out like no we gotta evacuate, guys, we can’t just ignore a fire alarm, we guess. So we all go outside and migrate to the one point of shade under this tree because it’s Houston in August. They tell us there was some kind of issue that they’re isolating and we’ll all be back inside within 15 minutes. They were right! They took us in a short while later and had us line back up and things went on like it never happened. (They also apologized for not being able to put us back in order, and I’m like.. lady? We all just got to watch Seb do squats? We’re fine.)
Finally ops finish and he starts autos. There was some extremely mild waiting. I get to Seb and I say “Hello, how are you?” in Romanian and start to tell him like the speech I’ve been rehearsing forever and still messed up as I predicted I would. I thanked him for Bucky and told him that he’s important to me because my brain is a garbage can of bullshit (okay those weren’t my words at the time) and that it means a lot that after everything Bucky went through, he’s still trying to heal and get better and even recognized that he needed help doing that. And I told him that I would probably butcher the next thing I said, and I said “Bucky is special to me” in Romanian and he just kind of finished my auto and looks up at me, and I think I broke him for a second?  And he said “repeat that.” And I did, and then he had me repeat it again, and he’s staring blankly at me, and I’m like welp, that must have been wrong. So I just raise my eyebrows and make a face and say “Way wrong?” Because he’s just looking at me, and I’m like, “’Bucky is special to me’...is what I was trying to say.” And he’s like “In Romanian? And you said... *in Romanian* Bucky is special to me?” And I’m like “Yeah?” And now I’m broken, but he thanked me and said it was great and aldsjfa.  So anyway, my autograph makes me highly emotional. I’m gonna put most of my pics together but, I’ll put that here because it’s relevant to my feelings... 
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“Lex, stay strong and live every day” is 100% my next tattoo without a doubt. 
So after that, there was some sitting around and waiting for the afternoon panel. My new friend Jed continued to get signatures on his giant thank you/birthday card (the one from Seb’s insta story where my sig is visible? I was basically on Seb’s insta story?) and we just all had fun hanging out and eating and goofing off and playing “no you can’t take our table from us” as they rearranged the room to fit in more people for the main panel.  And then the panel, and I am literally sitting right in front of Seb like 4-5 whole feet away, front and center, which was actually a Bad Plan because Eye Contact. But anyway, you don’t really need me to recap that because there are 8023843 videos that have already been posted or will be in the coming days, I’m sure. (But he sang to my friend and I died for her?) All in all, it was a great day, the best day, the only day that matters in my whole life. It was so relaxed and I’m so glad I got to attend the first ever SebCon and that it was my first experience meeting him (even though i’m going to be so spoiled now). Fandemic did a great job pulling it together and handling it all on short notice, and I’m really impressed with them and their staff and the entire attitude they had. I witnessed the CEO several times just making sure that the fans were the priority and nothing else. He made staff members move out of the way and had the photog move back in the panels so they could put more chairs down front and center for platinum guests. Also impressed with Seb’s fans who came out. I’d... heard a lot of stuff aboutt Sebastian’s stans, and I was a little bit worried about spending an entire day with them and just him. But I think like all the stuff I’ve heard about every other fandom’s stans (*cough* Norman *cough), the crazy ones are a very small minority who just get more attention bc they do wild things. Everyone there was generally so respectful and the panels were all good with good questions. It was just a very warm, very happy day for the few people who made it out.  So, thanks Fandemic and Sebastian. I had the best time. Yeehaw energy forever. 
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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Goodbye, Carl. #thewalkingdead #twdfamily #twd #tinydaryladventures #rickgrimes #michonnetwd #Richonne #andrewlincoln #danaigurira #mcfarlanetoys #carlgrimes
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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Happy 35th birthday Tom Payne :)
Had started this painting back in May, and finally could finish it on this date ❤️
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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if I could spare his life, if I could trade his life for mine.
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
This is one of those rare adventures I do less for laughs and more because I have feelings I need to get out some way.  Like the one I did after we lost Tyreese,  So basically, I made myself cry too. <3
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Welcome home.  (Also, this got picked up by Laurie and the comic TWD account without being properly credited and while I’m stoked and still yelling, this account sometimes helps me get work so that kind of stuff can hurt me. So if you see it around and are feeling nice, feel free to (in a nice way) direct folks to any of my accounts @tiny_daryl on insta/twitter, tumblr here, or Tiny Daryl Adventures on FB.)
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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Welcome home.  (Also, this got picked up by Laurie and the comic TWD account without being properly credited and while I’m stoked and still yelling, this account sometimes helps me get work so that kind of stuff can hurt me. So if you see it around and are feeling nice, feel free to (in a nice way) direct folks to any of my accounts @tiny_daryl on insta/twitter, tumblr here, or Tiny Daryl Adventures on FB.)
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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I put the form for holiday cards up.  As usual, I’ll be drawing for as many as I can afford stamps for. 
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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Personal photos from WSC Atlanta 2017. 
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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I also got a Hamilton-inspired writing tattoo in Atlanta because it’s apparently my new habit to do/buy Hamilton stuff at Walker Stalker events? 
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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Personal photos from WSC Atlanta 2017. 
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tinydaryladventures · 7 years
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Super Daryl got hungry. #daryldixon #thewalkingdead #twdfamily #twd #normanreedus #nicandnormans (at Nic & Norman's)
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