toastybbb · 3 months
The G in Genya stands for "gun"
The "enya" stands for "enya face"
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toastybbb · 10 months
Back to Me
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Pairings: shoko x gn reader (they/them pronouns for reader)
Warnings: fluff (if that terrifies you)
Syn: Shoko never thought she would get you back after all these years
To Shoko, the years you two had dated were the best years of her life. Better than spending that time with Satoru and Suguru (although she wouldn't admit that to them).
When she broke things off between the two of you it was a shock to everyone, but mainly her.
Especially when after a couple weeks you fled the country, traveling anywhere and everywhere except for where Shoko was.
Agreeing to meet up with her when she had heard you were in town seemed too good to be true. Almost as if she were being pranked by Satoru.
But when she had shown up to the park bench where you two had agreed to meet and saw you sitting there, she'd be lying if she wasn't terrified.
Sitting next to you, she lit her cigarette nervously, pocketing the lighter with a shakey hand.
"You look different...but well" nervously she says before taking a drag.
Y/n nodded.
"I could say the same for you Shoko, you look well too".
Shoko took another nervous drag before speaking again, looking down at the cigarette in her hand.
"What brought you back here? I thought you'd never come back".
The last line was true. She thought once you had left not only would you never come back to the country, but back to her.
Y/n shrugged, gazing at the trees that loomed around them in the park.
"Just thought I'd pop through, see what's been going on the past three years".
Shoko knew deep down her feelings for y/n still flourished.
She was holding on to the slim chance that y/n felt the same after these years.
It was a foolish thing for her to think.
But why else would y/n agree to meet up with Shoko?
"Do you plan to stay for long?"
Shoko was hoping the answer would be 'yes' but that thought was soon ended by the touch of y/n's arm that now wrapped around her shoulders.
Was this a sign?
Does y/n still feel the same?
Or is this just a friendship type thing they're doing?
"Probably another week, then I'm off to Australia".
Shoko's eyes widen slightly before looking up at y/n.
"Australia? What's for you there?"
"A fresh start".
Her stomach dropped.
A fresh start?
That means y/n wants to start over, forget everything they knew from here.
Forget everyone.
Including Shoko.
That's what had begun to run through her mind as she looked down at the now burnt down cigarette in her hand.
She hesitated a moment, her voice tinged with a hint of guilt.
"Why would you want a fresh start?"
Y/n chuckled lightly.
"No one knows me, doesn't know my story".
Shoko's heart broke at what came next, she didn't want to hear it.
"Find someone new".
If there was a glimmer of light in her mind that she could get y/n back it was now fading fast.
Shoko fought the tears that threatened to escape her eyes.
This was something she didn't want to hear.
She tensed slightly after feeling y/n's thumb rub circles on her shoulder.
The thumb attached to the hand that was part of the arm that wrapped around her shoulders.
"What if I could make you stay".
The words left her lips quietly, almost a whisper.
Y/n glanced down at her, a confused expression on their face.
"Stay here, with me".
Y/n pondered for what to say, unsure of what to do.
"Y/n, I'd be lying if I said I still didn't love you".
Y/n's expression softened, a small hint of shock lingered in their eyes.
Y/n's thought was cut off by Shoko's lips connecting with theirs.
Immediately, y/n cupped her cheeks as they kissed her back.
Shoko could feel herself relax into y/n's touch, knowing this may be her one shot of getting y/n back to her.
Y/n was the first to pull away, catching their breath as they looked at her longingly.
"Please y/n, come back to me".
Shoko looked up at y/n, eyes full of hope and love, smiling at y/n's answer.
"I knew there was a reason to come home after all these years".
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toastybbb · 10 months
I finished AoT a week ago (still not okay).
Also not okay after this week's JJK ep :'(
I have ideas for works. Hoping to get them posted soon!
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toastybbb · 1 year
I have been a bit busy with work and lowkey a bit stressed as well. I'm going to try to write a couple things this week!
Also! Can now write for JJK!!
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toastybbb · 1 year
Just A Check
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Warnings: mentions of depression/anxiety
Pic from Google
You dreaded this time every month. You thought it was pointless.
But Mr. Ubuyashiki insisted that all corps members meet with him individually once a month.
He had found out a while back from some upper corps members that some members weren't themselves.
Mr. Ubuyashiki was a bit shocked, not surprised to hear that.
He knew the life of a demon slayer wasn't easy.
In fact, he would be surprised to find out that none of the members were themselves.
Anyways, you despised your monthly meeting. Mr. Ubuyashiki knew by now that you were one of many to be on his radar for these checks.
Yet, no matter how hard you tried to get out of these meetings you were never successful.
He would get you to him one way or another.
But this month you really didn't want to go. It was the lowest you had felt in years.
You knelt before Mr. Ubuyashiki slowly, lowering your head in respect before looking up to him.
"Ah, y/n, good to see you again".
A forced smile plagued your face as you responded.
"Thank you Mr. Ubuyashiki, it's nice to see you as well".
"You're worse now, aren't you"?
This man knew everything. You hadn't even told him how you were doing and he was quick to pounce.
Your silence wavered another question from him.
"Y/n, you know I don't like silence, won't you answer my question"?
His tone had shifted slightly, now a bit stern.
You sigh softly, not wanting him to hear you.
"Yes...I am, you know I don't like these meetings".
"They are important to me. I'd like to make sure all corps members are well. Now, tell me what's going on".
You sit for a moment in silence.
Mr. Ubuyashiki was good with letting corps members sit in silence for a moment during these meetings.
"I'm slipping again, and I don't think I can break the fall."
Your voice had grown softer by the end of your sentence, tears resisting the urge to form and fall.
Mr. Ubuyashiki stepped down from where he was standing and met you at your kneeling level.
"Being a corps member isn't easy, it takes courage and strength"
You listen in silence not saying anything.
"Why did you become a corps member y/n"?
You weren't expecting this question but knew he would tie it in to something.
"I became a corps member to protect those who can't protect themselves, and to help rid the earth of demons".
You wipe a tear from your now pink cheeks that had escaped your eye.
"You became a corps member for all the right reasons, a selfless thing to do"
Mr. Ubuyashiki placed his hand on your shoulder, something he wouldn't have normally done.
"When you feel this low, remember why you are here. Remember how you felt when you became a corps member"
A small sniffle escapes as another tear falls down your cheek.
"You are here for a reason y/n. I know you don't favor these meetings for the fact you don't want to burden myself with your feelings"
Your eyes widen a little knowing he spoke the truth as you wipe another tear away.
"All corps members are important to me, which is why I do these monthly checks with you all".
Mr. Ubuyashiki stood and took his place again on the porch.
"I know you will do great things y/n as a corps member. Just remember why you're doing it all".
You gave him a reassuring nod before standing slowly.
"Yes Mr. Ubuyashiki, I will. Thank you".
"Remember y/n, you can always come to me, even if it isn't your regular check".
Giving him a small nod, I bow to him.
"Thank you again. I will remember what you said today. I think it might help".
Mr. Ubuyashiki gave a warm smile before giving a small nod.
You knew it was just a check.
A check you despised.
But maybe, just slightly you thought a little differently of them.
Maybe you could get used to these checks now.
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toastybbb · 1 year
No Longer His
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This is my first Demon Slayer fic so I hope y'all like it!!
Warnings: none
(Pic from Google)
You had become Sanemi's Tsuguko after months of begging. He wasn't one to take people under his wing. Yet, your persistence eventually wore him down and he gave in with a "Fine! You can be my Tsuguko. Now leave me alone for the day!"
Safe to say you did what he said.
He would stand off to the side and watch you train quietly, letting out small grunts of irritation when you did something wrong. He didn't have to say anything.
Actually, he never said much to you. But you persisted under him and continued training, gaining only a small smirk from him one day.
That was the only time.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't like you being his Tsuguko. In fact, he loved the fact that you were his Tsuguko.
It meant someone actually looked up to him and wanted to be like him.
Well, maybe not exactly like him, but close enough.
Everything was going smoothly training under him. He looked forward to training you after some time.
You were his.
He grew a little anxious one afternoon after you hadn't returned from your mission.
He wouldn't admit that though.
The anxiety of his only grew when you didn't return, but your crow did.
Thoughts raced through his mind.
Maybe you were trailing behind a little.
Maybe you decided to stop and sit for a moment.
Maybe you got lost.
None of those things happened.
Sanemi didn't want to believe what your crow had said to him. There was no way it was true.
Once nightfall hit he went out looking for you, to see if what your crow had said was true.
Your crow wouldn't lie though, would it?
Sanemi tried to push the thought away but he couldn't. It was eating him up inside.
Again, he wouldn't admit that.
Slowly, you made your way in front of him a few feet back, stepping out from the trees.
He froze.
You were no longer yourself. Your crow was right.
You had become a demon.
Sanemi didn't know what to say. He continued to stare at you.
A grin slithered across your face but fear remained in your eyes.
He could see the fear.
The fear you had of being a demon.
Your human side was fighting for its life in your own body, in your own mind.
And you couldn't win.
Sanemi could tell you were begging him with your eyes to end your life. To slice your head off.
To put an end to your suffering.
You weren't suffering.
Your body would have thrived as a demon.
Sanemi knew that wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to be a human.
To be like him
"Y/n...I'm so sorry."
His voice was shakey as his hand slowly moved to the hilt of his sword.
Your eyes following his every move, ready to strike at any moment of his being.
Slowly, Sanemi drew his sword, holding it out in front of him.
"My my..what-emi! End me!"
Even out loud you were fighting to take control of your own body.
You would never win.
And Sanemi knew that.
"I'm so sorry y/n. Please, just know I'm not mad at you"
Sanemi tried his best to remain calm, to remain his normal self.
Deep down he was breaking. He didn't want to have to do this.
To end your life.
And here he was, about to slice your head off.
You looked up at him, practically begging with your eyes as your demon body forced itself at Sanemi.
He acted quickly, stepping to the side and beheading you with one swift move of his blade.
Sanemi didn't dare turn around yet. He couldn't muster the courage to see your head lying on the ground.
Slowly, he turned to see your body slowly disintegrating, your head on it's side.
Tears formed in his eyes as he watched you draw your final breath and release the last words before vanishing.
"Thank you...for everything"
You were gone.
Nothing remained of you.
Sanemi stood there, staring at the blank space on the ground where you had once stood.
He couldn't fathom anything in that moment.
All he knew was that you were no longer his.
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toastybbb · 1 year
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Genya Ep6: 🧀
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toastybbb · 1 year
I know it has been a while since I've posted
(Two years basically)
BUT I'm back
(Hopefully for good)
I want to start taking requests. I can write for marvel and demon slayer now!
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toastybbb · 4 years
The Day She Left
Warnings: death
Requested: no
Summary: doing my own little a/u of when Nat was lost during the Time Heist
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No one could predict what would happen.
"One minute."
Everyone was supposed to make it back alive.
"One minute."
But that didn't happen.
As the Avengers gathered for the Time Hiest they carefully planned out who would get what stone.
Clint and Nat for the Soul.
Hulk for the Time.
Tony, Steve, and Scott for Space.
Thor and Rocket for Reality.
Nebula and Rhodey for Power.
Steve for Mind.
Things were going great for the groups as they went to retrieve the stones.
For Nat and Clint, their task became a challenge.
"A soul for a soul."
The words hung in the air, a death wish hanging over one of their heads.
The duo studied each other, trying to mentally decided who would trade their soul.
"You can't do it Clint. You have a family. People to go home to."
"Nat we're your family too. I've done so much to hurt people these past five years it should be me."
"No one is blaming you for that though."
"I'm blaming myself."
Silence fell over them as they continued to think.
Nat was the first to make a move for the cliff, Clint quickly moving behind her and pinning her down.
"You can't do this Nat!"
"Let me jump! It's saving you!"
Clint and Nat fought physically and in the end Nat was hanging over the edge. The only thing keeping her from falling are Clints hands grasping her wrists.
"Let me go Clint. It's okay."
Her voice was uneven, almost on the verge of tears.
"I can't. Let me go instead so you can live."
A tear fell from both of their cheeks.
"It's okay Clint. I'll be okay."
He stared at her a moment. She gave a slight nod and smile.
He turned away before letting her go.
The silence was broken by the soft, far away thud of her body hitting the ground.
When Clint awoke he found himself clutching the Soul Stone.
Within a flash he was back on the pad with the other Avengers.
Everyone celebrated their success as Clint stood there quietly.
"Clint where's Nat?" Steve asked.
By now everyone had grown quiet as they turned to face the quiet man.
"Clint?" Steve posed again.
"Everyone was supposed to make it back what happened?" Tony now joined in.
"She's gone."
"What do you mean she's gone?" Tony now confused.
"She sacrificed herself for the stone. A soul for a soul."
Clint tossed the stone to Tony and left the room.
Everyone stayed silent, not knowing what to do or say.
"We never got to say goodbye." Thor breaking the silence.
"This wasn't supposed to happen. No one should have died." Tony now becoming irritated.
"She left us too soon. We must do everything in our power to make sure we bring those lost in the snap back." Steve added in.
Those who remained in the room nodded.
The day she left.
Left too soon, and without the sendoff she deserved.
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toastybbb · 4 years
Wakanda Forever🖤✨
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toastybbb · 4 years
Late Nights
Hi guys! Sorry for being inactive for a while. Here's just a small lil writing for y'all :)
Warnings: none
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You strived to be like him. You wanted to prove to him and everyone else that you were just as good.
Most importantly, you wanted to prove it for yourself.
School had always come easy, having inherited your father's intelligence. Everyone always came to you for group projects, for they knew it would be an easy A.
Yet, you didn't feel satisfied with your work.
No matter how hard you tried, studied, worked, you thought you'd never match your father.
It was a late Friday night, and you had decided to work on a project in your father's lab instead of joining in the festivities upstairs.
You were becoming sleep deprived, running on caffeine and having not slept in almost 24 hours.
But you were determined to finish tonight.
Around 1:30am you had fallen asleep at the work bench, surrounded by your project and journal.
Tony had come down to check on you and chuckled when he found you passed out.
It remind him of himself and his late nights.
He made his way over quietly and glanced at what you were working on until his eyes caught an open page in your journal.
'No matter how hard I try, I'll never compare to the infamous 'Tony Stark' no matter what anyone says. I feel like I'm waisting my time on something that'll never happen. I should just give up and drop out of school.
I feel like I've failed everyone in living up to my father's expectations. Dad if you see this, I'm sorry'
His heart sank and he turned to see you sleeping peacefully.
"Is this how you really felt about yourself and your work?" He thought to himself.
Tony felt the exact opposite. He was estatic when you were slowly taking after him and starting projects on your own.
He thought you were amazing and advanced for your age.
He picked you up and carried you to your room because he knew late nights and uncomfortable work benches don't mix.
When you woke up in the morning there was a note beside your bed.
'My sweet y/n,
I am beyond proud of what you have accomplished. You are smart, talented, and wise beyond your age. You amazing me with everything you do. I am so very proud of you with your work. You're taking after me and it warms my heart.
I wish you could be proud of yourself as well. Just know that I will always be amazed at your work, and can't wait to see you grow in it even more.
Love, your proud and loving father'
He knew. He must have read your journal that was left out.
You weren't upset. Instead you held back tears because you knew you had been too hard on yourself.
Tony is proud. Your father, is proud.
Just means even more late nights.
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toastybbb · 4 years
Mood since Harry Styles rescheduled his North American tour. Who else is seeing him in St.Louis??🍉😭
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toastybbb · 4 years
The Dream
Requested: no
Warnings: none
Summary: this is from a dream I had recently. I can't remember everything but my mind changed things when I had a woken up. Bear with me on this.
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You didn't know where you were. The room was dim and shadows lingered all around.
It was the third time this man had summoned you here. You didn't know who he was, or what his intentions were.
Yet here you are.
You tried to turn and run but small, black orbs flew at you.
The man began to surround you as the orbs flew.
Then you blacked out.
When you had returned to reality you were surrounded by your family.
"It's him." You spoke.
They all sat eyeing you. "Who?" One had spoken up.
"The man".
You black out again.
This time, it looked like you were in a public bathroom, your family there again.
There was panicked feeling in the air.
The man was looming again.
Stockholm syndrome had finally set in.
You yelled for a family member to give you the bundle of sticks. A bucket with swirling dark wind was in the center of the room.
You threw the sticks in the bucket and stood there consuming the wind.
Everything changed.
You found yourself walking next to the man, recognizing him as Thor.
It was at that moment that all the darkness of this man had vanished. You were safe with him.
Walking through a crowded hall in Asgard you caught sight of a familiar man.
"Who is that?"
Thor kept guiding you along.
You stared at the man in the boat Capatain's hat. Loki
"Do you have a brother?"
"Don't worry about it."
- - -
And that is how the dream ends.
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toastybbb · 4 years
The Promise
Requested: no
Warnings: death
Summary: After Bucky passed on a mission, he asks Steve to keep a promise for him
Hi this is kind of a mess. I might come back and edit after a while. Hope you guys enjoy!
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"Promise me you'll look after her. Marry her, and give her the life I can no longer give"
Those were the last words that Bucky had spoken. The last words that were spoken to Steve.
"I promise Buck"
Were the words Steve last said to Bucky before the life left his body.
Y/n and Bucky had been together for a couple years. Almost inseparable. Everyone on the team could see how much love the two had for each other.
Of course, his death hit y/n hard. They had become reclusive, rarely showing themself around the compound.
Steve wanted to give y/n time before he told them about Bucky's promise.
He saw y/n outside and sat next to them.
They glanced at Steve, giving a slight smile. "It's nice out today."
Steve nodded in agreement. "It is isn't it?"
There was some silence before Steve spoke again.
"I wanted to give you some space before I spoke to you about this, and I think it's time you knew."
Y/n turned to Steve with a puzzled look. "Is everything okay?"
He nodded. "It's about Bucky."
Y/n tensed but slightly but soon relaxed, curious at what Steve had to say.
"Before he passed he asked me to promise him something. That promise concerned you."
He paused for a second, but after no response from you he continued.
"He wanted me to promise him that I would look after you, even marry you, to give you the life he can't continue."
Y/n sat there for a moment. Thoughts running through her mind. They knew how close Steve and Bucky were. The fact that Bucky asked Steve to look after them brought tears to their eyes.
Bucky would never stop loving you.
Y/n finally spoke. "What did you say?"
"I promise Buck."
Tears began to roll down y/n's face and Steve pulled them in for a hug.
"I could see how much Buck loved you. He cared so much for you and wanted to give you the world. I had to continue it for him."
"Thank you Steve."
- 2 Years Later -
Y/n had brought out some records in the apartment that they now shared with Steve.
"Steve will you dance with me?"
"I'd love to." He smiled and walked over to them.
Slow music began to play with the faint record crackle in the background.
Steve thought has he danced.
Y/n and himself had both lost their true loves, never getting the chance to live out their lives with them.
He knew Bucky would have done the same if the roles were reversed.
Steve and y/n grew closer as the days went on, taking things slow as well.
Steve kept his promise and married y/n a few years later, continuing the life that Bucky wanted for his beloved y/n.
He knew Bucky was watching over them.
He was with them until the end of the line.
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toastybbb · 4 years
Y/n drunk at a party: only off's I need in my life are Smirnoff and Romanoff
Nat: *groans and rolls eyes*
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toastybbb · 4 years
The first time I head someone say “Tony Stark created all his villains” I thought “Oh my god that’s brilliant! I love it!” because I honestly love the idea of a hero who started out as a villain and is now haunted by his past in the form of people he has wronged.
So I was actually a little disappointed when I watched the movies again because Tony had a lot less influence on his villains than I had been lead to believe. He has some, but a lot of it was trivial stuff we’re all guilty of.
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Probably the closest thing to villains truly created by Tony because of malice. He was too stupid and self centered to see the pain his weapons caused these people and it took them kidnapping him to be shaken out of his entitled, drunken stupor. If not for them he would definitely have stayed a villain.
Obadiah Stane
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Tony was a victim of him rather than the other way around. Through it probably wasn’t intended when the first Iron Man movie came out, later movies have implied that Stane was a member of Hydra who helped arrange Tony’s parents murder, then made himself Tony’s new father figure and got to work grooming him, all so he could eventually become the owner of Stark Industries.
Ivan Vanko
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His beef wasn’t really with Tony but with Tony’s dad for screwing over Ivan’s dad. He basically just decided that the sons should continue their fathers’ battle and was ready to kill and maim hundreds of people to get to Tony.
Justin Hammer
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Just a fellow arms dealer who fell in love with Tony. In an attempt to get ahead on the marked and impress Tony he broke Ivan out of prison and realized too late how mad Ivan was. Not evil so much as stupid and I have no idea how Tony could have stopped this other than fucking Justin so he wouldn’t be so desperate for his attention.
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Created by Tony from the bottom up, and his version of a knee-jerk fear reaction. The moral of Age of Ultron: don’t let people with unchecked anxiety and PTSD create weaponized robots.
Aldrich Killian
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Tony didn’t meet him on the roof. Killian saw this as a good reason to turn into a murderous maniac instead of, you know, chill for a second.
Trevor Slattery
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Does he even count?
Quentin Beck
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Tony didn’t credit him for his invention and called it BARF, and when Quentin confronted him about it (implied flipped the fuck out) Tony fired him for being unstable, and was proven right when this prompted Quentin to hack a plan to murder millions and take his rage out on teenage Peter Parker. Notice how in the actual scene of Tony showing off BARF nobody laughs, but when Quentin remembers it there’s a laugh track. It’s heavily implied that he saw things as way worse than they actually were and overreacted. So yes, Tony should have credited him in the first place but a calm conversation would probably have solved it instead of, oh I don’t know, trying to kill half of Europe’s population.
So I suppose you could say Tony created his own villains, but it’s a lot less impressive than it sounds.
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toastybbb · 4 years
I would have been seeing Black Widow tonight but I can't😫😭
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