tokinkolan · 11 years
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Spent pretty much all of last night walking around Nashville in Tennessee :o
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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My time in the hospital back in June when I had just gotten to Governor's school. Ugh. Look at all that lovely fluid in my lungs!
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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So... This monster is why I have yet to post another trilogy lol I painted my face teehee~
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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This is my self portrait trilogy for the week! :) if you have suggestions for next week's theme, let me know! Series title: Ensnared Series piece titles: Cracks and Fissures, I'm Starting to See, These Lovely Lines Thanks for all the interest and support <3 I love you guys
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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My trilogy of self portraits for this week :) Eyes of a Demon, Sideswiped, and Roadkill :) if you have colour or theme suggestions for next week, let me know!
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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This is my trilogy for last week. Sorry I didn't put it up sooner; I've been extremely ill :( hopefully I'll get this week's up on time~ This self portrait trilogy was inspired by Darth Maul from Star Wars
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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My trilogy of self portraits for the week! If you have colour or theme suggestions for next week, let me know! :D <3
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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Bleed My Colours Dry Last is my favourite...meh. Let me know your favourite colour combo and I'll try to do a series with it! Sorry I don't model well lol but I love self portraits ;p
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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My BBC Sherlock cosplay modelled by both my sister and I. Photos by both of us, edited by me :) <3
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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Still bored. Need to redye my hair... Badly. Stupid blonde-brown.
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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1. My face when I'm on tumblr going through my feed. 2. Aweee that's cute~ 3. Omg! So sweet <3 4. Ahhh! It's my face. Squealing when I see Sherlock fanart. 5. They said/did whaattt? 6. Oh God. It's already 6am?! Oops. Oh well.
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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My birthday rocked! .....Get it? :)
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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Been a while, guys! Maybe I'll start updating a bit more xD This is a pocket watch my sister got me while she was in China :oo
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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Self-portrait for my AP Art portfolio...
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tokinkolan · 11 years
It's one in the morning now and I'm not tired. I've been stalking a load of people from gsfta on here that i got to know and I'm glad to hear that so many of you guys got home safely (though a lot of you are still stuck on campus till the afternoon). My experience at gsfta was... Interesting to say the least. Got there, went to clinic on second day, diagnosed with bronchitis, went to hospital that weekend, diagnosed with pneumonia, spent three nights in a hospital bed, cracked ribs, and then came back, hitting the ground running. Still. It was an experience I would gladly repeat (hospital and all) if I got the chance. I met so many inspiring people; teachers, counsellors, students, everyone! Today (technically yesterday) was the last day. I already miss you guys so much! We'll have to have a reunion sometime in the future! Today, though, was the best day ever. I gave Griffin his portrait the other day, but I gave Graham (the counsellor) his and he said he really liked it and gave me two biggg hugs! I do hope he really liked them and wasn't just saying it. I'm going to miss everyone I made friends with in theatre (mainly Griffin and Sam though we didn't really get to know each other that well) as well as the other art areas (too many to name)! The theatre performance was absolutely amazing though, guys! Seriously. Well, hopefully I'll update soon with a couple pieces of my real art ;) now that I'm at home and have my graphics tablet and photoshop ;p If you went to gsfta this year (or previously; I know I followed a couple of you), let me know if you want a portrait! I need to stay in practice :)
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tokinkolan · 11 years
To a future Gov School student.
Hey. I know you're either stressed, tired, sick, or missing home (maybe even a mix of them all), but I want to tell you one thing: there's always a rainbow after the storm. I'm pretty sure I came up with that quote and I use it a lot, but who knows. Maybe someone thought of using the same quote. But seriously. It's true. Don't stress out about everything you've got to turn in or stay up late finishing to turn in. Don't. Stress. When it comes down to it, if you have to choose between taking care of your self (i.e. sleep, eat, etc) and turning in something on time, you need to put yourself first. Priorities are an important thing. Even more so here, out in the big pond. After all, stress isn't what you came here for. You came here because you want to further your knowledge of your art area (either that or you were forced, but let's not go there...). You came here to have fun. You came here to make friends. You came here... To learn, but have fun in the process. Who knows, by the end of this program, maybe you'll be a new person. Maybe you'll change. I know I did! If you're in the visual art area, though, and you take painting, say hi to Michelle for me. You'll know who she is. Trust me. She's an incredible and talented woman and shes taught me so much about both art and life. I really look up to her and I could never thank her enough. But anyways. This was supposed to be short. So, one last piece of advice: don't try to chase any of the squirrels up a tree. It doesn't work. That's your friends' job while you sit back and laugh. I wish you the best of luck. Just remember you'll survive and you'll be good. Have fun! Dramatically signing off, Rachel McCabe
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tokinkolan · 11 years
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Something beautiful. My paint palette for my third painting. By Rachel
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