tonedefsound · 4 years
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Following their eponymously named debut album in 2019, art punks The Imbeciles return October 30th with a new self-released six-track EP titled ‘Dissolution Sessions’, that features a new band line up – and a different sound. ------------------------------ Learn More: https://tonedefsound.com/the-imbeciles-new-ep-dissolution-sessions-out-october-30th/ ------------------------------ #theimbeciles #indiemusic #indie #indieband #rock #altrock #alternativerock #indiemusic #indiemusicdiscovery #indierock #indiemusicblog #indieblog #artist #indieartist #musicdiscovery #musician #indierock (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGX6epip7fM/?igshid=18f9iqhmlnk7s
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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With a resurgence in all thangs 90’s, it’s time to bring up New American Hustle. Destination Go-Go is the latest brainchild album of Mr. Ian Smith (quite a 90’s name indeed!) serving as songwriter and composer in a medley of sounds and genres spanning across his nine-track album and performed by studio musicians. 
The pieces blend together like a fine wine with hints of rock, rap, electronica, dub and trip-hop all bound together by a steady, kick-ass groovy beat and a rotating cast of vocalists. 
Ian spares a few moments reminiscing of the Clinton-era to sit down and answer a few questions with us! 
Full Interview: https://tonedefsound.com/interview-with-new-american-hustle/
#dub #dubmusic #90smusic #alternativemusic #triphop #chillmusic #alternativehiphop #diymusic #musician #newamericanhustle #indiemusic #indiemusicdiscovery #indierock #indiemusicblog #indieblog #artist #indieartist #musicdiscovery #musician #indierock #tonedefsound
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Over a decade ago, The Extraordinaires were asked the question, “Where do you see the band in 10 years?” Well, over 10 years later, where are the Philadelphia based, master storytelling garage rockers, and what are they up to during these unusual times? …
Frontman Jay Purdy spares a few moments of his time to talk with us about their most recent EP, how he finds inspiration for writing new music, the writing process, and of course, what we can hope to expect from The Extraordinaires another 10 years from now.
Full Interview: https://tonedefsound.com/interview-with-the-extraordinaries/
#TheExtraordinaires #indie #indieband #rock #altrock #alternativerock #indiemusic #indiemusicdiscovery #indierock #indiemusicblog #indieblog #artist #indieartist #musicdiscovery #musician #indierock #Philadelphia #philly #pillyindiebands
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Lil’ Miss Sunshine (updated to 2020 lingo), Everything Is Illuminated and the Emmy award winning TV show Weeds. What do these have in common? They all feature inspiring, yet heart wrenching tunes from the genre bending quartet, DeVotchKa. From dark cabaret to indie folk to gypsy punk, you’d think the band’s origins would be somewhere in Eastern Europe as they wander from village to village entertaining the locals who lurk in the dark and seedy yet lively burlesque shows in an effort to escape their poor farming life of the past, much to their parent’s dismay. But nah brah, they middle class residents of Denver, yo!
Mr. Tom Hagerman is a huge factor of their unique take on music and being the multi-instrumentalist that he is (a strict requirement to join DeVotchKa), it’s lent him quite a diverse range of sounds in his other project Post Truth Serum. You can still hear the influences he brings to DeVotchKa in his new project, namely the soaring violins, but he also mixes in some new ingredients in the pot: gothic new wave synths, distorted, heavy bass and more.
In his newest video “WORMS”, he follows four of his daughters in a dreamy, colored pencil animation complete with animal masks, flying donuts and other fun bits all to the tune of this epic, symphony of sounds. Tom takes a few moments to chat with us about his take of balancing music and family, life and death and everything in between.
What’s your musical background? Why were you not satisfied to just play guitar and sing like everyone else? It’s because you want to make us all jealous, innit?
I started off on piano probably around age 6 or 7 then switched to violin in the 4th grade when the public schools offered a string program. You could start a stringed instrument in 4th grade and a band instrument (trumpet, sax maybe percussion?) In the 5th grade.  My friend’s brother had an electric bass and an instructional sort of “how to play bass” video with Flea and River Phoenix. I suppose that was my first introduction with rock instruments. I went on to major in violin performance in college and played bass in a goth band more or less. Actually the guy that mixed the Post Truth Serum record was the singer. I became pretty fascinated with the music of Astor Piazolla and I wanted to play bandoneon, but those instruments are hard to find and expensive, not to mention really difficult to play. I found an accordion in New York when I lived there and kind of taught myself. I’m not the original accordion player for Devotchka. John Ellison who used to play bass in the band doubled on accordion. I kind of took over accordion duties after he left the band.
Like all musicians, your work during COVID-19 has taken a dramatic turn. Tell us something positive from being stuck at home.
It’s great to be home with my family. I’m trying to be productive musically, but it’s been hard to get it together for some reason. It’s been a good time to reflect a bit on the future of things I suppose, but it’s also a truly alarming time for our country. It’s great to see folks standing in solidarity for racial justice and police reform, but it’s alarming to see the confusion and disinformation surrounding all of the current events.  I’m grateful to be alive I suppose. Things could be worse.
A couple of years ago, you were diagnosed with a form of cancer. How has that played into your role as a father, husband and your work as a musician?
Cancer sucks. I’m lucky in some regards, I have a type of non Hodgkin’s lymphoma that is easily treated, but as of now, not curable. Statistically, it’s supposed to come back at some point in which case they beat it down again and again until they can’t. I should be around for a while at least. You get 100 years—more or less right? Some people get a lot less I suppose. I just need to make sure my family’s in a good enough spot in life. As a musician, I’m starting to feel like time is moving a lot faster. Maybe the things I thought were important aren’t so important, but there is a lot I still want to do. I can tell you that I don’t want to die.  That would truly be a bummer.
Tom, from organizing orchestras for touring bands such as The Flaming Lips to working with the Colorado Symphony, you’ve got your hands in pretty much everything music-wise in Denver. How and when did this monopoly develop and how long until you delve into the fast-food business?
The fast food business might be right around the corner if the pandemic keeps up! I’m not sure what the future of making a living playing music is really going to look like. Are those unrealistic expectations these days? I’m not sure. I certainly don’t have any sort of monopoly on the Denver music scene. There are a couple of other arrangers in town, definitely a lot of musicians of all sorts. Some great songwriters. I suppose I’ve been a bit of a Swiss Army knife in music.  I’m useful for a lot of situations, but I certainly know better fiddle players, better songwriters, arrangers that are way faster and so on and so forth. I‘m not trying to be humble or anything. I don’t want to sell myself short either, I know I’m more or less good at what I do and whatever it is I’ve got to offer is you know… what I’ve got to offer. I suppose I was just not able really to focus-in on one thing in music specifically, or better yet, I just tried to fill the vessel for which I was needed. You’ve gotta just keep going until you can’t on whatever path you are on and there is no shame in flipping some burgers along the way.
How do your daughters feel about their dad being a rock star? Does everyone in their schools know about DeVotchKa, Post Truth Serum and your work as a composer?
People use the term “rock star” all the time these days.  Rock Star nanny, rock star office administrator etc… I’m not sure if the term really means anything anymore. I have a friend in the music biz that once said he felt more like a rock asteroid than a star or something. I always felt more like a comet. My orbit around rock stars is highly elliptical. Rock stars have all sorts of people in their orbit that help prop them up and in turn prop up the “satellites” In their orbit. I feel like I’m racing around in a highly elliptical orbit. Sometimes around stars and sometimes around dwarf planets, maybe eventually to be cast out into the nether regions of intergalactic space. Or burn up in the process?
What do you foresee in the future regarding your musicianship and family life?
I’m going to do the best I can and keep going until I can’t.
https://youtu.be/gk43Tb5zINk (Worms MV)
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Just weeks after the release of their sophomore album, These Waves, Sonoma County based alternative rock band, Green Light Silhouette, unexpectedly found themselves not only in the midst of the pandemic, but also in the absence of a lead guitarist. Tone Def Sound speaks to bassist, Ryan Macauley, about past and current challenges, how these obstacles have altered their sound, what the band has been up to during the pandemic, and more.
#indie #indieband #rock #altrock #alternativerock #indiemusic #indiemusicdiscovery #indierock #indiemusicblog #indieblog #artist #indieartist #musicdiscovery #musician
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Meet Krom, a medley of Australians and Cambodians grooving in the heart of Phnom Penh. Songwriter and guitarist Christopher J. Minko combines chilled, dark folky blues riffs on a Leonard Cohen vibe with native, beautiful and haunting Khmer vocals from Sophea and Sopheak Chamroeun. It’s fusion “gone wild” in the best possible way. Christopher spares a few moments to share his love of Cambodia, daring songwriting and his non-profit work with the disabled. Read the full interview on ToneDefSound.com
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Interview With @skinnyog_bcmc
Skinny has been delving not only into the China hip-hop scene with his hardcore duo OGXQD but also thru solo sets and his blues-rock band Layla Ali. OG spares a few minutes to lay it all out on the table for us on what it’s like to be a Black musician in the sprawling, financial metropolis of Shanghai, China. Full interview 
Read the full interview: https://tonedefsound.com/a-hip-hop-star-is-born-in-china/
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Interview With The Plum Trees
Whether the folk/rock/experimental duo The Plum Trees are taking stages by storm in the outback of their native country, touring with a full backing band in Beijing or separately setting up shop and making their own IG videos in their bedrooms, they own it. Shannon sits down with us virtually to share her stories of songwriting, sibling squabbles and sexy sounds.
Read the full interview: https://tonedefsound.com/an-awesome-aussie-interview-with-the-plum-trees/
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Bass? Meh. Is that your reaction when your friend is all riled up talking about his newfound religi…. I mean band and you ask what instrument he plays? It’s true though, bass is a pretty boring instrument for the unintelligent, surface musicians who only follow the mainstream. Let me introduce you to some quality bassists you’ve never heard of that aren’t afraid to stand in front of their lazy guitarists onstage:
Victor Wooten – Bela Fleck Les Claypool – Primus Flea – Red Hot Chills Paul McCartney – The Beatles.
Never heard of ‘em? Look ‘em up. Now let me propose to you uninitiated, dumb dumbs another contender among the bestest bassist list.
Ming Nichols. Not only is the South Carolinian a prolific, dirrrty south kinda songwriter but he’s been a part of some of the most renowned projects in East Asia for the past decade. One of which is his Jared Leto loving, bass and drum, dath-rock (math + death) duo Death to Giants. As openers of the Japandroids Shanghai show, not only was the crowd lapping up every drop of sweat from Master Ming’s chin but the headliners themselves bowed down and worshipped at the feet of this magical mathemusician too.
Ming, now residing in turbulent Hong Kong, sets aside a few #instaminutes to chat with us about his newest projects and releases.
So Nichols, what was it like growing up in the drrrtay south and why the multiples moves to Asia?
Most of my childhood I was surrounded by music, fattening food and humidity. I was a goofy, overachieving, overweight band nerd. So, yeah not much has changed. Moved to Shanghai to teach 12 years ago, had a great time, but wanted a change so my wife and I moved to Guatemala. After 3 years, we missed Asia, so we moved to Hong Kong. Teaching is my passport to employment and international moves, but music has always been my passport to making new friends in new places.
How’d you get into bass as opposed to becoming the Asian white rapper we so clearly see as your calling?
I played low brass – baritone, tube, and trombone – in school band but I also played guitar because my dad always had them laying around. The greatest thing my father ever did was instill in me a love of Frank Zappa and just let me screw around on the guitar in front of the TV. As a guitarist, I was into metal, punk, and ska. While in college, I met one of my best friends who was also a drummer who really got me into progressive rock bands like Rush, Yes, Tool, and King Crimson. Together we started jamming as a drum and guitar duo, but soon I felt more
of a calling towards bass as I have always preferred the low end, so my first “rock” band was a prog-rock bass and drum duo. That basically is the foundation of everything else I’ve ever done.
The projects you’ve been a part of are quite eclectic, from the fantasy-progressive rock band Rainbow Danger Club to the heavy hitting double bass group John Travoltron to a collab with Mongolian throat singing traditional band Guren and errythang in between. Give us some of the highlights of your many projects.
Creatively, my biggest highlights are producing the RDC albums Where Maps End and Souvenirs. When it comes to performing, my biggest highlights are in the many shows and collaborations I did with Death to Giants. Ivan and I had that connection, a very unique energy and rhythm section ESP that isn’t easy to find. My bassists and drummers out there would understand. But overall, the best highlights are the memories and friendships that have been forged through music. Touring with your friends and playing your music to strangers who dig it is the best.
How are you staying connected with the downtrodden people of Hong Kong whilst fulfilling that crave to continue music-making in this troubling time?
It’s a tough time for everyone in HK and while its inconvenient for me, it’s an existential crisis for venues, promoters, and professional musicians. Tons of shows have been cancelled since October due to political protests and covid19. But this hasn’t stopped the local scene to try new things like streaming shows. All my current projects have released and will continue to release music and videos online despite having tons of shows cancelled. John Travoltron has released two “zoom-style” music videos, M.E.A.T.S. is about to release a new EP, and Streets of Rage who still hasn’t had a debut gig – we’ve had SEVEN cancel! – has released two in-studio performances, a lyric video, and a debut EP.
A few friends of mine including Adam from John Travoltron and Art and Gabe from Bastardon are doing stuff under a new collective name called PigRat (representing the year of the pig and the year of the rat – two very difficult years for HKers). We just released a compilation highlighting HK artists and want to release many more! The point of it all is to highlight the local scene. Even post-Covid (if that ever happens) It will be a long time before international acts will be able to come to HK, heck it might be a while before any of us can easily leave HK. So it’s a good time to look inward at the talent that exists here and, even better, to encourage growth in talent. This is just our way of putting our little pocket of musicians “out there” and hopefully inspire others to as well. Arts and Entertainment is essential during times of crisis and challenge.
What does Ming de los Nichols foresee in the future regarding your work?
Honestly, I want to improve as a bass player. I am working on a set of Primus covers to perform at the annual Halloween tribute show. It is a personal challenge, wish me luck! Also, my friend
Adam and I (same guy from piglet/johntravoltron) make homemade instruments. We are working together on making a few and performing with them soon.
Other than that, I am going with the flow and always trying my best. I know that I won’t stop creating and will do my very best to perform and encourage others to do the same!
https://meats.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/johntravoltronmusic
http://www.instagram.com/streetsofragehk/ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Qy5QbqUSW1JMzz1VHHMIg
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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On September 11th PJ Harvey’s third album TO BRING YOU MY LOVE will be reissued on vinyl, alongside an album of previously unreleased demos which will be available on CD, vinyl and digital.
TO BRING YOU MY LOVE was produced by Flood and John Parish and originally released in February 1995 and celebrates its 25th anniversary this year with a reissue on black heavyweight vinyl. Featuring singles such as “Down By the Water,” “C’mon Billy” and “Send His Love to Me,” TO BRING YOU MY LOVE originally reached No. 12 in the U.K. Albums Chart on release and dominated album of the year polls from The New York Times to The Guardian, with nominations for Grammy® Awards and The Mercury Music Prize.
The release will be accompanied by full restorations of the videos for “Down By the Water,” “To Bring You My Love,” “C’mon Billy” and “Send His Love to Me.”
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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New interview with Phoebe Cook. The multi-instrumentalist, down-to-earth NorCal native. Not only is she fearlessly plugging her acoustic cover songs via SoundCloud but she’s writing full-blown future hits for her fellow high school contemporaries faster than you can say “Phoebe freely frolics in a field of frangipani flowers!”
#indie  #indieartist  #musician #beindie #tonedefsound #californiaindie #norcalindie #indiemusic #indiemusicblog #indiemusician #songwriter #musicdiscovery
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Hey songwriters. If a fast-food conglomerate asked you to compose music for their advertisements, how many milliseconds would you take to slam the door in their sorry face and walk away in disgust? “My music is only for people who appreciate the intricate, impossible-to-label sounds I create, it’s definitely not for the masses. Way over their heads.” Nah brah, you’d agree faster than McD’s changes its menu. Mr. Jubal has had that opportunity and owned it like the jingle writer he was meant to be! He didn’t start off as a KFC songster though. No, the Shanghai-native started off like most high school musicians: playing guitar, mastering their favorite rawk songs, starting bands, touring China, performing at the Summer Sonic music festival in Japan and then organizing your own multistage music fests! At the ripe young age of 30, Jubal has seen and done it all. Let’s hear from Jubes himself as he sets aside a few minutes to chat with us about his past life of thrusting himself into the vibrating pulse of the Shanghai indie scene, organizing shows and on to his newest work! Read the interview on ToneDefSound.com . . https://tonedefsound.com/wait-what-do-you-do-for-work/ . . #jubal #indie #rock #indieartist #indierock #musician #beindie #tonedefsound #china #indiemusic #indiemusicblog #indiemusician #songwriter #musicdiscovery (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCq4HeTJxAz/?igshid=1dhqirlvsqqzo
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Cory M. Coons has released “Good Times Gone” from new EP, “33.3” featuring guitarist Marc D. Muir, Chris Golden, son of William Golden (Oak Ridge Boys) and Scott Savage (Jars Of Clay). Full press release available on ToneDefSound.Com
#corymcoons #CMCmusic #CMC #rock #indieartist #indierock #canada #pressrelease #musicindustry #musician #canadianmusiic #beindie #tonedefsound
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Can you play an instrument? Good for you. How about two? Nice. How about playing every instrument needed for a complex, alternative math-rock album complete with three part vocal harmonies, ear yanking choruses, kick-ass guitar licks, soaring keys, time-altering drums and meaningful lyrics? No. I didn’t think so. You suck and I suck. 
Mr. Jonathan Poe though, does not suck and will put your lame GarageBand recordings to shame. Shame I say! Read the full interview on ToneDefSound.com!
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Zeke Berkley. A beatnik poet from the early 60’s? Not quite! A veteran singer/songwriter with a passion for all things indie and augmented chords is more like it! As the name might suggest, you’re in for some pretty funky chord progressions intertwined with melodies as catchy as his name would be whispered into your auricle. Zeke. It exhumes cool. Read the full interview at ToneDefSound.com
#zekeberkely #indieartist #indiepop #indiemusic #music #interview #indieartistinterview #indiediscovery #indieband #tondefsound
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Girls Like Mystery is a continued effort of Mr. Kevin Whyte-Wright. Kevin started GLM in Shanghai, China with an ever-changing lineup of expats coming and going, aka getting kicked out of the country over randomly enforced Chinese laws. The Britrock songwriter has a love for all things British and rock. He set aside a few internet minutes to chat with us and give us the lowdown on his newest incarnation in Singapore!
Kevin, you’ve been traveling the world teaching at international schools and making music for what seems to be decades now. Why leave the motherland for Asia?
The bright lights and climate of Harbin were just too tempting and there are only so many years that you can work flipping burgers at McDonalds. I had planned to spend just one year in Harbin, but then after visiting Shanghai over CNY, I knew I wanted to live there. 10 years in Shanghai and now here I am in Singapore.
Give us some of your highlights of your time spent in Shanghai. Music and otherwise.
A real highlight for me was being part of the Shanghai music scene. Sharing the stage with bands such as Rainbow Danger Club, Moon Tyrant, Stegosaurus?, and Death to Giants was always an awesome night. “Spinning the decks” as DJ Boss and censoring requests was a great way to end a night.
There was such a buzz in Shanghai all of the time and every weekend was packed. If it wasn’t a social with friends at a margarita brunch or eating ribs at Di Shui Dong, it was cricket or football. Oh, I also met my wife there, so I suppose that should count as a highlight.
What other things do girls like?
Good question. I asked Siri and she said, “why don’t you ask them.”  
Your newest rebranding of Girls Like Mystery is a bit of the old and new. The ol’ in-out. Give us the lowdown of why you resurrected the band after so long.
Well, we started here as a school teacher band, which was how GLM started back in Shanghai. The make-up and sound of the band is quite similar, I’m now working on getting Mike Corayer to move to Singapore so we can add trumpet. This time though, I feel the guitar is really the driving force behind the band, Blake really shreds the guitar on some of our tracks. It also helps that he is able to record and mix our tracks.
What do you foresee for the GLM brand? Unisex underwear? I hope it’s unisex underwear.
World domination!
We are in the process of recording a new album, so hoping to get that released later this year or early next year. Writing and recording the tracks during lockdown has been a new experience with all of us being in different places. Now that we’re able to jam together, I’m proud of the new tracks so looking forward to getting those out there and hopefully some live gigs here in Singapore.
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tonedefsound · 4 years
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Cam, Cameron, Cammy, Camper, Campootshka. All endearing terms for the super laid back, indie singer/songwriter nestled in the suburbs of sunny San Diego. You can call him basically anything you’d like, just don’t call him late for dinner! HUR HUR HUR!!!
But in all seriousness, Cam is pretty chill. I mean his last full album, ​Dusty Gems and Raw Kimchi​ quickly reveals his not-so-hidden stance toward the power struggle ensuing on the Korean Peninsula and the toll a totalitarian entity can have on a democratic government as its northerly neighbor. But in all seriousness, Cam is pretty chill.
The acoustic power-pop songster clearly exudes his influences throughout his repertoire of EPs, LPs, split albums and compilations. Ridiculously catchy Ozma and Weezer style melodies are poured over like syrup hooking you in with one bite on his later albums, while ​Back to the Future-​ esque Doowop sounds, complete with the “reassurance speech” in the bridge reverberate throughout his three-minute-long-ditties on his debut album ​Cam Deal and the Boys​. In summer-y, if you appreciate the challenge of writing a catchy melody with a few major chords in the background, look no further than this master of harmony-driven pop songs.
Mr. Deal punches masterfully through a variety of sounds on each album. Let’s venture through them all in this lazy summary. All aboard the Camtrain! We’ll start with a collection of blues influenced “pet shop” sounds about love, prom and love and more love. The tongue-in-cheek lyrics are in fact quite charming to any fine young girl of his admiration as well as for any pop greaser.
Next stop features a couple of two songs splits with some randos which are again, catchy as hell with an oldies vibe mixed in with a little Pixies influence. Continuing down our journey we have a garage rawk, early 2000’s Weezer induced album featuring a medley of fuzzy and acoustic guitars, real drums and a familiar unfamiliar theme: love.
Further down the line, we get to a personal favorite ​Dusty Gems and Raw Kimchi​. It’s indie, it’s kick-ass and evokes feelings of melancholy while bringing a smile to your face. Like an awkward first kiss. The months spent chasing, stalking and dreaming are over. You got the guy/girl and the game is over. You won.
On the final stop, we have an ongoing collab with a couple of artists all performing acoustic, lofi songs with a clear 2020-quarantine-themed vibe. The clear winner of the competition (unbeknownst to them) is clearly Cam with his polished, confident voice and veteran songwriting skills. Nice promo Cam. We see what you’re doing there!
That’s the delio with Cameo. Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out!
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