toothkariya · 22 hours
Heyyyy could I kindly request tfp arcee meeting her human best friend again after leaving earth to restore cybertron?? The human reader was the first human aside from agent fowler and them and cee were like really close?? I need some happy fluff yk
Thank you and have a good day <3
Hello! Thank you for requesting, but unfortunately, I currently do not take any tfp request as of now.
If you take a quick look at my fandom list, I had written there that, fandom(s) written in bold is the one I take request, and tfp currently is not one of them, but eartspark it is.
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I'm sorry to dissapointed you, maybe you can request me next time when I'm open for tfp!
Currently I only take tf: earthspark's requests, or you can request any following fandoms available, have a good day, anon! <3
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toothkariya · 1 day
A Date With Death is a dating sim where you make the grim reaper your discord kitten
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toothkariya · 1 day
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welcome to my humble little side-blog!
You could say this blog pretty new for welcoming interactions and I myself had become pretty rusty in writing, I wish to change that by welcoming some folks to read and enjoy my writing.
This is a multi-fandom writing blog, catering in writing "x reader" content, with personal side indulgement of writing my own fiction.
My request is open! If you wish to know more about this blog please goes to my [PINNED POST], I had organized every possible things needed to get around my blog.
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited
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toothkariya · 1 day
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* the eyes of eden exist to relieve spirits trapped upon the point of no return, returning their lost light to her side, perhaps you should've held your moths' hand more firmly when passing through the orbit's last gate so they don't get lost somewhere... new.
* short summary - you, a local veteran skykid lost your moth babies on earth. chaos ensues.
CHARS; malto family & bumblebee
TAGS; gn!reader, fluff/crack, headcanon & imagines, can be read as platonic and romantic, rusty writing┆really long post, reader is an adult veteran skykid, reader is a single parent with three overly curious and energetic moths, all of the moths are referred with they/them pronouns
NOTES; you don't understand— I NEED to put my comfort media(sky:cotl) to any media that I'm currently invested/fixated with, and earthspark is one of those media rn *head in hands* thinking... Should I do this crossover au further for indulgence? Hmm what will be the au's name? thinking thinking.
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Excited squeal and chirps filled your ears as you reach the Orbit. The children had let go off your hands, together they made their way across the damp field, water streams across their knees as they continuously jumping and kicking the water at each other. You take your time walking upon the light flower path, emitting warm light whilst it brushes against your feet.
The deep call from one of the moths rings loudly and catches your attention, three of them had reached the last gate with their retrieved wings from the spirits, hands holding each other as one of them rise their hand up high to wave at you and other continuously chirping their calling. You huff a soft breath, weary smile etched upon your lips, footsteps becoming little faster to catch up on them that start walking out to the gate together, after all this adventure today, perhaps it's the time to return to Aviary Village and bring the kids back to your nest for long well-deserved rest.
Keyword: perhaps. Because you one hundred percent sure that Aviary Village does not have forest and large trees as its surrounding to begin with. The village supposed to be surrounded by white large clouds, buildings functioning with darkstones, other skykids' nest and family, and ancestor spirits wandering around.
... Where's your moths?
Twitch: Woah! What are you guys?
Twitch is the first to encounter three curious little moths while going baby fox hunting at night with her siblings.
She doesn't know what to make of them with their glow in the dark self, bright pair of eyes under a mask covering their entire face, it's the first time she sees these things, and they seem pretty harmless - very cute too.
Communication is impossible for her with them, as they only answer her words with bird's chirping noise and occasion beeps, one she squeals over the cuteness. She's trying her best! She swears! But they're way too cute in her eyes.
When Twitch try to leave them be flying away in her alt form, afraid she'll make the same incident as the bear cub in the past. She's not prepared to see them following her - flying along her, nonetheless.
She needs to hold down another squeals to fall from her dermas as she watches them holding hands while flying.
Here she is now, with three baby glowy birds (she dubbed them) on her side, refuse to let go as she landed in front of her siblings, clinging to her like moths to the flames.
Like Twitch, others found these little glowy creature adorable, all of them look exactly identical with one another, it's hard to tell who's who with their similar appearance is. Fortunately, their chirping noise has quite distinct tone from each other.
Hashtag tries to find any information online about what exactly their species, while Nightshade thought their books—as Twitch suggested they're probably a bird species from the noise they are making, unfortunately it bears no fruits, other than leading them into website about old stories about long lost cloud people.
In the morning, Robby, Mo and the Terrans introduce baby glowy birds to their parents, curiously asking Dot if they are a species of birds that almost look like human in shape (it's pretty uncanny valley for them). No, they are not, for the kids' disappointment.
Not knowing what to do with them, they decided to take care of them until their guardian come to pick them up someday - if they have guardian to begin with.
Now the problem is, what exactly these baby glowy birds eat? They don't want to starve them by accident.
They try to offer any food available, but the baby glowy birds just shriek and throw up at any organic food given, cave water is it then? Ah, no it doesn't do anything to them. The Malto kids just watched as them playing on the puddle of water, soon joined after.
They'll watch as they poke at nearby candle in the house and pull a red candle from their chest, the kids panic over them, afraid they'll hurt themselves but soon calm down as a small particle of the candle they lit instantly absorbed to their chest isotoxal star... I guess that's how they eat?
One thing they noticed is how almost weightless they are, in a sense—they're easily can be tossed by a simple gust of wind and send flying, Nightshade and Twitch try to catch them that get tossed up high in hurry and fear of them getting hurt.
one thing for sure that's an experience, and they keep tight grip on the baby glowy birds if there's another particular wind coming on their way home.
A butterfly they noticed, flutter its tiny wings to their side in such curiosity, leaving trails of glimmering light dust upon its tail catching the kids in awe of its appearance, never they had seen the butterfly in the book their mother had offered or one in the wild.
Their attention suddenly taken away after hearing a branch snapped somewhere near them, optics and eyes gaze upon the shades of trees in the distance, only to be met with a masked stranger making their way out under the tree's shadow and out from the bushes.
Twitch unsheathed the weapon strapped behind her seeing as the stranger does the same by grasping their staff behind their back in response, waiting for one another to make the first move. Her optics trails all over the stranger's feature until her optics landed upon their familiar star shaped light emitted from their chest.
"Chirp! Chirp!"
"Wait— Hashtag, Nightshade! Put the baby glowy birds down."
The baby glowy birds' continuous chirps and wriggling from their grasp would be the last piece she needed to know who the masked stranger might be are. She watches as the little creatures' chirps and skip on their steps toward the stranger as the masked person themselves seems relieved seeing the baby glowy birds and bring them closer in a hug, speaking in a language they can't understand.
The sight brings relieve to the kids seeing their glowy friends find their parent - they finally identify you as the baby glowy birds' parent, seeing as you're pretty glowy too but a little dimmer in comparison than the young ones.
they have so many questions to ask you, seeing you can speak fluently in Earth language or the very least understand basic English to be able to speak to them - not like your moths that still has a hard time to make other noises other than chirps and beeps.
you watch the curious children, human and the Terrans and you know, you have a habit of adopting moths you passed by the realms for candle run supplies, and indeed it took a strong instinct in you to adopt them as your own.
they scored another parental figure!!
you'd hold their hands when they need something to ground themselves, your envelope them in a hug when they need it, you'd let them ride your shoulders - they're was taken back as you easily carry them, and even with them stacked on your shoulders.
Hashtag/Jawbreaker: am i weight anything to you???
you: ... it's like lifting a couple of grapes, it's okay sweetie.
it's not helping their confusion with your nature as you're almost the same weight as your moth babies as they tried to lift you once - almost weightless.
please forgive Hashtag if you ever sit on her shoulder - her offer and just got yeeted in the process by the strong wind as she roller skate her way down the street, you're so light she forgot you're on her shoulder not a moment ago.
please forgive the kids shenanigans by accidentally throwing an object to your face while playing fetch and them hearing very loud "DING!!!" coming from you while you're send flying once again, Dot tells them to apology immediately with disappointed face.
you become part of their family not long after you're around, so it's no wrong if you make a small nest for you and your kids in the barn, right? You asked permission beforehand from Dot and Alex, of course.
The kids (Dot and Alex too) would watch with fascination as you made a nest - one similar to weaver bird nest, but now they're looking at the much larger size as you are collecting the much-needed necessities to make them from the forest, hanging upon the barn ceiling and its support.
They'll coo and squeal as they watched their moth friends snuggle and cuddling inside the nest you made, huddling to each other like a big ball of fluff.
Don't be surprised to find pictures of your moths on Hashtag's iPads, there's dozens of them, and it confirmed your suspicious how they can't resist the moths's charms as well.
you're something new for him, as he is to you. His optics would follow your dark greyish hands reaches forward to take off the mask covering your face in front of the Malto's family to introduce yourself.
He noted the markings adorning your face and how your own eyes glow the same as his own optics, thought physically you look like human in shape, it is clear how you're also not with your appearance.
yourself would look at his frame up and down in curiosity, how it reminds you of the giant robot back in the office, but how he also so different he is in exterior, you're drawn to your own natural curiosity to learn more of the giant robot - Cybertronian the kids corrected you as they introduce you to the Scout and their mentor.
As you're curious of him, as he is to you, it becomes a little study section to teach one another, mostly it just throwing questions and then answering them to one another to satisfy curiosity.
Sometimes when the kids all tuckered out, he would curiously follow you to the forest as you invited him. He was surprised how easily you mapped the forest surrounded the area and found a lake without habitual. It's becoming both of you private relaxing spot.
he found himself bond easily with you through the children as you have your own under your wings, sharing struggle being a mentor and guardian for energetic bunch of kids.
when he first held you in his servo, for reason one of your moths find themselves stuck up high a cliff and doesn't want to come down without you down waiting, it just an offer to help you as he insists.
He doesn't expect you to be warm - a fiery candle gently embraces his frame such the one you emitted; he can feel your gentleness in your movement as you coo softly toward your scared moth, said warm travel through his frame and make him shudder, through your small EM field you weren't aware of. he needs time to cool off because he's not used to the feelings yet.
He admires you for your compassion and patient when dealing with the kids, how even though you look tired, you continue to indulge them with their activity or interests.
When you're tired, Bumblebee insist to look over your moth babies, not realizing what he signs himself into as they're more chaotic then the Terrans combined, please send help.
you're touchy one, scratch that, you're very open with physical affection, it always the first thing he learn about you as you surrounded with the Maltos kids, but you start to do it with him too, subtle brush of your tiny fingers against his servo or cadulen, or you fly into his shoulder plate and just make your sit there as both of you spend time on the lake.
rare occasion when he woke up from quick recharge, he will find your body curl up on top of his chassis - exactly like how cat would curl around their body while you still asleep peacefully, body rise and fall each breath you took (he swears he heard you purring).
if both of you ever get in relationship, it'll start with the Terrans being wingmen, and of course it'll be the kids pulling out every method under their sleeves to get you two together.
You're curious of earth give him a change to show you off around, riding through Witwicky with you in his alt mode, sitting comfortably on his passenger seat was something he would never expect enjoy this as he watches you admire the world through the tinted window, beaming with questions and looking at him with bright curious eyes, it sends him reeling when you gaze at him with awe as he told everything he knew about earth, your adorable expression absolutely stays deep in his processors.
having you tucked inside his alt-mode is different from human, your body emit warmer temperature, he could see you glowing and your light gracing his interior, it's something completely foreign for him to feel this level of comforting warm from someone presence.
though he doesn't understand you when you speak in your language while talking to your kids, something how your voice just sings in gentle tune make him drawn to you more.
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+ bonus
"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! "
"... What exactly are you little ones?" Megatron mutter, two little creatures standing - one is sitting down with their legs tucked under and hidden from view with their chocolate wings on his servo, three bright little pair of eyes staring up at him with curiosity and wonder.
It's already coming to a surprise how easily this little being comes toward him without a second thought, without fear in the matter despite the size difference, they step closer before they surprise him again with suddenly flying to his offered servo in his panic of them accidentally hurting themselves.
He was meant to take a small relaxing walk upon the forest clearing, away from G.H.O.S.T. for a while to take what the humans called a breather, suggested by Optimus much to his dismay, but here he is with curious little creatures he had never seen in his servo.
"Chirp! Chirp! "
"I'm afraid I don't understand you, little birds."
Megatron can't help but found the little beings in his servo endearing, how they're so curious of him, rather than feeling threatened of his presence. He cannot help but give a gentle pet upon one of them with his digit - seeing as his servos is bigger in comparison of their size, they chirp and nuzzle their head eagerly to it, jumping up and down even with the heavy weight on top of their head. A small smile etched upon his face at the little one enthusiastic response.
He doesn't register the light and fast footsteps drawing near him before it's too late, before he could properly look toward the source of the sound, a being - almost similar like the ones in his servo, flying straight in front of him in high speed, swooping the three little beings into their arm with little chirps of protests from the young ones, before they made their way to the sky - hiding between the clouds in hurry with constant gibberish chirping.
Ah. He guesses that's their guardian. according to their reaction.
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[more Sky:CotL glossary terms] ← term used mostly in players' perspective
[sky language] ← because why NOT
[art © Tom Zhao's Sky worldbuilding illustration; Orbit area 3]
my skysona shenanigans:
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*Deep Call: The maximum call; a call that big enough to be heard for farther area by other skykids; call used to interact with other sky Kingdom's being (eg. butterfly and crabs).
*Wing(s): skykid's cape which resembles bird's forelibs and is used for flying
*Dark Stone: Minerals that had the ability to generate a large amount of energy only if it absorbs a light; gave an incredibly strong impetus to the advancement of civilization - they got technology, flying boats, automatic doors, etc; easily powered with Skykid's red candle/fire source.
Aviary Village: a village; hidden refuge forgotten by time; second Home for skykids after Homespace.
*Nest: a personal living space and habitation for Skykid; bed.
*Moth: newborn child; young fallen star that's not matured yet.
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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toothkariya · 2 days
Earthspark bumblebee is currently rotting my brain from the inside out so could I ask for so fluffy fem shyer human and bumblebee who are crushing hard for each other but keep both of them keep prolonging confessing to the other the terrans realize what's going on and take it upon themselves try to get them to confess their feelings to each other
bumblebee x shy!fem!reader
a/n: tfe bee is so big brother energy 😭 he reminds a lot of what rid bee could be. I had a lot of fun writing this ! totally didn't rewatch all the bee scenes to get his character right,,,,,totally didn't. (I don’t write fluff often so i treid my best I swear)
"When are you gonna suck it up like a man and confess?"
Twitch startled you from above as the whirs of her fan hummed gently, hovering around you in her alt-mode.
"C'mon! What're you gonna say, huh? Turn away from the problem like you always do?"
Gloved hands, scathed with dirt, halted in the midst of pulling out a persistent weed. You feel your temple burn, a nervous laugh bubbled from your throat as your fingers plunged into the soil once more, pawing around to find the root of the problem.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!".
"I don't know what you mean."
When you did find the source, delicately you curled your fingers into the crevices, balling the soil then, with a huff, yanked the roots out. You're careful not to damage the nearby flowers.
When confronted at the baselines of your problems, you often churn into a sputtering mess. Sometimes, you have to clarify that no, you’re not angry, or no you’re not daunting — that’s your facial expressions constricting. Because if you don't. You're going to cry. And you're going to cry lots over matters daintier than an atom.
"Twitch. Really you are trying." You sigh when the drone nudged your back.
A quick zip-zap of metallic whirs and she’s in her usual form, yellow eyes ablaze, arms crossed, leaning over with a scowl. Her hips jutted out, sassed-esque — a pose Dorothy used often when she's mad.
"I appreciate your concern but—"
“Dont even try to push it away. I'm not stupid." She prods, getting up to your face. Really, this adorable thing is half a step away from making you ostrich-dunk your head into the soil. "Oh, let me guess : tongue, tied? Busy thinking about a certain someone? Someone, or a bot so yellow like the sun, it’s blinding your eyes?”
You don’t even know where to begin. So, you look into the soil really hard, like you’re trying to find something worth focusing on. Oh, look. A worm. Bingo.
"I'm going to eat that worm if you're not going to look at me."
"Twitch—" You began.
Then, she’s shoved away.
"Sorry, you see. Wh-what she's saying is that, well, you know—" Thrash nudged his head into view, twiddling his thumbs as a demure, placating smile eased on his soft face. "...it's high time you...tell 'im how you feel?"
This time you want to plunge your head into the soil. It’s not a want, it’s a need. The scent of earth was purging strong, beckoning you with it's heed, as you, yet again, choke back another sound. You laugh, nervous. God, this earthworm! So, interesting. Haha. So...so...er. Hm.
"Pshh. How I feel? I feel fine."
"I mean...about your, uh, crush on bee."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Twitched groaned, rolling around the grass all the way from the stack of hays to the tip of your boots. Then, she repeated the motion, each rant about your supposed love life —also, none-existent, if you will— becoming more fervent. That is, until Thrash had plucked her up by the arm pits and she fell limp like a doll in his hold.
" You said you’d be nice about it."
"What’s there to be nice about?! They’re being so smushy mushy , oh darling so lovely, it's giving me the critters!” She growled, clawing the air
You stood up with an uncertain hunch in your shoulder. You’re still holding the clump of soil in your rubber gloves, back taut and jaws slacked. The earthworm was gone, buried in the soil somewhere. You hoped it had a a nice stay unsurfaced for once — and you really should keep twitch away from Wheeljack. She's even swearing, now. She swears!
“Come on, now Twitch. It isn’t so bad.” You say quietly, not trusting yourself to yell at the skies in full volume. Really, you’ll disentigrate.
“You don’t get to talk, wuss.”
“Mom said be nice. A person’s word is like a kni—“
"Yeah, well she's a liar!" You shrunk asher digit juts your way. "That's gotta breach the fifteenth rule, right? A whole machete stab?"
Thrash seemed surpise. "You actually remember the rules."
You're exasperated. "What rules? And, what on earth are you both talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me!"
"Really, I'm not." Oh my god, are you really having a verbal spar with a — with a child of all bots that's half your size?!
"Oh, yeah? Then why you're nervous, huh? If you're not nervous then you've got nothing to hide."
"I'm not nervous." You said, blinking profusely.
Twitch made a face. "You're gardening."
"The grass looked bad."
"You garden when you're nervous."
You feel your lungs gave out. Your inner you's are bouncing around in your skull, panicking and screaming in disbelief. Alarm signals, blaring inside. How did she know?!
"N..no? I garden when I'm....happy." You kick the ground sheepishly. Bad call. The soil tipped over a your hold, little dots of brown mingled with the grass. Oh, dear.
"Happy? Please. You're nervous because big 'ol bee didn't have the spark to confess to missy sweet spark with barely any roots to hold herself." Twitch huffs. She's getting to sassy for her own good — "And so are you, wuss."
"We're friends!" You said, though the term was lacking. "Normal friends. Buddy, even. Buddy friends...haha...."
Thrash stiffens.
Twitch deadpans.
Both at the same time uttered : "Really?"
They're hiding in a bush. A bush of all places. No, not the tree, obscured by the leaves and a leverage with the branches. Or, whatever hiding place is deemed suitable for this operation. A bush. Can you believe that?
Fluffy Ears nestled herself on the grass, curious eyes skimming over the several Terrans peeking over the bush. Thrash brought it upon himself to hide in the barn because, as per his words, a good spy needs a good hiding place.
The only good thing about his 'prowling' tendencies is the fact he falls asleep during these so-called covert operations. Which is why he gets most of the ranks during training. What a scammer.
Jawbreaker was too large to hide behind a,ugh, bush so he was demoted to simply standing a few meters back, loitering by the fence.
Twitch feels something poking her rib plate. Can't the spot get any more cramped? "Nightshade, I swear to Primus—"
"Hush! There he is! The first move. Hashtag, commence operation : video!"
"That's not even—"
"On it!" Hashtag wrangled out the most, honest to Unicron, humongous camera in existence.
Silence veiled the three Terrans as they spot the yellow black approaching their resident gardener-who-normally-comes-at-the-weekends-and-bee-is-distraught-over-that-fact, tending the newly planted flowers by the hedge.
"So, I was wondering..." He's stretching on his toes, not exactly looking at you.
How could he? Everytime he so much as to catch a glimpse of your face, he feels like tripping over his own pedes and burrowing himself into the ground until comets rain, the world in flames — and god knows when would Primus let him out again.
"You need something, bee?" You swivel up, pawing your apron to get off the dirt from your gloves.
But he looks confused, optics lowered downwards, brows furrowed. You look as well, then up.
"Yellow, huh." He looks away, pointing to your torso.
You look down again then realized what he meant. Your face burns with a vengeance.
"My other apron broke." You try not to stammer but it's proven futile as an amused smile eased over his face. "A-alex decided to give me his, well, you know one of his precious merch which...is typically your...um face on it. If it makes you uncomfortable—"
"No! Gosh, no. You can wear it all you want. I'm just surprised, that's all. You never really... Besides, it's nice...." He looks down and kicks the grass a little, servos behind his back. "It...suits you well."
At the compliment you look up, hoping not to make eye contact, but he does as well and you're both held at a stalemate. His round almond optics droop. For a moment, his lips part, then it shuts. He looks down, avoiding your gaze.
Is he... flustered? At that thought, you fisted the apron, bunching it a little. You look away, hiding the way you smiled a little. " ...It's a pretty color. Yellow, I mean. Honeybee. I love bees."
He looks back up, blue optics flared, and into your eyes. His chassis did those little backward flips and, he swears to Primus, he'll simply disintegrate. You're a lovely color too.
Bee flinched the moment you turn to him at break neck speed, sputtering, eyes wide and face, all the more flustered.
"What?" He said that out loud. He said it. Out. Loud. He held up his servos. "I-i meant it's a lovely color. As in, you know, you're a lovely color so like when you said yellow was a lovely color. I thought— What I mean by that is— Oh, forget it." He lets out a deep vent. "It's been a long day. Sorry."
"You're fine. It's fine, I mean." You said. When silence veils over you both (Twitch really wants to strangle you, right now) you speak up again, quietly. "You were going to ask something...?"
His door wings pike up in surprise, much to his chagrin.
"Oh, right. Forgot about that." He coughed and cleared his throat. " I was wondering If you were...you know..." Gosh, what's that word. "Freethisweekend?"
It was so quick and quiet, you didn't really grasp much of what he uttered. “I got free— what's the next—"
"This weekend." He said, then trailed off. "Free... this weekend."
"Oh..." You look to the ground, hands primly folded behind your back.
"To... ah,” Just ask her out. Just ask her out. Worse she can say is no and no. No is fine! If you don't ask, you'll never know. That's what Elita said, right? Right? He sags. She said a lot of things.
He decides to go in for the kill but the moment he met your eyes, your pretty eyes, your temple grew warm, like really warm. He feels his own face burning and he starts stumbling over his words. “Free to. To go. To, um, a, well, a...d—dah, dah, duh, die, no! A, ah, diversion! Yes! Right. Diversion."
A domino effect of forehead slapping commenced. Bee, you fool! Twitch was wrangled back by Hashtag from leaping over the bush.
"Diversion?" Your face furrowed.
"With the....Terrans!" He snapped his servos. " Right, the Terrans. You know, a new lesson I made. Figured you'd be there for support. It's all about the essence of....diversion."
You stand there, mouth opening then closing. "...Sure, I guess. What time?"
"Anytime you're free." He says it, almost breathlessly.
You blink. "I thought it was a scheduled lesson."
His door wings pike up again. He groaned internally. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, uh. Yeah. Right. Schedule….schedule…So, how's ten tommorow? I'll round up the kids by then."
"Sounds good."
"Good. Good. See you....later."
You wave, then turned around, rounding the corner of the house. The moment you did, your face crumbled and you hid your face into your palms, a whine seethed inside your throat. Bee, however, pressed his helm against his servo, sighing.
How did I messed that up so badly?
Meanwhile, in the bush.
"Cut the film, Hash." Twitch resigned.
"But he could push on!"
"I highly doubt that." Nightshade was already crawling away.
Jawbreaker clicked thought the comms. "I saw yellow leaving. Is everything alright?"
"Nothing. Is Thrash dead? Thought so. Saw his head peeking out from the barn. Someone get him, please."
And, while they're all about to regroup. Twitch just had the perfect idea. It's about time she takes matters into her own hands.
Night plunged the skies, freckled with stars reflecting off his windshield as he rolled underneath the veil of darkness.
"Bee quick! Come to the barn! A problem just came up!"
"Twitch?" He was about to scale another ramp when he halted midway, changing course immediately. "C'mon talk to me. What's the problem?"
"Just come! It's urgent!"
Seeds of inky doubts blotched into his mind. The little runt had a lot of tricks up her sleeves. Sure, she's a heavy hitter but also a decent liar. Last time she pulled off the same shtick he was pushed into a hole....filled to the brim with mud. He walked around the vicinity and stank like cow feces for days.
He really should stop letting twitch mingle with Wheeljack.
His wheels rolled up to a stop in front of the barn. The trees, inky black, loomed around the farm, towering above him. He felt a shudder up his spine. Leaves rustled. Crickets chirp. All was quiet. Too quiet.
"Twitch? Kids?" He slid the barn door aside, joints whirring with every step. Hay crunched under his pedes. " Ugh, not this again. Guys, seriously. If, if this, Primus who littered this place? If this is one of your jokes I swear to— huh?"
The basement door was open. A gaping hole, black and swarthy greeted his eyes. Who left that open? He took a step closer. "Guys? Are you in there? What's going on?"
Another step. Then another.
"Look, you can come out now. This isn't funny."
The hole grew bigger, bigger and— Footsteps pattered behind him. It was gentle but it drew alarm as Bumblebee whirled around. And, there she was. Twitch stood before him, a wide, chesire grin on her face. The moonlight illuminated her from behind, casting an ominous shadow that loomed In front of her figure.
He sputtered in confusion and felt two pedes connecting with his chest and he's sent stumbling back down the steps of Nightshade's underground lab. His shout of surprise was quickly drowned out when Twitch pulled the door shut.
"There! That'll do it." She grinned, fists on her hips. “You got that hash?”
“All on tape. Even his face too! Did you see how he looked like?” Hash stepped out of her hiding place, literally behind the hay. The original culprit of hay litter-er. "They're gonna be there for hours! Trapped in each other's embrace! Oohhhh this is so rad. You've seen those rom-coms, right? It's going be so funny when they come back out.”
"With result." Nightshade chirped, coming up beside them. "It's been awhile something has transpired. A change of the usual routine. Oh, the bore of waiting so long. As a scientist myself. I admit — it can get a little bothersome. Let's only hope the heat from the generator can keep them warm."
Silence. Hashtag feels two optics on her.
"Generator, what generator?"
"....Hashtag." They begin slowly. Twitch looks mortified.. "....Please tell me you didn't cut off the generator when I said only to cut off the vault."
Confusion furrowed her brows. "How else would the door be locked if I didn't?"
Twitch groaned, head into her palms.
Nightshade stares at the closed vault. "....Oh, dear."
"Unnfh!" His helm collided against the floor. Great. That’s just great. Mentor student. Mentor student! You don’t do this to your mentors! Annoyance bubbled inside his chassis and he grits his teeth. That is it. That is it. He’s had enough of her tomfoolery, her jokes, her tricks! Tommorow, he’s going to put her through hell and back—
“Bee?” He feels something warm touching his shoulder.
His helm swivels up, then his optics widens in surpise when your nose is inches away from his own. You make a flustered sound, suddenly falling back on your ass to put space between you both, embarrassed. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d uh be that close.” Was a soft mumble. “The fall looked like it hurt. You okay?”
“Yeah, fine. I’m fine.” He breaths out, scrambling up to sit properly. He’s not sure what position, so he curled up his knee plates to his chassis. Your eyes are too…impossible to look at. “Think I broke a joint there.”
“You break joints too?”
He huffs a laugh, “You don’t think we do?” “I mean as in,” You gesture to his body, “ You know, cracking joints. Is it equivalent to me popping my knuckles? I saw you did it this morning when you stretch.” You trailed off, then shake your head. “Sorry, it’s a stupid question.”
“It’s fine. It’s not stupid. You’re not….stupid.” He clears his throat, “We also experience cramps. Tension in the joints when, well, like how a rusty hinged door won’t open up all the way.”
“Oh, that’s one way to put it.” You scoot a bit closer, pressing up against his leg. Bumblebee stiffens, servos moving over to stiffly cup your back to keep on you warm. The air was unusually chilly today. His quick scans showed the generator wasn’t working. Did the lights went out? His servos graze over your shoulders, massaging it a little, then behind your neck.
“And, and that one time. I don’t think you know him yet, he’s an old friend back during the war," He starts rambling for something to say anything to keep the conversation going, “His name’s Ratchet. Old bot forgot to oil up his pistons and couldn’t move for an entire day! Can you believe that? We had to carry him everywhere we went. Once, I was caught in the crossfire. Bullets were raining. Full on barrage. Nonstop. And he’s just like that, a plank of wood in my arms as I ran. You should’ve seen the look in his face!
“I can imagine he’s not happy,” A giggle bubbled in your throat. His audials perk up. “Yeah, I can tell. He’s a lot less crass in his manners when he dealt with me,” Bee leans a bit close, the servo skims down to your torso. “After all the bedgruding looks I’ve gotten from him — he’s got no choice but to give me special treatment of letting me off a few scolding.” “Oh? Why’s that,”
“I’m not exactly the prim and proper type.”
“My, my is bee the rebellious type?”
He lowers his voice into a playful whisper. “I had a phase, okay? Everyone does. Mine, though, it’s just worse than Arcee’s. She’s unhinged too but waaaay less moody. But don’t tell the kids that. I’m not going to have my name sullied, you hear?”
“Noted, officer. But I really can’t promised I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
He groans then a digit nudges your ribs. “No, really I’m serious. They’re going to kill me with that. I don’t want another incident to tarnish my reputation. Ive got Jawbreaker pestering me about how I made a mistake choosing my first alt-mode, I don’t need another slander. My feelings,” he says with a servo over his chassis, “they’re fragile.”
“Come on,” you leaned forward, cheek against his leg plate. Bee looks away, holding himself back from, well, squishing that…squishy part of your face. “It’s not so bad. The beetle looked adorable.”
“Beetle. Really? Beetle?” He looked almost offended you termed it that way.
“Isn’t that what it’s called?” He leans over and flicks your head. “I’d prefer it if you called it something else.”
You laugh. “I’ll bite, then. The Beatles?”
“No,” He said the words too fast, “Honey.”
You freeze. He freezes.
He did not just say that. Oh, no. He did not. He did not. When you look away that’s when he panicked. No! He’s not going to let the past few minutes go to waste! “As in yellow! Honey as in yellow!” He backpedaled, raising up his servos. “You know when I— when you said that, I was—" What’s up with him today? Then, he sags, muttering defeatedly. “It’s not what you think I meant to say.”
He’s blown it. Thrown it all down the drain. All his hard work now crumbled at the mere touch of his fingertips. You speak up after a moment, “What if…I wanted it to be what I think you meant?”
He looks at you again, surprise. He felt his spark clenching. This time you held firm eye contact despite your hands that were shaking. Think about gardening. Think about gardening. This is like that! Like he’s a flower. Gentle to hold. You steeled yourself and stood up on your toes, palms on his knee plates as you leaned in close.
“What did you meant?” You said softly.
His servos reached out to cup your cheek, curling his digits around the back of your hair. You leaned against his touch, closing your eyes. It was warm. His touch was warm. Pulsing and thrumming against your face.
“What I meant is that you’re someone important to me.” Then, he pulls you close, his optics flickering back and forth nervously. “So important I….think about you a lot. Like, a lot. I can’t….really stop. Even when I want to….its hard.”
Your face burns but you’re not letting that deter you. If god decided to kill you today, you’d steel on, wading through his comets. Think about the garden! You close the distance and your lips find the crook of his nose, pressing a gentle kiss to it, then his cheek. Your palms rested on his shoulder. Bee blinks, choking back a surpised sound at the touch but his servos manage to find your waist, curling his digits around the fabric of your shirt and pulls you close. He tilts his head so his lips would find yours.
“I think about you too.” You mumble against his lips.
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toothkariya · 4 days
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* Some basic stuff (I believe to be) of my sky world building in the form of bullet list. again, this is not tied to any raw canon materials, and I'm just making my stuff up.
* this post filled with personal ramble, may contain horrible wording as i write this on whim, and stuff will be added or removed in the future. * skykid is not human, and human is not skykid. They are complete different species and has different view in many things.
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they curl when they sleep, tucking their legs close to their body or any way around in similarity that make them appear them round and curled, some may end up with body sprawled upon their makeshift nest as they're kicking around in their sleep. Different with short naps, they'll sit on any ground they deemed soft and safe from danger and tuck their legs under them in sitting position with their wings wrapped around their body to keep the same warmth as their longer rest.
while their chest stored their red candle - their life force, Skykid can possibly store any items inside them by making them small enough, and when needed they can reach into their chest and pull the needed item as it suddenly goes back to its normal size (e.g. image doraemon's magical pocket)
mask is something Skykid already has since born, but when they reaches butterfly age, they need to choose their second mask, after so their face will be marked with the same marking just like their mask has, if they use different mask, their markings still stay the same as their previous mask and can't be changed.
Skykids doesn't born with assigned sex at birth or any functioning organs like any other living beings, this makes them rather ambiguous in their biology and reproductivity.
* with their ambiguous biology they're free to represent themselves to be more feminine, masculine, or neutral in term of their body, appearance, and how they wish to be referred with - but such never really matter for most skykids as they're comfortable with their own skin and has unlimited access to "molting wax" if they wish to reshape their body. p.s term such as gender and sexuality never existed in the skykids' community as they don't tie themselves with it and show attraction to anyone if strong bond is formed between two individuals or more - romantic attraction maybe not be as common as platonic one in the community but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, skykid in general pretty traditional and old-fashioned when comes to romance (e.g. courtings and/or giving pretty rocks to woo).
Skykid lack any sexual attraction in general, in other term, because they don't have any hormones or any necessary things such likes the need to "mate intimately" - reminder their reproduction organs pretty ambiguous. Doesn't mean they can't reproduct with their bondmate if wish to make offsprings.
Most skykid just prefer to adopt newborn mothlings if a star falls upon Sky kingdom.
Skykids goes through what they called body molting, from their moth year and continuously so, in other words - it can be compared with how bird will grow new set of healthy feathers for their wings, and/or how amphibians would shed their old skin with a new one.
* each skykid has different day of molting, not everyone will go through body molting at the same time - it's quite uncommon occasion such thing would happened.
Believe it or not, Skykids fall under the category of apex predator, this because how their body start to adapt and grow the ability to consume any organic beings and meshing said parts upon themselves. Thought, again they don't have the need to consume anything daily and can go for months and ever years without foods and drinks.
* when they're badly injured or falling ill, that is the time for them to consume organic/non-organic food to heal their body faster
* more to be added... >>
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toothkariya · 25 days
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* sky:cotl is my one and only comfort game, where I can seek solitude, away from my daily life, becoming pretty attached with said game, even though I no longer play it daily, there's many memories was created in the game. I hold the game dearly as it had help me go through my lowest episodes.
* this world building is meant for my own take with the game itself, not all of what is written here is considered canon to its raw materials.
* this also includes what is written here is meant for my own personal world building/AU that I'm trying to develop since young age but given no chance since I'm not fully confident enough in my world building ability until now.
alot of my personal world building took inspiration from Tom Zhao's concept art illustration of Sky world
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✦ personal headcanon
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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toothkariya · 1 month
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#;; t.kariya's writing - tag for my writing
#;; t.kariya's art - tag for my art
#;; t.kariya's notes - tag for interaction
#;; t.kariya's mails - tag for askbox answers
#;; t.kariya's archives - tag for reblogs
#cw [...] - tag contain triggers that you may want to avoid
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* Bold; currently taking request
⤷ twisted wonderland . ensemble stars!! . reverse: 1999 . a date with death . identity v . stray game . transformers: prime/earthspark ...
more to be added in the future... .ᐟ
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toothkariya · 1 month
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[✦] 𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "PLANET - CHIAKI SATO" 
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Hello! Hello! You can call me Tooth! ⤷ however my dear friends can call me by Faera.
It's nice to meet you and you wish to know more about me! So, without further thought let's get to know more about me! (∩´∀`∩)💕
FOUND ME; ⤷ main blog ⤷ selfship/art blog
I'm South East Asian, non-binary aroace that goes by they/them, but I do not mind any other pronouns or gendered term used on me as long you're respectful and not meant things negatively.
Selfshipper through and through, I enjoy oc/self-insertxcanon ships more than canonxcanon, you're free to gush about your beloved f/os here.
* no gushing about Riddle (twst) thought, I'm uncomfortable when people gush about him, I'm sorry.
I love spicy food! Not to mention if they're spicy chicken's dishes variety. I enjoy drawing/writing self-indulgement things, but at the same time there's a change I'd probably embarrassed from my own stuff because it's too self-indulgence heh. *head in hands*
I have a hard time interacting with someone new, thought you can't really tell, so if you wish to be mutual with me, I wish you to be patience with me and start most conversations first. I'm not comfortable if you referring me with bad/swear words(e.g. bitch, hoe, etc) it really triggers me.
If you can't tell, I love Shijima Mei as a character, I feel related to her a lot in many things which I cannot describe, thus the main blog theme! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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I use kaomojis and/or emoticon to express myself in text and tone tags added sometimes to make it clears my intention while speaking. I rarely use emojis.
my english can be horrible at the time with constant typo/bad grammars, for its not my mother tongue and I don't really use them daily in conversation and only in internet.
I only know basic English when holding conversation with someone and I don't know much about English's idioms or any phrasing involves such.
do not involves me in any drama not concerning me or I'm not interested to participate with, the last thing I want is to see people fighting over drama brewing between them and dragging bystanders to make the fire bigger, if you do, I'll block you. No question asked.
* more to be added later... >>
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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toothkariya · 1 month
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BE RESPECTFUL WHEN INTERACTING, i do not take kindly people that is rude, disrespectful, inappropriate, or hateful in general, this blog is made for the purpose for me and everyone to enjoy, i wish to keep positive environment and I hope you know enough to keep basic level of decency. i'll not waste my time in strangers' poor choosen words when face against another stranger, you will find no satisfaction or response from myself.
ALL WRITTEN "X READER" WORKS WILL BE GN!READER ONLY, being written with second POV (you/your) or third POV (they/them) and referred with said pronouns, this reason given so everyone that read my writing will not feel excluded despite their gender identity and aligned birth sex.
THE RIGHT TO DECLINE ANY REQUEST, your request is just that - a request where i'll write in free time or if it caught my interest, there's no obligation for me to finish them, this along you have no right to rush me to do your request. Note that, you can send request as many time as you want when it's open!
SEPARATE CHARACTERS FROM DIFFERENT SOURCE, please do not request characters from different media at once, it'll give me hard time at deciding which to focus on while writing. If you wish to request character from different fandom/media please make another request. This even though they share the same franchise, their material is different.
UNDERAGE/CHILDREN CHARACTERS IS OFF-LIMITS, character under the age of 13 will not be written in romantic setting and will be made strictly platonic only, this also goes on aging them up/changing their appearance to an adult for the purpose of romance is not accepted, no matter such circumstances.
* more to be added... >>
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2-3 CHARACTERS; drabble . headcanon . scenarios/imagines . prompt
1 CHARACTER; oneshot . short/chaptered story . drabble . headcanon . scenarios/imagines . prompt
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* you may request this kind of writing from me. when requesting please be specific with your request, give me a character and idea/suggestion or prompt for me write around with them.
* some characters may not be written in fear of accidentally mischaracterize them, or I'm not confident enough to do them.
* please do not send a request when it's closed, your request will be deleted from my inbox.
fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
romantic pairing, queer platonic pairing, platonic pairing
NSFW, sexual intercourse, kink/fetish, yandere, cheating/infidelity
step/incest, minor x adult, polyamorous
character x character, character x oc, character!reader (eg. reader that act like/based on [canon character])
* if you need more information about this page written, you may ask me in my askbox!
* more to be added... >>
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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toothkariya · 1 month
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* there's nothing yet, but an empty canvas to be filled...
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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toothkariya · 1 month
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[✦] 𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "Arisama - Chinozo" 
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GREETINGS! "I am school mystery number four. I am this gallery's guide, Shijima Mei."
LINKS; ⤷ about author ⤷ interaction & rules ⤷ navigation & fandom ⤷ masterlist ⤷ feedback form ⤷ sky:cotl world building
NEW PAGES; [𝐎𝐍𝐄 ✦ᝰ.ᐟ] . [𝐓𝐖𝐎 ✦ᝰ.ᐟ] . [𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 ✦ᝰ.ᐟ]
* Welcome to my humble little side-blog! Where you can find miscellaneous writing of mine in this one single place. I hope you enjoy your stay until it last.
* I write for many fandoms and/or for my own original/indulgent stuff too you see! My interest and fixation shift from one place to another, aware that there's a change I'll leave and not write for certain fandom that I had lost interest with. Make yourself comfortable then!
!! dividers © benkeibear & magicalboything !!
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DNI; basic DNI criteria, zionist, RCTA/transracial, radqueers, shota/lolicon, pr0/c0mshippers, zoophiles, etc.
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ⓒ toothkariya — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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