topteninfinite · 9 years
Top 10 Regrettable tatoos
I tried to think how and what i should say in this post.. but i couldnt find out what to say..well... the pictures and tattoos will do all the talking for me. Here are 10 REALLY Regretable tattoos:
10)Ninja Boner
9) Chess face
8) Product Placement
7) Myspace
6) Feed me
5) Bad Portrait of Michael Jackson
4) Turtle ninja nose
3) Mom?
2) Troll
1) ......This.....
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topteninfinite · 9 years
Top 10 weirdest Sea Creatures
10) Sea Spider
Sea spiders, also called Pantopoda or pycnogonids, are marine arthropods of class Pycnogonida. They are cosmopolitan, found especially in the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas, as well as the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.
9) Flying Gurnard
The flying gurnard, or helmet gurnard, is a fish of tropical to warm temperate waters on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
8) Vampire fish
he vampire squid is a small, deep-sea cephalopod found throughout the temperate and tropical oceans of the world.
7) Flower Hat Jellyfish
The flower hat jelly is a species of jellyfish occurring in the West Pacific off southern Japan. Characterized by lustrous tentacles that coil and adhere to its rim when not in use, the flower hat jelly's bell is translucent and pinstriped with opaque bands, making it easily recognizable.
6) Sarcastic fringehead
The sarcastic fringehead, Neoclinus blanchardi, is a small but ferocious fish which has a large mouth and aggressive territorial behavior, for which it has been given its common name.
5) Blob fish
The blobfish is a deep sea fish of the family Psychrolutidae. It inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as the waters of New Zealand. Blobfish are typically shorter than 30 cm.
4) Stargazer
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The stargazers are a family, Uranoscopidae, of perciform fish that have eyes on top of their heads. The family includes about 51 species in eight genera, all marine and found worldwide in shallow and deep saltwaters.
3) Venus Flytrap Sea Anemone
The Venus flytrap sea anemone is a large sea anemone that superficially resembles a Venus flytrap. It closes its tentacles to capture prey or to protect itself. It is a deep sea species.
2) Vaper Fish
A viperfish is any species of marine fish in the genus Chauliodus. Viperfish are characterized by long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws. A typical viperfish grows to lengths of 30 to 60 cm.
1) Carpet Shark
Carpet sharks are sharks classified in the order Orectolobiformes. Sometimes the common name "carpet shark" is used interchangeably with "wobbegong," which is the common name of sharks in the family Orectolobidae
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topteninfinite · 9 years
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topteninfinite · 9 years
I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included.
Bernard John Manning
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topteninfinite · 9 years
Top 10 people rumored to be alive
Grand Duchess Anastasia
Anastasia and her and her family wwere murdered by the Bolshevik secret police as a means to end the Romanov rule in Russia but there was no trace of Anastasia’s DNA. Many believed she must have escaped somehow due to lack of some sort of identification of her body many women have falsely identified themselves as Anastasia, the most well known being Anna Anderson In March 2009.
Louis XVII
Louis XVII, heir to the throne of France, died in prison of tuberculosis during the French Revolution. ven before the death was announced, rumors circulated that royalist sympathizers had freed him and replaced him with a double.
Jim Morrison
Morrison died in july 3, 1971 at the age of 27. He was found in he's paris apartment bathtub by Courson, The oficiall death certificate was listed as a "heart failure" but because no autospy was made on jim people believe that the cause was drug overdose. But someone people claimed they have seen Morrison boarding a plane before he was reported dead, insisting that he was looking to run away.
Alexander I
During an inspection tour of the Crimea in the winter of 1825, Alexander died suddenly of either malaria or pneumonia. He was buried in a closed casket. The hazy circumstances of his death fed rumors that Alexander had faked his death and secretly abdicated.
Adolf Hitler
After committing suicide along with his wife of one day, his body was found and buried in a secret location in Magdeburg, but was then exhumed and his ashes throw into the Elbe River. Joseph Stalin stated that Hitler may have escaped to Argentina or Spain, while others believed the Germans were trying to conceal Hitler’s escape to the underground.
Andy Kaufman
Andy died from lung cancer at age 35 because he had kept his illness a secret almost until the day he died, many fans thought the death announcement had been staged as an elaborate prank. Bob Zmuda, admitted that he and Kaufman had discussed faking his death and he seemed “obsessed with the idea.”
Michael Jackson
Though the exact cause of death is not yet known, many speculate that an overdose of pain or an anesthetic drug used to help him sleep is what killed Jackson. However, many at first and still believe that he isn’t dead, due to the lack of autopsy answers, and the possible fact that he may not have been buried yet.
Elvis Presley
Elvis was found dead in his own bathroom by his fiancée and his death was ruled to be due to an overdose of medication. He was buried at Graceland next to his mother. At the funeral, Elvis’ father Vernon allegedly acknowledged that the corpse in the coffin did not look like his son. Some believe Elvis was in a position to fake his death, as he became in debt to someone possibly linked to the Mafia.
Tupac was killed in a drive by shooting. Because of the questions and circumstances surrounding his death, many believe he is alive. Skeptics claim that they have reason to doubt Tupac is dead because of the fact that eight of his records were released after his reported death and lyrics of his involving a man being shot but then resurrected.
over 1 billion people believe that Jesus rose from the dead. according to Christianity, Jesus ascended into heaven after his resurrection – and was henceforth gone from the world. But some people believe that he continued to live for a longer period of time and even had many children.
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topteninfinite · 9 years
Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn.
Miguel de Cervantes
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topteninfinite · 9 years
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
Robert Bloch
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topteninfinite · 9 years
Top 10 Guardians of the galaxy villains
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The collector
The collector and appeared in two films with cameos, but this may be the decisive showing their true intentions. His obsession for collecting can take you to make truly bad deeds against our guardians of the galaxy. The collector has the ability to manipulate the cosmic energy for a variety of purposes, including project beams of shock force, and increased size and mass (and therefore physical strength) at will. It also has limited ability to change shape. His precognitive abilities give glimpses of alternative future, but must meditate for long periods of time to identify individuals who sees the vision and apparent point in time. He has telepathic abilities that allow you to make limited contact with the mind of the other primitive. Because a vote of Death, Collector and all the primal can not die and are effectively immortal.
Upon the completion of his formal education, Ronan was enrolled in the Kree Public Accuser Corps, the main law enforcement body for the empire. Ronan did well and was steadily promoted. In a border incident, he stopped a fleet of Skrull ships from entering Kree space. As a result, he was made Supreme Accuser of the Kree Empire, making him responsible for enforcing the laws and decrees of the Kree, and second only to the Supreme Intelligence, and the Imperial Minister. As a proud member of the Kree aristocracy (blue-skinned Kree), he was not happy taking orders from the Supreme Intelligence. His attempt to cause a civil war was quickly halted, and he quickly returned to service.
Venom (Klyntar)
n the distant past, the 998th generation of a lineage of feral Klyntar was imprisoned by its brethren, who considered it an aberration for desiring to form a permanent bond with a host and protect them rather than dominate them, and feared it would contaminate the gene pool.This prison was later inadvertently incorporated into the makeup of Battleworld by the Beyonder.
The Skrulls are a breed of green-skinned humanoids from the Andromeda Galaxy. They are a fierce warrior race who carved for themselves the oldest interstellar empire in the universe's history. Skrull science is generally at a higher level than the science of human civilization. The Skrulls were ruled by an Emperor or Empress, who had absolute power.
Kree philology originally developed through heavier gravity, higher nitrogen-to-oxygen air content, and a form of dependency centered around the Cotati (a highly intelligent and extremely mature species of telepaths in-tune with nature). Though as intelligent the Kree's were ignorant eventually ignoring nature, forging towards technology advancement then millennia of War.
Outwardly the Kree resemble humans, with little exception through skin color or modified genetics. Denser skin with increase muscles flexibility give the Kree endurance, durability, and stamina-- twice the level of humans. They also have "duplicates" of several internal organs,and usually require more nitrogen to breathe comfortably on earth.
The Beyonders are a near omnipotent alien race from a dimension outside the multiverse. They first came to the attention of Earthlings when they hired the alien Sphinxor to steal Counter-Earth for their museum of curiosities. Their dimension was later revealed to be the power source of the Cosmic Cubes. Sentient Cosmic Cubes include Kubik, the Shaper of Worlds and the Beyonder.
Galactus is the sole survivor of the universe that existed prior to the current universe. Originally Galactus was a humanoid named Galan, who was born on the planet Taa, a paradise-like world whose civilization is said to have been the most advanced of any of the known universe of that time.
Gabriel Summers
Vulcan's history began on the Shi'ar throne-world, as the unborn child of Christopher and Katherine Summers (parents of Scott and Alex Summers, who would become Cyclops and Havok, respectively). Katherine Summers was pregnant when the Summers were abducted by D'Ken. Corsair escaped in an attempt to save both mother and child, but she was killed in retaliation by D'Ken.
Young Gabriel being aged through adolescence through a Shi'ar incubator
Gabriel was removed from his mother's body and placed in an incubation-accelerator, used to breed new slaves, aging him to the prime adolescence. Sent to Earth to become a slave for Davan Shakari, the Emperor's hand on Earth, he escaped to be found by Moira MacTaggart with little or no memories of who he was or where he came from. She took him as her ward, and instructed him in the use of his nascent powers.
Thanos was one of the last sons of A'Lars, progenitor of the second colony of Eternals on Titan, and Sui-San, the last survivor of the original settlement of Eternals on Titan. Born with grey, hide-like skin and a massive body due to being born with the Deviant Syndrome, Thanos was a morose child who became obsessed with the concept of death.
J'son, also known as "Jason of Spartax", is the Emperor of the Spartoi Empire and father of Peter Quill, alias Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The Spartoi are a sister race to the Shi'ar, separating from their cousins millions of year ago.
He was the only son of the previous Emperor Eson, and therefore was Prince and sole heir to the throne. Rejecting his idealism, the ruling Council of Ministers prevented J'son from taking the throne. The future emperor would be educated, as per Spartax tradition, by being brought up on dozens of the Empire's planets working many professions, including servant, miner, poet, soldier and pilot - excelling in the latter two.
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