toyaschair-blog · 6 years
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Smile for the camera baby! She is so perfect in every way
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
Practice makes Permanent
Toya’s Chair
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
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do it, try it
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
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Beginnings are just that, the beginning! Continue until you see progress.
I’ve lost so much weight due to stress and giving birth. Now I’m trying to gain some weight back and flexibility
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
7 Rules of Life
1. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
2. What others think of you is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everything; give it time.
4. Don`t compare your life to others`, and don`t judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
5. Stop thinking too much; it`s alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.
6. No-one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
7. Smile. You don`t own all the problems in the world.
Source: Whisper of the heart.
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
There’s power in Spontaneity
There’s power in Spontaneity
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From childhood you are taught how to think and which order life should go.Spontaneous people get a bad reputation for going with the flow of things. They are often mistakenly characterized as reckless, unorganized and impulsive but is that actually a bad thing?
Being spontaneous can lead to new adventures, and new opportunities that you may have been looking for. Experience is the equation to character building, you have to make a jump.
Spontaneous- a person of open, natural and uninhibited manner; having sudden inner impulse
When you are a person who is spontaneous you actually have some great qualities about yourself. When you experience that Falling Off disastrous moment in life you are unbothered and know how to bounce back.
Here are some other added benefits to being Spontaneous:
1. Less stressful. Life is life and any situation can take a curve and the better you are with understanding that the better life experiences can be. When you can deal with the unknown the less anger, stress and frustrations you have to deal with.
2. Builds your faith. When you have no idea of how things are gonna go or you have a lack of something the only thing you have is hope. Things can only go one or two ways- good or bad and you only better have faith in the good do you can obtain it.
3. Forces you outside of your comfort zone. When your forced outside of comfort you get creative and build character. Creative juices just start flowing in and out of you like a ocean, either you will sink or swim.
4. Encourages culture. You get cultured no doubt, relationships can be formed even if you don’t speak the same language. It’s all about the appreciation, understanding and experience. With that grows respect for yourself and others.
5. Allows you to experience beauty. If you take the same highways you always take you’ll never know there was a mountain of gold to your left or a mounds of money to your right.
6. Easily adaptable. You are so casual and fun you can go anywhere and find comfort. That’s what you attract. Being adaptable allows you to feel great in the skin your in.
7. You make friends easily. People are meant to help, bond and form relationships with each other. When you open yourself up you form actual friendships.
8. Confidence Builder. When you’re spontaneous you’re more flexible and easy going. In return your more confident that things will work in your favor.
9. Active Brains. Science says, covering unfamiliar territory, neural pathways are being stimulated by new situations and places. Your frontal cortex is shifting into overdrive.
Forget about yesterday’s sorrows, don’t worry yourself of tomorrow’s frustrations. Only thing you can control is now. Now it is time to practice spontaneity.
Practice makes the shit permanent!
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
There’s power in Spontaneity
There’s power in Spontaneity
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From childhood you are taught how to think and which order life should go.Spontaneous people get a bad reputation for going with the flow of things. They are often mistakenly characterized as reckless, unorganized and impulsive but is that actually a bad thing?
Being spontaneous can lead to new adventures, and new opportunities that you may have been looking for. Experience is the equation to character building, you have to make a jump.
Spontaneous- a person of open, natural and uninhibited manner; having sudden inner impulse
When you are a person who is spontaneous you actually have some great qualities about yourself. When you experience that Falling Off disastrous moment in life you are unbothered and know how to bounce back.
Here are some other added benefits to being Spontaneous:
1. Less stressful. Life is life and any situation can take a curve and the better you are with understanding that the better life experiences can be. When you can deal with the unknown the less anger, stress and frustrations you have to deal with.
2. Builds your faith. When you have no idea of how things are gonna go or you have a lack of something the only thing you have is hope. Things can only go one or two ways- good or bad and you only better have faith in the good do you can obtain it.
3. Forces you outside of your comfort zone. When your forced outside of comfort you get creative and build character. Creative juices just start flowing in and out of you like a ocean, either you will sink or swim.
4. Encourages culture. You get cultured no doubt, relationships can be formed even if you don’t speak the same language. It’s all about the appreciation, understanding and experience. With that grows respect for yourself and others.
5. Allows you to experience beauty. If you take the same highways you always take you’ll never know there was a mountain of gold to your left or a mounds of money to your right.
6. Easily adaptable. You are so casual and fun you can go anywhere and find comfort. That’s what you attract. Being adaptable allows you to feel great in the skin your in.
7. You make friends easily. People are meant to help, bond and form relationships with each other. When you open yourself up you form actual friendships.
8. Confidence Builder. When you’re spontaneous you’re more flexible and easy going. In return your more confident that things will work in your favor.
9. Active Brains. Science says, covering unfamiliar territory, neural pathways are being stimulated by new situations and places. Your frontal cortex is shifting into overdrive.
Forget about yesterday’s sorrows, don’t worry yourself of tomorrow’s frustrations. Only thing you can control is now. Now it is time to practice spontaneity.
Practice makes the shit permanent!
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
Traveling in Thailand
There are a number of ways to travel in Thailand like any other country: cars, planes, buses, trucks, scooters and motorcycles. I must say scooters and motorcycles are by far my favorite. In Thailand it seems as tho they have no driving laws or they make them up as they go or something. You get in where you fit in. The motorbikes drive anywhere from 40 to 100 khm . Oh, an when they approach a red light there is no wait in line. They drive on the side and in between cars to race to the front of the line so that they can take off first. Now I'm not complaining because this is very beneficial especially when there is traffic, and they won't even get a ticket. I've seen bikes even drive on the wrong side of the road and even drive on sidewalks of the wrong side of the road if they want to avoid having to go all the way around.
Their car steering wheel is on right side of the vehicle and they drive on the left side of the rode! Different right??? I know honey! They literally drive in the middle of the road if they please. You know how in America you drive in a single file line? Nope, not here, they do as they please. It's really no American made cars here, I've seen maybe 3 Chevrolet's . They have Tuk-Tuks as taxis, these guys just stop in the middle of the street to pick people up. So if you're on a bike be careful they make frequent stops.

Overall this is an amazing experience and I'm ready to see what Vietnam driving is like.
Peace and Blessings 😍😍

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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
The Journey Began!!
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Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Isaac

The journey began here in Clearwater, Florida on May 2, 2018 my birthday. This guy here, who I believed to be our son Wahji walked straight up to Ameena, Rashan and I. It was like he was looking us in our eyes. Such a calm feeling came over us.. we stopped talking and just made eye contact with him. It was as if he was letting us know that everything was ok and he was there with us and would be with us on our big journey that we were about to embark upon. Back in 2016 Rashan and I miscarried Wahji on May 15. Funny how things work the very next year Ameena was born May 14, 2017. Never have I ever seen a crane in real life!
Cranes are a popular symbol in Asian culture, and the practice of folding paper cranes for good fortune, healing, happiness, and success. Cranes are also perceived as a bird capable of flying to the very heavens, and is said to have borne spirits of the deceased there upon its back.
That Crane, Wahji knew that when got back to Georgia our lives were going to change forever as we got ready to move to Thailand. My son Keyon would be moving with his dad, to be groomed into greatness that he is destined for. We would be traveling SE Asia getting new experiences and ideas about life. Yo, on all seriousness I had never been out of Ga for more than 4 days and had only been to the surrounding states at that. When we reached Georgia we had a yard sale and sold everything we owned. Our car, 
clothes, furniture and my barber equipment. Things sold fast unbelievably fast to me. My Aunty Cheryl had a going away party for us/ Ameena and I birthday party. It was a huge extravaganza, I had no idea that many people loved and supported us like this.

Friends, clients, well hell they all family came. This just tickles me talking about it! It was a real big success, I hadn't had that much fun in a long time.
May 21, was he big day for us. That was our departure day. We went and ate a good breakfast at IHOP. We were accompanied to the airport by family, we took pics with them and all. I was ready, as ready as I'd ever been for anything in my life. I told myself I wasn't going to cry but when Denita and Bridget arrived Bridget was crying all ugly made me cry ugly too. Sorry Bridget lol love you gul!! When they left things really got real, we were on our way half way across the world to Bangkok, Thailand. Guess where we booked our hotelPeace and Blessings!!!!
I love you guys❤️❤️❤️

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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
Most important piece to failure is to never give up
Toya’s Chair
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toyaschair-blog · 6 years
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Doi Saket, Thailand The whole point of life is to find that peaceful place where you can ground yourself
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