transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
There’s something so fucking beautiful about queer love. Like unapologetic queer love that breaks the rules set by an allocishet society. Love that completely confuses non-queers and spits in the face of their logic. It’s amazing.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
trans men are our brothers. trans women our sisters. non-binary people our siblings. stop trans infighting. thats what they want. they want us divided fighting each other accept all forms of gender expression including masculinity, androgyny and femininity and anything else. stop punching horizontally. punch vertically.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
Transmisogyny is not the intersection of transphobia and misogyny. Y'all got it backwards. Transmisogyny is the unique oppression experienced by those with intersecting identities of trans and woman.
This is a core part of what intersectionality theory is about. The discrimination faced by black women is not just anti black discrimination + anti woman discrimination. The whole point is to get the full picture you have to account for additional discrimination outside of those two types of discriminations - anti black woman discrimination.
Transmisogyny is not the intersection of transphobia and misogyny, and it isn't transphobia + misogyny. Its additional discrimination outside of the scope of transphobia and misogyny.
Identities intersect while discrimination compounds based on the intersection of identities. It seems like a small distinction but it is important.
Which is a lot of words to explain that the argument that transandrophobia cannot exist because androphobia don't exist is misguided and fundamentally ignorant. Your logic fails on the face of it because you don't understand intersectionality.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
Screenshot (OP uses he/him pronouns)
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I'm not even gonna argue. I just posted this so people can block this person. I genuinely am not going to argue about the terminology. You can find some real arguments if you wanna start shit.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
fr though it's okay if you find out you were trans through porn or smut or through fantasizing. it doesn't make your transness less legitimate or more explicit. realizing you are trans through sexuality has been so demonized by radfems, especially towards gay & lesbian trans people. but you arent fetishizing being queer or your gender. and regardless, fetishes aren't bad. sexuality isn't bad. trans people being sexual in a trans way isn't bad. it's good and wonderful and healing.
shoutout to all the trans people who realized they were WLW/MLM through lesbian pornos and gay smut. shout out to the people cracked their eggs with kink like sissification or by being called gendered titles. shoutout to the people who explored their gender through sex and masturbation. it's just as legitimate and good as realizing you're trans in more family-family & "respectable" ways.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
I honestly want these shoelaces
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Neon Pink Shoelaces $12.00
For you, Mr. President.
Laces are 58 inches long. 85% polyester and 15% cotton.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
I hate the fact that trans people have to constantly prove to cis people that they’re really trans. If you don’t have severe dysphoria, don’t fall into the “born in the wrong body” stereotype, or haven’t known you’re trans since you were a baby, they don’t believe you. And they still don’t believe you even if you do fall into those categories. It’s fucking exhausting having to constantly jump through hoops just so the cis people in your life will stop asking “are you really sure you’re trans🤨🤨” every five minutes.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
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Neon Pink T-Shirt $35.00
Go pretty in pink—or not. Wear your weird however you like.
100% pre-shrunk cotton.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
For context, this is what safequeer is:
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So basically a whole lotta bullshit.
If any of you are safequeers, get the FUCK off of my blog.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
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??? I feel like I just got sand thrown in my eyes what does this mean
Fellas it is guilt tripping to ask to not be hate crimed??
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
I have a huge problem w the idea that all trans men/transmascs should stay out of all women’s spaces. The vast majority of transmascs in women’s only spaces are not there to be predatory or take something away from women. A lot of them are closeted or just don’t have any other options.
I myself am in some women’s only spaces because they are the only option. For example, at my school, there is a support group that is for girls only, but it’s been a really positive thing for my mental health. As far as I know, there’s no alternative group for boys. On top of that, I have taken no steps to transition so far, so I doubt they’d even let me in. Even if they somehow did, I’d be outed to a bunch of my classmates at my Catholic high school.
Most transmascs in women’s only spaces don’t have some malicious ulterior motive. They just want support or help, and that’s the only way to get it. Besides, we really don’t like getting misgendered constantly, and I’m sure if there were alternatives, we’d take them in a heartbeat.
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
God I have seen her on twitter before and she always manages to make the worst takes ever. Also the way she uses “tme” to mean “transmasc” is such a blatant misuse of the term.
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Is this about trans men or am i losing my mind
Trans people can, in certain situations, contribute to systems of oppression that harm other trans people. But they don't ever have the power to be the oppressors of other trans people. I'm so fucking tired of assholes that learned some social justice language as a weapon, but cannot or don't want to understand the actual enemy is institutional transphobia in society, not each other????
Like i dont know the entire context obviously but i see this shit way too much
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
Teenagers are the most unloved group in our nation. Teenagers are often feared precisely because they are often exposing the hypocrisy of parents and of the world around them. And no group of teenagers is more feared than a pack of teenage boys. Emotionally abandoned by parents and by society as a whole, many boys are angry, but no one really cares about this anger unless it leads to violent behavior. If boys take their rage and sit in front of a computer all day, never speaking, never relating, no one cares. If boys take their rage to the mall, no one cares, as long as it is contained. In Lost Boys therapist James Garbarino testifies that when it comes to boys, “neglect is more common than abuse: more kids are emotionally abandoned than are directly attacked, physically or emotionally.” Emotional neglect lays the groundwork for the emotional numbing that helps boys feel better about being cut off. Eruptions of rage in boys are most often deemed normal, explained by the age-old justification for adolescent patriarchal mis-behavior, “Boys will be boys.” Patriarchy both creates the rage in boys and then contains it for later use, making it a resource to exploit later on as boys become men. As a national product, this rage can be garnered to further imperialism, hatred, and oppression of women and men globally. This rage is needed if boys are to become men willing to travel around the world to fight wars without ever demanding that other ways of solving conflict be found.
— The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love by bell hooks (2004)
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
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transmasc-mimikyu · 2 years
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A journal app for when you need to process this hellsite. Try Day One, or Pikaman will haunt you in your sleep.
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