trashpandatron-blog · 6 years
Oct: awe yeah its my time to get spooky
Dec: *huming*
Oct: will you stfu is not even Christmas yet you still have 2 more months!
Dec:oh..really..then why are there so much Christmas stuff out?..
Oct: what..wtf!
Nov:hi guys!
Oct/dec: NO ONE CARES!
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
Ben: Netflix and chill
Richie: blockbuster and cockthruster
Bill: IMAX and climax
Mike: Hulu and the woohoo!
Beverly: Amazon prime and sexy time
Stan: temple and praying for forgiveness
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
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not all heroes wear capes
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
all i want to do
is love you
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
Reblog if
Your ok with jokes to your sexuality, if you find them funny too and its doesn't make you mad, infact you make jokes aswell and not all people in lgbt+ and so on aren't all stuck up(not that most are but come on)
Stright: as a bored, stick, line(etc
Questioning/curious: stright as a dick(thats all i got
Bisexual: bi bye, BIcycle, BIgones, BI myself, got your pc from 'Best BI'
Gay: im not going STRAIGHT to hell, rainbow is my favorite color, you SUCC, you really are a HOMOsapien,
Pansexual: do u like PANcakes, do u like pots and PANs, i wonder how things will PANout,
(Some dont like this term but if your proud to use it then right on 👌👍
Lesbian: lezbe-onest, dont lez-bian ass(thats all i know
Transsexual: the trainzzz is here choochoo, you really like to train, just a transition, transferred/ing, favorite weaponis my tri-tan(Triton)
Thats all i got so far feel free to add others and make more jokes
I love the pan jokes i dont even actually like pancakes tho haha but i do play along
If u find this offencive then im sorry but i mean then you may not be proud or comfortable to own up to it, besides they are harmless jokes and this is about being ok with them :) only trying to lightn things up yaknow
This is in no way shaming/anti or any *fillin the blank*phobia/phobic
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
‘There are no women in video games!’
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‘Women in video games are always sexualized!’
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‘If their main outfit isn’t sexualized, their alternate costumes are!’
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‘Women in sports games never wear appropriate clothes! They just wear sexy outfits!’
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‘Women are always damsels in distress and never know how to fight!’
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‘Women in games are never allowed to be feminine!’
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‘Women can never be main characters in games!’
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‘And if they are, the ratings are never good!’
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‘Women in games can only be masculine, they can’t use feminine attributes to their advantage!’
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‘Women are never valuable party members!’
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‘Women in video games are only interested in male partners or friends!’
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‘Women in video games always dress as men, but men in video games never dress as women!’
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‘No one ever likes a woman in a video game!’
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‘Women in video games -’
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Princess Peach has got you covered.
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
Reblog if rainbow is just your favorite color
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Reblog to make a white gay big mad
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
I’ll probably kill myself before 25 so appreciate me while I’m here
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
Omfg i thought this shit was funny till i unmuted i fucking died..
“We never kneeewwwww…”
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
Hey friends
Anyone know were i can get some reasonably(affordable) priced fountain pens or just some good pens in general for inking.. Or you know just tell me were u live and i will occasionally steel them from u sense you know were to get them and eventually i fill find a receipt and get them myself :)
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
voltron season five airs in less than a week
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
i think its dumb if drug dealers get sentenced to longer in prison than rapists?? like people ask for drugs but no one asks for rape???
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trashpandatron-blog · 7 years
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Macaulay Culkin Just Revealed What Kevin McCallister Is Actually Like Today - Full video
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