treasar · 1 month
I CAN'T WAIT AND I STILL CAN'T CHOOSE- ( but, vam won is somehow pulling me- ) BTW TWO FICS OF WON? YOU BETTER KEEP THAT- OR ELSE😈🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
“MY FAV AUTHOR” CAPPPP kidding (not)
yes pleak choose one🙏🏻i promise they’re all equally good (at least that’s what i felt when the storyline played in my head🤓)
i wish i could drop all but i have other hyung line fics to focus on and can’t wait to release but maybe i’ll release either 2 of jungwon fics on the same week (we’ll see which won will win by today🙂‍↕️)
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treasar · 3 months
enhypen texts when you have plushies of another idol
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this is for goofs - crack - 9 screenshots - funny haha - masterlist - i have a ton of these plushies so i thought this would be cute
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
jungwon- ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
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open for the rest of the members (ᵔᴥᵔ)
heeseung- (๑>◡<๑)
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sunoo-٩( 'ω' )و
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riki- ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
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947 notes · View notes
treasar · 3 months
Hiii ( to anyone idk haha ) I am quite new to this app and came to know that there are many writers here and so are readers. I just want to upload a story, which writes out of boredom coz I want to know it is good or bad I mean like I know my writing is suck but, can't help :) I would be over the moon if you do give me your feedback an honest one of course! enjoyy! :)
A twisted tale
“ and every time he leaves me lone “
“ he always tells me he misses it “ 
“ he wanna- “ 
“ Sweety, you’ve been listening to it for about three hours. “ Her mother suddenly burst into her room, startling the smiley girl. 
“ You scared me, Mom! I thought you were going grocery? “ The girl titles her head in confusion. 
“ Well, I was about to go but remembered that I have to cook for Grandma. “ Her mother says, taking out something from her drawer. ‘ That means… she is there all the time. Oh god, please tell me she didn’t hear my voice. ‘ she widens her eyes. 
“ It’s a new song, Mom. “ She awkwardly blurs out, receiving a nod from her mom. “ Where did I put my gloves? “ her mom whispers and then, leaves. 
“ That was close. I will instead read Webtoon now. “ She sighs, jumping on the soft mattress while opening her laptop. As soon as it’s opened, she gets a notification, saying 
A new chapter of DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR is up.
view / later
“ Wah, the chapter is shorter day by day and the drama is getting interesting. Why can’t Hybe release a film of that so that we can watch it all in one go? “ She dramatically cries and pouts.
She is about to close her laptop but, a certain something catches her attention.  
Click to download DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR
The girl frowns, feeling confused. ‘ Is it a virus? I have never seen this link in other chapters before. Am I seeing things right now? ‘ 
‘ Should I? ‘ She is debating whether she should click that link or not. In the end, her curiosity wins and would probably be grinning if it had a face. 
Please wait for a moment…
//////////  45%
“ Sweety, time to go to bed! Don’t make me come to you. You have school tomorrow. “ Her mother shouts from the kitchen. “ I will, Mom. I am downloading something. After that, I will go, Mom, “ she shouts back. 
She turns back to her phone and is met with a black screen. ‘ Huh? ‘ 
She immediately clicks the phone screen, thinking that the virus is already in her laptop. A young boy appears on her home screen, her favourite idol automatically a smile appears.
Without thinking twice, she taps the app and scrolls down. Strangely, it’s completely fine and there is no link at the end of the chapter. ‘ Okie, that’s strange. ‘ She thinks.
‘ Maybe I read Wattpad too much this morning that I am seeing things now?  ‘ She sighs. “ I swear I will be gone crazy if their concert also continues like this. “ She mumbles, switching off her lamp, and preparing to sleep.
“ Good night, world. A great tomorrow is waiting for me. I love myself. “ She whispers before falling into a deep sleep due to her tiredness. 
Just then, 
Your installation is completed!
100 %
Taps to view
“ Good morning, teacher. “ she greets the teacher, who she meets at the school gate. “ Morning, Yon. “ The teacher smiles in reply. 
“ Yon shiiii, “ someone calls her and she recognises the voice immediately, it’s her best friend, Sojo. “ Hey, Soju, “ She greets back but, meets with a welcome slap on her shoulder. “Yeah, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s Sojo! Not Soju! “ 
Instead of getting a reply from Yon, the other girl gets a giggle from her. “ Yeah! “ Sojo pouts. “ Sorry, no sorry it’s suited you well, Soju shiii, “ Yon says before running for her life. 
“ Euntae, help me, “ Yon says with a really wide grin, hiding behind that girl. “ What happened- “ 
“ YON!! “ Euntae facepalms after hearing a certain someone’s shout, feeling not surprised but disappointed. “ Not again. “ she mumbles under her breath. 
Not too long, an angry yet annoyed Soju-I mean Sojo appears, ready to attack her sweet friend yet enemy while Yon is using Euntae as a shield as if they both are about to start world war three.
Ring Ring
Well, this time, the bell saves the not-so-scared girl, named Yon. “ You better give strawberry smoothie not else say goodbye to your plushie. “ Sojo grins evilly. “ Noooo! Not my Layla, “ Yon dramatically cries. 
“ Fine, I will get you one. But, no tiger plushie then, “ Yon sticks her tongue, then walks into her classroom without seeing Sojo’s reaction. 
She doesn’t need to see them since she’s been friends with them for five years. Correction, best friends.   
“ Noooo- “ Sojo doesn’t have time to be dramatic since Euntae is dragging her. “ Let’s go! We are going to be late. “
    “ Alright, don’t forget to review this for tomorrow's quiz. I wouldn’t like to see one of my students didn’t pass it. I want all pass, okie? “ All students groan in reply. 
“ Alright, class is dismissed. “The teacher says while gathering all of her things. 
 “ Finally, lunch timeeeee! “ someone shouts with joy despite the teacher still there and then, one by one disappear into the cafeteria. Yon is the only one left in the classroom along with her class teacher.
She is also about to go grab her lunch. “ Yon? “ 
“ Yes, Miss Kim? “ her class teacher suddenly calls her, startling the girl a little. “ Can you take this to the library? “ She says while handing a thick yet old book to the girl. 
“ Of course, Miss Kim. What should I say or maybe where should I put it? “ The girl takes the book and carefully embraces it.
 “ Just give it to Miss Jang and tell her it’s from me. “ The girl nods in reply. “ Please excuse me, Miss Kim, “ she bows before she leaves. 
As soon as she opens the door, she is met with really familiar faces, who are no other than Sojo and Euntae. It’s normal for her because they always wait for her to go get lunch together. 
“ Let’s go? “ Sojo says and the girl shakes her head as a no. “ Sorry, I have to give it to Miss Jang. I’ll catch you up later. Don’t wait for me. “ She says, feeling a bit sorry. 
“ Okiee, you better hurry or else your food is mine. “ Sojo sticks her tongue in a teasing tone. “ We’ll wait for you there. See ya, “ Euntae drags the childish friend for the second time. She nods in approval. 
They all part away to go to their respective destination. It didn’t take long for her since the library is just four rooms away from her classroom.
Just as she is told to do, she goes straight to Miss Jang’s desk. But, she is not there. 
‘ She must be having lunch right now. ‘ She thinks. She places the book carefully on her desk and looks for someone to hand a message to. As expectedly, no one is here.
She gets a yellow sticky note and writes a message before sticking it on the desk. When she is about to join her friends, a sudden thing caught her attention. It’s her laptop. 
‘ I thought I handed it to Miss Kim? ‘ She frowns. It isn’t like that laptop is not allowed at school here. It is allowed only when it comes to computer science classes. But, it goes the opposite when it is a phone.
If they are not allowed to use laptops, they have to give them to their room teacher so that they can focus on their lessons without distraction.
“ I thought I switched it off too…? Wait, I was seeing things last night and now hearing things? “ She whispers, feeling more confused.
Without her knowing, she grabs it and opens it, wanting to check whether she is really imagining things or not. Much to her surprise, there is no sign of an opening laptop.
Just then, her laptop’s screen is glitching. It gives her goosebumps. Its glitching noise becomes louder and louder, causing her to cover her ears. 
Everything around her is shaking non-stop as if there is an earthquake. She immediately reacts to it and hides under a desk with a laptop in her hand. 
When everything is calmed down, a message appears on her screen.
Be careful, dear! 
Watch your surrounding.
She tilted her head in confusion. ‘ What? ‘ ‘ What is that? ‘ ‘ Is it a virus? ‘ Many questions are popping up in her mind. But, a loud noise snaps her out of her thought. 
Her head immediately turns to it. “ Who is there? Miss Jang? Is that you? “ She shouts, letting her guard up. She waits for a reply but, she gets none.
She stands up slowly not letting her guard down. She feels like someone has passed behind her. “ Who is there? “ 
No reply again. 
“ Who is it? Please show up or else I am reporting it to the principal. “ She tries to threaten although she is scared. Her leg is trembling so badly.  
Her eyes are wandering around, hoping to spot that person. Much to her surprise, she spots a book, that lying on the ground in an opening position. 
Despite being afraid and scared that she will get hurt, she takes a step slowly toward it, using all her strength. 
It's a leather book with golden decoration and seems like it’s an old book due to its old papers. 
She carefully picks it up and looks up at its place. But, there is no blank space strangely if it falls from the bookshelf while shaking. 
Just then, she spots a black shadow in the corner of her eyes. “ Who are you? “ She approaches slowly yet quietly. But, it disappears quickly. Yon doesn’t let it go this time. She chases after it. 
Without her notice, she reaches the middle of the bookshelves and still, there is no trace of that person. Her doe eyes scan around the room, but still no hints. 
Much to her surprise, a pair of hands pull her, covering her mouth, giving her no time to react. That is when a light flashes in front of her eyes and then, a thick black fog covers her. 
She feels like someone is choking her as she is struggling to breathe. Suddenly, she has been pulled again as if her soul and body are connected to their original place.
She grasped for air, unable to balance herself. When her breathing rate is normal, she looks up and meets with a familiar yet unfamiliar person.
A woman in her twenties looks at her confusedly. She appears to be kind and gentle. Her green suit along with the white soft scarf makes a perfect match with her hazel eyes. 
“ Are you okay, Alex? “ The woman spoke up in concern. ‘ Alex? ‘ The girl thinks. ‘ She is familiar. Where did I see her? ‘ The girl glances beside her. The place looks like a school but not her school and it’s oddly familiar.
“ Alex? “ A woman’s call snaps her out of her thoughts. “ Yes, ma’am? “ She answers with hesitation. “ What happened? Are you not feeling well? “ 
“ I am fine, ma’am. “ The girl smiles, assuring her. A woman checks her from head to toe, trying to find something wrong. But, none. “ Alright, I have told you what you have to know. Here, it’s your class timetable. “ She says while handing the girl a paper. 
“ Thank you, ma’am, “ she bows despite feeling confused. “ This will be your room, Alex. “ Both of them are in front of a certain door. Yon nods in reply. “ Alright, that’s all, I guess. Hope you will do your best here. “ 
“ Welcome to Decelis Academy, Alex, “ she smiles before walking away. The girl is so shocked due to a familiar world that the book and paper, she is holding are dropped to the ground. 
‘ Decelis? It can’t be… ‘
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plz I must be out of my mind thinking people will read this and like this- I am so delulu-
To read next chapter \^o^/
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treasar · 3 months
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The stuggles of being a writer.
A shame that I have to actually finish my book before I get to read it. I enjoy writing it just as much but I am looking forward to finishing my first book and getting to read through it, even if I do know what's going to happen.
17K notes · View notes
treasar · 3 months
Me :
Me waking up: I want to write
Me eating breakfast: I want to write
Me getting ready for work: I want to write
Me at work: I want to write
Me eating lunch: I want to write
Me driving home: I want to write
Me at home, sitting in front of my laptop:
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19K notes · View notes
treasar · 3 months
I don't know what to say yeah-
(just for a minute)
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i don't think any reader will realize how disappointing and upsetting this actually is...
writers are tired of bitching about it, just please.
and system runs on reblogs, not likes. if you reblog, tag it. it's the least you can do.
feedback again is very anticipated. it's disappointing and upsetting when you get excited getting a reblog notif just to see there's no comment under it.
we're not asking for millions of notes, we're asking for interaction though. liking isn't doing anything good. and spam liking actually gets us shadowbanned (!)
to those who actually and properly interact, thank you!! you make all the while better and the lengthy writing process worth it. you're amazing. ♡:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴
and blank blogs, please (!) change your pfp at the least, it's the least you can do to help us know who's a bot and who isn't. it saves us from being worried and you from being blocked!!
— 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑠 ♡
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treasar · 3 months
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Maybe in another universe !?
enhypen members texts after you pass away
warnings : angst left and right, depression, sadness, mentions of death, cursing
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© @leaderwon 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
(my other angst work, pls give it some love. Link)
3K notes · View notes
treasar · 3 months
I am writing to let you guys ( who are waiting for me ) know I will update soon. I'm sorry for the long wait (;´д`)ゞ I am having writer's block T_T but, I will try to finish this as soon as possible despite having an upcoming exam 😣 anyways, this is treasar~ see ya!
0 notes
treasar · 3 months
dude, let's play !
ni-ki wants to play with his hyung, but is seems like jake only has time for you
* fem reader , smau , humor ? , fluff , warning : cursing , nicknames , lmk is there's something missing * ( all pictures are from pinterest, credits to their respective author )
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i'm sorry if this is kinda lame or boring, i've just haven't had enough time and made this last minute, it's also really late so i apologize if there are any mistakes or incoherence 🥲♡
699 notes · View notes
treasar · 3 months
Yeahh like masterlist, about you, byf
Ah yes, I'll do them! But I am afraid it might take me a while to post it.
0 notes
treasar · 3 months
Are u doing a pinned soon?
umm I am sorry what does it mean? Do you mean something like masterlist? 😅😅
0 notes
treasar · 3 months
hi darling !! I haven't had time to spare sol haven't read any of the new chapters (i hate school 😭) but i promise as soon as i have time to myself, i will read everything because from what i can see, it looks super interesting 😄💞
Keep up the good works !! and dont let anything destroy your joy of writing
Lots of love :33
omg, hiii^^ ( let's pretend that I didn't feel like jumping out of the window as soon as I saw your message lmao ) you have no idea how much I am looking forward to your comment everytime I post a new chapter ( same I hate school too! ) And also it's finee I mean I know how it feels when you are so busy with school! ( plz excuse my bad english ) I'll be waiting for you! Thank you so much for reading! I am really really glad to hear that you are enjoying! ( rn, I am having writer's block :*) but, I'll try to finish it! )
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treasar · 3 months
well a twisted tale huh 🧐😏 that was unexpected to be honest~
hello! It must be a while since I updated that story so umm actually, I was trying to come up with a title for that story ya know why would there be a story without a title? IT'S SO BAD YEAH IK so I finally came up with the title but, there are too many of them so please kindly choose which one will be good! If you haven't read them, you can read here! Thank you!
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treasar · 3 months
Chapter 5 | Finally |
No way... Is that Jungwon?
It is a peaceful night as chilly winds are present like a wave of the ocean, calm yet fresh. A strand of her hair flies in the air with the help of a gentle breeze while she is zoning out. 
It’s thrice, visiting this field with a high hope of meeting the boys. But, unfortunately, luck is not in her hands. She starts to lose hope. Sometimes, her mind is telling her that what she can do is nothing.
She is forever trapped in this world… 
However, she keeps pushing herself not to give up. At Alteast there is a 1% that she will successfully finish her task and then, go to her home.
 Somehow, she feels like this night view is cheering her, giving her strength. She starts to like this place not as a place where she will meet the boys. But as a place where she can make her mind fresh. 
Tomorrow is the day she is going to move to her not-so-new school. She doesn’t know whether she is going to meet them or not. What she knows is that she has to try her best there more. 
Sure, she is excited about going there but, what if…
What if there are boys….?
Or maybe even Sooha? 
The war will soon break out for sure… 
Between the first vampires and that idiot vampire, Chris…
Then, what will happen to her?
Will she be at the academy? Or… what else? 
The sound of opening the gate snaps her out of her thought. Then, a pair of feet appear in front of her as she is near it. What a relief is that she is hiding behind the benchers so the comer can’t see her. 
She glances at her watch before gazing at that person. It’s almost past 12 p.m. That person sure must be the guard since no one is allowed to go out. 
A huge yet thin coat is hanging on his shoulder but, his hair… is oddly familiar to her. It’s like something inside her mind clicks that function her brain to recognise who that person is.
A wave of surprise and disbelief rushes through her body, rubbing her eyes harshly to make sure that person is him or not. “ No way… “ She whispers, still disbelieving.
She hurriedly shows up not wanting to make the same mistake as she did in her dream. “ Jungwon, is that you? “ She calls out as that person halts his step. 
She can’t even describe what she is feeling as nervousness, relief and something more rushing up. 
Those green eyes glance at her, which are perfectly paired up with his light grey hair, which honestly she thought was white. His tiny ponytail is making his hairstyle better. A strand of his hair fell on his tiny forehead, appearing his look more.
“ Handsome and intelligent “ is not enough to describe him. He is too looking for a common human with his attractive look. Moreover, she’s finally found one of them. 
“ I am sorry. I think you got the wrong person. “ Confused is written all over his face. That’s when it clicks to her that he is not Jungwon “ Oh, sorry. You look like a friend of mine. “ She nervously grins. 
Without getting a reply, he leaves, making the girl stunned. “ Wow, that’s a bit… rude. “ She frowns, watching his figure till it disappears from her sight. 
“ I am happy to hear that you are the one who is moving here. “ a woman, who guide her when she first arrives here, says. Alex chooses to stay quiet as she doesn’t know how to respond. 
“ I suppose you don’t need me to show you around, do you? “ The woman stops, and so does the girl as Alex nods in agreement. “ Alright then, I will be going now. Hope you will have a great first day here. “ The woman sweetly smiles at her.
Alex returns the smile. “ Thanks in advance, ma’am. Have a nice day! “ She bows. “ You too, Alex! “ The woman waves before leaving. 
She breathes in heavily as soon as she is in her new room. “ It’s so tiring. “ She pops down on the floor like a zombie. 
It’s currently 12 p.m. She had to continue her study there before moving here. So, no rest time is available for her. What she’s thankful for is that her classmates were bidding her sweetly along with her teachers. She felt like she is moving abroad for further study. 
Now, she can take a short nap or maybe a long one before starting her first day of school here. However, the coziness is helping her as her eyes become heavy. 
She doesn’t remember how long she falls asleep. But, a certain knock wakes her up from her deep sleep. When she glances at the clock, it’s saying sharp three. 
‘ Who can be here at this time? ‘ She groans, trying to ignore it but, the sound becomes louder and louder. So, she has to drag herself before approaching the door with heavy steps. 
“ I am coming! “ She shouts as the knock seems like it won’t stop until she responds. “ How can I help you? “ She peeks through the door with a tiny little bit of messy hair without opening it widely.
“ Oh, Alex. I am sorry if I disturb you. “ It is the woman, who sent her here. “ Hello, ma’am, “ Alex greets while fixing her hair with a paint of red on her cheek, embarrassment. 
“ Actually, I need you to do me a favour. “ The woman says. “ What is it, ma’am? “ She replies right away. “ Could you please show her around the school since she’s just moved here if you don’t mind? “ 
“ Sure, ma’am! “ She says without looking at the newbie. “ But, ma’am, you know… “ She comes closer to the woman. “ I’ve just moved here too. “ 
“ Oh, it’s totally fine. Everyone here knows that you are that girl. “ She whispers back. “ If you say so, I will help her, ma’am. “ She whispers back. 
“ Good! “ The woman commands. “ The girl here is going to be your new roommate and your senior. “ She states. 
“ She is Alex! “ The woman brings the newbie’s attention. “ Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I am Alex! Hope we can be friends. “ She sweetly smiles. 
“ Hello, the name is Sooha. “ That girl’s comment widens the girl’s eyes. ‘ Sooha…? ‘ 
She immediately looks up, changing her 90-degree position. Those familiar pink eyes are already looking at her with a hint of nothingness but, cold and sadness. 
The real Sooha, the princess and the main character of this story is standing in front of her.
The whole tour is so quiet that the sound of non-existing pin-dropping can be heard. Whenever Alex tries to start the chat, Sooha would always answer shortly as if she is not interested in it. 
Awakand and nervousness are the only feelings, that are presented in her. 
The trailing edge of the sun slowly disappears below the western horizon, indicating that the night is going to shine. Not too soon, countless stars and moon fill the dusk sky. 
She didn’t think that Sooha would be totally different from the original story. The mentioned girl is looking around but, not her as if she is a ghost. 
“ Senior, let’s stop our tour here. If you have questions, you can ask me. “ She gives her a small smile. “ Of course, thank you. “ She says shyly for the first time. 
“ Please call me by my name. You know senior sounds a bit… “ She scrubs her head out of nervousness. “ I am sorry if I act rude and cold. It’s just that I am not used to it. “ She lowers her gaze. “ It may sound weird. “ She whispers.
That’s when it clicks her. Sooha is not being treated friendly by others except Chris since she was young. “ It’s totally fine, Sooha. “ A genius smile assures Sooha. 
“Let’s be friends, Alex. “She smiles. 
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a/n: hey guysss, it's a short one for today! Hope you guys enjoy it! relogging and like are appreciated! If you guys want to help me choose the title for this story here!
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treasar · 3 months
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬' 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
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RELEASE DATE: Friday, 21st June 2024 (subject to change)
PAIRING: non!idols enha hyung line x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), semi-college au, adulthood, reverse harem, dark themes.
WARNINGS: mentions of christianity, profanities, smoking, mention of drugs, alcohol consumption, violence, blood, murders, yandere & tsundere, manipulation, corruption, toxicity, heavy angst, dubcon themes, unprotected sex (no!), dom hyung line (rip), name calling, degradation, possible voyeurism, mild bondage, gagging, choking, blowjob, fingering, edging, manhandling, spitting kink, orgasm denial, crying, squirting, creampies, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, threesomes (twice), more to be added....
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3.1, PART 3.2, PART 4, PART 5
The passage of time appears to be slowing down, with the red neon luminosity encompassing you gradually fading into a blur, while the bright sign of 'exit' ahead remains a beacon to your fortitude, but your quest to the road of freedom grows languid as the eventual exertion dawns on your body.
Tears welling in your lower eyelids are a recrudescence of terror, parallel to your inner turmoil that remains unabating, and you feel as though it is eating you alive from the inside, dwindling the hope you so desperately clutch onto.
Your ears perk up at the sound of familiar, heavy-booted steps from not far behind you, eliciting a forlorn cry from you before you force your weary body to pick up the speed, despite the unknown yet lethal substance streaming through your every fibre and taking its major effect on your whole being.
No, this is not how you imagined facing your demise. You never would have thought that one of your worst nightmares had manifested itself and plunged into your reality.
Your skull is throbbing painfully, with blood seeping from the fresh wounds that trickle down the side of your face, while your heart aches tremendously. A sob emerges from the back of your throat before waterworks cascade down on you, but you refuse to allow yourself to die tonight, not when you’re nearly getting the taste of freedom.
Before you know it, you use the force of your body to push the door open as it swings outward violently, and you continue to run on the asphalt ground, having no clue of your current location, while your heaving chest is starting to hurt with how ragged your breathing is that mingles with the sobs.
“Please.” You choke out, your tearful eyes blurring your vision, while you feel as though more needles are piercing into your skull. “Please let all of this be a nightmare.” You manage to whisper in between broken sobs, nearly succumbing to the hyperventilation that renders you unfocused on your surroundings as your body remains in a fight-or-flight mode.
The next thing you know, you bump into a solid chest that nearly has you staggering back if it weren’t for strong arms latching onto your trembling form. The moment your eyes meet his concerned eyes that soon blaze with anger, a frightful shriek tears from your parched throat before you push him away from you, as though he is a disease.
“Princess?” Sunghoon, whose head is fogging with confusion, frowns visibly as he sees the way you are looking at him as though he is a terrifying stranger.
The movements from Jake and Jay catch your heightened sense, prompting you to cower away from them as you back away. “Stay away from me!” You shout at them, the fear is palpable in the tremor of your voice, to which they halt their movements.
“Baby, it’s us!” Jay exclaims while trying his utmost not to give away the tempest of wrath that storms within him upon seeing the state you are in. 
“Lovely…” Jake takes cautious steps towards you, but even his loving, gentle tone is not enough to dispel the betrayal and heartbreak you are still reeling from.
“I said don’t come close to me! Please!” To see you hyperventilating as you sob hard hits them in the face, but what pains them is the terror you exhibit right now because they never wanted you to fear them as though they would really hurt you.
You turn around with the intention to run from them, but this time, Heeseung’s figure is a hindrance as he blocks your way. His hands find their way to hold you firmly while you attempt to thrash and struggle in his captivity.
“Let go of me!” You become relentless, your fear is now eclipsed by anger that stems from the fresh betrayal.
Despite the confusion upon seeing the blazing anger in your crystalline eyes, Heeseung remains calmly collected as he holds you effortlessly yet is unable for you to escape from. “Sweetheart─”
Being utterly overwhelmed and blinded by the maelstrom of pain, betrayal, sadness, and anger, you raise your hand and bring it down to land a harsh slap to his now-stinging cheek, shocking the other three from behind.
“Do you think this is meant to be humorous to you?!” The rage in your voice is unmistakable as it sounds foreign to your ears, but your focus remains on his face as he slowly turns to look at you while you are oblivious to the raging storms in his dark eyes. “Is this really your endgame?! Once you’re satisfied after fucking me, you'll kill me?!”
Heeseung’s deadly silence only seems to fuel your wrath, and so you begin to throw punches into his chest that don't even have any effect on him. “Fight back!” You scream in between sobs, tears relentlessly streaming down your cheeks. “If you want to kill me, do it now!”
“Y/N, stop.” Jake and Jay appear from behind, intervening as they grab you away from Heeseung’s defeated grasps while you continue to struggle and fight against their strong hold valiantly despite feeling debilitated.
“What are you talking about?” Heeseung’s calm voice manages to reach your ears despite the sound of your hysteria.
“Yeah, what do you mean by killing you, lovely?” Jake asks with a frown as soon as you shoot him a glare. “We would never do such a thing─”
Miraculously, you manage to escape from their grasps, and your glaring eyes penetrate into each of them. “Don’t lie to me! I know you’re the ones who kidnapped me and brought me to this God-forsaken place, and for what? To kill me!”
“We didn’t!” Jay objects vehemently, disbelief lacing his tone. “Why would we ever want to kill you?”
“Liar!” You retort before breaking down again, the sound of your cries only fuels their anger to hunt down whoever dared to hurt you. “If you weren’t the ones back there, then how did you even know where I was?”
“I installed a tracker on your phone. It’s the reason why we managed to track your location.” Jake steps forward, his softening eyes seem to balm your hysteric nerves. “But you have to believe us, love. We would never do anything to jeopardise your life.”
You open your mouth to speak, but a whimper comes instead as you feel the familiar pain plummeting into your skull, prompting you to clutch your still-bleeding head, and Sunghoon, being the nearest to you, holds you steady against him just as your body sways lightly.
“You’re still bleeding, princess.” Sunghoon murmurs, his gentle tone and his touch send you into a whirlwind of confusion. Disappointment seeps through him as you push him away while your mind is waging a battle of internal conflict, recalling the girls’ words about them, but at the same time, your love for them remains palpable, which only makes your head spin.
“Don’t touch me.” You protest weakly as you attempt to yank your arm from Heeseung’s firm grasp, but the substances injected into you that flow in your system wholly revoke the remnants of your vitality, rendering you debilitated as you find yourself leaning into him.
Without a word, Heeseung effortlessly carries you in a bridal style, with your whole body going limp as your consciousness slips away faster than you like before the darkness welcomes you once more.
“Gather all the knights from your respective houses. We’ll be having a meeting tomorrow morning.” Heeseung orders calmly, causing the three to exchange glances. “All of them, and not a single person is to be left out.”
“You got it.” Jake gives him a firm nod.
Heeseung catches Sunghoon and Jay’s eyes, and they immediately understand his deadly intent. “Find those fuckers inside and do what you need to do. Bring their heads to me.”
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treasar · 4 months
hello! It must be a while since I updated that story so umm actually, I was trying to come up with a title for that story ya know why would there be a story without a title? IT'S SO BAD YEAH IK so I finally came up with the title but, there are too many of them so please kindly choose which one will be good! If you haven't read them, you can read here! Thank you!
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treasar · 4 months
OMG!!! TYVM to everyone who follows and support me, ILYSM! Have my love ><
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