-The Lockpick and the Canary Cage Pt.1-
Jacob Frye x OC!Reader (Leandra Starrick)
No warnings, honestly just a rewrite of something I wrote years ago. I am currently working on the next installation. As always, if you like please enjoy. If not, scroll on.
‘Oh look, it’s raining. How interesting.’ Hearing the light drumming from her window, Leandra sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. Three weeks in an asylum and yet her own sanity remained intact, though daily visits from her father certainly weren’t helping. He was certainly an important man, who else could imprison their own child in Lambeth asylum with little outcry or comment? Though, one might ask just why he would go to such lengths, and it was simple…Leandra had no intention of becoming a Templar.
Admittedly, to refuse the Grandmaster of the Templar order borough in London was certainly an action that held consequences. While she had sworn that she had no intention of becoming an Assassin instead, apparently Crawford Starrick did not enjoy the idea that his daughter did not wish to follow in his footsteps. Though truthfully, adopting a child from Crawley likely wasn’t his wisest decision. Maybe he believed that by locking her away, Leandra would agree to join out of desperation. It wouldn’t work though and humorously he had the Assassin’s to blame for that.
‘What was my last record again? Two months?” Chuckling at the memory, Starrick did not know the half of her time with the Assassin’s, and she did so on purpose. Regardless of the two friends Leandra had, those higher up in the order often disregarded her after the death of her parents. While the order knew she was their charge for a time, it meant little when no one could agree on to whom she was to go to. Back then, as long as she was given a daily meal there was nothing else they felt she needed to pass time in her “room”.
Despite her current predicament, Crawford Starrick was a fine father figure. He certainly fairs much better than many of the other doting old men who looked in to adopt her. While living with his, she was allowed to study philosophy, economics, even medicine. Not many men of the age were so open to allowing a woman to learn beyond her role as homebody and bearer of children. ‘I suppose that’s why he saw fit to stick me here. Where better to dangle a hook than where I study and what I most risk losing.’
As Leandra continued to stare at nothing, her thoughts were disturbed by a knock at the door. Turning her gaze, the meal slot opened without a word and a package was slid halfway though. How interesting. “My lady?” Oh, Arnold was on guard today. He was always the nicest of her guards, even told her of news from outside or at least what he could tell her. “I got a book for ya. Mutual friend asked for this to be delivered.” Twisting herself out of the oddly comfortable bed, Leandra beamed as she took the bundle into her hands. Must be Dickens, he had been writing something the last time the two met at the George and Vulture. Ripping apart the wrapping, the joy of something new to take her mind off the situation could not be adequately described.
“Thank you Arnold. Tell me, what news is there? Last time you were here Dr. Elliotson was in the midst of trafficking his soothing syrup.” Setting the book down onto her desk, even mentioning the disgusting draught sent shivers down Leandra’s back. Before her incarceration, Starrick had asked her to check in and get an understanding of what Elliotson was pandering to the common man. While she was no chemist, the drug’s combination of opium and datura stramonium was something that she was abhorred by.
“I’m sure you’ve ‘eard the commotion around here. Someone managed to slip into the main distillery and blow the damn thing. While I wouldn’t mind shaking their ‘and, your father ain’t none too pleased. Talk around the boroughs is about these Frye twins and their gang, the Rooks.” At mentioning the name, Arthur definitely had a mocking tone. To Leandra…Blighters wasn’t much better though at least they weren’t named after a chess piece. Hold on a moment, did he say Frye?!
“Frye? Haven’t heard that name in a long time. It can’t be them…could it?” Leandra spoke her thoughts, as if saying their name herself would make it make sense. The last time she saw Jacob and Evie Frye was after her mother’s funeral in Crawley. The assassins weren’t in London, they hadn’t been for years. Shaking her head, she shifted her focus to the other parts of Arthur’s news.
“On that, you and I agree. I will never understand why father believed selling that was a good idea. Poisoning your enemies is one thing, but poisoning innocents? Nothing warrants that. How’s the Lambeth group doing? What with these Rooks and all.” Acting along with Arthur’s mockery, Leandra couldn’t let it slip that she knew Jacob and Evie. To her knowledge, not even Starrick knew about her past with the two especially as he’s never asked during his visits. If he suspected that she did know them, he never let it show.
“Last I ‘eard they got chased out, at least those who didn’t betray their kin.” CHASED OUT?! How long have they lost control? Leandra turned to gaze at the door, trying to understand what she just heard.
“Chased out? How is that possible? There hasn’t been a change here, at least not a noticeable one.” Hearing this, she could hear Arthur hum in response. Perhaps they’ve doubled their efforts in the asylum, at the very least due to having two high value individuals within its walls. She may not have agreed with the good doctor, but Starrick couldn’t afford to lose his hold on the medical field in the city. Before their conversation could continue on, Leandra heard a crash outside the door.
“Arthur?! What’s going on out there?” Genuine concern sat in her voice, something she hadn’t felt since before her incarceration. Slowly approaching the door, she could hear a cocking sound before her guard spoke.
“Not sure miss, but nuttin’ you need to concern ‘urself with. Just read that book a’yours.” Sighing, his bravado was certainly a comfort. It wasn’t like she could provide much help within her cage anyhow. Stepping back, Leandra returned to her desk but before she could even open the book’s cover there was another crash. This time the sound was followed by Arthur’s barking voice. “The FUCK are you doing here?!” Drawing in a sharp breath, she looked around the room for a suitable hiding spot.
Since this was an asylum, it was understandable that her room was mostly bare. Though in cases such as this, it was a grand inconvenience. Remembering how the door opened reminded her that it swung inward, if whoever attacked Arthur came in she could potentially hide behind it and make an escape. Thinking quickly, Leandra grabbed her present and rushed to hide. Time was apparently not on her side as right as she hid, the door’s lock was being picked.
‘I hope Arthur’s okay. Only a Rook would warrant that kind of response from him.’ Covering her mouth, the door was unlocked and just as she thought the burglar entered her room. Thankfully, he didn’t need to open the door completely to enter and so he did not notice the other body that hid from his sight.
“Armed guard, Starrick must have something important stored here. Dr. Elliotson can wait.” Dr. Elliotson? So, she wasn’t his target, that was a tad reassuring. Tiptoeing from behind the door, Leandra was met with the back of a rather average sized male with a hood. While he hadn’t quite noticed her yet, she could not risk him turning around before she was fully out of the room and catching her. Bringing the thick tome above her head, she slammed the book as hard as she could down onto his head and appeared to stun him as she planned. Bolting out of the room, she heard a shout of anger right as she shut the door. Unfortunately for whoever it was, the doors look from the outside and once closed her door always locked itself without the use of a key.
Turning away from the other side of her cell door, Leandra spotted an unconscious Arthur a few steps away along with several other Blighters. Checking the man she had come to see as a friend, there was a steady pulse and his breathing appeared unimpeded. Releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding, for a second Leandra contemplated what her next move was. The guards were down and whoever had broken into her cell was going to become a much larger issue soon if Dr. Elliotson was his target. This was the kind of opportunity she had prayed for. But what would happen once she leaves?
Her father was never one to let those under his thumb go without a fight. Yet, if he was losing control of the city then maybe could…get lost in it. While she had no prospects as a woman in London, Starrick had set up accounts in the past she could access for “frivolities” as he called them. That money could easily be used to set up a new life, whether it was in the city or not. Plus…there was her other friends in the city. Living with the assassins for the first ten years of life did not leave her completely without aid.
‘Now is the moment, alright time to go.’ Walking away from Arthur’s unconscious body, Leandra ran through the hall. Looking for an exit, it wasn’t until she found a stairwell with roof access that she managed to truly escape. Seeing a pile of hay at the bottom, she gathered the courage mentally before performing an eagle dive into the cart. Feeling the rush of air and the adrenaline that came from the free fall, when she jumped out and brushed herself off the rush propelled her. Calmly but quickly walking to the front gate, Leandra took her first steps out of the asylum a free woman.
Continuing on through the streets of London, it dawned on her that her clothes were the same ones she had been incarcerated in. Had she been there a night or two, that would be easy to explain away. Yet, three weeks was much less of an instance. ‘Which street am I on?’ Looking for a nearby sign, she was relieved to find that it was the very same one that her tailor was on. ‘Today must be a very lucky for me. Hopefully he’s open.’ Using muscle memory from the days where she would leave the asylum for a new coat or a fix on a skirt, it didn’t take very long for her to find Thimbles and Threads.
Entering the quaint shop, the shop keep stood at attention and smiled warmly at the sight of her. “Leandra! My dear, it has far too long since your last visit. Asylum keeping you busy? Here, let me have a look at you.” Gliding across the floor, her dear friend Michael gingerly took her hands and guided her to one of the fitting rooms. Helping her to step up onto a small platform, he did a full look at her wears and tusked at the state.
“When was the last time you had something new to wear? I swear, it looks you’ve worn this for the past week at least.” At this, Leandra gave a sheepish smile before speaking.
“Make that three. Oh Michael, it’s been awful. Father didn’t like what I had to say about paving my own way…so I might have spent a little time as a patient at the asylum and not a caretaker. Think you give me a hand?” The look on Michael’s face said it all when he heard her out. Over the following few hours, the two spoke on everything they’ve missed in each other’s lives the last few weeks. Once everything was said and done, Leandra offered to pay for his services, but Michael promptly and adamantly refused.
“You have been through hell my dear. Consider this a gift.” Placing a hand over her heart, if only the man wasn’t already wed. She would have kissed him right then and there.
“Well thank you, my dear friend. Now, do you know where I can find Mr. Dickens these days? I left something in his care and was hoping to retrieve it.” The man nodded his head, of course he did. As far as tailors go, the upper level of society chose from a select few. Thankfully for me, he was one of those.
“Aye, I believe you can find him at Devil’s Acre in West Minster. He claims it’s their ale, but there’s been talk of other things. You know how it goes.” Lightly chuckling, she understood very well what Michael implied. Shaking his hands, Leandra continued on her way through London. West Minster was where both her father and the leader of the Blighters dwelled, so she was certainly going to use great caution. But if she wished to retrieve her belongings, it was there she had to go.
Prior to her incarceration, tensions with her father had been building to a dangerous point. While she had no true clue has to the extent his was willing to go, something was brewing in his mind. The last time she saw Dickens he noticed her unease and offered a solution. Pack a trunk, one her father wouldn’t take note of, and leave it with him at a pub. From there, he would hide for her. ‘Dickens, you wonderfully chaotic mind.’ Hailing a cab with ease, the quick journey to the Devil’s Acre was a quiet one.
Once she reached the tavern however, the peace of the day ended as the slow roar of revelry reached her ears. ‘Hopefully none of the other guards from Lambeth are here.’ Keeping her head down as she entered, it felt as though her presence was greatly…unnoticed. Which made looking for Dickens that much easier, adding to the fact that he was probably the only classy gentleman in the place. Gingerly snagging the seat next to him, the poor man nearly choked on his ale at the sight.
“*cough* Leandra! Dear girl it has been many a night since I last saw you. Did you receive the book I sent you? Arthur promised he would bring it to you.” Covering the laugh that escaped, she nodded her head and gestured to him with said book in hand.
“He did, haven’t had the chance to read it quite yet. It makes a very good weapon of defense. Thank you for finding a way to get it to me.” The old man chuckled and took a sip of his ale, without choking this time.
“So, our mutual friend was tight-lipped on your whereabouts. Were you right to be cautious?” Leandra nodded her head, unperturbed by Dickens’ sudden serious tone. For the pair, it had been a month since their last conversation. Dickens had been someone outside of her father’s circle that she could speak freely with. So, it was not difficult to understand his worry for her after disappearing for three whole weeks.
“I was, despite your usual joyful demeanor, you were right about him. He placed me in Lambeth, a few days after we spoke. I managed to get out but without the things I gave you, it shan’t be long before he throws me back in and walks away with the key. Where is it?” Speaking in hushed tones, Leandra began to feel the gazes of others on her back. Devil’s Acre was not a place to linger for long, and both knew this.
“The prize you seek,” Dickens paused as he took another sip, “lies amongst oddities galore, which could not be further from the river’s shore.” A moment passed and Leandra had her answer. Henry Green’s curio shop. The belongings of the Templar Grandmaster’s daughter are with the one assassin in all of London…clever move. Tipping her head, Leandra slipped out as silently as she had entered. While she could hail a cab once again, the chance of being spotted by a Blighter as she waited was too high here. Instead, she chose to stalk the side alleys for an unabandoned carriage whose owner was too drunk to care where it might be.
Thankfully, it did not take very long around Devil’s Acre just nearby. Procuring her mode of transport, it was easy to move through the streets as she attempted to remain as unnoticed by Blighters as possible. Reaching Whitechapel within the hour, there was a sharp change in scenery from the Whitechapel she remembered. Men and women walked the streets but instead of Starrick’s red coats, they wore dark green plaid. Children played in the streets instead of slaving away in factories. People here appeared…happier? The sky remained the same dreary hue as in the rest of London, yet the people around didn’t seem to mind as much.
‘Maybe the Rooks are what London needs. Certainly appear to do more good than harm.’ Driving the carriage until she was a few blocks from the shop, it seemed like a good idea to leave it there. Certainly would not want someone mistaking her for a Blighter sent to hurt Mr. Green. Once she reached the shop, Leandra noticed the unburnt candles and seeming desertion. Had Henry left London? Why would he leave his shop unattended?
‘No matter, just need to get my things and leave. Starrick likely knows of my absence by now.’ Going around to the back of the shop, she was pleased to know the spare key was still where she had been shown in the past. Unlocking the door, Leandra scoured the shop and managed to find her chest amongst Mr. Green’s personal things. Opening the chest with ease, certainly helped that it wasn’t latched by a true “key” but a puzzle, she was on the verge of opening it when a chime was heard behind her.
Did someone see her? Leandra didn’t notice any lingering eyes on her walk here, or any carriages that possibly followed her. Stepping away from her chest, she spotted a nearby armoire that was not against the wall. Quickly squeezing herself behind it, luck must have once again been on her side for as soon as she was secure there was the sound of footsteps approaching.
“Who’s in here? I saw you through the window. I don’t think Greenie would be happy someone is going through his things.” Greenie? Did the voice mean Henry? Leandra held her breath as the voice grew closer. She couldn’t leave the chest open, regardless of this person’s potential friendship with Green. The floorboards creaked as he stepped in front of the armoire and in a split second, she recognized a chance to flee. Using the wall as a grounding force, she toppled the furniture onto the man. Hopefully it would only render him incapacitated for as long as she needed.
Racing back to the chest, she grabbed whatever she could and fled through the front door. In her haste, the only thing she could get her hands on were papers from her father’s study. While there were other things of value, these just might have been the most important to her. As she fled, the voice called out again in rage for her to come back. Strangely enough, she recognized the voice this time…the same one she heard back in the asylum. Certainly it wasn’t the same person from before, right?
No matter, for now the next stop was Bishopsgate station. Green may not have been in his shop but that doesn’t mean she had to stay and wait for him. Right now, her best move would be to return to Crawley. While she had no intentions of joining the assassins in their fight, these papers from Starrick might be enough to grant her safe passage to America or Europe…or literally anywhere other than here.
Easily making it to the station, the next train to Crawley wasn’t set until for several hours. ‘Unfortunate, but I don’t mind waiting.’ Finding a seat by the tracks, Leandra thumbed through the documents. If she was going to be carrying these around, it wouldn’t hurt to know what she had in her possession. The first few were nothing of consequence, however the further in she went the more crucial they appeared to be. Contacts, debts owed, and locations of owned businesses were in her hand. Somehow she seems to have snagged a literal treasure trove of documents. No wonder her father was adamant of her return to the fold, he likely knew what she had taken and wanted it back.
‘Well…shit. What have you gotten yourself into Leandra?’ Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to be lost in thought as time ticked by. Trains came and went, and it became a game for her to make up stories to keep herself entertained about their lives. Whilst doing this, Leandra hadn’t noticed a certain figure slump next to her until he groaned. Keeping her head still whilst stealing a glance, there was something recognizable about the man she couldn’t quite place. Maybe he was someone she had run into at the asylum during her rounds, he certainly fit the description of a Lambeth asylum patient. Before she could steal anymore glances, a woman approached the man and chuckled at his appearance.
“Tired brother? And here I thought you were the brawn of us.” Wait a moment, that snark. Leandra remembered it well, only when they were children it was much more high-pitched.
“Yes sister, having a wardrobe fall on someone would do well to tire them out.” The man hissed out, oh shit. Had she pushed it onto him of all people?! Looking out onto the tracks, she risked another look at the pair beside her. Seeing them together, it was undeniable. Despite the years, she would recognize the Frye twins anywhere. So many questions filled her head at this realization. What were they doing in London? Did they know Mr. Green? Could they help her?
Before she could speak out, Evie spoke. “Ah, was that before or after being hit in the head with a book at Lambeth?” That was him too? Oh god, she had a lot of apologizing to do for today.
“Hey, I at least finished the job. Damn nutter got the jump on me. Besides, someone was in Greenie’s shop. Figured he should know some trunk was opened. Whoever it was wanted something. I don’t know what, but it was probably important.” At hearing this, she looked down and gripped the papers tightly. Either Jacob or Evie must have noticed her action as the two shifted to whispers, none of which she could hear. Good Lord has today been a long day. Leandra became consumed by her thoughts, embarrassed at the fact she had not only hurt the same man twice but both instances had been one of her TWO childhood friends all for the sake of survival. Was it worth it?!
Before she could answer herself, a pair of shadows loomed over her. Shifting her gaze, it was of course the twins standing over her. Evie was thankfully the first to speak, always being the more…socially polite. “Excuse me, my brother and I couldn’t help but notice how tightly you’re holding onto those papers. Mind if we see them?” She didn’t recognize her, how could she? It had been eleven years since they had seen each other. Taking a deep breath, Leandra steeled herself before answering.
“I would actually. They’re for a friend, he was holding on to them for me. I wouldn’t suppose you know him, Mr. Henry Green? I was hoping to give them to him.” She had to act unbothered. The twins she remembered were always quick to action, even if Evie was one to know more than her brother beforehand. Speaking firmly, she noticed how Jacob became defensive.
“And how do you know Greenie?” He growled the name, as if itching for a fight. Shit, this was not how she wanted this to go. However, before she could explain a train pulled into the station as if in the nick of time…with Henry Green hopping out. Honestly, something was working hard in her favor today.
“Leandra! You’re okay. When Dickens dropped off your trunk I thought something had happened.” Practically jumping to her feet, Leandra was happy to see her friend.
“Henry. God you have perfect timing. Here,” she held out the stack of papers in her hand as he approached the three of them, “I need you to take this. And I have to ask a favor if you can help me.” Evie and Jacob parted as Henry walked up. Gingerly taking the papers from her, he peered over them and as he realized what she was giving him his eyes bulged.
“Leandra, how did you get these?” Of course that was his first question. She had never told him about Starrick, why would she when the two were staunch enemies? Though, she supposed now was as good a time as any.
“They’re from my father’s desk, or better yet Crawford Starrick’s. There is much to discuss but I’d rather not do it here. Please Henry.” Her gaze turned to pleading as she looked at him. While they may not be in Blighter territory, the more time she spent outside, the higher her risk of being found.
The twins, still present, shared a look before turning to Mr. Green. It would appear her safety was in his hands. However, it would appear that he valued their friendship. Taking a deep breath, he looked to Evie and nodded his head. “Come Leandra, you’ll be safe on the train. After we’re aboard you can tell us everything.” Adamantly nodding her head, the trio turned to the train that had yet to leave the station and headed towards it. Leandra followed behind, hopeful for what was to come.
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Late Nights [Cullen Rutherford x OC Fem!Inquisitor]
Pure fluff piece with the Commander of the Inquisition and the Inquisitor. Takes place roughly halfway through the game at Skyhold. Don't like, don't read.
‘How? How am I still not done?!’ Olympia groaned, turning it into a shout as she held back the urge to push the stack of reports from her desk. Oh sure, offering to help your lover by taking some of their workload sounded like a good idea a few months ago. But after sitting at a desk for two whole days, reading report after report with little sleep or food, the idea had lost its merit.
Taking a deep breath, Inquisitor Trevelyan reached for another report and continued on. Cullen was overworked, she saw it during their nights together when the two could find the time. So, as any good lover in her position would do, she asked Leliana and Josephine to start sending a couple a day to her desk instead of his. Mind you, the Inquisitor was very good at reading reports when she was at Skyhold…yet she seemed to have forgotten that she goes through periods of time where she isn’t at Skyhold. This past absence lasted a month, having travelled to the Frostback Basin.
Upon her return to Skyhold, Josephine ambushed Olympia as she sought the comfort of her own bed after sleeping on the ground for so long. As of now, Olympia Trevellyan has never experienced such a scolding that made her visibly shrink before nor does she ever wish to be the subject of one again. Immediately working on the reports that had been sitting on her desk, it was here that she has not moved, save for bathroom breaks, for the past two days. Thanks to her constant absence of presence, no one has really noticed at Skyhold. She’s not even sure Cullen is aware that she’s returned to the compound. Save for the coming of footsoldiers who dropped off more reports, the Inquisitor has had little interaction with others…save for a certain fade spirit turned corporeal.
Olympia, normally, enjoyed Cole’s presence. For those who were unaware of his situation, he was an odd person that she took pity on. For the others, Cole was a breath of fresh air in the face of everything. Over the past two days, however, he has become a fly on the wall who buzzed around her consistently asking when she will eat or when she will sleep. Thankfully, while he has been a bit of an annoyance, his visits do help to break up the monotony that came with reading report after report…after report.
‘I wonder if he’s already on his way here. I suppose I missed dinner again.’ Signing off on the report in front of her, a soft knock at the door halted her movements. Clockwork this boy embodied.
“Come in.” Hearing the door open and followed by footsteps, Olympia’s first clue as to who came to disturb her was the rather overly enlarged hat atop their head. Grabbing another report to place in front of her, she noticed a tray of food in his hands once his body came into view. Sighing, she rose from her desk and gestured for Cole to sit with her in front of the fireplace. Meeting him there, the pair sat, and the Inquisitor lit the fire to add a calmer mood to what she already knew Cole was going to say.
“You weren’t at dinner. The others are starting to notice but I offered to bring you food and everyone seemed okay with it.” Holding out the tray, Olympia got a much better look at what had been offered tonight. Seeing a stew, a chicken leg, a piece of bread, and a pint of ale she got the sense that Cole grabbed what he thought she would enjoy best. Smiling softly, she took the bread and gestured for him to set the tray down on the table in front of them.
“I’m sure people are already talking about it. Thank you for bringing me something.” Biting into the bread, Olympia could tell Cole was eased by her eating. However, that ease was unstable.
“Inquisitor, Joesphine isn’t going to yell at you if you don’t finish the reports tonight. She said so herself.” Shaking her head, Olympia was already far enough behind as it was. Josephine would just pass off the reports to Cullen, and then he would notice how old they were, and he’ll think the Inquisitor doesn’t believe that he is able to do his job properly when she has full faith in the leader of her armies. No, the reports needed to be done at once.
“Cole, I know you mean well. But I have responsibilities and I cannot shrug them off for luxuries. I will sleep and eat once I am finished.” Reaching for the pint, the normally bitter ale tasted like honey on her tongue. Maker did she miss ale and it hadn’t even been that long since her last drink. Cole seemed to ponder on what she said, or maybe what she felt about what he said before speaking once more.
“Scared, unsure, you don’t want the commander to think you don’t trust him.” At this Olympia gave a look as she continued drinking yet, as usual, Cole did not heed it. “You can do this; you can do this for him. Is that why you’re overworking yourself? So that he can rest?” Setting down her pint, Olympia wished a rift would open right here in Skyhold and swallow her up.
“Cole, stop.” Oh but of course, he didn’t. It wouldn’t be Cole if he did.
“He’s rested Inquisitor. For the last few days, he’s been able to finish before dinner. Rested, wanting, hoping she is okay. Maker I hope she’s safe…Don’t you want him to know that you’ve been helping him? Then he could help you when you’re struggling like you do for him.” Too far, he’s gone too far. She’s happy to know that Cullen is resting, her plan was working. She did not want Cullen to know why he’s been able to rest more. This conversation had to end, NOW.
“Cole.” At her tonal shift, the boy stopped talking and simply looked at her. “I know you mean well, but do not tell Cullen what I’ve done. You might not understand why I’m doing this but please, he cannot know. I have to get back to work now, please see yourself out.” Setting down her pint a bit harshly, Olympia stood up and returned to her desk. Her response might have been harsh, but Cole opened a wound and like any wounded animal, she was going to protect herself.
He must have noticed this, or at least she would have liked to think he did as when she sat down he was no longer in his chair. In fact, he was no longer in the room. Replacing the soft warmth of a kind gestured was a cold emptiness that filled the room, even with the fire still going. As Olympia Travellyan returned to her reports, Cole did not go where she would have wished. Instead of returning to his spot in the Herald’s Rest, the corporeal spirit transported himself to outside the Commander’s door.
While he felt reservation against betraying the Inquisitor’s trust, Cole could feel that she had no intention of stopping for the night. Two days without sleep wasn’t good for anyone outside of the fade, he knew from Cole that sleep was just as needed as food. He had already felt the horror it was to starve to death; he would not see the Inquisitor do this to themselves. Lightly knocking on the door, he did feel odd at not simply entering the room, but Varric had taught him that it was “rude” to enter without being told to.
Instead of hearing Cullen call out, the Commander instead opened the door to see who it was at this hour of the night. He had already changed out of his armor so whoever it was better have good reason. “What is it now- Oh, hello Cole. Can I help you?” The Commander felt at peace. Cole almost felt bad at disrupting that peace.
“The Inquisitor wishes to ask you about some reports from Scout Harding.” A look of confusion crossed Cullen’s face as he heard Cole’s words.
“What? Why is she reading Harding’s reports? Those are supposed to come to me-” A moment of confusion turned into understanding. Over the past six months, he had begun to notice that the number of reports reaching his desk was slowly lessening. At first he chalked it up to his subordinates slacking off at their posts but hearing that Olympia Travellyan, the Inquisitor, was reading a report by scout Harding made sense. Taking a deep breath, Cullen thought for a moment before speaking to the naïve fade spirit.
“Thank you Cole for letting me know. If you will excuse me, I believe the Inquisitor needs some help reading scout Harding’s reports. I know I do.” Nodding his head, Cold moved aside to allow the Commander to brush past him. Determined, irritated, but worried at heart, Cole was sure of his choice of actions. Hopefully Olympia could forgive him.
Though right now, he was not at the forefront of her mind. Instead, it was the fact that she was reading another of scout Harding’s reports…the twelfth one. She was unsure just how the dwarf managed to find time to write a report nearly every day. Signing off on it, Olympia looked over to the now cold stew. Maybe that’s what she should have eaten earlier instead of the bread, it certainly would have filled her up more at the very least.
‘Maybe a small fire spell could work. I’m sure that wouldn’t be too hard, just have to-‘Her thoughts were interrupted when a door slammed nearby. Who is slamming doors this late at night? Standing up, before she could investigate the cause her own door seemed to burst open followed by a very familiar voice.
“Inquisitor, I need to speak with you.” Speaking as he stormed up the stairs, the Inquisitor was at a loss for words. Never had she heard Cullen this aggravated before, wait how did he know she was back?! Before she could hide the reports themselves, her lover had come up to stand directly in front of her and her desk. The man was radiating with what she could only describe as energy as he stood in front of her. Eyeing the large stack of papers on her desk, he was stunned by the amount of reports he hadn’t noticed never made it to his desk. “Care to explain this?” Normally, Olympia could come up with some form of an excuse for any situation. However, this time could not come up with a good one.
“Uhh I wanted a better understanding…of the troops’ conditions, across Thedas.” Hearing the words come out her mouth, Olympia groaned in her mind. Really? That’s what she came up with?!
Cullen noticed this, of course he would. Inquisitor Olympia Travellyan was a masterful liar, who could dazzle a room of Orlesian diplomats with her speech. Yet, when confronted by her lover she was stumbling over her words. Looking down at the report she had just signed off, the writer’s name was clear as day. Shaking his head, Cullen took a deep breath before speaking.
“My dear if you really wanted to help me I would have let you. How long has Josephine been sending reports to you?” At this, Olympia blushed from embarrassment. He truly hadn’t noticed, well that was something.
“Since…you and I decided you were no longer taking lyrium. I thought you could have a chance to relax whenever we aren’t staring death in the face.” Looking down at the floor, she couldn’t look him in the eye. The Cullen in her mind was staring at her in either anger or hurt, unable to believe what he was hearing. She didn’t think he was capable while his time using lyrium was coming back to haunt him. Sure enough, in a minute he will be shouting at her or storming out or-
Her mind halted as she felt his hand cusp her cheek. Startled, she looked up to find him standing at her side with a look she never expected, worry. When did he move so quietly? Lightly grabbing her arms, Cullen pulled her away from the desk and sat on the bed with her standing in front of him. Meeting her gaze, Cullen’s eyes shifted and only love shown through.
“While I appreciate the thought, you didn’t have to bury yourself trying to help me. Next time, talk to me. You’re the Inquisitor, you can’t be defeated by paperwork, okay?” At this, she chuckled. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t hurt. Cullen seemed to understand her intentions. Tears pricked the bottom of her eyes and she tried to blink them away, only for her love to wipe them away. Placing a kiss on her forehead, he stood up and gave her a firm hug before turning his attention to the forgotten tray by the fireplace.
“I see someone brought you food, how long were you in here reading reports?” Once again, Olympia chuckled but this time was certainly one out of awkwardness. Cullen was not going to be happy when he heard the truth.
“Two…days. When we got back from Frostback Basin, Josephine told me how much had piled up in my absence. So I’ve been here, reading. Cole brought the food; he was worried about me.” Here, Cullen was the one to chuckle and the pair just stood as one for a beat.
“That he was, I didn’t even know of your arrival until he said you needed me.” What? “He came to my door and asked if I could help you with reading scout Harding’s report.” Scoffing, of course it was Cole. She told him not to tell Cullen what she had done, and he didn’t. “So did you actually eat anything or just drink and return to work?” Oh, how well he knew her. This time she didn’t respond, instead shifted her gaze to anywhere other than Cullen. He sighed at this and shook his head.
“Then you, my dear, are done for the day I think.” Olympia sort of squeaked at this, because as he said this he shifted his hands down to grasp her thighs and lifted her effortlessly into the air. Quickly wrapping her arms around his neck, she laughed as he turned around and sort of flopped onto the bed with her still in his arms.
“What about the reports? They still need to be signed off on.” She attempted to wiggle out of his arms, only for him to tighten his grip. Cullen laughed heartily as he felt his love attempt to escape his grasp. Oh, if only he had not anticipated her doing this. “Those reports just need a glance. The actual reports that need signing off on, come to my desk. So I think it’s time for you to get some rest. I think you’ve earned a moment.” Ah, turning her own words against her. Humming at the thought, one night of sleep wouldn’t hurt. Especially not if her Commander was sharing the bed with her. Feeling him pull the covers over the pair of them, Olympia couldn’t help but snuggle further into Cullen’s chest as her exhaustion hit her like a stone wall. Once again he kissed her forehead and within what felt like seconds, she fell into the blissful waters of slumber. Safe, secure, and loved. Maker knows what tomorrow will bring, but right now she couldn’t care less…even if it meant Josephine scolding her for once again leaving work to be done.
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This is a prologue to a story I’ve been working on for a while now. It’s an OC x Fenris (Dragon Age II).
Royal Palace, Denerim, Fereldan 09:37
Seven years. Seven years since the first blight in virtually five hundred years. Seven years since the Grey Warden order saved the humans, elves, and dwarves from eradication. Seven years since Queen Elissa Therin’s personal aid was able to have a full night’s sleep. Lucinda Vallen believes that seven years ago the worst thing that she needed to worry about was a Templar capturing her and dragging her off to a Circle Tower. Now, she fears that one day she would be forced to choose between herself and her queen during an expedition…even if she decided that outcome seven years ago.
Thankfully though, today was not one of those days where the thought lingered in her mind. Instead, today was one filled with boring council meetings and little to no real work being done. As she stands off to the side within the war room of King Alistair and Queen Elissa, it is not difficult to listen in on their meeting with Knight Commander Greagoir and Royal Magic Advisor Wynne.
“As I have stated, I cannot interfere with another Knight Commander and their tower. There are protocols in place and the Fereldan circle must be expected to follow them!” The knight’s voice boomed through the small room. For the leader of a prestigious order of glorified jailers, the man certainly could use a lesson on handling his temper around his betters.
“Since you want to maintain decorum so much Greagoir, then maybe you could enlighten me on where it is written that a Templar may take tyrannical hold over a city-state. Viscount Dumar’s premature death last year has left Kirkwall in chaos, but it does not give Knight Commander Meredith the right to assume his role without a vote. Furthermore, I know you have read the same reports as I have. Can you tell me truthfully that they do not worry you?” Ever the voice of reason, Lucinda shuddered at the mention of reports Wynne referred to. While she had seen hostile takeovers in the past, including several in Seheron, nobody has seen the horrible lengths the Knight Commander of Kirkwall has taken before.
The city’s turmoil stemmed from what Lucinda could only describe as a power vacuum, one that stemmed from a single act of kindness. From what reports tell, Viscount Dumar had granted asylum to a group of stranded Qunari and just a few months ago their leader, the Arishok, repaid the man with a swift death. Ever since, much of the city’s upper class looked to the only other leader for guidance, Knight Commander Meredith. Unfortunately, as Lucinda watched on in the Fereldan war room, Meredith has lost control over not only the city but also the circle mages and tensions were growing destructive.
“Wynne, Greagoir enough.” King Alistair spoke firmly, preventing any further debate, or rather arguments, from breaking out. “We have all read the reports and some of us have even heard first-hand testimony from witnesses of Meredith’s actions. However, the Queen and I have a duty to the people of that state as an ally and cannot simply stand aside. As I understand, Kirkwall has a champion who was once one of our own. Have there been any attempts to reach them and devise a solution?” Despite not being known as a great strategist, all he said rang true. Although, from the collective looks of disappointment on all their faces, it was clear nobody could answer him.
Lucinda stepped forward and with her armor clanking in the silent room, everyone’s gazes turned to her. “Unsuccessful, your highness. It would appear that Knight Commander Meredith has halted nearly all correspondence entering and leaving the city. Even attempts to contact our friends in the city have proven difficult.” Stepping back, she could see the negative mood infect all in the room as hopelessness began to set in. However, the only person Lucinda was genuinely concerned about was her Queen.
Noting the tone in the room, Queen Elissa dismissed all from the room, save her husband and Lucinda. To her counselors, she appeared merely contemplative and focused on devising any number of solutions that may be attempted. However, once the doors were shut, the true Queen appeared from behind her façade. Staring at the war room table, Lucinda took a deep breath before dropping her own mental shield as being a statue in the corner for two hours was never easy.
“I have an ally city-state on the brink of civil war, none of my counselors can figure out how to stop the slaughter of innocents in the chaos and the one person who has any power in stopping this conflict is out of reach. Do I have that right?” Smirking at the question, Lucinda could hear the King sigh before nodding his head. While the sarcastic tone was palpable, the Queen was shaking as she gripped the war table. Initially, one may believe that her reaction was out of fear, but for Lucinda and King Alistair it was clear what she was really feeling, rage.
 Placing a hand on his wife’s shoulder, the king waited a minute or two before speaking up. “This will sound sappy, but we can figure this out between the three of us in this room. You have always been the strategist, but you have been gone for a while, and I have been the one receiving constant reports. Furthermore, you have always gone on about Lucinda’s knowledge on obscure military tactics, so why not use it?” Grabbing five pieces around the war table and placing them in a simple group, King Alistair took his wife’s hands into his own and effortlessly soothed her frustrations and anxiety. Not bothering to hide the loving smile he gave her; he grabbed one more piece and held it out for Lucinda. It was the golden crown of Fereldan.
“Lucinda, you once mentioned that your cousin is in the city guard, correct? What have they told of the city’s defenses and Meredith?” Taking the piece from him as she approached the table, Lucinda tried to remember all the many things that her cousin had mentioned in her letters prior to the takeover.
“For one, the city’s harbor is near impregnable. You must sail through the Gallows to enter and that is where the circle lies. This in turn cuts off any naval attempts.” Moving the pieces as she spoke, one was placed upright on the coast, and another lied toppled over atop the Waking Sea. She grabbed two more pieces before continuing. “Furthermore, her Templars have begun patrolling the city outskirts and that robs us of a direct march onto the city.” Placing the pieces down, another one stood tall facing the Vimmark mountains with one more piece laying down. Only two pieces remained, there was seemingly only one more path that could work. “With all this knowledge, a militant assault to wrestle control from Knight Commander Meredith is ill-advised. However, a diplomatic envoy could sail through the harbor and meet with the champion.” Placing down the final pieces, the golden crown was placed atop the city-state and only one of Meredith’s “pieces” was toppled.
“Wonderful, but I believe there is one thing we need to ascertain. Who could we send that Meredith would not be able to turn away?” King Alistair questioned, though it was something that had an easy answer. Met with what could only be understood as a mischievous yet apologetic look, the color drained from his face. “No, me?! Elissa, you cannot be- “Turning to his wife, the king found a near mirrored look in her eye though perhaps one that was more apologetic than Lucinda’s. Heaving a heavy sigh, he simply shrugged his shoulders and begrudgingly accepted his likely role in the oncoming plan.
All that was left to do was devise the safest plan to get him, and possibly another, in and out of the city without rustling Meredith’s feathers too much. Though, Lucinda supposed her cousin Aveline could help on that score and possibly the champion himself. Time would only tell.
Stepping back from the war table, the attention of both Lucinda and the King fell to Queen Elissa once more as she cleared her throat and composed herself. This time, instead of utter rage, her features held a calm yet calculated look before she turned to Lucinda. “Well then, we had better get started.”
Feel free to comment or share, not sure when I’ll post the next chapter. Hopefully you guys like it.
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I am of the thought that if you are a great person I do not care about the rest. If you disagree with my views that get the HELL off my blog, bye! ^W^
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A Helping Hand (Virgil Sanders)
~Alya Brant's POV~
'Yay another day in Hell, how exciting.' Slipping on my satchel strap I was oh so excited to go through another day of torment, yeah school was practically a literal spawn of Satan in my eyes. The student body was made up of idiots who hated what they either didn't understand or couldn't control, a lot of the regular teachers were glorified children given authority, and the staff was made up of entitled pompous cunts. Granted there were a few teachers who were nice but more often than not they get chased off by parents who are just as bad as their kids. Honestly, I knew why my parents sent me here and that was because they wanted me at a school that might teach me "discipline" even though I wasn't a bad kid. They thought my love for musical theater was a virus and if they didn't pull me away from my little sister, the star athlete of the family, I would be her downfall...and they called me a drama queen.
Locking up my duplex I couldn't help but overhear a rather loud conversation as four boys stood outside the duplex next to mine, seemingly in their own little world. Ignoring them quite easily I headed out to the sidewalk, noticing how they seemed to be waiting for one more. Knowing full well that they were new to the area when I spotted the last one I was a little surprised to see him in dark purple with his hood up and his headphones on. 'I guess when they moved that one took it the hardest.' Heading towards the high school I attended I was actually glad that my parents let me choose where I lived since it let me choose a duplex complex less than half a mile from the school they were sending me to. Placing my headphones over my ears I let myself get lost in my music as I walked to school, namely to distract me from what might happen today. You see the vice principal at my school decided to have me show a few new students around since I guess she thinks it's time that I get at least one new friend after having little social interaction for the past two years.
Silently walking into the school, I was going to go to the library since school didn't start for another twenty minutes however I spotted a familiar group of popular kids just standing in right in front of the library entrance. It's typically known that I study every morning in the library so that was probably why they were there, just so they could mess with me even earlier in the day. Taking a deep breath, I turned around to go to Student Services but of course one person noticed me despite the fifteen-yard distance. "There she is, Alya!" Stopping in my tracks I tried to take one more step but since the popular kids kind of consisted of football players and cheerleaders one of them managed to wrap their arm around my shoulders before I could leave. Getting spun around I didn't even bother to make it seem like I was happy to see any of them, especially since they were probably going to try to get me to do their homework which I constantly refuse time after time.
"Hey Alya, how's it going? What's with that bitch face? We just want to hang out with our class valedictorian." Raising an eyebrow at the "queen bee" of the school I knew where she was going with this, she wanted me to “help” her out on an assignment. Removing the one jock's arm from my shoulders I gave her a dead pan, as a way to silently say, "bitch I'm not stupid." Still giving me her shitty ass grin I decided not to give them another weak excuse and instead simply left, hearing the sound of their snickers as I walked away.
'You fooled me once by doing that, now it's just annoying.' Slipping into the Student Services office I was not surprised to see the group of five that were at my duplex earlier. Giving a silent wave to the woman at the front desk who I think didn't really pay much attention my way I went right to Ms. Olivier's office which, other than the woman, was empty like usual.
"Ah Ms. Brant, I assume you are here to meet the boys you will be showing around. Come with me they're right outside." Keeping the door open for her to exit I allowed Ms. Olivier to exit first while I trailed behind her. As soon as she entered the main area of Student Services four out of the five boys stood up while the last one just slouched even more into his seat. "Boys, this is Alya Brant. She is your class' valedictorian and will show you all to your classes. Ms. Brant these are the Sanders. The eldest is Thomas, then Logan, next is Roman, then Patton, and finally the one still sitting is Virgil. I believe each of you has at least one class with Ms. Brant, now off you go." Noticing how each boy had their own hand greeting when their name was spoken I nodded at Ms. Olivier and walked past the boys holding the door open. Making sure each of them passed me their schedule Ms. Olivier was right when she said we each had one class together however all six of us had lunch together.  
"Okay so Logan, you and I have the same first period. Roman for first period you have English 4, Thomas you have US Government first, Patton you have AP Psychology, and Virgil you have Digital Design. Follow me and I'll show you guys around, welcome to Cook High School." Taking the time to show the Saunders brothers where each of their classrooms were the bell rang and we all went our separate ways. Since Logan and I had the same first period and I had Calculus I could honestly say that was the only time I was able to be left alone. Taking my seat right as class started and Logan was introduced to the class my teacher noticed that there was an empty seat...right next to me. Before he even sat down, I slipped over my notebook for him to look over.  
"Umm is this your notebook?" Nodding my head when Logan tried to give it back to me I help up my hand as a way to say I didn't need it.
"You're going to need it. This teacher doesn't actually teach the subject, he just goes off on tangents about his life every day so I've been teaching myself how to do Calculus. If I were you, I would scan a copy of the notebook and give it back." Nodding his head Logan slipped the notebook into his messenger bag. Taking his seat Logan, along with everyone else in the class, quickly losing interest in what the teacher was spewing out of his mouth. Plugging my own headphones in, I worked on an assignment that I had in my third period Dual Enrollment English class, which I shared with Patton surprisingly enough. Feeling the fifty-five-minute class period fly by when the bell rang everyone shot out of their seats, including Logan whose arm I grabbed as a warning. Waiting thirty seconds the class room looked like a ghost town and I released Logan's arm, grabbing my own bag and walking past him. “Wait thirty seconds, that way you don't get trampled on your way out. You have US Government now, same teacher Thomas had. I'd hurry up if I were you, that teacher locks her door right when the bell rings.” Once again nodding his head I headed out to the Portables where I had AP Psychology which I shared with Roman.
This pattern repeated itself every time I went to class and by lunch I honestly got used to it, besides the jerks in my classes left me alone because they didn’t want to hit any of the new boys. Grabbing my typical lunch of a pb&j and a carton of milk, I went to my seat located outside in the tree I often sat in and I noticed the quintuplets come outside with the gloomy one being the first one to spot me. Bringing over his brothers I raised an eyebrow at their actions before I could ask Thomas answered my unspoken question. “We figured since we don't really know anyone here we wanted to sit with you. How did you get up there anyway?” Shrugging my shoulders I kept eating my sandwich while four of them sat in front of the tree, Virgil easily figured out how to climb up to the branch I typically hanged out on so he came up and sat beside me. For a while they just talked about how their day was and all the tips I gave each of them throughout the day until a very familiar group came around.
“Hiya, I heard we had five new students but I never would have thought they’d be quintuplets. My name is Emilia, nice to meet’cha.” Giving them her always clear fake smile I turned to Virgil and shook my head, she was nothing but trouble. Noticing what I did Emilia gave me smirk before aiming her torment towards me, how wonderful. “Hey there Alya, how are you?” Rolling my eyes at her sickly-sweet tone I glared daggers at her, honestly nothing would give her more joy unless I dropped dead in front of her.
“Oh I’m fine, just lost my appetite so if you want my sandwich have some.” Tossing the pb & j onto the ground at Emilia‘s feet I could tell that pissed her off but she wanted to look good in front of the new kids. Shrugging it off she kicked some dirt over it, still being the happy go lucky she always appeared to be.
“So, would you guys like to come to the pre-Homecoming party? It’s going to be at my place this Friday, you guys interested?” Watching the small group of four look to each other and then at Virgil I could tell very easily that none of them wanted to go anywhere with this bitch. Thomas was the one who spoke up which honestly surprised me a little bit since he was as quiet as a church mouse in Acting.
“I don’t think we’d be interested in that, sorry Emilia.” Watching Emilia‘s face get so red I was honestly expecting her to threaten the group, which would cause me to intervene. Thankfully she just shrugged it off, making my job a whole lot easier but I still had my guard up since I knew Emilia would throw some punches.  
“Oh that's okay, there's going to be a lot more parties and it is your first week here, no biggie. I hope you guys come to at least one party. See you guys later.” Waving goodbye to the four boys on the ground when they stopped paying attention to her she gave me a quick glare before turning around and walking towards her little click. Thankfully I don’t have a seventh period so when the bell rings I can go home, I’m not sure about the boys though. Turning to Virgil I gestured for his schedule and saw that he too had no seventh period, which honestly surprised me.
“Hey Virgil how come you don’t have a seventh period?” Taking a closer look at his schedule I was even more surprised to see the acronym OJT, which meant on the job training. The fact that it said that meant that Virgil already had a job even though they just moved here.  
“The guidance counselor said that since I get paid to edit Thomas' YouTube channel that counts as a job. The others also have seventh period off as well. By the way did that girl glare at you as she was leaving?" Nodding my head before I could explain why the bell rang before I could open my mouth. Jumping down from the branch with my messenger bag strapped on the boys were a little spooked but were otherwise okay.
"Wonderful entrance dear Alya." Silently thanking Roman for the compliment I made sure everything I needed was in my bag before I gestured for the boys to follow me, since I’m quite certain we lived in the same duplex just on different sides. Grabbing all of their stuff we all headed out of school, and unsurprisingly Mrs. Olivier was waiting at the school entrance most likely to ask the boys how their day was.
"Ah just the group I was looking for, how was your first day of school boys?" Seeing a genuine smile on the principal's face it was a nice change from Emilia's fake smile. With each boy giving the principal their own answer she then turned her attention to me for some reason. "Ms. Bryant, you didn’t by chance toss a half-eaten sandwich at Ms. Foster during lunch, did you?" Rolling my eyes, I shook my head, it was just like Emilia to over exaggerate the details of a non-violent confrontation.
"Of course not Mrs. Olivier, I missed the trash can right next to her and the sandwich landed by her feet. None of the sandwich landed on her person, just on the ground." Raising an eyebrow, she just shook her head and dismissed the matter at hand, thankfully she was used to dealing with Emilia's antics by now. Bowing her head Mrs. Olivier walked past us, returning to the school behind us. Sending her a soft smile I continued walking with the five boys following me close. As they had their own conversations I silently plugged my headphones in and started humming along with "Villain I appear to be" by Connor Spiotto. Enjoying my music, it wasn't until I felt a light tap on my shoulder that I even remembered that the five boys were walking with me. Looking back as I took out my headphones it was Virgil who was trying to get my attention.
"Was that Villain I appear to be by Connor Spiotto?" Nodding my head I was surprised that someone recognized the song just by me humming it.
"Yeah, you recognized it just from my humming? You've got a good ear." Giving me probably the first small smile he's probably given anyone today, he shrugged his shoulders.
"I really don't, I just like that song." Noticing the light blush in his cheeks I laughed lightly and continued walking with Virgil by my side. The others seemed to be talking about what kind of video they were going to make so I didn't really pay attention to their conversation as Virgil and I started talking about the kinds of music that we liked. It didn't take long for us to reach our duplexes and as I was unlocking the door to mine the boys continued talking to each other as four of them entered their own duplex, ready to get to work. However, when I was right about to enter my own home I still felt like someone was right behind me and when I turned around Virgil was still there, fidgeting. Raising an eyebrow I could tell he was uncomfortable in asking if we could continue our conversation in my home so I took the step.
"Would you like come in? I've got some cool games on the Ps4 and I could help you with homework." Seeing a little bit of excitement race through his eyes before he could say anything Patton came out, with a big smile on his face.
"Come on Virgil, we need your help in planning the next video." Grabbing Virgil's arm, Patton practically dragged the poor boy into the house and Virgil couldn't even look at me to give me a silent sorry before the door slammed shut. Sighing softly I entered my own house, despite how quiet and lonesome it typically feels, and simply went to the dining table to get started on homework.
'I'll give it three days, by then everything should go back to normal...joy.' I mentally laughed at myself for thinking maybe I could have some friends, even one would be a leap from my current situation. However, unlike Virgil many of the Sanders seemed to forget that I was there and since that only took less than a day I doubt they'll even remember my name after two days.
~Time skip three days later~
'Three days have passed...and I was completely right, how great.' Exiting my duplex, it was as if the five boys didn't live next door since all I could hear was silence. Granted I was heading out at six in the morning but for the last two days all of them were up and out of their house by the time I was leaving. Thomas met some people in his acting class and three of the four others quickly bonded with his new friends, while the last Sanders just kept close by his brothers. It took no more than two days for things to return to normal and this morning I had this eerie suspicion that Emilia was planning something with her goons. Tucking my key away into my backpack I made sure that my phone and my wallet were in a secret pocket I had sown into my bag before heading towards school. In complete honesty it doesn’t even feel like I ever met the Saunders, which I should be used to by now but I thought I got along with them relatively okay.  
Pushing the thought to the back of my mind I noticed a very familiar red car pull up beside with the driver honking their horn, trying to get some kind of reaction from me. When I didn’t give that to them they started revving their engine, which was annoying but I knew who it was so I didn’t care. I wasn't even walking that fast so the fact that this person was keeping up with only meant trouble and I was not in the mood. Finally, the driver rolled down her window and of course it was Emilia, who threw a half full cup of hot coffee at me. Clenching my teeth, I mentally applauded myself for bringing an extra pair of clothes that I kept in my bag in case of a situation like this one. “Oops, sorry Alya. I thought you were a walking dumpster, guess I was right. See you at school~.” Giving me a wink, the bitch sped off towards school, despite being relatively early for a girl like her. Shrugging it off I continued walking and unsurprisingly the outer shell of the school looked normal, though my instincts told me otherwise.
'*sigh* You can do this Alya, you've dealt with everything else they've thrown at you so there is no reason you shouldn't be able to push through whatever they have planned.' Mentally bracing myself I stepped onto school grounds and made my way to my locker...which was covered in red sharpie that spelt out, in very large letters, cunt. Rolling my eyes, I opened it, finding all of my textbooks shredded, and grabbed the special bleach I always keep in my locker should it be defaced. Cleaning up the red marker I thought about changing my shirt but I figured Emilia would probably ruin that one as well. Deciding to simply go sit under the tree I frequent I was stunned when I was met with a defaced piece of wood that was covered in graffiti and trash, along with one piece of paper stapled to the middle. Rushing up to my tree I ripped the note off, seeing a staple still being left in the tree.
"It's funny how you thought we wouldn't deface something you care about if it was on school grounds, you are trash and everything you care about is the same. Hope the cleanup is worth it ^w^." Crumbling up the piece of paper for once I believed that Emilia went too far, I don't care if she goes after me but by trashing the tree she's tried to destroy my one safe zone. Hearing someone giggle behind me I turned around, looking the bitch and her crew with a dead pan face I could see a few of them flinch while Emilia just gave me that arrogant smile she always gave me.
"What? Did I hurt your feelings? It's just a tree, maybe you should give the same care you gave to that piece of bark to a person like a normal human being." Feeling my eye twitch in anger I just silently stared at the group, plotting in my mind what I might do. Emilia didn't seem to like this so she came up to me, seemingly as a way to provoke me even more so than she already had. Once she was in arms reach I grabbed her collar and swung around, slamming her into the trunk of the tree. This caused her to gasp in pain but I didn't care, I was done with her bullshit and I was going to make it known. Her goonies tried to run to her aid however I gave them one fierce look and they instantly cowered in fear of my anger. Turning my attention back to Emilia I could see the fear in her eyes since this was the first time I've ever shown off my strength to anyone, I was a bit of an athlete back in my youth and at the time I enjoyed throwing shit a great distance.
"Okay Emilia, this has to stop. Ever since I arrived at this school all you have done is harass me and destroy the things I either own in my possession or care about and I am sick of it. I don’t want to harm you but if this continues I will not hesitate to do worse than I’ve already done, do you understand me?" Keeping a terrifyingly calm voice all the girl did was nod her head but I wanted her to say that she understood my terms. Grabbing her collar once more I lifted her into the air, her back against the tree.  "I want to hear you say it, do you understand me?" Once again nodding her head fervently it looked like she was trying to regain her voice.
"I... I understand, please don't hurt, please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Letting her go as quickly as I picked her up I tossed the note she left on the tree at her before taking my leave. There was no doubt in my mind that by the end of the day I will be called into the Principal's office but in complete honesty I didn't care anymore, having no friends and losing my one safe space would definitely cause a person to snap. Hearing people start to pour into the school I headed to class, spotting Logan already in his seat as he joked with our classmates. He already returned my notebook so I haven’t had to talk with him about anything else. Taking my seat, I could already tell people were talking about Emilia’s visit to the nurse’s office, of course none of them knew it was me who did that to her. As class started the PA system sparked to life, followed by none other than Mrs. Olivier’s voice.
“It has come to my attention that after a tree on campus was defaced somebody attacked the ones responsible and I want it known that whoever did this will be reprimanded justly. If you give yourself up without question I promise you will not be punished harshly, that is all.” Mentally laughing at Mrs. Olivier, I knew she already could tell that it was me, no doubt in my mind. Deciding that I would go to her office after class I kept feeling Logan stare at me, he must have noticed the coffee stains on my shirt. Tapping me he showed me his note book where he had written down a note so our teacher wouldn’t notice anything suspicious.
‘What’s that on your shirt? It looks like coffee.’ Nodding my head to signify that it was I acted like I was taking notes but in truth I was just writing down what Emilia did early this morning, leaving out the tree incident.
‘Emilia tossed her coffee onto me this morning, I haven’t gotten around to changing my shirt but I honestly think she might toss something onto my other shirt.’ Not bothering to look at whatever expression was on his face the period seem to fly by as I explained to Logan what’s been happening to me ever since I came to this school. Hearing the bell ring through the class room I got up from my seat, slowly taking my time to pack up my things. Logan probably noticed this and chose to wait for me for some odd reason, maybe I was a bit hasty in my thinking that the Saunders boys would forget I even existed. Walking alongside me as I exited the room I went to go towards the office which surprised Logan, causing him to be inquisitive.
“I thought you had AP Psychology with Roman, why are you going towards the exit?” Sighing softly I smirked and looked back at him with a sincere look in my eye.
“If I give myself up to Mrs. Olivier I will be punished kinder than if she had to come grab me, you heard the announcement. See you later Logan, maybe I’ll see your brothers later in the day.” Watching both confusion and shock race through his eyes I went to the office where as soon as I entered I spotted Emilia as she cowered in terror of me. The person at the desk quickly took note of that and went to Mrs. Olivier’s office, most likely to tell her that I’ve arrived. Coming out of her office she gave me a look that resembled one of disappointment but also one with relief, as if she hoped I would turn myself in.
“It’s nice to know that you have some sense of guilt Ms. Brant, come inside.” Nodding my head I followed her into her office, where I was most likely going to be given OSS for attacking another student.
‘Worth it.’
~Time skip to lunch & swap to Virgil’s POV~
‘I wonder why Alya wasn’t in Government, she doesn’t seem like the one to skip class.’ Grabbing lunch from the cafeteria when I went out to where Thomas and the others often sit I noticed everything that was still being cleaned off the tree I sat in with Alya on my first day here. Walking up to the tree I heard someone behind me gasp and when I looked back it was Emilia who was staring at the tree in fright, as if something happened to her at the tree. Going back to my brothers they seemed to be talking about something that was in relation to Alya so I sat down silently beside them.
“Apparently this morning while Alya was walking to school Emilia drove by and tossed her coffee onto Alya. When I saw her in class she still had that same shirt on and I asked her if she had a spare or needed one, all she said was that she didn’t want Emilia to ruin another shirt. Then as we left class she headed towards the front office and I asked what she was doing, all she said she believed Mrs. Olivier would give her a lesser punishment if she gave herself up instead of forcing her to seek her out.” Shocked at what Logan was saying that would explain why Emilia would looked at the tree in terror but why would Alya do that? Looking back to Emilia there was no other way to get answers and in all honesty I don’t care what might have happened since all I want to know is the facts. Getting up from my seat I went to the table where the girl was shivering in both fear and pain, Alya must’ve done a number on her. Emilia’s friends noticed me and were none too pleased that I was coming over to talk with the girl who looks like a ghost.
“What do you want Virgil? Can’t you see poor Emilia is traumatized?” Rolling my eyes I gave them a look that pretty much told them to cut the crap.
“Look all I want to know is what you did to make Alya snap like that, nobody does something like traumatize someone else unless they had it coming. Now spill.” Using my deep voice trick Emilia met my eyes, almost as if I reminded her of what happened.  
“I-it was a harmless prank I swear, b-but when she saw what we did Alya snapped. She…she grabbed me and slammed me into the trunk of the tree, f-for a drama nerd she’s pretty strong. She made me swear to leave her alone and I will I swear, please don’t hurt me.” Covering her head, I could tell that Alya, even though she didn’t do much, psychologically destroyed Emilia, almost like the girl had tried to do to her. Hearing a gasp, I turned around and spotted Alya coming out of the cafeteria with a lunch tray, headphones in her ears. Seeing no coffee stains on her shirt I could only think that she changed between leaving the principal's office and coming here. Going right to her tree she climbed up to the branch she typically sat on and just sat there in silence. Everyone was surprised to see her and Emilia even fled back into the school, her friends closely following. Walking up to her she sent a glare my way before realizing that it was me and giving me enough space to sit beside her in the tree. Climbing up with ease I sat in front of her, in silence for the first few minutes until Alya got sick of me staring at her and ripped out her headphones.
“Is there something you need Virgil? You’ve been staring at me for a while now.” Taking a deep breath I nodded my head, I needed to know what happened.
“What caused you to snap this morning? I’ve gotten Emilia’s side of the story and now I want yours.” Watching her as she took a deep breath and pocketed her headphones Alya sat up, almost like she was trying to be serious.
“You really want to know why I snapped this morning? It’s because I am sick and tired of people making fun of me for being different. My parents sent me here so I wouldn’t “corrupt” my little sister with my “theater bug”, the pricks at this school didn’t understand that I enjoyed being left alone, and nobody takes a second to question the constant abuse a fellow student is suffering in front of them! I’ve been holding in this anger for three years and that is why I snapped, there’s your answer. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going home, I’m going to need a bit of rest for when tomorrow comes because I’m pretty sure Emilia’s parents are going to try to sue me when they find out what happened this morning.” Slipping her bag over her shoulder Alya hopped off the branch, in a very similar fashion to how she hopped off on Monday. Landing with ease she plugged in her headphones again and headed off to the school’s exit. I honestly felt bad for what’s happened to her, her own family expelled her from their house just because she liked theater and her own peers have treated her like an outcast for the past three years for the exact reason of her enjoying solitude. Personally, I understood how she felt and I wanted to help her but I don’t know how.  
‘Maybe I can get the others to help me help her out.’ Hopping down from the tree right as the bell rang I jogged over to where my brothers were sitting with Thomas’ friends they all seemed to be ready to go but they still waited for me. Grabbing my bag we all started walking back to our duplex and for a while they were talking about their classes before I brought up what I really wanted to do.
“Hey guys, what do you think about Alya?” Stopping in their tracks I saw a bit of confusion run through their eyes before Logan was the first one to open his mouth.
“Well I think she is a passionate young woman who has had to deal with many hardships, why do you ask Virgil?” Sighing softly I fidgeted with my hands before thinking up a good answer.
“I just…I want to help her out, she’s not that different from me back when I shut myself off from the world. You guys helped me so why don't we help her?" Hoping the others liked my idea it took them a couple of seconds before agreeing with me, talking amongst themselves to try to find a way to get through to Alya. Remembering back on the first day we met I recalled how she mentioned video games, maybe that might work. Continuing our walk home when we reached our duplex I noticed that the curtain in front of the dining room window was pulled back, giving anyone a chance to look into Alya's home. Spotting her at the table she looked to be very serious, working on something on her computer. Patton, coming outside to pull me in, noticed that I was just staring at her in silence even though a clap of thunder rumbled through the air. Sighing softly he put a hand on my shoulder, effectively breaking me out of my trance.
"You care about her, don't you? That's why you want to help her so badly." Blushing heavily I shook my head, trying to make it seem like he was wrong.  
"N-no, I just don't want her to turn out like I did before you guys helped me. That's all this is." Brushing past him I entered the house, going right to the games that we've bought for our PS4. Noting that about three of them were multiplayer I made a mental note of that and then checked the fridge for any snacks, thankfully there were several different snacks. Knowing that I should wait a day before doing anything I grabbed my Government homework and went to my copier, Alya probably doesn't know about the work she missed today in class. Once that was done I went downstairs and out to her front door, not bothering to tell the others what I was doing. Knocking on the door there was a couple of seconds of silence before I could hear someone moving around inside and come to the door, swinging it open with a tad bit of disregard. Seeing Alya standing there in her pajamas I blushed softly before going to hand her the work I had copied for her, trying to keep my mind on track.
"I...I thought you might need this, it’s today’s assignment from gov.” Handing her the papers she silently thanked me before going to close the door to which I couldn’t think of a reason for her to keep it open. Bidding me good night I did the same and went back to my duplex, too embarrassed to tell my brothers what happened. Going straight to my room I rested my back against the door as my anger started to set in, I am such an idiot. Feeling the urge to punch something relatively solid I turned and threw a right hook at the wall beside me. Watching my fist as it went through the wall I yanked it out and stomped around my room before someone came up and entered the room on the other side of the wall,
“Hey! Who the hell is making holes in the wall?!” Shocked to hear her voice there was a sudden banging as I think she ran up the stairs into the room next to mine.
“Oh, it’s you Virgil. I hope you know that I’m going to make you fix the wall.” Seeing Alya on the other side of the hole I felt so embarrassed and gave her a nod of my head, I could not be any more idiotic. Hearing her sigh, I didn’t hear her leave the room, I only heard her flop onto a soft surface and when I looked through the hole I was shocked to see that I had punched a hole into Alya’s bedroom. Blushing heavily, I felt so bad for what I had just done and just flopped onto my own bed, face first. Wallowing in my own self-pity I started hearing someone start strumming a guitar, trying to figure out how to tune it. Looking through the hole I was a little surprised to see Alya with a rather surprising electric guitar, one that I’ve been wanting to get for myself. Keeping my mouth shut for a little bit as I watched her struggle right before she practically tossed the wonderful instrument I raised my voice.
“H-hey do you need help tuning that guitar?” Noticing how surprised she was when I spoke up we had a bit of a staring contest before she shrugged her shoulders and gestured for me to come over. Quickly heading downstairs I didn’t bother to tell my brothers what was happening before I went out the door and went straight to Alya’s front door. Opening the door for me to enter she had already brought down her guitar for me to help her tune it and in all honesty I wasn’t even thinking about the fact I had been kinda spying on her through the hole in the wall I accidentally created. Noticing how she took a seat on the couch I sat across from her and silently asked for her to hand the instrument. Tuning it like I always did with my old acoustic I was relieved to see that it was the same style (please don’t kill me if I’m wrong, I don’t own a guitar) Handing the now tuned guitar back to her she smiled brightly when she struck a cord and found that it was perfectly in tune.
“Wow Virgil, you really know your way around a guitar. Thanks for coming over and helping me out, I’m sorry I was a little bitchy towards you earlier. It’s been a rough day.” Nodding my head, I knew exactly what she meant, before my brothers and I made amends almost every day was a bad day for me.
“I know what you mean, I just thought you might’ve needed a helping hand. Oh, and I’ll fix the hole in the wall tomorrow.” Laughing at what I said she just nodded her head and for once I think she feels happy and relaxed, thank goodness I can do some good.  
Realizing the time I saw that it was 11 o’clock at night I decided that it was time for us to head to bed, which was made quite evident when Alya started yawning. Getting up I bid her goodnight and headed back to my duplex where the others met me all with smirks on their faces. Rolling my eyes I walked past them and headed upstairs to my room, where Alya was covering the hole with a sort of tapestry. Holding in my laughter I made a mental point to  grab something to fix the hole tomorrow before laying in my bed. Just staring up at my ceiling I must’ve been like that for a while before I heard a voice on the other side of the wall. “Hey Virgil, are you still awake?”
“Yeah, I’m surprised you are.” Still staring at the ceiling we just laid in silence before Alya spoke up again.
“Do you think I’m a bitch?” A little taken back by her question I shook my head, almost forgetting that she couldn't really see what I was doing.
"No, I think you're someone life likes to shit on. Why do you ask?" Listening as she sighed I could tell something was bothering her and thankfully I didn't have to ask what was wrong.
"Everyone tends to think one of two things of me, the first being that I'm a cold-hearted bitch and the second is that I'm the girl who hates everyone else. To be honest most people just forget I'm even there and at first, I thought you guys were going to be like everyone else. But then Logan noticed the coffee stains on my shirt this morning and you copied today's homework for me so I'm a little confused. I wanted to know what y'all thought of me but I thought you might just tell me you were being nice and things would've gone back to normal. I guess to answer your question, I wanted to know what you thought about me." A little surprised by her answer I honestly didn't know how to respond to her answer, I felt so bad for her. Earlier when she went on a rant she told me how her parents sent her away because she didn't want to be what they wanted, her peers and her family have treated her like shit so why wouldn't she feel like she is shit?  
"I... I'm so sorry, that sounds horrible." Hearing her chuckle lightly I could tell that she knew how bad her situation sounded but she didn't let it take hold of her life.
"It probably does but it's nice to finally have someone to talk to about it." Realizing what she was saying I couldn't help but smile, she knows I want to help her. Bidding her good night, I finally went under my covers before slowly falling asleep.
'Maybe I can lend her a helping hand.'
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Birthday Blues (Altair Ibn-La'Ahad)
Word count: 2,893
~Eris Woodham's POV~
'Oh boy another day of school, wonderful.' Driving up to my high school of which I hated I got the same feeling of dread that washes over me like any other day. However, I get the fortune of coming here on my birthday, or to the rest of the school my sister's birthday. It was bad enough that everyone loved my twin sister but forgot about me yet on this special day the student body of Assassin High School seemed to rub it in my face more. Luckily for me tomorrow was Saturday and I would be allowed to do what I want for my birthday...which was getting as far away from this hell hole as I could on my bike. My sister, Chara, has never done anything to me so I still love her but I can't help but feel a bit envious of how everyone treats her like a fragile piece of art work.
Parking my bike in its normal spot when I got off one of the football jerks just had to push past me, knocking me down to the asphalt. Growling I picked myself back up, grabbing my bag and heading inside to the library where I often sought refuge from the idiots here. One of them was a certain Desmond Miles and his group who thought they were above everyone, what I would give to teach them a lesson in humility. Going to my little corner that was often too dark for most to venture I happily sat down, away from the prying and judgmental eyes of my peers. Of course, I already knew that some people just couldn't take a peek at the mystery girl that nobody but Chara could figure out but after three years I've grown used to it. Besides we were graduating soon so why would anyone want to tarnish their records by hanging out with me?
"Hey guys look, the loner is back in her little cubby. Trying to hide from us weirdo?" Looking up I wasn't surprised to see none other than the idiot himself, Desmond Miles. To be honest I think it annoys him how I treat him, just because his dad is the principal doesn't mean I don't dish out what people deserve. Shrugging him off I took out a book and begun reading, only to have it ripped out of my hands. Glaring at the jock who tried to read the material I had I stood up, not wanting to be bothered today.
"Actually Desmond, I was trying to enjoy a nice piece by Charles Dickens, I doubt you could understand one paragraph of what that man has written. Now if you'll excuse me I believe your father needs his errand boy, wouldn't want to keep you from him." Taking the book back I grabbed my bag, walking away from the situation that I probably just worsened. Feeling a cold hand grab my arm I was roughly turned around, meeting his ice glare with a dead eyed expression.
"You think you are so untouchable because I'm dating your sister, well guess what I don't care anymore. You need to be taught when to back down from those stronger than you." Rolling my eyes, I smirked at the jock, he thought he was stronger than me...how cute. Fact is I've trained to become an assassin my entire life, even becoming a master at the age of thirteen. Desmond on the other hand has only been training to be one for three years, sorry but there was no way in hell he would beat me in a fight.
"Careful Novice, I don't think that is a fight you want to get into." With that said the first bell rang through the library, causing him to release his hold on me. Turning my back, I took one step before I heard something move behind me, causing me to quickly duck and incapacitate Desmond. Surprisingly enough he dropped a wooden dagger, the same ones we would use in sparring practice. Smirking I spotted his group staring at me wide eyed and pushed him into the group where they all had to take some weight in order to keep him from falling. Giving them a look that told them to leave me alone I went to my first period class, stealth training. Luckily for me since I had become a master assassin five years ago I didn't have to partake in the lessons, I could've skipped high school entirely but if I wanted to become a mentor I had to get the credentials. Spotting one of Desmond's lackeys I chuckled softly to myself as one of the girls, Lucy Stillman, failed so miserably. In all honesty, she was a transfer from Abstergo High and I have yet to believe she transferred for any other reason than to sabotage us. Watching the other students, I heard someone come up behind me, trying to get the jump on me. Quickly ducking when they tried to jump onto me I smiled when I saw that it was my best friend, Rebecca Crane.
"Nice try Becca, you need to do better than that to get me." Holding out a hand to help her off the ground when she took it I noticed the shock circle in her other hand. Dodging her attack, I smirked as I disarmed her easily, making her sigh in annoyance.
"You never let your guard down do you Eris? Alright you caught me, anyway what do you think of the others on the course?" Shrugging my shoulders, I helped her stand while her boyfriend Shaun came up to us, with a smile on his face. These two were the only people other than my sister that I could handle and they were the only ones who ever really remember me while forgetting about my sister. They both had already reached master status two years ago so they didn't really have to do the classes other than the ones that would progress them in their role that they chose.
"They're okay, a lot of them could learn that speed isn't always key." Nodding her head Rebecca understood what I meant since stealth was the first skill all of us aced back in training. Turning my head back to the course I wasn't surprised when I spotted Lucy face down in the mud.
"Ooh is that Lucy? She's in the mud, again. That girl is just not good at stealth." Agreeing with her and Shaun I couldn't help but chuckle softly as she tried to get up only to slip and fall once again into the mud. Hearing the bell ring I wasn’t surprised that when we got into the locker room Lucy went right to the showers. Surprisingly when the second bell rang and everyone left the room I was met by Desmond and his group, glaring at me.
"You didn't think I'd forget about what you did in the library, did you?" Returning the glare, I dodged his punch, noticing his Novice like stance. Looking for a way out I swiped his legs out from underneath him before darting off to my next class where my sister was waiting for me along with an old friend of ours, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad. Despite the fact that he was once a master like me Altair did a foolish thing which got him demoted back to Novice status. I haven't seen much of him since then but he was a sight for sore eyes.
"Eris look who finally got his master status back." Seeing her smile, I couldn't help but smile as well, Chara and I still cared for each other despite our peers and their actions. Noticing Altair's gaze go to my shoulder I took a glance, spotting a muddy hand print on my shirt. Brushing it off as nothing we all went to our seats, with Altair sitting next to me and still seemingly worried about me. Throughout the entire period I could feel Altair's gaze on me, seemingly checking me over to see something but I didn't know what that was. Making sure to be on guard the same thing happened for the next two periods, where Desmond actually steered clear of me or more importantly he steered clear of Altair. When lunch came round and I had done to my normal spot I felt my anger bubble inside me.
For lunch, I often went outside and sat under a large oak, relaxing and reading as I ate whatever schlop they served us. However, when I exited the lunch room today I was met with an appalling sight, my tree had been defaced by idiots. Dropping my tray in shock I ignored everyone laughing as I ran up to the tree, a tad scared that the birds who had nested in the tree were also harmed. Climbing up the tree I was glad to see that none of the eagle babies had been harmed by most likely Desmond. Jumping down I wasn't surprised to see Desmond smirking at me, he had finally crossed the line.
"You wanna fight daddy's boy? Fine, let's fight then." Knowing this was exactly what he wanted I dropped my bag, not caring any more if this was my last year in school. Watching Desmond's movements I was determined to win and show him who's boss. Throwing the first punch Desmond was off balance, making it easy to sweep his legs once again and incapacitate him. As he fell to the ground I grabbed his head and flipped him, making him hit the ground even harder than he would have. Hearing him groan I waited to see if he was going to get up, which he didn't and that meant the end of the fight. Standing over him I could feel my anger boil but a familiar hand stopped me from doing anything I would regret.
"Eris don't, if you harm him anymore you will be no better than he is. Come on, you don't want to get suspended on your birthday." Sighing softly, I nodded my head removing myself from the situation, going inside to the library. Altair followed me, seemingly worried about my being. Going right to my corner I saw that he had grabbed my bag and brought it to me. Smiling at the gesture I silently took my bag from him, taking out the book I had tried to read earlier as he sat down beside me.
"Great Expectations by Charles Dicken's? You definitely love the classics don't you Eris?" Nodding my head, we sat in silence which was something I enjoyed greatly, even for Altair this was not normal. The silence lasted for a solid ten minutes until the bell rang for school's end or at the very least my school end. For the rest of the school they still have three classes left but I decided that since I already had most of my credits for graduation I could take time off without any consequence. Going to my locker I put my school stuff away, closing it and being met with the novice master.
"Hey Altair, don't you have class?" Shaking his head Altair held out his hand which I was confused about however when he gestured to my bag I understood what he was getting at. Politely shaking my head, he walked me out to the parking lot where my bike still sat in its spot. Wondering if Altair had a ride I put my bag into the storage space underneath the seat while grabbing the spare helmet I always kept.
"You got a ride?" Once again shaking his head I offered him the helmet which he accepted but when I turned around to get on my bike he placed it on me. Confused I stood still as he pulled on his own pair of goggles and got on...in the front. Looking at me in anticipation I didn't sit behind him, mainly because it was my bike and there was no way in hell I was letting someone else drive my baby. Crossing my arms over my torso I gave Altair a look that told him to scoot back or face the consequences.
"Come on Eris, I know a good sweet shop in town that you'll really like." Raising an eyebrow, I could tell that Altair was trying to keep me from heading home but I do love sweets. Sighing I gave in to his proposition and got on the bike, letting him drive. Wrapping my hands around his torso to keep steady I loved the feel of wind on my face without having to pay attention to driving. Since the school wasn't too far from town it took us maybe ten minutes to reach the sweets shop that he was talking about. True to his word when we entered it looked as if the shop had opened that day and since school was still in session it was empty. Picking out my favorite sweets, which was a lot, Altair paid for me claiming that since it was my birthday it was the least he could do. After we sat on the sidewalk next to my bike and ate our shared sweets I offered to drive Altair home where he lived with Malik and Kadar but of course he declined, saying that since our homes were within walking distance he would take me home first. Knowing that there was no arguing with him I accepted and got back onto my bike, heading out of town.
'Why is he acting like this? This is odd behavior even for him.' Curious as to why he is acting this way with me I kept quiet on the drive to my house. Before he was demoted Altair was my best friend and even though I wanted to be more than friends I never pushed Altair to be in a relationship. Of course, I kept my feelings hidden and only Chara knew about them I couldn't have her meddling, especially since I never meddled with her and Desmond's relationship...no matter how badly I wanted it to end. It wasn't my place though so I've kept shut and so should she, though I do have a scar on my tongue from biting it so much. When we reached my house, I noticed that there were several cars in our driveway, only one of them belonging to my sister. Hesitantly getting off my bike with Altair behind me I got out my hidden blade, ready for any attack. Slowly walking up to the house when I tested the door knob I wasn't surprised to find that it was unlocked. Making sure my guard was up I slowly entered the house, which was pitch black, and went to where I could hear people whispering. Being lucky enough to have eagle vision I spotted several people that I instantly recognized from their energy signatures. Lowering my guard, I flipped the dining room light switch, being met with everyone shocked to see me.
"Ummm surprise?" Glaring at my sister I looked around the room, recognizing everyone in the room easily. The Frye Twins, the Kenway family, Ezio, Arno, Rebecca, Shaun, Chara, and of course Desmond. Glaring at the final person I rolled my eyes at their attempt to surprise me before turning on my heel and going up to my room. Locking the door behind me I opened the window and used the fact my window was behind the garage roof to climb onto to roof. Hearing someone knock on my door I ignored whoever it was and plugged my headphones into my phone, playing my music. Getting lost in the music I didn't even notice a certain someone climb up to where I was until they sat beside me. Feeling their presence, I opened one eye to see Altair sitting silently beside me.
"You here to tell me that I over reacted?" Not even bothering to look at Altair I pulled an earbud out to hear Altair's answer.
"No, I honestly knew you wouldn't like a surprise party. I know you better than anyone else so it wasn't hard to figure where you would go." Simply staring up at the sky I felt him scoot close enough to me where I could feel his sleeve on my arm. Noticing the closeness, I tried to hide the blush on my face, looking everywhere but at Altair who was curious of my actions.
"You alright there Eris? You seem to be a bit distracted, and here I was wanting to give you a gift." Feeling my curiosity take hold I looked over at him, seeing no present in his hands. Raising an eyebrow, I was about to ask what gift he was talking about when Altair kissed me, shocking me. As my mind tried to comprehend what was happening my body reacted, closing my eyes and kissing him back. Finally, I got the man I had been wanting for so long and as I cherished the moment someone had to come and wreck it.
"Guys it finally happened, Eris and Tai finally got together." Hearing my sister's voice, we both pulled back, slightly embarrassed of being found. Looking at each other and smiling I scooted closer to Altair, resting my head on his shoulder.
'Finally, something has cured my birthday blues.'
0 notes
A Caged Bird (Jacob Frye)
2,346 words
~Leanora/Lea Starrick's POV~
'Twenty-one days...I've been in this fucking asylum for three weeks, what does Crawford think this will accomplish? Nothing, that's what.' Staring up at the ceiling I couldn't believe my father, the Crawford Starrick, would cage his own daughter just because she doesn't want to be the next Templar leader. Granted he was the one who fell in love with a known Assassin target so I don't see how locking me up in the Lambeth Asylum will do much of anything. There has only been one operative in London for nearly twenty years and even then, there were three, the other two being Ethan and Cecily Frye. I grew up in Crawford alongside their fraternal twin Evie and Jacob whilst living with my mother until she decided when I was eighteen that it was time I met my father...to this day I rue that decision she made. Learning my father was Crawford Starrick was one thing but learning that he was that head of the Templars made me hate my mother's decision even more.
For two years he tried to get me to abandon the sixteen years of training that I had and become a Templar, to which I happily refused. Honestly, I think my mother didn't care if he killed me at this point since it never made sense to me why she sent me to him while he is our number one most powerful enemy in London right now. Oddly enough Starrick was the one who let me have more freedom in what I wanted to study, going as far letting me practice a small bit of medicine. Surprisingly I am currently trapped in the same hospital that I was first taught how to stabilize a wound to the chest so that was great. Continuing to stare up at the ceiling my thoughts were disturbed by a knock at the door of my cell. Turning my head right when the slit opened I jolted up when I spotted a book that was starting to be pushed into the cell.
"Ms. Starrick? I've got a delivery for you from a Charles Dickens." Smiling brightly I sprang from my bed and nearly yanked the book from my guard's hands, it's been a while since my old friend had a book sent to me. The old friend was of course Charles Dickens since before I was incarcerated I would often times grab a pint with the old man and would help him with one of his drafts of which there was always new ones. To be honest I missed those times where I had just as much freedom as an eagle though right now I felt like a caged canary.  
"Thank you Arnold, tell me what news is there out in the city?" Taking a seat at my desk which was next to a nearby window I liked how even though he was my body guard posted at my cell door in order to keep my trapped I could still have decent conversation with him. Arnold was a lot nicer than my last guard although I'm pretty sure the other guard hated me due to my history in the Assassin order but that did not mean he couldn't have a proper conversation.
"Well the soothing syrup has stopped production, which was a bad plan from the start like you said. Your father still thinks the Frye twins aren't going to do him much harm though and I do believe that the Blighters here in Lambeth have been chased out by the Rooks." Raising an eyebrow I was glad to hear that my old childhood friends were still causing trouble for dear ole dad, though I am curious who controls the Rooks. Seeing as how they only appeared after the Frye twins took over Whitechapel I think it's safe to assume they lead it, or at least one of them.
"Thank goodness, I can't believe father thought it would be a good idea to allow that soothing syrup crap to be sold to the public. By the way Arnold, why are you still here? You could go home and nobody would notice." Trying to get him to possibly leave the door I heard a chuckle as he shook his head.
"Sorry miss but you know that isn't true seeing as how I live in the Strand, if Maxwell Roth spotted me on the streets rather than here...well you know the answer to that." Simply nodding my head I completely understood where Arnold was coming from, I knew for a fact that Maxwell Roth deserved to be in the cell a hell of a lot more than I did. Opening the book I was happy to see a note from my old friend telling me that he hoped I was well and that my chest was still safely tucked away. Flipping the page I was interrupted when there was a loud crash outside my door, startling me just a tad.  
“Arnold? What’s going on out there?” Going to the door I could tell through the window that Arnold had a hand close to his revolver while turning his head, giving me a smirk.
“Nothing to worry yourself milady, just go back to reading that book of yours.” Sighing I nodded my head and went back to my desk when once again there was a loud crash along with Arnold shouting. “What are you doing here you Rook bastard?!” Stunned when Arnold said Rook I quickly took to a blind spot the door had with the new book, thank goodness Dickens always writes terribly long novels. Holding the book up when I heard my guard go down I silently waited for the person to unlock the door and step into my cell, not closing the door behind him.
"Wonder what treasure Starrick has locked away in here." Tiptoeing toward the man's back I swung the book as hard as I could, quickly using the distraction to bolt out of the room. Smirking when I heard him shout in a tad bit of anger I used my old skills to find a way out of the asylum which ended up being out the roof though I was not complaining. Eagle diving into a pile of hay when I jumped out it felt wonderful to be outside that stuffy building though being outside in only a patient's gown was not as wonderful. Taking my chances I briskly walked over to the nearest store where thankfully the clerk recognized me as a friend and helped me into a fashion that I was normally in.
"Thank you Michael, now do you know where I can find Mr. Dickens? He has something of mine." Nodding his head the clerk told me to go to Devil's Acre which seemed to be where the man was last seen. Despite the fact that it was in West Minster and was completely controlled by the Templars I could still hold my own in fight so I wasn't too scared to go out and find Dickens. Thanking the clerk once more I took my leave, grabbing a nearby unused carriage and heading across the Thames into West Minster. Keeping my head down as I made my way to Devil's acre I tried my best not to be noticed by any of the Blighters, there was no way in hell I was going back to that damn cell.
When I reached the tavern, it took none but two seconds to find the author who was currently enjoying what looked to be a very nice stout. Silently taking the empty seat next to him I tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn and grin at the sight of my face. "Leanora, dear girl is has been many a night since I last saw you. How have you been?" Returning the grin I nodded my head since I spoke with him a week prior to my father imprisoning me about protecting certain items for me that I could not let Crawford have even in death if need be.
"I've been better honestly, being trapped in an asylum for three weeks does that to a girl but enough about me. Do you remember that chest I gave you a month back? I need it back or at least the contents." Nodding his head Dickens offered to tell me over a drink but right now that was not a good idea so I politely declined. Understanding the author leaned in and whispered a certain riddle into my ear.
"The prize you seek lies amongst oddities galore, which could not be further from the river shore." Instantly knowing that Dickens meant Henry Green's shop I nodded my head, silently thanking the author. Leaving Devil's Acre, I drove the carriage back into Lambeth and then headed up to Whitechapel which thankfully was in Rook control rather than Blighter. Ditching the carriage a few blocks away from Henry's shop I climbed up a building where I simply walked across rooftops until I reached Henry's and dropped down to ground level. Noticing the unlit candles in the window I was a little surprised to see that Henry wasn't here but right now that wasn't my concern, he was probably with the Frye twins terrorizing London. Grabbing the spare key he always keeps in a certain windowsill under a petunia I slipped into the shop where I used my gift to spot the chest I had sent away as to keep it safe. Unlocking it with ease I was about to open the chest when I heard the front door slide open softly, the person entering trying to be sneaky. Locking the chest I quickly took to a hiding spot in a nearby armoire, mentally thanking god for my small frame. Keeping as silent as a mouse there was an unnecessarily loud creak in the floor boards before a light came showed through the middle of the armoire.
"Whoever's in here come on out, I saw you enter and I know you're still in here." Not really recognizing the voice I kept still until the light turned away from my hiding spot, allowing for me to get the jump on my attacker. Kicking him in the back it wasn't too hard to pin him lying face down with his arms crossed behind his back.
"I swear all you Blighters are so annoying, I'm not going back to that cursed cell." Feeling the man struggle beneath me he turned his head and looked up at me, seemingly recognizing my face instantly.
"Lea let go it's me, Jacob." A tad shocked I scrambled to get off my old friend, who in honest looked much older than I remember but being gone for 2 years can change one’s image quite a lot. Helping the poor man up I dusted off any visible dirt from his clothes before giving him a sympathetic smile, to say sorry for tackling him to the ground. Giving me his familiar smirk he picked up his hat and dusted it off before setting it onto his head. Feeling a little bad for tackling an old friend to the ground I simply stood a few steps away from him in front of my chest, knowing full well there was an awkward silence in the air.  
"Sorry about that, I honestly thought you were one of my father's Blighters." Raising an eyebrow when I said that the Blighters were my father's I could tell that Jacob was very curious.
"No problem, I'd tackle any Blighter if I thought they were coming after me. Anyway, what do you mean by your father's Blighters? The only people they answer to is either Maxwell Roth or Crawford Starrick." Biting my bottom lip I slightly nodded and pulled out a locket my mother had given me. Handing it over to Jacob I waited for him to open it and when he did his eyes practically popped out of his head. "Your father is CRAWFORD STARRICK?!" Flinching just a tad when Jacob yelled I once again nodded my head, smiling just a little.
"Yeah that's why I haven't been able to write you these last few years, he didn't like that I wouldn't let go of my Assassin roots like Haytham Kenway once did." With shock still written on his face Jacob just slowly nodded his head whilst handing me the locket back. Putting it back into my back pocket he seemed to still be processing the information so while he was doing that he went back to the chest that was left unattended and open during our little scuffle. Grabbing several papers that I had used to jot down information I handed the papers to Jacob and that seemed to snap him out of whatever daze he was in.
"What are these? Love letters my dear Lea, you shouldn't have." Shamelessly flirting with me I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"No, my darling Jacob, these are reports that I've been saving since the first day I got here and found out who my father was. Since I know you and Evie have been a thorn in Starrick's side ever since you got to London I figured you would need these reports the most." Nodding his head, I turned to leave out the back door however a hand softly grasped my shoulder, halting me. Turning back, I was not surprised to see Jacob standing around rather embarrassed, with a light pink dusting his cheeks.
"Maybe you should give these to Evie yourself, I'm just the one doing fieldwork. Besides you don't really have anywhere to stay anymore so maybe~ we could get another car for another Assassin." Smiling softly, I laughed quietly and nodded my head, at least I'll be protected from my father's cronies.
"What a fine idea Jacob, lead the way." Stepping to the side, Jacob interlocked our arms and together we left Henry's shop, going to what I assume to be the nearest train station.
'Now I'll be free, unlike the caged song bird I once was.'
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Misjudgement (Draco Malfoy)
A/N: In this story the reader’s father will be the daughter of Tom Riddle who is typically known as the Deputy Minister however is secretly building up his army to strike.
2,087 words
~Rosaline Eve Riddle’s POV~
‘*groan* why do the professors feel the need to bombard students with homework right before a break? It’s as if they’re trying to crush us with an avalanche of work.’ Trudging towards the Slytherin common room with three completed essays in my messenger bag I could not wait to relax by the fire with my boyfriend Draco Malfoy. Despite being the daughter of the dark lord, he still asked me out and shockingly my father approved of our relationship but not without threatening Draco first of course. After that I consoled Draco for a bit but we’ve been together for a year now and nothing bad has really happened yet however there was one pug faced Slytherin who constantly tries to pull us apart.
Reaching the portrait guarding my house common room I opened my mouth to say the password when I heard a barely audible voice come from further down the hall. Curious I casted a Lumos I slowly walked towards the source of the single voice, only to hear another voice that sounded quite familiar. “Pansy for the last time no, I’m refuse to go to the ball with you. Of all people, you know that I’m with Rose now let me go, she’s probably wondering where I am.” Realizing that it was Draco I had to force myself not to gasp when I heard his voice come from the hallway. Dismissing my spell, I expected to see Draco breeze past me in frustration however when he came into my sight I was shocked to see him get pinned by Pansy, right before she kissed him. Shocked beyond belief I ran back to the common room, or more specifically to my dorm room. Quickly casting a silent spell on myself as soon as I entered my empty room, allowing me to scream my lungs out as if nobody was listening which was funny since they couldn’t. After depleting my energy, I dissipated the spell, softly hiccupping and wiping my eyes clear. I didn’t even notice that my best friend was in the room until she softly rested a hand on my shoulder before sitting down beside me.
“What did Malfoy do? You better tell me or else I will kill him, whether or not it was his fault.” Shaking my head, I explained to Cordelia what I saw in the dungeons to the best of my abilities. Of course, she was angry but I noticed a bit of confusion in her eyes though I honestly ignored it. When I finished telling I couldn’t help but feel somewhat at fault for what happened, maybe this was my fault.
“Do…do you think he was only with me because his parents don’t like Pansy?” Shaking her head, it was clear that she didn’t believe Draco would do that to me, it didn’t make sense to either of us. Before I could say anything, else there was a knock at the door followed by the voice of one of our prefects warning us that we needed to report to dinner. Cordelia could easily tell that I didn’t want to go but that wasn’t going to stop her from trying to get me out of my room.
“Look Rose I know you don’t want to go but you need to eat, we both know how your dad will react if he finds out you’re skipping meals again. I promise I’ll keep that boy as far away from you as I can until I find out what is going on.” Tilting my head up so she could look me in the eye I wanted so badly to believe her but everything in my mind was screaming at me to stay here, screw my dad. Sighing softly, I turned my head away, silently telling her that I was staying here no matter what people thought or said. Getting the message Cordelia stood up and headed to the door but not before looking back at me before leaving.
“I’m going to bring back some food just so you know and you will eat it, or else your father will kill me.” Laughing to myself I nodded my head right before shooing her out of the room, locking the door behind her. Deciding to work on some more of my homework there was at least twenty minutes of silence before I heard the fire spark itself. Ignoring the sound, it wasn’t until I heard a familiar loud voice roar through the fire.
“Rosaline Eve Riddle what is this I am hearing about you skipping meals again? I thought we came to an agreement about this young lady.” Huffing out a breath I turned towards the green fire and was unsurprisingly met by a rather striking image of my father using only flames. Setting down my quill I didn’t bother to leave my seat since I didn’t really see any point to doing such.
“Father that deal was made back in my first year of school do you really expect a teenage girl to hold a promise for that long? Any way I’ve got too much homework and I do not want Crabbe and Goyle to ruin it with how they eat, I swear if those boys weren’t human they’d be pigs.” Hearing a slight hiss come from my father’s side I knew that he could tell I had a valid point in this argument. Turning my back on the fire it wasn’t until I heard a very familiar knock at my door that I finally let go of a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding in. Standing up before I took a single step towards the door it was slammed open by none other than Pansy Parkinson.
“YOU! How dare you get in the way between Draco and I?! I don’t care what he says, Draco loves me not you, I will end whatever spell you casted on him right now, CRUCIO!” Stunned I roll dodged Pansy’s curse, quickly drawing out my own wand. Deflecting all the spells she sent my way I didn’t get the chance to counter before she froze my legs, causing me to fall to the ground. Holding in any pain that I might’ve felt I casted a shield around my body as she continued to send many curses my way, though I hoped Cordelia returned soon to help me out since my strength was fading quick. Easily realizing this Pansy started sending more curses onto me, causing my shield to start cracking. Biting my tongue my body began to be slashed up both inside and out, most likely pleasing Pansy. Panting she finally stopped but before I could even ask why she was doing this one word left her mouth, scaring the hell out of me. “CRUCIO!” When the unforgiveable curse hit me, I couldn’t hold back the pain, gripping whatever was in front of me as the pain raced through my body. Feeling pain for what felt like forever it wasn’t until I felt it stop that I realized someone took Pansy out, giving me a chance to breath.
“Ms. Parkinson, you better have a good reason for harming Ms. Riddle.” Hearing Professor Snape’s voice I weakly looked up and saw Cordelia restraining Pansy whilst Professor Snape stood at the door with his arms crossed. Looking back, I was not surprised to see that the fire had gone out, dad was probably the one who told Snape to come get me as soon as he could. Noticing black dots start to block my vision I rested my head on the ground, not caring if I died right now but I guess fate wanted to take one last jab at me. Feeling a familiar pair of arms wrap themselves around my torso I was turned onto my back and faced the infamous Draco Malfoy.
“R-Rosaline stay with me, please.” Hearing him break down into sobs I realized that maybe I was wrong, maybe Pansy was the one who kissed him and not the other way around. Raising a hand lazily to his cheek I couldn’t keep my eyes open for much longer, slowly allowing for sleep to take me into its embrace. If I never wake up I don’t think it would that much of a travesty.
~Time skip to one day later~
‘Oh great, I didn’t die…wonderful.’ Regaining consciousness, I couldn’t feel any of the pain that caused me to fall asleep however long ago. Unable to feel my body I tried to move some part of my body whilst listening in to the surroundings I was currently in even though I didn’t know where I was. Using an old trick that I taught myself I managed to force my eyes open, seeing only a white ceiling with a single light above me. Barely managing to move my arm so it was over my eyes I forced my body to sit up in the hospital like bed I was currently in. Looking around I was not surprised to see that I was in the school’s hospital wing and luckily, I was the only person here besides Madame Pomfrey. Wiping away any sleep that might’ve been in my eyes I got out of bed, slightly glad that our robes can dual as our hospital gowns. Stretching my arms, I walked around in circles, returning blood to my legs that were practically when I got up.
“Ah Ms. Riddle nice to see that you survived the night, I must say with your injuries I wasn’t completely sure if you would make it through.” Seeing Madame Pomfrey with her wand out I stood still as she approached me, waiting for her scold me for being out of bed. However, that didn’t happen, instead she simply checked me over before giving me a smile and gesturing towards the door, meaning I could leave whenever I wanted. Glad that I was not going to be isolated in here for the fifth time in my life I silently thanked her before leaving the hospital wing. As soon as I left the wing Cordelia and Draco ambushed me, checking me over as if I just got back from Hell.
“Whoa guys chill out, how long was I out?” Seeing the two of them look at each other I could almost tell that something was wrong and I was curious enough to know. Crossing my arms over my chest it wasn’t hard to tell they were worried about my reaction but in all fairness, I could care less.
“You’ve only been asleep for a day but…someone came to see you and is currently with Pansy in the dungeons.” As if on cue right after Cordelia told me this I heard a very familiar scream ring through the halls. Sighing softly, I knew that my father was the one who came and was most likely giving Pansy his infamous crucio. Deciding that Pansy didn’t really deserve my father’s crucio I began to head down to the dungeons, hearing only one of the duo following behind me. Halfway there a familiar hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back into an extremely large empty room. Totally confused I looked back and saw that it was Draco who seemed very worried for some reason. Raising an eyebrow Draco took a deep breath before speaking up.
“Look Rose I swear that there is nothing between Pansy and I, if anything she is like that of a stalker. I was planning on doing this later but since your father is here I believe now is as good a time as any.” Turning his back to me I heard him utter an incantation before the ceiling began to snow, sending a chill through my spine. Hearing him sigh softly Draco turned me to face the mirrors, which were starting to frost over but words began forming. Still a tad confused it wasn’t until the words completely formed that I was happily stunned by what I saw.
“So, will you go to the Yule ball with me?” Smiling softly, I nodded my head, hugging Draco tightly whilst hearing him chuckle. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” Wrapping his arms around my waist we just stood still hugging for a couple minutes before we heard the door reappear with Cordelia opening it with a smirk on her face.
“You two alright now?” Nodding my head, I guess I misjudged what I saw, though that didn’t mean Pansy was off the hook especially with my father.
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Bad Family Reunions (Sherlock Homes)
1st post yay
2,998 words
~Makenna’s  POV~
‘Oh look it’s raining…again, just like every other day in London.’ Pulling my hood over my ragged hair I left my box hidden in an alleyway and headed towards a familiar café where I had my computer stashed. Two months ago my parents had decided they were fed up with my passion of writing and tried to make me apply to a university such as Oxford to become a doctor or lawyer. When I refused to do so my father threw me and my laptop out of their house, telling me that unless I give up my foolish notion of being a writer I am no longer a Pond. To be honest I would rather be a writer with an anonymous name than a person forced to do what their parents want for the rest of their life. Reaching my café I went through the backdoor and quickly went to my locker where my uniform lied. Thankfully I had a job before my parents disowned me and when I told my manager the story he made sure to give me a shift every day as well as keep my computer charged. Changing quickly I placed my hair in a tight ponytail before going to the front, beginning the process of opening up. Hearing someone come in behind me when I turned around I was happily met with the sight of my manager, Ashton.
“Hello Makenna how are you today?” Shrugging my shoulders I started brewing the coffee whilst Ashton started baking the cookies and other various sweets we had. As we worked the rain seemed to die down and customers started flowing in. Easily getting the initial rush of being open I was finally able to take a breath two hours later when Ashton let me go on break since a fellow employee came in when their shift started. Taking my charged computer from the break room I grabbed a water before taking a seat near a window. Opening my novel I was relieved to see that it did save where I left off. You see I write murder mystery stories which is probably why my parents weren’t very fond of my stories however I didn’t really care. Recently I was writing about a story similar to that of one made by a John Watson, it’s title was Study in Pink though after reading the story I think it could’ve had a better title.
“I see you’ve read my friend’s story, Study in Pink.” Flinching at the easily recognizable voice I turned my head only to be face to face with the Sherlock Holmes. Feeling shock run through my face I could only nod my head in silence. Seeing the smirk grow on his face I was surprised again when he took the empty seat in front of me, setting his cup of tea down.
“As well as that you don’t seem to have showered in a long time, either meaning you don’t have water or your parents kicked you out undoubtedly because of your passion for writing murder mystery stories. Correct me if I am wrong, which I normally am never, but you have been on your own for about four months now and the only time you get to write is during your breaks here at work and since this is the third day in a row I’ve seen you here means your manager has mercilessly allowed you to work every day just so you can have food in your stomach. Also you are a fan of my work but you believe the stories my friend posts on his blog could use renaming am I correct on what I’ve stated?” Blinking slowly I simply nodded my head before shaking the shock away, knowing that when people’s mouths are open like a codfish’s annoy the consulting detective.  
“Yes you are correct Detective Holmes, now if I may say I don’t believe my well being is your business.” Seeing no shock pass through his face I checked the clock on my computer and saw that I only had five minutes left in my break before I had to head back. Turning back to the consulting detective who was sipping on his tea I tilted my head to him before closing my computer.  
“Well this has been an entertaining chat but I need to go back to work.” Noticing a knowing look in his eyes I returned to my post at the counter where the consulting detective moved to. Giving him a questioning look I started taking orders when Mr. Holmes raised his cup in a silent need a refill. Sending the newbie over to him I could tell he wasn’t happy with what I did. Giving him a cocky look I continued working when he raised his cup again and the other two working alongside me were busy. Coming over to him I held my hand out for him to hand me his cup when he just kept it in his hand.
“You know, I wasn’t done earlier.” Shrugging my shoulders I took the cup, checking the tea bag for what it was.
“I figured however some of us can’t skip out on work, you should understand that since you deduced me.” Giving him a smug remark I easily made his drink and returned it to him, going to the next customer. Too bad for Mr. Holmes but my break coincided with the lunch rush which meant I would have little to no time to converse with the man until later. Luckily for me though he wasn’t as much as a pain as I thought he would be, only raising his cup whenever he was truly empty and not really conversing with me.  
‘I wonder what is going through his head right now, what highly functioning sociopathic thoughts he must have.’ Taking order after order I was glad that over time I’ve gotten quick reflex skills as well as better hearing due to the hustle and bustle of rush. Easily dealing with the two hour long rush when I came back to check on the consulting detective he was gone, leaving a five dollar tip with a note expressing that the tip was for me. Pocketing the tip I continued working until my next break rolled around at 4. As I placed my apron in my locker there was a loud bang from outside in the back alley.
“Makenna could you go see what that was?” Hearing Ashton call out to me I simply yelled out an affirmation before going to the back door. Poking my head out I looked to the right, nothing there, and then I looked to the left where I was met with a handsomely dressed male smirking towards me.  
“Excuse me but are you by any chance Makenna Pond?” Eyeing him curiously I shook my head since that wasn’t entirely true.
“My name is Makenna but I don’t have a last name, my parents never gave the hospital their names when I was born.” Making up a quick lie I could only hope that it would work on the unknown enemy since I knew who the man was. James Moriarty, the opposite of Sherlock Holmes, was the world’s only consulting criminal and if you crossed paths with him you were screwed if he did not like you and also my cousin. Seeing him twirl a knife in his right hand made sure to keep myself calm whilst again him, seeing as how he thrived when his victims are held by fear.
“Oh come now Makenna, you and I both know you’re lying. What were you and Mr. Holmes talking about during your lunch break?” Giving me an amused look in his eyes I made sure that I was close to the door before answering.
“He was deducing me and my writing, that’s all that happened. Now if you’ll excuse me Jim–“ Turning to the door I mistakenly turned my back on Moriarty which gave him a perfect opportunity that he took. Hearing him rush up to me in no time there was a cloth placed over my mouth that I could instantly tell it was chloroform. Holding my breath for as long as I could before Moriarty held my nose close I could hear his melodic voice before I passed out.
“Nighty night little mouse.” Slumping into his arms I couldn’t keep my eyes open for any longer until the chloroform took its toll.
‘Sherlock, help me.’  
~Switch to Sherlock’s POV~
‘I wonder what Makenna is doing.’ Staring out the window of my apartment I couldn’t help but wonder what that girl at the café was doing. Even though she was writing a story based on my own adventures I could help but believe that she made up the story herself, seeing as how nothing between the two accounts matched. Despite the fact she never introduced herself to me I knew that she figured that I read her name tag seeing as how plainly obvious it was. Taking a sip of my tea, I continued watching the rain fall until my phone started buzzing beside me.
‘Must be John or Mycroft if he is having a meeting with the only person regaler than him.’ Quickly picking it up when I answered there was only heavy breathing on the other end. Checking the caller ID I saw that it was an unknown phone which reminded me of the first case I ever had against Moriarty.
“Who is this?” Hearing a shaky breath I instantly could tell the person calling was being forced to do so, which meant Moriarty was back at it again.
“D-do you recognize this voice Holmes? I saw you and this one at the café but you’ve been watching her for much longer haven’t you?” Recognizing the voice instantly I gritted my teeth at the fact Moriarty had the guts to kidnap his own cousin. Yes it was true that I had been keeping an eye on Makenna for a few weeks now but only to see if she was anything like her cousin but in truth the two of them were nothing alike. While Jim was manipulative and cruel she was kind and patient. I honestly don’t know why I felt an attraction towards her but that might be the reason why Moriarty took her.
“Why do this again Jim? And why take her?” Keeping a straight face I made sure to keep my calm in order to not show fear. Hearing another shaky breath on the other end I got myself ready to hear her scared voice again.
“B-because you always look s-so love struck whenever you see her and I...I want to see both of you suffer. Y-you have six hours to find her and if you don’t…boom.” Before I could ask any more questions the line went dead, sending me into a panic. What could Makenna have possibly done to deserve Moriarty’s anger? Dialing up Lestraude I only told him that he was back and instantly the man knew what I meant. Telling him all of the details he told me that he was having intel trace my call but I decided to take things into my own hands. Heading to the café where Makenna worked only to see it closed. Knocking on the glass door I saw the manager, Ashton, poke his head out from the break room. Seeing him quickly run over to the door I could see relief rush over his face.
“Mr. Holmes, I am so glad to see you. This note was left for you where Makenna last was.” Taking the note in his outstretched hand I wasn’t surprised to see a feminine typography. Rolling my eyes at the flashy style I was glad that he at least left a note.
“Time to start this game again now go to the place where you thought I was slain.” Rolling my eyes at the stupid rhyme I knew instantly that he meant St. Bart’s Hospital, more specifically the roof. Thanking Ashton for the note I quickly left the café and went to the hospital. Normally once I got this far I would call John to drop whatever boring thing he was doing and come help me but right now he and Mary were having a second honeymoon in the US since they couldn’t really leave the country during their first one. Climbing up the stairs to the roof where I thought I saw Moriarty shoot his brains out I was slightly surprised to see someone already there, waiting for me.
“Hello Mr. Holmes.” When the figure turned around I was met with none other than Moriarty’s right hand man, Sebastian Moran. Seeing his smirk I could tell there was something in his inner left pocket that matched what seemed to be a gun.
“Hello Sebastian, have something for me or are you just happy to see me?” Sending him a smart remark I could see his smirk grow before he reached into his pocket, making me reach for my own gun. Only he simply pulled out another note, making me take a hand off my weapon.
“Nothing crude, just another note from my boss.” Handing me the note before I could say anything he jumped off the side of the building, with a bungee cord strapped to his waist. Not bothering to check on his I opened the note only to see another stupid rhyme.
“Next clue, hope you’re ready. Look in the place that that you were for a wedding.” Even though his words didn’t exactly rhyme I knew that he meant the reception hall where John and Mary had their reception and I had to speak as John’s best man.  
‘Hold on Makenna, I’m coming’
~Time skip to five hours and thirty minutes later and to Makenna’s POV~
It’s been five hours and thirty minutes since I last talked to Sherlock and boy was I becoming scared, maybe he wasn’t looking for me. Remembering the first case he had against my cousin I couldn’t help but laugh when I remembered that he didn’t bother learning about how the Earth travels around the sun. Honestly being strapped in a jacket covered in explosives riding the London eye was not something I ever saw myself doing. You see my father’s sister married a Moriarty and we never saw them since they lived in Ireland so I figured my cousin would never learn of my name or my face. Sadly I couldn’t have been more wrong since he’s been watching me ever since he entered England and has been wanting to get to know me but when he found out I wrote stories where the heroes always won I guess he wasn’t a fan.
‘Come on Sherlock, I know you can beat whatever Jim throws at you.’ Looking out onto the Thames I couldn’t help but feel scared, if he didn’t get to me in thirty minutes I was going to take down one of the most iconic landmarks in London along with many lives. In all honesty I hated being someone’s pawn in a game and right now that was exactly my purpose, which made it hurt more that it was my own blood doing this to me. Hearing the phone next to me start ringing I picked it up only to see that it was a blocked number, which meant it was probably Moriarty.
“Yes James?” Answering the call with a slight annoyance in my voice I could hear a light maniacal chuckle on the other end of the line.
“Your time is close dear cousin, hope your boyfriend is close by. Oh wait he is and unless he meets you at the bottom you’re going to be seeing your ex in hell.” Rolling my eyes which I didn’t care that he couldn���t see I simply stayed quiet. Feeling the cart come to a stop I saw the door get yanked open by one Sherlock Holmes, who of which had a bomb squad right behind him.
“I guess I have another day to live, see you later cousin.” Ending the call I dropped the phone, crushing it under my foot. Smiling I slipped off the now inactive bomb jacket and handed it to the bomb squad, remaining as calm as can be. Feeling Sherlock place his hand on my lower back I let him guide me to the ambulance where paramedics searched for any injuries on or in my body. Luckily I didn’t have anything so they gave me the clear to leave and told me to go home, relax, and try to forget what happened. First off I still don’t have a home and second, how the hell could someone forget what happened here?! Removing the shock blanket they placed on my shoulders I went to take my leave and return to the café where Ashton was probably worrying sick about me but I heard a pair of heels clicking quickly on the pavement behind me which gave me reason to stop. Turning around I was slightly surprised to see Sherlock Holmes running to catch up with me.
“Was there something you needed from me Mr. Holmes?” Watching his mannerisms I could tell that he was a bit hesitant to talk which was something I never would have expected from the normally calm consultant but with what has happened recently I can’t say it isn’t uncalled for. Meeting his normally emotionless gaze I could see a hint of hesitation I was about to ask if he was okay when he started talking.
“Since you are currently without a home and will have your cousin gunning for you, would you like to help me with rent at my flat?” Giving him a questioning look I shrugged my shoulders, seeing as how I had practically no other option.
“Why not?” With those two words the consulting detective and the murder mystery writer began their relationship as partners in crime.
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