twstedtale · 4 months
inspired by a convo with @goldenboybarracuda about kindles - Alex loves them, Henry is horrified by their very existence
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twstedtale · 4 months
Henry laughed quietly, gently bumping Alex’s hips with his own though he didn’t shy away from his touch, rolling his eyes with a soft smile and leaning into kiss him, quick but soft. “Oh hush. You know what I mean, darling. I love you, your weird quirkiness in the morning before you have coffee, your breakfasts and all the chaotic parts of you."
A small smile flitted across Henry's lips as he leaned forward to kiss him properly, cheeks flushing slightly. "I didn't hear you complaining, love." he teased, then pouted. "Perhaps you could... lay in with me?" he suggested, eyes twinkling as he hooked a leg over Alex's waist, drawing him flush against his body. "You could help me relax?"
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twstedtale · 4 months
Soulmates… it was the first time Henry had heard Alex use the word, but it sparked something in his chest almost immediately, something warm and full that filled out some of the hollownness currently residing.
“I love you too,” He shifted over so he could rest against Alex, wanting to be as close to him as possible, no longer caring what anyone thought. “I’ll never hurt you again,” he swore quietly. “I’m sorry it took me so long to come to my senses."
“I’m sorry, love.” Henry felt like he couldn’t apologise enough for the mistakes he’d made - would Bea and Catherine still be alive if he’d stood up to Mary all those years ago? The possibility haunted him.
“I know when I left you there’d be no one else. You’ve always been my forever, Alex. Even when you hated me before we became friends,” he chuckled a little at the memory. “Thankyou for giving me a chance,”
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twstedtale · 4 months
I think that’s up for debate, the normal quip back os on the tip of his tongue but Henry doesn’t say it back as Alex offers him some water, because just this once he’s goingto let Alex win this not-quite argument they always seem to be having.
Shit. He’ll have to do some groveling later on, have to ring Pez himself to make sure that the other man is okay, that he hasn’t ruined things by attempting this, even if it sounds like everything is fine, sometimes Henry just needs to hear it for himself. “I’m really sorry,” He’s said it before and he’ll keep saying it because Henry hadn’t expected to be the one to tap out, if he’s honest. “I know… it was my idea. I promise this wasn’t me… I don’t know, trying to mess with your head or something. I really thought we’d both enjoy it."
"God, I love you so much." Henry takes a long, shuddered breath, savouring the gentle touch of Alex's lips against his head. He sort of wants to kiss him properly, but he doesn't want Alex to think he's being a possessive jackass - and he's not too sure he can move all that much right now. Right now just words feel like an effort.
"I'm still really sorry," he says, though Alex had already told him he doesn't need to apologise. Its not like this was Alex's idea, and Henry can only hope that his stupidity hasn't made things awkward between Pez and Alex now. "Are you okay? Is Pez still here?"
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twstedtale · 4 months
He bites back a curse as he feels another finger slide home next to the first, and Henry is pretty sure at this point that he knows what Alex’s game is, especially when the American’s fingers brush against his prostate, causing Henry’s insides to jump.
the Prince lets out a breathless moan, pulse jumping as he tries not to bear down against Alex’s touch, insides turning to liquid at the heat in the other man’s voice. “Alex,” his voice is strained as he tries to keep in control of himself. “Darling, please."
Henry sucks in a breath as he feels Alex's finger, a shuddering sigh leaving him as finally, finally, the other breaches him, giving Henry time to adjust, and though he appreciates it, it isn't as if they don't have sex on a regular basis still, so Alex's finger goes in easily, and Henry bites his lip and counts to five before he speaks, voice low.
"Please, love. I can take you like this. I want you inside me. Please?" His voice hitches and he shoots Alex a coy smile past his shoulder, eyes wide and dark, nearly all iris. "Please," he repeats, making sure to keep eye contact and pushing his butt back against Alex's finger a little to make a point.
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twstedtale · 4 months
henry looks up, eyebrow raised in question then sighs at the magazine as it falls into his lap with a bit of a thump, barely glancing at the photograph in question before turning his gaze to study Alex, instead. “They got a good picture of you, though,” he points out with a tiny smile. “Where was that one taken, anyway?” He doesn’t remember the particular photo shoot - it looks far more candid than their usual photographers allow.
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❛❛  think  they'll  ever  get  tired  of  putting  our  faces  on  the  covers?  ❜❜      alex  stretches  out  a  hand,  dropping  the  magazine  in  question  into  henry's  lap  as  he  passes  (  the  same  one  that  june  had  practically  shoved  into  his  face  when  he'd  had  lunch  with  her  ).  
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@twstedtale liked for post book/movie things.
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twstedtale · 4 months
i’m setting up a private m.muse for the boys (and other rwrb. characters by request.) if you’d be interested in writing with me over there, please hit this post with a like so i can follow you over there.
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twstedtale · 4 months
uuuugh… health rant/update for those interested; def not required reading!
ooc: so… I just tested positive for covid twice, well that explains why I feel so bad. I have a full week ahead and because the going belief is “covid is just a cold”, no one is taking me seriously when I have an Immunocompromised system
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twstedtale · 4 months
ooc : sorry for the slowness on here, guys. I’ve been really sick this weekend so giving myself a few days to recover before I can get back on track with my posts. Hope you are all having a lovely Monday!
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twstedtale · 5 months
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– an indie red, white & royal blue multimuse. by belle. 21+
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twstedtale · 5 months
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twstedtale · 5 months
Alex pushing for (encouraging?) Henry to wear edgier clothes post canon that are more Henry’s style and less …. crown constricted.
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twstedtale · 5 months
starter call
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Henry Fox, AU or university slut!era. - shoot me a like and let me know which you want, and if you're multi muse who for <3
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twstedtale · 5 months
Henry sucks in a breath as he feels Alex's finger, a shuddering sigh leaving him as finally, finally, the other breaches him, giving Henry time to adjust, and though he appreciates it, it isn't as if they don't have sex on a regular basis still, so Alex's finger goes in easily, and Henry bites his lip and counts to five before he speaks, voice low.
"Please, love. I can take you like this. I want you inside me. Please?" His voice hitches and he shoots Alex a coy smile past his shoulder, eyes wide and dark, nearly all iris. "Please," he repeats, making sure to keep eye contact and pushing his butt back against Alex's finger a little to make a point.
"Yes." Henry breathes against Alex's lips, unrepentant and unashamed. He's never apologised for enjoying sex - even before Alex had come along. But sex with Alex? It's something else completely, and its addictive as hell. The other's order makes him shiver from head to toe, and Henry turns, reluctantly breaking the kiss to brace his hands against the table as Alex bends him over.
There's a few seconds of cold air, and then the familiar feel of Alex's finger circling him, and Henry has to stifle a plea, skin breaking out in goosepimples at Alex's touch. Please, he wants to beg, but doesn't, though his butt shifts a little closer to Alex's fingers, needy and wanting.
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twstedtale · 5 months
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twstedtale · 5 months
wishlist: i need to see Alex's reaction to this, asap.
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twstedtale · 5 months
“I’m sorry, love.” Henry felt like he couldn’t apologise enough for the mistakes he’d made - would Bea and Catherine still be alive if he’d stood up to Mary all those years ago? The possibility haunted him.
“I know when I left you there’d be no one else. You’ve always been my forever, Alex. Even when you hated me before we became friends,” he chuckled a little at the memory. “Thankyou for giving me a chance,”
Henry wasn't sure whether he was moving them too fast or not, but he'd been touch starved since leaving Alex, and having him close again felt like his soul had settled back into his chest, and he wanted to be as close has he could, as close as his mind would allow. Thankfully nothing seemed to have triggered him yet, and he was hoping it would stay that way.
"I would love that," he agreed with a smile, laying back down and watching Alex with a half smile. "I used to dream of this, of just... simple things like this. Waking up with you, chatting with you about everything and anything. A normal, simpler life. I'm sorry it took me so long to allow us the chance to have it."
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