#ooc:// the asylum where they raised me
twstedtale · 2 months
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i will not rewatch merlin, i will not rewatch merlin, i will not rewatch - oh... go on then
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slasherx · 1 month
Welcome Home
Content: Michael Myers x fem!Reader
Warnings: Michael may be OOC
Notes: Reader is in her late 40's
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Michael had broken out of the asylum once more. It had been years since he's seen you, and he was angry. You hadn't visited him once in the time he was locked up. But even in his anger, he missed you. He never forgot the way you used to say his name, the way you used to do things for him, and the way you used to show him affection.
As he approached your home, which was close to his childhood home, he could begin to see you. The years had weighed on you just as much as it had him. Your hair had begun to gray, light wrinkles beginning to form on your skin, but he could tell it was still you. Your fashion was the same, your smile was the same, your laugh through the window was the same.
But he heard your laugh paired with another laugh. A man's laugh. He gripped his knife tighter. Were you not faithful to him? He told you he would come back for you. He saw the man come into view and he felt his blood boil.
This man was much younger than you, seemingly fresh into his twenties. He had dark curly hair framing his face, dark eyes that shone with happiness in your presence, and his smile was wider than he liked. He decided enough was enough and he snuck around to the back.
Picking the lock, he silently entered your home. He didn't know what he was going to do with you, but he knew he was going to kill this young man. Gripping his knife tigher than he ever has been, he made his way through the house until he was right around the corner from you. You were in the kitchen with this young man, preparing something in the oven.
"I'm so glad you came over this weekend, Jackson. It's been so lonely here without you." You spoke, putting your hand on his shoulder.
"No problem, but you know how college is. I'll have to leave again in the morning." Jackson shrugs. "I'm not looking forward to my drive back to campus."
"I know it's a couple hours on the way. I'll pack you some leftovers for the week." You moved to the stovetop, where Michael noticed you had a few other things cooking that he couldn't see from the window.
"You don't need to." Jackson's smile fell. "You do too much for me already."
"Because it's what I should do." You stirred something in a pot.
Michael had heard enough. You were cheating on him with some college kid, and his anger had reached the highest point it had in a long time. He turned around the corner and stood in the doorway of the kitchen, making a stomping sound. It caught both yours and Jacksons attention, making you both turn.
"Michael...?" You seemed shocked.
Jackson, quick as ever, opened a drawer and wielded a knife. "Woah man, where'd you come from?!"
"Jackson, no! Don't pull a knife on him!" You moved forward to grab his arm.
"He pulled a knife on us and you want me to just sit here?!" Jackson protested.
Michael raised his knife, and you noticed. Shoving yourself in front of Michael you screamed, "No Michael, don't! He's our son!"
Michael stopped. Then he looked at Jackson again. He had your eye shape and lips. He was so angry, he hadn't even noticed how this young man shared his eye color, hair color and hair type.
"Wait, mom, he's my dad?!" Jackson pointed the knife at Michael.
"Yes, he's your father, and he's finally home! Oh, Michael..." You moved towards him, but Michael raised his knife again, clearly angry with you.
"Michael, I'm so sorry I never visited you...Loomis had managed to prohibit me from visiting you. And when I learned I was pregnant, I didn't want to be anywhere near that man in case he wanted to take our child." You explained. "I'm sorry I didn't try harder, I really am, but you're here now! We can be a family!"
This was a lot to take in for Michael. So, you weren't cheating on him, but he was a father? And you cared for his child all this time, never meeting anybody else? He lowered his knife slowly, staring you in the eyes. He found no traces of lying, so he relaxed slightly.
"Mom, are you sure this guy is my dad? I mean, you said he was in some high security asylum miles away." Jackson also lowered his knife. "How could he have escaped?"
"He's escaped before." You say to your son before looking back at Michael. "I know this is all very sudden, and I'm sorry it's like this, but I'd like for us to be a family if possible."
Michael continued to stare at you, feeling his love for you slowly trickle back through him. All he could think about was you in the asylum, and now you're in front of him. Even if it's for a night, he would at least love to be back in your arms. He drops his knife, and embraces you.
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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auroracalisto · 3 years
a new start
summary: instead of timothy being assaulted by mary eunice, the reader is in his place.  finding them in the middle of it, timothy is outraged and vows to never let you get hurt again.  he even goes as far as taking you with him to new york, where he reveals to you just how far he would go to protect you.  
pairing: monsignor timothy howard x reader 
word count: 2.3k words
warnings: ASSAULT.  like.  not too much into it, but the reader is assaulted by a possessed!mary eunice.  so please, please, please.  DO NOT read this, if that is going to do anything to you.  slight NSFW scene because of the assault.  but it is literally the minimum.  possibility of ooc timothy howard.  reader is catholic in this.  
author’s notes: please for the love of everything good and holy DO NOT read this if assault will trigger anything.  i’m not too sure where this came from.  i really wanted to write a timothy howard thing and then this was born, shortly after i started playing anson seabra (which broken is one of the songs that inspired whatever the hell this is).  i, uh, hope someone out there enjoys this train wreck
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Your knuckles rapped at the wooden door to the Monsignor’s office.  You heard him clear his throat before saying, “Come in.”  And as you opened the door, you noticed that Sister Jude was also in there.  She cast an annoyed look towards you, her back leaning into the chair she sat in.  
“Monsignor,” you gave a hesitant smile towards the priest.  “I was hoping that you would have a moment, but I can tell you’re busy.  I’ll come back later—”
“No, Sister,” he quickly spoke.  “Sister Jude was just leaving.  Isn’t that right?” he asked, looking over at the nun.  
Jude pursed her lips but nodded, standing up.  “We will finish our conversation later, Monsignor.”
He gave a tight lipped smile before she left, leaving you standing at the door.  
“Come on in,” he said, motioning towards the now empty chair.  “Shut the door behind you.”
You did as you were told, shutting the door and coming over to sit down.  You sat there for just a moment, trying to gather your thoughts before you looked up, your eyes meeting with the Monsignor’s.  
“Is there something wrong, Sister [Your name]?”
You shook your head, but stopped yourself.  “I… I think,” you messed with the edge of your sleeve, frowning deeply.  “No.  No, I know this.  There is something going on with Sister Mary Eunice.” 
He blinked slowly at you, raising an eyebrow.  “I beg your pardon?”
“Monsignor, I know how it sounds.  Absurd.  But there is something going on with her.  I cannot tell you what it is, but she isn’t the same.”
“Is that all you wish to speak with me about?” he asked, an unreadable expression on his face.  He didn’t believe you.  You knew immediately.  
Clenching your jaw, you nodded.  “Yes, that’s all, Monsignor Timothy.”
“Well, then, please show yourself out.  I need to get a move on with these papers,” he spoke, not looking at you now.  
You had to do something about this.  No one believed you, and it was obvious.
Weeks had passed since your last proper conversation with Father Timothy.  Sister Jude had been revoked of her status and she had actually become a patient at the hospital.  You didn’t know what was worse—the fact that one of your sisters was now a patient, or the fact that Mary Eunice still walked around and no one expected anything.  
For the hours that you were not needed with your job, you stuck to your bedroom.  And at the moment, you were folding some of your clothes, putting them into your dresser drawer.  There weren’t many inspections for the Sisters in this asylum, but it didn’t help to already be tidy so when it did happen, you didn’t have much to do.  
Sitting on the edge of your bed, you finished folding a couple pieces of underwear when there was a knock at your door.  
You looked up, frowning.  “Come in.”
Sister Mary Eunice stood there, flashing you a quick smile as the door opened.  “[Your name].  Just the person I wanted to talk to.”
You slowly sat the last pair of underwear that you had folded down, frowning over at the woman.  “Can I help you?  What do you need?”
“You’re the only person that can help me with this, [Your name],” she said, coming over and sitting down beside you.  She took the underwear and tossed them on the floor, that same smile remaining on her lips.  “[Your name],” she said, grabbing onto your wrist.  “I see how you look at me.”
“What?” you deadpanned at the woman, trying to pull your wrist away.  But her grip was tight.  It was obvious that she wasn’t about to let you go.  
She forcefully pushed you onto your back.  Your head hit your pillow, and your headcovering slowly began to come off.  She smirked down at you, pinning your hips underneath her with her own legs.  
“Tell me, [Your name],” she said, moving down to kiss your jaw.  Her hot breath fanned your neck.  “You joined the Church at such a young age.  Practically forced into the religion.  I’m sure you’ve never been touched, have you?”
“W-what?  Mary Eunice, please get off of me, I have no idea what you are implying, but I am not interested—”
She took in a breath, her smirk only growing.  “Oh, dear, you’re still a virgin.  We can’t have that, now, can we?”  She grabbed your veil and tugged it off, watching your hair fall around your shoulders.  
“Sister Mary Eunice, please.  Stop it,” you said, your neck and face burning red with anxiety.  Your heart pounded in your head, and you could hardly think straight as you felt her hand inch down to underneath your robes.  
“You can’t tell me you don’t want this,” she grinned, pressing a rough kiss to your lips.  You were sure with the force she used that your lips would be bruised.  
“No, no, I don’t,” you let out, tears forming in your eyes as you felt the woman force her fingers into you.  “Please.  Please, Sister, please stop,” you begged, trying to sit up.  With her other hand, she grabbed your wrists and held them in place.  
But her assault only lasted for a couple more seconds as your door was opened for the second time that evening.  Monsignor Timothy stood there, a shocked expression on his face before he looked at your state and then to Mary Eunice.  
“Get off of her,” he spat, quickly rushing over.  Without giving it much thought, he pushed Mary Eunice off of you.  It didn’t take much, but you only assumed that was because Mary let him.  
The Monsignor quickly pushed your dress down, his hands gently cupping your cheeks.  
“[Your name],” he breathed out.  “Are you okay?” he asked, guilt washing over him as he wiped your tears away.  
“I told you.”  You let out a soft sob, wrapping your arms around the man’s torso.  His eyes widened a bit but he quickly hugged you back, glaring over at where Mary Eunice once stood.  She was nowhere to be found, but he was sure that he would see her again.  
“I.. I know you did.  And I am so sorry.  Sister, I will never let you out of my sight.  This will never happen to you, again.  I give you my word.”
You buried your face in his chest, trying to calm yourself down.  
His embrace made you feel better, but it didn’t erase the fact that you had just been assaulted by someone who should have protected your soul and your dignity.  Taking in a deep breath, you looked up at Timothy, your teeth taking in your bottom lip.  You were just trying to calm down, at this point.  
Timothy hushed you, gently running his fingers through your hair.  It was all he knew to do to at least try and comfort you.
Seeing Mary Eunice again made you want to cry.  But in this case of seeing her, you were leaving for New York with Monsignor Timothy.  He kept his promise to you—he kept his eyes on you, and now, he was taking you along for his new position as the Cardinal-Archbishop of New York.  You would be there for him, and he would be there for you.  
You put your last suitcase in the back of his car, casting one last glance towards Briarcliff.  
“You know,” you breathed out, looking towards Timothy as you did so.  “I hate to say that I will not miss this place.”
He gave you a faint smile, chuckling softly.  “I understand what you mean.”  He looked back at it, before he went and opened the passenger door for you.  You got in and he shut it, and then got in on the driver’s side.  “Are you sure you want to come to New York with me?”
“Yes.  I’m positive, Monsignor.”
He gave you yet another smile.  “How many times have I told you to just call me Timothy?  Especially since we’ll be driving all the way to New York.  Enough with the formalities.”
You smiled in return.  “You’re right, Timothy.  Sorry.” 
You looked in one of the mirrors on the side of the car, and you just watched the mental asylum get smaller and smaller as Timothy drove away.  
You were unsure of your feelings towards timothy—ever since he saved you, you couldn’t help but feel inclined to have feelings for him.  And with the religion.  As much as you wanted to believe, there were times when you felt yourself slipping.  However, despite all of this, you were grateful for Timothy and every string he has pulled to take you along with him.  Had it not been for him, you might have not ever gotten out of there, let alone lived for as long as you have.  
Clearing his throat to get your attention, Timothy began to speak.  
“You know.  I thought that I would mention this.” he looked out the window, one hand on the steering wheel as he drove.  “When we get there.  If you decide that you no longer want to be a part of the church…”
This caught your attention and you looked over at the man.  
“I would go with you.”
Your eyes widened a bit and you stared him down.  “What?”
“My title is paper only, at the moment.  I have yet to go through the ceremony.  But, I would back out of it.  For you.”
“Are you crazy?” you watched him in disbelief.  “Where is all of this coming from, Timothy?  You’ve never mentioned anything like this before.”
He couldn’t help but smile.  “[Your name],” he glanced at you from the corner of his eye.  “Surely, this isn’t something you haven’t thought about.”
“Well,” you blushed.  “I thought that we had gotten close.  But I believed it was circumstantial.  Never would I have thought that you returned my feelings—”
As soon as the word had left your mouth, your face burned red.  Of course, in a moment of trying to convince the Monsignor to continue on with his path in the church, you expressed that you felt the same way he did.  
You looked away, leaning against your hand as you did so. 
“You’ve worked hard to be where you are, Timothy.  I don’t want to ruin that for you.”
He chuckled softly.  “I know I’ve worked hard to be where I am.  But I’ve also thought about this on more than one occasion… and I have never wanted to leave the church more, to be with you.  I would give it all up.”
“Since when did you start feeling this way?”
Timothy clenched his jaw as he thought for a moment.  “The night that I had walked in on Mary Eunice hurting you.  I had plans on discussing my feelings for you.  We have known each other for so long.  I do believe that is one of the reasons I had started to believe you after you said that Mary had something wrong with her.  And then, when I went to say something about it, about everything, it was far too late and far, too, a bad moment.”  
You purse your lips at the mention of your assault, but you looked over at him.  
“It was what I had been talking to Sister Jude about shortly before you showed up at my door.  She believed that I was throwing everything away.  After you left, I realized that what I had been feeling was true.  I… apologize for how long it has taken for me to realize that I needed to tell that to you.  And I sincerely apologize for me just now telling you this, when you were prepared to become a Sister in New York.”
“A new start.” you said.  
You began to smile.  “You should think of it as a new start.  We’ll be in a new place.  And… we have hours more to discuss everything.  I… should tell you that I feel the same way.  And you’ve no need to apologize for just now realizing.  I’m sure it took a lot for you to turn away from the Church after you’ve spent so long to get where you are, now.”
His expression softened at your words.  He nearly jumped out of his skin when you took a hold of his free hand.  It wasn’t that you scared him, he just didn’t expect you to do it.  
“Thank you for saving me, Timothy.  And thank you, for telling me that.  All of it.”
He couldn’t help but smile.  In the hours to come, the two of you would talk about what you would do once you got to the Church.  How you would resign, where you would live.  There was a lot to discuss, but just like you told Timothy, you reminded yourself that it was a new start.  Unexpected, but new.  
If anything out of what Timothy talked to you about, it would be the fact that he did feel so strongly about you—he wouldn’t give up his title or position for just anyone.  What he felt about you was real.  Faults, and all.  All your trauma, all your self doubt, everything.  
He would never reveal this to you, even though the two of you would eventually marry and settle down close to the Catholic church that you still attended, but he honestly didn't know what enticed him to give it all up.  Something overcame him.  Something directed him in your direction and he knew that he had to follow it.  Perhaps, after all of his hard work, it was God showing His hand and giving him you.  One of the best things that had happened in his long, God-loving life.  That, and the new start that both of you were given.  
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 6
1. Favorite character of this season?
I absolutely love how they dedicated this season to Buffy's issues. She died. And was ripped out of heaven. She lost her mom and was suddenly forced into being the adult in the house. It's so much and she gets to break about it. Yes, she hurts the people around her, but honestly... it kind of figures? How is one supposed to adjust to what she is trying to adjust to? But over the season, the wake-up calls she gets – the asylum episode, Dawn's stealing, Willow's addiction and then the grand finale that makes her realize she wants to be in this world – it's so great, because it goes... slowly.
My biggest issue with most modern TV is that it's basically torture porn. The main character is put through impossibly traumatizing ordeals but is never even given the chance to cope, to try and deal with it. The issues are never addressed, only glossed over because actually dealing with them would require care and good writing and take time away from all the other drama going on! So characters are only traumatized for shock-value and then are immediately over it, even though it's unrealistic.
This season is a season of trauma. A season of bad coping mechanism, of pushing people away but still seeking someone where she can feel safe – Spike. She slowly has to relearn to open up and let them in, she has to learn to want to live again. And it's hard. And the show doesn't shy away from it, it doesn't shy away from her making the wrong choices, because... there is no one right choice that is obvious when dealing with the trauma she has faced.
2. Outstanding minor character (positive or negative)?
Negative. Jonathan. I just... I really truly hate that Jonathan is in the trio. Of all people, Jonathan. The one who gave Buffy her class-protector award with that heart-warming speech. Buffy was the one person who saved him, personally, when he wanted to commit suicide. Even after the Jonathan Superstar episode, Buffy was gentle and understanding with him. It just... for him, to turn supervillain like that was incredibly disappointing for me.
3. Favorite character dynamic?
I genuinely love the Tara-Dawn dynamic. Tara and Willow raised her for months while Buffy was dead. But the Giles-Anya dynamic is also so great – I'm very soft for the way Anya points out her hair is blonde in the finale like “Buffy is getting hugs for short hair. I too would like a hug”.
4. Favorite canon romantic ship?
Buffy and Spike... in the first half of the season. The way she found him to open up to, he was the only one she voluntarily told about having been in heaven. She finds a connection to him. The way he loves her – that he stayed, for months, even though she was dead, because he had promised her to take care of Dawn and he didn't just do that, he helped the Scoobies protect Sunnydale. He had no reason to and it still... it bothers me so much that everyone continuously belittles Spike's love for Buffy like it's not there. If he was only lusting after her, he would have ditched town after her death, he wouldn't have helped defend Sunnydale and take care of Dawn.
5. Least favorite canon romantic ship?
I'm having flashbacks here but it's a tie and it's because of shit decisions Xander and Willow made.
It's strange, I want to love Willow and – as a friend – she is a great character, but she's just... a shitty partner? She cheated on Oz for weeks or months with Xander and now she used magic to play with Tara's mind. That is so... violating and disturbing and that, after Tara found out and confronted her about it and pointed out how incredibly wrong that was, even more so with Tara's past, Willow just went and immediately did it again. And this isn't something you can blame the addiction for; this was just “I don't want my girlfriend mad at me so I'll erase her memories”. It's... just so bad.
The other being Xander and Anya, even though I love Xander and Anya together, but... the entire season was a steady build-up to “Xander REALLY doesn't wanna get married”, literally from the first episode on. He tried to hide the engagement as long as possible. Then he just... makes these disturbed faces every time someone brings up the married life. They had a whole sing and dance number about their doubts. It's just so very evidently clear that he doesn't want to get married, but he takes until the wedding itself to realize and just... leaves Anya at the altar and then thinks he can get her back? Genuinely thinks they could just go back to being in a relationship? But after leaving her at the altar acting like she owes him something – when he watches her and Spike have sex?
Sometimes, it feels like Xander and Willow really live to sabotage their own happiness.
6. Favorite episode?
Once More With Feeling – it's just one of the most outstanding episodes, really! The songs are so brilliant, the emotional arcs this episode for everyone – from the Spuffy to the per-marital issues between Anya and Xander to Tara and Giles' doubts. It's really brilliant. Many shows after have tried to make a musical episode happen and, with luck, they're fun or comic-relief, but... none have lived up to the standard set by this one.
7. Least favorite episode?
Oh, that's an easy one. 6x19 Seeing Red, where they made... Spike, at this point honestly, completely OoC by having him try to rape Buffy. That will never come off as anything but OoC, not after all that has happened between them. Yes, they are violent with each other – but that's a mutual thing, they hurt each other. This was... terrifying to watch as a teen and it hasn't stopped being upsetting and disturbing. And then they top the episode off with Tara being fridged.
I know fridging is technically the act of killing a female character for the sake of a male character's suffering, but... it's gay fridging? It's not even entirely a Bury Your Gay; Tara dies specifically for the pain and suffering of her lover. After everything Tara's been through in life and after everything Willow has put her through this season, they barely just rekindled... and she gets killed off.
8. Favorite Monster Of The Week?
Aesthetically and what he brought to the show? Sweet from Once More, With Feeling.
But I think that Stewart from Hell's Bells also really stood out. The fact that Anya's past came back to haunt her – because she was a demon for a century and she tortured people for a living. She doesn't even remember this guy whose life she ruined and he comes in to ruin her wedding. And in the end... he wasn't even the one to ruin it, the viewer gets one last moment of hope when it's revealed this was a fake-out, that he was not “Xander from the future” but a vengeful demon... but even without Stewart, the wedding didn't happen.
9. Least favorite Monster Of The Week?
Not too many monsters of the week going on, really. Probably Wig Lady from 6x12 Doublemeat Palace, because all the implications of cannibalism in that episode were really very disturbing.
10. Rate the overarching villain!
Brilliant. 10/10. Holds up so well.
Seriously, there is this... frustrating part where Xander's character just does not hold up at all because of the casual sexism and gross over-sexualization of his female friends. Which figures, because that's how a Nice Nerdy Guy was defined in the 90s (and, if you look at modern TV aimed at nerdy guys like The Big Bang Theory, still is). It's just a trope from TV and movies that for some reason really worked back then but nowadays when we look at sexism and the behavior of men toward women with different eyes, it is really appalling and upsetting.
In the case of the nerd trio, this worked out really well for the show, because it only makes them even more effective villains. They are ridiculous losers, total nerds who think they are owed womens' attention. Their schemes are literally straight out of comics but for the dumbest purposes – they make an invisibility ray so they can go into a women's only spa to spy on naked ladies. They create mind-control devices but for the purpose of enslaving women into their sex-puppets.
It is so gross, so ridiculous and inexplicably still somehow funny, because it's straight out of comics. Freeze-rays? Invisibility-rays? Self-destructing lairs? Jet-packs? It is not out of this world, this isn't how Buffy the Vampire Slayer operates, this is a show about monsters and demons and they're turning it into a whacky scifi show and it works.
Then there's the fact that they're just... three dumb losers? I mean, last season, Buffy literally slayed a god. Shows like to escalate. The Big Bads become bigger and badder each season, but... where do you go after you killed a god? Instead of trying to immediately one-up the villain factor, they did something incredibly brilliant. They took all the steps back.
The villains aren't the focus of this season. The focus of this season is what I answered in the first part of this post. Buffy's mental health and readjustment. You can't only focus on that though, you do need a villain and for that, an overarching villain of some loser nerd bois who fail the majority of time are perfect. They're nuisances that make Buffy's life marginally harder at times, but they're not an overall, serious, actual threat that may end the world.
And still they... got Tara killed. In such a... human manner. An angry man-child who hates women comes in with a gun and shoots her. And there's nothing the demon-slaying good guys can do about it. The bullet hits – not the target it was intended for – and takes an innocent life. Just like that, Warren manages what the hellish bad guys from previous seasons hadn't managed; he kills a Scoobie. Angelus killed Jenny, Drusilla killed Kendra, those were the only major deaths at the hands of villains that we had on this show so far and both were minor characters.
Bonus: Other thoughts?
Dawn was so draining this season; she got better in the last quarter of the season but the majority of it... The stealing, the behavior, the blaming Buffy for absolutely everything – Willow got addicted to magic, it's Buffy's fault, they have no money and Buffy has to go and work to earn money and it's Buffy's fault that she's not home, Buffy died to save Dawn and somehow it's Buffy's fault too because she left Dawn. Just... how can you possibly be this self-centered...? It's so exhausting, even more so in the season that has Buffy suffering the most and instead of being a supportive, helpful sister, Dawn acts like she's the victim of everything...
And I understand, Dawn has been through a lot too – losing her mother, losing Buffy, learning she isn't human but just a mass of energy – but there is a difference between suffering yourself and placing all the blame on other people and pretending that the world is against you, instead of tackling your own issues and problems yourself? And stealing from your friends, at that.
And no, being fifteen isn't an excuse for not seeing beyond yourself. Fifteen year olds are sure old enough to be self-aware... This “fifteen year olds only see themselves and only care about their own suffering and everybody else is to be blamed for how shit their life is” is just... another cringey Teen Girl Trope. Seriously, why did they just cram every single bad trope into this character...
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Alternative Dream Part One
Fandom: Doctor Who
Summary: Doctor Who AU where the Doctor as a war Doctor use the moment and managed to defeat the Daleks without destroying Gallifrey. He is seen as a war hero and is given new regeneration as reward. He was given a place in the government. He was never able to travel again so he never met Rose Tyler or any of his companion. He remained on Gallifrey and has regenerated into a version of Thirteenth Doctor where she continue to work for glory of Gallifrey. Until she met you, a time sensitive she was assigned to capture at any cost.
 Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor x Reader, Yaz x Reader and Jack Harkness x Reader
 Warning: angst, mention of use of violence, forced relationship, ooc.
 A/N: I’m bullshitting my way with this particular fanfiction. So Pardon the mess.
 PART TWO is here
Time sensitive.
 I hated that word.
 Time sensitive is a being that is able to see both past and future timeline. Sometimes, if the Time sensitive person is of strong line, he or she would be able to see alternate timelines. Time sensitive person were deemed too fragile and dangerous to be left on their own. Most time sensitive are human and they are not meant to see time like that. Not many can cope with seeing through the fabric of time and most of the time, they went insane or burn out from the outside and inside. It will be a painful death.
 My name is (name) and I am a time sensitive. Unfortunately.
 Because of my nature, my family is hunted by a race called the Time Lord. They have a very firm law regarding a time sensitive person, they are to be taken to their home planet, Gallifrey, where the person will be chosen as a bride for some pompous Time Lord. Once they are bonded, the time sensitive person will have a stable mind and their power will be attune more to those of the past and the future of his or her bonded Time Lord.
Most of time sensitive have no choice and are forced to bond with a Time Lord, willing or not. I will not have that as my fate. So I ran, as far away as possible. I'm one of the oldest of age for someone who is a time sensitive. Most younger time sensitive are unable to hid very well and thus was taken to Gallifrey.
 Time sensitive is originally supposed to be rare and yet these past years there are lot of people born with the time sensitive potential. I heard rumor it was because something that originated from Gallifrey. They said time sensitivity is a virus that plaque the human and the forced bond is some kind a cover up by the Time Lord. No one know for sure. The Time Lord are not very forthcoming about it. They never saw the human as equal in the first place, it's beneath them to even be with human, and yet they forced a bond with time sensitive person. They never treated time sensitive well, just another pawn for their own gain.
 The Time Lord decided to take over the Earth so they can keep track and control all born time sensitive. Of course, the people of Earth refused and fought but it was useless. The Time Lord is superior compare to us, human.
 I have motivation to continue evade those pompous time jackass. The Time Lord who found me is a bastard that didn't even respect me and only saw me as a means to an end. He caused the death of my parents. I was able to trick him and trap him inside a prison he prepared for me and I escaped his rage. I never saw him again. I hope he never able to escape that cage, it would serve him right to spend the rest of his immortal life imprisoned.
 I have been joining a human resistance against the Time Lord on some corner of the Earth. With my time sensitivity, I become useful in the resistance to evade those time jackass. Though lately, I have been feeling sickly every time I peek on the fabric of time. I knew I was running out of time. I have to bond with a Time Lord (over my dead body) or really dies. I choose to die but I will use my time sensitivity as long as I can to help the resistance.
 On the Gallifrey, the Time Lord officials are having a meeting regarding the resistance.
 "They have a time sensitive on their side. That's the only possible way they could ever hope to evade us."
 "Have we locate this time sensitive traitor?"
 "They have hidden him or her very well. We think the time sensitive has got a bio damper to hide their signature."
 "How is that even possible? Find him or her immediately!"
 "This particular time sensitive person seemed stronger than most. He or she will be valuable."
 "If they help the human, it's unlikely they will pledge loyalty to us. Too dangerous. I voted we find them and execute them as a warning to those against us."
 "What a waste. We could force a bond and they would have no choice but to serve whoever Time Lord they are bonded to."
 "They have been out there for too long. Their mind is probably unstable. It would only be a matter of time before they dies. But considering how they have been using their power, they are too dangerous to be left alive. I voted we kill them on sight."
 The Doctor never like these meeting and despite being a celebrated war hero, no one seemed to want her opinion. She never approved of the Time Lords' decision to take over the Earth or the forcing of bond for those poor time sensitive people. But she also knew they have no choice but to bond with time sensitive or they will die. She hated that the Time Lords are forcing a bond, not because they care for the human, but because they want to exploit their power.
 The Doctor raised her hand much to annoyance of the other. "I voted we capture them alive and then we will monitor their state of mind before we do anything harsh."
 "Noted, Doctor." But it was clear to the Doctor, they didn't care. "So who will go to earth and find them?"
 "I volunteer." The Doctor said as she raised her hand again eagerly.
 The Doctor stroke her Tardis longingly. "It's been a while, old girl. Let's have an adventure together, eh?" she said. "We have to help the human and the poor time sensitive person on their side. Do you have any idea where they are?"
 The Tardis hummed gently inside the Doctor's mind and she grinned. "Then, shall we go?"
 I woke up in sweat. My eyes widened.
 Yaz rushed toward me. "Are you okay, (name)? What is it?"
 "Someone is coming...someone dangerous..."
 Yaz looked worried. "Do you know when?"
 I furrowed my eyebrows. "Don't know. I can't see it clearly."
 "It's getting worst, isn't it, for you, I mean, to see the future?" Yaz asked sadly.
 "I'm fine, Yaz. Just needed more rest and I will be good as new." I lied.
 She didn't believe me of course but she didn't argue. She knew better. Everyone knew I have an expired date.
 "Who the hell are you? You are trespassing here!"
 The Doctor raised both hands in surrender. "I'm human, like you, I come in peace. I'm just looking for asylum here."
 Jack stared at him in suspicion. "Scan her!" he ordered his soldiers.
 The Doctor remained calm as a soldier approached her with a scanning machine to determine her species.
 "Confirmed, human." the soldier replied.
 The Doctor hummed. She is glad that her hunch is correct that the human has got their hands on the species scanner machine. The Doctor has put an upgraded bio damper on herself. "See? My name is Jane Smith. Now, may I get some rest? Been walking around for long and I'm tired."
 Jack narrowed his eyes at the Doctor. "Fine. Let her get back to the bunker to see Martha. Tell her to keep an eyes on her."
 The Doctor sighed in relief. She is in. Now she has to figure out which one of the human is the time sensitive.
 The Doctor got along well with Martha. Martha is a doctor who is in charge to keep everyone in good fit. She has checked the Doctor and cleared her.
 Martha introduced her to Donna who is in charge of assigning new people to their quarter and duty.
 The Doctor stared at Donna's ginger hair longingly. "I never get to be ginger..." she murmured.
 Donna is loud and a bit intimidating, the Doctor found, but she likes her enough.
 Strange, how most of the people here in resistance are likeable to the Doctor, even though some of them, are soldier like Rose, Amy and Clara. For some reason, the Doctor felt like she knew them like they were old friends. But that's not possible as she never seen them before.
 It was dinner time and everyone, in the bunker, have dinner together. Despite their situation, they are having a good laugh with each other. The Doctor admired them. She watched Rose and Clara having a laugh together at Jack's expense. Martha is seated with her boyfriend, Mickey, whispering at each other. Amy is with a soldier called Rory whom the Doctor learned is also her husband. A woman named Bill and Heather are distributing food for everyone. Everyone is having a good time.
 The Doctor's eyes widened when she saw her former companion, Sarah Jane Smith. She was on the other side of the room, talking with Donna. She had no idea that Sarah Jane is part of the resistance. She smiled fondly. Of course, Sarah Jane will be a defender of the earth.
 The Doctor took a seat with Rose and her friends.
 "Hey, new girl, Jane, right?" Rose asked with a friendly smile.
 Clara grinned as she look her up and down in appreciation which make the Doctor blushed red. "Looking good, Jane..."
 "Down, girl." Rose said with a grin.
 They soon involved with a friendly conversation with each other.
 "So, how do you lot meet each other?" the Doctor asked curiously.
 "Well, we all have our reason to join resistance... Mine is because of our daughter..." Amy said with a sad smile. "But we are actually recruited by..."
 Rose suddenly shushed her. "No one is to mention him, remember?"
 "Ah, right, he-who-shall-not-be-named."
 "He's not Voldemort, Amy."
 Everyone laughed at the running joke between them.
 The Doctor observed everyone's interaction and realized that they must have been recruited by the time sensitive. But why? What makes them so special? Also now she knew the time sensitive is a man. She will have to look around for a male fit the description of a time sensitive.
 "You need to eat, (name)." Yaz tried to persuade me to have dinner.
 "Not hungry..." I said softly as I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
 Jack entered the room without knocking. The former time agent always annoyed me since I always reprimanded him about his manner. "Hey, how is my Voldemort doing today?"
 I scoffed at the nickname. "Shouldn't I be the boy who lives?"
 "Nah, too heroic." Jack said with a grin.
 It was a secret within our circle that the time sensitive is actually me and that I am a female. It was Clara's idea to throw the Time Lord off my scent. That's why they spread a rumour that the time sensitive is actually male just in case there are mole within the resistance. It annoyed me that the team I put out nicknamed me Voldemort or he-who-shall-not-be-named.
 "Did you see anymore about our hostile visitor?" Jack asked. He is worried after Yaz told him about my vision.
 I shook my head. "Nope. But whoever it is coming and we have to be on alert."
 "There a few new people coming in to join us. I already scanned them and they passed all the tests." Jack said.
 I hummed. "Don't forget the Time Lord is a smarter race than us. They have plenty time to upgrade everything in their disposal. Ours are a bit outdated."
 "Haven't you see anything that could help in that regard?"
 "Think the Time Lords are on me and my tricks. I think they put precaution to put shadow around Gallifrey. Can't see them clearly."
 "Well that is a bummer."
 "Jack!" Yaz glared at him.
 "Sorry, (name), you did good work." Jack said with a sad smile.
 "I hate that I can't be much help." I said. "I have to prepare Melody for when the time come for me to die..."
 Melody is the seven years old daughter of Amy and Rory and she is a time sensitive like me. I have been training her to hide herself from the prying us of other time sensitives and the time lords. She is the whole reason I recruited the parents. She will be my replacement in the future.
 But that's not the only reason, I knew her parents are a potential defenders of earth. I saw it in my vision. most people I recruited personally are because of my vision. I knew that in another timeline they were defenders of earth alongside someone called the storm? I never find out about the storm person and I never told any of them about him. At least I think it's a him.
 Jack and Yaz winced every time I mentioned about my being dying. They hated how helpless they are regarding my situation. It is not like they could get their hand on a decent time lord to bond with me. I told them plenty of time there are not one decent time lord in existence.
 Sarah Jane disagreed though. She mentioned a man called the Doctor who always defended the earth. But she think that man has died because otherwise she believed that the Doctor would join our cause. I never believe her. I didn't recruit her but I sense she is a good person as she joined the resistance on her own free will.
 The Doctor has been with the resistance for a week now and hasn't gotten any closer in figuring which male is the time sensitive. The said time sensitive indeed have been using a bio damper to hide his signature. The Doctor is worried the other Time Lords will be impatient and will declare wars on earth to force the time sensitive out.
 The Doctor suspected a soft-spoken Ryan, who is not a soldier, is the time sensitive but she hasn't got any proof. Ryan is always with Graham, his grandfather, working on fixing damaged machinery within the bunker.
 She hasn't formally talk to Sarah Jane either. She is unsure whether she should revealed her identity to her former companion. She is unsure that Sarah Jane would help her in tracking down the time sensitive.
 She noticed a young woman sitting on library all by her lonesome.
 "Hello there, I'm Jane, who are you? Never seen you before and I have been in the bunker for a week." the Doctor asked.
 I was minding my own business, drawing a doodle on my sketch book, when a young woman approached me. I glanced at her. One of the new people Jack mentioned then. I ponder whether I should talk to her or be rude so she left me alone. I closed down my sketch book and said, "I have been ill so I haven't gotten out of my room. Doctor's order."
 Without invitation, Jane took a seat beside me. I tried to push down my annoyance. "You shouldn't sit with me. I'm still ill. Wouldn't want to get you ill too..." I said, hoping to scare her away.
 Jane didn't look bothered. "I'm not worried. I'm always healthy all my life. My mother said that germs are afraid of me." she said as she moved closer to me.
 "Look, Jane, do you mind? I would rather be alone." I said rudely.
 "You haven't tell me your name yet..."
 "Why? Do you already know the name of everyone in the bunker?!" I asked angrily.
 "Well, I meet with everyone already, I think, except those who are on mission." she said. "As for their name, sure, I do, I'm good with names, you see..." Then she started rattle on some name that I recognized and some that I didn't.
 "Alright, I get it, It's (name), okay?" I said in annoyance and a bit impressed.
 "See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Let's be friend, shall we?"
 "I don't do friend." I said immediately.
 "How can you do not do friend? That's impossible!"
 Jane's behaviour started to annoy me so much.
 At the times, Yaz entered the library. When she saw me and Jane, she schooled her expression in a firm manner. "(Name), are you ditching your duty again?" she asked. She was saving me from having to interact with Jane. She knew how much I hated interaction.
 "And who are you?" Jane asked with a tone that almost flirty which make Yaz blushed, which amused me. "Never see you either before. Hello there."
 "I'm Yaz." she introduced herself. "You are Jane, right? Everyone talk about you. You are really famous with the children."
 "I try..." Jane said with a grin.
 "Sorry, Jane, we got to go to, duty call." I said as I grabbed Yaz away from her.
 "Can I go with...?"
 Before she could finish, I pulled Yaz quickly and out of the way.
 "That was mean, (name)." Yaz said as she saw Jane has this sort of kicked puppy look on her face.
 "She is too cheerful, I hated it." I said.
 Yaz sighed.
 The Doctor meet Melody and she realized almost immediately that she is a time sensitive. So there are more than one time sensitive within the resistance, the Doctor concluded. She realized someone has been training little Melody to utilize her power. But Melody is still a child and she slipped out which caused the Doctor to catch on her signature.
 She remembered what Amy said about her reason to join the resistance is for her daughter's sake. The Doctor felt sadness for the whole affair. She wishes she could fix the time sensitive problem. But she is helpless. The Doctor really fond of little Melody for some reason. She had no idea why.
 She has to report to Gallifrey soon and she is unsure whether she should inform them about little Melody. Melody would be safer in Gallifrey. But the Doctor know it is not quite true. She shuddered at the thought someone might try to claim Melody too early. Also if she informed about Melody, she will be ripped away from her parents and that's something the Doctor can't accept. She loves Amy and Rory, they are now her friends. She had managed to make friends here and she knew she would have to betray them eventually.
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erikiisms · 5 years
Erik’s RP plotting cheat-sheet!
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Tagged by: No one!
Mun name: Majora OOC Contact: By all means, feel free to drop me a line in my inbox! That’s the best way to hit me up!
Who the heck is my muse anyway?: The original Universal Monster, played the grandfather of horror himself, men once knew him as Erik, now he is solely known as the Phantom of the Opera! Although the origins of Erik’s character can be traced back to the original 1911 novel written by Gaston Leroux, this version here is the one brought to life on the silver screen in 1925, with Lon Chaney Sr. in the role of the eponymous Phantom. In it, Erik’s background is greatly changed-instead of being abused by his hateful and scornful mother, put on display in a Romani camp, and traveling to Persia, he is an escapee of a mental asylum, born during a devastating massacre and incredibly skilled in music and the Black Arts, all of which he taught himself. Although his end was initially similar to that of the book’s, with Christine Daae’s kiss being enough to redeem him and let her, Raoul de Chagney and Inspector Ledoux go before he dies of a broken heart, test audiences didn’t buy into it, and instead, Erik is framed as a villain, attempting to run off with Christine once more in a carriage, pursued by a vicious mob. Christine jumps from the carriage, which then tips over, leaving Erik to flee on foot until he is backed into a corner by the mob, who proceed to beat him dead and throw his body into the river Seine. A sequel was talked of much later on, and little is known about it, given that little of a story was blocked out, and Mr. Chaney’s passing in 1930 prevented it from really getting it off the ground.   
Points of interest: 
Was born and raised on Devil’s Island, an asylum for the mentally ill, where he taught himself both music and the Black Arts, before he was taken to the torture chambers, where he subsequently escaped and hid until the Opera House was built, and he started living there
Tutored young soprano Christine Daae and greatly influenced her rise to fame, having fallen in love with her, and planning on commanding love from her at some point
Eventually did so, and when he was rejected (and when she disobeyed his order not to remove his mask), he went on a rampage, attempting to keep her with him and force her to marry him, as well as attempting to murder Christine’s beau Raoul, and Inspector Ledoux  
What they’ve been up to recently:
Beneath the Paris Opera House
Generally speaking, in the ‘default’ verse for this blog, Erik is still living beneath the Opera House, all alone, without Christine to listen to, or really much of a sense of purpose-he’s bitter, lonely, and even more isolated than he once was-after all, everyone thinks he’s dead! 
AU Verses
It varies with the verse-one verse is very similar to the default, except that instead of isolating himself, Erik is currently rampaging through the opera house, causing even more chaos than before, as he is expressing his rage over losing Christine. In another, he’s a spirit, literally haunting the opera house, unable to be heard or seen by anyone. In another, he is Christine’s loyal teacher and accompanying pianist, shy and withdrawn from all except her, as he is still unaccustomed to life on the surface. In yet another, he is raised by his mother in their home providence of Gévaudan, until he’s an adult, when he starts to pursue a career at the opera house, and try to speak with chorus girl Christine Daae   
Where to find them:
Beneath the Paris Opera House
As usual, Erik can be found five cellars below the Paris Opera House, in his small home by a large, black river. There are a variety of passageways he can use that will take to various places around and outside the Opera House, of course, but since his self-isolation after the departure of Christine, they have long since fallen into disuse 
AU Verses
In the majority of the AU’s, Erik is still in the Opera House, but for one of them, he still sometimes returns home to Gévaudan, to visit his mother and perhaps bring her out to Paris, in order to see the work he’s been doing at the Opera House while he’s been gone 
Current plans:
At the moment, Erik has none: It would take a real miracle to get him to come out from the cellars and at least up to the Opera House, since he sees no point in coming up, now that Christine no longer sings there. He doesn’t know where she is now, if she still sings, or if she’s settled down with her Vicomte for a simple life, as he has shunned any knowledge of any current events/news of the outside world
Desired interactions:
Friends: Let’s face it-Erik needs friends. Since in the 1925 film, the Daroga wasn’t his friend, Erik literally has zero friends to turn to/cry on the shoulders of when the chips are down. Therefore, Erik needs to somehow get out of his cellar and get out to the world above, or someone needs to come down and find him and perhaps console him a bit
Changing Times: Erik remains the same, while the world outside changes and evolves around him: It’d be interesting to explore those changes, and how Erik is one day forced to accept them, to learn about them, and perhaps eventually come to use some of these changes
Crossovers: Crossovers are always welcome! I’ll happily RP with anyone, whether they come from POTO or not!
Offered interactions:
Current open posts:
None at the moment!
Anything else?:
This blog has been dormant for a while, but I’m open to reviving it if anyone is so inclined!
Tagging: All who’d like to do it!
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loracarol · 6 years
I may or may not do a Proper Review of the Twisted Tales series at a later date, but here’s my brief summary/review of the first three. This WILL contain spoilers. 
Also @fantastic-nonsense​, have you heard of/read any of these? I know that fairy tales are kind of your jam. :V
A Whole New World
Easily my favorite of the three by far
Really leans in to the whole “the same Disney Movie You Know but with One Twist” thing they claim to have going on
Jafar gets the lamp
And that’s where it all goes to shit
Everything builds off of this one singular change in the timeline - while things are built up/expanded in the past, frankly it’s nothing that goes against the actual movie. 
For example, the King being little more then a man-child ignoring the problems in his city. Not specifically mentioned in the movie but given the King’s personality/the slums we see, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. 
Building on Aladdin’s past friendships - again, not something we actually see in movie, but not necessarily ooc either.
Also Jafar kills the Sultan, uses magic to raise the dead (the genie can’t do it, but Jafar uses his newfound power to look for a way around that.) 
BUT YEAH there are zombies all of a sudden, including children. 
This book was baller, 10/10 would recommend, even if just for the Holy Shit What The Fuck-ness of it.  
Once Upon A Dream
Middle of the pack IMO. 
I don’t actually have anything against the idea of the plot.
Aurora is highly different from her movie counterpart. It’s not necessarily bad IMO, but it was Distracting. 
Aurora and Philip were cute, though. 
Aurora’s parent’s get killed before she gets a chance to meet them. :( 
But then?? She/the plot seems to agree with Maleficent that it was all their fault for sending their child away?? 
And, of course, ~Maleficent~ wouldn’t ever do something like that
Ignoring for the moment that they sent her away because Maleficent had put a curse on a fucking baby that was supposed to kill her 
and it was only because another fairy intervened that she didn’t die
Maleficent, you don’t get to police how other people deal with that shit when it’s your fault  they have to deal with it
And also you killed them and it’s your fault Aurora never got to meet her parents. 
I was worried they were going to pull a Maleficent at the beginning with the framing device that Maleficent was the good guy and the three good fairies/the King and Queen were the bad guy, but the twist was nice
Not my fav, and while I did laugh out loud at some parts, I ended up feeling like I was reading about two OC’s who’d snuck into the plot rather then the Disney versions of the characters. 
This was especially annoying bc the part where the book “twisted” the tale was around Aurora pricking her finger/Maleficent dying - aka the end of the friggen movie.  
6/10 wouldn’t recommend but wouldn’t anti-recommend either. 
As Old As Time
This book was very... Yikes
Yikes Yikes Yikes
Okay, maybe I’m overthinking this - I’m not actually Jewish, but it felt like this book appropriated/exploited a lot of Jewish historical suffering? 
This one is under a cut bc potential antisemitism
Twist is that Belle’s mother was the Enchantress, but honestly, that didn’t feel like enough of a twist to justify everything that happens in the book
Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a kingdom. This kingdom had many people within it’s borders, including a number of Jewish people magical folk. Belle’s mother is one of those Jewish people magical folk, only she’s a good Jew magical person with her “Aryan” looks blonde hair and light eyes (tbh I can’t remember if they were green or blue). 
Among Maurice’s companions include a man who hates his Jewish heritage magical abilities and thinks of magic as unnecessary/evil. 
Belle’s mother settles down with Maurice and has a baby with him, but things are starting to go poorly for the Jewish magical people. A plague arrives and the magical people (you get the point so I’m going to stop now) are blamed for it. Belle’s mom goes to the castle to try and bargain for help and because she is a Good Magical Person she casts a spell of protection on all of the children in the castle. 
Meanwhile, magical folk are disappearing, but no one knows where to. To combat this, a series of people - including Mr. Potts - run a smuggling ring to get magical people out of the country. This is Important as things are continuing to go Wrong and the magical people are being blamed for all the countries ills. 
In the end, the bad guy is the man who hated his magical abilities. He’s also Monsieur D’Arque - the asylum owner. He experimented on his brain (like, actual brain surgery) to get rid of his powers, and he’s been kidnapping and torturing magical beings since in order to try and figure out how to destroy all magical beings. Let me be clear, he is pretty much a Disney Fanfic Version of Josef Mengele. His experiments were horrible. Belle’s mom was one of those taken*, and she was tortured so badly... It’s horrifying, reading the description. 
*As one of her last spells, she had removed everyone’s memories of her connection to Belle & Maurice to protect them, and that’s why D’Arque didn’t go after them at first. 
There are other things, too, little bits here and there that really made me feel uncomfortable, like the book was appropriating this historical persecution of Jewish people for it’s own ends, but again, I’m not Jewish, and therefore not qualified to make A Statement on Antisemitism. I’m just noting the things I noticed.
That’s my Number One Big Problem with the book, and why I’d probably give it 1/5 stars, if that. That being said, that wasn’t my only problem with the book. The thing is, it wasn’t a good book that used unfortunate metaphors, it just felt like really really really bad fanfic on top of that. I don’t mention the following because I think they’re equal to what I noted above, I mention the following because these were other things that really annoyed me, and I wanted to rant about it:
Who the fuck are you, and what have you done with the beast? 
You know how, in the movie, when the Beast knows that Belle is a chance to break the curse, and he still is an angry asshole to her even though realistically being kind would be more likely to cause her to fall in love with him & to break the spell.  
Yeah, forget all that. 
Belle touches the rose, learns about the curse, remembers her mother, and knows that she’s unlikely to fall in love with him now that she knows she “has” to.
The Beast, in return, turns into Bad!Fanfic!Draco/Zuko. You know, the kinds that show up in bad Dramaione/Zutara fics. (I’m not saying they’re all bad, but come on, you know what I mean when I refer to Bad Versions Of Those Fics. 
You know the archetype. 
Despite finding out that he may be Cursed Forever he puts on a tablecloth like an apron and helps Belle cook. 
I read a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic that was Beauty and the Beast and something similar-ish occurred, but there it made sense. There it was in-character. 
Also there’s a scene where the Beast is literally groveling on his hands and knees to get Gaston’s help.
Do you see what I mean about “bad fanfic”? 
The whole mob @ the asylum ends because LeFou recognizes his aunt (?) as one of the patients and that’s pretty much all it takes to turn people’s minds around. Maybe this could have worked with better set-up (LeFou’s POV book?) but... Yeah............
Anticlimactic Gaston
You know all that power he had over people in the village? How he was so well-liked he had his own theme song? How he was able to get everyone to set up a wedding in like... A day? How he had girls swooning over him? How the tavern was his house of worship? How he was able to get a mob going to attack a Dangerous Beast by sheer virtue of Who He Was in the village? How it took him plunging to his death to stop his cruelty? 
Yeah, there’s none of that in this book. 
People start recognizing the people in the asylum, and that’s just... It. They don’t turn on him, but they do turn away from him, and he just kind of... Takes it. It’s like they gave canon!Gaston valium. Why wasn’t he angry when he lost control? Why didn’t he rage when people betrayed him? Those are canon actions even before Belle meets the Beast! It just doesn’t make any sense that he’d just lie down and take it. 
And the Furries Rejoiced 
Belle doesn’t break the curse, but her mother has enough power to break part of it. The Beast somehow Stops Losing His Humanity because Luv (??) but that’s not enough to actually break the curse. The Beast asks the enchantress to break the curse on his people instead, and she does, leaving the Beast totally fine with being trapped in an alien, monstrous body. There is hope - if they can gather other fairy tale creatures to his palace*, they might be able to band together to break it. And like, I get it. People seem to have a hard on for the beastly form, but the book totally glosses over his canonical frustration with his inhuman form. See again, the cooking, and turning into LeatherPants!Draco/Zuko. It’s frustrating - again, that’s something that could have genuinely be fascinating, but it just felt like a cop-out so that the book could end with him still a furry. 
Like, do that if you want, but actually make it a consequence with some emotion behind it rather then just being kind of... Meh.   
* His palace was magically hidden & that part of the curse didn’t break meaning that it has the potential to become a haven for persecuted magical beings.
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thisnerdblog · 7 years
Sooooo, I know we are all sick of this, Jen coming back time and again to hash over something that has already been hashed to hell, a year late with no Starbucks. (Sad for you guys, coffee would have been nice) I’ve been ready this nice indulgent fic that is just a lovely little Tony centric ditty. Tony is getting in contact with the family and loved ones of the Avengers and offering them safety and asylum at the Avengers Tower with himself after Civil War. It's very Tony sympathetic and a bit angsty, some characters are OOC, but hey, whatever its fun and harmless and people are allowed to do what they want to do. The only thing that kinda got in my craw the idea that Natasha didn’t care for Tony. And I found myself asking “did we see the same movies?”. Their friendship may not be close or focused on, but I really do think out of all Team Iron Man, except Rhodey, she cared about Tony the most. She also had the most similar reasons for accepting the accords as Tony did, take that for what you will. Natasha has shown care for Tony, patting his back and bantering with him, standing at his side when they face Steve and Sam after Bucky had been captured first throwing snark alongside him. Tony and Natasha are scared terrified peas in a pod. While Rhodey is all for the Accords for the most heroic and selfless reasons, Natasha and Tony both fear being alone again and are working to alleviate their guilt. The Avengers are Tony and Natasha’s family, period, that's all they really got. Steve admits that the Avengers aren’t his family, Thor and Bruce have up and left, Clint has Laura and the Children, the people that they are closet to are abandoning them or may abandon them. These two are doing their damnedest to kept their little patchwork family together and those idiots are doing their best to tear apart. I think people misinterprets the Stairwell Scene to be something negative, Natasha turning on Tony, but like listen to what they are saying and how they are saying it. It starts out with Tony updating Natasha on Rhodey’s condition, his voice is low and very contained, he is keeping himself together by a thread. Natasha then tells him that Steve wasn’t going to stop and if doesn’t Tony either, Rhodey is the best case scenario for all of them. She says this low and very calm, bordering on almost comforting. like I don’t know, giving a friend some bad news, she is telling him she didn’t let Steve go because she wanted to, but because it was the only way that would cause the least amount of damage (physical and emotional). Tony then lashes out at her, jabbing right into one of her wounds, once a double agent, always a double agent. She then promptly puts him in his place, without raising her voice or becoming anymore aggressive then she has to. She understands that Tony is hurting, she is too. One of his dearest friends has been irrevocably injured from friendly fire, another friend has abandoned him, his family, the people he felt a kinship with, people he fought and bled are ripping at the seams and nothing he does is stopping it. He’s hurting, lashing out where he can in a vain attempt to alleviate guilt and hurt. She leaves him with the “watch your back”, and I think that is more concern than ominous. A “I’m not going to be there now, think with that big brain of yours, the people who have supported you are falling like flies. Your going to be alone, watch yourselves.” The whole exchange is not really friendly, but it is a friend letting another vent and putting him back in his place. I dunno, I feel like this is just me rambling, but I really just don’t like the idea going around that Natasha and Tony aren’t some sort of friends. And as we have seen, Tony and Natasha are the most loyal of the bunch.
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twstedtale · 1 month
uuuugh… health rant/update for those interested; def not required reading!
ooc: so… I just tested positive for covid twice, well that explains why I feel so bad. I have a full week ahead and because the going belief is “covid is just a cold”, no one is taking me seriously when I have an Immunocompromised system
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shrpghq · 7 years
Congratulations Amy!
 You have been accepted as your second character, Charlotte “Charlie” Bishop (Maddie Hasson fc). And congrats on receiving 500points for picking up a medical patient! Please send in their account within 24 hours.
–> Name: Amy
–> Preferred pronouns: She, her
–> Age: 19
–> Time zone: MST
–> Activity:7/10
–> Today’s date: 13th of April, 2017
–> How did you find us? (If tags, please specify) asylum rp
–> Did you read the rules? Please give the TWO passwords: RFP
***please actually read through the material to find the passwords. It will be very obvious to us if you don’t, even if you put down the rights words and we accept it, we will know, and we’ll use it as a judgement of character (meaning you, OOC). Thank you!***
OC Patient
–> Character name: Charlotte Bishop
–> Character age: 15
–> What are they here for: Dilated cardiomyopathy, insomnia, RTS PTSD
–> Medical or Rescue Ward?: Medical Ward
–> Face claim (Please try to keep to the +/- 5 year rule… we don’t want a 29 year old face claim playing a 16 year old!): Maddie Hasson
Born and raised in Detroit, Charlotte -or Charlie- was from a large but loving family, though it didn’t stay that way forever.  She was the 3rd of 6 children, 7 if you include Nick, her older brother Ben’s best friend and occasional hookup to her older sister who has lived with them forever. It wasn’t until the youngest, Freddie, was born that things got screwed up, not that it was his fault. Their family already struggled financially but they worked hard together to make it work, so when Charlie’s mom died giving birth to Freddie when Charlotte was 10, it was a huge hit and the family never recovered from that. Their dad especially took it hard, and began to drink. He abused the kids, but they told no one for fear that if they did, they’d be separated. Even with the abuse, at least this way they were together and had each other. The saving grace was their dad often went out to drink, and wouldn’t come home for a while. Aside from when he abused them, he took no notice to them, so when Charlotte started having dizzy spells or trouble breathing, only her older siblings seemed to notice. With a lack of authority and worried about her family, Charlie’s older sister Amber stepped up to help the family. Although Charlie was young she did her best to help, taking odd jobs and getting up early to help her younger siblings Devon, Eliza, and Freddie prepare for the day. Whatever was wrong with her could wait, as she was too concerned with helping her family; there wasn’t time to be sick.
Stuck in the middle and growing up around so many boys, Charlie learned how to watch out for herself. She wasn’t ‘tough’, but she didn’t back down from a fight either. She had to do what was best, even if people disagreed with her. Their family counted on each other, and she’d do anything to help them, but it only got harder as they all grew older. It became especially hard after Nick sexually assaulted Charlotte when she was 12. She didn’t know exactly what was happening, but he said it was okay. He was practically family after all and they cared about each other so if he said it was fine, then it was. Shortly after that started, social services came by on a surprise visit. With their dad awol and drunk, they were placed into foster care temporarily, though this was a bit of a relief for Charlie. Their intake was the first time they’d had a real, proper medical checkup. There, Charlotte was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy. It was not that severe at the time and they treated her as best as they could, with what they had. By the end of the month her family was all back together in their home. Everything seemed okay for a while, but things picked up where they left off as more incidents happened between Charlotte and Nick, but now she was starting to expect it. She lost sleep waiting for whatever he would do and the stress of it all and lack of sleep put unnecessary pressure on her, and her heart.
Things only seemed to get worse when Ben turned 18 and enlisted in the army, stationed far away from his family. With Ben gone and Amber busy, Mark began raping Charlotte, and it took her a while to realize how wrong all of this was. One day, she decided it was time and came at him with a bat, only being stopped when her siblings walked in and called the cops. Her family was shocked to find her like this and wanted to believe Mark was a good person, after all the time he had spent with the family helping them when they were in need, how could he possibly hurt anyone? When the police arrived, Charlotte was taken into custody and sent to juvie. Things started to break apart back home, and when she finally got out everything was too far gone to be fixed. Amber en route to becoming a street drug addict, and the youngest 3 were split up in foster care. She was already a bit older, and now had a history of violence with a stay in juvie on her record… with a medical condition on top of that it was unlikely anyone would want to adopt her. Despite this, she knew there was still hope for her younger siblings. Charlotte was put into foster homes and group homes for a while, all while trying to track down her family, until she finally made a run for it. There were too many conditions in the system, Charlie kept getting in trouble. She needed to be on her own, do what she needed to at her own will. It was hard for a teenage girl… she had to make money to live while also trying to deal with a serious heart condition. She still wasn’t getting much sleep either, usually too worried to close her eyes for too long. Not long after, Charlotte was picked up by police for selling drugs. They thought she was on drugs because of her behavior, but she was exhausted, homeless, and terrified for her life. Charlie was little to no help in the process, but after finally identifying her and seeing her medical history and record, it was determined that she needed help and Serenity House was contacted right away. She’s a good kid at heart, but with a very, very troubling past.
IC Questions (Please write SEVERAL sentences –4 TO 5, MINIMUM EACH. Mandatory for both canon and original characters. Not required for staff.):
Do you know why you’re here at the Serenity House?
Yeah they were cleaning up the streets and found me… Apparently I have too many years left on my clock to be thrown in the trash, but not enough to actually place me with my family. The island of misfit toys here was the perfect solution for everyone, and now they can say they all did a great job at ‘saving my life’ or whatever. Kudos to you guys.
How do you feel about being here? Good, bad, indifferent?
A joke? I don’t understand why I have to be sent to an overrated haunted house in the middle of Idaho? Like seriously all that money and y’all couldn’t afford like a beach or some shit? Thoroughly disappointed, that’s how I feel. 0/10, would not recommend. I just want to know how soon it’ll be until I can leave. I don’t plan on staying long enough to really form an opinion.
What is your biggest fear coming to the House?
That Nick will be there. That they’re going to try to keep me in here. I’m getting out ASAP, I don’t care if I have to pick 40 locks or hop over a razor wire fence with my bare hands, I’ll be runnin off into the sunset in the first week. I don’t have time to be scared. Don’t think, just do.
How do you feel about the patients on other wards? (Medical or Rescued Wards)
…..Is Serenity like a war zone or something? Are we being pitted against each other, medical vs. rescue and it’s just a fight to the death? That would be seriously interesting, but I still don’t understand the point of it. We’re all in here one way or another, we’re just fucked up in different ways I guess. It’s chill. Again, I don’t plan on staying long enough to form some sort of opinion on them.
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visiontothedark · 7 years
I don’t at all want to falsely raise anyone’s hopes, but
the more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that there has to be a fourth episode.  I know that’s a conspiracy nutter, off-the-deep-end thing to say, I know that.  But once you’ve eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.  It’s literally the only theory that fits all the data.
- “Sherlock’s in love, but with who?”  fucking good question that they never answered
- “help us make television history” how exactly have they made history? maybe you could argue that they made Holmesian history by giving Sherlock a sister (though even that’s a stretch), but television history?
- “groundbreaking, insane wish fulfillment” WHEN?!  WHAT GROUNDBREAKING THING HAPPENED?!
- “love conquers all” love for your random sociopathic mystery sister yeah okay whatevs
- EMP or extended dream (or possibly the drugging of our narrators, though that seems less and less likely the more I think about it) are the only theories that really explain all the gaping plotholes and impossibilities that TPTB are refusing to address
- what was the point of Sherlock hacking Twitter?  why bring up that particular case?
- how did the same people who wrote the previous 3 seasons + TAB go from being two of the best TV writers we’ve ever known to being carelessly sloppy and abjectly lazy seemingly overnight?
- how could someone like Mark Gatiss, who’s gone on and on about the importance of queer representation–who’s contributed so much to London’s Switchboard, and has become a gay beacon of hope in the film industry–all of a sudden do a complete 180 and betray his own community by completely ignoring the Johnlock arc that’s been built into the show since the unaired pilot?  Moftiss aren’t idiots; they know exactly that this is the story they’ve been writing.  would they really queerbait us like this?  is that in character of them?
- speaking of characters, why was every single one OOC so much during this series?
- if not for the Johnlock arc, why tell us to pay so much attention to the subtext?
- why the radio silence on social media following TFP?
- why would The Princess Bride parallels suddenly just…stop?
- Arwel never knew what the elephants meant?  is that even possible at this point in the game?
- why did TPTB more or less advertise the episode leak?  why not make people sign NDAs at the screening three days before the public release?
- why else would everyone involved, including the actors, keep insisting that this series is the best one yet?  did they all succumb to temporary insanity at the same time?  was there something in the water at Cardiff?
- where was the 26 page dialogue?  what scene did Martin need to film alone while everyone else was at SDCC?  what happened to the John and Mary restaurant scene?
- TFP made no sense.  I’m sorry, but even if you liked it, you have to admit that it was all over the place and almost completely detached from the rest of the series.  a secret sister with mind-control powers that Sherlock wiped from his memory who can make glass come and go at will and escaped prison but still needed Moriarty brought to her and who made an entire building with fake walls in the space of a couple hours just for Sherlock to spend two minutes in and who paints ceramic dog bowls in her free time and apparently slung John over her shoulder before climbing down a well and chaining him to the bottom with chains that can magically disappear with the power of brotherly love?  Sherlock temporarily forgetting that glass reflects shit?  paintings that cry blood?  random clowns coming out of nowhere?  Mycroft not realizing that to open doors in your house all you need to do are fucking unlock them?  drones carrying patience bombs?  surviving the explosion without injury and somehow appearing in a boat in the middle of the ocean out of nowhere?  why did they even need to sneak into Sherrinford in the first place, when Mycroft was apparently calling the shots all along; he even stole the director’s office almost immediately after his “I’m not really a fisherman” reveal.  and Mycroft, in a fisherman costume?  do they deliver coffins to top-secret island prison asylums now?  why throw away the three Garridebs, one of Moftiss’s favorite ACD stories, when they could have chosen any three names?  “you were always the grownup Sherlock”? what’s with all the tranquilizers?  why was Greg the one to respond at the end of the episode?  asylum escapees aren’t his division. how did they even get to the Holmes house in the first place in that amount of time?  and where exactly did Mycroft disappear to when John was being tossed into a well and Sherlock was running around a fake cemetery with a Victorian lantern to light his path like he was fucking Elizabeth Bennet traipsing around a field at dawn?  and a fake cemetery?  what?  do you want me to keep going?
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- “everyone gives up after three”  why three?  why that particular number?  I’m genuinely asking here–was that a coincidence or did they deliberately pick it for a reason?
- I realize that this has happened before with different shows on accident, but why are some official websites suddenly advertising a fourth episode that will air on the 22nd?
- Moffat just said in an interview that electing Trump was possibly one of the worst decisions in human history.  you know what would make television fucking history?  advertising a secret gay episode during his inauguration coverage–something everyone will be watching–so that instead of allowing a right wing conservative to have the world’s attention, it’s instead redirected to a liberal, LGBTQ positive, groundbreaking show.  what a giant “fuck you” that would be towards homophobes who are cheering Trump and Pence on.  could you imagine how many new Sherlock fans that would garner?  how much the BBC could gain from that?  how much the queer community could gain from that?
- “oh yeah TPLOSH that was great, great job writing a confirmed homosexual Holmes who takes drugs to repress his love for Watson, Thank you Billy Thank you Wilder, yeah we steal lines from that movie all the time and included the name Gabrielle Ashdown in T6T and tucked a flower behind John’s ear, we’re going to fix what Wilder always regretted never doing.”  two minutes later “what?  Johnlock?  don’t be ridiculous, that’s not the story we’re telling, we don't even like that movie.” lying liars who lie
- “we’re going to fix something that we think everyone else has gotten wrong”  what exactly have they fixed?  if there’s a possibility that this is the last season, this is sort of your last chance mate
- is “grumpy bisexual” even a stereotype outside of John?  if it is I’ve never heard of it, and I’m bi, so…
- “well, John Watson, get the hell on with it”  why that build up only to give John like four lines total during TFP
- literally, what was the entire point of TAB?  Sherlock realized that he always needed John to defeat the villain, and yet he ignored Vatican Cameos without second thought?  why is he regressing back to his series one attitude of “I work alone”?
- even if they planned on doing EMP and/or Johnlock in order to fix TFP’s mess, would they really risk waiting another three or four years?  unless they air it this coming week, their ratings next series will plummet because of the bad taste they left in people’s mouths
- “I think I’m going to write a poem in response to a critic accusing me of making Sherlock too James-Bondy” followed by TFP, one of the most ridiculously James-Bondy things I’ve ever seen?  they jumped from an exploding building for fucks sake
- why did they make Mary follow so closely to ACD’s Moran if to not confirm her as a villain?
- do they really expect us to believe that Rosie’s a real, living baby?  who are these people who are volunteering to raise John’s child for him while he’s out being bros with the Holmes boys?  John’s friends all hate him, why would they agree to do that?
- the final problem was Eurus?  the final problem was Redbeard?  the final problem was saving an imaginary child from an imaginary plane?  what exactly was this “final problem” supposed to be?
- what exactly did Mark mean when he said there might be too many endings?  what was with the cheeky wink?
Again, I don’t want to falsely raise anyone’s hopes; to be perfectly honest, I’ve been desperately trying to talk myself out of believing in a secret fourth episode since TFP aired, because I don’t want to be crushed again like I was after seeing TFP.  But at this point, I don’t know what else to think.
I can’t think of anything else that makes sense.
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ikagrp · 6 years
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Welcome, Steph! You’ve been accepted as your first choice of Dua Lipa as Afrodita Morina. Please send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Also, please follow these tags: ikag starter, Ikag social, ikaghh, ikag important, ikag task, ikagfollow, ikagunfollow and   ikag event
stephanie, she/her/hers | 20 | est baybeee
i’m usually lurking online, i try to come on at night.
like ten years, im embarassed
Please keep this layout for us. So that it is easier for us to update everything.
FACECLAIM: dua lipa Secondary choice: ummm, give me what i want pls
NAME: afrodita morina
AGE: 23
BIRTHDAY: september 21, 1995
OCCUPATION: investigative journalist / true crime podcaster.
HOMETOWN: gjilan, kosovo
PETS: nope.
a warm september day, afrodita was born to ajdin and elmedina morina in pristina, kosovo. the day was full of joy and complete delight over the little girl. being the first born to them, the pair decided to move back to gjlian, where their families were originally from so that she could be raised in a traditional setting, family surrounding them if they ever needed anything. it took a village afterall. in the three years that came, the morinas were filled with happiness two more times with the birth of rezart and bekim but the country they loved had become a warzone in that same time, making the family refugees of war and ethnic cleansing. 
afrodita at two, rezart at one and bekim at only a couple months old, the family fled as asylum seekers to just about any country that would take them. treated with a gentle kindness and grace, the family ended up in a london refugee camp before they were moved out and they stayed in the city for a few years. in 2002, the family made the decision to take their kids back to kosovo. though she was only seven and sounded like a complete brit, afrodita was overjoyed to return back home. to be back in the country that she had only been told how beautiful and wonderful it was before everything fell apart.
while kosovo was far from perfect, it was home and her family was happier than ever. she went to the international school with her brothers in pristina and that was where her love of language, writing, and true crime came into play. especially after learning about the history of kosovo. weekdays were reserved for school and education, the weekends were meant to go back to gjlian. slightly westernized, afrodita wasn’t subjected to what would traditionally be expected of an albanian daughter and ajdin loved her so much that he couldn’t imagine subjecting her to that. still, as she grew, she learned traditions, knew how to act around people that weren’t as lenient as her dad. fluent in albanian, french and english, and smarter than anyone could have imagined, afrodita knew that she was in many ways luckier than some of her female counterparts. most of their parents didn’t seem to care if they were as educated as their brothers but ajdin made sure that his daughter brought top marks and made it clear to her that education was the only way to make something out of herself. 
at fifteen, she moved to london with her family after her father’s job transferred him. it wasn’t her first choice, she begged, and begged, and begged to stay in kosovo with family. even though her father almost always gave her anything she asked for, he was adamant, no. the morinas wouldn’t split up. with a heavy heart, she left her beloved kosovo and lived, once again, in london. it was a constant battle in england, questions about her name, how did she have an accent if she wasn’t originally from here, it was a headache to explain her existence constantly. a year in the questions stopped, afrodita could finally breathe and could stopped being so upset about being there. she finished up her studies. ultimately made the decision to go to the london school of economics and political science for investigative journalism and communications. here, was where two things happened: she had her first serious relationship and where she realized that there was language for how she felt about other girls. see, she never saw them as competition. afrodita was always admired them and had this weird warmth in her chest if any of them looked at her just the right way. look at that, the girl was as queer as they came.
still, in love with the boy she had met (a traditional albanian boy, who reminded her a bit of her father), afrodita confided in him about her feelings about other women. most traditional albanians would rather disown their children than have them bring shame to their family with their homosexual lifestyle. he broke up with her, without missing a beat and she was devastated. immediately, afrodita bottled everything back up, never to be spoken of again. never, ever. it took a long time for her to come back around but eventually, she told her brothers the secret that she had felt like she needed to suppress. that turned into telling her parents and she felt her father’s gaze loom over her, she no longer was the precious girl. she no longer was his goddess of love. he didn’t talk to her for a couple of months, ajdin had to come to terms with it. once he did come around, it became one of those things that we just don’t talk about. fine. we won’t talk about it.
after university, she became an investigative journalist and started her own true crime podcast that had become quite popular. enter ikag, an opportunity that had presented itself to her after a friend said that it might be an interesting experience. afrodita decided that she would take to be a martyr for other queer albanians that maybe didn’t realize that others of them existed. that you could be both and that they could coexist. her parents weren’t happy to hear about it but the show didn’t air in kosovo so word most likely wouldn’t get to their family. rezart and bekim encouraged her to do it, and had supported her since she decided to come out.  it kept her in england, she could still do her journalism and her podcast. it was without a doubt an experience that she couldn’t give up.
no conncections sis.
shes so new man.
im not saying that i need fame but picking up a second character is momentous for me, yall already know wassup.
0 notes
twstedtale · 1 month
ooc : sorry for the slowness on here, guys. I’ve been really sick this weekend so giving myself a few days to recover before I can get back on track with my posts. Hope you are all having a lovely Monday!
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twstedtale · 1 month
i’m setting up a private m.muse for the boys (and other rwrb. characters by request.) if you’d be interested in writing with me over there, please hit this post with a like so i can follow you over there.
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