twysticmuzique · 10 months
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
American Strikes
Our new Hollywood strike is for actors and writers for higher pay during inflation, farier working conditions, and protection from current and future AI threats. This strike may not end until the end of the year.
We will go through the history of the Hollywood strikes. The history of strikes started all the way back in 1936.
It will impact 4 billion dollars worldwide. 
160,000 actors will be behind the picket lines.
This will hit big-budgeted films and hit TV shows. 
Most productions will stop except for soap operas.
SAG had not been on strike since the 1980s. 
In 1936, the first strike was caused due to the use of the US Army and Navy in motion pictures.
In 1952, SAG struck for two and a half months. The members struck because they wanted residuals based on project earnings. Also to retain rights for earning remakes, reruns, and sequels. They were successful in getting a percentage for their residuals.
In 1960, SAG struck to get residuals for Employee benefits and residuals from theatrical films rereleased on TV. They strike for 21 weeks.
In 1973, Writers demanded residuals for VHS and Paid for TV works. They were successful and also established an independent health fund for the guild and salary increases. They strike for 16 weeks.
In 1980, SAG and AFTRA performers struck for increased pay and kickback for VHS and paid for TV. It lasted 13 weeks. 
In 1985, writers went on strike to increase the percentage of the profits. They wanted a larger pool of VHS revenues distributors received. It last two weeks. Wages were increased by 6% and increased health benefits. 
In 2007-2008 for fourteen weeks. Writers struck for revenue for the internet and streaming services. They were successful in their deals. 
Go to Indiewire for more information.
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
Cancelled: What is cancel culture and is effects?
We speak about the effects of cancel culture. The history of it and who has been affected. We will continue to cover more of this topic in further articles as well.
Cancel culture started in the late 2010s. Cancel culture is when those are ostracized, boycotted, and shunned due to unacceptable behavior. 
This can cause an actor's work to be boycotted and writers' works would no longer be read or promoted. 
The reason for the cancellation is for those people to be accountable for their unacceptable actions. This forces them to fix their behavior and educate themselves for the future. 
It can cause issues for mental health because those that are canceled are socially excluded, alienated, and lonely which could lead to depression and anxiety. 
Cancel culture causes OCD because of the fear of being canceled. They are afraid to make a mistake due to the risk of public humiliation and shame. 
They keep their thoughts bottled up instead of talking about them and working their opinions and emotions out.
Cancellation lowers self-esteem and messes with a person's self-image and lowers their self-esteem. 
Cancel culture is known to create social bonds. They feel satisfaction for going against a perpetrator. Cancel reduces the social status of enemies. It forces enemies to reveal themselves. 
There are many companies and actors that have been canceled. In this article, I will speak about five and will continue with many others in the future. 
The first example is Seuss Enterprises which discontinued six Seuss books due to racism within books and images. Fox News was very critical of that move. 
Kanye West was canceled due to antisemitism and hate speeches. Adidas stopped producing Yeezy products. They also stopped Ye and his company's payments. 
Olivia Wilde lied about her claims of sexual misconduct accusations with Shia Labeouf after she first claimed them which caused her to be cancelled. She did it to promote liberal ideology.
Will Smith was canceled after slapping Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars. It happened after Chris Rock made a joke about her head when he claimed that she was going to be in G.I. Jane 2. 
Due to Mammy stereotypes with ties to the Jim Crow era. Quaker Oats removed the Aunt Jemima brand to make racial equality. Aunt Jemima's image was removed. 
We will continue with more of cancel culture in upcoming articles. 
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
The Terrifying Review of the indie horror film "Sawyer Massacre"
Sawyer Massacre is the fan fiction film of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Over a year before it premiered. During a podcast of the film, I had spoken to the director and producer of the film, and I was very intrigued.
Shamefully I never have ever seen any of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films but this one really caught my eye.
After the premiere, I decided to watch the film. They did a great job with the plot, the structure of the characters, and the scenes. The dialogue was real.
It showed an amazing point of view of the protagonist and the antagonist. The dark and evil in the hearts of the villains were terrifying. The torture, blood, and gore were extremely traumatizing to watch. But the realism of seeing innocent characters turned dark to survive. How their mental state of happiness turned into survivor mode, especially after seeing the death and mayhem behind them left a mark in my mind since I saw it almost a year ago.
If me being an educated and experienced filmmaker who knows the behind-the-scenes of the production was squeamish when viewing this very disturbing graphic film, then I wonder what a normal viewer would think about it.
If you like an amazing well-produced horror film. Go check it out by going here
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
"Zombie" The Cranberry Music Studies
I was very late in hearing the song "Zombie" when I heard it two years ago in 2022. Way back when I used to listen to music for mostly the beat and even though most music especially with pop, rock, and indie has great messages about mental health and social injustice.
When I listened to the song, I believed that it was a broad sense of children being influenced in today's world. The late Delores O'Riordan wrote and provided vocals for the song that sound like she was speaking about easy access to weapons. But soon after I did more research and even watched the music video. I learned that it was about the bombing of the Cheshire town of Warrington. Her message in the music graphically depicts the grief that she had for the two children who died because of that bombing.
The music video was even more graphically depicted. I was disturbed in an educational way as I watched the children playing with weapons in a war-torn-looking town while the military provided the dangerous tools of mental and emotional trauma that negative influencers of violence are still being ingrained innocent children today. Lives are being torn apart because we believe more in money, power, violence, and greed than in the new innocent generation that we have neglected. 
I believe the Cranberries and other great bands like Nirvana created music to inspire not just to entertain to change the world. I believed if Kurt Cobain and Delores O'Riordan were still hear today we would have even better sounds than before. But then again, I will not neglect that there are great singers here today that provide motivational music with power-thinking topics like Imagine Dragons, Evanescence, the Pretty Reckless, Christina Perri, Logic, and more. He uses their platforms to not only entertain but to elevate the soul and mind.
I believe as a Christian, I did not like the crucifixion scene, but I do understand what it meant so I am not going to discount that aspect of the film. 
Please check out "The Pretty Reckless." I have mixed feelings about "Heaven Knows" because it has a lot of anti-Christian reference, but her message was very powerful in how people use Christianity as a hate tool instead of the tool of love. The imagery in the video speaks about how people judge each other, the violence against women in the film was tough to see but then again, I see it as a remarkable film. Christina Perri's song "Human" speaks about her being flawed. No one in this world is flawless. Everybody has an issue, so we need to stop judging each other and embrace each other for each of our traits. Logic song and music video 1-800-237-8255 featuring Alessa Cara and Khalid depicts depression and suicide. Every time I watched Logic's music video, I am impacted hard seeing how difficult depression is on people, especially young people. The video also speaks about not putting someone down for their identity and their struggle with it. As an activist for spreading mental health awareness. Green Day, Linkin Park, DMX and others are also included as well. 
Music is supposed to provide great insight and also entertain. Music has been created in biblical times. I believe musicians like The Cranberries have continued to display the beauty of imagination, imagery, and powerful messages through their amazing work. 
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I decipher through the Cranberries' "Zombie" and speak about their socially changing messages and other band messages that are an inspiration in today's music.
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
I hope this DM finds you well. My name is francis, and I represent the team behind SweeLOL, an innovative art app that provides a platform for talented artists like yourself to showcase their artwork to a global audience as a source of inspiration. I am reaching out to you today because we have been captivated by your exceptional artistic talent and believe that your work would be a fantastic addition to our app.
SweeLOL is available for download on both the Google Play Store and iOS TestFlight, ensuring that our vibrant community of art enthusiasts can access and appreciate your creations regardless of their preferred device. We have followed your artistic journey closely and have been consistently impressed by your unique style and creativity.
By featuring your artwork on SweeLOL, you will gain significant exposure and have the opportunity to connect with a passionate and engaged user base. Here are some key features of the SweeLOL app:
1. Artistic Showcase: SweeLOL provides a visually captivating and user-friendly platform for artists to exhibit their artwork. Your pieces will take center stage, allowing users to explore and appreciate your talent through a seamless and immersive experience.
1. Global Reach: SweeLOL has a rapidly growing user base from around the world, offering you the chance to expand your reach and connect with art enthusiasts, collectors, and potential buyers on a global scale.
1. Community Engagement: SweeLOL fosters an active and supportive community of artists, art enthusiasts, and industry professionals. By joining SweeLOL, you can connect with like-minded individuals, receive constructive feedback, and build valuable relationships within the art community.
1. Promotion and Recognition: As a featured artist on SweeLOL, you will receive dedicated promotion through our social media channels, newsletters, and collaborations with influential figures in the art world. We are committed to increasing your visibility and providing opportunities for recognition and growth.
We would be thrilled to have you showcase your artwork on SweeLOL! If you are interested, please let us know by replying to this email, and we will guide you through the process of creating your artist profile and uploading your artwork.
Please note that SweeLOL maintains a high standard of quality and originality. We curate the artwork featured on our app to ensure an exceptional experience for our users. However, based on our assessment of your talent and creativity, we are confident that your work will meet our criteria.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to share your artwork with a wider audience through SweeLOL. We genuinely believe that our app can provide you with a valuable platform to showcase your talent and connect with art enthusiasts worldwide. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and, hopefully, welcoming you as a featured artist on SweeLOL!
Warm regards,
Sweelol team
Thank you! I will check it out!
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
I love the artististic originality!
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Photographed by Cho Gi Seok for Vogue Korea July 2023
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
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Spring snow in the sunlight
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
I love the look of sunflowers. It fits perfectly in the spring and summer seasons.
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
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hes still rotating in my head rent free
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
Very fun and filled with innocence! Love it!
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Gail Wegodsky (American,b. 1955)
Green Legs and Pan, 2015 
Oil on linen
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
This to me is a New York feel in the cold rain. Very intoxicating!
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“Neo Geo Land” from Capcom vs SNK Pro (Capcom/2000)
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
Very traditional! Yet original!
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
Is this real? Because it is extremely beautiful!
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Vasko Taskovski (Macedonian, b. 1937)
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
I love this abstract! I don't know how to describe the feeling of this piece!
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
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reposting this ,, miles as andrew garfield spidey !!!
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twysticmuzique · 10 months
I really truly love this! This illustration shows me that she does not care about how others care about her. She lives by her own rules.
My first post [spider punk]
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