uhhelp · 3 years
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uhhelp · 3 years
AO3 I have a bone to pick-
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Why the actual FUCK is this a relationship tag?!?!?! FYI, there's a BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE between '&' and '/' on AO3, people!!!!
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uhhelp · 3 years
Okay, who showed Alberto 'Mary Poppins'????
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No but the blue umbrella gave me a smol idea
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uhhelp · 3 years
So right after Luca's parents recognize him and he changes routes up the hill (mountain???), Giulia asks him where he's going, right? And Luca says, "Shortcut", to which Giulia says "Steeper, rough terrain... I like it!" She then turns to a bored/slightly ticked looking Alberto and says, "Why aren't you training?"
Alberto then eats a mouthful of pasta and replies, "I'm 'lways trainin'!" with his mouth full of said pasta. My question is-
Like, it literally materializes into existence.
Maybe it came from his pocket, but I'm fairly sure he only has one, and it's a back pocket. He was sitting, so it'd be kinda hard to balance and take a HANDFUL OF FISHING PASTA from his POCKET (not to mention how GROSS that is.)
I also now can't help thinking of this vine:
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uhhelp · 3 years
Luca AMA!
This question is from @averageenjoyer1! He asks:
"What is our main trio up to at the moment?"
Great question, and thanks for being the first to ask one!!! If anyone else wants to ask something, either reply to this post or message me directly!!!
On to the answer to the question-
Luca is learning as much as he can. He loves to read, and especially loves learning about the stars and space. He also loves any fairy tales, folklore, and mythology. He's almost never seen without a book!
Giulia is just living her life! After dedicating so much of her life to beating stupid Ercole, she kind of wants to take it easy. She doesn't really have a plan for the future, so she just goes with the flow. She is very social and has lots of friends. She's also the type that never turns down a dare (so sometimes Luca has to step in- especially when Alberto (who also can't back down from a dare) gets involved).
Alberto does a lot of odd-jobs in Portorosso and in the Sea-Folk village. He fishes with Massimo, is a lifeguard, and helps the Paguros with the goatfish herd. He also helps out around town as needed. The majority of his money he puts away to fund Luca's schooling (though Luca doesn't know this- he wouldn't let Alberto do that if he knew!).
Bonus! Ercole is dealing with humiliation rather bad. He's no longer the star of the town, and Cicco and Guido don't bend over to his every will anymore. He has to learn to do things himself, the poor thing...
So there you go! Please feel free to submit questions of your own!!!
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uhhelp · 3 years
yep- I do things the Alberto way-
Alberto: There are three ways to handle a difficult situation: the right way, the wrong way, and the Alberto way.
Giulia: Isn't that the wrong way?
Alberto: Yes, but it's faster.
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uhhelp · 3 years
Luca (Luberto) Ask Me Anything!!!
I've seen people do these before, and I wanted to do (make?) one, so here goes (I'm probably doing this wrong...) (I'm definitely doing this wrong.)
So basically, just ask a question (whether it's in reply to this post, or directly to me), and I'll answer it as Luca and/or Alberto.
That makes sense, right?
Tell me if this is a dumb idea...
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uhhelp · 3 years
So in Luca, all of the 'sea monsters' are called just that- sea monsters.
But I notice that the 'sea monsters' call us humans 'land monsters', but we call ourselves humans.
So what do the 'sea monsters' call themselves???? Because I doubt they refer to themselves as sea monsters... And I doubt they call themselves just 'fish' or 'sea creatures'...
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uhhelp · 3 years
Okay but this happened-
Jeremy: Michael, I... I like you.
Jeremy: Like, *like* like you.
Michael: Babe, we've been married for three years.
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uhhelp · 3 years
Luca fanart
Hiii!!!! I'm backkk!!! I drew this the other day and thought I'd share it. This is based on the drawing of Alberto as a lifeguard in the credits!!!!
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This was actually a lot of fun to draw- I got to experiment a lot with colors and my new erasable pens my dad got me for 'school' (at least, that's what I told him-)
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uhhelp · 3 years
Luca scale color headcannon!
Okay so- this is a head-canon based on the different scale colors we see in the movie-
Basically, it has to do with the time of year the sea monster was born.
Greens typically represent Spring,
Blues represent Summer,
Oranges and reds are Fall,
And purples are winter.
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So Luca, whose scales are shades of blues and sea greens, was born late spring, early summer. Most sea monsters are born around this time, due to mating cycles/patterns, and how much easier it is to feed/care for a newborn in the warmer waters.
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Meanwhile Alberto, who was born in winter, has more purple tinted scales, which are quite rare. Most sea monsters born in winter don't make it through the winter, due to lack of food and colder temperatures that make it difficult even for adults. (I'll make a post soon on Alberto's parents/childhood later explaining more on how he survived and whatnot).
(Also can we discuss how BEAUTIFUL that shot of Alberto is? The detail, the lighting, the intensity- *swoon*. Best animated shot in the whole movie (in my opinion, anyways).)
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uhhelp · 3 years
So basically it was like a hundred degrees outside, and it was too hot to stay in our cabins (No A/C) for our 'rest period'. So we had to go to a different place and watch a movie. I found this out and was literally telling everyone "Oh my god, I hope it's Luca!" and when I walked in and saw Luca examining the card and alarm clock (we were a little late)-
like I'm not even joking-
I was sitting there quoting the WHOLE MOVIE and pointing out all the lovely animation and loving the fact that Alberto exists and realizing that I may have a slight Alberto addiction- and nearly crying over longing for Luberto to be canon
But anyways yeah that happened
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uhhelp · 3 years
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uhhelp · 3 years
Okay I needed to express my feelings about Raine Whispers. (SPOILERS!!!)
FIRST: I had my suspicions from the moment I saw them on screen that they were non-binary. I was rooting for them the whole way and loved their relationship with Eda.
But I don't know where I picked it up, maybe it was just me really doubting (but still hoping against hope) that Disney would have a non-cis character, but I could have SWORN I heard someone use he/him pronouns for Raine.
Now this post is not me asking for clarification- I have done my research and found out that yes- Raine Whispers is indeed, Disney's first non-binary character!!!! And I couldn't be happier for them. They really are the rep that everyone needed!!! So let's celebrate Raine Whispers!!!!
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I mean look how cute they are!!!
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uhhelp · 3 years
Luberto fanfictons
So yesterday, I made a fic with a teaser/summary of a Luberto fic I'm writing. Well, I just posted Chapter One (the prologue). You can check it out on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32700139/chapters/81123706
I have two other Luberto fics as well, titled Look me in the eyes, Alberto. You know I love you, right? (you can find it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32317693), and my first one ever, titled You got me off the island, Luca (which you can read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32255869). I also posted the same fics on Wattpad (Just look up uhhelpAO3).
Anyways, feel free to check these out!!!
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uhhelp · 3 years
Alberto sketch!!
I just can't get the movie out of my heeeeaaadddd
So here's this quick 5-minute sketch I did (sorry for the low-quality pic)
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uhhelp · 3 years
Hahha I should go to bed
So to all those fanfic writers out there- you ever been on AO3 (or Wattpad, or whatever you use to write) and tried to save your draft? Well, I'm writing a new Luberto fic (teaser/summary below!!) and I saved what I had so far as a draft.
But when you save it as a draft, the fic pops up as if you posted it.
So I thought I'd posted the fic (it's currently one line). So that happened.
Anyways, here's the teaser/summary for my upcoming fic, titled Different.
Chapter one will be up on AO3 soon (I'll make a post with the link).
"Luca loves school. It's great- he gets to learn so much, and his classmates in Genoa are a lot of fun. Even better, he gets to see the stars with the giant telescope Giulia told him about. It's everything he ever wanted- so why does he want nothing more than to be back in Portorosso with Alberto?
Alberto is keeping busy. While Luca's gone, what else is there to do? Besides, Massimo and the rest of the townsfolk need him. So between fishing, doing odd jobs around town, and his new job as a life guard, there isn't time to dwell on how much he misses Luca. But, that's normal, missing your best friend and wanting nothing more than to be with him... right?
But then- it's finally summer. Back together in Portorosso, Luca and Alberto finally come face to face again, and... things are different. Both boys are aware of it, but neither is quite sure what's changed.
But neither expected it to be like this."
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