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Concept Art for Void!Sans
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Concept art for Void!Sans coming soon!
So stay tuned!
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Gotta love this ship ngl -Vix
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Why not-
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Undertale au
Name of AU:
UnderErased / VoidTale
- an au that was made by Ink, and before it could reach its potential (meaning it was similar to the classic au at the time other than a few select things) it was destroyed by Error.
- Only Sans, the player (Frisk), Alphys, and Papyrus due to project of Alphys’s that accidentally threw them into the void.
- They didn’t know what happened to their AU until later on.
- They manage to survive in the void after discovering (thanks to Frisk and Alphys) that they can actually conjure up certain items at will- well almost, it takes magical energy and they’re limited to some things. They use this to try and find a way back to their own AU. Creating all sorts of mechanisms and etc.
- Their hope shatters once they find out their entire AU has been destroyed.
- Sans goes quiet, turning almost emotionless while Papyrus tries to comfort his brother to the best of his ability. Even though he’s lost his own hope himself. Alphys is panicking while Frisk is shocked- not knowing what happened since they didn’t do anything.
- Sans becomes selectively mute, only talking when he deems it necessary. Alphys dives head first into her work trying to find a solution to the issue. Frisk and Papyrus worry about sans and what’ll happen to them.
- Over time they discover that staying in the void for so long their appearance begins to change. Things become more monotone and grey. And they feel themselves slipping away into the void.
- Frisk loses their spark, still having their abilities but not really doing much. Papyrus looses his smile, becoming more distant yet still finding some attachment to the others. Alphys loses most of her sympathy, focusing on her work and deciding logic is better. And Sans loses his goofy carefree self completely. Even so, they all still care for each other in their own ways.
- Alphys finds out what happened to their AU and tells the others about Error. And suddenly they all get a spark back again.
- They want revenge.
- And as much as their gut tells them revenge won’t solve anything, it won’t bring their friends and family back. They don’t have anything left to lose anymore.
- So they train with each other and practice, picking up a few more abilities along the way by using the void itself.
- They become harder, more cold. And only show weakness around each other.
- They agree that they will help the other AUs with whatever comes to be. But if they see Error, it is kill on sight or at least attempt to.
- Alyphs learns what we call Void Magic, so do the others.
- They find out that they can travel using it and decide to investigate some of the other AUs. Splitting up to investigate.
- All is going well until Papyrus runs into Error and attempts to fight him before the others can get there.
- By the time they do, they find Papyrus’s ashes and etc. But they also find the Star Sanses, apparently Papyrus was helping them fight Error.
- The Star Sanses meet VoidTale and talk to Alphys and Frisk- but Sans refuses to talk to them other than a nod or shake of his head. Too focused on his brother’s ashes and remains.
- He eventually goes over and grabs his brother’s scarf and puts it on. Conjuring up a small urn and putting the ashes inside it and holding it close. Surprising the Star Sanses with the conjure ability.
- Ink asks them about it and Alphys is the one to explain what happened to them and their new abilities. And Ink explains who he is and who Error is.
- Alphys thinks before saying, “You’re creation, hes destruction, but we are neither and both. We are the creations of the Void. We can create as you saw but we can also destroy if we must. I suppose that makes us your in between. We were created and then part of us was destroyed, we’ve experienced both creation and destruction. And we became both.”
- Dream asks if they’re good or bad guys and Sans actually says, “To you, we are good. You haven’t done us any wrong so you’re fine. But to him, to Error, we can be bad. We can be absolutely horrifying if we must.”
- This leaves the Star Sanses uneasy and Blue offers for them to stay with their group. Saying that they will offer them a home and company, but to try and work with them. Because they aren’t bad, they’ve just been through bad things.
- The three contemplate it and decide to take up the offer, but do say that if things don’t work out they will have to take things into their own hands.
- The Star Sanses begrudgingly accept that and take them in. Void Sans ends up joining the Star Sanses and they help him with his new look.
- He’s actually a genuinely nice person it just doesn’t show on his expression nor does he like to talk. But if a monster is hurt, even a human, he helps them. He will check up on the others to see if they’re okay and makes sure they eat and etc.
- He cares, and the Star Sanses help him and the other two to get themselves back from the void. They get Sans to smile a little, Frisk to become more cheerful, and Alphys to regain her interest in what she did. But they can’t fix everything because Papyrus’s scarf is a reminder of what they lost. So even if they are better than before, nothing will be the same for them.
- Dream always feels a bit of negativity from them, but usually it’s only when they’re alone and left to their thoughts.
Names of characters:
Note: they only get these “names” after they meet the Star Sanses
- Sans: Void
- Alphys: Blank
- Frisk: Erix (Empty)
End Notes:
- Designs for the Void AU will be made as soon as possible and posted.
- Art Styles will switch between traditional and digital depending on the amount of patience I have.
- Asks are open and will be answered once Designs are out.
- You can recommend Ships in the asks for this AU and with the Sanses. (No incest and etc of course)
- If you have any further questions about the AU before we start the character asks, you know where to go. I will try to answer them whenever possible.
Vix out ✨
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