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…UNDERRATED android dynamo and leader of the WildC.A.T.s! Should it be destroyed, Hadrian-7’s memories would load into a backup body, each possessing: Flight, Force Fields, Energy Projection, Superhuman Strength, stamina, speed and durability, Technopathy, Enhanced Intellect, enhanced senses and immortality!
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Underrated Hero:
Connor Hawke, greatly surpasses his unpowered father, the original Green Arrow with his powers of Regenerative Healing, Ageless Longevity (healing power keeps him young, healthy and at his prime), Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Physiological Attributes (speed, strength, reflexes) and Clairvoyance!
Most notably are Hawke’s mastery of numerous fighting styles making him one of, if not the world’s best martial artist!
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Underrated Evil:
The incarnation of the Wrath of God and the Angel of Vengeance that turned evil and was replaced by the Spectre.A magical being of incalculable strength, Eclipso has the powers of flight, immortality, invulnerability, super speed and stamina, an advanced intellect and the ability to emit deadly rays of dark light from his left eye and a powerful burst of paralyzing black light from his right eye by looking through a shard of the Heart of Darkness gem. Even more frightening is his ability to possess any who touch the gem!
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Blue Beetle appreciation
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Underrated Evil: SHUMA-GORATH
The LoveCraftian horror known as Shuma-Gorath is an ancient force of chaos, the immortal, nigh-invincible, and godlike ruler of nearly a hundred alternate universes, capable of energy projection, shapeshifting, teleportation, levitation, altering reality, and sympathetic magic, among many other feats. This Marvel version of Cthulhu is described as being vastly more powerful than other mighty demonic enemies, such as Satannish and Mephisto!
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Underrated Super Team:
The Winter Guard
More than just Russia’s answer to the Avengers, this team of Soviet Super Soldiers is comprised of the shape shifting were bear Ursa Major, the dark force wielding DarkStar, the armored Crimson Dynamo, the patriotic paramount Red Guardian/ Vanguard, the synthezoid metal manipulating Vostok (Sputnik), Slavic storm deity Perun, the demonic Chernobog and the mysterious Red Widow!
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Underrated Hero:
Ninjak has no superhuman powers but has trained his body and is a master of ninjutsu. Ninjak's greatest asset is his powerful intellect. He is the smartest man in the world and a MI: 6 spy of the highest caliber not to mention the incredible tech/ weaponry at his disposal!
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Underrated Hero: Sabra
Sabra's mutant power has enhanced all of her body's physical abilities, such as strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance and stamina, to superhuman levels. A devastating power set when coupled with her Mossad training!
She is also able to charge other individuals by transferring to them her own life energy, and in the process, enhance their physical state of health and granting them low-level super-powers, which are apparently at random and otherwise unrelated to Sabra's own mutant powers
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Underrated Anti-Hero:
Daughter of the Devil
Satana Hellstrom is a succubus, a particular type of demon blessed with great beauty and magical powers. Among them are: life force absorption, hellfire manipulation, mind control, flight and and an extensive knowledge of the dark arts!
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Underrated Character:
Lobo (The FRAGtastic Bastich)
The Main Man’s powerset and abilities include:
* Super Strength, Super Endurance/Stamina, Super Durability, Healing Factor, Immortal (Banned from both Heaven and Hell, he is destined to spend Eternity in the land of the living), Super Sense (Sense that allow him to Sense and detect things that would normally be impossible), Beyond Genius level intellect (Usually focused on violence)Expert combatant (Trained in a multitude of different forms of unarmed and armed combat), Super Speed/ reaction time and he carries a big f*ckin chain with a hook on it!
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Underrated Villian:
The thing that is Annihilus wears an insectoid exoskeleton that grants him resistance to most forms of injury (extreme temperatures, ballistic force, bullets, etc.)but, it’s the artifact known as the Cosmic Control Rod, that allows him to manipulate cosmic energy in order to control the molecular structure of matter. The rod is capable of projecting vast amounts of destructive energy and concussive force. Continuous exposure to the cosmic energies of the rod has also retarded the aging process of its wielder, making Annihilus virtually immortal
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Underrated Villain: Swarm
When Nazi scientist Fritz Von Meyer was devoured by mutated bees, his conscience lived on and he became the living hive known as SWARM!
Imagine a functionally intangible, shapeshifting swarm of MURDER HORNETS driven by the mind of a mad Nazi! That, is SWARM!
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Underrated Hero:
Joe the Condor
The hot headed member of G-Force prefers to use his feather shuriken and guns as his primary weapons. Although, headstrong his abilities as a “science ninja” can’t be denied!
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Underrated Hero(?):
Black Alice
So much more than a bargain bin power mimic/ leech (Rogue, Hope, Omega, Amazo),
Black Alice has the ability to temporarily usurp the magical powers of any being, even ones as powerful as the Spectre, gaining all its skills and power and leaving it powerless in turn. She’s stolen the magical powers of powerful beings such as Etrigan, Zatanna, Orko, Dr. Fate and even Black Adam!
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Underrated Villain:
TRIGON The Terrible
Trigon is pure evil and a powerful demon capable of immortality, energy projection, telepathy, size-shifting, super strength, virtual invulnerability, reality manipulation, telekinesis, and matter transmutation and matter manipulation. He was able to reshape the entire planet Earth on a whim; had drained the souls of millions of worlds; seemingly omniscient; granted powerful psionic powers to Psimon; and could create hordes of demons under his command, as well as open wormholes to other worlds.
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Underrated Hero:
CLAW The Unconquered
More than just a carbon copy Conan,Valcan of Pytharia, the barbarian known as Claw gets his name from the deformed, claw-like right hand, the result of a curse which has been placed on his family. The demonic spirit of the claw increased his fighting skills, as well as grants a level of regeneration and mystic resistance but made it difficult for him to control his anger.
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