undiscoveredwriting · 2 years
So... I Finally Resigned From A Job In My Dream Industry
This week, I said goodbye to the people from a chapter of my life. The first ever chapter of my professional life filled with tons of tears shed, a series of anxiety attacks, so many laughter, and most importantly, countless lessons I have learned about the way the world works and what part I play in this vast cosmic universe.
If you’ve known me for more at least a decade, you’d knew that the music industry and showbiz is where I wanted to go. You’d know that the 10 years old Amelia wanted nothing more than to work in MTV, a live show promoter, or a record label.. little did she know, her first ever full-time job would be in a sister company of a well-known record label in Indonesia.
I’m not going to lie, a part of me feels sad to have to say goodbye to the industry I know I want to dedicate my life in. The truth is, I’ve never been good at saying goodbye, yet here I am, writing my feelings down on how this goodbye mean to me. Wearing my heart on my sleeve for people to read.
In the past four and half year, I have been given the opportunity to discover who I am professionally. The highs and lows were able to give me perspectives, shaping the opinions I made while allowing me to stand my ground. This job is more than a job for me. People say its a stepping stone, but from where I stand and the way I see things, being a content writer in Dignity Creative is me living my dream in a daily basis.
Did it ever get old? Of course it did. I can’t tell you just how many times I call a coworker of mine crying out of frustration over having to work on something over and over or some disagreement I had with some people. Point is, working here was never just sunshine and rainbows, there were always gloomy days looming in the corner. But then again, isn’t that just another day of being an adult?
As I write this post, I’m reminded of those days. That one time I had to excuse myself out of the room to cry and hyperventilate in the bathroom after hearing a bad news, or those days I cry myself in front of my laptop while working on a file. But then again, after each bad day, I was presented with an even better days. I got to go to Hong Kong and visit Disneyland, I got to meet my celebrity crush of 15+ years, and I got to earn some friends I dare to call family.
And looking back, even if I was given the opportunity to turn things around, I wouldn’t want to. For me, to be able to be working alongside wonderful people, being able to understand the way of how the back-end of the industry that kept me sane was.. life changing. My experience has been nothing short of exciting and fulfilling. However, this industry could be very anxiety-inducing in the midst of a global pandemic.
Aside from being presented with a greater opportunity, one of my decision to leave the industry is because I had had enough of the anxiety it caused me. When I first heard that large-sized gatherings (this includes live shows) are going to be allowed with strict health protocols, I can’t stop thinking on how that will affect me.
The anxiety and dread of having to attend a large production and meeting with hundreds of people is truly awful, and as much as I love to be able to go out there again, I realized that I have options. Therefore, I decided to take a step back from this industry, giving myself a much needed break from the industry. I assure you, this will not be a farewell to the music industry, this is me, taking a necessary step before I burn myself out and come to loathe the one thing I know I love.
To quote one of my favorite band, “this isn’t a goodbye, it’s BRB."
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undiscoveredwriting · 3 years
Sudah lebih dari satu bulan sejak gue menjalani isolasi mandiri selama 14 hari karena positif Covid-19. Gue memutuskan untuk bercerita karena sadar makin banyak orang di circle gue yang terpapar virus Covid-19 ini dan bener-bener nggak tahu harus ngapain begitu terkonfirmasi positif.
Bulan Desember 2020 lalu, gue memutuskan untuk tes PCR karena denger kabar orang-orang terdekat gue makin banyak yang positif. Pada 10 Desember itu gue bener-bener ngerasa sehat dan nggak merasa lagi sakit apapun. Tapi, ternyata jam 3 pagi di tanggal 11 Desember, gue menerima hasil PCR yang menyatakan bahwa gue positif Covid-19 dengan CT Value sebesar 34,07.
Di hari pertama gue dinyatakan positif itu, gue sekeluarga sebetulnya lumayan bingung harus ngapain, dan begitu tanya sana sini, orang-orang sekitar gue dan keluarga yang pernah ngalamin positif Covid-19 tanpa gejala menyarankan untuk langsung konsultasi ke dokter dan nggak lapor puskesmas biar bisa isoman di rumah aja (believe me when I say this, kalau kamu yang lagi baca ini ter konfirmasi positif, langkah pertama yang harus kamu lakukan adalah lapor ke ketua RT mu. Mereka akan ngasih tau step selanjutnya kok).
Begitu hasil gue positif keluarga gue yang lain (Mama dan Papa) juga melakukan tes PCR dan alhamdulillah mereka semua negatif, (to be honest, I don’t know what I would do if my family got tested positive too. The guilt would probably destroy me). Oia, karena gue semuanya mandiri maka biaya tes Swab PCR juga ditanggung sendiri ya, gue sih masih bisa reimburse ke kantor tapi keluarga gue yang lain nggak bisa hehe.
Walaupun keluarga gue nggak lapor ke puskesmas, ini yang gue dan keluarga lakukan:
Konsultasi ke dokter via aplikasi HaloDoc
Isolasi mandiri serumah, gue nggak keluar kamar sama sekali sedangkan yang lain masih bisa ketemu di ruang TV, kalo kangen ya dadah dari pintu dan berjarak paling nggak 2 meter
Satu rumah selama 14 hari pakai masker medis full 24 jam
Gue hanya pakai 3 piring dan 2 set sendok-garpu yang setiap mau dipakai gue cuci dulu di kamar mandi gue
Setiap malam, diffuser di kamar gue, orang tua, dan kakak nyala (Essential Oils yang kita pake rosemary, eucalyptus, cinnamon, dan lemon)
Sedia oximeter (cek pagi, siang, dan sebelum tidur)
Stock betadine gargle (kumur pagi, setelah makan siang, dan mau tidur)
Sedia liquid & aerosol disinfectant atau alkohol 70% untuk disinfect barang tiap malem & setelah selesai isoman
Sampah yang dari kamar gue selalu didobel plastiknya dan selalu diiket tiga kali. Setiap mau dibuang keluar, plastik juga gue semprot disinfectant
Untuk baju kotor gue dicuci terpisah sama baju orang serumah. Semua baju yang mau gue cuci pasti gue rendem dulu pake detergent sebelum dikeluarin, dan pas masuk mesin cuci, baju gue juga disiram pake laundry disinfectant nya Rinso.
Nggak ada kontak sama si kucing sama sekalii (jujur ini yang paling bikin gue sedih selama isoman karena biasanya Cinno menguasai kasur gue, belum lagi geng depan yang biasanya berulah demi dapet jatah makan dari gue :””) wow, emotional support system ku berubah jadi segerombolan kucing ya)
Karena gue dan keluarga nggak lapor, jadi kita nanggung semuanya pribadi (PCR ke-1, beli vitamin dan PCR di hari ke-12 yang hasilnya sudah negatif). Seperti yang gue bilang di atas, gue memutuskan untuk rutin konsul ke dokter lewat HaloDoc (tapi kalau nyokap-bokap gue konsul ke dokternya sih). 
Setelah gue konsul ke dokter di HaloDoc, ini semua jenis vitamin dan rempah/jamu yang gue konsumsi selama 14 hari:
Zegavit Multivitamin & Zink (based on resep dokter HaloDoc - minum 1 kali sehari)
Prove D3-1000 (Vitamin D yang gue wajib gue konsumsi setiap hari karena dari kamar gue nggak ada direct sun light - diminum 1 kali sehari juga)
Azithromycin (anti-biotik yang hanya gue minum 1 kali sehari selama 7 hari)
Propoelix Extract HDI (based on rekomendasi Rya yang ternyata cukup berpengaruh ke badan gue ini, asli loh, nggak nyangka juga vitamin ini se oke itu.)
Rutin minum golden milk (ini resepnya)
Konsumsi jamu kunyit asem, air sereh + jeruk nipis, dan air madu + lemon + jahe.
Air putih ber liter-liter.
Selama positif kemarin, gue nggak mengonsumsi obat herbal cina karena setelah konsul, dokter gue bilang obat itu opsional karena sebenernya diperuntukan untuk orang flu dan batuk, sedangkan gue nggak ada gejala itu sama sekali, jadi walaupun sudah beli, akhirnya nggak keminum deh.
Jujur, kalau ditanya “kok bisa positif?” gue juga nggak tau pastinya gimana dan dimana, karena kebetulan tiga minggu sebelum gue tes itu ya gue ada kerjaan yang mengharuskan keluar rumah dalam waktu yang.. cukup lama. Yah cukup untuk makan siang dan malam lah.
Yang bisa gue bilang sih, sebelum gue positif kemaren, gue adalah orang yang cukup strict masalah protokol kesehatan karena ya memang paranoid aja setiap keluar rumah. Apalagi saat ini gue masih tinggal sama orang tua yang usianya sudah 60 tahun keatas dan memiliki komorbid (penyakit bawaan yang bisa diperburuk oleh Covid-19). Jujur gue merasa beruntung banget, mereka bisa nggak tertular walaupun si virus udah deket banget sama mereka.
Beneran deh, 3 hari pertama semenjak terkonfirmasi positif tuh rasanya.. nggak tenang.
Jadi ya.. selama 3 hari pertama, jujur aja tiap malem susah tidur karena ngerasa napas nya susah (tapi bukan out of covid karena begitu gue cek saturasi oksigen nya masih di 98% ehe). Gue susah napas saking gue takut keluarga gue kena. Terus nggak bisa tidur karena kangen main sama kucing yang nggak boleh masuk kamar (padahal kalo lagi anxious biasanya gue ngelus Cinno sambil dengerin dia purring).. jadi setiap denger si Cinno meong depan kamar gue cuma bisa nangis sambil curhat di depan kaca sambil liatin foto Cinno. Untungnya si susah napas dan rasa cemas gue hilang setelah nyokap dan bokap terkonfirmasi negatif dan gue mulai bisa mengatur pola tidur gue.
Bayangin deh, selama gue positif Covid-19, gue bisa tidur jam 10 malem sampai 6 pagi. Sekarang mah... Jam 3 pagi aja masih ngedit blog ini :)
But what happened, happened. Sekarang gue sudah sembuh dan keluarga gue sudah hidup sedikit lebih normal. No more 24/7 mask inside the house, tapi yang lain masih gue lakuin. Semoga blog ini bisa jadi referensi temen-temen yang mengalami kebingungan ini, ya! Kalau masih ada yang mau ditanyakan, langsung tanya aja ya! Atau bisa juga via instagram di @ameliadef :-)
Oh iya, salah satu mood booster gue selama isolasi mandiri, nontonin trailernya Loki 😍
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undiscoveredwriting · 4 years
Graduation Picture Got Me Very Nostalgic
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Gara-gara liat postingannya Najwa Shihab di instagram , jadi merhatiin foto ini lagi. Ini foto waktu wisuda S2 tahun 2018.
Before this day, I used to say my proudest moment was when I get to see The Downtown Fiction Live in Jakarta. Well, I was a 16 years old who ran the band’s Indonesia street team and has been passing around flyers for the past 3 years, of course it became a highlight to me.
This graduation though, changed everything for me because, honestly, the moments leading up to this was in no way easy. It was hard and rough and let’s just say I was frustrated with everything. Juggling between my full time job, the part time job I did trying to promote a postponed concert, finishing last post graduate classes, wrapping up my thesis, and organizing Emo Night Jakarta By Cowd Surfers all at once were in no way easy. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, so of course I took pride in graduating as Master of Communication.
Wisuda 2018 lebih niat dari 2017 karena mau jait baju jadi cari kain yang warnanya sesuai sama gue, makeup-an tetep sama Riskymakeup sih, tapi tahun sampai rempong cari tas yang proper untuk wisuda tapi bisa masukin iPad biar pas bosen bisa baca komik (akhirnya ya minjem tas Bu Ida juga sik).
I still to this day remember how I felt that day, it was similar to how I felt attending my favorite band’s show. It felt like I could do anything in the world, because I did one thing completely right.
It wasn’t necessarily the big celebration of graduating, was never about putting on beautiful dresses and looking beautiful in make up with my hair done beautifully, graduation meant a lot to me because it was the day that I proved myself, it was the day that I silenced that shitty little thought in the back of my head saying I will somehow screw this up and that endless self doubt and insecurities about never do it right.
I defeated my demons and push through every difficulties I found along the way. All those all nighter I pulled, having less than 3 hours of sleep before having to wake up to get ready for work, and taking some work time to finish my revision, all paid off the moment they announce my title as M.I.Kom.
Of course I couldn’t have done it without the help of the people closest to me, would never be able to juggle everything without my support system that includes my favorite bands too because they’ve done more for me than some of the people I know in real life.
Come to think of this day.. I’m actually super glad that my graduation starts later in the day and it only required me to wake up and get ready from 8 am. I know my friends who got the morning session has to start getting ready at 3 am. So if you don’t have graduation? You can sleep through the day AND save all the money that’s supposed to go to buy new kebaya and shoes and makeup!
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undiscoveredwriting · 5 years
Fragile Things, but OK.
Jakarta - September 15th, 2019.
It has been three days since I attended The Maine’s show Live in Singapore, and I am still emotional over the things I experienced. No, this will not be just another review about The Maine’s show in Singapore, nor this will be a story about my trip to Singapore, this is me wearing my heart on the sleeve.
You see, before we move on to the part where it got real, I want to underline the point that this entire blog post might be triggering. May you be a The Maine fan, or you’re just someone who feels insecure about a lot of things and you feel like the world is ending because you can’t do one favor a friend asked you to, or you just can’t seem to break a routine or a certain state of mind whenever you’re in a certain situation. Those are the things I will be telling in this post and this is me opening up to things I didn’t even know I have to admit before.
The past few weeks leading up to the show day was honestly one of the hardest things I had to go through. Juggling my day job and my side projects that includes handling some shows and gigs, I lost a lot of sleep and lack the motivation to keep on going because I was just emotionally drained and physically exhausted - I thought about dropping all my projects and just focus on my day job. I was not in a very good state of mind, I wanted to quit everything I knew because it didn’t feel fun, it felt like it’s weighing me down. I didn’t tell anyone, I still haven’t. All I thought was everything had to be done perfectly so I could go on my 3 days' leave for Singapore in peace. News flash, I managed to pull through, no quitting whatsoever and having that getaway to Singapore was such a reward.
Fast forward to the day I flew to Singapore on the 11th of September, with all the touristy-problem I faced the moment I landed, I managed to get to the place we were staying in safely, tummy full with good food, ready for my skin-care routine and visited the dreamland right after. Singapore time showed 2-ish am when I closed my eyes. 
The next thing I remember was getting woken up at 7-ish am on September 12th. With eyes heavy, hair messy, I let my excitement fueled me to get ready. Just like most shows I went to, I was not alone. Here is my companionship.
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I’ve known them all before the show and I’ve known most of them for a very long time. Other than the girl in the middle, whose name is Priscila and had only met at the show, everyone knew one another. I knew how much these girls love the band, I knew the sacrifices they’ve made before for this band, I knew, that The Maine had played an important role in their life - as they did mine. When we took this picture, we just wanted to have a picture of ourselves waiting in line, still looking so cute with all our make up intact despite all the humidity that filled Singapore’s air. Little did we know, Pris would be picked to get on stage and sing Taxi with the band later that night. Was I glad it was her? You’re damn right I was.
Several cold mineral water bottles and cold cans of POKA Green Tea, the gate was opened and we were ready to sing our hearts out. The lights were out, Adam Simons from the Wanderer took the stage, warming up the crowd before he hit the very same stage as The Maine’s additional guitarist / keyboardist.
Before the show starts, I kept thinking “which song would most likely made me tear up?”. My heart was just beating in its regular tempo. I was excited, but most of my friends were standing against the barricade while I stood against their backs. It felt okay, the stage was very near to where I stood, I would still be able to see them up close, and I did.
First song in, I sang out loud. I knew the lyrics to Slip The Noose, I could feel the energy from the entire room, it felt magical. But it wasn’t enough to keep me off the ground. Something was still missing. I wasn’t entirely okay. I was happy, but it didn’t feel the way it used to. When the band started playing the intro to Am I Pretty, I couldn’t help but look at John’s face and wonder... If a man that looks as good and as gorgeous as him still question his look, where would that leave me? I never really cared about what others are saying about how I look but at that moment, I didn’t feel pretty. My plus size clothing felt like they weigh another kg, but it wasn’t until they started singing Broken Parts I truly broke down.
I cried several times during the show while singing to Am I Pretty, (un)lost, How Do You Feel but listening to the first line of Broken Parts that goes like this “ well it isn't getting easier“...
My mind immediately raced back to the hardest weeks of my life that just ended exactly one week before September 12th, 2019. My mind raced back to when Crowd Surfers was hitting rock bottom and was getting so many shits. So I cried, not caring about the mascara and my perfect winged-eyeliner. My journey with Crowd Surfers was a wild ride and the moment John sang “But we're not beyond repair” that I realized, I was the broken part of this team, no, my team is not broken, but I am. I cried even harder.
I’ve cried during a song at another show before, but I’ve never cried as hard as I did during this song. In other shows, I would cry at some songs that felt personal, but I wouldn’t cover my face with both of my hands. That very night, I covered my face until halfway of the song. I didn’t open my eyes and/or see the band perform this song live before me, I just cried until I felt hands pulling me close, and I did one thing I don’t usually do, I embrace the hugs and let them see me crying. I let my walls down, all those defense mechanisms I had, I let them all go. For several minutes, I let the people around me handle me with care. For that moment, I wasn’t the one looking out for people. They looked out for me and it felt really nice. It felt really good. Somehow, as soon as the song ends, the four walls around me are back and I’m back on the looking out for people mode.
Especially when John decided he’d crowd-surf. My immediate response was helping the girls next to me when they fell. Mr. Lead-Singer was right in front of my face because the people holding him weren’t as strong, yet some girls were already falling, so I got no time to interact with him, my focus shifted back to getting the girls up like I always did. Yet that moment made me realize one thing. I’ve grown. I went from the girl who wanted a frontman or any favorite band member for myself to not giving a fuck about them when I saw others in need.
There was also a moment during Black Butterfly and Dejavu where I thought about this person. I’ve known him since 2015, I think. We talked a lot, met a few times, and I still keep something of his which I should probably return soon. The lyrics “ Just another lovesick afternoon, black butterflies and déjà vu. Hoping for the right words. Waiting for the right words.” really got to me and... Well, I’m hoping that 26 letters could explain my feeling toward this person.
It was also during the encore, Another Night On Mars, I realized something. That there’s someone I know, someone I’ve known since 2009, someone I watched The Maine with for the first time back in 2010, was in the same bulding yet I couldn’t see her. She wasn’t a part of my then current-group and Mars felt a little incomplete without her. We stopped talking altogether last year yet it didn’t feel right letting her be alone at that moment. I felt another guilt coming up my gut. 
The moment the show ended and I saw her, I called her and apologized. We hugged. That moment felt like forever. It gave me a sense of peace. I didn’t even remember why I stopped talking to her, but that hug... that hug was what I needed. A sense of familiarity from the past, a reminder that I wasn’t always this uptight.
We then queued for a meet and greet with the band, a group of 5 or 6 people, they said. I went into the meet and greet with the people I cared about, resulting in this sweet little picture of us and The Arizona Boys.
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Alright, we didn’t stop here. I was still on a mission to get some of my friends’ belonging signed by the band since we couldn’t ask for selfies or sign during the meet and greet, sadly I didn’t get it. I didn’t get the signature and I was beating myself hard because I managed to get a video and picture of myself with John, but no sign.
I didn’t want to post anything related to The Maine because I felt bad. My friend asked only for one thing and I failed. I did that, the fault was mine. Besides, in the picture I took with John, he looked very good and I didn’t feel pretty. The picture was taken after the show, after those break downs. My hair was greasy, my foundation wore off, no concealer concealed the dark circle under my eyes, my winged eyeliner was no longer visible, my lip color turned a shade brighter than it was initially.
During the meet and greet earlier, I told John I’ve never broken down as hard as I did during Broken Parts. John offered me a hug and whisper into my ear, “I’m glad you’re here tonight. I hope you’re gonna be OK in time. Thanks for the bracelet.”
Yes, I gave him the EMONIGHTJKT By Crowd Surfers bracelet in which we'll donate some of the profits to this organization called Into The Light to help to spread the suicide prevention awareness.
So yeah, having that message coming from John, I dare myself to look at the picture of him and I and the more I look at the picture, the more I felt like I deserved that. It wasn’t until Friday I posted my picture and John up on my Instagram Story, and I will post it again today, on my Instagram Feed. Because I now feel worthy of this picture. 
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undiscoveredwriting · 5 years
Happy 2019!
Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe we have been living the new year for 8 days?
Almost everyone I follow on Instagram were posting all of their 2018 memories and ends those post with their new year resolutions. There’s a friend whose expecting their first child, got those who simply wishes to get a new nanny for their children, and even more who simply wants to land a job or graduate.
So while I struggle to set my new year resolution, I decided to stop looking around and dig deep within me. I took some time out to reflect my 2018 and I realize 2018 was one hell of a ride.
In the past one year, I have managed to live not just double or triple... but a quadruple life. I nailed my study and earned myself a new degree that is a Master, am still a writer at the same company I have worked for since 2017 but am getting more responsibilities, am also a part of the promoter who held the Paramore Tour Four: Indonesia show (I guess that makes me a promoter too, right?) as well as event organizer who continuously and constantly making Emo Night JKT By Crowd Surfers monthly. 
That’s a lot of changes in my life in the past year. With new year comes, people likes to say “New Year New Me” or something along that lines.. but after I reflect on some things, I decided that 2019 is the year where I reconnect to my old self.
In the past year, I’ve made new friends out of the people who has been around in my life for a longer period of time. I’ve also lost some friends and I just never know how it went down because I just sort of lose them.
It is my resolution this year to get back in touch with those I stopped talking to. I’ve decided that the first friends I’m meeting are the ones I haven’t been in touch with and I absolutely love what it does to me. Oh, trust me, I love my friends now but talking to them with a different mental state and perspectives make me realize that I am not the same person I was. I no longer have curfew at 9PM, I have somehow made my dream to work in the music industry came true, and I no longer fear cats. 
I live a life full of blessings, living a life with stories like the ones I watch or read, yet here I am longing for a simpler life I lived back then. I’ve been living such a wild ride and though I am still up for whatever adventures 2019 holds for me, but I’ll be sure to always stay in touch with the more simpler me, just to balance out the things in life.
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undiscoveredwriting · 7 years
Leave Out All The Rest
If you haven’t yet, please take a listen to Linkin Park’s Leave Out All the Rest..
Once, Chester Bennington asked us what he’s leaving behind after he’s done in this temporary place we live in.
I have the perfect answer. He’s leaving a generation whose life he’s touched through the music he wrote. He’s left behind a girl whose been so sick of people telling her to be more like what society wants her to be but decides to stand up on her own two feet and be more like her. He left behind songs, musics, hope. Chester, I am your legacy.
I’ve known Linkin Park since I was probably 5 but it wasn’t until I was 15 years old that I realize Chester Bennington was improving my life. I realize that the scream he let out was my scream. It was only then I realize that someone out there feels what I feel. Someone so far could be so close up to a personal level.
What happened today breaks my heart remembering how Linkin Park (especially Chester’s scream) help me through my deepest, darkest times during high school. There were so many ways I could think of to punish myself for not meeting the standard I made for myself. So many things I could’ve lost myself to.. 
I remember riding on a motorbike to school, ears plugged with my earphone and Faint was playing on full volume. I wouldn’t exactly say I’ve dealt with depression because I’ve never checked myself to a shrink, but I’ve been stressed out, and sometimes I shut people out. I don’t want to talk to anyone about my problems, it’s far easier for me to keep it to myself. But I had voices reminding to not do anything stupid.
Suicide is not beautiful nor it is romantic (I am writing this due to people’s tendencies to romanticize depression and suicidal thoughts in their writings). But Chester left a whole generation like me. Chester helped raising the awareness of suicide and mental health. It broke my heart that someone whose voice had been helping a lot of people is someone who is in need of help the most. 
Depression is something complex. Something that couldn’t be simplify. It’s not something to be taken lightly. Suicide is a choice but people with depression may or may not have any choice. When voices are clouding your mind, who would you listen? Who would you choose to trust? The good or the bad? Do you even know which one is which? 
I’ve learned that mental health isn’t getting the attention and awareness they needed. As I celebrate the life of Chester, I’m voicing my concern about mental health. When people talk, listen. Don’t judge them, for you never know what’s the cost of things you told them.
Please don’t romanticize any act of suicide. Don’t romanticize any form of depression. They’re terrifying. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and if you ever feel suicidal, please talk to someone. If you can’t be honest to your closest people, you can even reach out to me. I will try my best to get back to you. Please.
You’re not alone. You never were. People are willing to listen to you. I am willing to listen to your stories. You’re valid, and you have something to be your legacy.
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undiscoveredwriting · 7 years
By Tasty on Instagram
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undiscoveredwriting · 7 years
I'm back to being 17 and it's so damn Nice2KnoU
I feel like this song by All Time Low is the theme song for me and my friends. As soon as I heard the lyrics "we always said that we'll keep in touch, nobody does but it don't matter much" I went on full-mode emotional wrecked and cried (at work). That's so true. I've felt how one by one, my friends are 'leaving' due to their change of interest, or simply they grew up and leave the scene. But then, there's me whose stuck in an endless loop of pop-punk fever despite the fact that its 2017, not 2013. And the Warped Tour Line-up bands are not The Downtown Fiction, We Are the in Crowd, or The Summer Set anymore. I always thought that if there were a band that would unite me and my concert squad together, it'll be All Time Low. And it's true. "One more time for second chances. We just wanna do some damage" That's me wishing for one more night of second chance to be in a place with my best friends and do some damage. It's there, All Time Low freakin predicted that shit. And somehow, I feel like All Time Low's show in Jakarta next August will be our "second chance" to pick up where we left off.... "So long, so nice to know ya. I'm sorry to say, we can't go back to yesterday. This night is far from over. Let's get carried away. We can't go back to yesterday" After All Time Low's show ends, I know for sure we'll go back to our own separate ways, go back to our own interests and way of life. Maybe we won't talk that much anymore... But for that one night, we get to live as our 17 years old selves. We get to live like it's 2012 and we're gonna have the best night of our lives. And All Time Low will be the reason why behind our "grand" reunion. And that reason alone is enough to bring me to tears because 17 was probably my lowest point in life and I managed to go through it with these people's help. Not just the band, but my friends from the scene as well. And it's amazing how I get to be 17 (but without all the weight I had back then) to live up my craziest moments.
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undiscoveredwriting · 7 years
Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned.
I remember being 13 and all I wanted was to be able to see The Downtown Fiction in person. To be able to make money off the goddamn music industry which I happen to sort of do right now.
Yet here I see the same 13 years old being told that being a manga artist is forbidden. That drawing an alive creature is against the rule and that it means committing a sin. That’s like telling me I would never see the downtown fiction and I would never success at being a street team. Crushing my hopes and dreams. I can’t wrap that around my head yet. Do I dream too shallow for I only dream of earning happiness on earth? Do I have to dream of heaven and be a saint? Why would you believe a saint whose never made mistakes? Why would you want to be perfect when all the lessons are learned from all the faults in our world?
I let go of my dreams in the 3rd year of college. I wanted to work and make money in the goddamn movie industry. I want to write a movie script and play God. I want to build an entirely new universe and control everything so it could be perfect. Yet here I am, going way back remembering my roots. Remember who I’ve been and what I’ve always wanted. I’m going basic. Back to doing what I love. I wanted to be a writer. I am now, not the kind of writer I expected, but still. A goddamn writer. I wanted to give an impact in a fangirl’s life. Am doing it now. That’s me being happy.. Me being truly, fully me. Me living my life to the fullest.
Do I commit a sin so unforgivable?
Probably I have sinned for far too much and far too long. But from my deepest heart, let me apologize. I’m sorry for all the talents being wasted. For all the dreams being crushed. For all the ambitions being let down. For all the happiness being taken away.
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undiscoveredwriting · 7 years
Dear Millennials
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If you happen to come across this, chances are you already know Janitra Satriani released new EP called Millennials, and here is my honest review about the three songs he just put out! There’s something about Millennials that somehow gives me that familiar feelings I can’t quite put my fingers on. If you happen to love The 1975 you will definitely love this EP.
There are three songs in this EP. Millennials, Violet, and Daughters. When I first dive into the first song, I’m greeted by this soothing sound that makes me feel like I’m entering a whole new dimension as I continuously tapping my foot and nodding my head. It’s easy listening and it’s instantly stuck in my mind. I’m actually excited to see Sani plays this live.
As Violet plays, I feel like the song has a slight darker vibe to it. I know it’s not right to compare one musician to others but I can’t help to think that Violet’s vibe reminds me a lot of The Maine’s Lovely Little Lonely. Probably because of the ‘dreams and deja vu’ part, but even listening to this song, I could picture Sani and John Oh actually sings this together (here comes the fangirl side of me).
Then my favorite tunes out of the three came on. Listening to Daughters somehow reminds me of some old Bon Jovi songs and I don’t know how it came to my mind. Nevertheless, I love it. It only took me to listen to Daughters twice to decide it’s my favorite one out of three songs. I can relate to the lyrics instantly and I actually take comfort in the music. It feels like a reassurance and advice.
In the past two or three months, I’ve been exposed to so many new singles and music from my favorite musicians. Some of these music are great because the music actually makes me feel like im back to being 15 and careless, some needs a little time to sink in before I finally set my heart and decided I love it.
Millenials however is somewhere in between. The songs in this EP are nothing like the music I’ve grown very used to liking, but they’re also something that I immediately could relate to. I do need a little more time to actually let the words sink in and had those “MY FEELS” moments.
There’s something about Sani’s voice that actually gives me the goosebumps, and some about the lyrics that gives me comfort. It’s relevant and honest as how I think music should be.
Keep up the good work, San! I’m so proud of this EP and am so grateful it exists to become a part of my life. I so look forward to see you in person singing these beautiful songs
Should you be curious about the brilliant man, you can check out his instagram here
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undiscoveredwriting · 7 years
Sell Out Boy?
First and foremost, this is not a Fall Out Boy hater blog. As a matter of fact, I love them so much I actually spent the little money I had to see them live back in 2013. Was that show great? It was beyond my expectation. Did I love singing back to Patrick Stump?! Hell yeah!
It’s just.. their latest single isn’t exactly what I would listen to on a regular basis, as a matter of fact, the song was more like a one time thing for me. Do I think they sell out? I don’t know. I haven’t made my mind about it yet. But do I love the new song? I don’t.
Young and Menace sounds somehow like a failed hybrid of EDM, Fall Out Boy, and a little of Panic at the Disco thrown a big messy bowl full of unnecessary things. I love the way Patrick sings, but the problem is….. He doesn’t sing a lot.
I honestly think it’s gonna be a much better song without the electronic screaming effect. Does that make sense? I don’t know what to call it but I loathe the song at 1:10 - 1:44. It just sounds disturbing.
I actually thought they were still with Fueled By Ramen when I first heard the song (seeing how FBR established what kind of music they’re going with for their artists like Paramore, All Time Low, and Twenty One Pilots). But I was wrong because this is genuinely Fall Out Boy. It does not sound like Fall Out Boy but it sure is something they would do.
I understand that Fall Out Boy is trying out new things, exploring their music wider, experiencing new stuff and figuring out things for themselves, but I personally think this one isn’t done right. I don’t mind with my favorite emo bands turning semi EDM because let’s be honest they need to make money and to do so, they have to keep up with the industry. 
I just wish the electronic screamo stuff wasn’t there. Because that is the only thing and the one thing that makes me loathe this song. But I have hope for M A N I A. 
Fall Out Boy, I’m on the look out for you.
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undiscoveredwriting · 8 years
Paying My Tribute to The Black Parade
After giving the Rock Sound Presents The Black Parade album a listen, I must admit, this album does give me some goosebumps.
As someone who grew up within the era of this band, I must say I do feel a little bit nostalgic. So many feelings through every single song covered by these new, talented bands.  As the internet went crazy over Twenty One Pilot's take on cancer, I on the other hand goes even crazier for State Champs' version of The Sharpest Lives (I'm not throwing any shades here, Skeleton Cliques, chill. TOP did an amazing job with Cancer but personally, I just like the sharpest lives better) and palisades' take on House of Wolves. Goddamn these bands. Oh, One ok Rock's The End is also one of my favorite off this record.
When I listen to Twenty One Pilot's Cancer, I got some sort of feelings. I love how good it is, but I also feel a little sad because it is a ballad and they tend to saddens me but its good. Like, it's so sad it becomes really good. Throughout the album, there's only one more song that do give me that sort of feelings, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!'s cover on Disenchanted. I can't even describe the reason why I feel the way I do when listening to this song.
I also enjoy how Ghost Town presents Mama in a more dancy kind of vibe. The message doesn't change but I do feel like this version of mama might be my favorite. You have that dance vibe on the intro and later it got a little heavier and you just go along very nicely. Another highlight (for me, at least) of the record is Against the Current's cover of Teenagers. In my opinion, they changed the vibe of the song and give their own feels to it. I like how it's a little bit more dancy throughout the entire song and I actually like it. A lot.
Another song that gives me chills in the first 15 seconds of the intro is New Years Day's version of Sleep. Like the moment I get to hear Ashley Costello's voice, there's a shiver down my spine! Her powerful voice does give the song a new years day vibe without completely removing MCR's signature on the song.
Anyway, I'm one of those fan who thinks welcome to the black parade is a critical and crucial part of the record, and as I'm writing this, I am listening to Crown The Empire's take on this song.
Listening back to this song being sung by another band somehow enhanced the meaning of this song even more. My chemical Romance's days might be over but their memories will carry on. I do, however think that CTE's version for this song is overshadowed by other songs (like twenty one pilot's take on cancer?)
But to celebrate the record's 10th anniversary, this tribute album does the original a justice. All these different voices singing what Gerrard used to sing and carrying out the same message it once had to an even broader audience does prove that despite the band's break up, they left us a legacy that even after 10 years since it came out, people are still celebrating the music they have created. The music that once helped killjoys all around the world overcome so many shits thrown at their face are now able to help fans of different bands overcoming things.
My Chemical Romance might be (not so) long gone, but their memories carry on, their legacy lives on, and their messages are still so loud and clear. This album is the symbol of celebration for every kids who has had their voice shut and silenced. This album could be just the reminder we (I, to be exact) need.
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undiscoveredwriting · 8 years
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“Teruntuk band-band lain, contoh Simple Plan dong yang beneran ke semua kota di dunia pas world tour!” – Fanisa Amanda, 18.
Akhirnya.... Amelia nonton konser lagi. Setelah 9 bulan tanpa konser, akhirnya 2016 pecah telor dan gue bisa merasakan menjadi sebuah bagian dari kerumunan yang keringetan, teriak-teriak, dan lompat-lompat bareng.
Konser Simple Plan di tanggal 4 september kemarin bener-bener konser pertama gue di 2016 dan rasanya, konser itu perfect banget. Se-perfect band yang manggung. I feel as though nothing could bring me down after the show. Walaupun di konser kali ini gue nggak banyak ketemu temen-temen yang biasanya ngemper diluar venue konser atau di lobby hotel bareng, tapi tetep banyak hal yang bisa gue syukurin dari konser kemarin.
I must admit, I do miss the thrill of lining up to buy tickets on the day they were on sale. I miss those days so badly. Dimana gue rela keluar rumah setelah solat subuh demi bisa dapet tiket dengan harga tiket presale 1. Those days will forever be missed.
The moment I step my feet on the venue, I feel home right away. I feel like I belong. I don’t feel different and I surely feel like I do not have to try to fit in. That is one of the reason why I love being on shows so much.
Kemarin, companion gue nonton simple plan adalah Gloria dan Fanisa.... dan mereka membuat gue nggak berhenti ketawa, entah apa yang kita omongin. Gue pun lupa. Tapi, begitu masuk ke venue (Eco Convention, Ancol) sekitar jam 2, gue agak cukup kaget karena ternyata venue nya belum terlalu rame.. Alhamdulillah.. Langsung lah kita bertiga atur strategi, Icha dan Gloria ngetag tempat, gue baru mau nuker wristband.
Di depan venue konser, ada semacam patung berbentuk T-rex (yang ternyata adalah pokestop!) dan si T-rex ini kurang lebih jadi bahan pembicaraan kita bertiga lah. Gue juga sempet ketemu Shabrina yang jauh jauh dateng dari Jogja.. Sayang yah shab kita ndak barengan nontonnya.. tapi yang penting kita happy lah ya. Terus sekitar jam 3an, Findra dateng dan dia pun join kita bertiga dalam perdebatan bagaimana posisi tangan T-rex sampai akhirnya kita menirukan bentuk dan suaranya.......... kalo dipikir-pikir... kita pasti annoying bagi orang-orang lain y.
Oia, sekitar jam 3 (atau 4?) tetiba ada satu van besar masuk ke area venue, dan agak jauh dari lobby, turunlah beberapa crew bule, yang salah satunya memiliki rambut indah yang fantastis sampai gue menjuluki dia Mr. Pretty Hair (tenang, cerita tentang dia ada bagiannya sendiri kok). Setelah van itu nurunin beberapa  crew, mereka langsung cabut (entah kemana). Tapi kayaknya pas mereka nurunin si Mr. Pretty Hair dkk, didalem van nya juga ada band membernya.... Sayang gue terlalu sibuk ngeliatin si Mr. Pretty Hair mainin rambutnya untuk bener-bener merhatiin isi van.....
Setelah banyak ketawa sampe perut sakit, akhirnya gue, Gloria dan Fanisa merasa perut kita keroncongan dan akhirnya kita bertiga nitip nasi goreng sama Gio yang kebetulan masih di Solaria juga. Terimakasih Gio udah mau baik bawain nasi goreng kita! Kurang lebih, Gio dateng jam 6 membawa makanan yang menyelamatkan kita dari pingsan dan lemes.. dan entah kenapa, jam setengah 7 kok tiba-tiba yang didepan disuruh berdiri sama security. Untung makanan kita udah abis dan udah dibuang (karena pas udah berdiri dan gue bisa jalan, ternyata.... didepan banyak botol dan sampah bungkus sisa makanan.. EW!).
Gue kira, security dan crew kasian ngeliat kita-kita yang lesehan dengan muka agak dekil, makanya dibolehin masuk ke venue... Ternyata... Kayaknya security yang nyuruh kita berdiri jam nya dicepetin setengah jam.
Pas kejadian berdiri ini sih hal yang paling gue benci terjadi.... Antrian yang tadinya mengular mendadak jadi berantakan dan yang seharusnya ngantri di super belakang, nyelak ke bagian depan karena nggak ada pembatas antrian sama sekali. Tenang, oknum-oknum tukang nyerobot udah gue post kok di twitter dan snapchat serta instagram stories. >:)
Akhirnya, karena kerusuhan serobot menyerobot, kita pun disuruh duduk lagi, dan entah darimana mereka, tetiba gerombolan VIP disuruh ngantri dari pintu masuk festival A baru deh giliran antrian gue masuk (terimakasih Gloria atas pegangan tangan yang kuat sehingga gue nggak kepisah dari lo). Gue nggak tau sih berapa lama kita nunggu didepan stage karena sejujurnya nggak begitu kerasa (atau mungkin karena ada mas yang dari semarang yang terus menerus bilang “iki apik rek aku dapet paling depan, wuih mantep iki!” sampai akhirnya gue gatel dan menimpali nya dengan logat jawa yang kaku...... Oia, mas yang sama juga ngeliat Chuck pas kita baru masuk venue, dan dia teriak tapi ndak kenceng jadi gue membantu memanggil dengan teriakan ala toa masjid gue sampe dia kaget dan menutup kupingnya. Maafin ya mas).
Jam 8.20-an tetiba venue jadi gelap gulita. Yas! The lights are out! ...................... tapi kok setelah gelap-gelapan (mungkin) 5 menit, band nya nggak keluar-keluar ya? Ealah, musti kecepetan ini matiin lampu nya. Jadi awkward deh. Tapi nggak lama dari gue mikir seperti itu, Simple Plan nya langsung keluar dan ngebawain lagu Opinion Overload, dilanjut Jet lag, dan jump. Sesungguhnya, gue mengeluarkan terlalu banyak energi dan lompatan di 4 lagu pertama. Jadi di lagu selanjutnya nggak sanggup lompat-lompat heboh karena udah sakit kakinya (iya, iya, gue butuh olahraga lagi).
Lucunya, pas mereka keluar, ternyata mereka ber lima semacam seragaman gitu. Semuanya pake kaos warna hitam, dan kebetulan.... Gue pun dateng pake baju warna item. Kita kembaran, guys.
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Ada banyak banget highlights di konser ini, salah satunya adalah David Desrosiers yang centil nya ndak ketulungan sama satu cewek di barisan depan gue (tapi dia disampingnya Fanisa). Jadi, si mbak ini dari awal emang udah mannggilin David terus sampai gue merasa gue nggak perlu manggil David lagi.
Anyways, selama konser, Pierre sering banget bilang terimakasih dan beberapa kata lain yang dia ungkapin pake bahasa indonesia (tapi ngga ada yang bisa ngalahin Cameron Leahy ngomong cenat cenut pas 2011, sih). Sebelum SP konser di Jakarta, mereka manggung di Bali dulu dan sepertinya mereka disana sempet jalan-jalan deh. Jadinya selama di Jakarta, mereka masih amazed sama keindahan pulau dewata.
Di beberapa lagu kayak jetlag, farewell, Kiss Me (yang semenjak gue mendapat pick milik bapak Desrosiers, jadi gue ganti liriknya), dan singing in the rain, David banyak nyanyi loh. Dan gue sangat menikmati bagian gue denger dia gantiin Jordan Pundik nyanyi. Ehehe.
Tapi hati gue malam itu tercuri sama gayanya Seb yang necis banget sih. Cuma pake kaos warna hitam tapi dikasih semacam scarf di leher, dan boom! Gue gelagepan sendiri liatnya xD Om, cakep bener pake baju begitu aja.. So fashionable~
Anyways, Simple Plan total ngebawain 20 lagu dengan setlist yang sama seperti di Bali, di Jakarta, sebelum nyanyi I’d do aything, mereka sempet ngecover I gotta feeling nya BEP. Terus mereka juga ngecover Uptown Funk dan Can’t Feel My Face.
Encore pertama mereka waktu di Jakarta adalah I’m Just A Kid dan David melakukan ini pas didepan mata gue.. Sampek gue bingung harus ngapain. Yang tadinya nyanyi langsung bengong seada-ada nya xD
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Terus mereka sempet keluar dan crowd pun nge chants “simple plan! Simple plan! Simple plan!” tapi gue merasa agak aneh, jadi gue dan gloria langsung teriak “we want more! We want more!”. Alhamdulillah diikutin. Nggak lama dari crowd berenti, mereka keluar lagi dan langsung bawain Shut Up! Wihiiii, lagu kesukaan ku <3
Konser berlanjut dengan lagu In A Perfect world. Setelah lagu ini, Chuck, David, Jeff, dan Seb ngaso dulu di pinggir stage karena Pierre bawain This Song Saved My Life dengan set akustik. Asli ya, denger lagu itu di iPod aja gue bisa nangis, kebayang kan nonton langsung mas Pierre nyanyi reaksi gue kayak gimana? Ya begitu deh. Kalo gue pake maskara, mungkin gue keluar venue kayak membernya KISS.
Setelah membuat sebagian besar orang di kerumunan menangis, simple plan akhirnya bawain lagu terakhirnya, yaitu Perfect. Di first half of the song, lagu ini masih dibawain sendiri sama Pierre, baru setelah reff pertama, yang lain ikut naik ke panggung, dan David keluar make kaos putih bertuliskan I <3 BALI.
I must admit I like the almost poetic feels to ending a show with Perfect. The title speaks for itself, tapi bagi penonton macem saya, begitu denger intro aja langsung nangis kejer. I didn’t want the night to end. But I’m also glad it ended all in the most perfect way possible <3
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undiscoveredwriting · 8 years
Masih gampang tergoda untuk bantu promosiin band baru yang membernya nggak songong.
Semenjak gue kenal The Downtown Fiction di tahun 2008 dan menjadi bagian dari street team mereka, gue menemukan rasa seneng (dan bangga) yang belum pernah gue rasain sebelum itu. Nggak gampang emang jadi street team band kecil asal Virginia yang pada saat itu cuma bermodal MySpace untuk masarin lagunya. Belum ada Spotify, guvera, joox, atau aplikasi semacamnya. Bahkan iTunes pun waktu itu belum masuk ke Indonesia.
Untuk anak SMP kelas 2, jadi street team itu hal yang bikin bangga banget. Bukan cuma kenal temen temen dari luar, tapi gue membuktikan ke diri gue sendiri bahwa gue bukan sekedar fangirl yang bisanya nyanyiin lagu mereka diluar kepala, tapi gue juga seorang fan yang bantuin mereka untuk dapet fans di Jakarta. Belum banyak yang tau siapa mereka saat itu, tapi akhir 2009, pas Twitter mulai booming di Indonesia, gue akhirnya menyerah dan mulai meninggalkan MySpace dan facebook untuk promosiin band asal Virginia ini.
Dari situlah muncul kecintaan gue menjalani aktivitas seorang street teamer. Ada rasa bangga yang cukup besar saat gue mulai mengenalkan siapa sih band ini, seperti apa lagu mereka dan kenapa sih mereka worth to listen.
Tapi, dibalik semua itu, ada satu hal yang bikin gue sangat suka melakukan semua aktivitas yang seorang street teamer lakukan.. Yaitu interaksi antara gue dan member band nya sendiri. Pas pertama kali gue tau siapa mereka, gue nggak langsung memutuskan untuk jadi street team kok. Baru setelah kita mulai bales-balesan komen di MySpace dan gue memutuskan untuk bikin AIM supaya bisa ngobrol sama mereka gue merasa bahwa mereka emang niat bikin band.
Gue adalah salah satu orang yang sangat menghormati effort orang lain dalam segi apapun. Saat gue melihat member satu band rela menghabiskan waktunya untuk berinteraksi sama listener mereka, respect gue untuk band member itu langsung naik. Nggak gampang loh bikin musik dan ngobrol sama pendengar.
Setelah The Downtown Fiction, gue mulai menjelajah MySpace untuk tau band band baru, dan gue menemukan banyak musisi yang kasih effort lebih untuk pendengarnya, dan gue memutuskan untuk jadi ST bagi beberapa band.. Ada sing me insomnia, the love light, dan band asal Jakarta, meet me by sunrise. Walaupun pada akhirnya mereka semua disband, gue masih nyimpen lagu lagu mereka yang gue beli dengan susah payah kok.. (kecuali mmbs, karena gue beli cd mereka di acara EP release nya).
Hari ini gue komen-komenan sama Jack Hewett (dulu dia additional membernya we start partys dan sekarang dia main di Tuskens) yang pretty much bilang bahwa dia suka main untuk crowd di Jakarta dan dia berharap bisa main di Jakarta.. I guess I really am a sucker when it comes to nice band member and their sincerity to make music for others.
Emang sih, beberapa tahun ini semenjak gue kenal ujian dan kuliah, gue udah jarang melakukan aktivitas gue sebagai street team, tapi beneran deh, gue masih sangat menyukai apa yang gue lakukan. Gue suka banget promosiin musik yang gue suka ke orang orang dengan taste music yang sama seperti gue. Kadang, gue bukan pengen bantuin band nya punya banyak fans, tapi gue mau orang orang tau bahwa ada musik bagus yang dibuat sama orang-orang yang belum bernaung di label besar.
Lagi, belakangan ini gue memang asik dengan kuliah gue. Seneng sama semua project yang kampus kasih, suka dan sangat menikmati setiap prosesnya. Gue sering lupa bahwa gue punya hal lain yang gue suka juga. Seperti malam ini, mendadak gue ngerasa seperti Amelia yang masih jadi siswa SMP yang excited karena ada member sebuah band yang minta tolong untuk bantu promosi.
Sometimes, it feels good to have someone who makes something you love talk to you, asking for a favor.
Teruntuk band band baru diluar sana, kalo kalian mau band kalian langgeng selama mungkin, make sure kalian punya fanbase yang kuat. Tanpa fans, siapa yang bakal dengerin musik yang kalian buat? Sebagai seorang fangirl dan juga seorang street team, gue ngerasain bedanya band yang ramah sama fans dan yang nggak. Asli, pengalaman gue sama band member yang songong itu nggak akan pernah gue lupain sampai kapanpun.
Jadi inget ya, jadilah band yang baik. Bikin musik yang jujur dan punya arti, dan jangan jadi anak band yang songong dan sok ngartis. Fangirls punya senses yang kuat kalo masalah band member ramah atau songong >:D
Ah, blog yang tadinya gue bikin untuk review album dan film malah jadinya buat nulis beginian. Yasudahlah ya. Mungkin kalo ndak malas reviewnya captain America: Civil War, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2, dan beberapa album yang baru didenger akan naik di Blog ini.
((kalau ndak malas loh ya))
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undiscoveredwriting · 8 years
The Danish Girl Has A Vision
For the conservative people, movies like The Danish Girl is highly unacceptable. Before I could move into the story, I must first tell you this movie requires you to be very open minded, for this is a movie about a transgender pioneer, Lili Elbe.
Keep reading
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undiscoveredwriting · 8 years
Comic 8: Casino Kings, garing?
Barusan banget baca review tentang Comic 8: Casino Kings part 2. Isi reviewnya, membantai film itu abis-abisan. Di review itu film ini dibilang jelek dan logika nya nggak ada, udah gitu banyak plothole nya. Perbandingannya sama pulp fuction.
Mungkin karena gue memang orang yang nggak ngerti film bagus ya, tapi sebagai masyarakat biasa yang pernah belajar cara bikin film dan punya selera humor yang rendah banget, menurut gue pribadi, film Comic 8 Casino part 2 ini sangat menghibur banget.
Dari awal mulai pun gue udah ketawa ngikik nggak ada suara sampe perut keram x)) if it’s not obvious already, gue suka nonton film yang gapake mikir. Walaupun film ini emang isinya banyak berantem, tapi adegan berantem bodohnya ini yang bikin menghibur. Tolong di inget ya, tulisan ini dibuat sama orang yang selera humornya udah sejajar sama polisi tidur di jalanan komplek.
Film ini tuh gimana ya.. Kayak, banyak hal-hal ngga penting yang justru bikin lucu. Kayak si helikopter yang nembak-nembakin rumahnya Indro karena mau nyulik doi. Sebenernya lo nggak perlu make helikopter yang bisa nembak wuzz wuzz gitu buat nyulik orang kan? Then again, gue merasa bahwa ini memang film yang bertujuan menghibur dan agak nggak make sense (or so I thought) x)) selain helikopter, ya menurut lo aje, mana bisa buaya tiktok nya kapten hook tiba-tiba berubah jadi naga ngeluarin api terus wuzz hilang gitu aja =))
Intinya, menurut gue, film itu menghibur. Film buat lucu-lucuan aja. Tapi inget, sekali lagi ya…. Blog entry ini ditulis sama anak perempuan yang selera humornya sejajar sama polisi tidur di depan komplek 😂
-Amelia D.
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undiscoveredwriting · 8 years
Tumblr diblokir di Indonesia!
Kurang lebih, tulisan seperti judul post ini lah yang lalu lalang di timeline twitter dan line gue hari ini. Kalau ndak salah, pertama tau berita bahwa tumblr akan di blokir kurang lebih tadi sore jam 4 dan mood gue pun mendadak langsung jadi jelek banget.
Tumblr udah jadi ‘tempat pelarian’ gue beberapa tahun ini (itung sendiri ya kalo dari 2009 udah berapa lama). Blog attemptingtobeawriter ini memang baru gue bikin tahun lalu setelah gue memutuskan untuk mulai menulis review dari album-album dan film-film yang gue suka (dengan harapan blog ini bisa gue masukin ke CV biar keliatan bahwa gue memang seorang penulis, bukan cuma tukang reblog konten untuk fangirling), tapi bener deh, gue udah menghabiskan berjam-jam hidup gue di tumblr dari jamannya tumblarity populer banget disini.
Mengingat bahwa gue menemukan banyak banget temen dari tumblr dan gue juga sering banget promosi karya tulis aka Fanfic gue disini, gue sejujurnya panik banget tadi sore. Sedikit takut bahwa gue mulai harus menyelamatkan segala tulisan di blog ini dan blog satu lagi yang memang isinya untuk menenangkan jiwa gue (baca: fangirling).
Gue sedikit pesimis tadi sore bahwa gue masih bisa nulis lagi di tumblr besok pagi karena belakangan ini kok ya kayaknya kominfo getol banget ngeblokir banyak website yang menurut mereka banyak mengandung konten pornografinya.
Meskipun gue tau bahwa tumblr bukan website porno, tetep aja gue khawatir dan takut besok pagi pas bangun tidur gue nggak bisa ngecek dashboard indah gue yang isinya anak anjing, anak kucing, dugong berenang, dan MEME dari band & sinetron bule favorit gue.
Tapi ya, ada satu hal yang sebenernya cukup mengganggu gue, dan gue cukup sering ngomong masalah ini ke siapapun dan kapanpun, yaitu fakta bahwa kemkominfo ngeblokir website yang katanya mengandung pornografi (seperti tumblr) tapi gue masih bisa dengan gampang beli buku erotika di toko toko buku besar, baik itu dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa indonesia -_-
Why do you work so hard to block all these websites and still let bookstores sell some kind porn in a form of a book? See what I mean here? Di salah satu kelas gue di semester kemarin, disetiap sesinya selalu ada diskusi. One of the topics being porn in media, which strike me hard, karena begitu gue baca undang-undang tentang pornografi, ternyata tulisan juga termasuk pornografi dan setau gue sih…. Novel juga termasuk media kok.
Well, the clock on my dining room says it’s 2:54 am as I’m writing this very sentence and I think it is safe to write that I should be hitting my bed and sleep off the night. See ya later, tumblr!
-Amelia D.
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