valirey-edblr · 5 months
sitting in your room realising how far you could’ve come if you had just stayed consistent
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valirey-edblr · 5 months
Nov 24 2023
You really want some motivation?
Type into google your:
•And your Ugw
And find a few examples and boom. Proportionally, that’s probably what you’re going to look like when you get there.
Your welcome! :)
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valirey-edblr · 5 months
If ur gonna be an anorexic dont be a failed one
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valirey-edblr · 5 months
I found this somewhere and i thought it may be useful!
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I hope this helps some people!!! :D
-> if you have any tips of your own feel free to comment them!
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valirey-edblr · 6 months
and general gut health tips from a girl who’s been through hell
magnesium!! - i’ve been taking magnesium oxide every day and it honestly changed everything. cannot recommend enough.
tea - lots work great; senna, chamomile, peppermint, ginger, etc. i love green tea and black tea.
chia seeds - so good with yogurt and oats
prunes - the flavour might not be for everyone, but they’re really helpful
ripe bananas - oddly, they work
apple cider vinegar - a tablespoon with water before meals, and a great appetite suppressant too
fibre supplements - i have a bunch of powders that i stir into my drinks so i can sip all day, the flavoured ones are delicious and still really low cal
coffee - in moderation, never on an empty stomach
laxatives ! IN MODERATION - only as much as your doctor/meds instruct !
minimum 10 min walk after every meal - walking after i eat really gets my stomach moving
2-3L water a day
do stretches + massages for bowel movements, there are tons of tiktoks and youtube videos!
walk plenty, i try to reach 15k a day
work out a few days a week
high-protein diet
metabolism days!!!
cut out processed foods
get enough fruit!
reminder that excess water and fibre when you’ve been backed up for ages won’t change much, you just create more gas above where you’re backed up.
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valirey-edblr · 6 months
-ˋˏ ༻ED Hair Care༺ ˎˊ-
✿ hey luvlies! ✿
if you’re like me and have an eating disorder that causes you to not get enough nutrients for it to be healthy for your hair, you know it can be really stressful to witness it become damaged or fall out. Considering a part of ED’s are often being obsessive of appearance (i am very guilty of this lol) it can lead down bad paths of more stress. Here i am going to list the ways i practice ana harm reduction to keep my hair as good as i can <3
if you are in recovery i am so proud of you and you are amazing, please know this (along with the rest of my blogs content) can be triggering so if you need to scroll or leave now, no judgement, you’ve gotta care for you!
DISCLAIMER: I will just say the things listed below the cut are just my person experiences and what i’ve learned, i am not a trained professional nor do i have plans to become one. also disclaimer i am white and have naturally stick straight hair, if you have curls or a different hair texture it may be different for you! 
Keep reading
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valirey-edblr · 6 months
why are porn accounts using ana tags??? Excuse me???? 😑😑🤮🤮 pls go away!!! I don’t wanna see your nasty ass out of nowhere😭😭 my poor eyes!!!!
they specifically use the “low cal meal” tag 😢😅
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valirey-edblr · 6 months
oh to be his dainty little girlfriend…
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valirey-edblr · 6 months
🌻 ED meme dump 🌻
All of the following made by me - feel free to reuse or share. These aren't meant to be too serious, I was just a little bored and wanted to make myself laugh. Made via the memegenerator website.
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valirey-edblr · 6 months
The amount of children posting their bare bodies on here is terrifying. Please do not post yourself if you're underage. Pedos steal your photos and with AIs help they can do anything to those pictures.
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valirey-edblr · 7 months
I miss the times when cals didn't scare the shit out of me.
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valirey-edblr · 7 months
fiber info💜
if you experience digestive issues, try using a fiber supplement before meals and/or eat foods that contain fiber
fiber before meals helps your blood sugar levels stay low even if you eat carbs right after
women should get 21-25 grams of fiber per day
men should get 30-38 grams of fiber per day
soluble fiber slows things down in the digestive tract, while insoluble fiber can speed things up
by attracting water, soluble fiber removes excess fluid. this is how it helps decrease diarrhea.
foods containing soluble fiber include: apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, blueberries, peas, avocados, sweet potato, carrots, and turnips
insoluble fiber doesnt dissolve in water, so it stays intact as it moves through your digestive system, alleviating constipation
foods containing insoluble fiber include: zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, leafy greens, cauliflower, blackberries, chia seeds, flaxseed, rolled oats, whole grains, and brown rice
other tips i've found to be helpful:
eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, and sip water inbetween
don't lay down or sleep within one hour of eating a meal
try sleeping on your left side; your digestive system will be tilted downward, allowing gravity to help with digestion
eat every 3-4 hours instead of eating more frequently; this is how long it takes insulin levels to come down. high insulin levels result in high blood sugar
stand/walk for 5-10 minutes after eating
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valirey-edblr · 7 months
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valirey-edblr · 7 months
Skinny Girl Rules:
1. Always keep a good posture, it burns more calories and looks a lot better
2. No soda (not even diet) just drink water instead, trust me, it's much better
3. No white bread
4. No sweets
5. When you order a salad, always ask them to skip the dressing or oils
6. Multivitamins. Daily.
7. Keep your macronutrients balanced, or else you'll be skinny fat
8. Massage legs every night to stimulate blood flow and fat burning
9. There are exercises you can literally do in bed so you have no excuse
10. Every morning drink warm water, or other detox drinks like lemon water, to boost your metabolism. Green tea is your best friend
11. Always. Take. The. Stairs.
12. Don't you ever purge. That's not pretty
13. Don't rush with losing weight, if you get too extreme you'll do more harm than good
14. If you feel like binging, fill yourself with water, if it doesn't help, look up "gross expired food"
15. Before eating something, look at thinspo
16. Always share your food with others- the less calories the better
17. Don't break your fasts unless extremely necessary, you need to take this seriously
18. Don't restrict too low, you aren't built different
19. Always check how much sugar there is in a product- even stuff like almond milk
20. Get. enough. sleep. It is a priority
21. Never ever skip skincare
22. Do hair masks from time to time, pretty girls have shiny hair
23. Keep your room clean, it burns calories too
24. Don't ruin your body just because you like the taste of something - get a grip
25. Don't get cocky just because you lost some weight, you can gain it back in an instant with that attitude
26. Don't lie about your bmi or weight online, you're lying to yourself too and makes you indulge in cheating more often
27. Uncounted calories go in your thighs
28. Yoga to release stress- cortisol prevents weight loss
29. No eating after 7 pm 
30. Try to eat as much fiber! Oatmeal and chickpeas are underrated
31. Watching and repeating workouts on youtube makes you feel less lonely and is actually kinda fun (always trust the korean ladies)
32. No ana coaches, they're creepy. All of them.
You'll end up lying to them and ditching them-which will result in becoming prone to overeating
33. Don't be stupid, don't eat cotton, lax or diet pills, you can easily lose weight without that shit
34. Watch your sodium intake, it increases appetite
35. Don't forget about hunger supressants like apple cider vinegar and cinnammon, they're actually a life saver
36. Eat your fruits and veggies
37. Make your workouts feel fun, a big mistake is to use exercise as a punishment
38. Do your research before believing everything tumblr says, potatoes have a lot of fiber and you shouldn't avoid them, ice cold baths don't work
39. Cold showers do work, but you need to do this gradually, firstly shower with lukewarm water and then every time make it slightly colder, pro tip: it feels less cold after a workout
40. Stop watching Supersize vs Superskinny, it's a really bad influence
41. We both know damn well your thinspo doesn't look like that because of subliminals
42. Too much apple cider vinegar damages your teeth, and coffee makes them yellow
43. Cut your food into small bites, eating is boring isn't it? Good. You're eating to live, not living to eat.
44. Never reward yourself with food. Food is the enemy
45. Jumping rope, skating, cycling, dancing, swimming, playing volleyball and other sports games, are all quick and fun ways to burn fat
46. Make sure your gum is sugar-free
47. Do not chew gum while you're working out, it's harmful
48. Lowkey i recommend deleting tik tok,, nothing on that app is truly useful information and ed tik tok is crap, it's much easier to stop procastinating when you don't have it installed
49. The secret to weight loss is creating habits and sticking to them, but remember - one habit at a time
50. Oh you're too ashamed to post your body checks? Then maybe you shouldn't eat that
51. Going to bed on an empty stomach feels sooo good and it makes you sleep better anyway
52. Remember, when you'll get skinny you'll be so happy and proud to show off your cute petite body
53. Romanticizing your ed really helps, imagine you're a french model or a fairy, music in the theme of your scenario helps a lot
54. Notice how you were feeling before hanging out with someone, and then how you're feeling after you're with them, are they bad for you? Cut them off, you don't need the extra stress
55. Your stomach growling is just fat crying
56. Don't get too obssesed with finding ana tips, once you know the basics, which i covered here, all you gotta do is-just don't eat,, literally
57. Thinking burns calories so don't feel guilty about sitting and reading
58. Don't drink too much water when you're fastig, it causes your brain to shrink
59. Baby stop manifesting and start actually doing shit to lose weight
60. If you struggle with sleep, try jogging 8-4 hours before bedtime, it helps fix your circadian rythm, there is yoga for that too
61. The app EatThisMuch plans your meals according to your preferred calorie intake, making sure the macronutrients aren't neglected. The app Life is for fasting and it really helps with motivation, i feel accomplished when i reach the heavy ketosis stage ♻️
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valirey-edblr · 7 months
Lunch! :3
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valirey-edblr · 7 months
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valirey-edblr · 8 months
protien yogurt (96cal, 15g protien)
protien icecream (will post the recipe soon)
fruit (ranges in cals)
sugar-free jelly (7 cal)
paddle pops (86cal)
smart sweets (53cal)
jols (48cal)
wafers (8cal/wafer)
konjac jellies (7cal)
canned salmon (54cal, 10.5g protien)
cucumber (17 cal/100g)
cottage cheese (100 cal/100g 10g protien)
crumpets (86)
rice cakes (23)
prawns (63cal/100g)
any vegetables (ranges in cals)
MEALS (let me know if you want the recipe)
la zuppa pumpkin soup (132cal for 2 massive serves)
oatmeal (1 sachet=134cal)
fried rice made without oil (ranges in cals but about 200cal)
konjac stir fry (100 cal)
spicy prawn tacos (300cal)
tomato and mushroom pasta (200cal)
Thai green curry (213cal)
shrimp skewers (163cal)
Chicken noodle soup (132cal)
Potato salad with salmon (200)
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