vee-vee-elle · 1 year
Part One [x]
When I woke up the world was swaying. For some moments I remained laying in the softest bed I’d ever known, staring at a pale wooden ceiling I didn’t recognize. The knowledge of where I was hovered just out of reach. And I was content not to go looking for it.
But then someone cleared their throat, and I sat up so fast it made my head spin. I clutched at a carved wooden headboard to keep myself upright and fought to focus. The room was full of silvery moonlight from a large set of windows, and in the shadows I could just make out a tall sort of spindly shape. 
I froze. 
“Ah, good, you’re awake,” the shape said. Their voice made me think of cornhusks, of all things. The whispering, papery sound they made in the wind. “Now – please don’t scream, Princess?”
The note of uncertainty in their voice kept me calmer than I might have been had they sounded annoyed. 
“Give – give me a moment, if you would,” I said. And they did. Patiently waiting just beyond sight while I braced myself against the headboard. 
‘The hells,’ I thought. ‘You’re in the hells. It wasn’t a dream.’
Being asked not to scream merely makes you wonder why you would have. It’s a warning, yes, but not a very helpful one. And lord knew I wasn’t ready to be awake in a world where I was at the mercy of demons again. 
Not facing it wasn’t going to make it go away, though. So I let out a breath, and nodded. 
“Thank you.”
The speaker stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight. My breath hitched in my throat, and they froze. But I did not scream. 
They were quite tall, like the Demon King, and long limbed. They also had spiraling horns that grew across the entire top of their head. Obscuring their eyes, and much of their skull. Of their face I could see half an aquiline nose, and thin lips. It was – startling. But not the kind of terrifying that I thought warranted a ‘please don’t scream’. 
We stared at each other for a moment. Well – at least I did. I wasn’t sure about them – they certainly seemed to be looking at me, even though I didn’t see any eyes – until I caught a glimpse of brilliant green fire. Not, not fire – two disembodied eyes floated above and to either side of their head, glowing. They were the size of dinner plates, perhaps, and lidded and lashed as if they were part of another invisible face. 
This time I did make a sound. A sort of strangled squeak as my stomach swooped and twisted. My hands flew to my mouth, and I clutched at my face despite how my skin prickled and burned. My breath came out my nose in harsh snorts, like a horse on the edge of its sanity. 
Two more eyes opened, much closer to me, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from shrieking. I threw myself backwards, into the headboard and drew my knees up to my chest. A terrible ringing was starting in my ears. 
“I am Ocludei,” they said, their second set of eyes spinning out of existence. 
“B – Brenna,” I replied. Forcing the new fear down where it wouldn’t choke me. They were only eyes. They were only eyes.
“Brenna,” they repeated, their tone almost like a caress. I shivered.
 “I… I apologize, I’m being terribly rude.”
They waved one silver bedecked hand in dismissal. “It is only to be expected of a human.”
I wasn’t sure if this was meant as grace, or to sting me.
Done waiting for me to settle myself, they bustled about my bed which I only then realized was shaped like a boat. I focused on the engravings along the side – horses and waves all tangled together – and Ocludei promptly snatched up my hand. I flinched, but they didn’t drop it. Rather turned it this way and that, muttering under their breath. 
“Your hands at least are untouched. I suppose that’s because he offered you his elbow.”
I blinked up at them for a moment. Then my free hand flew to my face. Or it tried to. Ocludei’s other hand darted out and snatched mine away before I could. 
“Someone said my face –”
“Hush,” they said, gently. “I’ve healed it already. Our dear King sometimes forgets how fragile humans can be.”
“Then why can’t I touch it? I already have. When I – when I saw your eyes.” 
“It will still be tender, and questing fingers have unraveled my spells before,” they said, unyielding. “I did not stop you a moment ago as you were panicking. I shall fetch you a mirror if you’re truly worried.”
Bit by bit my heart was beginning to slow. I let out a long breath, head craning to meet their floating eyes. Only eyes. There were worse things. Like whatever lay within the portal. 
“There’s no need.”
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vee-vee-elle · 1 year
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My hands are locked around my satchel in a death grip, my knees pulled up to my chest. I’m curled in the corner of the carriage now, with no care for how improper I look. Perfect posture, ladylike manners – learning it at all was a waste of time. Because now I’m going to die.  
When the rifts opened along our borders, everyone in the kingdom knew it spelled trouble. So of course, when the first of the strange beings stepped foot on our land and began attacking the farms, we took decisive action. 
Everyone knew about the demon king, too, and the many countries his rifts have swallowed already. The tales of his merciless cruelty and violence had always been deemed too sordid for a princess. But I’d heard them anyway by listening to the men in the kennels, the soldiers in the barracks, or the cooks in the kitchen. They’d spoken of little else since the trouble started. And when I didn’t want to be noticed, none saw me. 
So I heard about bones broken, bodies twisted into new unholy formations, and the way all fair things became foul at the sight or touch of a demon. Let alone their king. 
We threw our soldiers against a never ending sea of demons. And day by day, they drew closer. The rifts opened wider, taller.
And then one opened at the edge of the capital city. 
You can’t imagine the chaos.
I remember my father’s hands shaking. The way my older sister, Desdemona went to stand beside him and laid her own hand on his shoulder. I could only stand there feeling numb. Uncertain if I was allowed to approach. I could put my hand on his other shoulder. I could. All three of us could have stood and watched the red light of the rift wash across our city. It wouldn’t have saved us, but at least we would have been together. 
But I didn’t move, and the moment broke. My father and my sister were soon claimed by the clamoring of the high council, and the palace guards. Bells rang across the colorful stones of our city, but no screams. Not after the first chorus that sounded when the air turned molten and split open to reveal that hell was on our doorstep. 
 When they left I moved to the balcony myself – no one stopped me or said it was too dangerous. Which was good, because I wanted to see our doom for myself. Facing what you fear is always better, I think. 
The square before the castle was filling with people, but I saw no monsters. No demons. And the city was eerily quiet. The rift like a malevolent yellow eye that stared unblinking at me and every other ant-like person swarming before it in silent panic. 
The rift wasn’t what I expected. I’d thought I might see an alien sky beyond the opening, perhaps a harsh, heat blistered landscape wreathed in flames. But instead it was almost like the surface of a soap bubble, full of shifting colors and reflections. 
I’d wondered what was beyond it. 
Now I was going to see. Even terrified and on the edge of what must be death or worse, my curiosity still writhed with wanting. 
“And what good are answers if you die from them?” I hissed to myself. 
Tears slid past my squeezed shut eyes. And I tried to think about something else. Like my family. 
I hadn’t seen them since the announcement at the council. My sister in her armor at Father’s side. My mother with her hand on his shoulder on the other. And me, standing a little behind them, near the three thrones. 
I think I’d had one once. But it had been broken, or unsightly, and taken away. I never felt brave enough to ask when it would be replaced, and so it never was. I simply stood and observed the court from off to the side, behind the curtains most days. 
“Our family,” my mother said. “Have at last finished negotiating with the Demon King.”
Her voice trembled at the moniker. No one so much as whispered his name. Names were power. And the Demon King’s was a siren call to any who spoke it – even though that wasn’t how the power of names was supposed to work. 
“We have come together and decided that we shall for the sake of our kingdom, for the sake of our farmers, our artisans, our soldiers and our other good people, to provide him the insurance he needs to stop his attacks,” my father continues. His voice was stronger. 
My sister looked back at me, her blue eyes – so different from my brown ones – calm and focused. She offered me one of her hands and I took it, feeling flushed and small beside her. I stepped out of the shadow and stood with them and felt like the last piece of a puzzle clicking into place. 
“Our daughter, Winnifred Joan Raphaelle Brenna,” I jolted as not one, but all of my names were announced to the hall by my parents. A horrible slide of fear extinguished the pride I’d felt to be standing beside my family. 
“Shall be the bulwark of our great country against these monsters. She shall go through one of the rifts and sit amongst the Demon King’s own council as his insurance of our continued armistice! Long live the Princess!”
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vee-vee-elle · 1 year
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Dragon Age II, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Original Characters, Hawke (Dragon Age), Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Male Hawke (Dragon Age), Varric Tethras, Fenris (Dragon Age), Anders (Dragon Age), Aveline Vallen, Isabela (Dragon Age), Merrill (Dragon Age), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: mentions Sebastian, Canon-Typical Violence, No Beta Series: Part 6 of Anastasia's Story Summary:
Ana goes back to Kirkwall to see what's up. Who knew it would end with a fight to the death against the Arishok?
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
On the herbs page, I added a simplified list (wealth, good luck, prosperity, healing, etc) at the bottom, with a note at the top of where to find it.
Notion Template for Witchy stuff
I  made a Notion template for witchy stuff, because I couldn’t find one that I liked. So, I made it myself!
Here’s the overview for it. Each subject has it’s own page(s) with information about the different things associated with them. I update it when I find new things to add, so it’s slowly but surely growing. So, if you’re of the mind to, be sure to check in for updates every once in a while.
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
I added two new pages-
oracle spreads
I added a few more to the herb page-
black Hawaiian lava salt
crushed eggshells
orchid petals
pink Himalayan salt
rose hips
rose petals
white Hawaiian rock salt
added to-
lemon balm
mint/chocolate mint
Notion Template for Witchy stuff
I  made a Notion template for witchy stuff, because I couldn’t find one that I liked. So, I made it myself!
Here’s the overview for it. Each subject has it’s own page(s) with information about the different things associated with them. I update it when I find new things to add, so it’s slowly but surely growing. So, if you’re of the mind to, be sure to check in for updates every once in a while.
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
I added a few more to the herb page-
blue salt
uva ursi leaf
dandelion leaf
star anise
witch hazel
yerba mate
butterfly pea
added to-
Notion Template for Witchy stuff
I  made a Notion template for witchy stuff, because I couldn’t find one that I liked. So, I made it myself!
Here’s the overview for it. Each subject has it’s own page(s) with information about the different things associated with them. I update it when I find new things to add, so it’s slowly but surely growing. So, if you’re of the mind to, be sure to check in for updates every once in a while.
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
Random Aesthetics
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oc masterlist
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy, after mass effect 3 - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian Characters: Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Garrus Vakarian, Miranda Lawson, Shepard's Father (Mass Effect), Shepard's Mother, Shepard's Brother mentioned Additional Tags: Wakes & Funerals, reception, cremation, burial, brother died, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Loss, Loss, No Beta Series: Part 4 of Mass Effect Collections Summary:
Shepard gets the call that her brother's dead. She's beyond devastated.
fanfiction masterlist
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian Characters: Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Garrus Vakarian Additional Tags: Talking to past self, talking to younger you, shepard's tradition, Birthday, Birthday Tradition, Catching Up, Vague background, could be any background you want Series: Part 3 of Mass Effect Collections Summary:
Every year on her birthday, Shepard goes off on her own. Where does she go? What does she do?
fanfiction masterlist
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
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Geraskier Incorrect Quotes [17/∞] (insp. @samstree)
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
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hello Fable fandom
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
Masterpost: How to write a story?
Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.
How to motivate myself to write more
How to get rid of writer’s block
Basic Overview: How to write a story
How to outline a story
How to come up with plot
How to create a character
How to make a character unique
How to use nicknames
How to start a story
How to write a prologue
How to write conversation
How to write witty banter
How to write the last line
How to write a summary
How to write a book description
How to write romance
How to write friendships
How to write emotional scenes
How to write an argument
How to write yelling
How to write anger
How to write betrayal
How to title fanfiction
How to write an unreliable narrator
First Person vs. Third Person POV
How to write character deaths
How to use songs in a fanfiction
How to name fictional things
How to write multiple points of view
Introducing a group of characters
Large cast of characters interacting in one scene
Redemption arc
Plot twists
Fatal Character Flaws
Good traits gone bad
More specific scenarios
Slow burn
AU ideas
Favourite tropes
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a bilingual character
How to write a character with glasses
How to create a villain
How to write a polyamorous relationship
How to write a wedding
How to write found family
How to write forbidden love
How to write a road trip
How to create and write a cult
How to write amnesia
How to write a stratocracy
How to write the mafia
Criminal past comes to light
Reasons for breaking up while still loving each other
Relationship Problems
Relationship Changes
Milestones in a relationship
Platonic activities for friends
Settings for conversations
Introducing partner(s) to family
Date gone wrong
Love Language - Showing, not telling
Love Language - Showing you care
Affections without touching
Giving the reader butterflies with your characters
Reasons a couple would divorce on good terms
How to write enemies to lovers
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
How to write academic rivals to lovers
How to write age difference
How to create a coffee shop atmosphere
How to create an atmosphere: Library
How to write a college party
How to write modern royalty
Arranged matrimony for royalty
Paramilitary Forces/ Militia
Inconvenient things a ghost could do
A Queen’s Assassination Plot
Crime Story - Detective’s POV
Evil organization of assassins
Evil wins in the end
Causes for the apocalypse
Last day on earth
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
Ben: Currently working on a diary full of lies. I want my loved ones to read it after I die and be like, "Wait, what?"
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
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'Usually, Reaver took an inordinate amount of pride in his appearance. Everything he wore was the cutting edge of fashion, and she had never seen either a wrinkle or a stain marring his clothing. Now, he had circles under his eyes, and his cravat was askew. His boots, too, were spattered with mud. And it was this change in appearance more than anything the letter had said that alarmed her.'
Yes, this is a section of Fable: Edge of the World, because I can't keep away from Reaver no matter how much I need to do work.
I'll be honest, I haven't actually read the book and only skipped to read all sections of Reaver. That's all I'm really there for, and I'm glad because everytime I hear, see or read this man and his actions or words I feel myself exploding and foaming at the mouth. He's so perfect. So scrunkly. So scrummy.
I will ALWAYS remind you that I am clinging to this man harder than I'd ever cling to any other character in existence.
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
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I`ve made a meme hehe
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
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The only constant in your life is you
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vee-vee-elle · 2 years
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So this my first ever post on here... So... Hiii Fable Fandom♡
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