verc0pa 2 days
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This was supposed to be a clothing study but it turned into Heizou so i conveniently have birthday art for him this year
(uncropped vers + reference pic under cut)
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115 notes View notes
verc0pa 3 days
Damn I love how your art is so soft and comforting just wanted to say that
omg???? thank you,, this means so much to me i'll cry
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verc0pa 11 days
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verc0pa 15 days
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color study / grayscale to color practice of hayley williams in that one performance of conspiracy at the nashville ryman auditorium in 2009 which i am so so normal about
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verc0pa 22 days
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this is probably going to appeal to a very specific group of people but i've been losing sleep over the bad batch x danger days crossover and the more i think about this au the more i'm compelled to believe that the bad batch and the killjoys are, in fact, the same. right down to the plotline and corresponding characters and everything. i could write an essay about this
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verc0pa 29 days
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soooo i watched the movie
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verc0pa 1 month
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her birthday is in june of all months and i think you all know why
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verc0pa 1 month
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more jedi in snow please
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verc0pa 2 months
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i'm just like thrawn because i too am obsessed with eli vanto
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verc0pa 2 months
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This thing is a month old and I. I forgor. So, yeah, rebels Thranto AU chilling with Kalluzeb!
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verc0pa 2 months
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518 notes View notes
verc0pa 2 months
once i start making [insert every media ever] fanart it's over for you all
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verc0pa 2 months
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verc0pa 2 months
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verc0pa 2 months
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obligatory obi-wan doodles bc i watched tpm at the theatre yesterday!!!
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verc0pa 2 months
WHAT???? WHAT??????????
"Director (...) pushed for Ahsoka Tano and [Barriss] Offee to enter a romantic relationship"
Sooo after watching all of "Tales Of The Empire" I read up about Barriss Offee to know her background before meeting Ahsoka, betraying the Jedi and all that.
And then this just came out of nowhere??
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Here I thought I had been delusional again lmao
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verc0pa 3 months
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I'm proud of you, ad'ika.
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