vikolai123 2 years
[Credit Goes To RecDTRH On Twitter For The Original Post.]
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vikolai123 4 years
Sweet sins superstars review
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Released a couple a weeks ago sweet sins 2 was made by platonic games sweet sins 2 or sweet sins superstars is a rythm game for mobile devices mostly your phone. The plot of this game is that the godesses of music that once watched over musicalia was corrupted by the evil godess of silence with that the two cause mass chaos allover musicalia and so people of muscalia grabbed ancent intruments and use them to summon a group heroes, with there intruments in hand the group set off and save musicalia from the two evil godesses. Visual stand point the game is good if you wanna know me i am not all for cutsy shit buuuuut you seen my review on rhythmstarr and see how much i love this game the same thing applys here love the cute chibi art its very cute eather way art gets a pass from me same thing for the soundtrack as all rythmgames should theres a couple in there like silly bee or first level you play (i forgot the name) but thats all the praise i give for the game and here is comes the gameplay rhythm tooks some took some insperation from two game such as rhythm starr and musedash. For rhythmstar its that every stage you beaten you get a chest and after a certaint amount of time you can open these chest to get rewards such as characters to play as and miimo cute little sprites that would give you boost to your character and currency which can be use to buy more songs or accelrate the the time for the chest to open none of this i have no problems with right ? So wheres the flaw the big flaw is that in this game the buttons are un responsive gameplay there two notes on the left and other to right you must tap left and your life to the beat to defeat enemies(which is the notes) but for the life me theres times that i the buttons would have a delayed response or just wont registered at all which fucks up my combo and and getting a rank score but since this is a mobile game i hope in the future the platonic would make a update on fix this bug
Eather way the game is really cute and also serves as a time waster i rate sweet sins super stars a chibi guitarist/10
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vikolai123 4 years
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Little doodle thing from a while back in a discord I鈥檓 in :3c forgot to upload it oops-
I like imagining Benrey with very thick poofy hair, idk :) Also the air effect was super fun to do!!
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vikolai123 4 years
Heart and slash game review
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Started out as a kickstarter project in 2016 created by a indie dev team called a heartful games the kickstarter is success and making its goal me and alot of people were excited about this game but i dont see this game being talked about that much so im here to introduce you this short game about a robot in a apocopytic setting.
The plot ot this game is that you played as heart a robot created by doctor sympathetic as your goal to aid humanity during the tutorial you encounter slash your rival after a tutorial on how the combat works quassy a robot that has gone haywired and started to take control of all the robots in the world and began revolting against the humans 100 years later heart has reawoken and they must traverse the world and defeat quassy.
The game play of heart and slash is that the game is a rougelike 3d brawler each rooms and is randomly generated to keep the gameplay forever fresh like any other rougelikes do during combat you gain exp after killling an enemy collect enough exp to gain a skill point to level up your character and equipment another thing about this game is that is hard with youre gonna take a shitton of damage in this game with that you can heal yourself by recycling the equipment you have on your character the and you recover more health if parts of the equipment is upgraded but that is up to you the player. The soundtrack of this game is pretty good my favrote is the first level the game its such the bop to listen to same thing with the graphics the whole game have this cute 3d pixelated look its kinda looks like a ps2 game if im to be honest the combat is ok each you can hold a total of 3 weapons at a time and depending on the weapons will deal ceraint damage of enimies all of them have there own strengths and weaknesses.
The flaws of this game in my opinon
The first flaw is that i wished theres more of a story in this game there is a lack of lore of this game through out the game there is not much happend nore character interaction the two characters you talked to is dr sympethetic and slash who is basically your character's rival but thats it we dont know much about the world other that its been over runned by robots heck we didint even meet dr sympethetic in the end of the game i wished we get to see some more characters other than slash and the dr but thats it
But thats all the flaws of this game i can come up with overall the game is short story wise but you can play as slash hearts edgy counter part in a endless dungeon and you unlocked costumes if you get achievements buts thats it anyway the game is out on pc,switch on the ps4(unless they gave it on the ps5) and cost around 10 dollars if you wanted a good time killer about robots then i suggest giving heart and slash a try
I rate this game a heart screen robot/10
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vikolai123 4 years
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MSA x Genshin Impact
Was about to draw Shiromori as Fatui harbringer with Murder Mystery but since Dendro/Plant character hasn鈥檛 been released yet in the game, I decided to draw em later.
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vikolai123 4 years
Heres my little explanation to my love of dnd
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vikolai123 4 years
Heres a dnd story that happened to me along quite some time its a retelling in case your womdering
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vikolai123 4 years
Lets talk about CRY rise of antihero
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Cry rise of antihero is a hack and slash arpg for mobile devices. The game is about a once peacful world ruled by the the gods but one day the gods has gone mad and they brought down the apocolypse upon the mortal realm, betrayed by the gods that they serve a group of warriors enlist the aid of a demon lord to give them powers to strike down the gods. So yeah thats the plot gods say fuck humanity and started the apocolypse and humanity say fuck you too were gonna kill your divine asses the gameplay of this game is amazing dare say it addicting the attacks,the combos upon your enemies OOH i loved everything about it the boss fights big and intense i love every thing about this game but i have to delete it due to my phone that have the game dosnt have that much for other apps and games for me to play, which saddens me when i learned that hey this game dosnt work anymore. if you tried to play the game the i can garruntee you it dosnt work it wont start up why ? Well mu guess is that it dosnt do the well over as time goes on so they decided to call it quites the funny thing is you can still manage to find the game on the appstore they didnt bother to remove it but anyway now i got a new phone and it has more spaces then my old one if CRY was still availabe i wouldve redownload that game no what so ver but hey i would'nt created this post well wouldnt i ? Anyway thats i have for right now thanks for reading
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vikolai123 4 years
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been working on this lil thing for a bit. Sometimes i think about a kliff redemption arc and his growth as a person and realizing his wrongdoing, but also tatiana learning to accept her past. theyre 2 are like wonky puzzlepieces that still fit
蕗岽囀櫴熱磸散s > 薀瑟岽嬦磭s
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vikolai123 4 years
Two for for th price of one enjoy my story of my expense when my character gotten a gf that lasted a couple seconds
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vikolai123 4 years
Listen to dnd-story-about-spiders.mp3 by Keith Williams on #SoundCloud
This story happend to me a long time ago so enjoy this experimental audio recording
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vikolai123 4 years
Review on SAO:intergral factor
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sao integral factor is a mobile game for googleplay and ios the the game is made by bandai namco is a mmorpg spinoff of the anime sword art onlin which need say one thing i have never EVER watched sword art online but that dosnt stopped me from playing this game and doing this review so lets go. The plot of sword art online intergral factor is that you plays as your own self insert sao oc and another character named koharu which i named sayu and thats the name i will be giving her for the rest of this review as you and sayu played through the beta test of aincrade online a vr mmorpg that take the person into a fantasy land and ...ok i ill not sugar coat this the games plot bassically the anime but of your oc is slapped and became the main mc but to explain the premise for those who hasnt watched the anime the main gimmic is that all the players is unable to logout of there game and approached by the developers of this game and tells them in order logout is to beat the game and also if you die in the game you'll die in real life and so its up to our main character to try and beat the game while surviving the process of the game. Despite the plot i do find some enjoyablity of your character interacting with characters like kirito, asuna,rein and much more hell this game even has some plotlines including the later seasons like alicesation but thats all i can say. The gameplay is as many mobile rpg use the joysticj to move your character,slide your finger, to move the camra and press the attack button to kill your enemy the whole shibang the main gimmic of the game is the equiptable weapon skills you can get and how well by the power of gatcha thats right this is a gatcha game but instead of collecting heroes you collect the attacks and skills you can equip to you and your partner another thing you can do is to customise your character by acessories which i use time and time but still its just for cosmetic no stat buffs also you can get them also by a gatcha or crafting system. The graphics is good for the most part i like the overall feel of youre charecter exploring the virtual world of aincrade going all be it a nerfed verion of the aincrade. One thing i wish this game has is some cg cutscences of some of the events in sao maybe some including your oc and your partner but maybe im asking for too much.
Anyway should i reccomend this game eeeeh maybe the game is free to download but theres alot of sao games you can buy on consols or on pc maybe a bit better but hey who am i to judge if you like sao mmo rpg and know whats it feel like to be trapped of the game where cannot respond and you could die for real then this is the game just for you. I rate sao integral factor a dualwealding badass out of 10
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vikolai123 4 years
Monster hunter world review
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Monster hunter, a game that was not popular in the west but is in the east . Created by capcom the monster hunter franchise has grown over the course of the decade with many games,spinoffs most of them are region locked( *cough* frontier*cough* spirits *cough* almost every monster hunter mobile game*cough*)and merch, as a fan of the monster hunter games you can tell how big of a reaction when seeing the monster hunter world announcement back at 2017,heck its the reason why i bought a playstation 4 for christmas so i can play the game. I was hyped when i got the game look at me now in 2020 and i still got the game so dose it hold up well lets see heres my review on monster hunter world the base not iceborn.
The plot of this game is that you're are a part of the 5th fleet of hunter off exploring a new continent dubbed the new world and check out strange phenomena that cause the elder dragon to go to one specific location. accompanied on your journey is your palico and another character the handler the person who gives out quest to hunters on your way to the new world your ship has b capsized by an elder dragon known as Zora magdaros but eventually, you, the handler, and the palico made it to the new world this beginning your adventure. The gameplay of monster hunter world is almost the same if with some slight alterations first off the weapons has new moves and also your equip with an item called the slinger what slinger does that it shoot out pods that you've to find wild you can use it to gain the attention of other monster deal extra damage to them(depending on the ammo you find) or use as a way to escape of way from a monster, which leads me to one thing I liked about the game is the monsters themselves. In In the old games how does the monster does is that they wander around the area you're currently in, sleep and when they spot a hunter they will immediately engage in combat but in the new world thanks to stronger software the monsters act more like animals you can see them wandering the area, go out hunting, taking a shit, and finally the new game mechanic the turf wars, where when a monster encounters another the two monsters will fight each other which deals massive damage each other and in some cases drive a monster away which leads me to another point is for how alive the hunting areas are in this game. In the earlier games, the hunting areas are mostly barren aside from the smaller monsters like the bugs or the jaggies or the aptonoth or apceros there's isn't that much wildlife in the areas you hunt but in this game, there's life teeming all over the area, bugs scuttling on the ground, birds flying through the sky, fish swimming in the sea and or lake, the devs did a good job of making the player feel like the wilderness. In the older games one thing they did include in inventory management with the items and materials you mind for material, catch bugs or carve out pieces out of monsters you kill this leads me to remove a lot of items I don't need but I do in a way to give me more room to stuff more materials so I can make my armor and weapons but in monster hunter world you can say goodbye to all of that because you have a butt-ton material without you removing any of the items you would need to progress speaking of which the items you would have to bring like pickaxes, paintballs they ain't here in this game in the older games if you find mining deposits you would have to bring your pickax and if you wanting to know where a monster at you have to bring in your paintball and if you wanted to know where you have to bring in a map but in mhw you already have these items from the get-go, needing mine ores you already have a pickaxe, wanting to know where's the monster well by the new scoutfly mechanic which basically you collecting tracks or residue you can easily able to track your monster with ease. The final two things I liked about the game is that you can move while drinking your potion and sharpening your weapon no longer you have to find a perfect spot and praying that the monster won't attack you you can move out the way and also you can change weapons and armor during quest if you forgot to change weapons or equips a certain set of armor for that one tough monster you can do so with the tents also you can have food power-ups as well during quest as well. Time for flaws in this game first off the lack of verity of the monster. In monster hunter, there's a lot of monster types we have the flying wyvern, Sudo wyvern, bird wyverns, the brute wyvern, tennoceron, caracipation, fanged wyvern pescine wyverns, Pelagus, fanged beast, snake wyvern, leviathans, amphibians, elder dragons, and black dragons
In monster hunter world we have fanged beast, bird wyverns, flying wyverns, piscine wyverns, pelagus, elder dragons, and black dragons and that's it where my snakes, my giant bugs my monkeys my leviathan's my crustations frogs there all not in the game due to leviathan one I get it's because of its difficult to get the skeleton to work but still what happens to the other monsters types and another flaw is the handler she's pretty much useless in the game's story and we don't that much of her backstory all we know that her father is an adventurer like her but that's all we know I wish we do more for her character finally the biggest flaw if the game is the weapons designs monster hunter despite is grounded in some sort of realism it also doesn't itself seriously leaving the weapons designs to cool to weird and that's why we love about them who doesn't wanna take out a dragon with a big fuck you drill hammer or claws of a demon or even a teddy bear but in monster hunter world we have a regular longsword but some monster parts slapped on it, regular hammer, with monster parts slapped on it, and if your lucky you can get a dual blades...with some monster parts slapped it you see what i mean in the old games the weapons looks amazing and i know that they try make it a bit more "realistic" but if realistic mean we get generic boring ass weapons then sorry i aint buyin the next thing anyway thats all the flaws i can think up with the mhw
So would i reccomend mhw the answer is no despite the praise i give it the game has some flaws to it not a bad game belive me but i see myself returning the old world
Overall i give mhw a rathalos/ 10
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vikolai123 4 years
RAD review
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RAD is a roguelike action game created made by double fine productions the guys who made well-known games such as psychonauts, grim fandango, broken age brutal legend, costume quest, and much more I would list but we'll be here forever so let's move on. The plot of this game is that due to a double Apocalypse, natural resources have become scarce, and the elder of the settlement needs someone to venture out and find new resources to survive, everyone in the settlement refuses except one which is the player. The player decided to burden this task and is given a metal bat which will be your main weapon and so the player character heads out in the post-apocalyptic wasteland with the bat in hand the player in search of new resources to survive while dealing with many mutated abominations along the way. The gameplay is simple like I say this is a roguelike a bit like the binding of Isaac due to the upgrades your character get or in this case, mutations will affect how your character looks and a nice little touch that they did the NPCs made comments on your character's mutations it's a nice level of detail that they did to this game but speaking mutation lets go over the main mechanic of this game the mutations in this game there a bar next to your character's health is the RAD meter when killing enemies or eating certain items your RAD meter goes up and when the meter is full your will level up and gain a random mutation, the mutation can effect stem from attack, speed, health, range, and resistance, etc you can also get mutation by finding these mini-dungeons at the game level the same thing applies to artifacts you find in the game's world but the main difference that you can't have the same type of artifact on your character while mutation is permanent until you'll die. Your main goal for each level to find and activate a certain amount of pillars so it unlocks your way to the boss room during that time you'll explore the current landscape getting mutation and artifacts, finding secrets to get more loot, and go to shops buy healing items and keys for a locked chest and areas also when you die depending on how well you do in during your run you'll be rewarded with perks of this that you can give during the start another thing I would like is the hints and pieces of lore depending on which area you go the narrator will give you some info and what happened during the double Apocalypse finally I would it satisfying when you kill multiple people find a health item(which is in form of meat) and a bunch of currency an announcer would say some sick slang like "groovy, fast cash or killer" IDK I like that the fact they done that props for the VA. The graphics of this game is amazing the whole game has this punk 80s aesthetic even the soundtrack that aesthetics comprises of rock and synths I sometimes catch myself bobbing my head towards the beat of the soundtrack. Now we got all the positives of this game away let's go over the negatives.
Overall RAD is a game you'll play probably as a time waster if like rogue-like games with an 80s aesthetic then RAD is the game for you
A nick pick of the game is depth perception of this game is that has part former elements to it and some cases I have to hit something but I always end of falling off of a cliff and missing by one mile
I rate RAD a Chernobyl /10 thnx you
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vikolai123 4 years
Genshin impact review
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Hello this a review on genshin impact for mobile devices,ps4 and pc. Release some time last year genshin impact is made by mihoyo the same guys who made the well known honkai impact hack and slash whose gameplay is fast and i haven't played. Before we get into the review a personal story i found this game while browsing in the app store and after looking at the screenshots I was hooked on the graphics and quality of the game also I see the ads on YouTube to see some gameplay of the characters and I was hook like a fish to its bait. So I preregister the game and I waited until it's was released and so I lets begin the game review on genshin impact the ps4 version because my phone was not strong enough for this game.
The plot of genshin impact is that there a pair of siblings who traveled from world to world but suddenly your travels have been interrupted when an unknown god descends take your sibling, seal away your powers, and cast you off to another world in genshin impact you played as one of the siblings and your goal is to find out who's that god is? Where you are and find your sibling with the help of a mysterious young girl named paimon. The gameplay is inspired that of botw in this game you explore the world of tevat here you fight enemies, open chest cook food, and use the elements to turn the tide of against your enemies but all of that will still go away that is one factoid and that is this game is a gatcha since this game is free to play genshin impact is a gatcha game and such each character has there own element which is earth, wind, water, fire, ice, and electric we all know the strength and weakness of elemental typing but in genshin impact, it turns the elemental typing and spun around its head in other gatcha games you need this character to be this element because there strong against that element and so on so forth but in genshin impact, it expands upon a little bit example if you have wind whenever you're near an element of embued by an element you can use your wind to conduct the element to your enemies and also can be used for puzzle-solving in this game, or use ice to create a frozen platform and you can use it to make frost roads to walk upon. there's a lot to use for the elemental in and out combat and like how it was done. The next thing I love is the amount of content this game has genshin impact is at it's best an open-world game and trust me there a lot to do in this game such as opening chest, completing side quest, finding fast travel points, completing dungeons, fighting field bosses, finding and leveling up god statues, etc there a lot to do. Next is the graphics, the graphics of this game is soooooooo good. The cell shading art style and animation that come within the cutscenes are so smooth matter I like the voice acting in this game even though I switch to Japanese VA because of im weeb like that. Now let's get into the cons, this game is now perfect this game had a fair share of glitches, bugs some of them forced me to turn off the game and turn it back on but that pretty much it on the cons.
Overall the game is amazing and despite the flaws, I gave it there will be patches to sort these issues out but still, I recommend anyone who likes open-world gatcha games with waifus and husbandos also paimon is best girl
I rate this genshin impact a paimon/10
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vikolai123 4 years
Chroma squad review
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Hey, guys welcome to my review on the game chroma squad. Do you remember the 90s-2000s that it was a time where the iPhone was an advancement in technology, violent video games wasn't that mainstream anime gaining popularity with works like naruto, bleach, one-piece, and dbz, and its the time for some good old fashion Saturday morning programs i remember the day where my child self goes in front of the tv and watched some good old Saturday morning cartoons(i wish i could watch it longer due to my parents always taking me to church but that, not the point) programs like kids wb and jetx and also the Disney Channel you name it and one show I watched to death is power rangers, I LOVED that show I remember watching that series a lot and it's always a blast, anyway why does all of this relate to chroma squad? Well released in 2015 and developed by bazillion dev team beholder studios chroma squad is a tactical RPG that takes inspiration from the sentai series. In this game, you play as a group of actors working in a not so good sentai show, gotten tired of the director and where the show it was going the actors (which you can name) decided to leave the show altogether and make there own sentai after encounter a weird floating brain prop named ceribro the group began production and creating their own sentai show chroma squad which you can change it up the one thing I liked about is how can you just customize almost everything in the show studio, the name of the sentai team, Megazord, henshin, etc the one thing I wish you can edit is enemy faction name but that's just my little opinion so we got the plot out of the way how's the gameplay? Well, the game is a tactical RPG you control the members of the chroma squad each of them is their own role the lead is balanced, the techie is known for there ranged combat, assault is the damage dealer, the scout has high movement, and finally, the assist is the healer. The combat is simple you click on the enemy to go and attack as long it's in there the squad member's movement range you also have another member to expand your movement with the teamwork mechanic if you have a squad member go into teamwork verity of things will happen you can help another member to go far distance by acrobatic, you can do a team attack, and finally, in true sentai fashion, you can do a finishing move. the next gimmick is the is fans depending on what you do in each episode will determine the number of fans you gain and trust you need fans by clearing the director's notes it will be determined how many fans you will get and at every episode, each fan will culminate into money and fan power. Fan power is used for gaining bonuses when you hire a company to help advertise your show you can also get fans by replying to emails but depending on what you say will determine how many fans you'll gain or lose. money is used for a lot of things such as buying new equipment for your sentai team or for your studio of course you craft equipment by defeating enemies and also a way to hire a company to advertise with the show and you need the green man if you don't have enough money to get by then you'll have a hard time of completing the later episodes. The final part I shall go over is the characters each of them has there own charm with the main cast, the bad guys, and even the little dialogue in battle it oozes with some good old fashioned cheese especially in the later half of the game when all the enemies you faced are no longer actors but as real monsters. The last thing I like is the ost the soundtrack of this game is pretty good the game has some complete bangers my favorite is gaga's theme one of the main villains of the game, and chroma squad theme which is there actual show's theme song.
Overall if you like strategy RPGs and super sentai I recommend you can get this game on Xbox, ps4, and on steam, I rate this game a GO GO POWER RANGERS/ 10
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vikolai123 4 years
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I redesigned the Rubber Band boss from Paper Mario the Origami King!
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